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/sino/ -中文- Chinese Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 71

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高温天气 edition

>learning resources

Recommended Movie/TV Series:

Literal Chinese cartoons:

Chinese Manga:

Online Novels
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Better to link Tencent for Chinese cartoon

Collapse any day now
Should we make some recommended Chinese music list?
pls do. I didn't write it in the OP because as far as I know both 网易云音乐 and 虾米 have IP bans
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but i don't think any will do good though, chinese stuff is banned outside, and china's not able to get youtube stuff (when no vpn)
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There are two ways possible: Use Douban to make a Doulist just like the recommended movie/TV series, but it would be difficult for anon to find sauces. Or we upload all these albums to Mega or Baiduyun and create a paste on Pastebin.
So is the background guy singing in Cantonese or Vietnamese? I really can't distinguish them.
Is the real reason China doesn't want Google around because baidu search is just plain terrible and wouldn't survive proper competition?
Also Google wouldn't comply with CPC's demand of removing certain political content from search results
Youtube has many
Baidu isn't terrible

It was beating google and yahoo back in 2005-2009.
I remember it well, google had like 20% market share. Point is, even at that time google still provided better Chinese search results. This country and the people who live here...I believe even if we somehow magically have a democracy now it will be overturned within a year, accompanied by the applause of its citizens
Im ok with china blocking google, fb, youtube from his national internet
google has already to much power and this is bad, chinese baidu helps to decrease the power of google in the world, I like this
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Not when back when google was okay in china
Baidu was doing fairly well with tieba, map and search (for daily stuff, not some essays and or english stuff)
Google just be like fuck ccp i won't censor any of the stuff you want me to, and ccp got mad
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wasn't 4chan blocked?
It's not blocked by China, China is blocked by 4chan due to spam, though this can be bypassed with a 4chan Pass.

So you can view 4chan in China, just not post
And google capcha is unavailable for china, so 4chan pass or vpn is a must to post
Browsing 4chan is okay in china though

I've got a whole bunch to contribute but won't be able to write it up until the weekend...要麼你們先開始然後我到時再把我自己的那些也加上去
I don't even...most user by country is China?
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>want to post a music list
>realize all music I listening are jap anisongs.
astost is waiting for you
wow get out of here weeb
Hmmm then why does whatsapp get raped by wechat?

Whatsapp is literally a copy of wechat.
This map data isn't backed by any other site.
I'd toss it in the trash. Most VPNs get routed through China by the way, and therefore their flag pops up more.

Chinese have only posted 20,000 times since the 4chan stats collection began back in 2010.
How is whatsapp a copy of wechat?
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>going to back to the hot southern in a week.
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I need China's biggest foot fetish forum.
There's some shit of weibo of course but I need a board.
Do'nt come senpai

It's so goddamn hot
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wow thanks for nothing
>asking retarded questions

Look up the background of whatsapp anon
nonsensical post
>mfw a Jap is even more of a fenqing than 95% of Chinamen
>mfw I have no face for this

How did this happen, go to Yasukuni Shrine and apologize feggit

Animu musicu are the bestu

wow THANKS a LOT for killing the thread with your WEEB autism
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>He doesn't listen to Japanese Jazz
thread music

It seems like there will be a huge military parade August this year.

Where will they hold it? This is important, since I'm in BJ later this year and if the entire city is under lockdown again...

Oh yeah, and it seems that they will parade a squadron of their stealth fighter this time, for the very first time.
>95% of chinese
would rabidly defend every part of their nation.

Whatsapp is literally a copy of Wechat. That is where it originated.
>5 of them

*ejaculates uncontrollably*
It is Vietnamese until 2:28 and then it is sung in Cantonese
Latest plane spotter pictures indicate that they have just delivered the 15th J-20. By the end of the year, they could have a full regiment... Just in time when Japan has shown their first domestically assembled fatty bird.
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The Chinese are catching up
>>76058111 #
post the weibo links

how long did it take you to start learning chinkese footkraut? I remember a few years ago you couldn't speak it at all
source or gtfo, confused eliot Rodger wannabe chinkster
me too, can't fucking wait, my Australian bones aren't made for this cold weather
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I have no idea either. Hmmm, so hard to guess
They shan't be satisfied until this country become another NK again
They already did this to my hometown like 10 years ago, but then cancelled it cuz nobody likes such a shitty taste.
Panama is a shitty country
fucking hell who uses red on cream in this day and age

at least 綠皮車 has some 氣氛 to it, this is just bs
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thread music

do you like halal food, /sino/?
As in 新疆菜 or 青海/甘肅菜? Because the two are quite different. I can't eat 烤肉 because of 素食主義, but I'm a huge fucking 拉麵 fanboi, 雞蛋炒刀捎面 is the shiiiiit, paired with 生大蒜 of course
I'm Chinese but I almost shed a tear for the Japanese when I saw the JPN F-35 unveiling. Some fat crewmen and kawaii women who look 100% ineffective... the IJA and IJN don't deserve this kind of legacy.
I always wonder how would they react if you order some pork chop with rice. Will they beat the shit out of you or just kindly ask you to leave?
Ah well. I like kebab the most

Since they are moderate they will just kindly beat the shit out of you
hey /sino/ pls translate

Yes, 手抓饭 is tasty as hell. Inshallah

In most cases, they may just stare at you angrily; if you were at some restaurant located in Hui settlements, you might get beat the shit out
Rice tall, your toy in day possess person want to pull it. In Day toy cloud company go work square pick toy, troublesome you organise one lower! Pick toy car cards: Yue D5**********
anon, someone is on their way to pickup your merchandise

Today a logistics company will send people to the factory to pickup merchandise, pls make arrangement. The plate nunmber of the car/truck is...

For the plate number, 粵 indicates it's a truck from Guangdong (each province has their own insignia)
nice transliteration
Reminder that Australia is an eternal ally to USA, anglosphere unite
thanks Trumpland, but we're pretty much become China's bitch whilst you were distracted jerking yourself off
Just wait 4-8 years, it's not permanent
Is it really that bad?
/r/china is hellbent that China will be stuck in the middle income trap. What's your take?
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Why is toefl so shit
better question: why is your English so shit? :^)

just joking, it's mostly based around practical English which is what Chinese students struggle with most
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Going to all you can eat sushi soon lads. Haven't eaten and worked all day and I'm ready to bankrupt the restaurant.
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My score is always at around 100, never above 110… feels bad man
And it's just so fucking annoying to test once in 2 years
more like 拉稀直到你脱水
Hello my chink friends
/r/China is just grumpy disillusioned expats
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>started to work in a new company
>saw a qt 3.14 at my workplace
>felt that I might be attracted to her
>the next day, saw her again
>found out in my lost memory that she was the ex-girlfriend of my former colleague and best friend
>suddenly lost all my interest in her
Bros before hoes
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>not using qt 3.14159265358979323846264338 but only qt 3.14
Real lose people, you quit herd eight
It won't be held in BJ if there's a military parade, otherwise the news would've come out already. Rumours say it would be a small one in Nanchang though
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Where the fuck is that
It's an infinite decimal which means a perfect qt pie doesn't exist and all these "qt 3.14" are just approximate
Why do some niggers love or want to be accepted by China so much when China hates them?

And why are they so jealous of 'white privilege' in china? It's literally like the last country on earth that will actually hire white males, and teaching Engrish is literally sweat shop tier humiliating shit anyway.

Why don't these nigs just go to Japan?
I thought niggas in china are doing well though.
>It's an infinite decimal
English term for it is irrational number
Like e
Schools won't hire them. Girls won't fuck them.

Japan lets nigs become porn stars
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>not knowing 南昌起义
They love BBC obviously
200000 African in Guangzhou

I love too that porn
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>didn't learn history/politics
>didn't take gaokao
The hometown of Mr.Quin
I only know 武昌起義。 Never heard 南昌起義
> Never heard 南昌起義

Wechat is younger than WhatsApp
WhatsApp shares literally 0 resemblance to wechat other than being a messenger
Fucking makes me wanna pull out a hat and go ratatatat on them nigz in GZ
I'm going to China to see chinks not some fucking Nigerians praying in front of the cathedral
Fuck outta MY China

Why is there no police crackdown, I'm sure most of them are illegal
hey /sino/
what can you tell me about the people of jieyang , shantou?
I guess some of them consider China is now the hope of colored people
Don't refuse friendly niggas such bad

Bribe perhaps or using oversea's company
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did u know
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The stereotype about there is that the society is still strongly affected by patriarchal clans and people are very traditional. Don't know much about them besides that. pic unrelated
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they aren't even hiding anymore
reminds me of a島's "前臺匿名後臺實名"
>muh """""anonymous imageboard"""""
unironically in the name of "個人隱私保護"
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anonymous level : china
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I think IPs from large chinese cities are banned by 4chan, reason unknown


Some of the terracotta soldiers are New York. Thinking about seeing them.
C'mon jappy. I've never been to Guangzhou but I've been to shenzhen, and never saw nigs get girls.

I went to Tokyo and I saw like 10 Japanese girls with Africans or american black GIs every single day. Your women absolutely love niggers
I hope Air China starts flying to the Midwest.
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My uncle is studying engineering in China.
He'd probably be disowned if he BLACK'D some Chinese lady.


For those who have an interest in the African issue in China
>studying engineering in China

Why tho? I'm pretty sure US is a far better choice for that
More expensive in the Estados Unidos and it's very hard to get in even if you are African.
Ah. Makes sense
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I think most of the Chinese ISPs have been banned ever since moot's era for spam or something.
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Whatsapp has been copying wechat for 6 years now.
No such thing

t. Chink


I agree that my dates were wrong, but whatsapp has been copying wechat. I use both here in Spain and whatsaap just added copied features from wechat.
About 30% have left since 2014

China started enforcing the immigration laws.
Why? Are mathematical formulas different in other parts of the world?
>your china

How exactly? Just give me an answer instead of an article that doesn't say anything
Wechat and WhatsApp share exactly one similarity

This entire article lists the features that have been copied. Whatsapp's most recent update added so many of these features it is hilarious.
China copies us. We copy China.
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>We find little evidence of a middle income trap. Figure 2 shows the average annual growth rates at different per capita income levels relative to the U.S. (shown in the x-axis). The blue columns are the average growth rates for countries that ever escape from middle income to high income, and the orange columns represent growth rates for those countries that never escape. The escapees do consistently much better than their non-escapee counterparts, and they do not exhibit significant signs of slowing down. In contrast, non-escapees have low and stable growth over all levels of income: they too do not show signs of slowing down at middle income. Others, including those in this blog , similarly raise doubts about the existence of a middle-income trap.
>Our argument is not that countries cannot become trapped at middle income, but simply that traps at middle income levels are no more likely than traps at other income levels: income levels are very persistent. To continue the golf analogy, think of economic development as one long hole on a golf course. A player (country) starts at the zero income tee box and attempts to reach the high income green. The “middle income trap” idea implies that a massive sand trap lies halfway down the fairway that most players hit into and can’t hit out of. Alternatively, we argue that sand traps litter the entire fairway: there are potential traps at low income, low-middle income, middle income, upper-middle income, etc. A golfer who can identify which clubs (policies) to use at any point along the course (given many factors in addition to trap placement: course geography, climate, skill level, club quality, etc.) can avoid these traps and reach the green.
Show me where
Tell me what
Literally all of these features have existed for years in various services, just not a single app because people typically use an app for a specific thing. I see no copying.
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wud u give Tzuyu the succ?
Ummm the wepay feature. The qr scanning feature.

Then why are reputable business magazines stating that it is copying?
Wechat was the first app to put all these features together and make it successful. Other companies doing the same now (apple, facebook, google) are copying this all-in-one feature.
That is clearly copying.
Anyone would.
I don't know what he's on about.
If whatsapp is anything by now it's a copy of snapchat.

>Whatsapp looks to copy
>Whatsapp is in the early stages of seeing how it might
great article that lists the features that have been copied
(it doesn't mention a single one)

how the fuck is qr scanning a wechat feature?
qr scanning was implemented for the whatsapp webchat
and i'd like you to show me where exactly a copy of wepay can found in in whatsapp?
fuck are you on about

China is literally colonizing africa the least they could do is accept some africans
>looking up elder scrolls lore
>some comment on baidu is "啊小白求教...不知道理解正确与否,那这样的话,奥王是知晓(走过?)WW5的秘密的?之前一直以为奥王缺了WW5..."
>gtranslate gives "Austrian king" and "white neighbourhoods" when neither is accurate

what does it mean lads?

For context WW5 is basically enlightenment
they make africa better so they should stay there and enjoy it
fuck em
How much kebab removal will there be after the kindergarten attack in Jiangsu?
more like impending vendor removal conducted by 城管 since no evidence shows it has anything to do with allahu akbar
well i'm sure they can just find something ;-)
remove uyghur once and for all
sell the organs to those in need
more than 25% uyghur blood = labor camp
more than 50% = also death sentence

make china great again
What if her toes are smelly
Is laowhy86/c-milk a jew
I don't see a problem with that!!
Depends on the source of the smell of course ;-)
Is 9 deaths/60 injuries at a kindergarten even a big deal politically or will it get ignored by media?
don't be so mean to your Turkic brethren
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All I know is that he's ugly as shit
>will it get ignored by media?
everyone is talking about on social media right now.

> a big deal politically
Yes, some officials are gonna lose their posts
*talking about it
Wonder how it feels to be Chinese, knowing that in 10 years time you will live in the most prosperous nation on earth and be part of the one true global masterrace.
I once met a chinky girl in chengdu. she came over and I sniffed her butthole after she went to take a 'shower'. it smelled like shit.

I found out she only washed her hair in the bathroom. kek why are chinky girls so unhygienic
bet you still gave it the old lickaroo
btw, is china still going through their own little 'sexual revolution' or has that ended already?
......Since you can read chinese I suggest you read weibo users like
's timeline to find out what I feel about being a chinese

91porn's membership grows by the day
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>......Since you can read chinese
h-haha yeah very interesting reads
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>chinese environment
Nah, didn't want to get poopoo on my tongue. but that didn't stop me from continuing to sniff it

at one point she leaned over the bed on her stomach to grab something from her bag on the floor and her bare soles and ass were facing me. it was so hot I tried to snap a creeper pic with my phone but it came out mostly blurry
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>circumcise whole dick like a good goy
>you don't fap or think about sex anymore
>you have time for kung-fu
>you become master of kung-fu
>write a book about how cutting off dick makes you kung-fu master
Is this how it works?
I wonder why WeChat uses the awful Microsoft translator.

Baidu is 10 times better.
???I saw you write in Chinese before so I thought...nevermind

basically those accounts expose the dark side of this country, and the level and extend of those dreadful events makes one feels like shit
the footfag cannot read chinese
the other german can
>tfw all you can say is that you want to kiss your GFs feet
ni men suo you ren chi da jiji
Did you see those vids of 武功 practitioners ramming wooden poles into their groins? Real secrets of 功夫
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pic related for you
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what do the chinese think about the jews?
during negotiations ,should I reveal that Im half jew (native dad - jew mom , grandfather was a survivor of the mauthaussen extermination camp)
your grandfather is a lying pos
fuck off sad trash, nazi, nobody wants you here
my shit has more value than your family
Why is China filled with full of disgusting insect-like people?

let NK be free and stop supporting them you fucking disgrace commies.

Your country completely have none of culture, none of knowledge, none of economy and none of virtue. Your country is mere wide slaveground which the whole people of the nation exist for communism party and Xi. disgusting.
Korea sucks desu
7 deaths*
Probably 9 by now

Wtf is wrong with Uyghurs? Are they retarded? Who the fuck attacks kids at a kindergarten?
Uyghurs do
Extermination NOW
There is a subhuman footfag taiwanes canceranon and a sinologist german.
>Who the fuck attacks kids at a kindergarten?
People who want the world to hate them and want to die.
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>white crush
Butthurt fucking American cuckold. Enjoy your new government. Get the fuck out of our thread.
The footfag has yellowfever anon.

Please stop spamming us with porn by the way. I personally am not bothered by whores working for money. It's when the media purposefully spreads cuckold shit everywhere (and doesn't do the reverse, like a white twink getting dominated by a black female lass) that I get irritated.
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>non-chinks shitting up the comfy chink thread
you should be ashamed of yourselves
wo tao ni
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>if a million Chinese died today, there'd still be 1.42 billion left

Really stimulates my noggin
No thing to do with Uyghurs.It's just an accident.

wow chinese SJW get out
>MY China

Calm down, Hans.
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How much do you know about chinese history of jinke raping emperor qin with a dildo?
>blaming Uyghurs already

Hello Western media consumer!

Be quiet Kim. Korea is even more embarrassing. All you did was Copy Japan and Americans. At least Chinese still remember we are Asians.
>all those Uyghur cockscukers itt

Do you understand Chinese domestic issue? No, you're just interested in feet.
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I understand that Uyghurs need to be exterminated and that is all I need to know
>Why do you want to exterminate me Johann-gege?
shut up footfuck no one wants you here
You know why you stinking rat
>this triggers the Uyghur

Don't you have your local mosque to attend


What do the Han people think of Uyghurs? Are the Uyghurs opressed?
>What do the Han people think of Uyghurs?

Not much.

>Are the Uyghurs opressed?

Yes, but there lots of Uncle Toms who want some of that $$$

Normally explosions don't happen at the front of a kindergarten when people are leaving.
It's China. Anything can happen.
It was just a gas tank, bro.
Do you know how muslims act everywhere in the world?

They are the same in China. Although the Hui are prove that muslims and China can be perfectly fine together.
I say the same about the USA after 9/11, Iraq, Sandy Hook, and Trump.

There's no evidence that it wasn't terrorism.
Was that apartment fire in London a terrorist attack? No, just bad safety standards and regulations.

Chinese people just have to deal with it forever. We're poor. Even if we aren't poor it doesn't mean corrupt businessmen and construction don't exist.
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Goodnight /sino/

>A reporter for People’s Daily, an official newspaper, visited one hospital that took in people injured outside the kindergarten, and it said online that they were “all older people in their fifties and sixties who were waiting to pick up children.”

no children reported amongst the dead

reported as a gas explosion, although no solid conclusion from authorities yet
Also you know that Xuzhou has like zero Uyghurs right? There's only 2000 in the entirety of Jiangsu. "I know more about China than anyone on here" my fucking ass
So, is the "x" in pinyin a "sh" sound, but is it with a "sharp s" (like in >s<kyscraper) or more of a regular blunt "s"? (like in >s<harpshooter)
Or is it a male-female thing?
I am following alot of girls on weibo for this but seconding this request. I found one but you got to be active member/vip to unlock the content.
China needs to get past its 差不多 attitude.
x is very much like sheet
xi would be like shee

the sh is more like sharp with the tongue rolled up
Hungarian transcription uses "hsz" instead "hs"
Then it's wrong.
It's really hard to find consistent rescources.
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>tfw 口交 = 咬
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peru? are you ok? you sound angry
I don't speak the language but I believe it is this sound
voiceless = not vocalised
retroflex = tongue curved backwards with the tip facing the lower back of the middle of the mouth, but not touching it
sibilant = airflow runs over base of tongue and goes through teeth which are held near-shut, close together

also note there are other "s" sounds, going further back and further forward (in regards to tongue), like this
Good morning /sino/
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>chinese cars

Are they still a death trap?
>blood shit
>22 y/o
>年少得痔 ?

What do now...
马应龙, 请
Dear Sino:

Have you ever met any Westerners who were able to communicate effectively in Chinese?
How come nobody ever remembers Chinese "x" only in "xi" which is exactly English's ma"xi"mum, a"xi"s ,
You mean meeting in real life?

This is the ad posted outside the bombed kindergarten

>Training courses from Isreal
>teach your children to think like a Jew

Criminal investigation has been initiated

The whole thing has the stink of Mudslime all over it
Also, Mudslimes are overjoyed with the perceived death of Han children
All these usernames make me cringe
这种左派右派都想挂路灯的货色的发言贴了也没啥代表性啊 把他记在小本本上就好了
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how did he pull that off
ching chong?
хaнa дaвж бoдъё, зapим нь БHХAУ-ын oхидыг хүчиндэхийг?!
I call bullshit, post some sources if you're going to make claims like that. It was either a) accident, or b) someone (漢族) pissed off at the system.
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marry fuck kill
choose wisely
What are they actually saying?
his dad works for Samsung and gives him a $50,000 dollar allowance each month

i still think peru should confess his love to cindy in Seoul even though he can't compete with gook money
ching chong bing bong haha
Can someone explain to me what the current deal with Uyghurs is? Evidently they're Muslim Turkic speakers who wuz Indo-Europeans and shit?
Chinese government is doing its best to remove uyghurs from xinjiang because they want a Han majority, unless I'm wrong
so every time they get an excuse to tighten the thumbscrews in the region they do so
>little Uyghur boy still shilling

fuck off
post the ft fetish weibo links Hans

what's the highest amount of money you've ever spent on a hooker?
damn that's pretty sad. Ethnic cleansing is never good IMO

proceed from there my friend
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All those obeying han should be kept
All those disobeying han should be disappearing

8 dead, now being treated as a criminal case, and suspect(s) have been identified
Could be something else. Better get a medical check-up.
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original post
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Comment section. And this is pretty representative
germany and many other continental european countries dindu nuffin
LOL. Chinese get killed by government every day
but they can only laugh at Europeans to feel comfy
It's this one.
iirc they don't so much want to remove the uyghurs as move in more han and assimilate everything. Same with Tibet.
not matter how much money you have, you will still be an asian male
accept yourself pls
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Really makes you think
Plenty, but that's because I'm a Chinese language major myself surrounded by plenty of motivated classmates. Of course, when I lived in China I also met plenty of Westerners who didn't really know any Chinese, so it all balances out.
The key to the thing lies in the emergence of uyghur national capitalists along with the religious extremists. The uyghur national capitalist representatives like Rebiya try to boost the separatist movement to make uyghur acquire their own national market instead of under control of CCP. However, to boost the separatist movement requires their own nation identity building, thus some of them resort to the Islam and cooperate with those religious conservatism or even extremist.

As for the religious forces, they have been gaining huge power since 1980s due to relaxation of CCP's religious policy. There are 24000 mosque in Xinjiang which is over two thirds of total amount of China. Facing the secular uyghur society and prevailing consumerism, religious conservationist made their own respond such as representative event like 8.14伊犁游行 conducted by 伊犁青年麦西来甫委员会, which shows the rising of religious conservatism in this period. And also since the Chinese economic reform has deteriorated uneven regional development, more Uyghurs lower class people began to lose faith in CCP and turn to the propaganda of religious conservatism. They eventually vented on Han people in Xinjiang and increased ethnic contact and labor competition coincided with Uyghur separatist terrorism from the 1990s.

Given all these factors, there are profound economic and religious conflicts behind the ethnic conflicts in the form of terrorist attack.
The emphasis of CCP's governance of Xinjiang now is cracking down on terrorists and relieve the ethnic conflicts. No one means to ethnically cleanse anyone even if CCP now is a revisionist party
>tfw I realised that nearly all consonants used in mandarin have their equivalent in polish:
q = ć
x = ś
r ≈ ż
c = c
z = dz
j = dź
And so on
Anyone has this book in pdf?

Chinese Made Easy Textbook: Level 1 (Simplified Characters)
by Yamin Ma

i need it, could you share it?, please.
Also, the workbook...
WHat video is that
Buy it you cheapass
This site is your friend
not in there, but thanks for the website.

It takes weeks to arrive to Mexico, if all else fails, I'll buy all lvls, no point spending packing+taxes for 1 book
Shut up and go make fried chicken Kim
Reminder that I am the founder of /East Asia/
hi HK bro, nice to see you again
Basically he said"These piglets deserves to die", another guy says the children are innocent and he promptly replied "No they are not"
check this thread or next sino later, i'll upload them to mega
textbook: https://mega.nz/#!dD4XlS4R!jjY8oc0LmWQyHqDSY5fmmP5Ax5KSG2ioU-CDcPCE68M
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May be a little late but SUMMER SONIC SHANGHAI confirmed!
workbook: https://mega.nz/#!JWYlmBwa!AOEEDsGFPZhwnEjtFK5SoOLAKqcFnGC0Fwzo4-W9XgU
thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPF1tv86RuU
What other textbooks do you have

t. needs to improve Chinese
Can you use baiduyun? if so, I can show you links. if not, I'll upload them to mega later, but you have to wait for a while because it's such a pain in the ass to use mega in China. Anyway, what kind of book do you need, the whole series of the book I just uploaded?
poor old peru. but peru, I thought you wanted to be white
it seems like you show up wherever peru shows up
Yeah I can, no need to upload them.

I don't know what level I'm at, I mean, I kind of just want to browse all the material you have and just see what I need, if that's not too much to ask?
nah I don't have those material tho, what I did was just helping the Mexican guy find what he want on Chinese internet. Here's the link I found what mexican guy required http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mgD4gmk#list/path=%2F%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E6%95%99%E6%9D%90-Chinese%2F%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E6%95%99%E6%9D%90 there are pretty a lot Chinese learning stuffs in those Korean named folders, remember to check them out. Also this is the search engine I often use to find resources online http://www.panduoduo.net/
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星期五是我最喜欢的一天 :)
Thanks 8th

I'll check it out
Is there a dictionary that specifically explains the differences and nuances between words? For example, a dictionary that tells the difference between 差别 and 区别.
同感 因为就算还有什么事情要做 也可以等到周末再说 周五晚上可以随便玩 反倒周日是令人烦恼的一天

Maybe I'm missing something, but how are these related to the issue at hand?
对,我可以看动漫和睡得很晚 feelsgoodman
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Official report is out, a suicide bomber out of personal motives

As for your question, pic related
where is the official report? Couldn't find anything on 人民日報 or 新華
Do you have anything for an absolute beginner?
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What does the average chinkster do on a Friday night? Play LoL?

or look for scams and schemes to make more money?
thanks, found it on 人民网 as well just now


did you post on the jap general? who are you?
I posted there occasionally when I lived in Japan

I'm one of /int/'s chinaboos
gonna launch a new thread

Don't know much about mandarin textbook for foreigners. You can tell me what books you want, I can find you them on Chinese internet

I love you <3
Xie Xie
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