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/balt/ /ausnz/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 133

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dead edition
how long how looong will i slide
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I dont

I dont believe its bad
i gotta take it on the otherside
slit my throat its all i eveeer
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Don't use my name in vain.
scar tissue that i wish u saww
fucking post you cunts
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this is mikoto and azusa
t. expert
but that's impossible because baltoman is azusa
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'If the Americans lacked money, they would probably be the most despised people in the world.'
What do you think?
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They are already the most despised people in the world.
Haha you have much to learn
I don't know, man, what is that supposed to be based on?
arent they the most despised people on a global scale anyway
by the way america booism doesnt come from their supposed wealth, but rather from cultural imperialism
>not knowing azusa and mikoto and baltoman are the same person
>not knowing azusa and mikoto and baltoman and janka are the same person
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I pass my torch on
I have found my successor
Meet the new latvian shitposter
Arnis from Pļavinieki
did arnis burn that car?
I burned it with my flaming hot passion for you, balto
Zvejnieks is rikka poster (biggest fan of mikoto)
I wholehearted disagree, my man
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Big redpill coming through:
There is only 1 lithweeb
There are only 2 lithshits
>Arnis from Pļavinieki
i just remembered that i actually know a guy name Arnis and he lives in Pļavnieki
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This is what Vilnius would look like if Poles minded their own fucking business
I enjoy Mikoto's tongue-in-cheek humor and witty comments. truly a great poster
Deny it all you want i know it to be the truth
More redpills:
/fug/ was made my azusa
Azusa is actually estonian by ethnicity and citizenship
The discord is administrated by yours truly
Zvejnieks is a girl
Is he the one who drives the Invalidka with the 454 in it?
hmmm it all makes sense now
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Mikoto is not real.
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how did you figure this out?
highly doubt it
he is the definition of a basement dwelling neckbeard
highly content with the amount of latvianposting lately
I will probably die for saying this but:

Aзyca иc a янитop
Didnt hear it from me.
Damn, I'd pay good money to see that
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Alex is actually 6'5" and a pussy slayer
We're still alive, barely

hi balt friendos, long time no speak
Weebposting is CTR distraction funded by me
janitor isn't pronounced like that tho
he's fucking disgusting though
i'd pay money to not see that
Writing the letters not the phonetics autist
why did u fug yanitor?

I just want to be fucking filthy rich friends
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Trys lenkai sėdi automobilyje. Kas vairuoja? - Policija.
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Yeah, this joke is popular in Germany as well, though sometimes with some variations.
(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ))٩(๑ᴗ๑)۶_| ̄|○( ՞ਊ ՞)(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ))(*≧∀≦*)
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck

HOW do you get enough money to become self sufficient, I want to be my own man

you either work or inherit enough money from your parents
Become a crocodile hunter.
'But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.'
- 2 Corinthians 9:6
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just get a trip so you can drop this stupid gimmick
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At Uni trying to get qualified but it's slow and depressing. Not to mention I live in the city in Australia with the highest level of unemployment (DOX'd)
Parents are fucking retarded with their money
Yeah, look how good it turned out for Steve

fuck moite
>vague meme words
Quality post.
stop being depressed then you pussy
part-time or whatever
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ahh yes very nice
suggest something to do
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>stop being depressed pussy
>part-time or whatever
>highest unemployment rate in country (16% overall)
>4/5 young people are out of work

farm (you)s on /pol/
then just go find a job
you lazy cunts keep complaining and do nothing about it
got me, born and raised
I HAVE a fucking '''''job''''''; on average get about one, three hour shift
Ew, is that their saliva or something...
find another one
you want money or not?
'There is but one, and he hath not a second, no child, no brother, and yet he ceaseth not to labour, neither are his eyes satisfied with riches, neither doth he reflect, saying: For whom do I labour, and defraud my soul of good things? in this also is vanity, and a grievous vexation.'
- Ecclesiastes 4:8
good stuff you guys are doing with that water recycling thing, very smart
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That line symbolizes their love for each other
Been trying, literally no one is hiring. The city had a job forum the other day; thousands of people showed up to fight for a select handful of jobs....

Honestly feel like reading a fuck load of books on predictive learning or some shit will serve me a lot better than fighting for a min wage bs gig
wtf are we doing with water recycling? Water bills are just as fucked from what I've heard
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Look how good it turned out for Crocodile Harry. He's a fucking legend now.
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>That line symbolizes their love for each other
Hm, sounds strange imo
>Mandurah is at the centre of a water recycling project known as the Halls Head Indirect Water Reuse Project. Based in Mandurah, it has been awarded the Western Australian Water Corporation Award for Water Treatment and Recycling in 2009. An aquifer is used to filter the area's sewage water providing safe, quality irrigation water for local parks, gardens and ovals.[41] Mandurah is also linked to Perth's water supply.
You could always try getting into mining btw, maybe as a geological surveyor or something like that.
Get a job in perth
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worst tripags itt: !NiggerFgtE,!LLLLLLLLL.
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agreed, retarded niggers
Whats going on in here
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the binning of finns
Ahhh that things been there since I was born; I thought they did that sort of thing in most places these days?
I'd only really want to do that if I could make enough money to move myself into Perth and go to Uni at the same time. I really don't think I'll be able to juggle those hours though, or even find a job to begin with seeing as I've just worked causally my whole life.

I really want to though. Would save me from the like 1.5h commute to Uni, having to deal with shit at home. But I'd have to live so fucking frugally, ahhhhhhh
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That will never happen and you know it.
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I didn't thought that you use proxies
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Eh, no, I never used any proxies as I don't know how to use them...
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first it was a Lithuanian flag who was with that trip now its a russian one, this just proves that indeed you use a vpn
So I know a little R, Python and a bit about Data Analysis, Maths, Stats and all that jazz.

Would any of you guys be interested in like a blog style thing where each 'post' is based around the exploration of a different data set? Just some visualisation, maybe some simple regression, that sort of thing?

Also, would you make anything decent from the adds on a small little website like this, or just not really any profit?
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He told me the password in psn
Stop lying, me!
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I see.
Nearly fell asleep while reading this.
This desu
Is that your new job idea?
well fuck

I'm skill-less then
Idk, figured it could be something interesting to work on; maybe could pay off? If anything might look good on a resume
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I've never used a proxy
How do you commute to uni? Train?
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Why so many questions?
Just interested how life in such a vast country works.
Ah fair enough. It's really quiet and peaceful for the most part, but that does make it easy to get lonely.
Just a little skeptical
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God I hope they show off bannerlord
>last reply 1 hour ago
everyone IS DEAD
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>dead edition
very fitting edition, RIP in piece /balt/
You will be missed

Thread theme song
Im not dead yet, im feeling better
just stop, don't make everything worse
you need to die like everyone else
*kill you*
there there now rest in piss
Im feeling okay, i think im going for a walk.
Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty eyes
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> *kill you*
*arrests you*
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Ok good luck, just don't get hit by a car or anything *evil grin*
arrest this
*stab you in the face*
Its, ok im fine, no need to arrest him.
ahhhh.. there is nothing better than shitposting
It's almost time for me to go. And with me the last ember of this fruitless thread dies out. And at last those old evils will be gone. Once the source of shitposts returns to zero... A new one... A new /balt/... Will be born.
Do you want some attention?
nah you are not gonna get it
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*shoots you*
Oh, good, but he attacked me, so I'll have to shoot him
Im so sorry that you had to be the target of this unwarranted aggresion while defending me.
>*shoots you*
with what ? lil kiddo that is not a real gun, that is BB gun
Just got back, what did I miss other than Xcom thing on PC show?
cringy as fuck
Why are you thanking me?
I said you are not gonna get any attention
jesus christ
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*logs off from /balt/*
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> that is BB gun
No, that's BFG
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that was it?
wait what?
And then everybody died again
There's only a handful of posters left here at this point, and once one or two of them get busy with something else the thread just dies.
>more e-celebs
So ronery ;_;
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angry poleshit lover?
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I'm awake and ready to go!
Go where?
Anywhere you wanna take me
I wanna take you to a sauna and whip you with birch branches. Later on i will be shitface drunk and bore you with my army stories like any proper finn.
can you go to the shops and get me some snacks?
I can go down to the shops, not sure about getting back tho
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Remember when New Zealand had that vote to change the flag?
That use a good use of tax money!
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Lithuania should do one too, so we could change it to Vytis already
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Governments constantly waste money, the only difference here was that it was public

also nice trips
Why don't you?
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If I get trips again I will donate one hundred dollars to the Salvation Army.
good culture
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Because we (excluding me) are dumb?
>labour says they will cut immigration
>gets called "pandering"

I don't understand how populism is considered to be bad thing if governments are supposed to be voted by a majority of citizens
because it's usually just promises and demagogy
It's bad for the lefties, because it emphasises the will of the many whilst ignoring minorities.

Julius fucking Caesar was a populist.
Why so dead?
I dont know and i am worried.
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Time for bed.
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Exam is about to start

Good night, buddy.
Don't screw up
Good of lucks
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haven't played a single mario game lol
never though i'd say this, but this mario game looks pretty good
I havent cared about Mario since Super Mario 64
the only mario game i've ever played was the original mario bros
haven't cared about it since
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good luccu
played smash bros on some girl's dc once
it was meh imo
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mario games look boring to me including this one, looks like xcom 2 but worse with the whole turn base system
so much for creativity... I wonder how much do they get paid for this
>but worse
you mean better, right?
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Riga mayor is pretty cool
He has autism I can tell by the picture
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Nils anime.jpg
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not autistic, he just really likes cats
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Sanic > Mario
oh look, more pirates
got to go fast
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Anime sonic
Not fast enough
This game does not look interesting.
Lets pick up some speed
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looks like "for honor" kind of game, fun for a few times and it will die very quickly
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Ahhh yes the good old days...

Yeah. Looks very shallow.
>ship boarding is a cutscene
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Sonic is the real game, those new games are crap
Ah yes, this is the kind of shit I expect of Ubisoft conferences.
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that uhhh... a bit gay
it was a joke
shut up
>russian weeb faps to sonic
Not even surprised at this point.
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I don't
I've never played a sonic game, although I've played a lot of sega games
This girl is reincarnation of sonic
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Blue characters are cool
especially this one. If you know what I mean

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Our planet is blue
how can other colors even compete
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Grey is also alright
blue is much more beautiful tho
Grey is kinda a bit depressive
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>Orc with an anglo accent
>Monkey with an anglo accent
I think I see a correlation
*erases blue*
nothing personal, kid
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Sky Anime Landscape 29.jpg
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Why did you just erased the best color that exist
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Because you seemed to be too happy
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Why do you want to ruin my happiness

the oceans, the sky
everything is blue
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Grey is super comfy.
/pol/ is shaking right now
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clearly a man with a superior taste
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> Why do you want to ruin my happiness
> the oceans, the sky
> everything is blue
not anymore
>sony will be at 4 am
Just like me
>Sony in 3 hours
Do I want to torture myself?
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its alright
Yo listen up here's a story
About a little guy that lives in a blue world
And all day and all night and everything he sees
Is just blue
I'm Blue
Da ba dee, da ba dye, da ba dee, da ba dye, da ba dee, da ba dye, da ba dee, da ba dye
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Em, hello?
This colour doesn't exist anymore
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Blue is good too.
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Only in your little imaginary world

World would be shit without the blue color
Good moooooooorning
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ain't she a beauty
Is your favorite color gray?
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No. I guess something similar to this kind of grayish blue is.
It's a very nice calm and cold color.
that is not a color

also where is violet
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Exams over, it went alright
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well that means blue

I bet you would never guess correctly my favorite color.
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Oh and include white before blue
please technically dark is a color, since it could be any color, forgot that brown,pink and violet exist btw
>please technically dark is a color
No it is not
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Just a little Lithuanian combo breaker for ya, baby
Yes when the thread is so slow, somebody needs to take some action
shitposting action
what do we do now
Third worlders

this is exactly what a retard would say, trust me I'm expert at this
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we discuss why latvia is such a shit country
>what do we do now
Tell me your favorite flavor of malt. I had a malted today at Cili Pica, but it was only so-so.
Go to sleep?
There is nothing to discuss
It is already obvious
I'm listening, baby
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that's the right answer
I like sleeping, but it is bit too early
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>There is nothing to discuss
>It is already obvious
>latvian weeb forums
hahaha wtf
Prussians are dead :(
There is one baltic Prussian in this thread RIGHT NOW
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No, I am still alive
and with them, baby, died one of the few Baltic languages to ever exist
How can 3D "women" even compete?
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They can't
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By becoming 4D.
oh man, then Prussians are as well as dead
show me the 4D women
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3D women think they can compete with 2D
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If 2D is better than 3D then maybe 1D is better than 2D right?
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blue is baltic prussians btw
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no curves, just the way I like it
It is not something a normal human should see.
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I'm not a normalfag tho
So you can show me
You're not strong enough.
Are these boys or girls with short hair?
It doesn't matter
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You don't know my true power level
I'm one of the strongest here
Then you won't have to look for them. They will find you.
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that is pretty deep
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How do I summon a succubus?
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consider the following
Give me your address and leave your door unlocked at night.
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Meet her in a park
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I don't believe in ghosts or evil spirits, but still I wouldn't try to summon them or something, because what IF they exist? even the very very slim chance.
Or maybe even if they don't exist at all, but the placebo effect would make me believe that they do after all that summoning crap

Scary stuff
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The darkness just started to overshadow this thread
Never summon something you can't kill.
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Something there in darkness might be hiding.
You see him?
probably not, but you probably feel pretty anxious right? that is your instincts telling you that something is not right
What makes you think I'm an American?
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giphy (2).gif
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Yes that seems to be really foolish, at best you wouldn't gain anything if it wouldn't work, at worst that thing could haunt you forever.
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You can run, but you can't hide
>Wall sconces

Well la-dee-da, Mr. Moneybags

Never forget german war crimes
How to find qt balt gf?
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Cold sweat ir running, your heart starts to beat twice the normal speed, your eyes are wide open trying to see through the darkness, your ears pick up the smallest sounds around you, your whole body tense up and you start to shake
You are scared
I'll outline it for you, baby, in a very easy two-step program PERSONALLY guaranteed to work by yours truly, baby

Step 1: Buy a plane ticket to Latvia
Step 2: Talk to Latvian girls

That'll be $5, cash, check, or money order
>Cold sweat ir running
Excellent use of Latvian
Assalamun alaikum dear teutonic brothers and sisters
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Be afraid, be very afraid
Oh fugg ids de derrorisd

Are there maori muslims?
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damn shitposting takes a lot of time
And because my shitposting, not this thread is almost over
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*logs off from /balt/*
>South Auckland

Not surprised desu
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Is it any different from the previous parts
(apart from improved graphics of course)
$onny dolla bill williams
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I do not know, I've seen that they improved the sieges and I think they will have more multiplayer mod's from the start.
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Hm, okay
I used to play warband with some mode about imperial Japan, but I forgot it's name....
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I play with the one where all the banners get replaced by anime girls, I think I should try out more mods
>I play with the one where all the banners get replaced by anime girls
Of course you do, precious
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shut up
*log in /balt/ just to create the thread*
*log off*
Thread posts: 312
Thread images: 133

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