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The Last American

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If anyone is curious as to why he was being arrested, it was because he had a lethal weapon on college grounds.
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>that cop at the end
based ma'fucker
No, he just doesn't want more Americans to die over stupid shit. The only fucking people that want that are autists on 4chan, far-left people (antifa), and far-right people (Nazis)
I'd eat grits with him
he wasnt being arrested he was being escorted out
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>some m*xican cunt who immigrated here 20 years ago bitching about our historical monuments
>historical monuments
So apparently the guy got expelled from his college. Truly land of the free.
what the fuck does that have to do with freedom?
Colleges can do what they want, that's capitalism
is it a public university?
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Why can't I wear a lethal weapon on college grounds? What if a Terrorist attacks? What if I get into a self defense situation on college grounds? Or what if I need to fight against my government on college grounds?
how would I know, even still it's up to the college if someone remains a student or not.
>uses state funds
>is somehow allowed to expel people for protesting (but only if it's protestors that the university disagrees with)
Wah wah, someone does something I disagree with.
Why so fat?
Love it when the cop just toasts that lady at the end of the video.
all rednecks are fat
why dont you go cry in a corner, fatfuck
Yes it is a monument for the civil war, an event in our countries history.
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>historical monuments
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>a country
Bugs...easy on the burgers.
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This photograph is older than your country.
>flying the flag of a literal traitor country that waged war against your country is considered patriotic now
This fat Southern doughboy should lose weight

Hint: people will have a lot more respect for racists if they aren't piles of fatfuck lard garbage
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>you want another day like saturday dont you

woah so this is the power of terrorist state, police making threats against unarmed civilians, and they call blm terrorist, what happened to 2nd amendment rights? fucking cucks
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Kek what a fucking faggot
way more patriotic than waving a Mexican flag, which is a lot more common now and probably not something you complain about
>reee fuck Southerners racist pieces of shit
>thank god I'm tolerant unlike them
is the american left wing the most retarded branch of leftwing around, i dont think even bolivarianism is that dumb

White women are human garbage.
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>sperg out in public for days and days
>associate yourself with groups who commit vandalism and mob violence
>shit your pants because somebody shows up to silently pay respects to one of his historical heroes
>cop tells you to settle the fuck down
>"boohoo that poor woman is being terrorized"
get trucked/planed, subhuman scum
Autistic larper tbqh
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>having convictions is "autism"
>getting out of your house to make sure they're heard is "LARPing"
Unironically kill yourself
And what?
The 1A protects his right to LARP autistically.
I'm really worried for the Republic.
I support his right to austically larp but he should know its autistic
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yeah the people who are angry about statues and flags are definitely the neurotypical ones right
Get out of my country
Well.. Yeah.
No shit they're the normies.
>they're normies
Felt sorry for that guy. Those people were terrible and funny how many American's don't have a clue what the flag or the civil war were really about. Funny it's become a focus on racism today.
The Cornerstone Speech does away with the fantasy you are pushing
It's evidence to the fact but it wasn't like 99% of the confederacy would have heard or even read the speech so how would it apply to the average person?
You're bring disingenuous. The speech clearly outlines how the confederacy was exist to enforce black servitude to whites. That was its reason to be, anything else was window dressing.
Your argument is akin to saying America is 100% racist bigots because the president is a racist bigot based on remarks he made.

Yet look at what's happening. Doesn't look that way to me.

Trump isn't wrong either. It took 2 sides and people are destroying history by taking those monuments down. Like China or the Taliban with the buddhist statues. He could have done it better but the media is against him and thus popular opinion.
the funny thing is that Trump is pretty much the physical and mental embodiment of a Yankee, like a walking stereotype, and yet he's still capable of showing empathy to the fact that he shares the US with different cultures besides his own. Not even all /pol/tards are capable of that.

Today I think this is a scapegoat ploy to rally America to try and change itself mostly to allow points of globalization, which in this case is this new wave of mass immigration which America seemed to largely resist.

I read it, but realize then there was no internet, radio or TV so it wasn't like today.
Convenient it's such a heavy focus today when it wasn't previously don't you think.
>somebody in the 1860s supported the institution of slavery
wtf I don't think my culture has a right to exist anymore
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North had slaves in the 1860 census. 25% of white northerners.
It's a shitty time but the war started for many reasons mostly around money.
the Union also included about three slave states during the war. Lincoln made it very clear up until around the end of the war that he was perfectly okay with slavery continuing as long as the Southern states remained in the union. To imply the CSA did not secede mainly because of slavery is disingenuous but to imply the US constituted some anti-slavery force is an absolute joke.
>tears up indian country to build a pipeline the market doesn't even demand anymore

wew just a prank m8
>le traitor meme

this is the most disingenuous criticism of anything i've ever seen.
>southern states pushed for the fugitive slave act and cried when free states didn't comply with it
>confederate constitutions took away the ability of any state to abolish slavery and forced all new states to be slave states
>secession declarations all listed northern hostility towards slavery as the reason for their secession
It was about states rights not slavery :^)
the confederacy never waged war, the union did
I fucking hate this country because of women like that, confederate soldiers are rolling in their grave now after dying to defend their land. Everything got torched, cities burned to the ground, infrastructure destroyed, hundreds of thousands dead, and the battle flag they flew defending their home is pretty much illegal now.
his taxes go to fund that university without his consent
not a single person was convicted of treason for secession, they tried with Jeff Davis and it didn't stick. It's a bunk argument. Leaving a union isn't betraying anybody.
The Confederacy attacked first. How were they not fighting a war?
the corwin amendment that was passed and endorsed by Lincoln enshrined the south's states right to own slaves, the cornerstone speech was to rally support from rich plantation owners and had nothing to do with the actual secession.
This fucking thread. Take your shit back to /pol/ gordos
Thank you Texas
Hey leaf, this place is not /his/ nor /pol/, fuck off
>attacked first
Fort Sumter was a port that the union was using to collect tariffs on a foreign sovereign nation, they were escorted out without a single person getting killed.
Bite me irrelevant 3rd worlder
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>"UMMMMM no sweetie it wasn't about slavery it was about states rights."
>"Rights to do what?"
>"To own slaves, of course."

Just admit it. I want to hear you say it.

>South dindu nuffin, he a good boy, we need mo money for dem subsidies.

I really dislike Sherman for giving 10% when this country really need 100%.
They still bombarded it and had overwhelming numbers. Just because the Union decided to hand it over, doesn't mean it wasn't a battle.
Pajeet larper calls me a third worlder kek
>foreign sovereign nation
recognized by whom?
the right for 20% of the country to not pay for 80% of the taxes maybe? Northerner's were butthurt as fuck that 95% of the world's cotton was from the South and all of Europe was buying it, nobody wanted the shit that the north manufactured because it was garbage compared to Europe's industry.

The south literally didn't do anything wrong, 5 union states voted against the 13th amendment but still fought in the war but it was about slavery right :D Even though the southern states didn't have to do anything and could have kept their slavery forever because of the corwin amendment that Lincoln personally asked the southern governors to sign.

If we enforced tariffs on Vancouver you would probably do the same
>history is written by the victors
It was about jobs and taxation too, mostly financial. Just because you're being taught an improper version doesn't change this. Your job is to find the fact and separate it from the fiction they want you to believe today.
3rd world racist calling me of english descent a pajeet while he lives in his slum eating trash and sending his food north.
We'd have to hand it over too if you guys showed up.
the mental gymnastics you are doing to justify denying self-determination to people while living in a country founded by traitors is far worse than the mental gymnastics Southerners do to say slavery was not a factor in secession.
Se enojó rasheed>>78517792
>Lincoln wanted to free the slaves guys!

“I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races. There is physical difference between the two which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality, and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position.”
Córtenla con este hilo de mierda animales. Vayan a pol a discutir su basura irrelevante
when are people finally going to come to the realization that literally everybody was a racist back then and start addressing this historical topic with a measure of maturity?
exactly, there was no "war against racism" like the narrative is today.
Eres lo que comes, así que sabes basura irrelevante.
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That's what I've been saying. It's false history though slavery was bad, it wasn't the reason the north fought the south. Today they want you to believe what they tell you I think to support immigration as part of globalization.
Not totally inaccurate but not totally accurate either. Keep eating the dog food.
It's sad to see the battle flag demonized so much, even MLK used it in the civil rights movement because the flag was a sign of fighting for freedom.
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if it was a war over "racism" then why did segregation end only as late as in the 1964?
For good or bad it's history. I don't know why now suddenly everyones in a panic to show how not racist we've become by acting worse than the racists to do so.
Not expelled, scholarship revoked. He can still finish but will need to pay the fees. Everyone who can, should donate.
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>Meanwhile, everyone from a Northern state watching this shitshow unfold in the South.
>lethal weapon
How can a weapon not be lethal?
to be a weapon that operates in non-lethal manner eg taser, beanbag gun or even just a baton?
South really doesn't care
I always have to wonder why it's always white women in stuff like OP though
You're right. But it still sounds stupid. You are talking about carrying a gun right?
do you really think the majority of these people sperging out about statues of local historical figures and the Confederate flag are homegrown? they're all transplants.
Based Finland's police know how to use guns unlike America. The knife attacker was shot in the leg and apprehended. Here, the cops mostly shoot to kill. Like noobs.
He was shot in the penis, which was later amputated.
>I don't know why now suddenly everyones in a panic to show how not racist we've become by acting worse than the racists to do so.
Pre internet a cause stayed local or at best national without the help of governments, the UN or very few newspapers, The Times, NYT, WP, etc.
The net then created a global set of groups with access to each other. i use goths as an example; if you were a goth in 1984 UK you knew goths in your town, goths you met at concerts who you swapped telnos with or goths you met when going out of your way to a goth pub in a big city. then the internet came, all goths with the net who looked for others could find other, eventually the group became large enough that differences occurred and subgenres exploded into an international scale.
so when a cause exists now, its exists in the minds of a global audience, an audience without local knowledge which means each part of the audience adds their bit until an average is attained and that becomes the opinion, not because it represents but because the group is large enough to force the existence of it. not sure i explained this well, its not a panic its a shift away from normal behaviour to a norm that goes outside normal experience of the people because its gloabl.
to be fair he was wielding a knife. if he had had a firearm he'd been double tapped to chest probably
forced transgender would be the best punishment for muzzies, turn them into cute girls
Here they shoot them dead even with a knife. Cops are good enough to go for the head shot too, so it's not a lack of firearms training.
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>police should spend time trying to shoot armed and dangerous people non-lethally
nice try
Yes, they should be trained to think and act using non-lethal forms when appropriate.
It shows a lack of training.
>when appropriate
that's the key phrase there. A knife attack is not an appropriate time to put you and others' lives at risk trying to attempt to inflict a non-lethal injury on somebody with a lethal weapon. Attempting to shoot to do anything but kill in any situation is inadvisable, and cops have non-lethal weapons such as pepper spray and tasers for those situations anyway.
and even then shooting legs isnt guaranteed non lethal procedure since if you rupture leg artery the guy will bleed to death quite fast. the "best" course of action would be aiming for upper torso like shoulders
Your cops shoot and kill unarmed people all the time. Ours seem to shoot to kill knife welding suspects too yet Finland can seem to muster the testicular fortitude so why can't we?
Yup no guarantee but our cops kill and I never hear of leg shots but head shots I do.
Besides, they should be equipped to deal with anything like that. Tasers, pepper spray, how about just physical violence to subdue you. Some of those cops are big big guys. Point is that's their jobs, civilian order not execution.
Wasn't all that long ago this wasn't the norm here.
Back to the civil war larper... I'm off to bed
headshots are extremely risky since they have bigger chance to miss the target and hit bystanders if theres any. the main objective for the police is to pacify the perp and make sure the shots connect. if the target dies in the process its a shame but nothing more complicated than that.
why dont they say "terrorist go home" to muslims?
also see video for the effectiveness of non lethal procedure in obvious lethal force requiring scenario. sometimes you NEED to use lethal force to enforce law im sorry to tell you this.

Gotta admit, he looks quite dignified next to that in-your-face cunt. Pretty admirable restraint.
>He brandishes a flag with a star on it.

rednecked trash doesnt realize he's no better than a yank.
based confederate flag guy, and based cop

Because they know Muslims wouldn't passively take their abuse, especially if armed.


The leader of that group that wrecked that one Confederate statue in Durham, NC was some Asian immigrant.

Fucking foreigners coming here and then bitching about our culture is infuriating.
lmao no it's because they're not white.
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This is true also. Honestly I think cops should be excused to magdump America style more often. A dude filled with adrenaline charging at you isn't always going to go down in a shot.

The axenigger in Oulu was shot while charging at a police officer, he was shot twice but still got close enough to hit him in the head. The officers helmet saved his life though.
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You think they'll go after burial sites from the war. If they try it would be like the the WW1 memorial in Germany being desecrated
Yeah, I've always wanted to get mugged while policemen shout 'stop resisting'

Already had the Mayor of Madison, WI (a far-left Democrat) recently remove an informational plaque from a Confederate cemetery in the city.

It wasn't a statue, monument or anything like that. It was a simple plaque explaining who was buried there, and how they (the Confederate soldiers) came to be captured in a battle and brought to Wisconsin and died, and that is why they're buried there.

It's really detestable what urban Democrat politicians are doing right now.
bolivarianism has been dead for a good 150 years
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