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Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 55

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early fuck off
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I've built one PC, do you think I should put that down?
Tried to hit a female police officer outside the kebab shop
Knacker, hope you get jail for aggravated assault
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the black man's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the black man to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.
>monica still has posted her picture
enjoying a rather nice brazilian stew with prawns
Who /heem/ here
the smaller the world gets and the more we get to see of other cultures the more obvious it becomes that the Irish are just blatantly us
Irish people aren't human
It's spelt without an accent on the E. The spelling you have used is incorrect.
shameful behaviour
wouldnt mind a borg gf who would assimilate my ball bag
She got in my fucking face first
been enjoying hardy bucks
I've noticed that a couple of posters never leave these threads. Tragic.
wasn't talking to you
if i use the right spelling it says "you cant make a duplicate post for 5 minutes" so i have to adapt
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good lad
About 9 years late
fuck off boyo
what kind of sad pathetic lives must they lead?


trying to listen to this jap / british band

sounds EXACTLY like the kind of music a moderately hairy autist who wishes he was a woman would listen to. absolutely terrible gayboy tunes
Thoughts on the last season of Peep Show?
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Granddad's having a rant about Cultural Marxism again
meant to direct @78716695 at @78716661

I am VERY drunk right now
FOY off
hate people who idle their engines

turn it off
Just lie about shit that's easy to lie about mate. you just want to show you are productive in your spare time. Regular exercise, swimming, dog walking, fishing, study of x, collecting of x. just make sure you know a little bit about whatever you list so you can back it up when they ask you
like the one before it, not very good and happy it ended when it did because they were clearly grasping
What do you call it?
donald trunk
hey ;)
a series
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NOT too great an idea to use the words "Dirty Knickers" in a urban area. Word of warning lads.
casillero del diablo

it's like proper wine but doesn't cost as much
grandson's been brainwashed by the ol' frankfurt school
cromwell did nothing wrong
what's it called when you're arguing with people and you just try to annoy them to the point that they give up
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>Drunkposting on /brit/ at quarter past 4 in the day

I may have gotten pepper sprayed last night but atleast im not that guy!
kero kero bonito?
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>be londoner
>open your window from fresh air
>die from pollution poisoning
>I may have gotten pepper sprayed last night
whappened la
being a leftie
*slams a pint down on the table*

shall be having port or hardys crest once done with this gay writing
Trad af
thats the one

sounds like they're trying way too hard to be cute, very similar to those skinnyfat poofs in stripey socks that always use ':3'
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this is your typical kero kero bonito fan btw
he got pepper sprayed last night
love it when virgins get confused when a rich and famous person is dating an ugly woman
don't much care for port to be honest

or overly sweet drinks in general
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>be yank
>walk across the road
>get arrested
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haha alri......
big fan, unironically tbqh ngl

>Games 524
>1.8 hours past 2 weeks
That actually represents me very accurately desu
gonnae glass this taig cunt @78716792
impressed u still posting after doxxing urself
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>2 semi finals this weekend

It's over Corbyn! I have the high ground!
what on earth could we do with his doxx la he lives in fucking ethiopia
Signed the Ethiopian up to about 50 websites
>death grips
>owning lots of steam games and not playing many
how's that gay?
The Ethiopians anime grill features leave me in hysterics

looks like an ayylmao
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>kero kero bonito? not a fan
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what the fuck is a kero kero bonito
never usually get it but saw it weres 6.50 so was cheap init
i think it's a type of sushi
google broken?
hate kero kero bonito
love actual jpop
simple as
gayro gayro bonerto
Some lad doxxed me ages ago when I posted that vid of myself in college. Don't gaf anyway. Will post my address in New York if you like.
>mum is being annoying
>politely ask her to stop
>she just keeps doing the annoying thing
>threaten to hit her
>she stops doing the annoying thing

shall be using this information for future encounters
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The house of pain is in effect yall the house of pain is in effect

anyone who steps up is getting wrekt


what neighbourhood are you in in ny
who are the best jpops
i dont know, but i googled it and it turns out to be a band. in modern browsers, you can simply select the text that you don't understand and choose "search on google." a marvel of software engineering
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for me, it's shiina
Midtown East. Tudor City
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*enters brit*
alri snotfaces
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Love are Nige.
Why dont you care? the last thing i would want is people to know i visit this website
wait that's right near the UN
are you the son of a diplomat?
rich fucker
ah yes the ethiopian has a larger wealth than the GDP of ireland
Based Fred
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Hoodwinked is actually my favorite movie ever
I have no enemies here.
you're alright, would sniff coke with you
kyary pamyu pamyu
>"will deffo get in the bath after this glass of whiskey and coke"
>5 glasses of whiskey and coke later
sick of this e cig shite

give me a fag

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Oi mate, spare a (You)?
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sorry mate only got @s on me
here you are my good man
nah it'll go straight up your arm m8
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The British empire couldnt have been established without Irish soldiers

depends what you're into


Urbangarde are one of my favourite groups that are most likely to appeal to an anonymous yank but I could go more indepth if 80s j-pop or city pop revival appeals to you

e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jilbr-dW2Cc
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the warden or some other personage came into the room when i was in tescos and left a letter on rules for leaving uni accommodation, onaholes were right on the desk so theyll have had quite an education today
clearly a tongue in cheek joke you autist
yes thank you
you also built our canals and stuff
get a job, bum
I'll be up in my tower tower if you peasants need me.
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the british slag is a national treasure
Have a blessed day sir
should i pay 20 quid to watch mcgregor get his arsehole widened or are any pubs showing it
>these girls are in their 20s
why do brits age 15 years in advance, they don't even have the sun as an excuse like we do
Aussies are funny fuckers. No idea why they've only done two decent comedy shows (Kath and Kim, and that one of the spoof wilderness guy).

stream you idiot
loads on youtube
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a thriving breed
sky box office?
don't look very hard do you
*goes super saiyan*
It'll be livestreamed for free online by about 5 different guys, and they'll all be linked on 4chan/Reddit.
what I like about British slags is that they are so transparent about their slag status, very refreshing
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and harrenhall
i shupposhe thatsh off the table ash well
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ahh yes, the poor man's Jun
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I stand by my statement.

for free
expecting a fedora for my slag comment tbqh ngl
cheers lads
went to both a rustlers group uni and the open uni and they're pretty much the same quality 2bh

being in person for lectures doesn't add anything for me
shes Irish not British sorry mate
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>expecting a fedora for my slag comment tbqh ngl
nothing to be ashamed of

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based Villa
the point of being there is networking
what about summer heights high?
reminds me of my schoolboy days

jean michel basquiat or keith haring
was never really a fan of the cruel cunts on this website who try and ruin peoples lives when they get doxxed
>poor man's
been meaning to check her stuff for a while though gimme an album or something
never seen a povvo out for a run

never seen a rich person lifting weights
who's on the big screen
ta, la

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u lot watching then?
maybe if you're a normie twat
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utter state of /pol/
half life 3 has been confirmed

sort of
hate villa tho
octopikey, and no.
somebody said people were unironically posting their gcse results the other day on /brit/pol?
would heem this gay little pansy

alri bluenose

peak auskinocomedy
never been but it wouldnt surprise me

wouldn't be surprised in the slightest at all one bit
people were posting them here
That's pretty funny. Takes me back an' all.
fibre running out soon, cannot go back to 6mbps lads simply cannot
have let the beard grow for a week and a half and it looks woeful
hatposting is the most childish form of reply, you simply lack the intellect to refute my primary argument
same but for a month or so

but we talk about slags and doing poos
wait no I'm not going to hatpost that
True Auskino.
He thinks he's Rickson.
what's the exchange rate of reddit replies to 4chan (You)s?

does riley still post?

craven still around?

BRUM still here?
did about 750 words cant manage any more it was horrible today plus started a new paragraph

was it autism?
What did you get in the GCSES lads? 5A's, 3B's, 2C's and 1 D (maths)

Didnt do a tap of study either
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gone are those days anon
gone are those days

I'm more of a Guernica fan than anything and would suggest you grab everything they ever released

and here she is singing in German: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxIPjV7atUg
yea bbc three airs some chris lilley stuff actually
we dont have GCSEs you west brit


cant remember fully
basically all A's and B's I think
maybe 1 C
>never seen a povvo out for a run
Check out Olympic marathons mate it's all Ethiopians
made aigs
4 A*s, 4 As, 1 B
What podcasts we all listening to? Me
>Sam Harris
>Last podcast on the left
8 As 4 A*s
A* in maths
A in history
Bs in everything else
and distinction 4 award in the btec ict thing I did
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school didnt allow me to sit any as it would only lower my classmates' morale
look at these fucking nerds lol

good lad
7A* 4A

Millennial Woes, Richard Spencer & a bit of TYT
your mum's results:

1 D (mine)
1 A (my willy in her arse)
i'm probably more of a tokyo jihen fan than of shiina in general too but karuki zamen is pretty solid
school is for fools
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>>Last podcast on the left

Based. So good. The Jack the Ripper series was incroyable
12 A*s
i fucked up it was acually only 3 A*s
who even cares lmao it's just an anonymous little corner of an anonymous shithole of the internet what's with the sentimentals
1 A, 5 Bs, 1 C
none of them
maybe riley
A few edgy yank comedians discuss anything and everything
your fathers results:

1 C (child)
1 F (failure)
not funny
riley is a mystery
craven and brum are long gone, 2 years ago
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Dan Carlin's Common Sense
The Dick Show
Bill Burr's MMPC
Athletico Mince
Adam Buxton's podcast
JRE (selected guests)
Nerdist (selected guests)
Norm MacDonald Live
Richard Herring's Leciester Square Theatre podcast
Ben Shapiro (Daily Wire)
Frank Skinner on Absolute Radio
Tell 'Em Steve Dave
Nick DiPaolo
Joey Diaz's Church of What's Happening Now
Marc Maron's WTF (selected guests)
Hollywood Handbook (selected guests)
Doug Stanhope's podcast
Worst Idea of All Time
What Say You

Have finished (and can recommend):

The Biggest Problem in the Universe
The Adam and Joe Radio Show (both XFM and BBC shows)
Uninformed with Bill Burr and Joe Derosa
Go Bayside
The Ricky Gervais Show on XFM (and BBC?)
H3H3 podcast, they get some really big names for their size
also i don't speak germ but that sounds quite fluent
Didnt realise we had so many fucking NERDS on /brit/

fuck OFF nerds! I would have bullied you mercilessly
what the fuck
why are atheists obsessed with cartoons
pretty sure the sticka still posts sporadically
Fuck, who are new brit celebrities?
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how do you have time to listen to all this?
that was shit haha

give your head a wobble
we have a lot of overlap
check out Carl Donnelly & Chris Martin, UK ased comedy podcast
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>The Adam and Joe Radio Show
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a selection
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if you called any of these girls slags they would beat the living shit out of you
suki suki daisuki
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what in the world
VERY nice my friend
1 A*, 7As, 3Bs and a C in english lit
I quite liked the Bundy one and columbine. Haven't finished jack the ripper yet
what happened to fatcam
hitler was right
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what genre is this album?
Looks like a very interesting group of fellas, think i'll be getting settled in.
far right even hahaha
going to perv on girls bums on the beach :)
>tfw 1st maths degree

hate it
everyone thinks I'm a genius when really I just had some good tutors
tfw no zombie gf
hate flowers

how long have you been gone
liberal jew
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>liberal jew

sue likes this track
state of pearly white yank teeth
he was a socialist sweety x
*fights Irelad*
north korea is democratic baby xoxo
The bantz in the ripper series is classic. Liked the bit of london history
didnt ask
never reply to me again
>right wing
ah no
hitler was a centrist authoritarian
would love to fuck her
wagwan turtlemong
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hitler was f*cking r*cist and literally drumpf
do what i want
his name is turtlepeng now
eve likes this track
you say hitler wasn't a socialist? well tell me what the S stands for in NSDAP
bet you feel pretty silly right about now
opinions on Saturation 2, lads?
i thought it was brilliant, but i'm not convinced it's better than Saturation 1. It's still a great album though.

prozzie sister lad here
wogwom my chums
does she know english
lol any interesting developments
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not with that attitude
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>24 Hours
>it's only 4 minutes
very grim
she finally filed for bankruptcy about a week ago but shes started using meth apparently.........shes actually a dum fuk irl.......................
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Wongworm, rasta man
Listen to podcasts almost every waking moment.
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his hat he chewed
*stands in your way*
did a massive shit last night and need to do another one now
who the fuck is sue
christ the fucking state

where's are san miguels?
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wigwam brothaman
england is my city
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Love women of ALL sizes, HOWEVER, only a woman with large breasts shall bear my children.
can't be having a flat chested boy failing to lactate. No no no.
ringworm my brethren

fuck the federations dont let em get you down
not really
dont know owt bout this sort of msuci dunno if its good or bad tast
any national capitalist mans in?
theres more than one
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That pic made me wonder what's the best way to punch someone wearing glasses to maximise the damage done to their face by broken glass.
so hungry
buenas postes
crypto nonce/underage
it's really good

Eve has the best taste of all chika idols, she is also really into Joy Division and Blur
he died for our sins
Make a new you cunts
cheeky maccy d (maccas in australian)
is there nowhere near you open 24/7

been listening to this on some recommendations, just realised the slag has the same camera as me
Flat hand palm to the eye, push the broken glass right in it.
What's that name A&J fans were encouraged to yell out at live broadcasts? Like a meme.



just coming!
Where can I date this
just hang around enough EDL rallies and you'll find one
I did GCSE's several years ago and my parents said they'd give me £100 for every A I get.

I got 9 B's. Fuck this gay earth.
el IrlandeziANO embecil
Thread posts: 324
Thread images: 55

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