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eire éire

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 390
Thread images: 107

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Slags edition
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>random girl

She's the queen of /eire/, head of the Irish lolita community and the face behind arguably Ireland's most popular Tumblr blog

She is the queen
Me in the background
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Josie posting makes me deeply uncomfortable.
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Well shit now I can't post pure, wholesome girls like Josie.
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>Queen of éire

Alright this has gone on far enough.
must we endure this shite every few days? go vent your mental illness somewhere else.
Yes we're familiar of your issues with women.
Craic lads
>anything but mentally ill
Tell me more about Coppers / Fluffy
>this hideous pimple
>joker-like smile
>greasy hair
This. Go rant on boards.ie juniper until youve gotten it all out of your system. Come back when you're stable.
Some types are acceptable here, other's are not.
Well they're like regular coins but smaller and worth less.
>false flagging
>people disagree with my perfect vision of what it should be
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I's great because it shows how flawed she is and how average and cute a girl can be. Women who hide behind make-up, or meme angles are fake.
Feel bad for Juniper. I don't think he does half the things he's accused of.
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>Some types
*enters the thread*
But she's hidden behind make-up and meme angles before, taking a bad picture doesn't make her more honest.
>how average and cute a girl can be
Don't consider not showering once a day cute or average
When's that fight on?
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>Feel bad for Juniper. I don't think he does half the things he's accused of.

Juni is tough and doesn't let this get to him. People have been doing this to him since 2013 or 2014.
Ciara only wears make-up for school so the nigger kids won't bully her.
It's like you don't want a stinky NEET wife to live the rest of you life with.
Never gonnae happen
He does all of them and more. He has a split personality and identifies as Persona A at his convenience when he wants to absolve himself of the responsibility and consequences of what Persona B did or said.
But I know he doesn't do all of it because I've been accused of being him before.
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>Juni is tough.
>Literally has a mental breakdown every second week.
Mistakes happen but he's definitely collinsfag, the josie poster, angry anon and the doxxer.
How's your night going boys?
Great,what about your own?
Don't think he's collinsfag. But he's definitely the rest and some more you didn't list.
I wonder just how bad his mental health is irl.
which others?
Sleep then ye muppet
Good stuff, relaxing with a fag and a whiskey, off tomorrow. Can't complain
Tired, feel feverish
>thinking there's only one Josie poster
Not tired enough to sleep.
>I wonder just how bad his mental health is irl.
I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't such an asshole. He makes it very difficult to be empathetic towards.
>empathising with anybody on /éire/
More fool you.
It's his gimmick.
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>not pretending to empathise with someone then bullying them mercilessly
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password: genderbender
Kek, accurate
doesn't work
closed it because nobody joined.
>rewatching old simpsons
miss being a 90s kid desu
which anime is the image about?
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Sad Bort.jpg
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I used to watch it at 6 on RTÉ Two and then again on Sky One from 7 to 9.
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Wasn't here but too lazy to do anything tonight anyways.
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Daily Lives of Highschool Boys.
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This. Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou. One of my all time favourite comedy shows.
Going to watch an episode now actually.
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>it's a literary girl episode
Always liked the guy with the hat
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>Josieposting has ceased

Not on my watch bucko
What mango is that page from?
Looks like a Halloween dress.

Daily Lives of Highschool Boys. If you mean the chapter then I'm not sure, I saved it on /a/.
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I won't be a virgin once I have sex with Josie!
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>fucking Josie
>not fucking her dresses instead
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What about fucking her while she wears one of the dresses?
Thinking about buying an accordion again
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Is she naturally ginger? Because if she doesn't have a massive fiery bush then all of this is pointless.
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Surely you can afford it with your massive troves of wealth?
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Pathetic. You all abandoned the one and only queen of the emerald isle for some cgi cunt.
Doesn't change the fact that it would be a waste of money most likely
I think so yes
Nothing about Josie's perfection is computer generated
Not if you busk.
Belive it or not but I'd have some fierce competition,a hurdy gurdy would be nice aswell so I can MUH HERITAGE all-day long
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tfw cracked my phone.jpg
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>hurdy gurdy
It's hard enough believing this is what something is called but the instrument itself looks mental. It's like one of those on-man-band things.
Listening to this now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcjRLD5ZBIY
If I'm not mistaken it used to be a two-man instrument back in medieval times when people were smaller,you can also call it wheelfiddle if you like that better.
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Fucking hell it's even weirder than I thought, it sounds like possessed demon bagpipes had a cursed child with a didgeridoo.

Are there any other two person instruments?
>Two person instruments
Can't think of any desu, maybe the noseflute
>Are there any other two person instruments?
My flute.
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Are there any good recent Irish music artists?
Everyone seems like garbage Coldplay rip offs these days.
MBV don't count since they're pretty old.
The government is intentionally suppressing our good artists to ensure they don't have to host another Eurovision.
Was my morning song to snort lines to.
>ywn experience the Irish Music Revival firsthand
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Yes, here's a popular Limerick band
This is actually bringing back bad memories. A lot of music has done to me recently. Guess I am being harmed a bit by these things.
>think Josieposting is degenerate
>was on the horn so badly tonight I cracked one out to her

Fuck's sake lads
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>tfw wigger culture has finally infiltrated Ireland
Is nothing truly sacred?
You are sick Juniper.
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>I cracked one out to her
This might be the worst thread this week desu.
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>Wanking to 3D
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>wanking at all
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This thread looks horrendous.
Was it the lack of commie-posting?
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>having ED
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getting plastered again tonight.
>Having testosterone
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I will never wank to Ciara. Not because of muh morals or muh CP, but I would rather not think of anally pounding the woman I almost met for a lunch date.
>I would rather not think of anally pounding the woman I almost met for a lunch date
>he doesn't wank to almost every woman he knows in real life
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>People are actually attracted to girls in real life.
Lad, I saw what her asshole looks like, it was...not what I was expecting.
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>Getting off on ass to begin with
You are actually a pedophile and should be put on a register.
Assholes are never what you think they'll look like. They're not for staring into.
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Checks out.
Fuck off. People spam them in r9k thread so you can't really avoid it.
It was brown as fuck.
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>It was brown as fuck.
What colour did you expect? Regular women don't bleach their anuses y'know.
>People spam them in r9k thread so you can't really avoid it.
I used to lurk Ciara threads and I don't remember her ass.
No genuinely. If anybody found your harddrive, your parents, the gardai, employer, and saw that you had possibly hundreds of pictures of this teenage problem child, and if they could see how you've been obsessing and following her, including seeing underage nudes of a teenager how do you think they'd react?
Do you really believe that what you're doing is completely acceptable and harmless? Have you deluded yourself this much?
Get a grip.
Pale and pink like the rest of her skin. Hentai and porn has ruined me.
But for 3 years?
They are all SFW cute images so I'll be fine.
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Do they not realise that even the most aesthetic real women are imperfect creatures?
M8 she poops from there. Unless she wipes extra hard and uses a bidet it's going to be brown.
Real women are disgusting.
It's cute you're worried about him
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You're telling me.
Why do men tolerate this?
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>tfw humans will never have clean arses
Why were we put on this Flat Earth just to suffer.
It's just nature, don't be so squeamish. No more disgusting than smegma
Sex, fondling, underwear you can sniff without guilt, other people won't call you a virgin, can go places without feeling weird about being alone, etc.
Am I the only one that never has a problem with smegma? It just disappears sometimes.
Both are incredibly disgusting and should not be tolerated.

>other people won't call you a virgin
Is that a genuine concern in this day and age?

>can go places without feeling weird about being alone
Name one place where it is problematic to go alone.
Nobody should if you maintain adequate body hygiene every day. You should never even get to a stage where it is even appears.
Usually men who hold these standards have fairly poor standards themselves and probably wouldnt even clean or tidy up the hair around their own genitals.
>Usually men who hold these standards
What standards?
>Name one place where it is problematic to go alone.
A sports game
Going on holiday anywhere
>Is that a genuine concern in this day and age?
It's worse in this day and age. In the old days every unmarried person was presumed to be a virgin and you could take the moral religious highground. At the very least it wasn't something as public as nowadays.

>Name one place where it is problematic to go alone.
Well it really depends on how weird you feel going anywhere by yourself. Personally I would feel weird going for a walk down the road without another person, my dog or a destination in mind.
Mate I do all of those things alone. You need to stop caring about what other people think. Most people don't even pay attention to you, and the ones that do are just sad losers anyway.

>People literally afraid to go for a walk on their own.
You must be a very self-conscious individual if you think that. I go to most of those places alone without issue.

>In the old days every unmarried person was presumed to be a virgin and you could take the moral religious highground
Nobody assumes people are virgins in this day and age though because the possibility of being one beyond a certain age is so low. So unless you tell them that you are a virgin, they will never know.

> Personally I would feel weird going for a walk down the road without another person
Bit sad.
>Nobody should if you maintain adequate body hygiene every day
But that's the thing, I have shit hygiene standards and yet my dick is still smeg-free.

>Usually men who hold these standards have fairly poor standards themselves
You're getting awfully defensive about this.

>probably wouldnt even clean or tidy up the hair around their own genitals.
Pubic grooming goes for men and women.
>You must be a very self-conscious individual if you think that. I go to most of those places alone without issue.
>So unless you tell them that you are a virgin, they will never know
They can tell.
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>Who do you like?
Act confident and stand offish and nobody will judge you for doing stuff alone. Barge in and go wherever you want. Usually nobody will say a thing to you if you act right.
But what if I'm trespassing? It's easier to say you were just passing through on your walk.
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Question I haven't been asked since I was about 13.
Do people actually "like" others? I guess you could if you had a big group of friends with lots of girls in it.
At most I've experienced "she/he looks hot as fuck". And thats about the extent of my attraction to people. Usually fades fairly fast. I've never actually "liked" somebody or had a particular person I like since I was a young teenager.
I've tresspassed a ton. Use the same technique. People will generally leave you alone if you can act confident enough but when you are caught just keep it up.
"Straight up just say, I'm going for a walk" and don't give them the time of day. Generally just leave but if they try to say anything else to them just tell them to go away because they can't do anything. You won't actually get in trouble.
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It expends a lot of emotional energy on things that are supposed to be relaxing though.
It's not that I'm afraid of getting in trouble it's just that I feel weird.
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>jus b urself
>I go to most of those places alone without issue.
What do you do in a restaurant while waiting for food or between bites or after the meal?
Who do you chat with at the sports games
What do you do on holiday by yourself?
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>just that I feel weird.
That's the appeal of it. It's exciting.
That's when I turn to apathy mode and just go around empty minded not caring about a single person around me. Comes across as a bit rude I think but it's great being able to tune out.
Most people who do those things alone are extroverts and are comfortable blending in and interacting with strangers. They don't just sit by themselves and say nothing to anyone.
I liked a girl in primary, but we went to different secondaries and I never spoke to her again.
There was no one I was really into in secondary, but I blame that on my school having so few attractive girls. Still didn't stop those conversations from being awkward as fuck.
Stop posting imaginary Japanese cartoons that you fap to and post your face with a timestamp.
I'm psychic and my abilities tell me you won't.
What do your disabilities tell you?
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Don't talk to people I'm with at these things anyway.
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Josie goes to concerts and restaurants by herself all the time, lads. Usually when her cuckboi has been bold
They tell me you're a potato nigger with below average height.
It's okay when women do it.
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spiders back inside.
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Kill it.
hiding that post
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It's okay when guys do it too you just gotta stop being a nervous awkward wreck and become arrogant and determined.
Check out this little cutie and the big girl he encountered. Biggest one I've seen in my room yet.
Left all of them alone and free to share my living space.
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How to get anime girl in jersey picture made for me?
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You know what you must do.
If they're disabilities they'd be wrong then. (^:
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Praise Limerick and acknowledge Luxembourg as being a real country.
limerick daisuki
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They're my friends and can live with me in peace.
You do know they're going to eat eachother within the week right?
Of course. Most don't live that long.
They're not, they're abilities as I said. You just called them disabilities as a way to try and discredit them. Know how I know that? Cas I used my abilities, now isn't that crazy?
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Going to pass out in bed.
Hope you choke on your vomit and rot.
Enjoy your night, be safe
What's your favourite National Anthem lads?

Or favourite rendition of ours? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX4ka-5j2vU Don't think Amhrán na bhFiann is as stirring as Flower of Scotland for instance. It's decent would be nice to have a better one though. Wrote one once while cutting the grass. Wanted it to have the metre where it could be sung in Irish, English and Ulster Scots, which is difficult since I don't be speak two of those languages and am hardly adept at the third.

Have heard some shocking renditions at GAA matches.
La Marseillaise. It's rousing and exciting, too many national anthems are dour and mournful.
If you don't know what "bearna baoil" means either, it means gap of danger. So tonight in the gap of danger is that line. It comes from the 1798 rebellion in Wexford where the rebels drove cattle through the gates of New Ross and suffered heavy casualties.
I hate it personally. Too pompous and bombastic.
What do you think of the Italian anthem?
Don't particularly relate with it's sentiments emotionally either.
I like the music and the lyrics are nice but it's too similar to a sort of operatic classical music for me as a national anthem.
May as well be listening to Les Miserables.
Russia/Soviet Union.
I don't think Bearna's dangerous.
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Barna brac is so dry you could choke on them.
More to do with the ring I reckon.
>Found the ring in one as a kid
>Thought it meant I'd have a successful love life

How pastries lie to us.
I tried to avoid getting the ring because you'd be made fun of.
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Foreigners posters don't post here often or interject and reply to random posts. Are we not an inclusive general?
/éire/ for the /éire/ish.
Ah yeah but it was all in good fun. Could always give the ring to a sweetheart or friend too.
Everyone here is full of hot éire no doubt.
>it was all in good fun
It doesn't feel fun as a kid, it felt horrible.

>Could always give the ring to a sweetheart
Do you want to be made fun of?

>or friend
They didn't want it either, and they'd make fun of you even harder.
>it felt horrible.
Never got over being made fun of for having a gf as a 3 year old desu. I know your pain.
>All the lads making fun of you for being a "bender" since you like someone
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Careful, you'll attract the "I'm 1/48th Irish" crowd
might bash a few kiwis tomorrow boys
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>last year in primary
>"Ha ha anon likes a girl! What a faggot!"

>first year in secondary
>"Ha ha anon never got with a girl! What a faggot!"
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no one respond to me ;^(
The change of sexual priorities was massive and very intimidating. Those who adapted quickly, were good looking, and had a definite head-start on life. Though I don't always think it got them very far though good looks will get you everywhere, but charisma and a sense of humour even further so if you're interminable.

Huh. I know that feel but I don't blame people. Nothing worse than being ignored since everyone hates me, it's just like a repetition of school with my inability to converse or socialize with people fulfillingly. I'll make sure to always respond to Aussie posts from now on lad if you feel the need to chat. I'd hate the thought that people ignore you if you're down.
thanks la but im not that down
i mostly just lurk and shitpost in here
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What a beautiful song.
I enjoy your posts desu. Why do you lurk?
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The thing is I don't even know when the change happened. No one else in my secondary went to primary with me so it's possible they had the change years before.

>Those who adapted quickly, were good looking, and had a definite head-start on life
Meh, no lad I knew was particularly good looking in fact many tended to look like shit but they were still social. I could've been like them if I was raised a more sociable person.
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Can Britónia Galécian join
/éire/ doesn't like expats posting
I've been up all night.
Well I would call it "successfull integration"
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>you show up
>seconds later I see this thread
I'm on my phone so sadly I can't see it
It's a hurdy gurdy. I never even heard(y) about it before yesterday.
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Couldn't find my glasses and was bind for awhile despite the prescription being too weak.

Do you know what a daxophone is?
I think I've heard of it but based on the pictures I'm seeing it seems to be some sort of carpentry student project.
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Shortsighted master race.
> Wearing glasses at all
Oh anon
Some sort of hair instrument?
Actually Dax is a restaurant in Dublin.
Actually Dublin is a shithole.
It's a piece of wood with a violin bow
Actually I wasn't disputing that fact.
Why are you awake? Do NOT trust you continental bastards.
A bit harsh IMO but your fear is somehow understandable
My apologies Luxxy.
And now he's tricked you into apologising to him. Such is the Luxxish talent of deceit.
Is Gaelic the easiest sport in existence? Literally just kicking a ball to yourself.
Now, hurling is a mans sport
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It's quite cold though I prefer it to the heat.
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Me too. Would rather freeze than burn desu.
>tfw couldn't do this properly as a kid so bounced the ball off my knee instead
Really we all should.
I don't want you to die Anon. Armie Harmer is very gorgeous too.
Gays are fucking disgusting btw. We should sterilize them all, especially Karen.
>I don't want you to die Anon
You're not the boss of me now.
And i'm not very tough.
lads, don't kill yourselves
it'll be hard enough finding tenants for the /éire/ house if you all start offing yourselves
I would judge the gays more kindly if not for the one gay I knew was a prickish wanker.
>Being a landlord
>we should sterilise
eh..... what good will that do lad?
You mean landfellow. There's only one Lord.
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>implying i have the money to buy a house
It's a joke Trinity used to appreciate. I miss him.
>There's only one Lord.
Which is?
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well consider me now "in" on such a great "joke"
that would be me
Gaylord more like.
But there's plenty of gaylords around here.
I might be the only non-gay around here buddy
Hate gays since I have homosexual urges myself and I can't resolve them
Wtf was that stupid shit?
What a gay thing to say.
So once again I find out Ciara is up to no good. Her family is suffering and she doesn't give two shites about it. I think I had enough and I am at a tipping point. I might just go to the FBI office and just fucking report her and her stupid cronies.
And say what? This teenage camwhore I like is doing drugs and extorting money from pathetic idiots over the internet?
What she is doing breaks Federal law. The people she hangs out with are breaking State and Federal law. All of these are leaked on chats and videos. Fuck this I am taking a shower and getting ready to just take a train into the city. This shit needs to stop. I just read random strangers are showing up to her house and endangering the family's life. She doesn't care and won't stop even at the cost of her parents or siblings life.
But do you think the FBI cares enough? I'm sure this is one of those cases that gets put really far down the priority list. And what of yourself? Don't you think they'll be suspicious of why you know so much about a girl you've never met?
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will bash you buddy
>And what of yourself? Don't you think they'll be suspicious of why you know so much about a girl you've never met?
She or others post this online all the time. Supposedly others have reported it too.
Yeah bash your cock up my arse.
If others have reported it then they'll take care of it if they take care of it. If not you're putting yourself out there. Can you even make anonymous tips anymore?
What's she up to? You're so sweet to be so concerned about her. You're way too good for her.
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only if you want me to xoxo
Actually want to be quite done up the arse.
>Can you even make anonymous tips anymore?
On the website but going in person may escalate the issue.
Being in a chatroom full of men(much older than me too) being paid money for lewds or borderline CP images.
Is she coming to Dublin soon
From what I hear she can't even leave the house by herself. She stays home all day or goes out with family or trusted "friends."
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>It would be rather interesting for historians of the future to compare a Catholic State launched in the South with a Protestant State launched in the North and to see which gets on the better and prospers the more. It is most interesting for me at the moment to watch how they are progressing. I am doing my best always to top the bill and to be ahead of the South.
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Why do you love her so much? You're way too nice for her.
I wanted to save her for a while now. I thought deep down I could try to be supportive. She shared a lot of my hobbies and I wanted to get her to go to college, and better her life. I see now she doesn't really care now that her family is getting strangers sent to their house. If I have to sacrifice myself to stop it, so be it. I guess it's the price I have to pay for getting so deep into this in the first place.
Will you please stop enabling his stalking? He's not even a white knight, just some creepy weirdo with a saviour complex.
>If I have to sacrifice myself to stop it, so be it
Think you're going a bit far there. No matter what you did or didn't do she turned out this way because of her own decisions. It's her bed and she should lie in it.
Starting to miss him lads.
>suicidal thoughts
>obsessing over slags who have no interest in you
>dublin is so shit xD
>fucked up the sleep schedule again lads
>gays should die
>leftists btfo makes me happy
>took xanax again haha
>reunification soon

another exciting day on /éire/
It's no laughing matter.
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Me too desu. I've nothing against Varadkar personally, but he doesn't seem as personable or diplomatic as Enda. Maybe he will improve in time.

>dublin is so shit
Well if people didn't keep forgetting, we wouldn't have to keep reminding them.
Why are you such an unstoppable faggot.
AA and "Karen" have made those sort of people think that such behaviour is acceptable here.
Yes as we know only my perfect infallible ruling of what qualifies as quality posting should be allowed here.
At least they post constructively. Where would you be without people like them for something to complain about?
I'm very good at finding things to complain about.
Are you really okay with the cancerous and/or borderline illegal stuff they post? I suppose that's fine if you are, but you shouldn't be surprised if others are not. Similarly nobody is surprised when people bitch about the anime-posting in /éire/, but at least that isn't disruptive and disturbing.

>At least they post constructively
You have a very odd definition of "constructive posting".
Constructive posting is not "posts I like", it's posting about things which interest them or affect their lives. Unique and original posts.

Non-constructive posting is meta posting, repetition or whining about other peoples posts. Posts which create nothing and just offer a commentary on the creations of others. This is a non-constructive post.
>Constructive posting is not "posts I like"
I never implied it was.

>it's posting about things which interest them or affect their lives. Unique and original posts.
Even if those posts are about the stalking of young girls or blatant attention-whoring?
>Are you really okay with the cancerous and/or borderline illegal stuff they post?
I don't really care. I find the posts complaining about other posts to be far more annoying.
Fair enough. But I do think that people reserve the right to complain about such egregious posting.
They're genuine windows into their lives and the things which preoccupy them. Whether we like it or not I at least appreciate their sincerity.
okay I'm back, what has changed in the last 3 years here?
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>he's the only pedo on /éire/ which makes his posts unique.

What a retarded argument. Plus he's gone through the same cycle about 5 times now, so it's not even fresh degeneracy.
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Ephebophile lad. Let's not get exaggerative.
>Whether we like it or not I at least appreciate their sincerity.
I don't think there's anything sincere about it. Just like Josie-posting, it's blatant attention-whoring in an attempt to make the threads all about them and their "unique" lifestyles. Also, just because you find their weirdness interesting, that doesn't mean that everybody else shares this sense of intrigue. Personally I don't want the thread full of inappropriate images and stalkerposting. Can you not see how such things might not be the best material for a general like /éire/? Incidentally, it's behaviour like that which contributed to the decline of old /éire/.

Still illegal.
Fucked up a job interview yesterday because my French was shit. Really really really wanted the position. Hold me lads.
You should focus more on the content he posts and not the image he uses. Unlike the Josie poster he actually converses with people here beyond a slag obsession shtick.
Certainly. You have your opinions and I have mine. But I believe in most cases a "live and let live" status should be in effect.

Besides, you should know by now that acknowledging posts you don't like will only further embolden them. If someone is posting something you don't want them to oftentimes the best course of action is to ignore it and try to bring up something you do want to discuss or reply to posts you like. It's internet 101 and it's an absolute shame people have it.
>Still illegal.
Depending. 17's legal here.
Imminently sensible post, anon.
>it's an absolute shame people have it.
*people have forgotten it
She's been 17 for about 3 fucking weeks. He's been stalking her for 2 years, using pictures of her from 3-5 years ago.
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>personality posting
Your concerns have been noted, you don't need to keep expressing them every day.
Barely been here in weeks.
>Besides, you should know by now that acknowledging posts you don't like will only further embolden them
True. I don't reply directly to AA or "Karen", but this thread and the previous thread were absolutely dire to the extent that I felt the need to voice how uncomfortable I was with the direction of the general. It's worth noting that a lot of the regulars seemingly stopped posting last night when Josie-posting and Stalker-posting took over. Personally I don't think that's good for /éire/.

They are very legitimate concerns though. How do you not see the posting of her pictures as a problem?
Josie posting is a problem and people stop posting because Juniper and/or another Skype person keeps spamming it to the point where conversation can't take place.
I don't know why you're grouping Karen and AA in with that, they don't spam anything.
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Thanks for making me laugh for like 5 minutes straight LOL.
>Josie-posting, it's blatant attention-whoring
It's really just funposting. No one's fault if the posts attract as much attention.

>in an attempt to make the threads all about them and their "unique" lifestyles
Of what? Shitposting about cosplay girls?

>inappropriate images
Nothing NSFW's been posted, except that time a few weeks ago Sershfrog went mad and started posting scat.

>Can you not see how such things might not be the best material for a general like /éire/?
Pictures of Irish girls in the Irish general? (Not talking about Ciara here as I don't consider her Irish.)

>Incidentally, it's behaviour like that which contributed to the decline of old /éire/.
A lot more things contributed to that. I think the issue is people get stuffed up making the same boring posts every day so sometimes they need to let loose. It's a problem if that keeps up longer than a few hours however but I think it's better than the pressure building until one thread they go mad and vitriolically shitpost the whole thread to death.
Can you guys stop arguing over retards who post unattractive girls?
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Welcome back. How have you been?
>a lot of the regulars seemingly stopped posting last night when Josie-posting and Stalker-posting took over
Obviously they didn't like it but if they really wanted they would've come back later. It's good for people to take a break from /éire/ every so often so we don't get lethargic, even if that break was caused by abandoning the thread.
No. If we did that /éire/ might be good, and we can't have that.
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Why are you defending the act of shitting up the thread so obnoxiously it reached a point where people wanted to leave it in droves?
You're just playing a poor devil's advocate at this point.
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Your queen has awoken.
Everytime I look at the thumbnail I think her eyes are closed and it bothers me when I realise she has a different expression than what I thought.
>I don't know why you're grouping Karen and AA in with that, they don't spam anything.
Karen spams that "Ciara" girl of his. As for AA, I just find his posts annoying.

>It's really just funposting
It's hardly funposting if only 2 people seem to enjoy it.

>Pictures of Irish girls in the Irish general?
Not that it's relevant to the discussion at hand, but I'm not a fan of that practice. It's very reminiscent of /brit/'s habit of posting random slags all over their threads.

>A lot more things contributed to that.
That's why I said "contributed" and not "caused".
Stop making up bullshit justifications as for why shitting up /éire/ is a good thing.
>As for AA, I just find his posts annoying.
Why though?
Oh just the usual, not much. What about you?
>Karen spams that "Ciara" girl of his
He doesn't spam it usually, he avatarfags if anything. He usually makes one junk post when he enters the thread about the "queen of /éire/" or some such and then fits into the thread and chats with people. Juniper just fixates on his spam and ignores discussion.

This is spamming:

These are conversing with an avatar:
Remember to leave this meta shit in this thread and don't poison the next one.
Attention-whoring and constant attempts to highlight how "different" and "unique" he is.

>he avatarfags if anything
>implying that's any better

>and then fits into the thread
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The usual. You're the Bayern supporter from /sp/ right?
This thread has been mostly dead for a couple of years but seemingly revived about 8 months ago or so. As you can see it's in fine form now.
>This is spamming:
But those two were just conversing with eachother, the second last one wasn't even "spamming" it just had a Josie picture attached. I think you just have something against the girl in general.
Yes he replies to posts not about Ciara, I call that discussion. You/Juniper ignore everything but Josie posts, it's mindless spamming and presumably an attempt to destroy the general.
>the Juniper boogeyman
>But those two were just conversing with eachother
They are still spamming images of her though. Why are you acting so defensive of this behaviour that clearly many people here consider detrimental to /éire/?

>You/Juniper ignore everything but Josie posts
It's fairly obvious considering your condemnation of one and sympathetic defence of the other. You're not exactly subtle.

>>76542885 was meant for >>76542872
Not him, but I personally find it hard to identify Juniper at times. He's not as easily identifiable as AA or Karen.
Laptop is basically new, why is it so fucked??
Protestant conspiracy.
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Yes but I don't really post there anymore, I try to every few months then kinda stop after a day or two. It's weird.

>tfw too lazy to post
The same will probably happen here as well.
Mostly because very few posts attributed to Juniper are actually his.
When he's spamming and being completely tone deaf it's very easy to identify him.
He's the guy who also deletes his posts frequently, posts british slang regularly, posts in /brit/ itself and makes touchy feely posts very late at night containing cute anime girls.
>and makes touchy feely posts very late at night
Oh yeah, he was the lad that ERP'd with AA in that one infamous /bant/ thread.
>You/Juniper ignore everything but Josie posts
But as I said >>76524859 wasn't a reply to a Josie post. And it's less that I only respond to Josie posts but more that I usually only post pictures of her in reply to other Josieposts. I made plenty of other posts in the thread without her. Isn't that what you want? You seem to think this is all of me.
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Another day, another batch of Josieposting

What do you think she's doing today lads?
Thanks for the contribution Juniper. You always make these posts from a completely illogical standpoint if they were written from anybody else other than Juniper. As if you believe identifying yourself from the 3rd person makes it absolute despite the fallacy of being a 3rd party being able to identify behaviour no other 3rd party can for no explained reason.
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>Juniper is still the same


I'm sorry I never really use skype anymore
Fueling a meta discussion on /éire/.
Every returning "personality" is another nail in the coffin.
Accusing everyone of being Juniper won't stop Juniper.
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Why does Jaggy hate me so much.
Most likely because you have a ton of bloated and unnecessary software + browser addons installed.
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The Jannie ruined /sp/ unfortunately, I don't go there at all anymore. It's not the same.

>The same will probably happen here as well.
At least stop by now and again if you do.
Have you gone to college?
Juniper doesn't even identify himself as Juniper. To him Juniper is some strange entity who takes over his personality under certain emotional conditions. You don't believe you're lying when you say you're not him.
Need to fuck her with this wig on lads
Assuming you're the real Juniper, AA made you the new boogeyman shortly after he returned, blaming all posts that up 'til then we blamed on other posters, on you.
You can tell Jaggy's posts apart because he always defends the gook.

I don't know what, if anything, you did in old-/éire/ so I'm not sure what they have against you.
>highlight how "different" and "unique" he is.
I am though. I'm better than all of you.
Doesn't look great if I'm honest.
You're definitely the most different and unique poster here by far, but I'm still better than all of you.
You're so unlikable you're even reviled on a forum of autistic losers. Can't imagine how awful it must be to know you in real life.
Oh don't worry I'll kill myself and remove half of those.
Lads think I might be Juniper. I don't think I was Juniper but with how much I'm accused of being Juniper, along with the fact that his supposed traits match me to an extent, I think I might be. This could be some strange multiple personality thing even I wasn't aware of, it makes perfect sense apart from all the massive holes.
>I don't know what, if anything, you did in old-/éire/
That's a can of worms best left unopened.
Too bad I still post most things on that list.
Something about impersonating everyone and making threads with no one but him pretending to be other personalities right?
>You can tell Jaggy's posts apart because he always defends the gook.
Never understood why Jaggy does this. It only enables Karen's shitposting.

>You're definitely the most different and unique poster here by far
Not necessarily a good thing.
I usually don't like AA but when I see posts like this I start to like him more. Suppose I'm just a natural contrarian.
>This could be some strange multiple personality thing even I wasn't aware of
Juniper has been frequently accused of having such a disorder.
>You're definitely the most different and unique poster here by far, but I'm still better than all of you.
Yes, Thank you.
I like when people talk about me like that. It's not that awful knowing me irl. probably.
>Not necessarily a good thing.
I never said it was.
>Suppose I'm just a natural contrarian.
Not healthy, anon.
Well shit. Guess I'm Juniper, or possibly one of many Junipers.
Nothing I do is healthy.
General persistent efforts to destroy the general, the /detox/ threads were the most innocuous part unfortunately.
You like him more when other people criticise him?
I used to like him. But he's dangerous and makes m afraid.
>animeposting drives away the normalfags
>slagposting drives away the animeposters
>metaposting drives away the regulars
Really makes you think.
Rusty made those threads.
>General persistent efforts to destroy the general
Any particular reason? How was he destroying it?

Also what the fuck is a detox thread? All I know is they have a picture of Dennis from Always Sunny holding coffee. What did it mean? Where did it come from?
Maybe he made the first one, I doubt he did it every day week after week
Soon /éire/ will be fit only for me, Juniper and Juniper. All according to keikaku.
Literally Chrome is slow and the text format changed overnight. Why are computers so difficult? Who invented these inefficient shite.
Chrome's going to shit for me too.
>not connecting directly to the internet via neural interface
Yeah well what you doubt and circumstantially believe is hardly credible.
Probably should have asked this 100 posts ago but why is Juniper getting blamed for Josie posting when it's clearly Roorah? I don't know much about personalities and even I can tell it's him.
It's Rusty.
Pretty much. In the same way you complain about the town you're from but get really defensive when someone from outside else talks shit about it.
it's juniper
>Any particular reason?
No idea but after everyone left he started making threads wishing for them to come back again.
>How was he destroying it?
Best left in the past, unless he starts returning to those ways.

>Also what the fuck is a detox thread?
It was about a 40 post thread that was repeated in the same structure, with the same images and the same namefag entries day after day by 1 posting ID.
>It was about a 40 post thread that was repeated in the same structure, with the same images and the same namefag entries day after day by 1 posting ID.
What was the purpose?
Rusty is a skype buddy willing to take the fall for you, nothing more. He was posting months ago with the claim that you had died, I wonder who asked him to say that.

To kill the general and it worked
Will you just fuck off Jaggy. You're so irrational.

If people post in that one, we're just going to have another meta and shitposting thread. That will have been 3 in a row.
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>remembered I'm going to sleep soon and won't have to deal with any of this
Time heals all wounds.
I don't remember you ever apologising or expressing regret over your behaviour so no reason to forget.
Thread posts: 390
Thread images: 107

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