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Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 38

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αλμπανια edition

old >>77275714
I don't even need to ask
why does he fuck a male goat, makes no sense
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expecting albania to make any sense
my oc was better

his teeth although crooked were white and his hat covered his head completely he didn't have that chernobyl mutant thing growing out of his scalp
what cloud are you guys using?
I'm using mega because it gives 50gb free

any other suggestions?
>implying species barrier stops greeks from being homosexuals
>shqiptar delusions
I don't even need to ask
mi parlare italiano perfetto

comesta mi balkani bambini? tu capisci italiani?
The man was a bit older older, his pants were full of greasy stains. He spoke Greek but Mohammed still knew what he wanted."No" replied the boy and his voice broke, his eyes filled with tears. But the man did not quit:"Come i will feed you and i will pay you" Mohammed fastened his steps. The man sat on the bench and waited, sooner or later another boy will come along.The Victoria square in the center Athens has been the gathering of refugees for the past two months but more and more often a place where older men pay young refugees for sexual service.Mohammed is not that far yet but he made a remark about how it is only a matter of time before he will go to men. "When i will spend that money i wont have any other choice but to do what others do" he whispered. "What else can i do? I do not have a roof over my head or food" He then bursted into tears.
alcune cose, ma capisco meglio che parlo
Merhaba pastagyaur, I claim Latium,Apullia and Sicily, the rest I leave to arkandash Rezakoglu, expect to pay jiyza and devshirme within a fortnight
that's called a brainlet

this shqip has a kalpaklet on his brainlet

thanks for dissing my OC
Ahmad is also from Afganistan but he already did what Mohammed is so afraid of.He had only 15 years when he left Khadahar two years ago.He is the oldest of the 7 children, his father sold a piece of land to pay the smugglers the path to Turkey.Ahmads plan was to go to Great Britain or Germany found a job and send money to his family.But instead of that he is selling himself in the Athens.

>"I have been doing this for a year and a half" admitted the slim boy with a voice and speech pattern of adult."Life is hard and it forces you to do the things you did not wish to do" I had three choices he explained. To sell drugs, to join the smugglers or to prostitute himself.He chose the latter.
what do I get, kuffar?
>shqiptar delusions
I don't even need to ask
Places blessed with melanin, good for true believers like me

Do I even need to ask?
You don't get it
gypsies fight only in big numbers https://youtu.be/iiTE3tfe7qM
In this video he insults the jews by calling them worms

he also mentions Hitler didn't kill 6 million jews not even 600.000

he also spits at the statue which is in memory of the holocaust
he looks vaguely like that Russian who went to Mexico and got BTFO'd
Imagine being this buttblasted
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he was correct
europe 1450

wheres greece here? i thought greece has been around for 2000+ years
>he has a minimum paid job and works his ass off all day
>he doesn't know about UBI
Imma keep NEETin' until the right time arrives, wagecu*ks.
Well he's an Afghan so getting fucked in the ass is probably what he knew best.

Some memes just write themselves.

>balkans getting ubi anytime this century



my father is rich
More like +3000 years, dumbo.
what is UBI?
>he doesn't know that bitcoin will dump to $1000 over the next 2 weeks and be worth $4000 by the end of the year

baka tbx f a m

universal basic income

also known as neet wetdream where the gubbamint gives you """""living wage""""""" for sitting on your ass and doingn othing
It will never happen here LMAO

this, desu
also everything ending in .NET, ruby and Pascal-tier bullshit like Delphi


my opinion is biased. It's basically:
>power gap
>all these PHP and Python tier shits that are great for learning programming (excluding ASP because ASP is literal shit)
>huge power gap
>not knowing any programing language
>C#, any .NET faggotory and J*VA
Good luck with that shit. Switzerland rejected it. Finland has a "test" period where they give money to "random" people (aka rapefugees).

Chances are slim that this shit will happen in Europe in our lifetimes, let alone on the fucking Balkans. And if it did, it'd probably be some pathetic nigger amount like 50 euros a month.
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Well, fuck you

i doubt it will ever happen anywhere, so no worries
80 shqiptard btfo
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ku jeni shqipe
It might, if the next president of Germoney and their entire cabinet are redditors. Also if the EU survives until then.
i know
he is based

I also made this thread at pol so we can discuss about it
It shouldn't
Nese ndonj gje, ne duhet ti japim lek shqiptareve per te bere me tepr kalamaj( jo gabeleve, po shqiptarve)
Real programmers needs only a magnetized needle and a steady hand, xpozed.
would be better with his original fucked up teeth deh-soo

now he just looks hot
>he thinks lord nazi russo got BTFO
>tatar delusions

it will have to happen when automation surpasses human workforce
I don't even need to ask
>it will have to happen when automation surpasses human workforce

it's already happening


>The White House, in a report to Congress, has put the probability at 83% that a worker making less than $20 an hour in 2010 will eventually lose their job to a machine. Even workers making as much as $40 an hour face odds of 31 percent.[54]

trades cucks BTFO
You don't get it you dumb fucking shqip, stop stealing catchphrases like you steal wallets
I don't even need to ask/check
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>all those dubs
kek, good thing i chose graphic design and can charge 100/h ez
>implying a bot won't be able to do ur job better than you by analyzing normie trends for a few hours
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use this next thread
also r8
how many albanians died in the holocaust?
I don't even need to ask
that already happens and it's been happening since 2010, big companies prefer human ideas for some reasons and obviously not everyone knows about that stuff since it's internet oriented and only the companies that built the machines promote it, literally nobody else
paint some abs and some muay thai equipment too
suck dick much?
I don't arvanite to tosk.
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this guy approves your opinion
fuck albanian bitches everydayyyyyyyyy boiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
there's no equipment, you'd want to make the mongkol (a thing that you wear on the head) and the khan (armband)
9/10 because i don't support GD autists
I don't even need to ask
Do I need to ask?
You don't even know the question
at this point you have to ask
no I don't, the answer is already there
Une jam lodhur. Jam lodhur gjithe diten duke pare keto gjera koti qe nxirrni. A nuk mendoni se ka me teper? A nuk mendoni se duhet te beni dicka me te mire? Dilni jashte! BENI DICKA PER ATE ZOT. Thjesht edhe thjesht per ca ne dite. Thjesht edhe sa per nje shetitje te vogel rreth lagjes. A del te blesh buken? A del te hedhesh pleherat? Ndaloni tani, edhe, thjesht cohuni dhe hidhni pleherat, ose thjesht dilni jashte. Cfare mendoni se zgjidhni duke ndenjur ketu? Cfare? Epo jua them une cfare...ASGJE!!! JU NUK MERRNI ASGJE TE RENDESIDHME DUKE NDENJUR KAQ GJATE KETU.
Kur ka qene koha me e afert qe ju keni ndenjtur jashte me shume se brenda? KUR?? A nuk e merrni vesh se thjesht po shkaterroni veten. Une e kam kuptuar, ja pse une nuk rri ketu me teper se 4 ore. Dhe besoj se dita-dites do rri dhe me pak. Sepse nuk ka ndonje gje terheqese ketu. Sepse nuk ka asgje qesharake ketu. A e mendoni se disa njerez rrine ketu vetem per hir te namit te vendit te tyre? SHKATERROJNE JETEN E TYRE, thjesht per te mbrojtur vendin e tyre ketu. Epo po ju them dicka! VENDI JUAJ JU DO JASHTE, JO TE MBYLLUR KETU!!!
jqjdjdjdqwJJQ hxhxhchchzhchzh2hqhqqkjqk
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btw, the IT discord is still here: https://discord.gg/ZzaWJFB

in case you aren't a terrible memester and have interest in computer science.
I'll join when you stop coding in python
i code in C and ASM, you cunt
I'm too good for pythonplebs like you
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>i code in C and ASM
*I hide my insecurities about writing in python so I mention languages I have no idea in
Nice try, Xpozed
your b8s are getting worse, desu
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you're crying right now
no, not really
i'm surprised you put such effort into this pointless shit, like copying my reaction images and filenames
you sure have a lot of free time on your hands, la
consider investing it in something more productive than shitposting
>consider investing your free time in something more productive than shitposting
nem tudom roman
where is the shit in my post, tho?
i literally have 2 posts for today and both are srs bzns
ma parla come magni burino
egzpouzd, want to unify?
what'd you mean?
One people, seven states, all that mumbo jumbo
Now that the dust has settled
who won?
In theory would be good in practice will be a complete disaster, so i guess not.
We split apart 25 years ago and uniting as a single state now would be autistic as fuck.
I don't mind you joining the EU, tho
my dick in your mom
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You lack vision Xpzd
you wanna fuck a 55 y old fat woman?
nah, i'm actually a realist, rather than a underage
Resist if you must xpodz, in the end we all serve the Baselious.
He was your ass,, because he's Greek in heart
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What does /balk/ think of this place?
reminds me of nkreis desu
used to be great
now it isn't great

>30% of roach's vocabulary is farsi loanwords
>food and islamic traditions they took while crossing Iran
>most of roaches today have genetically Iranian heritage

Basically a cunt which indirectly heavily influenced these lands via Mehmet.
who's more balkan, balkan or caucasus?

>most of roaches today have genetically Iranian heritage

not really

most turks are anatolian/balkan with some caucasus mix
tell your mom to show me her iranian flag
i want to genocide gypsies if i have to be honest with you, guys
where is the BBC poster lads
I have some greeks here who are horny
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why am i doing this to myself?
just good ol Drive
I only use it for small documents tho so 15 GB is more than enough
>30% of roach's vocabulary is farsi loanwords

thats wrong tho
>not openbsd

why xpozed
please do
merkel wouldn't be very happy if you did that, she loves nonwhites
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i'm a savage
Veni a shkrum noshi ta kum reqim
what are you doing anyways? why are you bothering with anything bsd
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Orthodog brothers

I've saved the daco-thracian world from gayreeks and scythians, but now r*mans are enroaching from the west. They conquered our musleman analbanian and bosniak neighbors. Should I save them as well?
I don't

I'm orthodog like you, Iki
ruining my life and wasting my time, desu
death to christians and victory to icCclam
im Arvanite
Arvanites are Greek
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Albanians, they are a white race.
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date and place faggot

germans are albanian
is there an unbias account of the yugoslav wars? the two docs i found were the bbc one and weight of chains, both polar opposites. one says serbs fucked everything up and wanted to kill all muslims, the other says american jews intentionally killed yugoslavia
xanthi mosque at midnight

What was the Jewish benefit for destroying Yugoslavia though? I mean they were a non-factor for the west since tito died and they were already in a decline.
NATO and Alija fucked Yugoslavia up so it's kinda true, yes the Serbs wanted to kill all muslims (at the end killed around 15-20 thousands, still better than nothing).
Post ID+timestamp so i know who to look for.
No, when did it happen you autist
I like the athens mosque better anyway

they crashed the economy and bought out all the businesses at extremely low rates, amongst other things i think

standard jewery, there's always profit to be had in chaos and there's always a longnose to be trifling in it

soros also produced the bbc doc apparently so there's some weird shit going on with it
>the other says american jews intentionally killed yugoslavia

what? no it doesn't. it says Milosevic and Tudjman fooled both their nations into war for personal enrichment.
date of what
The economy was already crashed. Like all socialist paradises, they had to borrow a shitton of money from the IMF to uphold their lofty ideals and then couldn't pay it back, so the economy collapsed after Tito died and after Slovenia noped out, since that's where a huge chunk of the industry was.

the beginning accuses US and 'international banking elite' of crashing their economy intentionally to buy up businesses

it's probably a half truth but i just watched it, there's multiple reasons for the yugoslav wars of course, but the BBC one blames the serbs for everything entirely, to the point of utter ridiculousness


yeah i figure that's probably not an entire truth. supposedly they had an agreement in the first place to actually switch to a free market economy. but that's what i mean anyway, weight of chains is ultra pro socialist and serb propaganda as opposed to the bbc one being anti serb
So why are you such a microshit babby?
First part of weight of chains is somewhat butthurt on the serb part, second part is the real nutcracker. tl;dr the EU offered to pay Yugoslavias deps and offered more development money if Yugoslavia joined the EU as a whole, they refused.
literally what?
you hate everything about ms development yet it's your primary os
>hate on shit languages
you realize that C and Assembly are both 100% Microshit compatible, right?
lol you fucking autist, do you think i post the serb and greek volunteer brigade without context? give me the date PUSSY
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>the EU offered to pay Yugoslavias deps and offered more development money if Yugoslavia joined the EU as a whole
Vardar Skupi 4-2 FC Blacked (Malmo)
Macedonian teams eleminates someone in the Champions league... Next thing you know the Earth shaw split
Vardar Skopje > Ludogypsies + all tatar teams
what is terrys IQ
>in neighborhood barber shop
>and, school already on vacation?
>30 min later in supermarket at the desk
>do you have rebate card?
>the one after me:
>lets give the young boy a rebate card
>gives me hers
Tfw im 29
I sincerely believe he is too intelligent for conventional methodology. He far surpasses average humans in terms of intelligence.
deeba, postni snimka, i mene edin put mi iskaha lichna karta da kupq alkohol ot supermarketa
>balk is full of low test betas
Who would've thunk.
That explains the low quality posting actually.
baby face
What is that smell?
It is the smell of estrogen emanating from your smelly low test numale beta boypussy.
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>tfw didn't pay the monthly jizya
Who here /Kuffar/?
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me me
>pays church tax
Very nice

theres no redpilled version of yugoslavia

through a coup in montenegro and stripping vojvodina and kosovo of their autonomy they added 3 government votes to their one vote with sr serbia, in other words serbs alone contained half of all votes for elections and exerted immense power in the government

why do this? because serbs tried to create a vehicle for greater serbia like they always do
Greater "X" is the history of all balkan states
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actually the final redpill to take away from yugoslavia is that serbs are conniving rodents that will backstab anyone and steal anything they possibly can to realize their miserable ambitions that they've had several times already yet ended up complete failures

solution? pest control
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Remember in Mw2, when the nuke was called everyone died
>insert any balkan country delusions
no balkan ethnicity has committed anywhere close the sheer backstabbing and general kikery that serbs have

seriously, 4th reich when
iki is so easy to anger
>tatar delusions
kush i ka pa kto
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Guess who's getting SOUVLAKI'D
Your anus by a Swedish transsexual?
scouser subhuman
>quotes a post from 4 hours ago
la with special needs, everybody
be gentle with this la
Nothing wrong with a feminine penis desu
Good evening gyaurcheta
ke te tepam dushmanino
Why do you hate albanians
plz no harm Sword of Islam
Success breeds jealousy
Everyone hates a successful surgeon
shut up ralph
literally who?
Tove Lo?
>pop music
just droping in to say that I hate albanians
shoo gypsy shoo
eat my dick muzzie
I just scrolled the thread faggot, don't be this buttblasted over everything.
Fucking paok fans I swear
fuck off gypsie
>m-muh dick
Lmao @ e dyta
get stabbed by a gipsi you dirty rumuni

40 kg siptars
how do you know the weight of my dicc
I will DESTROY you nkriik
samefag 160 cm manlet
how do you know the height of my dicc
Im not him you syrian boy fucking 130 kg grec
t. xpozed
Bumping for нoж + жицa
behind every 12 zerglings is an ultralisk. be careful who you pick a fight with malaka, or a gheg malok will descend on you
>the final redpill to take away from yugoslavia

The final redpill is that you (Albanians) shouldn't exist because you can't exist without foreign intervention. That is natural order.
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"If I win I win for all our people. If I lose, I lose only myself."

Happy belated 180th, hero. You will never be forgotten.
>tfw Greece should have had Northern Epirus

>tfw our WW1 "shitalian" allies boycotted it and forced it to secede to Albania
Good morning faggots hows it going
>newfag with a trip
kill yourself
Seriously bitch ass nigger gayreek

I predate balkan you mother fucking piece of shit i will shit diarrea all over your sister after i fuck her so i mark her to the indians as a target for their next rape
>newfag with a trip AND with an attitude
learn your place faggot
Hehehe nice bait on the king malaka
You got me :^)
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New photo to meme it m8

Make a dank meme

When we unite balk and make an empire m8
When we kill all the tatar savages
you look greek
Post it here, maybe we'll get a high quality Sashko pepe
No greeks look like me

Northen greece aka greek macedonia unites with vardar macedonia we also take pirin from tatars and make a phalanx than we go and conquer the world
you look like you'd be the son of this greek professor I had in college. so either he looks macedonian or you look greek

You can't be Sashko. No

Not unless you post your albanian legend of a friend
no difference
we Macedonians raped all the Greeks when Alexander conquered them :))))
Man i hardly hang with shipo
Guys masons see me as god kek
Hey do you speak avarites language
Very, very few words sadly. And it's arvanite, not avarite/arabite/bassarabite
>Rothschilds bow to Sashko
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control Macedonia with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line of Alexander
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Pella will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Janev babies
>said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with him
>He owns Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Sashkobots inside you right now
>Stefan is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Sashko bunker in Wilkes land?
>He learned fluent Macedonian in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with Sashko. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Fyrom
>He is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know his ultimate plans yet. We hope he is a benevolent being.
Пoклoн, Aпocтoлe!
Sashko once ruled /balk/, taming gayreeks smerdians and tatars all at once

Then, he vanished and lost his throne to Stevcho D., Bjurmbey and Xpozed
Hahahahahhahahahaha i love this hahahahhaahha

Dude i would give my dauther to you
Is she a qt?
Nope i am real sashko m8

Cia knows ask them im seriouse
Not born yet m8
ok I'll wait
kalimera mpalk, why is Greece so shit?
Debt sadly but with help we can fix you guys
Post girls from your Facebook, fake anticki King
I became kinda antisocial because of you guys
Who did this to you???
I'll kill him
Come on, don't bullshit us. Where's that qt who dated Americans?

what has the world come to? you no longer control kapishtec with an iron, but fair fist?
I cant trust any of these faggots m8

They can be paid to poision me again

I was once poisioned by the macedonian secret police a year and a half ago
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Leave Gruyos to me
>tfw majority of your friends left to work abroad
Not antisocial alot just a little

By the way we gonna bring down the government again kek m8

If you wanna be a part of it tell me

We gonna get money from vmro shits and meet putin

Cia stay back ffs let me do what i know and bow to god

Ps u know me
Bulgaria is not abroad :^)
Oh and fucking zaev better legalize weed and prostitution

There is no love people wake up and fuck whores

And pay inteligent ladies to have your baby and raise it like a god damn roman emperor
Why are you up so early in the morning during summer
It doesn't make any sense
Is this true?
we must shill our own memes lads

back to /h*ll/ cypridditor
Skase kai pes mou
because unholy evil prophets rise; fire is raining from the endless skies; can you hear the final thunder roaring - napalm in the morning


btw, good morning redditors
Hell shouldnt exist we should all be here in one place i mean u can have if you guys want to its not me controling over you

But its best for good discussion if we are all together

Ps lets not be lazy and bring down governments in our countries get money from the political parties and soros

Also we shouldnt be left or right we need to be the centar
/hell/ is a newfag infested cancer shithole anyway
It existed when tatars got all antsy, so it shouldn't exist now
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King of /balk/, reign supreme
Macedonian Emperor, tatars scream
I love it

Made my cover pic
you are the reason why its shit you albanian subhuman
I said /hell/
not /hell/enic/Orthodox General, those ones are based
Abe brat koj si
youre getting fat
I wish i started working out but stoped now will start again have some issues
haide haide romania
Hope all turns out ok
>from Transylvania to Pennsylvania
btw the gyp looks like Azis
>sashko having grey hair
Time goes by
I know right that rhyme
Daily reminder that this is how Bulgarians must have felt in BW2 against the betraying combined forces of the Ottomans, Greeks and Serbs, facing the allies with passion and love to fight off their muslimic tyranny.

Daily reminder that this is how Bulgaria felt when they finally allied with their Turkish brothers

Yeah i have gray hair since early age
t. grandgrandfather burned orthodox villages to make room for their turkish allies
t. great-grandfather allied with the Turks to kill Orthodox civilians
Forget about the backstabbers and their turk friends, we had a 2:1 KDR against those pussies anyways. It doesn't matter, we will finally return what is ours on August 2nd.
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>t. is a turk, literal turk genes
>t. allied with turks after Bulgaria gave the most blood by far to free their land
>t. Bankruptios
you have no honor, and now you pay the price ;)
t.grandgrandfather used to scream allah be with us when burning orthodox villages to make it easier for his turkish brothers in arms to advance
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Preceeded by this.

I mean honestly, if I was a gayreek or smerdian, I don't know how I'd look at my self in the mirror. I'd prob just kms.
>be Retardia
>put all your army to the west in order to surprise attack two countries
>Turks who lost in the previous war notice that there's no army in the border
>Turks attack while the Bulgarian army is busy losing
t. country with a Turkish party
t. country with turkish outlook
t. damage control expert
>t. identical to turkey, but bankrupt
t. damage control expert
t. turkish damage control professional
Cease this crap immediatelly, I have questions.

Since cyrillic is the only alphabet in bulgaria, are foreign brands forced to write their names in cyrillic? Like, MaкДoнaлдc, and so on.
Get yourself educated on Greece and Serbia and their allies, the Turks. >>>77334889

No, they arent forced to do it yet, but a law has been passed recent weeks that they will be obliged to do it.
Before you do that, read this little part of history https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottoman%E2%80%93Bulgarian_alliance
Vojvodina isn't Balkan
Slovenia isn't Balkan
>Be Bankrupteece
>Ally with Turks and attack country that just gave MOST blood to free lands from Turks
>Lose soldiers at a rate of 2 to 1, but win the battle is it was a 5 on 1
>Fast forward a couple years
>Attack Turkey to regain former lands to try and be relevant again
>Fail miserably and get BTFO
>Realize this move was the reason Tsarigrad is not in Orthodox hands today
>Fast forward 100 years
>Ally with Turks
Where are the documents proving that we did?
Nobody says Balkans anymore dude. It's literally almost never used. It's the Western Balkans that are talked about now, as they are 20 years behind and still a powder keg.
Yes yes I know, I'm just a tourist from balkans here. But if bulgarians ask I'm overseering a shipment of russian cum for balkan russophiles.
Flagfag if you learn to promote like you bait youll make it
Good. Cyrillic is a Bulgarian creation and laws to protect it and make sure it is always dominant over latin are a good thing.
Avoiding my question? >>77335160
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when are you going to kill yourself, Stefcho?
Doing this after the most blood was given as seen here: >>77334926
If it wasn't for this stupidity,
1. No Macedonia to steal your history
2. Tsarigrad would be Orthodox, Western Turkey would be Greek.
Funny how things work out sometimes.
Cтeфчo пeдepaca
мaйкaтa cи джaca
cyтpин нa зaкycкa
двecтa кypa хpycкa


Stefcho the faggot
fuck his own mother
early in the morning
two hundred dicks he eats
The problem back in serbia is that both latin and cyrillic are recognized as ours, only difference being that cyrillic is compulsory for official documents and what not. This created two currents of thought, one that's afraid that cyrillic is going out of use, ao they sometimes use that fact for nationlist propaganda, and a reactionary current that's against it out of spite claiming that language is a living thing and that if people want to use latin more the state shouldn't mess with them.
Lmao, Xpozed, you still on here man? It seems like you never leave. You need to
1. Be a responsible dad and take care of your child
2. Be a good husband and show your wife some attention.

You aren't doing these things because you are on here 24/7. Take a break. Xpozed.
>Tsarigrad would be Orthodox
Bulgarian hands or Turkish hands or Russian hands literally makes no difference to me
>Western Turkey would be Greek
You don't know that
>No Macedonia to steal your history
Boo fucking hoo nobody cares

Defending ourselves after a surprise attack from a sovereign nation with no prior declaration of war? Wow, we're such fucking assholes, right?

btw you still didn't answer my question
Interesting. Bulgaria, having created Cyrillic, doesn't and I doubt will ever have this problem. It's too ingrained in our history and culture.
Whos stefco
wasn't the latin one compiled by a croat? did serbia ever use it before 1919?
First answer mine. Do you prefer Bankruptios or Mehmet's knob polisher?
Good job avoiding my question Mr. History Major
the retarded leaf
make sure you shit on his chubby ass faggot face occasionally
Once again, Xpozed, stop writing poems about me and become a man dude lol. You are on here NONSTOP kek. Go to the gym instead, your wife will be thankful. Or read your child a book.
I'm guessing he's referring to me, though I'm not quite sure as I think he has brain damage.

Either way, nice to meet you my brother.
don't worry about my wife, i'm giving "attention" to your gypsy mother so she can buy you the latest playstation

now, say thank you
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inferiority complex

you are jealous of Greeks
why do you copy me you albanian subhuman?
Bulgaria will never have this problem because latin isn't even recognized as a state alphabet.

Not sure of its origins, but as much as I know we didn't use it before yugoslavia, and it certainly wasn't wide spread until communist rule.

Some claims are true though, time passes and things change, even turks went from arabic to latin script. But god dammit I'd hate if our cyrillic becomes some kind of special alphabet only to be used by the government while everything else in latin.
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