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Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 82

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Well hello there.jpg
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Alright lads edition
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the gf
the leftypol conspiracy is REAL
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love to eat
need a bf lads ;_;
Link to the reddit thread?
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doing a leftypol discord browse

vote labour!

sorry didn't mean to miss that off my post haha
Hi x
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>Supporting a literal Marxist who supported the IRA, Hamas and giving the Falklands to Argentina
explain why
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>Unironically believing this

im incredibly cute and intelligent and gay and yet i will never ever be your bf

tee hee :^)
can we stop talking about this leftypollocks shit

love trump
androgynous people are fit tbf
ANYONE claiming they voted Remain or will vote for Jeremy "hup the Ra" Corbyn is a leftypol shill

kill yourself you bunch of numale pakis
hey x
corbyn is the contrarian's choice
who the fuck are you
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>girl tells me she gets off on my voice
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ah yes
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>wake up
reeeeeee leftypol
>go to work
bloody LEFTYPOL on the bus
>eat lunch
god it's not like it used to be i tell you, you can't even be a rorke in churches anymore
>go back to work
*rees internally*
>get bus home
bloody LEFTYPOL might have taken my seat if there was more of them on the bus
>get home
ahh i wonder what bloody leftypol propaganda /brit/ is showing tonight
>eat dinner (dominos)
some of these somewhere wanted VEGAN pizza once lads can you believe that
>go to bed
time to read the old PJW, he's the only one whos prepared to talk about this bloody DISCORD
r-r-reee l-l-leftypol *snore*
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>T/W heavy racism/sexism

must have been deleted

rotting away in my room 2bh, done nothing productive for weeks and my saving are almost dry because I spent it all on fags and voddy

social life is ok just getting a tad despondent over the lack of work
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>supporting a sharia law sympathising feminist who wants to spy on you and take away your internet time
no ta
>brit/pol/ tripfag in /brit/

weird crossover episode
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I voted brexit and I'm voting Labour

deal with it honey.
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mrT and leslie nielsen.jpg
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Any other oxbridge lads around?

Trinity oxford here, doin a cheeky physics degree
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Me :)
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back to the leftypol discord mate
>they deleted it
mrs may send the tanks in
hate commies and rorkes
dong energy
*hugs you*
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>tfw voted for brexit
>tfw voting for labour
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>If you don't support comrade corbyn you support the tories
Okay, retard.
fuck off west brit
>Taking credit for the Allied war effort
The men who served back then would've heemed you runts

quite LITERALLY me except the ciggies
like reading posts like this even though they're not real :3 x
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fuck off nazis
Why are we supposed to care about things like the Paris agreement, pay out our arse for road tax based on Co2 emissions, literally rape our industry sectors with very costly emissions regulations. All this shit whilst China produces literally 1/4 of the entire planets greehouse gasses, completely unregulated, millitarizing disputed terrirtoy islands all over it's coast, undercutting all first world industry while they rampantly pollute the planet as much as they like and pave their own way to be the worlds biggest superpower?
Y-yes they are
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you truly are, a radical centrist
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just don't leave, don't leave
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no, he's a communist
basically true though desu
gf beat me up again
reckon we need to find jobs eh ahaha
same x the eu is neoliberal
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>I voted brexit
>I'm voting Labour
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You're basically retarded.
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kill yourself hewat scumbags
>expecting autismo yank not to be retarded

you lads better start talking about poo soon or else
*beats her up for you*

China also donated nothing to the Paris climate accord

such an utter fucking racket. christ i hate the progressive elites.
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By extension you do retard
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post heem cat
watching episode 2 of paula lads, quite a good show, love a bit of mumcore bbc drama every now and again
>American rorke foaming at the mouth
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>mate that I turned down earlier is probably snorting MDMA off his gfs arse right now
ah yes
the "life"
>mate that I turned down earlier is probably snorting MDMA off his gfs arse right now
jealous of him 2bh
June 8th, 10pm, this will happen again.
Need one of these for Pepe Brenny and wojak Kloppo
Okay but don't furiously Reddit space like that. Very irking.
china actually has a vested interest in clean energy, pollution
doing a poo
give me a (you)
or i'll post my political point of view
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fly went into my mouth
can lick it off mine if you want x
leftypol are going to have a meltdown
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>am right of Rorke

>only people running in my constituency are Tory, Labour and Lib Dem

>the Tory is a woman and a feminist, the Labour is well, Labour, and the Lib Dem is a meme

>it's also the 4th Tory target seat

conflicted. don't feel like voting for any of these paki lovers
please dont
It's worth noting that not voting labour is voting against your interests. You only win with Corbyn
No one's really disputing that m8.
pics x
I am going punch all of you ponces here.
had a big poo
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>Tim used to do stock image modelling

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you should run
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*slurp slurp* ooo take me feckin tatties again sassenach master *slurp slurp* look oim speekin' in de qweens inglish juast loike you asked master *slurp slurp* ooo do wan't some more ov me counties sir *slurp slurp* do ye want me te dance for ye sir
Despite earning £20k I'm actually part of the upper echelons of society, as such I shall vote conservative.
Largest party sure
Not as big a majority as they want though
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dont like willies me
ukip's manifesto is great
So every time the BBC show Question Time or another political debating show the audience are always right wing & hand picked Tories, but last night for once the audience were on our side..and what happens all the bloody newspapers call us biased and unfair!!

*juts out jaw*
*ducks at the last second and your goes straight into the wall*

not running in my constit
>So every time the BBC show Question Time or another political debating show the audience are always right wing & hand picked Tories,
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so THIS is the power of the alt right ...
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NEED a hannah britland gf
You vote conservative because you're a racist twat, not because it benefits you. Conservatives want to screw you while labour only wants to help you. Seriously, you are making a mistake

>So every time the BBC show Question Time or another political debating show the audience are always right wing

can i get 10g of whatever you're smoking please?
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>T-they deleted it
Where's the archive? Why does the interface look so radically different when the election was called a month ago?
Love the slack jaw, makes it just so perfect.
think he was supposed to be making a bant

ice in beer yes or no
excellent lads
me too
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Don't forget to vote for Theresa May like a good goy
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Dodge this, you runt.

*knocks you out*
bit gay
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leftypol are livid that some people don't want to vote for a literal socialist
gay cunt
yeah and tbqh they don't need a massive majority

am a rorke and would prefer the Tories over the rest but I don't like them enough to think they need a landslide victory. just enough to get Brexit passed.

hopefully this will send a message to the party that May isn't that good so we'll get a better Tory leader in a year or two
Miss big Dave 2bh
doing a think

>Only developed countries are expected to slash their emissions in absolute terms; developing nations are "encouraged" to do so as their capabilities evolve over time. Until then, they are expected only to rein in the growth of emissions as their economies develop.

what happened
hi pics x
Leftypol trying real hard today
leftypol need to leave
The british serf is a peculiar creature. He sacrifices his own interest for that of his master. He takes pride in the stability of his monarchy, stability born out of the fact that he unlike his brave cousins in europe, never dared to challenge the powers that be. He takes pride in the self-interested conquest and exploitation of other peoples, although they brought him no personal gain or liberation from his exploitation. Hed sell his own brother out for extra crumbs from yhe table of his master. Why? He has delusions that someday he'll leave his decrepid societal position and join what he assumes to be his rightful place in the upper eschelons of society. And like any good syncophant, his delusion means that he is inclined to set up his position in the aristocracy before he arrives, making sure everything is ready for when he makes what he believes to be his inevitable departure from the drudgery of his lower classification. And why should he be woken from his dream, kate middleton did it (so did the footballers and allan sugar still even has a cockney accent!), so of course it is possible for the other serfs. Not all of them csn join, however or else the elite wouldnt be the elite. So in his preparation for gilded status, the societal runt, believes that pulling up the ladder out of the grasp of those behind him, will only serve to cement his future genteel status and prosperity.

Lo, what a fool he is. How he allows those above him to pull wool over his eyes, and encourage his selfish personality for their exploitation. It is the duty of the thinker to moderate man's carnal passions and to ground them im reality by taking the scales off his eyes, lest he is duped by those more conniving than him

The noncy poncy rorke

why are you obsessed with bowie

I miss classic Tony Blezzers T B Q H W Y F
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>labour only wants to help you. Seriously, you are making a mistake
*opens the door and comes back in*
no need to shove haha
Except that it's always been a left leaning audience in my recollection. They should make it a neutral audience. I.E. select people who support each main party in equal measure
ummmm look up environmental racism sweatie xxxxx
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Enjoying the sun xx
leftypol go and suck off your token black mate you ponce
excuse me but this is a BRITISH election, could you two kindly not get involved, ta xx
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Hello ruizscar poster on /r/labouruk
umm race is a social construct, therefore race doesnt exist sweaty
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Standing up and applauding this post. Pic related.
because /brit/ didn't talk about the amerielection at all right?

alri bender boy?
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It's the ramblings of a mad man
Just can't bring myself to vote for someone that says they love Islam and Muslims
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that ID is actually "Attractive young man with fedora and white shirt"
nice reddit image
/pol/ go crywank 'cause you have no friends you ponce
Got it from twitter m8
ah yes, time to wheel out the
>mass immigration doesn't depress wages
this is so important x
interesting how I can't find this part in the manifesto... hmmm..
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why wouldn't you vote labour?
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I am not going to talk about Bowie.


*closes the door on you*

heh, would you look at that
we do what we want you poof
business idea: a right wing politician that isn't a corporate shill
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the weak should fear the strong
Someone post the "Russell Brand endorsed Labour" mug
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Right-wingers should be hanged
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When Freud visited me in Zurich in 1909, I demonstrated the case of Babette to him. Afterward he said to me, "You know, Jung, what you have found out about this patient is certainly interesting. But how in the world were you able to bear spending hours and days with this phenomenally ugly female?
>I am not going to talk about Bowie.

why not
some sort of source on this? she appears to just be having a stroll on the beach. how can anyone look like this and not be dead/very close to death? is she like that by choice? how?
are you the one who was talking about going on a family trip to pakistan or do you just live there all year round x
As it has done to Germany right?
adenauer wasn't a globalist
love it when capitalism destroys culture xx
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Tips Columbine.png
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would be devastated
was so upset two years ago when that exit poll came out
*opens it again*
haha whoops looks like you accidently locked me out haha no worries I've got the key

little slags wanted it
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Found the porky
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honestly just fuck the welsh

she can't gain weight
Ah yes, only the UK has mass immigration from the countries on that picture and none of them have higher migration rates than the UK of course.
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found the leftypol runt
I remember some things I want to forget
i just have so many regrets, i cant really live with myself t b h, my life is nothing but a harrowing tale of social misfires and missed opportunites, even when i was a turbo normie i was just really bad at being a turbo normie and still basically hated myself, some people just arent meant to be happy and i think im one of those people. i literally had so much going for me once but i stll just hated myself, why? a little bit of self belief would have saved me
Did a cringe
it's always cloudy in manchester.jpg
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Political Leaning.png
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The U.S. has many distinctive indigenous species found nowhere else on Earth.

There are more than 800 species of bird, 100,000 known species of insects, 311 known reptiles, 295 amphibians, 1154 known fish, and 432 mammal species.

The ecoregions and ecology found in the United States are extremely varied.

Within the continental U.S., eight distinct physiographic divisions.

Due to its large size and wide range of geographic features, the United States contains examples of nearly every global climate.
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It's gimmick.
biased cut
wales voted leave
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fuck kev
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honestly haven't read a single post by this tripfag cancer something or other
imagine being a nigger
2500 posts left until kek gives corbyn some meme magic
tbf they literally get all their money from the EU
Pmsl where do those mongs think they live? Asia? Africa? Sad!
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>picture in the wiki
>We're special :)
The Labour council in Rotherham turned a blind eye to and sometimes shielded the paki rape gangs
bird wanker loves his fucking birds

shut the fuck up you dreary cunt
I've forgotten how it feels to be touched
Me, I am a radical centrist. No to rorkes and no to rasheeds, I do as I please while not offending them.
delete this image mate
Was going to vote for Mummy May but since I saw the leftypol shitposting I'm voting for Corbyn.
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me too
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the tfw no gf feels are hitting me hard tonight lads
dw mate got you covered: I can tell you it feels good xx
luxembourg is like 40% foreign born
the US has a massive migrant population
germany and france there too.

leftypaki please go
anyone else watching the floorsqueak game tonite?
you'd have to be a retard to vote SNP
I'm still voting for May because I don't think people should watch porn on the internet.
more acid
business idea: start a company that sells clean air for the yanks to buy in the future
Friendly reminder that the Rorkes voting for Brexit voted to significantly reduce white Christian migrants from the EU who will probably be replaced with the 'sheeds and Pajeets they claim to hate. Sad!
I am the music man, I come from down your way
>blaming labour for rotherham when the girls were literally asking for it
don't bother voting

let the UK die
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>i vote for people who aren't ancaps
imperative that i build a social network at uni unless i want to spend my later years chasing bar slags desu lads
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Get out of my house, you nonce.
business idea: agnostic civil nationalism
Are you denying the UK is part of Europe and it is therefore correct to say someone from the UK is European? I thought Rorkes hated people identifying as something that they aren't rather than what they were born as. Sad!
spending time with the twitch gf
Good lad
Very intersting stuff.

She eats between 5000 and 8000 calories a day and still gains no weight. I still don't really understand how that works. Is nothing metabolized? she just shits it right out and doesn't digest what is needed to gain weight? or does her body have some sort of turbo metabolism where it just absorbs and uses all the energy from food really fast?

Properly mental disease.
>I follow a utopian ideology
you've posted this twice. You're not getting a (you)
why do those anti-trump signs always have the exact same template and graphical style? i've seen socialist worker ones that look identical as well
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>some norwegian ouiaboos invade England
>wage war on the french for centuries

explain yourself

i'm english first, british second.

we're separate from europe, we're not even connected to the mainland naturally

Nowt wrong with pub slags
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>fuck the Welsh
>communist runt accusing other ideologies of being utopian

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>climate change is real
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I wonder who could be supplying them
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each time I'm looking out of my window she's out there looking at me.
feeling uneasy desu
>still thinking moly is an ancap
filled with constant worry lads
you're our favourite rival
But it's actually happened before. You can't have capitalism without a state
DESPISE no gf posting

You runts can't even hold down a job or a social life, do you have any idea how much responsibility and effort goes into having a gf
>all the texting
>all the regular personal grooming
>all the extra hours of work to have enough money to take her places and buy her things
>having to hang out with her mates
>making time to see her
>remember important dates
>all the stress of finding gifts
>all the mental strength to put up with her female nonsense that you will NEVER understand but have to life with
>all the emotional turmoil she will heap upon you time after time whether she means to or not
>every time you go out there's always a chance another lads gonna try it on with her and you twats aren't man enough to get him to fuck off
And then you have to look after yourself and your own wellbeing and social life

she's rank. dopey brummie accent, literally 100% silicon, and a coalburner. your children would lose a few IQ points with her.
fecking eejit
you could easily get doxxed from that image
what a depressing photo
>tfw no gf
>those houses
>that british flag

ahh yes the repose of the so called rorke.
she's watching you wank
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2017-06-01 21.35.27.jpg
2MB, 1869x1884px
12 yr old brother brought this home
apparently its an art project

bit worried he might be being radicalised by Corbyn desu
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belfast what did you expect
>>75553398 (didnt read btw)
what the FUCK are my upstairs neighbours doing reeeeeeeee
What party
Worth it
Why do white people stand up for minorities? it's sickening. literally jumping off a bridge to look cool.
nary a word
just gave my arsehole a big old scratch.

might have sniffed my fingers too x
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Armadillos are New World placental mammals.

It is the state small mammal of Texas.

Armadillo prefer to build burrows in moist soil near the creeks, streams, and arroyos around which it lives and feeds.

The diets of armadillo consist mainly of insects, grubs, and other invertebrates.

When threatened by a predator, they frequently roll up into a ball.

The leading predator of nine-banded armadillos today is humans, as many thousands fall victim to auto accidents every year.
good lad he is
david "orgy porgy" cameron would have ruined corbyn and the lesser left if he were still around. that man knew how to run an effective smear campaign
>>having to hang out with her mates
this is the worst one by far imo
He obviously stole the shield from him...
love doing this
why do humans love the smell of their own arse?
oh no, people caring about their fellow human beings, how terrible.
Working class people sure are discusting

*gets arts degree*
*gets job working admin in the public sector*
*buys three bed semi in the suburbs aways from the diversity*
*votes corbyn*
used to be a communist when I was 14

am now a powellite tory
i said explain, not meme me
literally says on the top
>never learned the alphabet
>never learned the multiplying numbers thing
>dropped out of school in 8th grade
>still got the job

would i get the job if i was in your country?
don't care
don't care
Why would he have the shield in a trash bag...
The wealthy elite want the boost the consumption and they have tricked leftists into thinking that is a good thing.
>working class
>can afford to buy a home

summed up why i unironically and not in a self-pitying way dont want a gf
Swear I'm the only one on /brit/ who is married
>>never learned the alphabet
>arts degree

>public sector admin
>three bed semi

rorke how are you this out of touch with the economy.
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literally me
was another belfast lad who got his address found out from the same way
cannot wait to vote labour
Alri grandad
even if it did depress wages goods would get cheaper
we waged war on you for centuries because you were nearby and up for it, thanks for putting up with us x
>public sector

explain what's wrong with that
So? shit was difficuilt back then the teacher kept calling me out for it but i never learnt it
There's no reason to. Youre supposed to help people who are capable of returning the favor. Whites fighting against white privilege is like shooting yourself in the foot.
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>never learned the alphabet (but I can say it by recalling mobile phone's keypad)
>speaks half broken english
>speaks even worse polish
>failed almost all GCSEs
>still managed to get into university
>about to graduate with 1st/2.1
>starting my first job ever next week for £27k
feeling good desu.
cannot wait to not vote
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*listens to wynona's big brown beaver for the 45th time today*

this song is literally perfect
I think he's saying that's what someone who thought working class people were disgusting would do
it's a song about a woman's hairy vagina
I can't wait to take a picture of my ballot voting for labour and post it on /brit/
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Bison are large ungulates within the subfamily Bovinae.

Bison are good swimmers and can cross rivers over half a mile (800 meters) wide.

They are nomadic grazers and travel in herds.

Mature bulls rarely travel alone.

American bison are easily tamed and breed with domestic cattle more readily.

Bison temperament is often unpredictable. They usually appear peaceful, unconcerned, even lazy, yet they may attack anything without warning apparent reason.
>thanks for putting up with us x
i don't know what this means
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