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Thread replies: 346
Thread images: 60

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PC edition.
hate british people

love people from britain

simple as
Gaben eeds to ban this game for the sake of children everywhere
rescheduled my poo
anyone remember the cuckio meme
everybody needs a bosom for a pillow
LOVE over 2 hour commutes
Actually wish we had this luxury
a real good thick solid morning poo is just about as good as a thick long cum shot
Hey /brit/,

Got a scouser girl coming over tomorrow night to play with my willy. Are they dirty? Should I double condom?

Thank you
doesn't ring a bell sorry liam mate
>PC Edition

uhoh be careful what you say lads I mean people
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ah yes
going to need you to phone me to confirm before it's made official. Sorry but it's just procedure.
i'm smarter than all of you
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star trek.jpg
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What has /pol/ done to this man?
You need me man i don't need you
yeah? what a-levels do you have mate
heard you shouldn't double wrap your willy because the friction can make them tear
needs more labels
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I simply don't like you.
Ah shit that makes sense

Well anyway yeah are scousers as dirty as I imagine? She's from Liverpool
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was too smart for school so i dropped out
We need to talk.
that's what all political cartoons are like though, although Garrison is literally Horsey tier stupid now
gf and I very very very very rarely address each other by our actual names because we've developed stupid pet names for each other

in fact it feels slightly weird to address the gf by her actual name
Can actually see the age and ethnicity of the poster by reading his posts
My exact words when i dumped the gf, could literally see her heart rip on two. Not nice
Can I got to the toilet first?
post the unedited one
That's so weird! You two must be made for eachother.
>when I dumped the gf
that must have been very difficult for you, being able to be choosey with the woman folk and all, sweetie dumpling xx
any retarded worthless cunt dickhead man in
i call my gf domesto-vaginabot 5000
>Even though we're no longer boyfriend and girlfriend, we'll always be siblings
you don't like zyklon ben's take on george takei?
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Janny, don't touch this. It's educational, not pornography.

Alright, so I'm circumcised and my penis looks the one on the left. Which one does your penis looks like? Which would you prefer?

I have left, prefer right.
i'm curious to know if thailad thinks the federation is like the US or not

i respect his opinion
same, no point in starting with her name when we're the only two in the house
think she uses mine quite often though, usually because she's nagging me to do something! haha
*finishes the rest of my pint*
*moves out of the way of someone walking behind me*
oop, sorry mate, yeah you're alright go on
just made a typo in another thread and closed the tab out of embarrassment aha
if the leaf can post dick pics then i can post naked japanese women
sometimes i try to force myself to stay because it may help cure the IRL autism
have right, prefer left

the right one looks soft and feminine
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Ah yes
feminine penis
jus did a really nice wank
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ah yes
>the right one looks soft and feminine
No it doesn't. It's a penis. Penises can't be feminine.
want to punch you in the head
erm anon my eyebrows are up here hehe
got a block of cadburys marvellous creations

people are idiots, we shouldn't let them design chocolate
>bantering other cultures makes you a nazi
This is why lefty memes are so grim
Who's going to do it then, clever clogs, the pachyderms?
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hmmm yes hmmm ah yes hmm indeed
having a bar of elephant chocolate
those hefty fuckers sure know their cocoa beans
had sex 1 time and wanked off 2 times in the last 24 hours
can't believe fucking Blur was ever considered a rival of Oasis and that they had a chart battle in the 90s, what an utter load of shite
want to move to japan and marry a japanese woman and start a family

wouldn't marry a japanese woman here though cause my kids would end up like elliot rodgers

no racism in the PC edition please the term is asianderms
ooh, get a load of mister college with his ten dollar words
wish there was a way to filter phone screenshots
You're saying this because you think Blur is better, right lad? Oasis have like four decent songs, Parklife alone has more than that.
like father like son
you're saying this because you think Blur is better, right lad?
You'll never see her, because you'll be working all the time.
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And she calls you Bipedal Smart-Wallet v26?
Having a bar of sexual chocolate
Not entirely certain of what that Randy Watson bloke put in it, but it's more-ish
Blur is utterly irritating to listen to, Oasis is just overplayed.
>inb4 you don't get it because you're a Yank
I love the Kinks and the songwriting style Albarn was going for, they just don't do it well
foy foyfoyfoy foy FOY FOY
Oh dear
You will never truly understand Wonderwall.
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*enters your general*
just found out deep purple is british
The United States is a country of 300,000,000. United Kingdom is a country of 60,000,000.

You've been displaced, replaced, and erased everywhere from Hawaii to Singapore. Los Angeles is the centre of the Anglosphere, not London.
you're going to have to try harder than that, little /cum/dumpster
all me
need a teenage virgin gf
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>So, are you ready for your first lesson?
fuck yeah, I wanna draw squid like you, sensei
Going to start keeping a journal. Ordered a nice a5 notebook for about £15. It was originally just going to be for making notes on the books I'm reading, as I often finish a book and forget all about it a few months later. But I might start keeping a journal because I've got a lot of anxiety and I don't speak to anyone about my fee-fees. Even though I can never identify exactly what it is that's making me feel anxious.

Hope no one finds it because it will probably be full of a lot of my fashy thoughts, too.

>journal bender
journal wanker loves his fucking journal
Journal this
no man is an iland, intire of itselfe
heard wacky bassline after reading this post
xev bellringer is better
shitty shitty poo poo going to the loo
shitty shitty poo poo whatever shall we do
I don't watch her videos, they're too sexual
*unsheathes sword*
*nicks your journal and starts reading aloud from it in front of your family whilst keeping you at arms length*
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just hang yourself.gif
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>tfw your school really did have a penis inspection day
*whips my willy out*
*spins up my flail*
*knocks it out of your hands*
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Did you tell the Royal Commission about it?
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We must retain the purity of the white race
Is it still yank time?
gook lol
it's always yank time
How did you find this photograph of me?
what the fuck is /s4s/ even
You forgot the meme arrow and I agree with this post regardless of what image you use
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Heil bruder
my friend..
yank time is the only time
Posting on /fa/ for years has permanently destroyed my ability to properly judge women. Now if they're not a 9/10 I'm not even interested. Every time my friends ask me to rate a girl they wonder what the fuck is wrong with me.

This website is horrible.
>god is so proud of him he didn't see fit to give him the burden of a neck
How did you find this photograph of me?
>an australian has joined the server

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Heil bruder
How did you find this photograph of me?
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Heil bruder
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Really makes me think
How did you find this photograph of me?
Why are yanks so utterly obsessed with race?
used ftp proxy linked on the daily stormer
get off that white supremacist website
got a sauce for this?
>would you like some ICE in your coffee
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Heil bruder
think he made it himself
>15 minutes of no talk about America/Yanks
>"uhhh h-HEY HEY!! what's.. the DEAL.. with yank ______ ??"

pls stfu about us for just an hour maybe
it is boring, even more boring than the average yank
ah yes iPhone filenames
How did you find this photograph of me?
jesus that kerning is dire
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Heil bruder
think yankbot and ausbot are stuck lads
How did you find this photograph of me?
Just ate the spiciest chicken in the world.

not a fan
when 50% of your country is brown and your kid's friends are all brown maybe you'll feel the same
just blow the dust out the bumcrack
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Call me a yank again...
Send help pls
>youtube link

will I be clicking THAT like? N O spells NO
morning lads
morning nonce
Kenya believe it?
We sent you stuff in primary school.

What did you do with all that?
How is it our problem?
>get into the office at exactly 8.00 having left home at 7.52
>plug in laptop
>go and get coffee
>check email and see I've got a bollocking from bosses bosses boss for arranging a meeting without checking calendars properly
>check my calendar, only 2 hours of meetings today
>check projects tracker to work out what to do today
>most things are 'late'

ah yes, employment
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watching white racist getting beat up (they cut out the before part of the fight so ill trust that they were saying rude words)
wishin' i had a /brit/ bf
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went to charity directors via 'admin costs' that did
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>The incredible sulk
Blur blew Oasis out the water you nonce
hmm.. good scam
Nose to the grindstone now, Runt
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What should we do about...them...
she's butters, Tainton is the GOAT mummy
Why can't we just send our mentally handicap children to the middle easy to fix their pedo addiction?
What's a good cure for arm strain
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hot shower might help a bit maybe

*hits you with a falchion*
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>her old hardcore videos
reading Why Nations Fail and it really is fascinating that the commonwealth countries were given an enormous opportunity to reform their institutions and change the destiny of their country post-colonialism but chose not to

very interesting
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richard spencer's more attractive brother top right
would quite like to start a small car company to build cars
That slag who convinced her beta boyfriend to kill himself is being sentenced today.
Could do it with kit cars
You seen her anal video? Waowie
stick to lego mate
*laughs with the boys as you slunk off*
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I have.
There's no such thing as (((uncut))) or (((uncrcumcised))).

There's (((circumcised))) penises and healthy, normal penises.
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journey to the west 2017.png
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I love the dub for this movie.
>brit telling anybody how to build cars
not fair me saying that
you have lots of small cool boutique manufacturers
well give me a link then ya cheeky dingo!
saying "uncut" is like saying "cisgendered"
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The British (serves 60 million)

Take some Picts, Celts and Silures
And let them settle,
Then overrun them with Roman conquerors.
Remove the Romans after approximately 400 years
Add lots of Norman French to some
Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Vikings, then stir vigorously.

Mix some hot Chileans, cool Jamaicans, Dominicans,
Trinidadians and Bajans with some Ethiopians, Chinese,
Vietnamese and Sudanese.
Then take a blend of Somalians, Sri Lankans, Nigerians
And Pakistanis,
Combine with some Guyanese
And turn up the heat.
Sprinkle some fresh Indians, Malaysians, Bosnians,
Iraqis and Bangladeshis together with some
Afghans, Spanish, Turkish, Kurdish, Japanese
And Palestinians
Then add to the melting pot.
Leave the ingredients to simmer.
As they mix and blend allow their languages to flourish
Binding them together with English.
Allow time to be cool.
Add some unity, understanding, and respect for the future,
Serve with justice
And enjoy.

Note: All the ingredients are equally important. Treating one ingredient better than another will leave a bitter unpleasant taste.

Warning: An unequal spread of justice will damage the people and cause pain. Give justice and equality to all.
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come live with me for a bit Bruce we'll build a caterham together and can go driving in the countryside
me owm to work
my favourite colour is brown
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Any you lads want a strawberry? x
the poo colour??
why does he wear the fucking bio oil
Aussies make lots of great cars desu just under American nameplates
>PSG deal for Neymar worth almost £450m including wages & bonuses
Wanna team up to make all people this colour?

He really looks strangely familiar
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thumbs up burger guy.jpg
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>The British (serves 60 million)
>Take some Picts, Celts and Silures
>And let them settle,
>Then overrun them with Roman conquerors.
>Remove the Romans after approximately 400 years
>Add lots of Norman French to some
>Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Vikings, then stir vigorously.

stopped reading there. heavenly.
peter serafinowicz?
such as?
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Dad had a beautiful blue kit car until mum made him get rid of it
Marriage is a curse
call the king a bender you bent twat
Literally never seen any of these in the UK
hate mosquitoes, reckon the only reason we haven't genocided them is because of peta
Chevy's alpha platform was Holden engineered. You guys build the ranger and the falcon and their assortment of cool straight sixes and diesels
>be patriotic english lad
>always wanted an order of the british empire
>never get anywhere but always try hard
>benjamin zepheniah got one and refused it
we aren't building the falcon or commodore anymore
seeing a lot of ads for ashley madison on here, doubt many people on 4chan have wives to cheat on
Knew a Jap lass at school
Didn't know the Commodore was being axed wtf

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how can you use the internet and not have an ad blocker in 2017
i'm on my phone

only because my computer's buggered at the moment, before you start
>Greggs by me is having a drive-thru built

get in lads
Guess you can finally fit in then mate
say what you want about harvey kellogg but he was right that circumcision reduced sexual pleasure. he just didn't account for american resourcefulness with lube
fascinating thread, a brilliant publication

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oh mate! he's fully done you there!
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i'm gonna marry an anime girl!
of course you are mate! *nods to the doctor to take you away and lobotomise you*
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think I could pull of stone island?
the hairy gf/escort
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House prices have gone up in the town of Sauté since it's become gentlyfried.
got tfwnogf for the first time in ages
you can put adblockers on your phone too
watch this >>77889910
I don't put adblockers on for 4chan because I want to contribute to the revenue of this site x
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is this story true?
can't see her fanny
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Might be a plus, depending
Haha, upvoted.
EDIT: Wtf? Thanks for Reddit gold, guys!
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is this accurate
It's true. All of it.
I'll take bush over some ghastly dangling ham platter
prostitution degrades both parties
feel like my willy gets smaller every day i go without using it for sex
struggling against the dragon of chaos lads, but am sorting myself out little by little
How can I get an anglo BF? It would be too creepy if I just browse grindr with a spoofer on?

>hey I'm using a fake gps right know because I wanted to check cute guys in your country xD

Kill me pete
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there's one thing you can't dodge
sort yourself out quicker by donating to my patreon
yes actually
they aren't selling
people would rather buy cuckovers
gays don't give a shit about that, they'd be flattered

Rather unfortunate.
Or maybe not.
lol only old men, trannies and fat guys use grindr
its my birthday today. got literally nothing planned for it. just another ordinary day.
I'd give up porn for a falcon xr6 ute
count yourself lucky.
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Happy birthday
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happy birthday mate, I'm the same, never invite the boys out for my birthday, figure they'd just be doing it as a favour to me rather than actually wanting to

how old are you?
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me talking to your gf
>I'm the same, never invite the boys out for my birthday, figure they'd just be doing it as a favour to me rather than actually wanting to
yeh exactly why i dont make plans. dont even have it on my facebook.
im 24 btw.
ree ree roo roo mummy I need poo poo
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>july already marked off
ethiopa lad is genuinely a nice guy, doesn't use his flag as a pseudo-trip to attention whore like a certain immigrant we know
wana suck his dick any harder mate?
why would women even want this
its not like they can even use it in any way
he has a glaringly incorrect opinion about something which he revealed the other day, can't remember what but I lost a lot of respect for him after learning about it
hey mama don't stress your mind

he was chatting such shit the other day i genuinely thought someone was using a proxy to defame him.
On the toilet right now lads.
>tfw will never live in literally nowhere, ohio, USA and buy a 5 bed mcmansion with 10 acres of land for $100,000, find a qt southern wife and raise 3-4 children and have a dog and make weekly trips to walmart for GROCERY shopping

instead I'm stuck on this rainy island where a cuckshed costs £1 million and salaries haven't increased in 20 years, ah yes
how would you make money tho

How many of these are there?
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I just want a decent looking bf, chileans are ugly as fuck with shitty personality traits

Can you understand why do I ask for an anglo bf every single day?

Pic related, 90% of the time chileans look like this, not cherrypicking
Piss off yankboo
Ohio is midwestern as has the worst weather and landscape combo of anywhere in the US. At least other cold areas have pretty vistas.
Raining hard outside, torn between feeling comfortable and feeling put out
dont understand why the firewoman is there
Can't be bothered checking to see if anyone already posted this but

I run several online businesses lad, I make more than most wagies sat at home pissing in my bottles

I just said a random state, could be anywhere

honestly the UK has gone down the shitter, the ONLY reason i'm still here is friends and family
maybe you're not gay

a gay guy would be able to find one of them sexy
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Or this
love petting medium sized animals
hate ready salted crisps

simple as
So leave then
You're going to be in for a sore shock if you think the US of all places is your great escape
>I run several online businesses lad, I make more than most wagies sat at home pissing in my bottles
shan't be believing this without proofs
gone from drinking no caffeine to drinking 4-5 cups of strong black coffee a day

"it's not a drug it's a drink" they said
Imagine how amazing America would become if Trump relaxed immigration rules for skilled, white Europeans.
you'd never get in
No one of them is even close to 5/10
al rook same
i would actually. could emigrate to most countries if i wanted.
>the gay virgin standards
You've got fucked standards mate
#3, 9, 11 from left to right are all decent looking and appear in shape.
Yeah and now add a shitty actitude and envy when their peers do well
you're fucked in the head if you think people here are better looking, especially benders
>decide to make emigration my one goal in life
>get rejected from university again
Doing an amphetamine, just one mind you
>man moves to another country to make same mistakes all over again somewhere warmer
what a great plan
Emigrate to somewhere third world with no standards

Like what that nonce did
the UK is ok. its just the houses here. fuck me such shitty quality, size and price.
i don't really mind my mistakes (except fucking up with university, naturally.) - i just don't like living here.

tempting but that might mean learning a foreign language.
which really i ought to do, now that i have absolutely no direction whatsoever because i can't resist using the minimum number of baskets to carry the maximum number of eggs.
I already spoofed london pretty much every guy was decent looking and not an uppity fuck. The gap on looks and actitude is to fucking big ,this applies to pretty much every euro country
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move here

no need to learn another language
I don't belize it
not without a degree :^)

They are not even average
a comfy town in Washington or Oregon would be lovely.
How do you rate your looks out of 10?
Post ur face
well fuck if thats the case im moving to Chile tomorrow. your women must be absolutely fucking banging.
Shut up nonce
A five, friends think im an 7-8 but they are probably just being polite or lying


>posting your face on 4chan
Yeah first degree sexual assault
*waves my certificate of higher education at you*
When's dole day lad?
Chilean girls are okay, just avoid the trashy and the rich ones, if you look white they will want you as a trophy, not a person
Feel like romeooo

Moncler coat when it's cooold
request a new
good morning everyone except white people
my job is so important i have to complete a DBS check before i start.
how is chile so nice compared to its neighbours yet also the least white?

99% of chileans have amerindian admixture
Cocaine in my throat that my nose drip down

If you're so educated then call the king a bender you fucking bent nonce twat
I want to know when you get your JSA first
would be nice to read the news and not see multiple articles detailing more crimes by muslims in this country.
Because pinochet, not memeing
got a very interested post lined up, but in order to maximise my (You) count, I won't be making the post until the new thread reaches between 80 and 120 posts
you can go without a degree, just expect things to be really shitty and don't expect anything better than a hostel with a bunch of bacpackers
I'm not on the dole nonce, now call the king a bender or don't reply to me

But you won't as usual, too fucking scared, literally QUAKING in your little noncey boots
Faith is gullibility.
new thread u fucking dicks
Do you need a work permit to rent there or something?
*opens paper*
Ah whats in the news today?

>X slams "disgusting" remarks made by Y

>concerns have been raised by A about diversity in B

> E has spoken out about about F in G

fucking X, they'll never learn
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