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Thread replies: 299
Thread images: 61

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White edition
delete this racist shit
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doing a think
Really love European history, lads
Should I get on the 47 hour train journey? or take a plane
*bitterly cancels my €1 a month donation to your patreon account*
lads the pressure washer is here. Going to give the deck a brush then it's time to clean
how bad are the trains in india?
give us a cheeky before and after?
How can a movement whose symbols are Kekistan and bad, forced memes can hope to be taken seriously
alri grandad
You wouldn't expect quality relationship advice from a 12yr old, no matter how highly they score on an IQ test, or how many books they've read about physics, or how many chess trophies they have.

Amazing how many "educated" and "clever" people don't know the difference between intelligence, education, and wisdom, and which of these is relevant for the topic they're trying to claim superiority in.
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it's going to be a multi day job I think but here's a cheeky before to tease you
Ye, it's nice when the continent you live on has a history. My house is probably older than oldest existing building in your country
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>another week of harrowing toil awaits me

ah yes
>47 hour train journey
>In India
suppose hell won't seem quite so bad..
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>You wouldn't expect quality relationship advice from a 12yr old, no matter how highly they score on an IQ test, or how many books they've read about physics, or how many chess trophies they have.

>Amazing how many "educated" and "clever" people don't know the difference between intelligence, education, and wisdom, and which of these is relevant for the topic they're trying to claim superiority in.
Sounds like irc Drama in real life
Almost half of the net migration figures is students....
This Tbh
Just because you've got a degree in electrical engineering doesn't make you a good parent, that comes with experience
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On tea break
How many of you non-aussies have been to Australia?
who drew that can't find any info? Is it just shit fantasy art
shh don't tell rorke, he'll cry and shit up the thread
you've barely been there an hour lazy bastard i'm telling mr noseberg about this
phwoar, that dirty slag of a deck needs a good spray.

keep us updated decklad
Yesterday my brother ate my scotch egg I left in the fridge, it led to a fist fight between us and our other brother, I called one of them a closet faggot and (accidently) shoved my mum
No one's spoken since, she wrote us all a letter before leaving for her night shift which was pretty deep
Pissed off because I'm genuinely not in the wrong but I've been made the villain again cause I'm the oldest, Im not even the biggest fan of fucking scotch eggs
This is LARPing but it's almost cute
The non EU migration figures or as a whole?
I'm going to strip the little tart bare and hose her down with my decking cleaner

little tramp won't know what hit her
Yeah and they're also ruining our education system, they're arguably worse than seasonal workers if you care about the long run health of the country
and that was the part the Tories were going to reduce lol
*fights in a war to save the country*

*works hard in a blue collar job, pays taxes and has children*

*goes to uni on the governments dime, gets a 2:1 or below despite having all the time and resources in the world*

the absolute STATE of this generation of student runts lads, how do we fix them?
The first six hours will be fine. This is a new route and well maintained. Then I'll have to change trains in Goa where I will board regular Indian railways after waiting for 6 more hours. Then 41 hours on this train
>mum wants me to get a job

I don't want to toil
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Good lad. Being paid to drink a brew. Very proud of you
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and how are they doing that mate?
eating peanut butter on marmite on toast lads
>Yeah and they're also ruining our education system
how so?
by being all foreign and that
proper job, she'll be fucking loving it.
>tories were going to reduce students

love how tim's hack expectancy videos are getting progressively longer

Non eu figure is like 70%
hate finland
love drinking
simple as
*enters thread*

Hi guys!!

*thunderous standing ovation from audience while 'Hero' by Mariah Carey blares from the speakers*
Hardly anyone would complain about immigration if none of the immigrants were muslim
hello Jakub

Don't worry lads. Voted leave to stop the muzzies getting in.
>proper job

you ARE from the westcountry you fucking liar. Nottingham indeed. I called your accent the first time i heard it
lightweight cars have an advantage on the downhill
They would hate the Polskis instead
The fashs literally need an enemy to unite against to exist
Alri Columbo
>he swiping the screen
>all those notifications at the top slowing it down

Try Nutella & PB lad, lovely.
Well that's good.
haha, I'm really not mate, why would I choose Nottingham of all places if I were going to lie?
love finland
love saunas
simple as
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>Ukies literally call NōKō "Mid-night's Korea" and SoKō "Mid-day's Korea"
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>47 hours on a train
>in india
thailad is from bristol. he sounds like a fucking farmer
there would be a small number of people left complaining about anyone non native. but mostly everyone would stop caring. there's not been many polish terror attacks recently, in that there have been none, ever.
Are Polish immigrants gang raping thousands of little British girls or committing mass murders? I think we'd have heard about it.
Facts and logic are wasted on you. You argue like a toddler.
she wants a nonce from bridgwater
think I have a vitamin c deficiency
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>mfw I have a Satanic pentagram tattoo

I got it when I was an edgy 18 year old and still don't regret it at 23
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>Facts and logic are wasted on you. You argue like a toddler.
will it be anything like the Darjeeling Limited?
where did the volume go lads? can't hear shit
my bum smells like shit
Can someone educate me on why having loads of gas in the morning can result in a runny shit?

I don't even have diarrhea, but now I feel like I kinda need a shit but I don't
Why? Do you hate aussies and americans?
lmao I think have scurvy

going to go downstairs and find some sources of vitamin c
nope not buying it. you're from the westcountry, possibly Bristol, likely somerset, MAYBE devon, certainly not Cornwall. I've got your number, pal. you cant pull the wool over my eyes
giz a whiff
just replaced a Paddy into a bell–jar without him being wise about it
>need an enemy to unite against to exist
Perfectly describes Antifa and the "progressive" commies. They literally invent hate crimes and pretend Nazis are goosestepping all over the place so they can justify their violent repression of free speech and criticism of their commie agenda.
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topic of 4chan came up at last nights dinner. oh but don't you lads worry, I played the fool. Family suspected NOWT. xx
are you the jewish american?
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this mental hospital is hell
all, and I mean ALL fuckimg day I hear the staff screeching to each other down the halls. doesn't help that the walls are paper thin. I cherish every minute of peace I get because I don't know when the next will come.
they all seem thick as pig shit too. the NHS can burn for all I care
gave the wife's son a window to own up to his 4chan addiction last night
nothing came of it though, spineless prick
Think you may have skipped a page here lad, whatever could you mean by this?
lol alright then, honestly I would prefer this to be the case anyway.
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is he ok
fill us in, lad. why you there, what happened?
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get out of my house!

No, my mom is literally from Estonia. My dad is MUH 100% ITALIAN HERITAGE
Why is it good non eu migrants are mostly students?
Interesante, how ever did the theme of Mongolian jugglers' online discussive venue arise from middle–aged normoid folk?
>They go to the UK, give thousands of pounds, go home.
What's the problem?
poo willy wee bum arse
They let you have your phones/devices in there?
Take a pic anon.
need mo money fo dem programs
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Anyone know the Jre where Tim is brought up?
Your posts aren't funny. Your life is though, but not in a way that evokes laughter.
Please reconsider what you're doing for the sake of your family and yourself.
maybe downtrodden minorities wouldn't have to rely on healthcare as much if the rich were taxed appropriately based on their incomes instead of being fellated by the republican party
wasn't communicating much or leaving my room. was mostly just tired of engaging with life (haven't enjoyed it since sn early age) but I wasn't at all suicidal.
if I didn't have a hope of leaving this place it might just drive me to suicide though. I despise it so so much. It's irrational, but I'm going to get a proxy to talk to the doctor in charge for me because I'm just so fucking furious at this place
Man City is such a Deano club
Which programs?
Toroids want to reduce it
Whilst rorkoids are under the impression we're adding a city worth of people (but its more of a temporary tent city which people only spend 3 years in)
They clog university spots and take their skills out of the country. The only people who love it are uni admins raking in billions from fleecing rich Arabs and Chinese, I can't understand why anyone here would support it
on my break at work lads

want to fucking die, I've got another 6 and a bit hours in this shithole. what's the fucking point
>love finland
For what reason?
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shit, Séamus has clocked me:
time to scarper!
don't think Coronation Street and Eastenders cost that much to make
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Need that Ikea furniture dont you lad. Save p for the weekend hehe
mo money fo dem black students n shiiieet
anyone else apathetic to the point that they almost can't pull themselves out of bed in the morning regardless of their myriad obligations and responsibilities

would unironically enjoy being a NEET for the next 25 years if I could get away with it
There's no internet access, but I have 4G. Again, I don't know if they're aware or just thick. And I'm using an iPad with a broken camera so you'll have to take my word for it. Im aware that that normally means someone is bullshitting but I swear to god I'm stuck in this shithole for now
alri louis
>They clog university spots
Is lack of university places really a big issue rn?
> and take their skills out of the country.
Don't see the problem with this at all.
Same anon, really want to see what it's like there. Take a pic bong
you don't get committed for not communicating much or leaving your room lad. your parents sign you in there? what is their diagnosis, what treatment are you being given? I feel you though, I could see myself ending up in a place like that, and I would probably feel the same. how did you end up there, though?
those are programmes

dumb potato-starved nonce
You are the worst type of person but I also feel sympathy for you.

My goal is to experience life and have a positivistic outlook, that is to say that no matter how bad it might be now, the potential for a better future is all the hope I need. Even if my hell and indifference is on a first person conscious level.

I live to have children and give my life's energy over to creating a better person through what I've learned in my life. That is the base fundamentals; to create something new and better and build upon your life through your children.

Everything else is masturbation.
gonna do a cheeky early night since i'm monged out on valium

night lads
now the semester's over I'll probably just sleep all day
only motivated to do something for the holidays because my parents keep asking me and make me feel like a weirdo if I do nothing
be honest lad how many people did you kill
>They clog university spots
no they don't
>take their skills out of the country
this isn't an issue
dumb bogan shitposter, I never once posted noncey stuff
Envy your approach but know I'll never be able to have the same mindset no matter how much I try
Fuck the UK
only decent post in the entire thread
Steamed hams
do you do butt stuff?
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timmy's log - supplemental
stardate 26th june 2017

Literally from Utica NY
Aurora Borealis
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great sense of humour
wouldn't mind never having been born 2bh
hope psychriatric students can make use of this apocalyptic descent into madness by a functioning member of society for generations to come
All I did was not communicate or leave my room, that's honestly all I can tell you. As far as I'm aware my parents did contact the necessary authorities and get me detained, so quite naturally I'm furious at the cunts now.
I have not been given a treatment plan nor my rights for this place and I've been here six days. They just want me to eat and drink regularly and comply with whatever bullshit they tell me to do, and I've gotten very very impatient. I have now made it very clear that I am not going to work with them because of how fucking furious I am, which is why I need someone unrelated to this place to relay my message for me who should be calling in later today.
why don't brits when they're drawing cocks draw the foreskin? they're always circumcised
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>*assimilates 1950s television*

This man's life is both sad and rib crackingly hilarious.

Absolutely (supple)MENTAL
hello nigger
>paying £250,000 for a studio flat

why would ANYONE choose to live in london
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>Some bloke at oxford health has gotten him paranoid about hacking.
Ah yes, a mental health professional.
Business idea: Propranolol and amphetamine
maybe they're just all erect?
probably a joke present - my parents did it all the time
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uncut benises look similar to circumcised ones when erect minus the scar mark and the parched-riverbed-in-uganda-at-the-height-of-the-dry-season head texturing
action-packed commutes to and from work
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>parents want me to meet a jewish lady on thursday who they want me to marry

marriage is just more toil for the pile

erect willies all look essentially the same unless you have phimosis
is that why jews suck off their babies' dicks after they bite them off? keep em wet
>tfw I was not circumcised
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That looks dry as your australian moms pussy
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Engage photon torpedos Captain
not impressed by this "post" one iota
Daily reminder that once I get full citizenship I will shart in your marts.
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*takes a picture of your closet and shows it to your mom*
>let me just flap around looking for the swipebook
what did he mean by this?
I may be ugly and hate filled but I.. Uhm..
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Méfie-tu le cul qui va «péter» dans la nuit.
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very poor banter from the lizard dicks
shant be clicking this virus, no sir.
got barracked and harassed by some students while I was smoking outside my dorm. I thought smoking was cool still
in learning another language I have realised my English was terrible in the first place
in love with a thailad <3
It's an article claiming that youtube comments are bad because 4chan.
big difference between a thailad and THE thailad mate, for starters only one is actually thai and the other is wanted by interpol for systematic noncery
ah yes, the jewish 'anteater' meme, amazing how ignorant americans are about this. bet if an american girl slept with me she'd think i was circumicsed
I want you to notice
When I'm not around
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Go fuck your sister like you always wanted to
wew let down at glastonbury, really is such an emotive song, almost draining too listen too
youtube comments are bad because of 4chan and reddit, yes. but they weren't exactly stellar reading material before that.
got two months to finish off my masters degree and I literally could not care less

hate depression
It's pissing in a sea of piss at best.
no idea why are doubled up my os there
Ironically enough I would like to fuck my sister. She's not blood related, though.
alri orphanrunt
I want to fuck my cousin desu.
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Decking update: I'm finally getting rid of this rotten table we never use, dismantling it with a set of precision blows from my feet
british bird asked what music i liked and one of the bands i mentioned was radiohead

she gave me this funny look and just smirked throughout the entire conversation

what did she mean by this lads
love this guys channel , dude is clever

I always like Ned because he reminded me of my dad. Especially when he loses his patience
could heem that easy
not an orphan, just have a step sister.
in the mart, I shall shart
yeah he started when he was like 14 too, good on him
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>Want's to fuck sister
>Not related

Go on lad, give it a good welly, OOH ARR
>"I live to have children"
>he hasn't evolved beyond the primatelike desire to procreate

>he makes the norman post
hope you notified the council lad
*screams like a chimp*
alri calm down you mongrel
Stay off my turf.
Notified the council what? That I was going to be having a stern word with some rotten wood on my own property?
Might adopt a black child then train him to infiltrate the nigger collective and take it down from the inside.
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>spoiling a nice english garden with decking
You can be related to someone without being related by blood.
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Birthday lads

Started nowank day 1, staved off some fierce morning wood, was proper encouraging myself to have a ''birthday wank'', but I told myself I would start today and I'm sick of making excuses to myself for failures.

Bit grim that this is what my abnormie birthday culminates in, Chad would be going for lunch with his mates by now and already be texting 3 or 4 girls for tonight, but there we go.
very problematic viewpoint - the council shan't approve of this at all
>Jeremy Corbyn: I will be 'PM in six months'

What is it with Post-Modernists and reality that doesn't line up?
never read anything here longer than one sentence. proles
Happy birthday man.
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A chad wouldn't get a picture of a hedgehog wearing a birthday hat posted at him.

You have, happy birthday lad
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the red tide surges closer with every passing day
blood related you utter spacker. you know, like your cousins you all love to fuck so much, who actually are blood related.
if literally anybody but may was tory leader he would be btfo
stop watching jordan peterson
it's a dunce hat, he's just wearing it backwards
mind blown
See yer da's taking the divorce well
>Mary Sue
What the Dickens is this soft, bed–wetting safe hugs–space?
thailad is a chad
Reports that the Tory-DUP deal is now just a matter of "dotting the is and crossing out of the LGBTs"
you yank?
looks yankish
do pressure cleaners work on wood? feel like that mouldy shit will disintegrate from the force and you'll be one of those mongs that dies in those deck accidents I always hear about on channel nine
Did you listen to his Glastonbury speech? He spoke for an hour and said literally nothing.
Name something positive Islam and Muslims currently contributes to the UK. Remember more than half of them don't even work
>tfw the Alt Lite are slowly becoming Alt Right

guarantee we'll be seeing PJW and Molyneux talking about the Jewish Question in a few years
they hate gays
>Remember more than half of them don't even work
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I bet you would fuck your sister AND cousin lol
May might have a government now but was she on the stage at Glasto? thought not tory wankers
fosy (fuck off salty yank)
of course not

yeah that's the way you do it, going to apply some cleaner first then spray it off, then re-stain/seal it
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>channel nine
half of /brit/ doesn't work either
I went into a public-‘ouse to get a pint o’beer,
The publican ‘e up an’ sez, “We serve no red-coats here.”
The girls be’ind the bar they laughed an’ giggled fit to die,

O makin’ mock o’ uniforms that guard you while you sleep
Is cheaper than them uniforms, an’ they’re starvation cheap;
An’ hustlin’ drunken sodgers when they’re goin’ large a bit
Is five times better business than paradin’ in full kit.
been told I look australian
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Cheers lads x
very grim thing to be notified of if true
You can tell Ar' Lene Foster will be wearing the trousers
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Watching the Jihadists next door and my blood is BOILING lads
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who /gfbutnofriends/ here?

and don't FONT me, I'm not even close
you're a shia innit?
блять cyки я нeнaвижy вce вac
ecли я мoгy видить вы, я бyдy пpoбить cвoю гoлoвy
>more than half
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>May just gave Northern Ireland 1 Billion pounds to prop up a minority government

NHS bus mongs BTFO
me, I'm "friends" with all her friends but that's about it
I have two "mates" who she insists I keep texting even though they always cancel on me because she's an extrovert and can't imagine how lonely I must be (I'm not)
all 50 to 75 regular posters? about 30 of which are actually British? Ah yes, highly comparable
Really tried to think of something but there's literally nothing that couldn't be replaced by natives if they all left tomorrow. I mean how hard can it be to make a kebab or an extremely greasy pizza?
I want to fuck my cousin (16) but my sister is too young for me to be attracted to.
the green patch looks rotten though
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started eating a handful of chopped garlic before work every day and it's doing wonders for my health
don't forget the holy water and crucifix
THEY ALL KUFFAR *waves hand*
state of your breath
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>literally bribing some right wing irish nutjobs to vote for your proposals

ah yes, the so-called british democracy, very very VERY impressive
can smell your garlic breath from here
mm how about you let me worry about that, k hun? :) x
obviously I eat the garlic before brushing my teeth you absolute spastics
do you not do a garlic burp an hour later?
better for the first 6 hours
wish your dad had put the condom on before shagging your mum you gay garlic breath cunt
aha yeah sorry guess I overstepped my bounds x
fucking pongs of garlic in here, lads
don't remember /brit/ being in France
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Lámh Dearg, abú!

41% of men, 68% of women 'economically inactive'
ooga booga haha
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Just a coincidence
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>started eating a handful of chopped garlic before work every day and it's doing wonders for my health
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ahh yes, very impressive
>Not giving all power to a bunch of right-wing nutjobs from a backwards shithole
The UK is just becoming like the USA.
excellent post, lad haha
breath stinks so bad not even germs will touch you
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that's not enough
and you'll sweat it out
just went to the gym lads

oh jeez haha the smell of garlic, damn hah

just kept sweating garlic, it wouldnt stop haha
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CACKLING at that post >>76505466
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why don't you eat it when you get back instead of in the morning
>scroll through thread
>the only posts that are remotely funny are mine

alri narcissist
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the so-called black lives matter movement
enjoy smoking e cigs, lads
ah yes, poor people
he's a big guy
hello /brit/
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for u

being a self destructive habit it what makes it so cool
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why are they called protestors in the news? they're literally just vandals and criminals. most of them probably gang affiliates. protestors dont set fire to shit and throw bricks at police. that's what criminals and vandalists do. They should be sprayed with rubber bullets and drenched in mace, then thrown in a cell to rott
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