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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 301
Thread images: 71

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Faith in the trenches edition
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ah yes the tolerant left damaging more property i see
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had a naughty dream last night lads
>20 early

*Uppercunts you*

/brit/ is a STRAIGHT general
its a long way to tipperary, its a long way back home
Had a dream last night that a jet2 plane crashed at my local airshow
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>calling an election 2 years early and getting thrashed

Remember Her? Try Not To Gasp When You See How She Looks Now
feel like we're living in an alternative timeline where Hitler lost
dont mind other political opinions but i hate how the lefties on /brit/ never shut the fuck up about politics
The Greatest Cheerleader Wardrobe Malfunctions
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extremely smug.png
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Who /ISTP/ here?

so tired
so tired
tomorrow i have to go to work
work of all places
i hate riding on the train
hate it
hate it
that's the only reason they are in /brit/

they are missionaries from letypol here to spread their retarded propaganda
Business idea: spreading your mum
Got that the last time I checked lad
politics are gay but politicians are great
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toil tomorrow
don't want to toil
shall toil regardless
>tfw fugly younghon
>tfw have to live vicariously through trans porn stars because they get to be fucked by hot guys while no guy will ever fuck me unless I pay them
You're part of the masterace, lad.
This is the choice you made

ah yes britain
>tfw I am trying to get an internship but I am too scared of talking to people
*Pozzes thee*
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fucking hell whitlam was a giant
and to think that scientists believe autogenyphillia is a made up illness

I'd say 50%+ of trans cases are incarnations of it
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NEED a yuzu gf
how does it feel knowing that if you never used the internet you would be a completely normal young male with no bullshit gender-related fantasies
I have wondered what it would be like to have a vag but didn't become a tranny over it like most mongs have

>a white holiday
>moms miserable
>complaining how much work they have to do over the holidays
>women #1 "I just want to enjoy Christmas this year" women #2 "you're a mom, mom's don't get to enjoy Christmas!"
>all of the moms are white
>message to white girls: don't have kids, it's a chore don't ya know!
>waxing vaginas: WHY DOES EVERYONE HAZ TO GET THEIR PUSSY WAXED ON CHRISTMAS? - audience erupts in laughter
>white mother with strong, good looking, Mexican man - he appears as the literal perfect father
>only white man in the trailer is getting his asshole waxed
>little girl takes about overhearing mother having sex and screaming really loud
>all of our history
>all of our traditions
>being shit on
>being mocked
nah... probably not, I'm over reacting.
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the best job i can hope for is a night shift janitor
She kinda looks like Lauren Mayberry
>vast jewish influence in the film industry, especially hollywood

it's almost as if... jews... have some dislike for christianity... a religion that persecuted them for thousands of years...

it's right wingers who continually moan about "degeneracy", modernist architecture, immigrants, muslims, darkies, leftypol, corbyn, the poor, refugees
we're just responding in kind
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Just got done with a wank to a funtari tifa giving it to yuffie and it's 4am

don't know how to feel about myself
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>Results provide clear evidence that GAMP men are not homosexual


Where were you when science confirmed that liking traps is not gay?
Google "Jews"
Why do tennis girls always have nipple boners?
hootin and a hollerin
had some fun on 2c-b so ordered some more

great entry level psychedelic
>a religion that persecuted

Someone actually typed that out.
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>ywn have a pint with harold
Drinks? Check.
No food? Check.
Random bird who decided to bring her problems and cries for the entire evening? Check.

Truly a recipe for the perfect house party.

there's actually an arcade in grimsby
did you think we just fucking made it up you spastic
his china trip is hilarious, he and his giant wife are at least two feet taller than all of them
brainlet detected
literally and unironically a virus
Zig and Zag? Big fan
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>nipple boners
You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger. How dare you reply to me
bore off leftypol you uninteresting trollop
kiss me
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>You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger. How dare you reply to me
socialism and communism? Big fan
Take a fucking shower you utter filth
>get kicked out of many different realms and kingdoms
>never your fault
just been
their most successful kid is 5'10


literally howling
dont careeeeeee
you watching that one with the unpronounceable eastern euro last names?
>implying anything is anyone's fault when free will doesn't exist
Alri lads I was doing a poo in Gatwick yesterday, now I'm in america. I thought the toilet thing was a meme but they really do have huge gaps between the toilet doors. Everyone could see me shitting. What's the fucking deal with that? Also my dick was dipping in the toilet water. I had to hold it up to stop it going in
Impressively tall wife desu. Always find myself leaning over to hear what women are saying.
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was at the gym earlier doing chest, saw a qt come in and started to do squats. she had a nice arse so naturally i was watching her in the mirror like any respectable semi-normie virgin would. eventually she caught me looking and smiled at me in the mirror. i'm on no fap right now you see, so my test is higher than usual so i decided to go up and chat to her. clearly she didn't mind as she started asking me for advice (i'm a pretty big guy), we got chatting and she asked me to spot her. i spotted a few sets and we kept on chatting, started thinking about how to ask her for her number. she said she wanted to try a 1RM so we loaded up like 80kg (it's a woman ok, not bad for a girl imo) and she manages to grind it out. i was very impressed and had a semi by this point and started to think about how to get her number. she decided to go up to 85 and as she unracked it i saw the weights slipping off, so i moved over to correct them. but then i tripped and ended up on the floor, the qt was spooked and it unbalanced her so she had to bail. imagine my delight when the plates came sliding off and the 20 came blasting down and pummeled my ballsack, absolutely obliterating my testicles.
corbyn is an odious freak
why so triggered lads
glad I read this post in its entirety
>chinese have a grain surplus
>let 36 million people die of starvation

yes, this nation will be a 'world power'
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strange, he looks like a big guy
had a gimmick idea; copying posts from /pol/ and reposting them here

went to /pol/ to try to find some suitable posts and literally couldnt believe the state of that board
People unironically talking about race wars being underway in Britain and Sweden, ridiculously contrived conspiracy theorising, cringey designated meme threads, endless discussion and quoting from Sargon of Akkad and his ilk, etc etc etc
i last visited maybe 3 years ago and it wasnt anything like as bad as this hahaha

WTF happened?
>jews get kicked out? it's the Jews' fault
>whites get kicked? it's the Jews' fault

noticing a coincidence
made it up x
Fucked my gf last night.
hello mr. noseberg
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tbf to Hawke he should get another 7" or so at least in pure alcohol.
why would you do this
go back to r eddit

are hawkey
/pol/ and reddit are basically the same thing by this point
*points at your feet*
dropped your foreskin collection lad
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t. /r/thedonald
I didn't realise that /pol/ was a lefty hugbox
One Breivik a month would cure Europe in a few years. The leftists would just quit from the fear, then the Muslims would be deported.

They despise Sargon you thick spacker
i'm a girl btw
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>we kek ass!
If you don't pray to God before going to sleep every night the merchant will sneak through your window and run off with your foreskin
wouldn't mind stuffing my fat cock in yer minge

giz us a kiss luv
joke's on him i sleep during the day and masturbate to furry inflation porn during the night
Business idea: Go to sleep now and wake up at an absurd hour
Then your opinion is automatically wrong and worthless
theyre both hugboxes
pol is a rightwing hugbox
reddit is probably 30% a rightwing hugbox and 70% a lefty hugbox depending one where you go in it

the posting content, style, and "culture" of /r/the_donald , /r/conspiracy or /r/europe is literally identical to that of /pol/

t. redditor
benny boy has stockholm syndrome for 4chan or something
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could someone explain what ben meant by this
how can you dox a public figure?
30%? Sure thing Leftypol, it's closer to 3
business idea: don't go to sleep at all and do the tuesday 9-5 in walking dead mode
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wetter than an 11 year old on saville's knee desu
and reddit shuts down those none lefty boards
isn't the_donald one of the biggest subs?
regrilled some left over 'za and garlic bread
race war memes were being made back in 2015, its not a new occurrence by any means
only a drumpfkin would be surprised about seeing them on /pol/

it's the biggest explicitly conservative one by a country mile though
Thinking of building a shrine to HITLER
no, alcoholic.
reminder it goes da da dada, da da
going to 4chan to talk about reddit? not a big fan
why would you build a shrine for a rothschild employee
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me too la
r8 the 'itler 'hrine lads
obviously not because i just listed some 4+ year old altright subs that are still around
the only """altright""" subreddits i can think of that got shut down were /r/beatingwomen (for obvious reasons haha) and /r/altright , which was banned because the mods stickied a doxx and actively told the admins they werent going to follow the sitewide no doxxing rule anymore

all the subs i listed are HUGE on reddit
NEED a gf who's also a bit of a perv 2bh
lol that;ll trigger the snowflakes!
now paddy i want you to focus very hard

i said i didnt see any of this stuff when i last visited, which was 3 years ago
its currently 2017
so that means i last visited in 2017 - 3 = 2014

2014 comes before 2015
women who are into other things besides missionary sex for the purpose of procreation with the lights off literally don't exist lad
need one to pee on me

At 8:41pm ET on 5/19/2017, Reddit Admins removed three The_Donald mods without warning. This was punishment for our refusal to comply to a special set of rules that were imposed only on this subreddit and prevented our members from fully enjoying reddit or our mods from defending users against harassment.

We are temporarily private in a show of strength against these unfair restrictions. Check back in at 12 am ET for more info.

The moderators of this subreddit have set it to private. You must be a moderator or approved submitter to visit.

they tried to get rid of the_donald by being sneaky jews
hmmmm would refute this desu
Great story lad
Collected a fair amount of (You)s so far lads
wish i was australian
*holds you upside down so your blood starts gushing to your head*
I've been thinking about giving this Tinder thing a try lads. But I'm sure I'll get anxiety & say something wrong in txt though.
why is /pol/ so obsessed with jews
I've only ever seen about 3 proper jews in my life, can't imagine having such strong feelings about them
*pokes you*

And you're one of them you little bastard Shlohmo
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>tell the admins youre going to ignore a set of rules that ALL the biggest political subs have to follow to avoid mass raiding
>upset when they punish you
literal children
Your fukin' mums gay ahaha x
Oi that was my willy you just poked
theresa may's fanny
The Last Of The Famous International Playbooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooys
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>T_D user blames reddit for deleting a popular post and receives several thousand upvotes. Later finds out that this post was actually removed by T_D mods. Complains and gets permabanned. Mods actively delete all mentions of their removing the post.
the goal
Ribs are still sore from when I fell off the bike over a week ago lads also need to take off my L plates since I already passed my bike test
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imagine being a grown man and engaging in reddit controversy

utter state
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>When asked specifically about his other reddit posts that consisted of racist, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic language and imagery, he answered, "I love people of all races, creeds and origins. One of my best friends is a homosexual and one of my best friends is Jewish and one of my best friends is Muslim."
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just imagine it.jpg
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species are social constructs
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Redrock Deli Chips.png
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Could really go for some of these right now lads.
fuck of globalist
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Anonymous 07/07/17(Fri)05:15:17 >>76895097â–¶>>76895159
key word there, retard
Settlers aren't immigrants.
don't quite understand your intentions with this post but enjoyed it nevertheless
Would it be cringe to have a red haired gf as a red haired male?
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How many of you brits who post on 4chan are on some kind of benefits?
Post to have a count
2 months today i turn 21 lol

hate being old
Do uni bennies count
I think you'll find most are on benefits of some sort if they're students
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nice try yank
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fuck off runt
just FUCK off
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abed for toil
10 months and I'll be 19

very grim
>use by the 9th
Fuck it, I'm having it, there's nothing else to eat
>have a ...gf as a red haired male?
Doesn't happen lmao ginger pubes
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Good day.
are you about on this weekend
related to that question do you like the twilight saga specifically twilight new moon
Thread theme song.

Chatting up an Irish bird lads
I have sunk to a new low
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in response to your first question, yes
as for the second, yes
ahh yes, smibbly bibblies
alphabay more like alphagay
The 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene confers an increased risk for shooting and stabbing behaviors.
pleb drug
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Good day.
we'll be wathcing that on fridy or satdy init usually round 9-10pm G.M.T init shall inform of what spesicfic day & time closer to the wekend ini t
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ah yes
They look the same
football innit
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Good post
but gore and murder videos should be illegal
i agree with the nonce
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going out for an exercise
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shouldve got the chicken legend
If I wanted to look at reddit I would go to reddit. I come to /brit/ instead of reddit so I don't have to read reddit

Go for a jog, fatty
See you in 5 min.
Not me. I am not bacon double cheeseburger, king chicken, medium fries and medium Fanta for £4.99. I am not any of those things at all.
i /chickensaladcosi'mnotafatcuntlikeyou/ tbph
Right wing: let's kill people
Left wing: let's help people
Centrist: let's be sensible here, we'll help some people and kill the rest
yes yes yes yes yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes heard it all before yes yes yes yes yes yes yes fine yes yes yes yes ok yes yes yes very well be seeing you
>cornish "trains"
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going through the whatsapp convo from the ex gf from start to finish (12 months)

miss her so much
Good day.
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I did
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>south devon railway
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I know that its sort of preaching to the choir on 4chan, but it's infuriating how a lot of other people are fine with Theresa May openly stating that she wants to heavily censor the internet and roll back human rights legislation to ensure "safety" but socialism is just too authoritarian.
Walked through my childhood area

Some rich guy flattened his mansion and decided to build some sort of batcave-type modern hillside house. Must look amazing inside
post yuzu you cunt
don't give a single iota of fucks about english politics
Imagine your poltical vocabulary coming from a socialist writer who fought in the spanish civil war, two trans jewish hollywood directors and cuckolding pornography

bit mad
Stop posting about politics

I'm not in /pol/ I dont give a fuck
chicken legend is dry and shit tbqh
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my dream job came up but I can't apply cause I'm white

fuck this fucking country
i dont know any yuzu but i do know a susan
how is this even fucking allowed
Send it to DM

They'll make a story on it and they'll eventually take down the job listing lel
>other people
this is why no one takes much notice of your opinion. you still believe you are part of an elite group of not "other" people.
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won a game of player unknown battlegrounds lads
honestly mate just send them everything and rock up to the interview anyway, nigger loving shitbuckets
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lol I'm quite annoyed by this haha

What about gays?
this lmao

what exactly did you expect? it's clear some sort of minority activism thing
shouldn't have been born white then should you have sweety xxx
Sending the story to Dennis the Menace as we speak
the job will be recruited for through other sources as well. that recruitment agency literally say they specifically exist for the purpose of promoting diversity in the creative industry, but there you are browsing their jobs anyway so you can whinge about it here you fucking spastic.
fuck off nigger
giggling at the rorkes responding to this without even knowing the context

how about you go through a normal talent agency you utter spacker
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Ah yes, right wing politics
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this is latex quality ligature font right here
>Creative Access is working to change the face of the creative industries, founded with the single purpose of providing young BAME people, paid training opportunities in creative companies and supporting them into full time employment.
starting an all white talent agency lads, there should be no issues with that at all
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sent an email off to the ol' government EEAS just doing a quick check to make sure

im sure >>77010004 is right though
>be white
>specifically search for jobs on a site that says they promote non-white recruitment to better reflect the ethnic makeup of the community they're recruiting in
>piss and moan about it on the internet
ah yes, you twat
fuck off nigger
Flirting with a bird called Chantelle.
A-am I normie yet
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*picks the biggest font*
*Font Size 21*

miss I did my essay
might advertise for a job at my company and specify that the position is for whites only

would I get arrested?
hate pakis
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>Is this allowed?
im surprised you're not writing how is this allowed
what the FUCK is this shite

can't STAND the french

Confirmed degenerate rorke. I'm surprised it wasn't yahoo
can a jewish person apply for a job that says nonwhites only?
how to do this? i also want to report this racism.
had a right think at this
They do look quite similar
i've been for a shit in gatwick, many times. no one can see through the doors, unless they laid on the floor and looked under. in which case, i'm fairly confident you'd notice
it's unclear at this time
Not if it fell within the relevant acts and their caveats, no. If it didn't, yes you may be prosecuted.
howling at the deluge of snivelling little rorkoids coming out of the woodwork
putting out my first job notice for my all white talent agency lads

gonna say something like "All roles advertised through Krazy Kool Kompany are only open to UK nationals from an anglo-saxon heritage."

any tweaks??
no fuck off
im not a rorke and i dont want some cringey altright tard to flood the government with their dumb agendapushing

im genuinely curious myself
you can fly to america from gatwick? WTF i love the southern powerhouse
did lsd now im an expert on the universe
hello nigger
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watch out lads leftypol discord is out in full force tonight
just want to help get rid of racism in our society. you a nazi or something?
alri Alan Watts

>autismoyank has bought a proxy
god help us all
*makes a speech*

what are stars?
After a hard day of work of course, unlike the scrounging jobless rorke!
Pro tip: just reject non-white candidates after interviews as not suitable. You can cite their personality if they make a thing out of it.

t. professional racist
hollywood blokes
A large amount of american girls are just different shades of brown. Cute but amazed at how non white America is
you will enjoy a mathematical paper entitled Jewish Problems i think

have a google for it
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unrionically playing roblox to learn Lua
>productions often force ethnic actors into stories where all characters are clearly white
>talent agency is allowed to hire based upon "realistic representations of britain" in terms of ethnic diversity

really activating my almonds lads
wait, so these guys are trying to stop every family on adverts being WF/BM and having more pakis than British people? sign me the fuck up
someone post it to the UK subreddit I want to watch them justify it
Wish Hitler didn't put up those camps. All he had to for genocide was start a casting bureau
>realistic representations of britain
to them they think this means realistic representations of the cities

outside of cities, britain is mostly a country of white communities
Just realised they say "preheat the oven to 200 degrees" because you turn the knob 200 degrees clockwise

thought it meant 200 dehrees fahrenheit or something
Holly Willobooby's husband is ugly af.
toil commences in 10 hours lads
>lets fight racism by being racist
bit of a chin scratcher 2bh
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For "faith in the trenches" edition I will leave this here.
Written by Canadian Harold Wood just before leaving for the war from which he would never return:

"Why should we fight" he asked me,
"'Cause England is at war?
Why are they fighting now, Dad,
What are they fighting for?
What does it mean to you, Dad,
To babes, and mum, and me?
The Germans won't come here
From away across the sea.
So why should you go there, Dad,
And leave us here to cry?
Is it cause England owns us?
Is that the reason why?"
His eyes look widely at me,
I tightly held my son,
And this is how I answered,
His questions one by one.

"We fight when England calls us,
For in her sacred keep
The ashes of our fathers
Lie in her soil asleep.
And many times for England
They fought that she'd be free,
And they are part of England,
And so, my son, are we.
And some may pass her by, lad,
And some may scorn her hand,
But we must be forever
A part of that fair land.
For everything we have son,
That's good and fine and just
Was washed in British blood
And given to us on trust.

"And we must keep that trust, son,
Against the force of greed.
And fight beside old England
Whenever she's in need.
And once again she's calling
Across the Empire wide,
And all her Empire answers:
"You'll find us at your side"
Oh yes, we're owned by England,
But we own England, too,
As you are part of me son,
And I am part of you"
so is she
mental innit? go look at your cooker, it has 90* at a 90* angle, 180* at a 180* angle
read this
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She's cute. shut the fuck up, paki
no thanks

ww1 was such a fuck up desu
doin a hitler

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dusting off a very old image for this lad
hate aussies
hate yanks
hate leafs
hate mexicans
hate germans
hate the french
hate italians
hate moors
hate russians
hate estonians
hate the polish
hate the swedish
hate norwegians
hate fins
hate chinks
hate japs
hate greeks
hate the dutch
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79KB, 553x599px
w-w-what bout uz
hate scots more than any other creature on earth
t. scot
hate scots, ESPECIALLY hate scots
same haha
also a scot
Lel it and its citations read like something from contemporary sociology.
It's a Bradley poster and other lefty redditors talk about reddit episode
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