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/v4/ + friends

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 86

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saturday morning edition
Good morning
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What are your plans for today?
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wake up dummies
i am awake
dobrý den
play vidya
do some cardio
what vidya
why cardio
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good fucking lord the cringe
>W.E.B Dat Boi
I did laff a little at that
probably Bad Company 2 since I haven't played an FPS in god knows how long or I'll plug in my PS3 and play Okami HD
I do cardio for cardiovascular health and general longevity, plus I think it actually helps with my weight training.
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>Bad Company 2 since I haven't played an FPS in god knows how long
nothing in the seven years since that has come out has been more worth playing anyway
>36C in sun
If someone killed me right now I wouldn't even consider it a murder
wolfenstein was fun
t. never played a BF game aside from that ww2 one
Rising Storm 2 Vietnam is great desu
I bet they listen to Ortel and vote Zeman
nazis confirmed
I have awoken
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>open literally any (any) thread
>I am a Greek
>why not Greece
>did I say Greece?
>I am a Greek
>*insert nationality/ethnicity/* subhumans
What's up?
I don't get le plumber meme. First of all plumbers don't clean toilets, janitors do so foreigners already fucked up their own meme second no job is too humble and shittalking working people is something leftist NEETs in Che Guevara shirts who want to bring glorious revolution via Facebook posts and bydłos who prefer to steal because they lack discipline to even sweep the streets do.

So long story short go fuck yourselves plumbers are hard and honest workers.
we wuz kangz is dead, new cradle of every human is Greece.
>culture and history related threads get deleted until all that is left are generals and ikibey shitposting
moderation on this board is indeed doing a great job
I wanna rape.
I wanna kill.
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Yes yes, what else do you want to do? Just asking
When I was a kid I wanted to be a cop. I regret I'm not one.
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>put 100€ into cryptocurrency trading yesterday
>already made 40€ profit today
>it's still growing

holy shit
I wish I was a dictator so I would put at least 12 milion people in quarries and mines. Fucking useless polacks.
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Im so fucking retarded
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fucking hell
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I will cry
what was it?
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Dont betray me my magyar and slovak bros we are one blood
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fuck i wanna shitpost this so much but i am playing vidya
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he posted pic of facebook messenger without censoring the name
underage nigger cunt NEET faggot
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R-free won’t drop bellow 0.45 no matter what sorcery I use.
i need to study but im just browsing 4chan
i could play some games but then i will feel bad beacuse i played games instead of studying
so im just gonna browse 4chan all day
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Shes ugly now wtf
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Play multiplayer games so you can shitpost in the chat while playing. Be smart, anon.
If you want to shitpost with it atleast censor her name yourself pls not her fault im 35 iq
These people should be given exactly what they want, it would be the perfect punishment
>i need to study but im just browsing 4chan
>i could play some games but then i will feel bad beacuse i played games instead of studying
>so im just gonna browse 4chan all day
I know that feel too well
cute enough
>not her fault im 35 iq
you're right, it's your fault
i agree
>shitposting in post 2007 games
lmao multiplayer games are boring safe spaces now
Why are you playing games?
>In order to forget
To forget what?
>To forget that I am ashamed.
Ashamed of what?
>Ashamed of playing games
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Its saturday and summer

Woo hoo....
champions league final is tonight
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Not fun when i know result in advance
3-1 for Juventus screencap this (although this 1 for Real might be too generous)
If i had firstborn son i would bet him on real
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>watching football
It's like being a jock and a nerd at the same time, combining cons of both and pros of none
>why cardio
its euphemism for masturbation
What's everybody's favorite /v4/ nation?
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I managed to make Habsburgs out of Lancasters

Anyway, how do i play as Byzantium?
so far all my tries were the same
>quick conquer of Morea
>building up navy to secure Bosporus
>try sucking Mamluck cock to no avail
>Ottomans have declared war on us
>even manage to win the war (like two battles out of hundred against their elder-gods generals)
>Venice has declared war on us
>navy gets raped
>i get raped
Czech Republic
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But anon, Visegrad IS a nation.
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Reminder that nobody is more redpilled than a marketing translator:
"One of the best-selling novels of recent years is Stieg Larsson’s "The Girl With The
Dragon Tattoo". But did you know its original Swedish title, "Män Som Hatar Kvinnor", means “Men that hate women”?
In liberal, social-democratic Sweden, the overt gender politics of the original name were no barrier to success.
But the English publishers reportedly felt that a literal translation was equivalent to “Books that don’t sell”. So they used a transcreation instead. And with over a million copies sold last year in the UK alone, it’s hard to argue that they made the wrong decision."

"Corporate campaigns produced in the USA often feature mixed-gender, mixed-race working environments with whites, blacks and East Asians all represented.
But in Eastern Europe, where there has been no significant immigration from Africa and the Far East, such depictions don’t reflect reality.
And in Germany, they ignore the country’s largest ethnic minority – people of Turkish origin make up around 4% of the population. "
Right back atch ya fám love me some gádžo
Is this a cyganspeak equivalent of gringo?
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I just nutted in my shorts and the cum ran down on my thighs

would like to go to some pajeet hype party
why is facebook so retarded? friendi talk to with everyday doesnt show on the side chat but someone who i wrote 2 years ago one sentence is permanently there
Lmao diaspora fucking no one likes polacks go fuck yourself Przemek you nigger how dog shit you have to be to emigrate to fucking cuck republic? Lmao I can understand Germany, Ireland, Sweden but fedora republic? What exactly made you pick porn republic?
lol calm your tits

just because you're a self-hating cuck doesn't mean nobody else can appreciate the country you live in
even polacks don't appreciate poland which is why 2 milions of them left.
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why dis tred so slow are you filthy normies?
somebody called?
it's tsigansprachen for guy
it's a loanword in romanian too
nah im not into lifeblogging that much
Can you fucking retards stop raiding /balt/? I'm fucking reporting every single one of you
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Poland and Slovakia shouldn't even exist. Artificial meme countries with no history.
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>buy some bitcoins
>put them on crypto exchange
>go to /biz/ and check which coin is being shilled
>buy the coin and wait until 200% increase in price
>sell for bitcoins

congrats, you are rich now
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stob obresink mi
nostalgia'd desu

beer helps headaches from hangovers right?
no, the pickled cucumbers do, especially the liquid they are in.
How do Vaks and Keks call ogórki kiszone?
What if I poured the pickle juice into my beer?
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>What if I poured the pickle juice into my beer?
please don't
kyslé uhorky for us.
for czechs its probably kyselé okurky.
SK: kyslé uhorky
CZ: kvašáky

háu ár jů todej
ajm fájn

senk jú
pritty gud
áj em prity gůd todej

tenk jů fór áskíng
wtf it turns out if I drink enough beer I can understand Czech
ček iz a veri zimpl lengvidž
hał ebałt poliśz
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Are Vaks literal monarchists?
>CZ: kvašáky
haj mejt

aj em duing pritti vel, hav ebaut ju?
łot yz dys, Vizenglisz?
itz e lengvidž wí ken ál andrstand
nou problem, mejt
aj lajk yt
mejk yt ofiszjal
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dys szud bi de ofiszyl inglisz speling on V4 tu bi onest
Uot d fak iz dis šit? Ár jú ól komplítli ritárdid?
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Dear blog, today I spent most of the day at the girlfriend's place while her mom was home
I HATE Poland
feel free to blog away m8
did you have a threesome with your gf and her mum
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dat fil łen no hangerien kjuti dżi ef tu iit tradyszynal mils end get depresd łyf
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post mor kjutis
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this will never happen to me
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where is this from
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10/10 would eat paprika off of
After waking up we met outside, went to buy me a swimming underwear and then we went to the pool. It was really cool, we have nothing like that where I am from, with those wristwatch chips, bubbling pools and so on. I tried for a while to be in the water but I couldn't do anything much, I mean I failed any attempts to learn anything, it's just so weird for me. I keep falling in the water when I attempt to not stand on my legs and it's frustrating me, but I guess it will come with time and I dont need it now.

I knew after she told me a day before that her dad will be gone for some days because he likes to go to places with bicycle. She asked me if I will want to go to her to eat and I said that we can just go to some restaurant because I really want more Czech food. She said jokingly "so what, you dont like my mom's cooking?" and I said sure of course we can go to you then, if it's not just rohliky with pomazanka. Then she said, my mom really wants to see you. And I shat my pants a bit. I said, will your mom be home? to which she replied "well of course, it's weekend, but I don't know she might be away at grandma or something". I was really nervous when we reached her apartment and when we went inside flat we realized she is there and I think that the girl knew exactly that she would be there, lol.

Then it was kinda okay I guess, "ahoj, jsem XXXX", "dobry den, jsem anon"... it was just awkward as you might think because they were just speaking Czech to each other and I was just standing there looking around awkwardly. She knew that I dont speak Czech but took it kindly I guess. She immediately prepared food and tea etc. Then she went to garden and I with girl watched downloaded TV serie on her TV. Her mom came back after while and brought strawberries for us. Then we sat all together in living room watching Czech TV and news which I dont understand but it was welcoming and warm I suppose.
ayy burgerbro
what places do you plan to visit on your trip
rest of the evening we just watched same tv serie in her room on laptop, so I was there from like 15:00 until 22:30 or something. her mom made us dinner again, same stuff as we had for lunch and was really making me feel at home, asking if I want to eat more and so on

just glad her dad wasnt there, but I should write my testament just in case I disappear someday
unironically liked and subscribed
yesterday I booked some train tickets to Gdansk from Warsaw because I want to see the new WWII museum (the one PiS tried to change). I'm still deciding what else I want to do, I think mostly I want to just relax for a little while before I go wageslave in burgerstan.
noice, i want to see that museum too
although not as much as the tank one in UK
I recommend Zakopane
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>"the winter capital of Poland"
>in the summer
but why
which places in Poland (if any) you have already visited?
what is your opinion about them?
Višengliš fór lingua franka tu bý onest mvosums
the memes are true, it's basically an American city but with functional public transport and white people. Great parks. Ugly but people shit on it too much, it's interesting to see the different periods of architecture (good and bad) all contrasting with each other.

saw the crane and the maritime museum there, had a very comfy Christmas market. The Solidarity Museum was one of the best museums I've ever been to but the part of town it was in was pretty shitty.

the memes are also true in this case, the entire city smells like coal. It has a fantastic christmas market though.

legitimately an amazing city, one of the top 15 in Europe definitely if it was bigger. Wawel Cathedral is my favorite attraction in Poland and I've been there two times now.
Fuck that renaming. Here the name stayed the same: Muži čo nenávidia ženy.

Besides, the "redpill" community is just a bunch of mysoginist loser faggots.
Kvašáky are fermented cucumbers not regular pickled ones. We call them kvasáky.
>it's basically an American city
Mój boże, dlaczego po ciastach z Biedronki zbiera mi się na sraczkę? Nigdy więcej nie kupię ciasta z Biedry.
I've heard a lot of people say it jokingly. Because most of it was rebuilt in the 20th century it was done with cars in mind, so the roads are a lot wider and more of it is in a grid pattern than most European capitals. A lot of it feels a lot like Washington DC if you're just walking through it.
>it's interesting to see the different periods of architecture (good and bad) all contrasting with each other.
don't know if there are any other places on earth where you can see baroque kamienice, old crumbling commieblocks and modern skyscrappers standing right next to each other
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I mean redpilled as in they actually know how things are because it's their literal job, not redpilled as in it's da joos!!!1
It's comfy anyway, even if there's no snow local springs and saunas are pretty great
I miss the Argie qt
yeah I quite like it actually, it's pretty comfy. also I mean there's always old town if you want something more traditional.

It's close to Krakow so if I go there again (which I probably will end up doing desu) I could check it out.
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Wen will RammaVans come to Czechia? What about the rest of /v4/ doing?
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dobrou noc
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good one
How is radical islam still legal in Western Europe is just beyond my understanding
during my stay in warsaw i didnt pay attention to it thanks for explain
>cute gf
>good beer
>bacon chips
Congratulations, your life is complete now.
Stole RammaVans from /brit/ desu

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these attacks in London always happen just a few days before I plan to go do stuff in the exact places they happen, it's happened twice now. I feel like I'm literally gambling with my life by doing tourist things in this city. My LOT Airlines flight cannot come soon enough.
Dobranoc, also I love Kozel Cerny
>not Ryanair
when in Rome, do as Romans do
>not Wizzair
I usually take the budget airlines but this time I needed an airport closer to me because of how many bags I'm taking, and London Heathrow basically only has national airlines. LOT is okay pricewise anyway though, and the stewardesses are qt.
can't sleep again
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>go to buy more beer
>at the cash notice i forgot my debit card
good that when you live in warsaw, it's physically impossible to be further than 100m from an open alcohol store at any given place or time
dog bless Carrefour, my savior on many nights in Warsaw
Carrefour is kinda shit t bh, high prices, poor beer variety (no dark beers in my local one whatsoever), doesn't run 24/7
i prefer microstoreries
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>i prefer microstoreries
there was one of these right next to the Carrefour I went to, it looked family-owned. the cashier was the hottest woman I had ever seen in my life and tried to speak english to me when I bought alcohol. I was so terrified that I never went in ever again afterwards. Fuck your country.
>I was so terrified that I never went in ever again afterwards.
kek why? autism overload? how are you even travelling, are you going alone?
i bet she was ukrainian anyways
i unironically had to use english once in poland outside of work, talking with some middle-eastern kebab guy in local kebabery
how to get v4 gf?
can i be friend
1. don't be ugly
2. don't be autistic
being norwegian is a huge plus as well
>autism overload?
yes, with the older angry women at the chain stores at least I can tell them what I want to buy in down syndrome Polish and they'll give it to me without any stress, besides some disapproving looks.

>i unironically had to use english once in poland outside of work, talking with some middle-eastern kebab guy in local kebabery
how do you even get a visa to work in Poland without at least some knowledge of the language?
I'm trying to imagine a mudshit blowing himself up in Poland
>Eiffel's Tower gets blown up
>Frenchies cry and despair
>Big Ben gets blown up
>Brits cry and despair
>Bundestag gets blown up
>Germs cry and despair
>Palace of Culture gets blown up
>Poles start cheering and toasting
>being norwegian is a huge plus as well
hello guys, can anyone come here >>75641840 and write "fuck turkgaria mate" to piss one autist off. we need as much as different flags there.
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>>Palace of Culture gets blown up
>>Poles start cheering and toasting
Dunno if you noticed, but "Norwegian" means "rich" in any post-gommie cunt
i think its plus but he definitely overestimates it, Italian is by far best nationality t bh
Lad, be defensive about your hometown all you want, but you gotta admit the Palace of Culture is a fucking disgrace.
Not to mention that it's permadirty. It was white when they built it.
>how do you even get a visa to work in Poland without at least some knowledge of the language?
kebab dudes, assuming they are middle-easterners although that's rare, can usually talk at least broken polish, and that kebab guy i talked with was clearly more comfortable with english (which also meant he knew at least 3 languages, making him probably more educated than me)
obviously, norway is seen as literally a paradise here, and all scandis have opinion of honest, diligent and good people (assuming you're norwegian, not "norwegian")
i treat is as an important historical monument, and i'm against removal of any historical or cultural heritage no matter what it is
>Not to mention that it's permadirty. It was white when they built it.
do you have any pictures of it in it's original condition saved? I can't find any on anglo Google.
there were some plans to clean it, but it would be horribly expensive
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>Southern Europeans
>muh passionate tanned meds! :3
>Northern Europeans
>muh rich and handsome nordics! :3
>Central/Eastern Europeans
Maybe marcel had a point after all.
>i treat is as an important historical monument, and i'm against removal of any historical or cultural heritage no matter what it is
But its maintenance is expensive as fuck, and it's ugly. They could at least rebuild it a bit.
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it's really a fucking shame. That actually looks pretty damn good for commie architecture. But yeah you're right, it would be pretty much impossible to clean frequently. It's still cool to go to the top of it and relax on a beach chair though.
>Central/Eastern Europeans
some countries have white fetish, and eastern/central europe is as white as you can get, especially baltic area
still, can't imagine warsaw center without stalin's dick standing in the middle to remind us about the past
also, soon there will be a much taller skyscrapper right next to the palace, overshadowing it, because warsawians are literally jerking off to tall glass buildings
>Central/Eastern Europeans
>Muh manly, stronk and pure european wends*
Fixed it for you
no one says that except american /pol/tards
I say that and Im not a /pol/tard, I know plenty of Normie's who wouldn't go to western europe just for the muslims you have there
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>still, can't imagine warsaw center without stalin's dick standing in the middle to remind us about the past
Seriously though, they could modernize it somehow. And at least remove picrel. I mean what the fuck Warsaw? Can't at least your bydło be useful for once and scratch these letters overnight?
yeah that's pretty sad. I wish more focus would go towards restoring pre-WW2 Warsaw but there isn't enough money in doing that. I hope at least one day they rebuild the Saxon Palace, but that's also unrealistic.
lmao ok
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That's still there? You're right, where are the Legia hooligans?
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>tfw Culture Night festival is today and tomorrow and I have to sit here and write that stupid paper
At least they released a comfy tune
>And at least remove picrel.
Why? It's part of our history. I'm against removal of all Soviet monuments, because they were built.
I honestly can't feel any historical atmosphere in the old town, among those "old" (rebuilt in the 90s) buildings, compared to let's say Praga districts where you can still somehow see how Warsaw and its surroundings looked like in the past.
Pic looks comfy af, and you guys complain about eastern poland
I don't think it matters when they're rebuilt. It's reclaiming the past, not inventing a past.

>I'm against removal of all Soviet monuments, because they were built.
they're not Polish though
>I don't think it matters when they're rebuilt. It's reclaiming the past, not inventing a past.
Still, it's hard for me to feel any historical atmosphere when I know that I'm not standing in front of the real thing, but just a replica.
>they're not Polish though
doesn't mean we should remove them and pretend communist period never happened
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>I'm against removal of all Soviet monuments, because they were built.
"Being built" is a pretty good reason to remove a Soviet building. It's a piece of hostile propaganda.
But hey, not my circus, not my monkeys.

Post songs about cities lads.
liked and subscribed
I prefer original version
too bad Warsawian accent is extinct today
that's a fair argument. There's a difference between acknowleding a period in a country's history and allowing it to be glorified though.

>Still, it's hard for me to feel any historical atmosphere when I know that I'm not standing in front of the real thing, but just a replica.
the alternative is shitty skyscrapers though
>Warsawian accent
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Yeah, it's pretty chill
Wouldn't change it for London, that's for sure
>too bad Warsawian accent is extinct today
I heard that only five percent of families living in Warsaw today were there before the war, so it's not too surprising. That's pretty sad though.
don't have any city related music, but listening to all-time drunk music classic
yes, warsaw had to be settled by village people from all of poland
once again it's like little america
>everyone went to sleep
>you're still there
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>everyone went to sleep
im here accepting my faith
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cheers m8s
lovely morning here
Shitcoins, basically you participate in the /biz/ scams and try to win the race to dump your coins after the value goes up. I'm pretty sure its illegal but it might be a legal gray area in the US.
>I'm pretty sure its illegal but it might be a legal gray area in the US.
I don't think law regulates stuff like that, at least here in Poland.
>don't have any city related music
mate are you serious
you have the best city related music
That's a pretty cool church
i worded it poorly, i meant that i don't have any city related music i want to share right now
warsaw obviously has tons of songs about it, but tonight i'm listening to something else
good morning
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>nadwiślański świt
always gives me feels
wisła best river desu, too bad it's polluted
what time is it?
time to sleep
have a good sleep, then
you too
I fear literally nothing, is something wrong with me?
it's natural unless you are in a life-threatening condition
but this life sucks, i am not afraid to go talk to girl or do some dumb shit but i dont get any high from it when i do like in the past, i feel like im fucking dead
Any Greeks here? Only demigods would be awake at this early hour
up since 4 am
Didnt even went to sleep, this is why im superior to you subhuman slavshit
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are you triggered, my slav comrade?
I am Greek
then how about you pay your debts, fgt
I will, in few hours actually........ pay........ yes........
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>doesnt answer/seen to my message
>likes a random posts hour later
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its part of living in big city
>wake up
>see london happening
What's the hashtag this time, lads?
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i am so happy for you anon
do you ever want to go and kill fuckton of people?
or just Pray for London 3 ?
Boy (2013)
20 ans d'écart*
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funny, because new tactic is to say that Brits had Terror attacks long before and that IRA did more than Isis is doing now
but seems to me in human casualties IRA is nothing since they always warned authorities to evacuate premises
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18 slowvaks in a row

victorious once again
must be the samefag king
there is atleast 4 different people
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slota reeeee.jpg
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>using ô,ľ or ia ie iu

mdr vsetko za nitru je 300 roku za opicama
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>tfw spent 19 hours working non-stop

got a lot of money & tasty free food so it was worth it
I wanna join WAFFEN SS and kill all slavshits and mongols
ano samozrejme
dalsi cezpolak?
cpčkár a hrdý aspon nejsom paštikár skurvený alebo maďar
Fucking hell. I think I might be depressed.

Lately I've been wondering about the distribution of intelligence in general population, you know, correlation, causation, and I've discussed this a lot with people around me; but it wasn't enough, so I started reading and searching for reasonable and valid studies and explanations.

It's a big sociocultural issue - to put it plainly, looks like people are dumb (outside of genetical influence) because they grow up in a shitty, non stimulating background. This is most obvious with gyppos - their children are copies of their parents, but if you isolate the children from the influence in an early age, they grow up to be decent people.

I got a dose of super cancer today when I checked social media on groups about our clown president and the infamous oligarch Andrej Babiš.

It's bad, it's so bad. I was really confident about the coming elections, but holy fuck, the display in these facebook groups. I never thought I was above average, but people in these groups are completely oblivious to reality. They have no grasp of logic whatsoever. There is no consistency in their thought process. Some guy came into the group asking an opposing question very politely: "Can you please list general reasons why X is bad?" and he got shit on so hard instantly, what surprises me is that most of the responses didn't even address his question, they just went: "Aha, come here to create fight, to be an annoying little shit?? Go away you stupid dickhead, you're kicked out and blocked!!!!". And I thought 4chan was a shithole.

Now, this isn't about Zeman or Babiš and what I make of them. As Hitchens said, "the essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks".

These groups have tens of thousands of members. What's horrifing is that they are mostly old people, and they're all gonna vote while the young stay home.

Letting the plebs vote was a mistake.
Gotta went this villainy: Old people need to fucking die.
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Start by killing yourself
go join ISIS then
but im neither
why? im devout christian
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He was Christian
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people are dumb as fuck, old people should be gunned down after 70, and in politics it's more important to look smug than being right
It's complicated. You will be 70 too, maybe, and there are many old people who are based as hell.

You need to engineer social changes that will surpress the stupidity, otherwise turbo stupid people will keep getting born at the same rate.

But today's old people are extremely obnoxious in their stupidity. They are trained commie lap dogs.
What did Babiš do in Slovakia? Some of our media say you guys drove him out.
Stealing a lot

I am Pepik
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>I am Pepik
you wish
this, stupidity is not really about age.
STB Agent I think
>but I'm neither
t. cygan
I am Greek
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Jealous slavshit subhuman
i am awake
so whats up with alena
I see her in 15 min gonna report back but i dont think she likes me
good luck
Im just going for the final blow like achilles but i will endure
why is your face so square
since yesterday i cant read with my right eye as its all blurry what do
Why would you want to shitpost as a Czechie?
thats our greek shovelknight
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>yet ANOTHER terrorist attack in the West
>in England again
it's a monthly occurence now lmao can you imagine if at least one irka dirka started shit in eastern europe? They would get lynched because slavs and balts are niggers themselves so they don't like the competition.
What do you mean ''what do'' you dumb fucking polack? Go to doctor immediately or else you might lose sight in your eye permanently.
Reminds me of the tower in mecca for some reason.
tower of Saruman
now tower of Sauron
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>tfw eating healthy
Woah we can understand so much from your shit language! Thanks pepikurwa you non country which is merely an extension of german interests since middle ages it really made my day better. Don't forget to also post anime and your League of Legends stats Miroslav Knedliczonov you fucking living pro abortion argument. I suppose this is salad. Lmao
>eating salad
>eating grass like a fucking deer or something
lmao at you I bet you also wear fedora and those fucking hipster glasses giving us, actual intellectuals who damaged their eyes in their long sessions with books and internet porn a bad name and I bet you listen to hehe synthpop and indie rock

picrel is most likely your idol
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Weeew bros my name is Egeszege Krtekovich and welcome to /v4/ did you know that le west is dying and we are the last bastion of Europe? I wonder if our third world wages have anything to do with the fact. Let's talk about achievements of v4 countries. Oh wait there are none XD ok look at my Europa Universalis screenshot

WOOOW I took over half of Europe that's so amazing. Here look at this anime girl pic as well I don't even watch anime but I wanna fit in in the underage 4chan ''culture'' so hehe look at Tyomoka Sushitsu from random moe shit 4 people watched isn't she a waifu material?
FUUUCK I wish I had a job and wasn't a piece of shit.

Ok that's it for today see ya tomorrow :)
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Why I can't get a gf oink oink mfw when no gf REEE where da girls at :( if only I could go outside and have some human contact but some magic force chained me to my desk and I can only post Victoria Seras pics and goulash recipes
>Implying they'd get a choice
>Implying they wouldn't be glad they aren't shot or taken to prison because someone doesn't like them
Fucking retarded western millenials, they should get the privilege of living in the 70s or 50s for a while.
I'm a Slav which means I'm a Subhuman my favourite hobbies include being dog shit at everything since forever I iwsh I was German.
Man im fucking bad at women
>worked 10 hours cleaning carpets with a buddy
>both get 60 €
Worth the Saturday
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Everything is better than this "high quality " dorm food.
How do I survive this for another 4 years?
Nice legs, m8
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Ayyy I have a nose like Ryan Gosling before his operation altough a bit smaller. I thought only kikes have a nose like this?
>shaved legs
are you a girl?
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Juvecucks BTFO

Campeooone campeoone
I wish I was white.
I don't know.Am I?

Show your ass.
post more pics of your sexy legs
>great grandfather died in Auschwitz
>I have brown eyes and a nose bump

am I jewish?
our menza makes burnt,undercooked or mold meals I don't understand why people keep eating there
What the fuck a girl. Have you ever had the BIG GREEK DICK bby gurl?
>What the fuck a girl
standard anon reaction
But on here?
It's hardly surprising /int/ is one of the most normie boards.
Am i normie, marcel?
Yes go fuck yourself.
real thread

new proper thread
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>mfw those giant signs and posters and shit puked all over it
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Thread posts: 317
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