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/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 304
Thread images: 85

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a dogs life is ideal, shit in the street and fap in public edition
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Good post
good post
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GREAT post
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end my life
So guys, I don't know how to say it, but...
I'm into hinking and backpacking, that sort of thing, and some friends of mine are trying to convince me to do the appalachian trail. I know it's a long journey, it could take the whole summer (and it probably should given how long it is), and that's why I'm asking you guys about what do you think or whatever. I'm not an experienced hiker, so I don't know whether I'm fully prepared for the journey, I didn't post this on /trv/ because I didn't decide it yet if I'm going or not, but that's it. My friends were thinking about starting where the mountains begin near alabama and georgia, then hit tennessee, and then go all the way up to maine.

What should I expect? Are there many people doing it the whole year? It seems like the area is loved by most hikers in the U.S.

Thank you very much friend
I don't want to
playing as Spain in Vicky 2 HPM lads
have a feeling this might have been kind of a boring choice
ive got a buddy hiking it right now

its a very long hike, goes up the whole eastern seaboard

they have rest stations every 10 miles or so, and a fair number of shops along the way (expensive shops, you're better off trying to bring your own food mostly)

it will definitely take all summer btw
conquer mexico and portugal
in HPM there's a decision that allows you to integrate Portugal and become Iberia if you have over 50 prestige, have researched Nationalism and Empire, and have them sphered, so that's covered.

Mexico and Central America tend to be sphered by the USA fairly quickly so unless I succeed in intervening on the behalf of the CSA Venezuela and Colombia are better bets for reclaiming old colonies.
it's fine, take back florida too while you're at war with the US
no fucking way, I'd get rekt

already annexed Haiti at least
/dixie/ more like /dicksee/
>wasting precious infamy mana
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>implying I didn't let the Carlists win
>implying I have a free press
>implying my plotting and schemes to regain a foothold in the Americas are found out by the proles

i dont know how i feel about this movie yet lel

may skip on to some iron chef japan
You actually got it for free?
That rarely happens for me.
I don't think it's actually mentioned in any of the tooltips but press freedom affects CB generation detection. I only got 2.5 infamy for conquest of Haiti and 5 for demand concession for Morocco.
Are you that Cobb County peepeehead who goes to Mercer?
Yeah I mentioned it last thread.
I was at work when last thread was kil

Also, since I got Heart of Darkness, what cunt should I do a run in Vic2 as?
SAINT Francisco Franco tbqh
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>tfw get to have fun experimenting and making new breeds of chili peppers all semester long as part of my agricultural science thesis
Working with plants and soil is the most satisfying feeling in the world
Play with HPM, the game is shittier without it.

Very easy run:
Form Scandinavia (as Sweden) with plenty of Africa colonies
Bonus: become anarcho-liberal before forming

Somewhat easy run:
Unite Italy with Corsica (release from France)
Bonus: Play as communist
Bonus 2: Take over most of north Africa

Medium run:
Play as Australia and take over Japan
Mandatory: Become fascist but only through Fascist rebels

Kind of hard run:
Unite Poland as Krakow

Hard run:
Become an independent Finland and retake Sweden
Bonus: Become presidential dictatorship by 1890 with Reactionary in power and never change it for the rest of the game (or let it be changed)

Pick one.
>one of the people I knew from HS is going to be a park ranger
>all he does is patrol one of the state parks and look for birds and shit for his classes
so fucking jealous
That's the most rural thing I've ever heard.
i work at a plant nursury senpai

i know where you're coming from
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>tfw used to work at a nursery
>tfw the back half of the building burned down
>tfw they never called me to let me know I was out of a job
I've been buying a lot of biographies lately.
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this is a great song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2d45tOgBl0
Only the old-stock ones.
North Floridians maybe.
but North Floridians are just South Georgians desu senpai
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Too many Yankees are invading Florida. Genuinely depressing.
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spics and miamis do not count
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>North Florida is a mix of the trashy parts of 'Bama and Georgia
>Central Florida is too commercialized/touristy and is overrun with retired Yankees
>South Florida is a Cuban/Puerto Rican colony with a nigger underclass
How do we save this state? I want my citrus, crackers, and gators back. The future looks grim.
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>take both halves of Java from the Dutch in separate wars
>half my national income is now coffee profits
wew lads
I'm going to debate Rod Dreher.
>take over all coffee ports in the world
>set trade to manual
>stockpile coffee
>wait until it's full
>allow pops to buy from stockpile
>every single nation goes bankrupt
>instant CB on everyone

>captcha: conway
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this will be my nuclear option if anybody ever cucks me too hard
mutually assured caffeinated destruction
that sucks, had a similar experience with a restaurant i worked at
I've done the same with Netherlands before. I immediately took over Belgium at the start of the game, built only army related factories, stockpiled everything, got whatever the max throughput you could get by 1870, and then destroyed the entire world economy. I waited 5 years before switching it back, which destroyed the economy again but less this time. I made absolute tons of useless money mana from it though, since every single nation has to set import tariffs to -25% or -100%

Note that destroying countries' economies means pops won't get needs (including yours since other nations won't be exporting much at all), and they'll become millitant and join jacobins (if not free) or commie/fascist (if free). This means that almost every GP will have to deal with militant, dying pops.

I never played that game through to the end though so I don't know exactly what the long term repercussions were.
>Oblivion keeps crashing every time I try to do the quest for that Orc in Leyawin
I didn't ask for this
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im right near the end of the main quest and emprah martin septum-piercing keeps being a dipshit and getting stuck and murdered
i'm pretty sure he's supposed to die
not at the part im stuck at unfortunately

he literally got stuck on a pillar and zerged
He dies in a scripted sequence

How the fuck does that happen, I thought he was essential

>doing the main quest
it's even worse than Skyrim's
oops I mean prid and moveto

placeatme is for non-unique npcs
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this is a good general
truly shows the superiority of southern 'muricans
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thanks lad
Turbo faggot
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>wake up
>Texas is still in the union
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>people actually like cuckmer
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Bretons are the true master race
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my nigga

brainlets just won't understand.
Just got back from a short trip to San Diego. Explored part of the city on foot today, became a literal redneck because I forgot sunscreen, whoo.
What've I missed?
who here is "Living in impoverished southern town" here? also reminder that if you're rich, even if you live in the south, you aren't southern. Poverty is part of southern culture.
nothing much. how was San Diego?

Yankee propaganda, make the South aristocratic again
>tfw no southern aristocrat accent
>standard-ass american with a *very* slight drawl to some words
>just some Texan vernacular
god damn it
Hot outside (hence sunburn), nice though. Found a place while I was walking around that makes its own gelato from scratch every day, that really hit the spot in the hot weather.

>tfw I know that feel

I blame urbanization. Fuck citycucks I am moving out into the countryside when I graduate.
> moving to cuntside after graduation
Enjoy doing absolutely nothing with that degree lel
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Great post


Greater post
oh yeah I fucking love gelato
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It was kinda funny, I was on my way back to an ice cream place I had seen earlier in the day that looked good, but a block or two away a sign for the gelato caught my eye and I had to go "alright, fuck it, let's check out the gelato". Was not disappointed.
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poor taste
im definitely under the poverty line
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today i will make cajun food

if i can find some frozen crawdad meat id like to make ettouffee again...
I really want to visit Dixie
Would it be gay to reduce the amount you eat to lose weight?
Im not saying going on a diet, that would make you a fag

me too, but its too far away
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id recommend it

desu, you need to be able to drive to get to a lot of places here, we're much more rurally spread out than europe where everyone's been densely urbanized for centuries
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>you guys on average get a much better view of the eclipse
well alright, enjoy it
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feels bad man
whats the song in the background?
just eat smaller portions and get more active, you'll start losing weight pretty noticably
i dont have problems with losing weight thankfully

was just trying to bait either texas or cuntway into
>lel closet fag

also autismflags rip'd
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autismflags has been a little funny for me the past day or so

why can't the faggots that make it for all of us for free put out a decent product
yeah right
its almost like they dont gain any money from this
what a bunch of asswads
I'm boarding plane soon
Is it possible to win as the south in Vicky 2?
I've never pulled it off.
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if it wasnt free nobody would download it


you'll be in the south soon bud, florida right?
Good thing I'm not going to Turkey
Yeah. I'm going to Florida
i find it extremely easy
infact i think the hardest part is to actually trigger the fucking events for CSA to happen


i dont think it can be monetized since 4chan is a privately owned free domain.
Would be weird if people had to pay money for a 3rd party addon
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>like a year and a half ago
>oh noes
>4chan is going broke
>erryone need buy 4chan pass or mabbee 4chan shut down
>/vip/ created
>hiroshimoot makes money
>the end
I'm flying to Fort Lauderdale then tomorrow, drive for 4 hours to where I'll be staying for a few days
florida is a really pretty state to drive through

stay away from urban centers if you can
>almost a week of not eating a whole much, cutting snacks,sugar and carbohydrates
>already down 2 kilo's
wait wtf this isnt normal
Great thread guys
Really hitting a whole new level with those sick contributions
It's still morning. People are working and stuff.
Jesus christ someone tone down the with the amazing banter
Here are some methods:
ship all yank soldiers to Liberia and delete all boats (I consider this cheating though)
build forts in the south only
use NF in only southern states (bureau in 5 most populated states, then soldiers up to 5% in all states, if finished early, just go back to bureau in the rest of the states)
Forgot to add, piss off Mexico and England and they might just help CSA in time.
also there is a very good chance that cuba will join the CSA if you manage to make them a state

but the again you can turn the entire western frontier into CSA with high militancy
Eclipse tyme fagets
Post pics.

>calle vehiculos
Just go and look at it yourself tho
No Eclipse until 2 for me.
I think it starts in 20 minutes or something
dont have any eclipse glasses

probably not even gonna bother going outside
Do you know anyone with a welding helmet?
i know a welder in louisiana

but locally no

ill see it becoming kinda dark in the daytime and find that satisfying enough
Look at it without anything on
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but then i couldnt read your shitposts sweaty :)))
>sunny all day
>now it's cloudy

>implying that's anything but a positive
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your shitposting is admirable, but it's still par for the course on 4chan senpai
Too bad I'll never reach I'll bet levels of shitposting

or that cunt from /sp/ who was literally stalking someone from 4chan
Never reach levels

fuck this phone
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once upon a time there was an era of oldfaggots

back in the days before captcha, a dedicated shitposter could be in a dozen threads at once responding as quick as he could type

only anonymous and the few tripfags that were dedicated enough to keep a trip on constantly despite the abuse
>next eclipse is supposed to be total
its going to happen EXACTLY at the same time as the sun is setting here
rip u
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>for the first time in centuries if not millennia arkansas and istanbul will share the twilight
we had a eclipse when i was little
i think i was 10 or smth
FUCK hearthstone
FUCK netdecks
FUCK rank 19
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmHfqvikqqc post
did it happened?
It's supposed to be near total in about 15 minutes
its already pitch black here
so i cant tell
>he's getting eclipsed by the motherfucking EARTH
Lucky cunt
pretty sure it already happened
I just got back from Home Depot, someone was outside with some welding glass and let me look at it, it looked a bit like a quarter moon
when I got back home and put a welding helmet on just now I didn't see anything
I took a peek at the solar eclipse with my naked eyes because I really don't care anymore haha.
its supposed to be like nighttime when the eclipse happen
you will very much be aware of it probably
I did the same a few minutes ago (peak eclipse is at 2:38) and it hurt
Conway isn't where the pinumbra is going to happen
It is happening in Nashville though, shame I don't live there anymore
my friends over there told me that they shut down all the schools and even the highway
We aren't getting a total eclipse

Yeah it's like a reverse quarter moon

I guess that's what happens when you stare into the sun.
Yeah but I've glanced at the sun before but this hurt more for some reason.
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Well, if we go blind, we won't have to see Conway posts anymore, this is a plus in my book.
lads just don't look at it, it's not that difficult
instructions not clear enough
am blind now
They shut down the schools here too.
Too bad it's cloudy and/or raining in the whole city.
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>cuck'ed out of a full eclipse
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got a gift for y'all that missed it
frankly this picture is more exciting than what I got to see

we'll start vocarooing them for you
>battery is dying on the welding mask
>keep getting blinded every time I open my eyes
wtf i cant see now
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>we'll start vocarooing them for you

Pretty sure that when you're blind you can't click properly on links, you know, because you're blind, but that's just me.
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eh, it was really kind of dull anyways, the moon is cooler
if you still just want to look at the sun, you're welcome to come over and use my welding mask

you can still dictate posts to your family members
>you're welcome to come over and use my welding mask
I'm near Greenbrier lel

I reckon that a total eclipse would be better

hey dixie how do i make my peepee hard

Go to >>>/gif/ and search "Traps" or "Sissy hypno".
I'll post some pics of myself in a maid outfit, give me a sec
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>Sissy hypno
Unironically the worst threads on /gif/

FUCK, Xchange is better than hypo threads
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>tfw you will never live in the Triangulum galaxy
>you will never see the Andromeda galaxy in the sky every night the size of the moon
the milky way is shit

bit gay t b h

>Unironically the worst threads on /gif/

I don't know about that, I remember FMM (Fuck My Mom) being the worst threads, but that's just me, your mom cucking you has to be the most degenerate thing I've heard of.

Still, sissy threads are pretty bad, along with caption threads.
I hate phoneposting so much

Fuck you Janny

That's the point

I've only seen the Milky Way once, never really get far enough from the cities to see it
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yeah, you pretty much have to go camping in the Ozarks or Ouachita to see anything
I need to do that sometime I guess
I could take you camping but it'd be a bit weird
>Going into the mountains at night with a stranger you met online.

What's weird about that?
let's get Conway the First to go, too
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I found sanic

>get him to bring weed and that disgusting meme brew he likes
Sounds fun

I have a pet sanic t b h
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Hedgehogs are satans companions right after swans
Fuckers eat their children

Inanma sikecekler seni
A lot of animals do that for some reason
I won't rest until the Southern man is freed from the yoke of the Eternal Yank and his disgusting liberalism

I believe in you too
Do y'all have any flags in your rooms ? If so, post them.

I'm getting a Louisiana secession flag pretty soon.
Post some pictures!
>believe in you
wtf i wrote down ''down believe them they are going to rape you''
even google is behind this
I have a Betsy Ross flag and an Arkansas flag

I want to buy a no step on snek flag eventually
dont, not down
you can down believe if you wanna
why would they rape me
cus you gay nigga
That doesn't mean they are

Conway the first has a gf or something

Bit gay niBBa
make sure to bring your tail buttplug and maid outfit
I'm probably even twinkier than him desu
which is a shame because I also have a baby face and qt grills don't like that, but at least I'm tall
I'm waiting for the bf's birthday to break out the outfit

What do you weigh

>at least I'm tall
fuck off ;_;
I had a wet dream in my dream.
Sexception? Wetception?
I think you're just lonely
you need to masturbate
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125-130 lbs despite trying my best to bulk up a little bit more
here's the most recent picture of me when I was kicking some lily pads asses the other day
>unironically posting pics of yourself on the chong
Gonna find you lanklet

I'm about 126 pounds now, trying to get up to 130 or 135

>58 kilos
christ i could break your back just by hitting it slightly
how tall are you again?
>unironically not posting pictures of yourself in a maid outfit

for you

5'11/180 cm
>1cm taller then me
>almost 20 kilos lighter

how are you still alive
I think I'm going to post them on /balt/
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bmi chart.png
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>5'11/180 cm
>125-130 lbs

Dude what are you eating regularly ?
you're going to have a bunch of thirsty gay kiwis combing Arkansas looking for you

I don't know, whatever I want to eat usually
I guess chicken is the most common thing
That's the plan

I'm only trying to gain weight because I want a thicc butt desu
Gonna play wow
there seems to be nude players everywhere in the orc starting zone
some guys are larping gay sex at the zeppelin to thunder bluff
wtf kind of server is this
>tfw 5'11 200lbs
get on my level
Fat fuck
ÅŸit nigga what are you doin
don't even have a gut though

I have the curse of being semi-manlet but being built like a refrigerator
I look like a giant thumb and no clothes fit on me properly without being tailored
Virginia has an Alex Jones body.
I don't
180 is normal height here.
Thats why i like going to ankara.
The average male height there is like 170-175
>tfw midwesterner

>tfw 6'0" 155Ibs

Get on MY level.
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4chan manlet, not real manlet

I only have one chin thankfully, I don't know what happened to him around 2015 but he started ballooning

its all the bullshit medicine he sells
the dude who fact checks them literally looks like what i would imagine a new yorker ''dude weed lmao'' kind of person would look like
that said Virginians are pretty short people compared to other Southern states I've been to. Think it has something to do with Anglo ancestry being predominant here compared to Scots-Irish elsewhere. the English are also pretty short. In Tennessee people tower over me.

it's obvious most of it is snake oil but I guess I respect that he doesn't sell out to advertisers.
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>both conways weigh 125 or so

jesus you guys are skinny, im 175
stop using your special boy measurements and use whatever the rest of the world is using geez
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Metric is both communist and Fr*nch, shant be using it

Fatty lol

I bet you're built like a brick shithouse tho
how tall are you?
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>f-fuck yuo america fuq yea
EXTREMELY worried about balding
>based upon a sensible base like the length of the king's foot
literally just carry your king's severed foot with you fagboi
I usually use metric for measuring height and imperial for measuring weight in my head desu
same lol
probably gonna go commando in a couple of years.
the front of my hair is already in that balding circle shape and its falling at the back too
my weight has been pretty constant (170-180) since i started working at the nursery, but over time more and more fat has turned to muscle, my shoulders are so broad at this point that as long as i don't have a huge beer gut i look trim

Imagine your genes being this bad
i usually use yer madır to measure my P E N I S
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>one grandpa started balding at 50
>the other had a great grey full head of hair til he passed away

its a cointoss for me bud, im safe for now
I've met my mom's dad once and he had a full head of hair. My Dad's dad still has his hair and he's 60
both my fathers and my mothers side has balding problems.
Even on the female's
im fugged
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>t*rk*sh genes

sounds fugged to me
i literally look nothing like a turk.
almost every people i know have told me i stick out even in a place as multi kulti like istanbul cause i dont look like any stereotypes.
Weird thing is, i dont look like a balkan rapebaby that much aswell
I have found Ahab
>where's my doggy
rip in peace kiddo
post a pic, turkbud
no thanks im not a n*rmie
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>when your grandpa isn't retirement age yet and you're old enough to drink

Baldness genes come from the maternal side, I think.

just get something to treat it. My uncle had very far-back receded hairline in his thirties and now at 48 he has a full head of hair.
>implying I'm old enough to drink
and he's been retired for a few years. The railroad fucked up his body

i tried all sorts of shampoo's and creams and literally none of it worked
there was this weird fucking shampoo that would almost become solid when using it that my aunt brought from malasia which almost stopped it but you cant really buy it here
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did ur doggo died? ;_;
im playing WoW
there is this one quest where the devs allowed some kid with cancer design his own quest and he made one about his dog getting lost around the village and you need to use meat to lure him out and bring him back.
The NPC is voice acted by the kid aswell.
The kid died of cancer a couple of months afterwards
i remember that

i remember back in BC some kid with cancer really wanted a phoenix flying mount so they gave him a unique one
>Tfw I have a friend who has the Nazi and Confederate battle flag and the guy who sold them to him sent him an email on Hitler's birthday offering him a 14.88% discount on his products

What a madman
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>combining Confederate and Nazi imagery
yank propaganda at its finest
He isn't trying to equate the CSA to Nazi Germany he's just a Hitlerboo and likes Confederate stuff.
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>implying thousands of people weren't repeatedly doing the same thing tods
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>tfw no komÅŸu gf
He just glanced at it without glasses for a second. Literally everyone does this.

CNN really did seem to be worried about Trump's future eyesight about it, really sweet of them.
>tfw no 2d gf

never gonna get tired of this
>tfw no existent gf
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here is MY paintfu
the protesting in both european and british parliment is a fucking joke and it makes the politicians look like high schoolers.
And this is coming from the guy who's cunts parlimants literally devolve into politicians beating the shit out of eachother
that's because violence is more respectable than eurobants
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>having such a basic bitch paintfu
just ate a burg lads
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your paintfu is SHIT
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>Posting a homosexual meme leader

Out of the way, REAL royalty coming through.
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literally not even the same woman in that picture

>tfw no R34 of Carlos II
Turkbud, you're an artist, draw some for us
i visited my old atelier a couple of days ago.
Literally non of them managed to get into a worthwhile uni lel
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>Turkbud, you're an artist, draw some for us

That would be delightful.
im always amazed by the technical skill gouache and oil painters have.

shits fucking hard yo, you would need some ADVANCED levels of autism to get that good.
Also do nothing but paint
infact i know someone who just started his masters in my uni who's project was a oil painting of a suit of armor with some sort of optical illusion that i cant remember.
Shit looked better than real life, it took him like 8-10 months to paint it
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Check out the garbage my local art college shills.

>pic related, it's hanging in the shop window.
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damn, that sounds really cool, can you get a picture of it? I really want to take up oil painting but my art skills are nonexistent
Have this shitty picture of a frigate I drew a long time ago
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>I’m Ready For You Chef

I'd buy it.
evening /Dixie/
did he run out of space?
>1st page
these are all fucking horrible except for the alphabet one
if i tried to bullshit any of these to even my most pretentious professor, he/she would tell me to shove it up my ass.

Western art is doomed, the only good shit you guys can produce are animators and even they have been becoming shittier since the 90's
Its all the uni's with eastern art mindset that is doing well now.

this shit is what they make us do to start oil painting, not sell it for thousands of dollars

it was on display with all the masters projects last time.
I will take a picture of it when i go back to uni if its still up.
Need to get a picture of all the commie propaganda aswell.
That painting in the post is $7000
let that sink in.

He's probably 1. fucking dumb 2.ran out of space and called it some sort of meaning or 3. attached some sort of retarded meaning to it. (Reminder: $7000)

Yeah, it's complete ass garbage. This isn't a hole in the wall college either. It's apparently pretty prominent for art.

hey bb
honestly for a painting with that much detail i think 7k isnt even that much
i would definitely go higher than that
I'm talking about the image in THIS post >>78583953
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>$400 for sexy urkel
NICE find

>the only good shit you guys can produce are animators and even they have been becoming shittier since the 90's

Correction; except for the french
french animation studios are still godtier

yeah good luck bullshitting that to someone for 7k

thats a pretty weak artwork, definitely student tier
lots of mistakes that make it look like its done by an amateur.
400 is a nice price for it though, i would say 300 but you can definitely bullshit it to some idiot for 500
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Yeah, and when you see the pretentious fuckbags that make this kind of dogshit and expect dildos to pay thousands for it, it makes complete sense. They all look like fucking asshole stereotypical faggot art students.
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I got this qt oil painting of some flowers for $25 at an antique store
pretty happy with it
thats quite a picture frame
Something about ur mum's frame

too lazy to come up with an insult
it looks pretty qt
that frame around it is fucking sick though whatup

the fun part of being a graphical design student is we are kinda seen as the more down to earth people amongst art students (street art, animation, computer illustrations and whatnot) so i have the privilege of shouting ''FAGGOT'' at pretentious bastards like that.
Although i go to a pretty hard uni so most people there are just hard honest working people.
Except for the ones who bullshitted the system to get in, like going to a very easy uni and having all your scores at maximum and then changing to my one.
it's a really small painting to be fair, would look weird on the wall with a smaller frame
I got it at Carmen's downtown on oak street, you should go get one so we can match
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god with all these painting its like, the faces are sub-par and literally everything is either nonexistant or shit.
You can easily see how they do nothing but draw faces in their sketchbooks while sitting in starbucks and never challenging themselves.
Tons of people like that in art schools, they tend to fall behind in the later classes
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Yeah, and from what I can tell, the entirety of the student body is composed of those assholes, Asians, or a combination of both.

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asians tend to make sick painters these days
especially the chinese, those fuckers do nothing but paint

anime has unironically been hurting the quality of students in japanese art schools slightly.
Not much, just slightly
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Anime has unironically been hurting the quality of a lot of things desu.
>that FOURk
>holding the knife in your left hand
>""artist"" has never seen a plate with food in it in his entire life
>no thumbs
>no idea how facial proportions work
10/10 would pay 10k for it
Yankee living in the northeast here. I met a southern qt from Georgia. How do I win her heart?
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