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Culture Pals - /cp/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 349
Thread images: 66

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newfags /out/ edition

Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs around the world!


OP pastebin:

Mega with the memes all the cool kids use:

qtcrawler script (javascript, tampermonkey/greasemonkey extension)


Previous thread:
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girl has to send first with a timestamp
But have you ever met someone who went to Acre and came back?

Checkmate Acreists
Probably has AIDS and sells drugs
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I will go to Romania this summer and this married milf from Hungary wants me to stop by at her town so we can meet up
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I might as well drop you and hit my sideqt up, who will both deliver and flatter me
Nice to be complimented sometimes
You have to go back.
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just end it lads
Me on the bottom left.
What a weird post no. mistake.
What do you say when someone sends a gym selfie but you want to keep things non-sexual? Is "good job" enough?
Ask him his diddly 1RM
Keep truckin', slugger
Stay golden pony boy
are the pics sexual?
what a cute bot
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>qt says I look like some celebrity I've never heard of
>get excited, look him up
>it's pic related
can i kill myself yet?
You have my permission.
Sorry m8. Gingers are incapable of being attractive. Should neck yourself tbqf

Don't worry about it mate, I've had Benedict Cumberbatch and Nicholas Hoult before
Post profile?
Pretty sure women want to fuck those two.
is comparing people to celebrities anglo culture?
I had a girl tell me I look like Misha Collins before. Another one said I looked like "Thom Yorke before he turned into a weird old wizard".
Unironically yes.
thom yorke always looked weird
Yeah, that was my first thought as well to be honest.
What happened to culture and languages :^)
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you're just humble bragging

First time commenting on a qt's pic, how did I do? ;^)
Was a hypothetical question ;^)
Babuska means grandmother.

t. Someone who was just explained this exact think three days ago by his Russian qt in Cappadocia.
Thanks for explaining the joke, lad.
Spill it why would women ask for nudes
Posted it loads of times before, you'll see it crop up in the future I'm sure

Nicholas Hoult I was chuffed with I think he's quite handsome
Cumberbatch is an alien freak and women only want to fuck him because >le quirky British Sherlock man
I worded it poorly but I was trying to show that I've had both ends of the spectrum
Same reasons men do. Not sure what you want to hear.
Well I needed to be explained it three days ago so I thought I'd help.

My Russian up till last week was restricted to blini, pidor, and cyka blyat.
>tfw no dago gf
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What is /cp/ listening to?
Send music
I'm listening to the rain on top of the bus as I go back to Michigan
What a lovely sound. Where are you coming from?
Turkey with my Russian qt, by way of Chicago O'Hare.
Just want a friend desu lads
I can be you pal, bud
The joke is that some old Russian lady wearing a headscarf just like the one she's using became well known in American ""culture"" after an unsuccessful manhunt to find her because she was taking photos when Kennedy was shot and police thought the pics might be useful.
The media called her "the babushka lady" (which doesn't make much sense, but okay).
Post your profile
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post profil
Nice song. Everything acoustic is calming.

Yeah whatever smartfag.

This girl had a page on IP for years.

2 years ago
>>I wan to learn Korean and Asian language.
>>I only like asian guys, asian guys please contact me.

I think reality is setting in on her. She isn't going to meet her asian prince. All mentions of liking "Asian culture" is gone from her page.

Cool. Do you think the relationship will last long?
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>no /cp/ anons to talk to

You should add me bros
You've seen my pic and know me to be white. I just don't keep up with happenings from 20 something years before I was born.
Well, the husband is probably a hungarian, so no surprise lad.
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post profile

post profile mehmet
Sex was good and we like each other a lot so hopefully. I work in international operations at my company too so I have a bit of freedom to kind of work wherever the fuck I want so it could work out. We shall see.
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>I just don't keep up with happenings from 20 something years before I was born.
That's a rather convoluted way of saying you're ignorant about history ;^)

And not, I don't know you to be white. There are several burgerposters and I know that at least one claims to be nigger.
Many such cases!

Embrace the Dano.
You do. I was the one posting Turkey pics in the last thread.
She just viewed me.
It's working, lads ;^)

(Haven't messaged her, btw. She looks boring desu)
Didn't know you were from /cp/.
You have a pretty nice music section, I checked it all out.
And how am I supposed to distinguish you from the others, ah?
>tfw can't even message portuanon
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how old are your people?

am i the oldest?
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me 22
Are you daemir or 5dedicatedlover?
UAE guy
I'm 26. : ^ )
You should feel our undying friendship resonating from my posts.
31 in a month and a half. I bet I win.
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>I win

theres only loser in this game
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Ah, are you the guy that emigrated to the UAE?
Kys, desu

Well, keep posting pics, that might help strengthen our "friend"ship.
Jokes on you I just spent a little over a week fucking my Russian qt so for once I feel like a winner.
~emigrated~ is a big word pal. I'm just an expat here. My relationship with the UAE is solely based on my work contract
Am I a babby?
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>keep posting pics
Would still recommend suicide, but k.
Plan on going back, then?

Ah, fuck.
I thought you were posting noods, not fucking landscapes.
You can keep those for yourself, thanks.
Nudes will come this week I think. She said I could have them when we got back to our respective countries.
Well since it's not possible to get permanent residency here, some day I'll probably have to leave. But this country has been good to me, earning 4 times more than back home
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How do I respond? I can't think of anything. We've already talked about movies and music a bit.

She is a 6 or 7/10 but she is a nice person and has great english desu
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Erik eternally BTFO'd.
How will he ever recover?

By here you mean UAE, right? Cuz you have the Austrian flag atm.

Ah, cool.
Will you post them here? (I actually understand if you don't, since you're in a committed relationship)
yeah yeah, I'm on vacation right now back home, returning next week
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I have no idea actually, tell me what to reply

I had a girl from St. Petersburg who was like this. Not very interesting and would tell me things about the country.
Run before she shanks or, worst, asks her dad to shank you.

She hasn't messaged me. Hum, funny how things go, ah?

You can have her, btw; she seems pretty boring.

Yeah, I remember you talking about that.
Been having luck with the ladies there? (irl)
Tell her you feel unnaturally attracted to foreign girls
For the record I asked her about it
>Will you post them here?
I will if she doesn't mind. She probably won't if they don't show her face, she's pretty easy going.
>wow I can't wait to visit, you'll be my tour guide, yes? ;)

Should buy you some time
nope just getting cucked by people who live on the palm
>I will if she doesn't mind.
Well, thanks for taking the risk of even asking it, lad.
Top banter Erik
>Mashalla sister, I actually really like your hijab
i have a oneitis, i have no desire to find qt's
Ill go with that then
>i have a oneitis, i have no desire to find qt's
Is it reciprocal, though?
It's not. She wouldn't get mad at something like that.
Can someone post korean girl posters profile thanks
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/cp/ is a korea free zone. Begone.
we have 2 korean korean posters and 1 korean american
Koreans are fine it's just koreaboos that need to be gassed
We wouldn't have Koreaboos if it weren't for Koreans.
Finland apu poster you are always asking for peopleto bost brofile. Why not share yours?
What did I do wrong?
Nothing. The gook is clearly in the wrong.

Tell her you're from /int/, the worlds foremost experts on whiteness.
She's just talking about skin color. Asians are not always literally yellow.
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Before I did my semester abroad in Japan I used the bot to get to know to some Japanese girls on interpals. That was about 6 years ago. Guess who is married to one now
Most annoying country that isn't Thailand?
United Kingdom
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i did

gambia is lot worse than thai land
There was no bot 6 years ago
Post again
what happened to the girl you sent money to in Thailand
Anywhere with Muslims. For some reason they always get pissed when you point out how shitty their goatfucking religion and childfucking prophet are.

Just once I wish one of them would admit that they're savages.
The countries that are more secular aren't so bad. Like Turkey and Lebanon for example.
I've still had them get pissed when I've explained the extreme shittiness of it. Even from this Tunisian qt who claimed to be an atheist.
I'm horny
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any oldfags still in here? so, i could not seduce train girl since i'm simply too beta and she didn't feel the same. however, today whilst visiting me mums shop, a gorgeous girl who looked very much like train girl walked in and apparently my mum knows her quite well so we got introduced. is the universe playing a trick on me? hair, eyes all the same, she was just 2 inches taller. looked the same age as well. honestly this is quite troubling.

what do?
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Either be British or fuck off.
Stop being a fucking beta and setup a date with her.

Go do it, ""Sven"", I'm tired of seeing your fat manlet ass around here.
start killing people who look like the girl you once loved
Make sure to keep their skin and wear it while you masturbate in the mirror
t. Estonian serial killer
I've done that a couple times. Not as fun as it sounds.
Buffalo bill pls leave
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>so the King ordered he should be killed for lieing him so the villagers didso but whenthe goat so that his boss was dead it cried touching him sing like ndimpulima ndimpulima mukamawange(i didnt hear my boss) he woke up the king was so amazed he was even promoteed.What do u learn from that.hahahaha
reeeeeeee, i just want some views that aren't men
we learn british english here amerishart
that would mean i'd have to approach my mum about it, cringing at the thought
hm no
>that would mean i'd have to approach my mum about it, cringing at the thought
Won't she come back?
Try starting a convo with her.

Also, leave the cumrag at home; smell is a big thing irl.
>we learn british english
Well knock it off you hipster faggot.
Reading the non-greentext again, I'd recommend you to try and find her on facebook, it's a really easy way to start socializing with people you only have weak social relations to.

P.S. Who's this attention whore - ""train girl""?
>Won't she come back?
yeah but who knows when, also who is this fat manlet you think i am? well, i'm a manlet but not fat nor a sw*de
Stay around your store and when she shows up follow her home so you know where she lives.
>i'm a manlet but not fat nor a sw*de
Shit, tell me I'm not helping out a fucking rapefugee.

I'm talking about a cucked swede that posts here.
He's the definition of beta nu-male.
If that makes you feel better, we learn American English here in Hueland ))
It's really strange how it works. Yesterday I got like 4 views and today over 40 without doing anything special.
*views your profile*
Good dog.
i leave an IP tab up all day long too
i refreshed and there was no br there
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stop baiting this is serious
not a rapefugee i'm european, i rarely post so it's not me

how about i mention her to my mum, and then she will tell me more about her, if she's single etc? is that a good plan?
>how about i mention her to my mum, and then she will tell me more about her, if she's single etc? is that a good plan?
Sure. Your mum isn't retarded and will know what's up, she'll help you out.
Just ask her to let you do your own thing; mums can be a bit too pushy sometimes.
trying to convince these qts that im not just an autist who spends all day on 4chan is exhausting, lads
Then don't.
Just impress them with good memes, the'll be like kids in a candy store.
Women don't actually know what 4chan is.
Anyone here got nudes or lewds (or fucked) a muslim qt?
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have you come to terms with women /cp/?
>50% aware of backup man
JUST cuck my shit up senpai

Fake? can't bother to reverse image search.
My ladyfriend has no friends, and neither do I. I think I'm good.
These results aren't correct because women lie to themselves all the time. The percentages would be higher.
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My 16 year old gf broke up with me lads

What do now?
>view a profile
>don't get viewed back
>Russian QT did nothing but wait for me for two whole hours and said all she wants to do is talk to me

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I wish these feels would go away

I already met her parents, I was supposed to spend summer at their place

She just told me today out of blue that she just doesn't feel that way anymore
No shit, she's 16. She doesn't know what she wants.
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i have to agree with >>76308315
It was futile to begin with imo
I think its time we list our personal 10/10's on interpals, knowing im not looking for qt's i dont mind sharing my findings; /wv2nc /Eva-peoples1994
This brit girl is actually qt
>implying i'll share my >300 bookmark section
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I guess she really doesn't

I'm shitfaced drunk trying to drown this feels in beer and cheap vodka
You know that they can see who bookmarks them, right?
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i-is this you anon ?
>relationship with only ever bf ended
>no backup
i dun goofed :D
anyway 43% is high but not all that high
most people of both genders are crap anyway, can't you see how scummy the guys in these threads often get?
Yes because 4chan is the norm when it comes to male behavior

>most people of both genders are crap anyway, can't you see how scummy the guys in these threads often get?

People in these threads are among the best, I don't see what issue you have with any of them.

24 for 2 days now

fuck me.

Make sure you send a positive message to any profile of a refugee in Europe that you see :)
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no, but anon was talking to 4chan males so the behavior of 4chan males is the relevant one, not all males.
anyway poll doesn't even have link showing methodology, so could clearly be just crap
then again i don't know why i care about the topic when most people are shit and deserve to be alone or with shitty people anyway
21 in one week
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Guys what do i reply?
the thing about sharing teen crazies' nudes is pretty low
then again I'm not a regular here to whatever
Not as big as the head im packing in my pants
how did you celebrate?
ahhh you're the soldier guy, I remember you
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>most people are shit and deserve to be alone or with shitty people anyway

Oh please, a bunch of teen guys doing the things teen guys do.
It would be the same if they had it in real life.

Also implying girls don't do that to when they're teens, share pics with guys of "this or that slut" they've fallen out of favour.
Yea or nay?
Don't apologize.You have to double down on it in a joking way. If you do it right, it might become 'your thing' and you can tease her about her head every once in a while to dominate her.
>qt replies to me every time she logs on (1-2 times/day)
>all other qts only respond periodically
Am I doing it right?

You know what they say about animal paw tattoos anon.

Unless you're into that.


Nothing special, just a few drinks with friends
I have no interest tho, i want something fun
what was your profile?
Animal in bed?
Not in the way you mean.

Let's just say her dog is getting more action than you.
>Also implying girls don't do that to when they're teens
never really seen that happen even if guys always mention it somehow
but yeah
whatever I'm just bitter and drunk after a failed relationship
sorry brahs
>in beer and cheap vodka
Slav it up brother. Life can be cruel sometimes.
>never really seen that happen even if guys always mention it somehow

My neighbour showed me when we were both 8th grade (14 years old) some other girl she used to hang out with getting fucked. Said she does it for 5000RSD

>whatever I'm just bitter and drunk after a failed relationship
Yeah I got that, hence the pic related in this post.

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wtf people
I hate tattoos but still
some people do like animals a lot in wholesome ways
Fuck off faggot. /cp/ bros are top tier.
>some girls you knew did it
>all girls do it
dunno what am I exactly projecting besides bitterness
and it's bitterness against people acting in mean ways (such as disrespecting others' privacy and
sharing dubious statistics to spread hate)
>bitterness against people acting in mean ways (such as disrespecting others' privacy and
>sharing dubious statistics to spread hate
Nigga I don't think 4chan is for you.
Agreed. /cp/ is the comfiest general thread I've ever posted in
nah I hate everyone isotropically
besides I've been here since 2007
raging feels good
also only here I can molest finns virtually constantly
man, you can not take a joke to save your life.


>dunno what am I exactly projecting besides bitterness

Exactly that.

>>some girls you knew did it
>>all girls do it

#NotAllGuys do it either.

I said it happens, and desu it's a normal part of life.

>and it's bitterness against people acting in mean ways

not quite

>most people are shit and deserve to be alone or with shitty people anyway
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My qt got butthurt and deleted me because I didn't want to exchange nudes on the internet.

Fucking North American women. They are too hedonistic.
She didn't delete you because she was butthurt, she deleted you because she was hurt since she thought you didn't want to see her like that and considered her unattractive.

.t I'm a girl who deleted you

Sorry, it was boring the crap out of me.
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>a girl wanting nudes from a turkroach
im just supposed to believe this?
They should totally make those hats, I'd buy one.

he's a handsome stolen balkan baby.
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>sent by white turkish qt
what did she mean by this?
American men too. I just spent a week getting drunk and fucking a Russian chick in your shitty mudslime country.

Incidentally Turkish condoms are garbage.
Its cool to be black
I aölways use black emoticons and I'm racist as fuck
You're black though so it makes sense.
Please don't be racist. God doesn't like that
why do autists need to brag? believe or not, most normal people can get sex in their own country without having to travel to the 3rd/2nd world.
I'm not black
at most brown but even then I had the exact same skin color as my 100% binnish ex bf
no blacks in Chile except for recent migrants
we didn't do the slaev shit
Black, brown, whatever. Still ain't white.
Nah God's racist too. Says so in the Book of Mormon.
whatever, true whites are cucks anyway
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Y'all heretics if you aren't orthodox.

And will be dealt with properly.
that's a really big ben0r
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>I want to be on /cp/ because girls give me attention and validate me for no effort on my part
>I don't want to be on /cp/ because its pointless outside Europe and I'll never see any these girls ever

The eternal struggle.
The point was that Mohammed Bin-Turkroach is maybe a little too triggered by high school levels of human sexuality.

Probably due to his child rapist false prophet.
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Russians overcompensating as always
It all makes sense now.
I guess importing africans by the boatload does that
>and I'll never see any these girls ever
Why not? Broke ass neet?
Didn't work here but I suspect the tens of millions of manlet beaners we have running around may cancel it out.
Chilean femanon, give the quick rundown on why you even come to this thread?
Because I'm not autistic enough to fly to a different continent to have sex with a girl that thought I was cute on the internet.
Well don't you sound like a no fun faggot. Why not? It's only money. What are you, poor?
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But we love them nonetheless <3


And ex-yu
Yes we know you do. You guys slurp every ounce of Russian semen you can get in any Russia related thread.
Seems pointless 2bh. Its not as if the foreign girls autistic enough to be on interpals are somehow much better than the girls here. If I lived in Europe I think it'd be a really fun site to use when traveling in the summer and stuff, but in America it's not super useful.
Someone is butthurt nobody likes them ;)


It's okay anon USA willl find a friend too
It's not pointless at all. Would you rather have a vacation by yourself or a vacation with someone that lets you put your penis inside them multiple times a day?
because I want to talk to random finns, get views and messages by finns, etc
also it pops when I browse int
bbut yeah, sorry ive been an ass
>what is Poland
Also we have like 50 plus vassals, we're good.
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>that tfw when an absolute qt views your profile but doesn't message
ummmm Just McFuckingâ„¢ why
You need some dick. Maybe then you'll stop being such a whiney bitch.
Can't find anyone from Australia or Japan interested in monkeys. :((((((
Actual monkeys or Brazillians? Cuz I like monkeys.
A nation from the butthurt belt can not be your friend.

At best your temporary interests are aligned.

>Also we have like 50 plus vassals, we're good.
Vassal != a friend
I already had dick and it made me bitchier than I had ever been before
Poland has always been our friend though, they helped us during the Revolution.

The only times they've ever not been our friend is when Russia has wiped them off the map.
Try it in your butt next time. Or maybe your mouth so you'll shut the fuck up.
Both are the same thing
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hunny it just wasn't the RIGHT dick lmao
Nah. Real monkeys are far less likely to wind up in prison.
But blacks in America have a real high incarceration rate
Fair point.
>message main qt
>one checkmark
She's dead
What country she from?

Mate you haven't even been around for long enough to get a friend
lads lads lads how tf do i message a bich that viewed me and didnt leave a message
Don't need friends when its in everyones best interest to get along with you.
I assume this was meant for me.

Anyway yeah, probably died in a school shooting. Eat an extra burger in her memory.
Been around a lot longer than your country my Ottoman friend.
Try a middle ground and go for Indonesians then, since they are located halfway between Japan and Australia ))
"You see what you like?;)"
>ay yo bich u finna fuk or u on sum gay ass languge lernin kick
This is the smartest thing I've ever seen a Brazilian post.

maybe this though
Nothing lasts forever my son.

Except true friendship

>calls me an Ottoman
>says he's been around longer than me

This can not make sense even to you.

if I am one, I've been around for a whole lot longer than you.
America does have true friendship
we are best friends with Israel :)
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have you collected your "goodnight!"s from your qts yet, /cp/?
Don't pretend to be retarded nigger.
If i delete a one checkmark message on whatsapp, will the message still be sent?
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Hi, my name is Sang-Mi.
I love talk, but not these talks where you go asking "tell me about yourself".
These talks when you just came and tell me something super odd about you, or like how your pet is amazing and learn to fly, even its is a dog. T hat would be super nice conversation do have
I'm here to expand my horizons and learn more about English
Usually change the day for the night, and I'm a very busy person sometimes. So don't be mad at me if I don't answer you. I probably didn't see the message.


Meanwhile, nobody is interested in me and in my perfect legible profile.
I hate Interpals.

Also, this guys uses that shit for years and nobody amended this mund of shit?
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With friends like that, who needs enemies, am I right ?
I'm deleting my account lads
This has been fun
ok i replaced fuk with talk because i want a hug on the heart bet
Good. And don't come back.
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Holy fuck that reminds me of this

How much views will I get if I make a profile like this ?
Good bye
>Meanwhile, nobody is interested in me and in my perfect legible profile.
Maybe it's because you're ugly, huebro (n-no offence)
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Life's too cruel. :(
spell 'talk' as 'tauk'

dont wanna ur qt to think u waste ur time on books lik sum kinda faggot
There's something deeply unsettling about your country. I really really hate Muslims but something makes me feel like bombing you guys still was probably the right decision.

Whatever you guys are up to over there I'm sure it can't be good.
who else /kinda scared to flirt with paki girls in case they get executed for it/
Nah. What better way to stop the flow of rapefugees to our countries? Think of it as a patriotic duty.
Hello /cp/ did you remember to ignore Pole skanks?

>There's something deeply unsettling about your country

i rarely get replies from pole skanks :(
too late FUCK!!!!!!!!!
It's not worth the risk.
So then you understand why we had to do it. Glad we had this talk.
anyone who still says rapefugees doesn't deserve an opinion T.B.H
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Why did my 4k blocked people turn into 10?
Would you prefer paki vermin?
lmao she's probably laughing at your message with Chad right now

gg no re, Anon
I'm still blocked, weapon.
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Oh, so it's a site bug. Good.
Erdogan must have blocked Interpals.

Don't worry it will be back in a couple weeks, he does this shit all the time
lol idc i dont take this shit that seriously
Holy fuck what a faggoty face, would fuck that dude up in a fight easily. Real talk why are girls going mad for these korean femboys? I seriously can't imagine seeing a 6/10+ walking around with one of these small girly twinks.
Hello I am from THE GAMBIA. God bless you brother
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So why don't you have a Colombiana qt yet? You are aware they are the best and most beautiful girls right?
what's wrong with polish skanks?

maybe they think it's trendy?
Because I'm pretty racist desu.
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It's American continents power hour!!
have one but she doesn't reply very quick
A Russian qt finally responded to my message.

is of great happy, comrades))
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You gay senpai?
Nice job, please report back to us when you two marry.
I wish I was that toilet
If you hook up with her maybe the four of us can go on a double date and fuck next time I'm over there.
It was actually 6k.
I just delete + block any messages that doesn't interest me: "hi. how are u" / "teach me english"
I'm a grill btw
Dios mios, hermano. If only it were that easy.
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Really hope it's a trend so I can enjoy my fetish for Asians.
No. I just hate Mexicans. It's not my fault that they're terrible people.
i'm gay except i'm a boy and i only like girls

all me btw
Also, have a dank song, lads

>I just delete + block any messages that doesn't interest me: "hi. how are u"

fff, woman, you can't get to 2deep4u talks without going through small talk.
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how's you harem going, lads?
i'm trying to get a qt in every timezone for 24 hour nudes
post nudes xx
Think on the bright side, if Korean guys are busy being swarmed by western girls, that means that are more free Korean women, right?
are you the r9k weenie with the women hatred!
I'll show ur ass what's 2deep4u.

A good small talk is creating a conversation from the content of their profile. All my conversations are 2deep4u :3.
Who the fuck wants bucktoothed, five headed, korean monsters?
Depends how well written the profile is, laddo. Otherwise just saying "Oh, you like [band/movie/series/book]?" is just as bland as saying hi.
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What a boring reply
>so sexually frustrated that you need to rant on a taiwanese basket weaving forum because you see some random guy you've never been within 200 miles of getting a bunch of comments on an internet dating website
Yikes dude, you really need to get sum fugg. Try messaging some thais, I heard they're desperate for physically repulsive brits.
tell her yes
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I'm gay.
>I'll show ur ass what's 2deep4u
Plz msg me /SissyLoser22m
I thought it was good. I would have messaged you back.
You missed the point entirely. Why are Canadians always so low IQ and tryhardish?
"not as lovely as the head I'm packing in my pants"
It comes from being the bastard, unwanted, lovechild of three real, far more successful, countries. Lack of identity creates anger and bitterness.
Depends on the person more imo. If they're good conversationalists, they can come up with anything.
I was about to send her this but she blocked me :(
Yes this.

This is the only acceptable reply.
95% of CANZAC flags are gooks

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I came up with a few good openers, but I feel bad copy paste-ing 'em to every single qt for which it'd fit.
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