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Thread replies: 295
Thread images: 57

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nig jig edition
Why do yanks always make the worst editions?
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whens the next /brit/ meetup then?
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don't like to see disabled people, but not in a eugenic way
pseudoint brainlet
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off to bed lads
got called a virgin in the last thread
walked around the city centre for most of the day and didn't get what I went out for
alri grandpa
poo bum willy cock
lot of sketches about alcoholism in That Mitchell and Webb Look
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Would bet a considerable amount of money that this was made or posted on 'dit
only remember that one lager beer one
got called a bent twat at the London Library
had a very attractive and funny friend in highschool and he's somehow ended up with a very plain gf
this seems like a particularly shitty condition to have. well, doubt it would affect you hikki neets that much 2bh

Seriously though, what's the point of having a job?
got called an actual retard in walmart
got called a degenerate bender who will rot in hell by sargon at vidcon
hated the snooker sketch, had no clue what it was on about
couldn't figure out why germans on /int/ never say anything controversial until i learned that they don't have any free speech
that was me. bought a lifetime membership just to do that.
can't get over his superiority
pics x
so you can have money
how are backs so good at dancing?
improving the world
There are too many brits in /brit/
also a lot more but I CANNOT be arsed to link them because I need a wee

I think David Mitchell was close to someone with alcoholism or something in the past maybe
something to do init
usually get bored after a bank holiday weekend never mind being completely free
same reason why thailad refuses to shit-talk the thai king. he says its because he's being a respectful immigrant but in reality he knows he'll be thrown in prison for doing so.
beauty is skin deep
Money to pay for things that won't help you recover all the energy and time you spent into acquiring that money in the first place.
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called someone a bent twat at the London Library today
(which can be exchanged for goods and services)
Got called a "nonce" in Thailand

liked this one
why? I work 4 days a week and make 80k. I'm very comfy on those 3 days off.
beauty = virtue
asdfg, fuck of noncey wee
Got called a 老外 earlier in Lan Kwai Fong
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top kek!
i asked his opinions on this image and he didn't reply
got called a nonce in England so moved to Thailand but miss British culture so I post on the British thread on 4chan
literally talking to kev rn
already knew this was going to be "lou ngoi" before looking it up
king's a gimpy twat, would snap his neck like a twig with ease and then poo on his rancid corpse

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>got laid off last month after working for 4 years
>literally the best, most fulfilling month I've had since I finished college
I don't want it to end, but my savings will only carry me until November
linked him here ;)

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Wonder what he thinks of run run cold out desu
>20 minutes
most people have misunderstood working. Alot of people will just work soul crushing jobs to get pissed at the end of the week, but what you really want is to dedicate your life to an idea or goal and the money will come along the way.

My idea (and this is not to be copied!!!) is to rebuild a series of historical cities, like Ancient Athens or Rome and open it up to tourists where people can experience what it was actually like to live in these times
Imagine stumbling across something similar featuring yourself tho lol

If he asked me to delet, I would
got a job interview this week
might finally escape the call centre
it's pinpointed 2bh
*posts on /brit/ like a boss*
how big's your willy and do you have a thai gf?
feeyul brittaniyer
Kek works in mysterious ways
got a job interview this week
might finally escape the wank den
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dont care x
testing to see if my new scriptblocker fucks up 4chan
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thailad what are you doing right now
Who was in the wrong here?
What's her endgame?
What did she mean by this?
Is she, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?
dont have a job interview this week
shant be leaving the room
just popped back to the UK. now having a wank and a poo
barb "what if cara was a girl" palvin
noncing children of course
just popped over to the US. now having a wank and a poo
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Pepe Kia. Aged 15. Last October. Goodbye Delilah
Not sure exactly and yes
in bed watching telly
favourite dole music lads?
doing my best
embarrassing post
what u watchin
make it more tiny and longer
having a bit of a depressing day
post willy please
having a bit of a depressing life
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prefer the big and short ones 2bh
something about elephants
yeah, post willy, or measure it
whats wrong hun x
oink oink
Is there a term for someone who's lost their virginity but has only ever had sex with prostitutes?
nice numerals
spoiler that hof
They say Gweilo in Cantonese, I just don't know the characters

老外 is a mainland term, possibly taiwanese too
Leave my willy alone pls
good idea but fairly unlikely sorry mate
imagine put your willy in your vagina
can you explain what's happening in this image
a loser
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so fucking lonely lads
sad cunt
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Kek our train was on halt for 30 minutes because some dude was sleeping on the top. I wanted the train to be late. Praise kek
"Ghost Guy" apparently.
>keep going to 5 star hotels for a poo
>Mandarin Oriental has now put a key swiping thing on here door so only guests can use the bog

Fuck, they're on to me
I'm not bullying it, bet you've got a nice willy

worthless loser
Tim is a boring narcissist twat
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you don't half chat some waffle
give it a fucking rest
just poo on the streets like thailad does
what did he mean by this
>Praise kek
not a single good post in this thread


Fuck off
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>Tim is a boring narcissist twat
mushy peas

british guacamole
Genuinely no space to poo on the street here

Mainlanders still manage it somehow though, I'll ask them for tips next time
how far is it from your house
Nick Kyrgios already out of wimbledon
aussies btfo
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To Fit into society. Money you can earn from
go rooftopping
I was watching videos of some bloke in Hong Kong and he was getting up there easily enough
mate it's 5 your tv should automatically be on itv
>expecting autismo yank not to be retarded
have literally never pooped in a public loo
only ever done it where I'm staying
going to hong kong next week can i come meet you?
My great aunt would be making a complaint if she was still alive
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well, this is just depressing. Night x
thailad having a chat with kev in the youtube comments
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at least you have all your pals on /brit/
Good bit

But it's a handy one if you're getting off and Central and need to shit

It's a top bit of advice Asia, always shit in 5 stars because they're nice, and if you're white they presume you're staying there. Doesn't work quite as well here because they can tell rich whites from poor ones straight away
what's the end game of all this political polarisation?
>get into skyscraper building site
>all the stairwells are locked up

how do these rooftopping nonces manage this
Negative non virginity
*hey there, Delilah*

Get off at Central exit B, I'll be the Chinese guy
I think everyone who unloads their cum using sex dolls realizes that there are Chads living on God-mode, but that this is the most reasonable alternative. For sub-8, sex doll is much preferable to anything they would otherwise scrape up.

The sex doll looks much better than what genetically inferior males could ever get. It's not disgusting like a prostitute or a used up roastie. It doesn't talk about stupid shit or use you as emotional tampon. There is no danger of betabux or being pressured to raise the screaming spawn vomited out of her cunt. It will not mentally or physically cheat on you with Chad. You won't get locked down to a Dead Bedroom by a frustrated man-hating shit who only loves the Chad who pumped and dumped her.
just when I thought I couldn't dislike thairunt any more
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ex bf texted me this

whats the right thing to do?
Conquer North pole and enslave polar bears
see >>76761161
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nn yankers
post the video he sent
go and suck him off and fuck him
communist revolution or fascist takeover
ayy lmao
they try somewhere else

gays are moralless degenerates
this is a very good post
Thailad, I have something to confess to you...
kek cheers
worked drunk all day again lads
send it to his bf
inceldom should be added to the DSM
nah in all seriousness I love my boyfriend, I couldn't even think of hurting him and I'd do absolutely anything for him
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cannot stand the constant bombardment of advertising everywhere

capitalist was a mistake
decided not to go to bed lads, AMA
Good lad

I'd work drunk too but I'm in a hot lab quite a lot so I'd just sweat like a pig if I mixed alcohol in
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despise this ugly freak
you ever kissed another lad?
its more likely than time travel, and I cant be the only one that gets a deep sort of sadness when I think I cant go back to certain time periods. Thats where the investors come in. Most inns, theatres and other business will be privately owned but still report to the senate, parliament or whatever theme is taking place so that the construction will cost less but power will not be in the hands of the businesses
Did you ever ride a girl...

Wait for it

...with a knob?
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>+ craigslist
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horrid slug of a creature
because I'm a bender haha

Yeah, but it was only a joke, we both used tongue

my GF is a ladyboy btw
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do you use a proxy or a vpn?
what in God's name is this awful gimmick
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>+ work 1 day/week
Why did you choose a gf with a penis

Genuinely interested
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ever been to "the manchester of finland"?
I'm going to piss
Ever wanked with a lad, or had one suck you off? Dare I go so far as to ask if you've sucked off a lad?
thailad on suicide watch at this impersonation
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Back from the local chip emporium
Thanks for the Support old friend. We owe as much to you in the creation of our nation as you do us for liberation from the Nazis. We have an unspoken friendship because of the differences in our views, with the French peopl being very liberal by our conservative POV. However, the bond will continue p, beyond politics. Americans love French culture and we still remember. Merci.
Biting commentary via the use of superhero films and video games - I bet she feels ugly now
fish looks a bit soggy
watching Come dine with me

hate scotland and hate yanks
would love to take a wetwipe to their faces
tammy on the map
looks horrid
LOVE and ADORE how Thailad is absolutely unable to go 5 minutes without slyly pointing out that the other Thai poster isn't him.

Vile nonce slug of an avatarfag
find them so hilariously grotesque
would love to see them get torn apart by hungry dogs or automatic weapons
hello thai proxy retard
she looks in the mirror enough, how could she not see she looks ridiculous
Have a suspicion that the Bradley posters are nonces
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am now wanking with the exbf
feel a bit guilty ahaha
worthless so and so
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Had the best fish and chips in my life yesterday from a gastropub

Absolutely peng it was
haha alri, i'm off have fun lad
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>tfw you don't need your parents or craigslist because you work 5 days at the corner shop
gays are moralless degenerates so don't worry, it's just your nature
that's a bit gay
starting to think you might be an actual bender
show the pics and videos you fucking teasing cunt, link them at least
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based NSA
Need to see them staring in an ISIS video
why are you replying to yourself?
t. wikileaks
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love kotyank
Will I end up on a watch list if I buy some Japanese sex toys?
baffled as to how I managed to reply to >>76769567
instead of >>76769579
anyway, pics
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>based NSA
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hope so degenerate freak
there is 1 mod and 1 janitor in this thread
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cat brick.webm
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my favourite yank
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>and a ton of you fucks know me as "riley".
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*reports you to Big Brother*
No not at all lad
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What about me? (Football yank)
I reckon Thailad has a small willy, 4-5 inches I bet.
Would explain an awful lot
ah yes monitoring the activities of brainless celebrities truly a political priority

all that energy to achieve less than cosmo
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pres f
second favourite
I pissed and shat myself when you linked that year old post of one person saying you were their favourite in an attempt to show that everyone on /brit/ loved you
love cats
such bizarre creatures
Christ the conversations on Come dine with me are very cringy and reddit
literally the worst yank and now even worse
things like this exist, although you might be the first on the roman era
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no one likes you
One person in this thread is a nonce

Who is it
all me
(not really haha)
>5 inches

oh..okay then
Can't get to sleep lads, answering questions about my personal life again
Someone who has done a dissertation explain to a retard like me what the fuck content analysis is, and how to do a literature review.
slowly going insane
are you a paedophile?
uck him
colonial williamsburg
prefer not to say
Answer my questions about your homosexual experiences
If you refuse to then answer me this. Do you live in a nice place or in some tinny, rainy shack?
Whatever, /brit/ used to like me. Have fun with autismoyank

I've found it

a reddit dedicated to trashy gfs
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Benders were a mistake
you are just as autistic as him, fuck off virgin
thailad is the next Peter Scully and should be monitored accordingly
>things like this exist
hmm really, like what? Have only found one thing remotely similar; a medieval them park in france
just had a piss

wont need another for a while as a result
same shit different wrapper fucking yankoid
when they getting promoted then?
>Whatever, /brit/ used to like me. Have fun with autismoyank
I'm currently pissing up my own arsehole in an attempt to prepare it for the massive shit I'm about to screech and howl out
No but there's literally nothing wrong with being a nonce in my eyes

Sucked off my m8 once, was all for laughs though, not gay haha.

I live in a decent place

love pints
How about you suck me off for a laugh? I'll record it too.
foot fetishes are not specific to arse ticklers
Why would you get these over earphones?

>a medieval them park in france
well there are plenty of settler themed colonial "villages" in north america. I can think of 2 near my city alone. generally set from 1600-1800.
if I go to thailand in the pursuit of trannies will I have to pay or can I get em for free?
how much?
why do you keep proxying as him
cant understand how anyone could get so salty that theyd not only go to these lengths, but keep it up for days on end
get a grip
vastly better sound quality, comfort
earbuds are very uncomfortable
confirmed in April 2018
Riddle for Brexiteers:

UK car industry investment down 75% in a year
Output of UK cars down 10% May-May

What's the innocent explanation?
Hmm. So autism then.
dude jaguar said they weren't gona move all the jobs out the country so we're fine stop all the "doom and gloom" rubbish
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No sweetie. Having a massive thing over your head is not comfortable
armitage shanks

india division
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who here /wolves/
well why would I use shitty earbuds with a tiny cable when I can use headphones which are much more comfortable, sound better and have a longer cable?

it's pretty logical

headphones are quite lightweight and if the weight of them bothers you, you have autism
that's called your brain
guessing it's not used much
that statistics can say whatever you like
headphones are fucking awful

the virgin audio device

having one
>it's pretty logical
so... definitely autism.

earbuds sound the same, aren't huge and you can listen with them in public without looking like a virgin
>earbuds sound the same
ah right you must be deaf from shoving things down your ear holes so much

>you can listen with them in public without looking like a virgin
oh you're talking about going outside with headphones
right, I wasn't defending that, I was talking about home usage
you fuckwit
Thread posts: 295
Thread images: 57

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