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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 345
Thread images: 82

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Well if nobody else will make it edition
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virgin shit.jpg
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love these memes
First for killing jews
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Always match with black girls

All of the good looking black girls want white men
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turned alien covenant off because I can't be bothered with the screaming and the blood-spattered aliens, too stressful for this boy

going to watch some nice ASMR now
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she is a qt
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lads post rosy
who's the swiper now?
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got any slags?
In the process of obtaining a Spanish gf
any fat yank autist fucking dickhead in
Got mad and called the black mate a nigger.

He hasnt talked to me in a week
real talent or just eye candy?
what a handsome young man, would be a shame if something happened to his hairline
I'm better than all of you without even trying.
ahh yes, Mrs Bucket's esteemed friend Sheridan....
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fuck me.png
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I hate myself.
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nothing better than asian women desu
I've got a couple

Neil Blomkamp tbqh , love the spooky classified 50s-70s vibe
not sure princess beatrice is actually human
Literally looks like an ape
business idea: keep the Windors as the royal family until Charles dies, then abandon support for William and instead support the claim of the House of Wittelsbach with its Jacobite succession.
lads, I want to go on an adventure in a foreign country for a month or maybe even more, should I go to the UK or the US?
Does Tim masturbate?
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got a few saved from the races
beta cukc
You the lad that downloaded a 10gig version?
No, he wakes up confused and rubs himself against his mattress until the swelling goes away
megan fox let herself go a bit
don't come here

we need less liberals here
we're full mate, sorry.
couldnt believe the cute innocent girl from work was telling me to fuck her harder last night and begging for my cum

sex is weird
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Princess Beatrice.jpg
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tfw 2 thicc 4 this world
Struggles we have had and will have. Blows we have taken and will again. Victories we have had and will have again, yes greater victories than even Britons have ever known. Through good and ill we march on, till victory be won, for this is the character of the true revolutionary. In the great moments of supreme struggle and decision it is easy to hold that character, even in supreme sacrifice. It is not so easy in the hard daily task. It is then even more that in the great fights we have together that I would like to be the companion of every one of you. I would like to be with every action team that carries the message of our new faith to new streets. I would like to be with every man or woman during the hard but vital job of giving leadership to the people in the block of houses for which they are responsible.

For these are the jobs that come, by the dedication of thousands to that mission of leading the people in their own homes and streets, revolution is won. In that task I cannot in body be with everyone of you every day. But in spirit I am with you always. Because this work of the dedicated Blackshirt will win the Britain to which my whole spirit is given. Together in Britain we have lit a flame that the atheists shall not extinguish. Guard that sacred flame my brother Blackshirts until it illumines Britain and lights again the path of mankind.
really annoying to have to log out of twitter every time to view these links. can't be fucked with it
brexit was a silly decision
let's not leave the EU
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She wants a man from Western Europe
last time Tim masturbated three people died
white girls are so easy to have sex with
she's like if Sophie Turner was slapped with a fish and half neanderthal
Christ she's a princess with that face? Shouldn't be allowed
Brexit was an excellent decision
Let's leave the EU
if you love the EU so much why don't you piss off and live in it
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>Forgetting the subject line got me the most (You)s I've had in months
good thing I'm not one then

screw you lad, I'm sure the mayor of London would be more than happy to receive me
why is this attractive to me
what particular strain of brown is that?
if you hate the eu so much why don't you piss off outside it?
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She sounds fucking retarded lmao
weren't you complaining about the boring shite and couldnt wait for the aliens?
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>Beatrice will never sit on my face
I will be soon

get about that many daily, WAHEY
>end up going with a couple of friends to an away football game
>literally never been to football in my life
>we end up missing the game 'cause we're in the pub
>drink a fucktonne and binge on coke
>arrive home for 8pm

I feel fucking awful atm lads, it's a mixture of drunk, hungover and a comedown
I thought she had one of those woggy dots on her head, but it's just part of the UI
how do you figure?
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heh fair enough
but seriously, i've got an irish passport and will be moving over at least for the 5 year fuck up
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at least you get (you)s at all lad
I'd make a better princess than her owo
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>have to wageslave for the next 50 years and STILL be unable to afford a house
Met a girl in town today that I'd met last week. I'd left a visible impression on her but it was not a positive one lmao
unironically would
Frost, the ponce wishes he could deliver something like that.
this white girl was saying the nastiest, most racially degrading and humiliating shit about her ex white lovers while my black cock was plowing, sowing and fertilizing her womb last night with my superior genetics.
love race slags

where do they even come from
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Operation Paperclip was a secret program in which more than 1,600 German scientists were recruited in post-Nazi Germany and taken to the U.S. for government employment.
why not make a head start you paddy twat
doubt it
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She wants to wash away the non European

Because she matched with me and I'm blonde hair blue eyed ginger bearded
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>tfw own my own home already
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the fuck you say?
why are Americans such unabashed cucks?
you know the irish don't actually see any of that money? hope you're not going thinking it's a mini singapore
Nice eyebrows, foreheads a bit big
how do you know she wants a white man?
lanklettes are disgusting
oh jesus christ pls don't eat my soul
the gutter
Because we're smarter than everybody else.
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Charlottesville Rally.jpg
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wish Brits were as redpilled as Yanks

mind you, British police hate anything to the right of the Conservative party, they're really clamping down on "the far-right" and "hate speech" and "islamophobia", not doing that much about radical Islam though.
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hello toilet cleaner pole
>Dissecting A Tarantula With A 60,000 PSI Waterjet

shant be watching this one
Definitely lizard blood coursing through those veins
*sits down on the tube*
*sees you sitting across from me*
*recognises you from /brit/*
*puts down the Evening Standard for a moment to give you a smile and a wave*
>how do you know she wants a white man?

They ALL want da white man

I know, it's only marginally richer than the UK rather than much richer
it'll get a bit richer still after brexit though
britain is deep under the control of the globalist jews and has been for centuries
you're not smarter, you just have bigger guns, for now
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imagine having this english rose hanging off your arm
>this white girl was saying the nastiest, most racially degrading and humiliating shit about her ex white lovers while my black cock was plowing, sowing and fertilizing her womb last night with my superior genetics.
You are such a fucking doss poster
Probably the worst here
And no I'm not leftypol before you have a spacker attack
the only thing mosley did wrong was not winning
>not doing much about radical islam though
ah yes
the uninformed angry gimmick
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which posts do you think are mine?
like to think i'm overall a decent poster and make some poo posts occasionally.
cowering at the thought
got unusually high alcohol tolerance, I'm thin too

not a fan of this expensive gimmick
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Business idea : slag tax
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cuckolding is the thinking man's fetish
>you just have bigger guns
Making us more intelligent. You really gonna tell the guy with a gun to your head how you're not his bitch?

Be careful, Americans can artificially impose natural selection on any non-American country they so please.
shut up
stop drinking so much, few beers and im tipsy desu
just read an article about radical centrists
Are you taxing people for being slags, or taxing slagginess?
>tfw to intelligent not to let a nigger fuck my wife
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Silly non-whites. Whitemen only!

Because I'm white as fuck and we matched
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>Be careful, Americans can artificially impose natural selection on any non-American country they so please.
mad that humans will be living on mars in my life time
it was his own fault, if he hadn't resigned from the party he would've been PM
noam rothberg-finkelstein
WMBF is the thinking man's interracial coupling
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friendly reminder to fix your posture
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Any Tim men in?
Think these burgers are mistaking /int/ for /pol/
me on the far left
this is still race mixing
half a choon you know
need a bf
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need a plump slag gf
Me second from left
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Amber Heard.webm
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Not if she has something to say on the matter
proud of the cosplay aren't you, its not bad but calm down
never met anyone who had sex regularly that was worried about white genocide or race mixing
Greater London
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>nigger music
im good
Cromwell sold Britain to the Jews and they've owned it ever since.
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love this fat toad
race mixing is only bad if it's a white woman who does it desu
The lesson is that sex distracts from the bigger issues facing our nation.
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is it just me or does all the top 40 normie trash music sound the same
i have sex once to twice a week and i worry about those things, is that regular enough?
Because you aren't supposed to be right wing in public. That's akin to suicide

One of my mates is totally normal yet is a complete white supremacist. I'm a rorke myself and just pretend to be shocked at what he says
stop posting working class and lower middle class slags who dress up to go to the races and think they're posh
or maybe that lack of sex causes fixation on blaming everyone else
Girl in Pink dress looks like she has no blood flow.
but white women race mix the most out of all the other races
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you need trainers for the quintessential tim look
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do NOT bully tim

it's not big and it's not clever, give your head a wobble
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thats not me and I'm not a bender thanks
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might have an early night
I've met plenty
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these two statements seem to contradict each other

basically a virgin
t. Tyrone Rodriguez
classic chune
nah definitely not that
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>British hip-hop
Literally the stupidest shit on Earth.
"Pop music sounds like pop music guys"
Woah, you're a genius.
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>totally normal yet is a complete white supremacist
You could have just said hip hop
*snuggles into bed with you*
>pop music is shit
hello mr holmes
I mean he's racist in secret
Spot all the nonwhites coming out of the woodwork now they're gettinf triggered about all these black girls matching with the lad on Tinder

Literally couldn't be more incorrect. All other races show a preference for white men. There was even a Channel 4 documentary on this and Channel 4 is left as fuck
hate math majors on /dpt/. they're insufferable, constantly playing dumb. the exact same type of person to love stefan molyneux and listen to game of throne ebooks
their pulling a weekend at bernies with that 3rd one aha
it's like white women hate their men or have daddy issues or something, at the rate they are fucking other races besides their own

normies are copy-paste drones so it makes sense that their music matches
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*snuggles tightly*
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>totally normal yet is a complete white supremacist
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chicago desu
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>not listening to the the national anthem for all waking hours
>normies are all the same
hate this fucking brainlet mentality
dulwich is rather lovely
strange antiseptic smell coming from somewhere but i can't figure out where
100% Romanian
Have to hide my rorke power level because everyone pretended to be a leftie for some reason

reckon there's lots of people out there who share similar rorke sentiments but we live in such a jew'd society they can't express them in public
non-whites have some kind of inferiority complex desu. It's fascinating really.
Just admit that your women hate your guts and would rather be whores to other races than to live under subjugation of the h'white man.
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the future is hapa desu

can't wait to find an asian girl to marry x
So is American Hip-Hop. At least we make good downtempo.
leftypol loves the word brainlet because they think they're the smartest people in the room wherever they go.
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post on /cgl/ please
*gun music starts playing*
uk hip hop, grime or rap lads?
Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have posted this inside /brit/, the general for British culture, but your post has nothing at all to do with British culture! Whoops! You should always remember to post about America on /cum/, the general for the United States, unless your post warrants a separate thread! Posting about America inside the general for British culture is poor form. You should always try to post about Britain, unless your identity as an American is absolutely vital to the post about Britain you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to /brit/ culture!
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>listen to ebooks
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I'm off to /pol/ lads
I think white races are better than non-white races too. And I'm the guy posting the tinder matches and I have a government job where this view would get me fired instantly

There are growing numbers of crypto-white supremacists every day
you arrive in grimsby
racism is the default, natural state of humans
got a mate who is Oxbridge-grade so I reckon I'm not a runt
dover looks really fucking comfy

would i be bored out of my skull there? i like peaceful towns during the day, but like nightlife as well
they really are and there is no evidence otherwise
what's the yank equivalent of our lower class slags at the racing?
nature fallacy
I am smarter than you though
What do you think the teddies are for?

Schoocey(tm) has seen some shit
it's all pseudo-intellectualism

lefties actually have the lowest IQs along with niggers and pakis
Dover is the first place in britain where I saw actual and full on chavs
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good lad
white + asian = most powerful human
poor school proms
Neither, nigger.
no, I didn't make any value judgment about it

no it isn't
NASCAR slags?
It's because they're inferior

Statistically and objectively false
>pseudo intellectualism
>quoting IQ statistics
hello cerebrito
>youtube video of a 4 chord 3 minute 30 second verse chorus verse chorus bridge chorus empty soulless lyric song with guitars
>"Now THIS is music. Not like that sh*t on the radio these days!"
dont you have your own general now
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>IQ is all pseudoscience
Nope, he is right. Our brains are hard-wired to see other races as different.

NEED a bearded Russian bf who can chant in sacred Slavonic
why do leftists hate white people?
abstract timposting
>3 options
cackling at the stupidity of racists
you didn't know you can make it do text to speech?
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Hit me up with the best vocaloid anthems of 2017, going through mikudb
normies are drones controlled by the hive mind
because they're more successful than nonwhite people
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steals your gold.jpg
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me and a mate
you're ugly and you smell
Then why are all the white women here slurping nigger dicks and licking Chad buttholes?

How come they won't suckle on my tiny white penis? Is it not big enough like Jose's?? I can satisfy women too, you know.
belief in white supremacy is a mental disorder
diet advice poll
so people that look different look ... different

hmm groundbreaking stuff
there you go again
You people bathe in shit though
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envy and autism
I'm black. Whites listening to black music is cringe.
Hello Professor Finkelstein, Sociology professor at UCLA
you guys do the weirdest shit

also school shooters
if you click on one CHOON post today then make it this one

proper mike skinner 2004 vibes to it lads
it's satisfying to call people more intelligent than you pseuds, i did it all the time when i was 16 too anon, you'll grow out of it x
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reminder that this guy holds the world record for world's largest penis
how can sound have a colour?
what happened to rhodesia is a damn shame
>notice that whites have historically accomplished more and succeeded more than nonwhite people
>"maybe their genetics and cultures are slightly superior and this has allowed them to do better?"
anon here in my rented thread in 4chan's /int/

teddy's got the swiper
WHERE IS MY ANGLO BF ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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Asian girls desire the Western European man

Another one bites the dust, nonwhites. I'll brees them all and make the world a better place.
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Damn shame. Just a damm shame...
never heard leftypol make a convincing argument yet
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rorke thinks calling implying someone is an academic is an insult
a) no you're not
b) no it's not
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latest frog all the cool cats are using these days lads, though i'd give you a heads up
meh dont care. girls think our cocks are massive at this point so it helps me pull

best part about being black is our sexual value
looks pretty small compared to the ones on BLACKED
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Bye Obama.png
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Yes i to can remember 100 or even 50 years ago when acid attacks where common place in the streets of the capital. has nothing to do with the people living there, how could u even think that?
*be first to succeed*
*use technology to stop other races from succeeding*

roleplaying on /cgl/
TJ Miller is hilarious when he does stand-up can't believe he took a role in the emoji movie for any reason other than for the jokes
why are yanks still posting

when will they take a hint and fuck off
>he thinks the plastic penises are real
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>*use technology to stop other races from succeeding*
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Peter Hitchens makes a good point in that the left will always try to paint their opponents as having some sort of mental disorder rather than argue civilly with them

It's why they invent words like "homophobia", "transphobia", "islamophobia", to insist they have an irrational mental disorder, a phobia, rather than have them be critical at all of minority groups.
Nixon's government ADMITTED they shipped crack to black neighbourhoods and then cracked down on them with the war on drugs

Rorke is FUMING
The same way a nation can have a cuisine.
Rhodies hated yanks and actually had to ban one of them from entering the country
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ahh the north
It's not that big
>rorke thinks calling implying someone is an academic is an insult

definitely doesn't apply to you leftyboy

need to study harder if you're going to get that English GCSE
peter hitchens thinks marijuana causes terrorism
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if micks can post here then yanks can too
posting in /dpt/ because that yank mentioned it haha

never posted there before, gonna jump into the nerds arguments and rile them right up
How the fuck do you think other races got their modern technology motherfucker? Do you think they magically built that shit?

Do you think africans were living in mudhuts and then suddenly started building cars and some shit?

Pretty sure your own country went and built all the railroads in Africa
*invade country*
*steal all resources, oppress and don't educate the population, leave it in a mess*

that's swindon or reading isn't it
>world's largest penis

>virgins WILL think this is a good thing

yeah a larger penis is preferable but let's say it's over 10 inches then it's a bad thing because it would just hurt every girl you try to shag
right wingers are world champions at projection
leftism is a mental disorder
trannies have a mental disorder
gays have a mental disorder
black people have a mental retardation
they were just supplying what was demanded, shouldn't people be free to do drugs if that's what they want?
so one silly view discredits everything he's ever said?
Would drag my scrote through a cactus patch and swim nude in a pool of hot sauce to touch Princess Beatrice's left buttock.
>give them roads, railways and even vaccines
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love automatics
>centre socially
>left wing on healthcare
>right on the economy
hmm what party is for me then lads
who cares about the girl though? actually what you just said would be a bonus plus for me since I'm a sadist.

It would only make me cum harder.
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ah yes, the quintessential british couple
why do fat white slags like black men
>don't educate the population
Why is there a button for Ian Duncan Smith?
>thinking the NHS is different to social and economic
probably BNP or one of the other sub 100 iq parties
Whites who think of themselves as one of the cool ones are worse than the /pol/fags. Please don't tell me you have a saviour complex too.
The "im to special to hold any beliefs party" should be a good fit
when i was younger i thought being bent was not being able to kick a football in a straight line
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might write a virus to cause people to have to vote on my strawpolls before they can do anything else on their computer
too bad you have no actual value as a parent
I voted first, don't be unhealthy you little runt
hello 1d thinker. youre a fucking sheep
the virgin post BLATANTLY
you can't complete a good shag if your penis is struggling to fit inside, and if there are girl is complaining that it's hurting then it's impossible to carry on normally unless you're a literal rapist
it is, gays are terrible at sports
he is punching 2bf
why would you possibly care? I know you're LARPing but you're a really cringey bellend either way
also thinks vaccines cause autism
said the conservative party should be called the socialist workers party

by this point peter hitchens has thoroughly discredited himself
Is it illegal to change the address on a phone bill to join a library that isn't where your address is registered to? Am subletting and need to join the library
>*steal all resources
They weren't using them. Too stupid to use them.

, oppress

>don't educate the population
False. White men built universities, educated them, and sent their elite to school in Europe. They translated books and history for them.

>leave it in a mess
africans are just acting like africans have for thousands of years. nothing new.
africa benefitted from colonisation

black music is cringe
I remember the exact moment I came to hate the gays. I accidentally walked into a queer "pride" parade.

That's all it took.
i'm not eating veggies regardless, i fibbed. i already ate a bowl of microwaved rice and breaded chicken. kind of want to get out of the house more than anything. a reason to ride around
He's right about the """Conservatives""" though
Whites were enslaved and oppressed in a slave trade 10x bigger than the African slave trade. Slavery ended over 200 years ago. Whites were the first to end it whilst slave trading is still common place all over the world.
fat cunt waste of time, stop replying to me
heard the special snowflake attention seeking cretin party looking for memebers
what country was good before whitey invaded it
have you considered it can do both
mine was after he came in my ass
black tribal music had some good ideas, but whites are better at incorporating them than blacks
I know your type.
>parties come to the centre of public opinion
>wahhh the right wing party is too left wing
you are free to move to a dictatorship at any time xx
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feeling very depressed today lads
>accidentally walked into
>aka watch videos of online as you cry yourself to sleep in the closet every night
They will get used to the size and learn to enjoy it after they have been fucked a couple of times from it.

Women's vaginas stretch to accommodate whatever host penis is using it for any extended period of time.
normies all wear the same clothes
normies all listen to the same music
normies all shop in the same shops
normies all watch the same tv shows
normies all talk about the same boring topics
normies all go to the same nightclubs
normies all go on holiday to the same destinations
normies all drink the same alcohol
normies all say the same phrases
*tries really really hard not to look at the Republic of Ireland*
welcome to my everyday
He's not, your mind has just been warped by the modern sexual market.
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