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Thread replies: 305
Thread images: 49

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The lads
too much 'cism in the last thread
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NEED an interesting documentary to watch lads
might say "nigger" on an anoynmous forum lads

'lo 'ger
started my life sucking on some chebs and I'm like to go out the same way

Went to a club last night and everyone was shouting this haha x

lol yungen got bodied so hard by chipmunk he had to ditch the road and start a pop career
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We've got some of the most varied and incredibly history in the world and our national history curriculum is 75% about world snore II

needs sorting out
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sir edwards is vile
no wonder it's so cheap
But then how will children know that Jews are the good guys?
yungen was always shit
stupid racist goyim
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>Playing pokemon at my cell and gf sees my Dragonite
>"Wow I always loved Charizard"
>"Babe, this is Dragonite"
>"Oh right, charizard was from Digimon."

Hello Nigger
The giant space billboard should help.
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>world snore II
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more evidence wikileaks is just a front for russian intelligence
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I know the feeling, I watched history channel for years and I don't know how many Hitler docs I saw during that time
>Winston Churchill is the number one greatest Briton when there was basically all of history to choose from
i completely agree i just find it funny that he changed his image right after getting destroyed
>single linking

you odious little polyp
Why do your disgusting flabby white women dress for the body they think thry have not the one they actually have? It's repulsive.
Corbyn has announced that he wants to use the empty properties surrounding Grenfell to house the tower’s former residents. Writers from the Sun decry it as a "sign of Corbyn’s contempt for freedom and property that his knee jerk reaction to the tragedy is to resort class war"

But Corbyn isn’t suggesting the state arbitrarily seize someone’s home, he's suggesting that we use empty properties owned by property speculators to temporarily house people. These empty houses aren't the personal property of the speculators; they don't exist for the functional use of their owners, they exist as capital. Their use value is nothing for their owners, it is the exchange value they crave

The reaction of bourgeois commentators brings into sharp relief the reality of capitalism: capitalist property and production don't exist to satisfy any human need, they exist only for the valorisation of capital. The laws which protect private property are not neutral mechanisms but an object of class rule. The Guardian's hapless Stephen Moss attempts to cite E P Thompson in defence of 'personal liberty' to profit - the same E P Thompson who, as a member of the Communist Party Historians Group, decried the law as "an ideology which not only served, in most respects, but which also legitimized class power", and so accurately chronicled the creation of private property through the enclosure of the commons and the transition from barter economy to the capitalist mode of production

The pretence of personal liberty is used precisely to perpetuate this wretched state of affairs which prioritises the freedom to engage in property speculation over the right to life and the necessities for survival - food and shelter. The right-wing press quake at the mere suggestion of requisition and use these ideological tools to cover their selfishness and greed. To this, we quote a titan of our movement: "It is difficult for me to imagine what 'personal liberty' is enjoyed by an unemployed hungry person."
Planet of the Apes is literally about what happens when niggers take over the planet in 200 years time
watching the autistic gardener. he's not fucking autistic.
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*picture the scene, it's D-Day, you play Steve Jones, a rifleman in the 82nd Airborne Division, ready to drop into Normandy*
*a rookie next to you vomits down himself*
*you look down at the crucifix around your neck and say the Lord's prayer, as images of your sweetheart back home race through your mind*
*the light turns green and your squad begin to filter out of the plane, their white parachutes filling the night sky*
*as you rocket towards hell, you hear one of your squaddies next to you*
*she puts an extended magazine into her Mac-11 and begins spraying towards the ground*
*she reaches into her ammo pouch and retrieves a 20 pack of newports*
ayo nigga, y'all got a light?
we have a giant lower class, it makes up most of the population. britain is not 1st world like you thimk
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>I know the feeling, I watched history channel for years and I don't know how many Hitler docs I saw during that time
>women were nazis
so surreal

bet they thought it was just another trend like scene or emo
>But Corbyn isn’t suggesting the state arbitrarily seize someone’s home, he's suggesting that we use empty properties owned by property speculators to temporarily house people

distinction without a difference
Because they think they are dressing for the body they have you dumb nigger you answered your own question
shan't be even glancing in the direction of this publication
just dumped my bf, man that feels terrible
yeah they're a lost cause alright
At least there is some hope for us (and the mainland)

I was going to link a rebbit thread from a father who found his daughter looking at nazi material online and was finding advice on how to get her arrested without getting himself implicated, but it seems he deleted his post
It's funny because we were an utter embarrassment in WW2, we only won one battle of any marginal importance on our own meanwhile the Russias were grinding the Nazis into ashes.
he sucked my cock once. great mouf on him
Find a new reaction image. You sent this one my way earlier.
>picks the most op Pokemon ever
boring cunt
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He's not german
>how dare these fucking sjw morons put minorities in my inaccurate commercial games
>cosplaying as nazi and gunning down people for fun ? that's okay in my book lol
the value system of this generation sh my he
>Greatest retreat in history!
Is the German rorke a brit?
I only saved it yesterday so getting my use out of it
watching Attack on Titan lads

want to 'dora me? hmpf, go ahead, a lion does not concern himself with the opinion of sheep
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Reckon I can scale a 40 footer quicker than any of you soft cunts
Saw in a documentary one woman said she voted Nazi because her and her husband couldn't afford a house and they wanted children and the Nazis gave loans for houses that would get paid off by having children.
>Their use value is nothing for their owners, it is the exchange value they crave
Interesting choice of words.

"CRAVING that exchange value lads. Might stomp on a homeless orphan's face if he comes between me and my exchange value."

Oh HAHAHAHA never mind
A Manc living in Hamburg
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i got dumped a few weeks ago and im still recovering

so dont worry - hes probably in much worse shape than you are
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Why is there a german in our thread?
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s1 or s2
mate you didn't even participate in WW2 so you've got no say in the matter
why are there so many faggots in these threads?
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You are just too dense to realise that that is not the case..

Also watch who you call nigger im much whiter than you
walked past a warehouse rave earlier dropping some absolute naughty little riddims

There's something amazing about fascism. Wouldn't like to live under it but the pride they had was a sight.
guillotines needed
us germanics gotta stick together these days mate
>These empty houses aren't the personal property of the speculators; they don't exist for the functional use of their owners, they exist as capital. Their use value is nothing for their owners, it is the exchange value they crave

And here it is. The entirety of left-wing ideology is essentially just utilitarianism under different words.
Tfw no muslim bf
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Does anyone that posts in here even live in london?
it's called coherence
we did, briefly
dunkirk retreat would have been a slaughter if it wasn't for french soldiers
what did he dump you for
im not sure if my reason was good but hes hurting like fuck and in the middle of exams thats why i feel like total shit
reminds me of my mum who is racist and voted leave but votes labour for the benefits
france is one of the winner of WW2 la résistance is strong shut up shut up shut up
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Fascism is the application of aesthetics to politics
never watched AoT or any anime but I've heard it's shite so 'ck off plen
ah yes you must feel a lot of pride seeing your country fall apart then get bombed to shit by the much more succesful and fairer liberal world, but at least they had nice uniforms and slogans?
Ah yes the ol' myth of the French Resistance.
Awful lot of agitated sheeds in this thread. Can't blame them, their pedo idol told them they can't eat or drink for another 3 hours and it's 28 degrees outside
>it's another 'north african nonce appears and attatches a name to his posts to garner an identity on /brit/' episode
S I g h
I suppose if there's one thing frogs know how to do it's retreat
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how is it so far? ive only seen s1, waiting for s2 to finish before i start
where my other north african bros at
Brothers gf made a huge scene while they were on holiday because he didn't notice that her make up was smudged slightly.

Ah yes, the proverbial 'tinder gf'

Women, by nature, are extraordinarily conforming. They'd go along with anything if their men led them.
Does anyone know where I can buy size 3 wellies. Everywhere I've looked starts at size 4 but my son is only a 2.5 and they're huge on him. He's walking really confidently now and I know he'll love puddles if I can get him some.
Thank you
Going to leave this on for a while

also why is kent the best county in the UK?
you say that like it's a bad thing
Atlantis slave trade game where I can customise myself whatever colour I want. How do 'sheeds react?
didnt may show up and then leave because she was getting hounded by the people there?
Nigger logic, you literally asked

>why do they dress to fit how they think they look

Because thats how they think they look you useless vile little nigger
how the fuck is robert mugabe still alive

Ah yes because that was going on pre 40s
it's alright, there's couple of beeeeg tweeests to look forward to, and a bit more explanation on what titans are etc it's all outside the walls though which is what I enjoy
Ah yes, the virgin posts
are you in london
*confiscates your house and puts 17 homeless people and 12 refugees in your room because it's 'necessary'*

Praise the revolution comrade.
made a deal with the Bogs
is this the one who screams at his computer?
what's so surprising? lower middle class (the main base of fascism) women were/are just as fascistic as their male counterparts
business idea: confiscate Stacy's vagina on the grounds she seeks its exchange value rather than use value and return it to the masses
they covered yours, copain
fighting heavily outnumbered and out gunned, sometimes to the last bullet
just to buy time
have some respect
shan't be reading ANY publication in this thread, not even my own
fascism doesn't work even in peacetime

mussolini and hitler's domestic policies were failures
fuckin hell lads. gona be a long wait till iftar. bloody starving.
everyone trip up

>yank trip and namefag
>secure trip because he thinks people give a shit about impersonating him

NOT a fan
Bought a hundred quid bottle of wine that shall be uncorked the day George Soros kicks the bucket
>literal shitskins in /brit/

absolute state of this thread. no wonder it fucking reeks
yeah alright mate it's just a bit of ww2 banter fuck me don't cry
fucking hell may is pale
what does she do all day, sign documents and wank
Not autistic enough to know the difference between secure and insecure trip
Don't see these posts because I have all trips filtered. Weird to think there's an entire shadow thread that I never see going on right under my nose.
*squeals frantically*
george soros did nothing wrong
lol this is literally what you people fear isn't it? the dastardly poor and brown masses taking your precious property.
too late
maybe a pic of your feet could cheer me up
mum and dad did that with some expensive champagne for when their mortgage was paid off then found out my sister had taken it to a house party years before

crease, they absolutely bollocked her
trips are a blessing in disguise
*filters the fuck out of you*

Hitler's domestic policies brought Germany from the nightmare Weimar Republic to one of the most productive and wealthy nations on the planet.
Remember when Greece debt was the fucking end of the world according to the news/media?

They just got approval for 8bn euros in additional bailout funds, and it got a single (short) article on BBC news.

It's like they subjectively decide what is "big news" and therefore what people will care about.
she's a reptile and only has one skinsuit
trolled u good haha
NYC is really cool
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>ywn wake up on a desert island after a shipwreck and wake up and see Sophie Turner on the beach with you and realise you're alone on the island together with no way of getting off so you're going to have to try and survive until help arrives so you catch animals and pick fruit and build a shelter and she's really depressed and she hates you and avoids you during the day while you look for food but in her sleep she starts snuggling closer and closer to you during the cold nights and one day you wake up with your arms around each other and you both realise how sex-starved you are and you look at each other for a second and then furiously start snogging and tearing each others' clothes off and you have sex all day and don't even bother to gathering food and then you lie awake looking at the stars all night and then you live in paradise on the island together but a week later a ship arrives on the island by chance and rescues you and when you arrive back in civilisation you realise that your relationship together will never work in the real world and you both drift back to your previous lives and go your separate ways and find other partners and have children and settle down but neither of you ever tells your new families about the island and one day when you're old and grey you're walking down the street and you randomly bump into her and, silently, she reaches down and crushes your balls

Just die in my sleep already
>yanks trying to do a funny
God why won't they just fuck off already
anyone itt look like this?
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alri tripfags

Doesn't champagne go off?
if people cared they'd read more and in turn they'd do more articles

but nobody cares about greece anymore
Do you NEED that computer? Are you currently doing something productive with it? No, you're posting on 4chan. Fucking bourgeois cunt, give it here. This is going to someone who'll use it for education/business. And you, count yourself lucky you're not being charged with unproductiveness. Back to work!

*takes your computer and locks it away in room marked "state property"*
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>Josh Worthington is ITT right now
glad i read this
shall not be wasting my time with this particular publication
didn't read single letter of this
Guy I grew up with died and now his mum is a heroin addict and wears his clothes all the time. See her around town every once in a while. Bit sad really.
>Getting into a serious relationship with a girl you met through Tinder


Do wonder if this is a good idea.
>tripfag is a newfag
Fuck off back to le reddit if you want to use an account
hahaha good spot
literally me
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NEED a rorke gf
Bit of a gamble there lad.
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>Live in a free house on benefits in the middle of one of the most expensive cities in the world
>De gubmint didn't do enuff for us, we wuz forgottin

yeah this was in the last few years that they had their mortgage, but my sister had necked it a year after they bought it
Unlike most posts this was worth the read
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>britain is not 1st world like you thimk

what the fuck are you talking about
Final fantasy Xv brotherhood
>Live in a free house
and yes, the government did neglect them. but that's par for the course.

>work in a corner shop
>new express comes, using the NOW 20P with (cheaper than x) in small print
>don't read the small print
>sell express for weeks for 20p before realizing

I think it was the express anyway, I'm tempted to say Star but they were 20p for a while anyway innit
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>have fight with family
>kidnap their 4yo son
>bind his legs and his arms
>drown him

why are the french so sadistic, as if the 4yo would not drown without binding his arms and legs wtf yo
*spews a strange liquid*
I'm sure this post has been done a thousand times but just looking for budget friendly ideas for a small gift off my son for the 5 nursery teachers. Thing is due to his birthday, he'll be doing a second year in nursery as he is not 4 until October so I don't really need goodbye gifts. Just "thanks for the past year" gifts lol. Any diy suggestions?

Sent from my SM-G920F using 4chan mobile app
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unironically the bong
>work in a corner shop

alri rasheed
ten grams amber leaf please
anyone remember the cuckio meme
What is the French obsession with murdering their families? Why can't they just shoot up a school like a civilised country?
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Mum just said she supports taxation

Might do an ol' 'foo
Alri paki
you know kids can swim right
my name jeff
I hate the way newspapers smell and feel, never bought one. Can't stand them.
Mad to think there are lads in this thread who have had their willy in another lad's bumhole
Do you also dislike the newsprint getting on your fingers

not a paki
only do 12.5 mate


not a paki
dont like the smell of the ole 'conomist i get every week

might switch over to purely digital
>wtf yo

all me

Hello paki
ah yes everyone suddenly becomes a fire safety expert when a tower block burns down
just remembered the cuckio meme
you seem to be implying that recreation and leisure wouldn't be permitted
tip: the ussr had rights to recreation, leisure, working hour limits and cultural benefits guaranteed by the constitution, decades before any western capitalist state
yeah I've literally just realised this small print bait
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Never read one long enough for that to happen but they stink and feel horrible.
good lad
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finna cop
genuinely good post
Is no one going to check my dubz?

You are all some self centered brats
what's your name la? so I can respond with "alri Ben" or whatever whenever I see this post

You impatient fuck
ah yes everyone becomes a quranic scholar when a Muzzie muzzes
shall be hitting the 'zos later
trying to get to sleep is going to be pure hell tonight
>Britain's Great Gay Buildings presented by Stephen Fry

more quality content from Channel 4. paid for by our tax money.
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Post your drug stash for the night lads
a tear of gin
a river of tonic
an olive tied to a sugar cube
drown the victim in the glass
first one to come up buys the next round
>the bradlyposter is a literal paki
what a shocker
Disturbing number of yanks in this thread









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Me on the counter

Are the buildings themselves gay? Or were they designed by a gay architect?
Who let all these yank cunts in here, fuck off nobody wants you
wonder if he paid the bill
No, but gay sex happened in them
not going out tonight. anything decent on tv now/later?
yes because I'm 1/8th ulsterman
When does it start?
Made a strawberry lemonade slushie using strawberry cordial, lemon juice and crushed ice in a blender. Surprisingly tasty.
I've been here for years

>watching mock the week and eating mince pie
>mum comes and tells me to take out trash
>Mock her nasally voice and the word trash
>Tell her to fuck off, the stupid bint
>she leaves to get me da
>hear my da coming down the corridor, can hear him because he's fat and yank houses have paper thin walls
>he says he'll kick my ass if I talk that way to my "mom" again
>I say "mom, ass, fuck off you stupid yank"
>He counters by telling me that I've never left the country, let alone do I even have a password.
>Scream FOY
>He smacks me
>I cry and mutter under my breath "yanks cant handle the banter"
>He leaves and slams the door
>The only sounds left in my room is the sound of my sobbing, and the rustling of my top gear posters from the breeze of the door slam
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How are you wasting your Saturday night lads?
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>watching mock the week and eating mince pie
>mum comes and tells me to take out trash
>Mock her nasally voice and the word trash
>Tell her to fuck off, the stupid bint
>she leaves to get me da
>hear my da coming down the corridor, can hear him because he's fat and yank houses have paper thin walls
>he says he'll kick my ass if I talk that way to my "mom" again
>I say "mom, ass, fuck off you stupid yank"
>He counters by telling me that I've never left the country, let alone do I even have a password.
>Scream FOY
>He smacks me
>I cry and mutter under my breath "yanks cant handle the banter"
>He leaves and slams the door
>The only sounds left in my room is the sound of my sobbing, and the rustling of my top gear posters from the breeze of the door slam
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/brit/ is owned by /yank/

Respect your parent company
weedman's taking ages to turn up
Watching the /vg/ cup and not much else
Is this what yanks feel like when people say they're 1/16th cherokee indian?
stopped reading at ">>76180448"
r u stil on 4 last samurai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQWmjMWxAaY
a real test of one's mettle
Talking back to a commissar, comrade? Heh, someone doesn't know what's good for them. Hope you like salt, because that's what you'll be mining from now until the day you die. Enjoy Siberia, comrade!

Bad luck, you were killed by: GULAG
Play again? y/n
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>work in a corner shop
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browsing here

Kill yourself
*opens the runt box*
*runs away*
that's not even a real general
i simply hate yanks
simple as, nothing to it

they are nothing to me
>calls other people reddit
>clearly browses it himself

a very interesting post
>hating nothing

Excellent use of your time
yes because my dad is listening to weird Irish folk music shite right this very second
What's the most powerful general on /int/?
Love it!
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wish someone would just give me a job lads
wonder if he paid the bill
so do you hate us or are we nothing to you? hmmm
>27 c

Just kill me lads
ay how many potatoes does it take to kill a paddy?

Might install the ol 'der again and match with needy chubby girls
never implied such a thing x
obviously ours
By post count and how much it agitates the other generals, /brit/ by a country mile

But /jp/ is the most resolute and eternal
i saw a bit of the first ep days ago, i just want to know, is the titan in the wall the beast titan or not
28.8c in my room
starting to realise why he's very critical of people doing fun/interesting things with their lives. he's literally a bitter paki selling backy and rubicons for a living. what a loser.
that's a board, not a general. it's always been called "japanese thread"
no one 'works' in a paki shop, if Mr Patel needs time off he won't hesitate to put his 13 year old son on the till
/brit/ by miles

we get around 15 threads a day
even generals like /deutsch/ only manage 5 or 6 a day
very good post.

im only handsome enough to match them on tinder so i just fuck them whenever im desperate
Wonder if he paid the bill.
took two dicks up the ol' shitter last night
excellent publication
imagine being THIS triggered
this man hasn't been laid in decades, centuries even
Anyone remember the cuckio meme
no, two different titans

you should watch it, the latest episode reveals a lot
>25.5 degrees C
the y*nk st*nk
anyone remember playing super cuckio 64 as a kid
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REALLY like this
surely we do more than 15, at peak times it takes 30 minutes to hit bump limit and even at the slowest hours a thread only lasts 2 hours
Thats terrible
hate toffs
love boobs
simple as
self hating yanks? no thanks
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he round?
Anyone else remember the cuckio meme
>doing the @ post
>calling others triggered
You cared enough to delete the >> and insert the @. I have to assume you are also shaking and crying.
giz a bit of your pension
Who remembers the cuckio meme
suck your dead great gran through your dad's battycrease rudeboy
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Went to get a haircut and my brothers gf was a total cunt about it (self.Incels)

submitted 10 hours ago by TheSubPrime26 Lovecel

So I got home said something about the barbershop and she suddenly goes 'where did you get a haircut?' with a snarky undertone.. Fucking bitch. I wish I could punch her face in.

my head is narrow so its fucking difficult to finda hair cut that's easy to do and doesn't require a total fucking professional to cut it.

I'm so sick of this. Fucking whore. I wish I coudl just end it but I still live at home and need to wait until I'm on my own due to guilt.

That blomkamp short was a bit shit desu

Also propaganda supporting ISIS
*@s you*
>deleting your post

shaking and crying
Paki just called me boss when I bought a tineen of vanilla coke

was trying to scroll around to fit a fat green haired "non binary" tranny on tinder in a screenshot with its description of it's polyamorous relationship invitation and accidentally bumped the super like button at the bottom

how do I undo this?
I don't recall
anyone remember the puddi meme?
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>my head is narrow
I think we did on average over 100 posts every 3 minutes during the brexit aftermath
when will they ever learn
going to find the nearest train tracks
Just got refused service for 30 gram amber leaf
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The gf said I stank while we were in the shower
bit early
accept your mistake and marry her as you are now obliged to do
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yUo CaReD E-Enuf to deLeTe tHe at, I-I-I bEt you're pIssiNg urSeLf l-l-l-l-lmao-o
>go to McDonald's after a night out to get a burger and some chips
>Theyre doing breakfast stuff instead of normal stuff

This has happened twice recently. At first im disappointed but then I remember the double sausage egg mcmuffin is literally the best thing on the McDonald's menu
They do have buses outside London you know
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oi mate i want drink wotah
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