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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 339
Thread images: 60

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RIP Edition
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angel vs devil
Marx is based
waiting for the thing to download
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>it's real
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business idea: reddit flag filters
quite sick of a certain yank who does nothing but brag about his life
turkeys voting for christmas
all of you
growing up involves realising that the establishment have done nothing wrong
Researching successful armed robbery tactics
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wish i was dead haha
who are the most underrated band ever?
think the brexit vote was a mistake
leftypol OUT
kill all the witnesses
bring a gun (you'll literally need one and won't be able to do it without one because someone else might have one, assuming you're doing this in the poosa)
need my knackers obliterated by a stadium bomb some paki terrorist placed under my seat
>Why yes I am a communist
>And yes my skin is brown
>Well of course I identify as a Muslim, praise Allah
>I am also a homosexual, got a white bf
>Severely confused and mentally ill you say?
>Perish the thought.
probably never heard of em
bw my bf x
business idea: filter reddit flags for non-reddit flaggers. sick of hearing their hysterical drama.
Who /chapo/ here?
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Labour will get 350 seats, cap this post
what's real
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not sure why people bother with chemo with babies
just make a new one

any mandem in canters tonight
need my botty spanked and my bumhole shagged by a sexy lad with a nice willy x
RIP Peter Sallis
slighly bent
Dont know about ever, but the Beach Boys routinely dominated the charts even during "Beatlemania"
any man from brum want a man from brum?
yeah it's going to be a braindead retard now
hi you called? x
Tesco grocery delivery in T minus 57 minutes

Best start running a bath.
marx didnt understand time preference
Wallace's voice actor is dead
dang, I remember watching these. Quite good. RIP
May the lad RIP
marx didn't understand economics
The Flying Burrito Brothers
Who the fuck cares? They didn't even use their real voices anyway
the day i realised i was a rorke was when i wondered why people would spent hundreds of thousands on keeping a kid alive when the syndrome or condition is guaranteed to kill them at 5 years old. Basically paying to delay the inevitable while the whole time the child is in chronic pain or a vegetable.
more interested in how one would successfully take from high profile drug dealers, not worth the risk for the petty change in some runts wallet

seems like a group home invasion would probably be the safest way to do it
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Why is northern England so desolate?
*advocates for mass immigration and racemixing*
Marx made up his own economics
Too bad he never tested to see if it correlated with reality
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one of the most rasheed posts I've ever seen

wouldn't be shocked if Muhammad had risen from the grave and typed this out himself
Is here http://www.strawpoll.me/13119233/r
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NEED a job
God damn that's edgy!

Their early stuff is arguably as good as zeppelin. Led zeppelin took loads of influence from them touring before they were really big. Lots of big artists copied lots of their lyrics and styles, Free never said anything. I think they were all friends back in the day. But you'll hear bits of Free in the works of Led Zeppelin, Dylan, Hendrix, Clapton. They were amazing live too, well ahead of their time playing some very heavy rock in the late 60's
I've got one. You can't have it.
>google "marx time preference"
>first result is mises institute
ah yes, this seems like an important debate in economic theory
what's your skill set anon?
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*strings you up from a billboard*
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noone really wanted it

all the backers have gone into hiding
theresa mayhem now has to negotiate something she didn't want to begin with
the voters were split widely, only a tiny minority wanted hard brexit

it's like the government has to sacrifice britain's future in order to respect a dumb vote that Johnson and his friends called for political purposes but never ever expected to win
marx didnt understand hes a gay homo
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>Cheick Tiote: Former Newcastle United midfielder dies after collapsing in training

Used to have a newcastle shirt with his name on the back
feel a bit sad now lads
*buys healthcare*
*asks for less hours at thr job*
that was hard wasn't it leftypol
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*flies a plane into it*

>Ireland is giving Islamic terrorists free passes to go to the UK and wont do anything about it

have done some coding in a language nobody uses and will have a masters in physics in a week or 2
sensible, wish germans ran britain
ELO aren't underrated you goit. They're massive.
best things about the tory majority next week:
bojo gone
gove gone
hammond most likely gone
Almost like he can't afford to do that hmmmm
If Yanks are all based fashy Deutschenfugen-Amerikaners, can they fuck off to /deutsch/ instead of plaguing us with their incessant explosive sharting?
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work hard to achieve your goals

or you can just laze about forever and not do anything if you so choose

that's the beauty of choice
Is that... A giant cutout of Theresa May in a union flag dress giving two fingers to France?

number of brits killed by terrorists: 00s-000s
number irish starved to death: 000000s
he can do it on minimum wage, which is the lowest possible his wage is so yes he can.
shouldn't have had kids then
playing devil's advocate but why would they? other than out the goodness of their hearts
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>one of the London attackers was features in a documentary about islamist extremists
>was not arrested/deported
The motherfucker works harder than you lad read the sign
>J-just work hard and you'll be rich
Um sweetie the American dream is dead x
grew up with a guy who once had someone break his fingers in a door so he could get painkillers from the hospital and not fail his probation drug test the next day
leftypol cuck
You could probably do it with a remote control one, I think it's just cardboard.
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Tories I need out of business:
>Theresa May
>Amber Rudd
>Jeremy Hunt

Tories I need in business:
>David Davis
>Priti Patel
>Jacob Rees-Mogg
>England is a cesspit. England is the breeding ground of fundamentalist Muslims. Its social logic is to allow all religions to preach openly. But this is illogic, because none of the other religions preach apocalyptic violence. And yet England allows it. Remember, that country was the breeding ground for communism, too. Karl Marx did all his work in libraries there.

Akinwande Oluwole "Wole" Soyinka (born July 13, 1934) is a Nigerian writer, poet and playwright. In 1986, he became the first African to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.
fair points but most of those are quite short-term effects on what's a very long-term issue
That would've been racist. Check the colour of his skin if you don't believe me.
Some paki in Belfast on the news there. Imagine being a paki and living in Belfast and you had a mix of a paki accent and a Belfast one. How could you resist the call of suicide?
Really can't deal with being alive right now
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It says in the article that ugly women marry them and then cops wont bother to watch them
argh I need to heem me an Irishman
could u not
Yeah I'm leftypol because I want Germs to fuck off
Don't think he would lie about not being able to afford it
>minimum wage can afford it
Ah yes that's why yanks don't buy health insurance
>Follow the system like a good prole
having a panic attack haha
yeah but i mean why would the authorities do anything to stop them leaving rather than just pass the problem on

Oh wait lol he doesn't even mention kids
do you know how healthcare works for someone who is making mininum wage and working 70 hours a week?
come down to galway and ill gladly turn your jaw to dust ya little shite

Go back to work and heem a shitty toilet bowl
think they should just go for the softest brexit they can get

that way, remainers are basically no way off, and the majority of the leavers also get what they want (out of the EU but still keeping a bunch of the benefits)

a few angry leavers will probably shout a lot but it would be best just to ignore them
*kisses you*
calm down sweetie x
That isn't a rorke position, you dolt.
>Jacob "I, Robot" Reese-Mogg
>Jacob "I don't get cunt, cos I'm just a replicant" Reese-Mogg
Jacob "Bladerunner" Reese-Mogg
>Jacob "futuristic or just autistic?" Reese-Mogg
>Jacob "what's weird about having my nanny help me campaign" Reese-Mogg
back to the discord

you can replace pencil lead with sewing needles to discretely stab a cunt
hate the left, hate liberals, hate the US, hate the UN. NOT a Russian shill just don't like them simple as. love assad
are they? I never hear much about them in the US, did see Jeff Lynne go into the rock and roll HOF finally this year
Have they released any information about the attacker yet?

I bet their not gonna release it....
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romania mentioned
Why are you even posting here? What exactly is it in the German-Yank that makes him think he has anything remotely in common with us?
+1 rouble
t.sheltered cunt

They are obviously not even trying to deal with the situation at all and just let them do whatever and pretend they dont exist, probably because they wont make any attacks in Ireland
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imagine the indignity of being fatally stabbed by a Butt
Do one of these

This one might be useful
>does a british teenager understand the american healthcare system?

why would you even ask this?

they don't know anything about anything let alone something as complex as healthcare
he's a globalist jew from Tottenham mate don't trust a word he says
I used to be indifferent to the Irish. After being here a while and learning how they all hate me and everyone in my country for things that happened before I was born, I now put you up there with the Scottish. Fucking crybaby entitlement niggers
I get panic attacks if I can't find something
that doesn't answer my question. the answer is it is free under onigger care. fucking retard

One of them was a moroccan who lived in Ireland for years
healthcare shouldn't be complex, it should just be a right to everyone
really most governments seem to be treating them like weapons or bargaining chips, it would be kind of funny if it weren't so messed up
>The other attacker was named as Rachid Redouane, 30.

come to fucking Downpatrick we'll send you back in a casket you weak cunt
Um sweetie proofs? Why would he lie about it then lad?
Ireland facilitates American planes getting to the Middle East to bomb them. Let's them use your airports. Alan Shatter is a terrorist.
Rite lads-
*slips over banana peel*

human insect
stepdad is telling me about his day at the factory and i literally don't care
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maybe because the image is old you fucking retard. and how do you not know obamacare?
leftypol coming out as retarded and uninformed once again
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here's a grain of salt
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>Why the fuck do lefty mongs love dogs so much?

>smelly, dirty and need constant attention or they'll end up dead.

>dogs poo on the floor, eat the poo, barf the poo back up, then eat the poo-barf

>dogs are stupid and disgusting
Did he atleast seize the means of production?
Doesn't answer my question sweetie x
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micks are shit-tier animals and pets
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humiliate me
bit rude init. he's just having a chinwag
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Boat's on fire lads.

Same boat that crashed into a harbour wall a few months back.
reread because it did x
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the pet runt
oh thats cool, thanks for offering to pay the doctors and supply costs as well as site overhead and support staff
a leaf behind every quality post
is the harry potter franchise subconscious leftist propaganda?

never noticed anything wrong with it when I watched it but there must be a reason for all these lefties making harry potter references
>no source on any claim
>no source on any claim
fuck off leftypol
not a fan of ideologues desu they don't look at evidence then make a decision they look for evidence that supports their position
yeah, being good is now leftist propaganda rorke
sure take the chunk of my taxes that go to bombing sand dunes and put it towards that
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modern lefties just enjoy corporate media for some reason. might be related to the complete insincerity of their beliefs
can't see the post you're fedoraing. but i'm a massive rorke and i love dogs. cats are for lefties and homos. they quite literally make you effeminate with fumes from their shit. fucking putrid rodents they are
where are the proofs???
I literally did though you illiterate sheltered twat see>>75709049
fluffy :3
They can see it that way but Voldemort was right about a lot of things.
It's a literal Nazi analogy. Except JK Rowling is so shit of a writer that she accidentally made the Nazis better than the Jews in every way and also accidentally made the Aryan, conservative, traditional way of life better than the liberal one.
David Davis is a fucking mongrel mate

absolute shithouse
You know damn well we'd end up paying for both
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don't feed der krautisch trohl.
oh do you don't have a source that backs up the claim that the guy in the image is telling the truth? huh.... interesting....
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he's a good lad
hello leftypol
Um sweetie give me proof that healthcare in the USA is affordable or fuck off with your """"arguments"""" you sheltered rich cunt
J.K. Rowling is their Godess queen. Take a look at her Twitter, it's rife with lefty nonsense.
>does not include "Dún Dealgan" in placesign
>mandatory to have them bilingual
fuck off krautchan discord
he's too beta to meow
just squeaks x
Real talk though, friends dont let friends vote for May. Brexit was already enough cringe, please don't embarrass yourselves any further. Sincerely, real Europe
willies lads haha *farts*
NEEEED a cute kot :3
>Sweetie posting

binned. useless cunt.
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just put the 'za in
hmmm that's not what we were arguing about was it sweety x
I said people making minimum wage qualify for free healthcare under obamacare x
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>Why yes I refrain from sweetie posting
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>being good

You might call this a dull franchise, but I call this a serious ground for discussion of this heavily flawed series of so-called "literature". But what else could you expect from the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
I have a black and white cat who does the same

Very interesting
Don't vote 4 May, vote 8 June

not a meal
>Sweetie posting

watching The World at War

please no spoilers x
Still waiting for any proof xx
isn't obamacare being repealed
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>Get in Comrade, We're building Socialism

what do?
The only people that sweetie post here now are literally mentally ill.
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doing a depersonalisation/derealisation
>force awakens
Stopped reading
the only one doing it is the braindead leftypol runt
fuck off terrorist sympathiser
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>Prince Harry was today photographed head bowed during the Muslim call to prayer breaking the Ramadan fast with youngsters in Singapore.

>head bowed during the Muslim call to prayer
been warned that i might be sectioned soon
fuck off leftypol
Not an argument I need a zip code to see what qualifies please give an actual source i can read
see >>75689601
>>75689637 >>75689639
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gf just snapped me this
*guitar riff*
>lost wallet
>bank card/id with it
>can't withdraw money
>50p to last a week before the new card come
>no ciggies
>no booze
depressed as fuck right now lads

now i'm depressed thanks
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something so comfy about driving in torrential rain and seeing all the mongs on the street and on their fucking bikes get soaked
use nee york and 10001 as the zip sweaty x
you're not really trying are you x
if you go to another country, you abide by their customs
what's the issue
*gets in*
*establishes a dictatorship of the proletariat and a vanguard party*
Nothing personnel rorkes
Yes it is
If I was the Prince, I wouldn't bow my head for Muslim prayer calls. Fuck that.

You have a weak-wristed cuck for a prince desu. and he knows it.
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*re-enters thread*

mental illness isn't real, they're infringing your human rights by imprisoning you against your will when you haven't committed any crime
Two london bridge attacker named. Both immigrants. One from pakistan, other one was half Libyan, half Morrocan.
*lies in the thread*
apparently Corbyn wants to cap footballer's wages
alri tim
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Nice one sweety xx
alright lad, picture this
some muslim cunt comes to your country and doesn't stand during your national anthem or something.
there'd be outrage everywhere

go to the bank with your passport then
bit of a mong he is
hope he give their wages to the soldier and the nurses!
What about the Manchester attack
dont get me started
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dont get me started

corrupted by toxic masculinity prevalent in white cisheteronormative society
What about it?
try another one then sweetie x
sometimes in life answers aren't just given to you like your bennies x
cheick tiote is dead. what the fuck
>iOS just getting a file manager
don't have one mate
I've already checked all the things I have and it's not enough to get money
you can get emergency funds from your bank you fucking mug
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Standing for the national anthem is respecting that country

Bowing your head to Muhammad (especially when youre grandma is the head of the Anglican religion) is just being a huge cuck

No surprise...I suppose he's a metaphor for all of the UK.
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>wake up early
>go to the gym at 6:30 in the morning because it becomes full after 5pm till closing time
>gym is still pretty full at 6:30 in the morning and have to consistently work in with other people (meaning you can't really get a proper rest)
>shower and dress for work at gym
>travel to work on a grim bus in traffic
>work 8 hours a day mixture of mindnumbing boringness to ridiculous stress causing me literal anxeity attacks
>forgot to make lunch so i have buy some from the overpriced café across the street £3.20 for fuck all food gone.
>come home to the flatshare starving
>housemates are cooking so i need to wait
>they decide to sit in the kitchen for a few hours
>internet decides to keep cutting out
>want to read my book but too hungry and miserable to even begin
>oh look its 10 oclock better sleep so i can get to gym early enough again

i want out lads. life cannot be this consistently miserable.
How is it going my good goyimses?
Me? Great. Just came back from a date with the 17 years old gf (inb4 nonce. Age of consent is 15). #youknowshestheone when you have to hide precum on your white trousers with your bag, without there being any penisary contact. She's so lovely and fertile. I could get her pregnant just by looking at her a certain way and to think that she still has at least 20 years of fertility to look forward to. I could literally have 20 kids if I wanted.
I think they were pretty clear about it being Islam when they said "this is for allah, this is for my family, this is for Islam" and rampantly stabbed people to death.
Any names?
Feel like I need to see someone about my mental state but embarrassed to talk about it
I fucking went into the branch earlier today to check and they said to fuck off
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>The other attacker was named as Rachid Redouane

get all the pakis in concentration camps
wont be replying
Don't reply to it. Never EVER reply to it.
Was that on Beeb Four in 2013 and about WW1?
Learning Zone had a brilliant series of programms about the causes, course and consequences of it. I recorded them onto my Joovc Doovdé recorder
oh, you're one of those yanks
carry on then

stop saying sweety you fucking gay cunt
hi alan
Business idea: spree burglaries but all I take are crystal doorknobs
paki names, i read the article on my phone and posted on my lappy. google it.
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*knock on door*
"Been hearing you DON'T like immigrants?"
Yeah. Your prince is a cuckhold. Carry on with your Islamifcation

bit of a curveball that fuck
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Ah yes put 15,000 as income which is roughly annual income
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>London Bridge jihadi was an Arsenal supporter
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>it's an outtake episode
Knew it would be a fucking yank. Spacker
your issues would be solved if you weren't an autistic freak and just cooked whilst your housemates are there

shut up you odious shithouse, I've got 0 sympathy for you
LOVE baby corn
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Post your gainsz
Muslims don't make any good food. It's just kebabs. Indians and greeks would pick up that market. And London would be much better off without a Muslim mayor who says we should all get used to terrorism. I fucking hate the Scottish so much they are such fucking worthless cunts.
just made some forehead gains
just did a mouth sick
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>Depersonalization disorder (DPD)
the ol' timmick (tim gimmick) is really getting to me lads
no it's the 1970 series with Lawrence Olivier narrating, 50-odd part series looking at each country in WW2
>'muslim' food

India with the bants
though you wrote you loved baby.com
why is everyone shunning qatar?

reminds me of my last penis inspection day
I think a lot of people like yourself wouldn't and don't have healthcare because they are too retarded to fill out the forms and get free shit x
here are the requirements for a pretty average state
>if sadiq didnt exist london wouldnt have a mayor

what did he mean by this? is having a mayor all part of shariah?
>yank doesn't reply
lol alri' what a sheltered cunt
its so awkward to cook a meal whilst people are sitting at a table eating their own meal.

what do you nnot understand about that?
You can save THOUSANDS on transplant costs by using unlicensed foreign surgeons and paid donors
what food do Muslims even contribute? kebabs? fuck off
ah yes, because having a muslamic mayor is mandatory. Leftists are awful in every way imaginable, in a way i'm glad they're killed by the people they love so much (pakis)

this is the kind of lunacy our society is infested with

we are FUCKED
left side of head and left eye hurts really bad
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Not an argument y*nk
>0 forearms
>0 delts

jog on curlrunt
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he has a point
without islam wed live in total anarchy and would starve because there would be no food
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here you are then, computer illiterate commie x
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>Pretending Turkish food isn't a grand cuisine
*pokes you*
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ah yess, I saw a bit of that when Beeb Two re-ran in 2015 or '16. I must've confused it with another one.
ah yes lets talk about islam again
this hasnt been done for days straight beforehand
Post your gains lad.
Also what's the point of going to the gym if you don't have a gf and seem all but asexual from the brief but grim description of your Orwellian lifestyle kek
I love Greek food
no it isn't because I'm not a socially stunted spastic like you
*replies to it*
Fuck. No :(
things an islam would say
love rehashing these arguments
Yet 50% of Americans can't even afford it almost like it's ineffective hmmm
The vast majority of Muslims in London don't fucking serve gourmet traditional Turkish cuisine though, do they you fucking goit. 99.99999% of Muslim operated food outlets are disgusting kebab shops with a sub 4 Hygiene rating.
could do without it if it meant no more muzzies
We in America have food from every place on Earth. You know who cooks that shit? Mexicans
Good lad
You have a point. Will add forearm exercises every day.
You mean Greek food?
ah yes, great deflection. I think you should go back and read what we were arguing about sweetie x
maybe also read some papers on our healthcare system so I don't have to spoonfeed you x
Forgot to finish this post.

You know who cooks that shit? Mexicans. UK just needs to import a bunch of Irish to work their kitchens, like we do our Mexicans. They are kind of the same
not an argument
The Irish take it personally. We have Bangladeshis for that
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wife's bf and I are big fans of this
ISIS could behead the queen on live TV and leftists would still say muh kebab

enjoy getting poisoned by food and cancer of bowel later in life.
Watched Baywatch recently. Unironically recommended.
i do enjoy greek food, yes
lefties hate the monarchy so they would celebrate
really upset lads
best mate (female) said she was developing feelings for me and that she can't stand a relationship with me as friends

cut her loose but I'm a properly gutted about it
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