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/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends

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Thread replies: 129
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Cracker Barrel™ edition
>turkish is not so hard
reminder that turkish is in the same family as finnish.
and good god is finnish hard.
Alot of the rules are similar

also yeah english is really easy.
I just understood how god damn easy it was when i started learning german and french
>cant speak either
school is a joke young kids should work
Racist name
Debate time: Was Ataturk responsible for genocide?
only thing hard about turkish is it's not like english at all
he wasn't even in power at that point tho, he was killing Strayans at Gallipoli.
not responsible per se.
But he did continue, then again he kinda had to though
i mean, not only did the ''genocide'' had started many years before the republic, even before the young turks, but the current state of the republic was very poor and shaky and the caucassian mountains /eastern turkey back then was a hellhole as everybody was killing eachother.

you should read up general harbourt's commission on eastern turkey during ww1 to get a better understanding of the situation and why noone acknowledges anything over the blood spilled by both sides

>fighting the italians in libya
Talking about this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_genocide
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can't be a genocide if the people you're killing are genetically the same as you
>greek genocides
greek bastards have nothing to defend to after what they have done to the minorities in their lands
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>Cracker Barrel™

ill have the chicken and dumplings with two sides of mac and cheese, thank you very much
God bless cold nutella and freezing milk
respect authority tbqh
i just realized i turn into ikibey when i start talking about alamacı's and anatolians
It happens. I sound like an autist when talking about Californians.
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feasgar math /Dixie/
fack yer madır aswell m8
are you from the south or using a vpn or what?
Fuck Trump and white people
why did me being an actual turk didnt cross your mind?
Would be weird if a southerner were to talk about anatolians wouldnt it?
I suppose. just wondering...
>just wondering...
Im turk desu
Havin' a grill lads
Same bud
not a fan
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States are good
Why would anyone want to watch Game of Thrones in the first place?
it was good for like a season
Any Georgians here? Are you a Kanye fan?
honestly think most of this board is so new that it doesn't know how to sage anymore
*Caucasian Barrel
RIP all fieldsposting
even making sage invisible was a big fat mistake. Moot and Gookmoot are a mess.
I know at least one person who's gone to another house (which gets HBO) for a few hours tonight, just because of GoT.
Me? Ain't watched a minute of it.
Gookmoot was the nail in the coffin for this place

It's full of nigs though.
where? Usually it's just full of old people and Yankee tourists. Nigs go to Waffle House and IHOP.
Texas here. Can confirm that Houstonian niggers do really like the cracker barrel
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nowhere is safe
Their chicken and dumplings aren't good anyway.
Washington advocated for a death penalty for gays.
>chicken and dumplings
Dry as fuck
To shitpost on /tv/ about how bad it's been since season 2 ended
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>Dry as fuck

how are they dry

its a stew senpai the dumplings are suspended in liquid
idk, the one time I had it they managed to make it dry. I heard the roast is ass too
roast is meh

honestly for cracker barrel you gotta go early on the lunch shift or early on dinner or you get shit thats been sitting there for a few hours
I usually get the fish or chicken or something like that
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what's a reliable but cheap starter peashooter if I just want to dick around at the range on weekends?

t. not concerned about self-defence in my area but want to be a gun owner
I have a Shit & Wessen
Think I might have found an ENB for NV that doesn't look like ass
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Ah yes shitstanbul
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>Arsetanbul is overpopu-
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How hot are we talking?
He looks like Are Koksal lel
30 celcius
But feels like 35


Very average during summer desu.
Everyone is tan right now.
>France making hip thrusting gestures across the Pyrennes
hmm, yes... HOWEVER
Move aside, old man. 4chan is a young man's game
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wake up /dixie/
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Had stroganof for the first time.
Eating it made me happy
no lol
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not you, the quality posters
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I guess I'll start spamming anime then
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top notch beefy gravy pasta

go right ahead

never bothered me
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>never bothered me
I bet the Estonian and the Russian roleplayers do
What does it feel like to have an ethnic homeland? I feel like people take this for granted. Always having somewhere to "return" full of people who came up the same as you and can relate to you and see themselves in you (at least more so than people of other ethnicities). Having some ongoing way of life, a shared history, and culture to defend and contribute to. Seems like American society collectively decided minorities are entitled to that, but despises and does everything to undermine the idea that white Americans are.
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>I bet the Estonian and the Russian roleplayers do

idk what you're talking about

those are real 2d grills posting on our vietnamese punji tutorial forum
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i bet it feels comfy
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>despises and does everything to undermine the idea that white Americans are
That's the point. You can't be American if you're European
Drunk or actual autism?
Im going home and immedietly learn how to make stroganoff
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>my late grand-uncle and grand-aunt lived in van buren, arkansas
not quite sure how to feel about this, i thought my american side were all yanks...
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van buren is a nice town, and you should feel PROUD he's a southron and not stinky dumb yankee scum
Who "really" wants to be a European?
I don't think Blacks dream about Africa as some paradise, or Asians as Japan/Korea/China being any better than America (Excluding weebs)
>american side
They should have been shot when they tried to go back to Y*rop

It's against the American way
>I don't think Blacks dream about Africa as some paradise

they do

most of them don't realize that the majority of african nations got btfo harder in post-colonialism than during colonial times because they aren't capable of keeping up the nation's infrastructure
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Nice lol
>Albion will never uplift the blacks and teach them to be human
>there will never be a technological and economic superpower in British Africa
Feels bad
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>in a matter of years
>98% of white Americans are still as European as their ancestors were 400 years ago
I'd be afraid of these people if they weren't so delusional
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racemixing is a meme

it happens but its not near as prevalent as the (((media))) makes it out to be
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Why didn't the people of Vivec just believe Baar Dau away

It's just a dream lol
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because vivec was a fuck lel

>Vivec allowed it to remain looming above the city so that if its people ever ceased to love him, the rock would fall and destroy them.

>Early in the Fourth Era, after the disappearance of Vivec, the magic keeping Baar Dau afloat began to weaken. Two Dunmer, Sul and Vuhon, created an ingenium, a soul-powered device which supported the rock. It was created by making a pact with Clavicus Vile, who had a penchant for souls. Hundreds of captured souls were needed to run the machine, but eventually living people were used. Only the people with the strongest souls were sacrificed. Ilzheven, Sul's love, was sacrificed by Vuhon, and the ingenium was destroyed when Sul attempted to rescue her. In 4E 5, without anything holding it up, Baar Dau resumed its long-delayed fall, returning to the momentum it had before being halted. This obliterated the city of Vivec, leaving a crater which would become Scathing Bay. In turn, the impact created tsunamis which ravaged mainland Morrowind and caused Red Mountain to erupt, devastating Vvardenfell. The disaster of the Red Year effectively ended the ascendancy of the Tribunal Temple and the mainstream worship of the Tribunal as gods.
Vivec was a fucking tool lmao
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>i stopped and put this meteor here so you'll remember to love me uh oh time to go have fun with the meteor kthxbai
>I'm going to fuck something weird
Should be happiness lel
I'm not saying Europe is the white American homeland. The concept of actual white ethnicity is offensive in this country because any idea of something which is purely ethnically your own, as a white American, is considered racist. The same isn't true for minorities. To move into a black neighborhood would be considered gentrification because you'd be replacing THEIR culture which implies an unspoken right to some kind of ethnic self determination, which is basically what I'm saying - White's have no right within this country to ethnic self determination. Whites have a right to ethnic identity in name only.

Why are we the only ones committed to this American value of Individualism?
Don't really give a shit bud, go bitch on /pol/
Don't really care that you don't. Nothing I said was racist or off topic.
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Hello buds
>bitching about "whites" not having a right to ethnic self determination
>in a general about the South
>not off topic

hey bud
Hows your day been?
I'm a Southerner. I'm commenting on the state of the culture. Fuck off, yank.
Howlin for some barrel right now

been years since I had it last

I'd rather fuck you owo
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>Wah wah the conglomeration of various ethnic Europeans into a redundant group doesn't have a unified (((identity)))
>Wah wah why can't us "whites" be special too

>Listen to my identitarian drivel please
>No it's not off topic because Dixie is the heartland of the American white :^)
piss off nigger
He's a Moor sweaty :)
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umad penislvania
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>go to chicken joint for a box
>come back and it got stormfaggy

take that shit to /dixiepol/
every black man in the country should be contained in arkansas
When are you moving?
every g*rman in the country should be contained in pennsylvania
It's time to kill the gays.
G*rmocaust when
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Thank God I'm not gay
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we'll tell you right after you shower, right this way herr conway
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>conway doesn't want to shower with dozens of men

whyever not?
Because I like being in the shower long enough to enjoy it ;)
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>This season was clearly written to adhere to the Hillary timeline
Why are these Jewish tears so sweet
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got a 98 on my communication exam, y'all

also r8 my captcha
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because their victories are so insufferable


>alle rebel

yee YEE
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thanks bud

what would that be?
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>implying any of this is wrong
>the 13th Doctor is a woman
Glad I stopped watching this shit when Matt Smith died
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it was decent, but it went downhill fucking fast

>turning a solid time travelling scifi series into a social justice vehicle
Honestly want them to kill the show and reveal the name but it's probably some bullshit like "hope" because they can't come up with anything epic enough
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I bet the jews did this
>Windows 10
Filed under shit that doesn't matter

Might just make the jump to leenux if I have to buy a new computer
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