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Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 85

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Friends edition
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morning nerds
Commit suicide, Thurston.
None of us are friends.
I hate everyone of you.
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i wanted to make the new thread
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If you don't think that this is one sick banger then you might just want to reconsider your entire EXISTENCE.
>tfw will never be only Mexican in the world
next time danmark :)
depends on janny's mood, really
Swans are trash.
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say something nice about my gf
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They would just boycott it like last time. The best you can do is just post in other people's threads these days.
i like her first two records a lot
I have thoroughly reviewed the 4chan rules and this thread does not violate any of them
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enjoy it for now
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mexican and american flags should be switched to be honest
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I bow before my European masters in London
Can't stop farting
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I think we need /Alaska+Texas/ general
Wish you'd fart into my mouth
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I feel like Taylor Swift is fake as fuck and a hypercunt irl.

Probably throws away the clothes she wears during fanmeets after people hugged her.
>not wanting to be bullied by tswizzle
I really think I could establish a Trance-scene in Wisconsin

id love to take them all on in a pillow fight
omg are they like famous people? and there is another famous person in there doing a thing! oh boy!
Thinking about a barn rave.
Old dairy farm, just install some fat speakers and a few lights in there.

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>posting rich roasties
you have been diagnosed as ADHD, correct?
Absolutely Dope Hardtrance Dancer?

Heck yeah I have
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that's a yes
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I think I like foot kraut now
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Glad you've joined the winning side :)
The final redpill is understanding the greatness of both Footkraut and """Dane""".
I almost cut myself during this video, bloody edgylords
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>Liking footkraut
what did he mean by this?
usa is very enthusiastic
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Think we should limit immigration
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as long as i still make the cut go ahead lol
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Very nice .gif.
immigration will ask you if you like feet or ugly gooks and if you answer yes to either one you're executed on the spot for degeneracy
um no that's not how it works haha where did you read that
thats how it will be in my ideal america
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I think we should limit population/
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What's the point of having an American general on an American site?
Every other country hates us
herbert walker on some steroids
i thought you were giving me the finger in your pic
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What's the point of having an anime board on an anime site?
What's the point of posting weeb pictures when there are like 10 boards for that.
There's no anime general, though.
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What are ya, some kind of globalist? A dirty commie perhaps?!

Quite the opposite, my friend. Tubbies are a symbol of peace and well-being.
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I'm looking for instructions on the internet to wash my car because I don't want to look like an idiot infront of my neighbors
It's an anime site.
are you retarded or something
Not anyone weeb boy this is a normie site now.
Like my comment
Stop buying my president.
>Get bucket
>Put water in bucket
>Put soap in water
>Soak sponge in soapy water
>Scrub car
>Rinse off with not soapy water
did i say general?
why don't you take it to a car wash?
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brivade spurdo rebording for dudy, general :DDDDDD ebin milidary discibline :DDDDDD
I bet all of you are so cute.
Complaining about anime on 4chan is like complaining about sand in a desert.
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>Not anyone weeb boy
I bet you're a fat chug
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me being groped
me but only the first 2 frames
This is a 1:1 copy of a demo song


Demos and Keygens have the sickest tunes sometimes
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Wish i were cute girl so I could be groped
Listening to Townes Van Zandt
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now what white boi?
*sips tea*
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Listening to some sweet chunes, buddies.
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I feel like Trump era will be short and people will try to forget it as soon as it ends.
Like a filler in a tv series. Like the Garlic Jr. saga on DBZ or the whole dinner scene at the begining of The Hobbit
It's actually only begun Mexican
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>girl snapchats me "wyd"
>send back "coming back from work rn"
>she messages back "oh fun"
what the fuck does this mean did you want to start a conversation or not you dumb bitch
Black people like anime
snapchat is the worst messenger
how did it get so popular
i can get behind disappearing nudes but for texts it's complete shite
my family treats me like some after thought on everything and its really annoying

I seriously have to move at least 3 states away from them and escape all this bullshit
Just called a black person the n word
you should consider wisconsin
New Hampshire for north east, West Virginia for south, Montana for north west and Wisconsin for West are my options right now
Wisconsin for center*
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what did they mean by this stance
I've done this 2 times
When do you think McCain will die?
just called a whitey a cracker
Early 2018
don't care
how can i make canada my gf?
The question is, when will Trump finally die or get JFK'd?
Jesus dude shut the fuck up
8 years ahmed.
Decide where I get a burger for lunch
Removed from office
Kan du overhovedet finde ud af dansk?
via term limits.
the sewer
Hes a Canadian pretending to be Danish
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>ywn cuddle her
fucking christ
What happened
niggers are to black
That's why I asked him a question that made no sense in google translate, but made sense if you're native speaker.

He's a Canadian permaban using a proxy. All for posting child porn
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Meh, too pointy elbows
>hair stuck to wet boob
>ass chin

lol um no thanks..
One didn't care at all, the other one got into my face but we didn't fight
Don't you have a weird obsession about ugly gooks with disgusting feet?
quite the opposite
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almost done with demon souls, what a ride its been, quite enjoyable t b h
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>tfw descending the mountain
Had to end sometime desu
I'm far too impatient for that series
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I went up a peak in Taiwan in April and the way up wasn't bad but I nearly shat my pants going back down.
Was way steeper than I thought it was.
>hair stuck to wet boob
>ass chin
lol um yes please..
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Me n the gf
Yeah going up steep inclines is easier than going
Must be something to do with the way our feet are :^)
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Why'd you call them a nigger?
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Hi, folks, I'm Russian, as you can see,

I really want to move to the US or to go there on a vacation asap. My problem is that I'm a wigger. I listen to Old School and gangsta rap music and love G-funk in particular. I wear oversized T's and lowrider-style shirts. Planning to visit CA, the Motherland of gangsta rap. Am I gonna be insulted for my outfit? If there are black folks, tell me pls, wouldn't you mind if the Russian with poor English calls you 'homie' and asks to take him for a ride with 2Pac playing really loud? I really need to know.
White women wtf
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it makes me think of the smell of cute feet
best to try being polite and not call people slang words
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I know!
Wtf Is wrong with white women

Why are they kissing
you'll probably get shot, no meme
our society breeds mental illness
Of course I ain't gonna call somebody a nigger, but hell, I've seen it so many times on Youtube that 'black and white are smoking crack tonight' so I thought it would be sweet to hang out with black guys in that way.
don't call random black people you don't know homie
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It's a sick world

Sounds bad. Btw look at this guy, he is Russian living in Compton. Nobody shot him yet, he is riding Donk Regal and wearing oversized. What is his secret?
Sure thing, I wanted to make friends using Interpals first.
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>/fit/ shills retarded routines with 1x a week bench press frequency (with no variation) for beginners

what a truly retarded board.
Who took the photo?
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She probably had 2 phones.
the lizard queen was fine back in the day, god damn it
I heard there is a guy who likes feet here
>Buy Sniper Elite 3
>It's 30GB
not even gonna install it buds
multiple guys
can I see some feet pics you procured x
Oh no, just you.
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Big fan of anime titties
He's posted pics of his aboriginal gf's feet a few times, but he's very protective of them.
Still haven't slept and it's been over 24 hours
that isn't anime
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I'm going to die, Lehigh
Lookit these things
Hang all footfags
i like how the blur the faces of the girls in the ace
the FATE of high heels wearing WHORES
im not lehigh
saw your posts about me in the nicaragua thread

multiple inaccuracies btw
She bedazzled her feet
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Anime and feets are both banned in /cum/
Nothing I said was inaccurate.
my mother was older than 30 and i am not homosexual
Also, the poster map can't find my exact location, so my ball is either in the middle of California or in the middle of the country.
Name of the girl?
Did I said she was thirty? I thought I said over 30. And your posting of A2 and naked/half naked men says otherwise.
>beautiful day out
>the birds are chirping
>lovely breeze
>I have to work
>but wait no I'm sick in bed all day
I want to die.
i am fly fishing king
i am god of the river
>posting something means you want to fuck it
i am not attracted to men also its 9S
Oh yeah, A2 is that other female android. Also, you said you wanted to fuck 9S. Don't worry Henrico, I won't judge you when you finally come out.
unironically not attracted to men
Have you guys taken the catpill?

Were Niggers always shit?

I am starting to think so.
Ew, no.

I've taken the trap-pill, though.
>Not gay, just would really like to stroke 9S' little cock
>I prefer 9s to be honest
do you guys know the band clutch? is it popular in the us?
have never said either of those things

if you have followed my posts closer you would have known that the 9S/2B dynamic is perfect for the mommy gf fantasy which is completely straight

this is how straight shota works
The archive doesn't lie.
thats what happened
i believe you
>w*ites calling small w*ites Niggers
Ummm wtf
I always try to wonder
How it must feel to be real
In one door, out the other
Under cover, do you think it shows?
i'm literally retarded, but i realize it could be worse so i can live with that
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i love this meme not gonna lie
I hate R&M so much.
i comment a lot on a lot on threads here and other sub-forums, but i rarely speak irl
I'm an Asian supremacist
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tfw no gf
today i had vanilla cookies with milk and a baguette with nutella, and orange juice
>tfw milk is expensive and I can't afford it regularly
I just want some chocolate milk and a grilled cheese.
>milk is expensive
>tfw milk here is so cheap dairy farmers can barely survive
It's $6 for a bag. That's expensive.
>tfw i can afford ORGANIC milk regularly
>1 liter (1 qt.) of whole fat milk
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Holy shit stims are so amazing, not even LSD or DMT had me this hype and this is only a light dose (20mg adderall)
>bagged milk
>1 liter of whole fat milk
>68 euro cents
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>$6 for a BAG of milk
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>1 gallon of whole fat milk
try methamphetamine. heard they're good
>all these fuckers with their cheap dairy
Makes me sad. Not only is milk expensive, but so is everything else. It's something like $8 for a block of store-brand generic cheddar. Yogurt is the worst offender, at nearly $10 for a bag (or $8 for the cups).
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I don't want a melted face I just want to feel this euphoria forever, also it makes me better at osu
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things are not very expensive here
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Je Suis Le Cornichon Rick
>even the fucking yogurt is in a bag
something needs to be done
gas yourself
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>ywn drink raw milk at your girlfriend's dairy after a day of high school again
just added another person to the filter
hope it was me
Is urban exploration a thing in America?

How bad are your trespass laws?
if ur white u can
They do Mine Exploration
McDouble + Fries for $3.25 at Mcd's. what I usually eat for dinner
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CIA Gas Yourself.png
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Can you filter by IP or is that a 4chanx thing? Open individual I ever filtered was CIA but that was by name.
Just added everyone in this thread to the filter
When I go to America on vacation I want to buy a 50pc McNugget box
thats also cool, did you watch the spooky youtube channel where he hears weird radios and swinging chains and stuff?
just filtered the thread
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scary stuff
Good choice, it's a shitty general. But so are most generals.
just received a filtered (You)
Good post
>2 lbs (0.9 kg)
>$4.99 to $6.99
The 5% stuff is really good plain, but I add Maine wild blueberries and a tiny bit of strawberry jam to mine.
>wash my bed sheets
>dog rubs his eye boogers on it
filtering the word filter
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Post half Asian qts.
Also if anyone knows this one's name I would be grateful, I know she's half Uzbek, half Russian.
i wanna kill (you)
that's katya lischina
Thats a tatar
Just received an unfiltered (you)
saw a commercial for mexico
when are you visiting
dont care
when I get drafted and stationed there
Anyone here suck a dick before
Yeah, quite a few.
>dog jumps on bed
>sits asshole directly onto sheets
>leaves brown star mark on sheets
My dog's not allowed on the furniture anymore.
ur mom lpl
>not wiping your dog's butt
Yeah, a few, but none in a long time.
there are no american bases here
No, this is Kayta >>78028818
They look similar though

Danke Brudi, weiß du, ob oder nicht sie ein Instagram hat?
>tranny ban will enable young men to take estrogen to draft dodge in the near future
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shes still tatar
anything that doesnt look slavic is tatar
kek keine Ahnung wer das ist uezs
oy vey
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>ywn get stationed in mexico and find a baja gf
Anybody want to buy me a pizza?
>ib4 bajachan
do they accept paypal
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Auf meinem zwitten Anchauen, vielleicht ist sie Katya und nicht jemand anders.
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What can I say except "you're welcome"?
For the tides, the sun, the sky
Hey, it's okay, it's okay, you're welcome
I'm just an ordinary demi-guy!
Im a nigerian prince, but isis has takem over my bank and froze my account. I just need your credit and debit number, and your house title for a lean and I can send it to your address
I don't think so, no.
Once bought a Dutch guy with Chinese girlfriend from London a pizza and he sent me pictures of her feet in return.
Too bad I lost them.
Used to sell this all the time

good stuff but a bit expensive
It's cheaper than the big national brands like Chobani here in VT.
>ywn be 13 again, going with grandma into algodones to get cigarettes, and attempting to flirt with the qt brown girl that was helping her parents sell purses outside the store
take me back plz
Yeah I buy mountain hi because it's the cheapest for me, nobody besides sprouts seems to sell this
Is your last name Anderson?
be honest, would you suck off danny glover?
How can people listen to Taylor Swift's music unironically? It's the biggest load of shit I've heard.
What is the best Taylor album /cum/?
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I honestly never heard intentionally any song of her I couldn't even identify her voice if I hear it.
I only know she exist because people post her face here and like 4 or 6 other references outside 4chan.
I also do not understand what's up with her
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I can see some benefits of the Lifer's shit but Beyond Scared Straight is just your typical American TV overdramatized bullshit. Wouldn't be surprised if it was 100% scripted.

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i've never heard the song despacito so many normies have been shilling here
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Wasn't she just a /pol/ meme from a few years ago? I remember her getting shilled, shitposting that she's the face of white women and white nationalism.
She's always been popular. I remember in middle school some of my friends even liking her because of her looks
New bread, fresh off the oven:
haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate
players gonna play play play play play
Thread posts: 317
Thread images: 85

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