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New AIU edition


Also what do you think of pic related?
Reall Thread.
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'e 'f
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who else going to be cooking 'etti with the 'to 'ce for dinner that's going off 'night otherwise.
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*Snaps fingers*

Sic 'em janny
squealing at the STATE of the US right now

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>mfw up £1000 this week
making a 'serole for 'ner
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master of the blade.png
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When they defend islam near me
this is /brit/
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Anime autism.jpg
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That's it, its over. Labour are dead in the water
need a big gf
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The GF
they'll be fine
when does this shit vote because im really cant be arse with it
hope spicer doesn't get canned, won't be as funny without him around
SCREECHING at nipplegate over on /pol/
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Which TV character are you /brit/? For me, it's Michael Scofield

Genius, highly autistic, and a wicked sense of humour
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dominatrix gf is required
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>wife is actually brown and has just been using makeup this whole time
are you even registered
wait till you learn that we went through this whole GE hassle just for may to get another 10-20 seats
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Th' wife lads
What happened?
i live in a tory safe seat i dont need to
need a giant gf
like 7' or up
that's my gf

Um keep up sweetie xx

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Just look in to her eyes, you're a bit bent if you don't find her attractive lads
Shat on by a pigeon on my way home from work AGAIN
do you lads think british media is much more indulgent with the tories than they are with the others
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I'd let her rape me

quick rundown.
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More interested in what the trained monkey did this time desu
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English like to complain about foreigners when they are foreign themselves

T. Welshman
roodypoo candyass newt gingrich
Absolutely howling jesus christ
Funny as fuck/. He was just some cunt who got verified so his tweets at Trump always showed up high if not first on the replies. He decided our of nowhere to tell /pol/ that 'he owned them and 4chan' and not to mess with him. They fucked with him and his entire family and friends until he deleted all his social media.
bit racist
they're very tory biased considering literally noone is reporting on the fact that theresa may just got found to have acted unlawful as home secretary
if you look at the uk subreddit you'd think they do nothing but bash the tories, but i do think they're much better at diverting and distracting criticism than labour is
BBC are very desperate with this Corbyn forgets some numbers angle
'Ate Pakiz
'Ate fwrongers
'Ate lefdists
Love me pints
Love me slagz
Love me ingerland

'Imple as 'la
>they're very tory biased

>just got found to have acted unlawful as home secretary

Find that unlikely
All media has its bizzares but I have been particularly disappointed with BBCs coverage. They are always pro-establishment but they have been so noticeably anti-corbyn that it has been disappointing.

subreddit echo chambers are not medias
>half of /pol/ discussing whether his nipples are real

STATE of that board
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1 hunna
alri jezza
Shit gimmick
Writer, anarcho-communist, pacifist, egalitarian, Christian. Metalhead, gamer and avid reader. Nerd extraordinaire, Star Wars is bae
Hate foreign men
Love foreign women

Simple as
dont think theres a more unfunny gimmick currently on /brit/, which is really saying something
love brit
hate 'simple as'
simple as
the BBC should be shut down
being extremely mad at teen pop stars is the new counter culture
hate lefties
love echo chambers chambers chambers chambers chambers
I agree.
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I know which one I'd rather have living next door desu
All me
It's the first time campaigning has resumed
the first thing you'd expect from a tax-funded media is to be completely unbiased
>leftypol arrives
>suddenly there hate for the pints gimmick
Imagine my surprise

yeah i bet they'd be very impartial when it comes to tax cuts.
It's because Kuenssberg hates Corbyn
Lad in the back saying "throw the lot out" is based
All our media is pretty bad apart from BBC which is neutral

Channel 4 is literally Jewish-run
new? that is old at this point all the "hipsters" have realised it's cool to unironically like the biebs, selena carly rae and so on
aqualung my friend
those poor immigrants
it gets posted dozens of times every thread by year 11s and sixth formers
you'd have to be either a). underage, or b). fuckign cunt to find it funny
piss of now you horrible 15 year old and be wary friendo i will report you if you let your age be known publicly
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'y 'd
You know "EDL Security" bloke has put that on his CV
irrelevant to the point desu
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Daily reminder there is a global irish conspiracy to destroy the Anglo race. Every politician that pushes for population replacement has Irish blood.
>Six families have lived on the base since being rescued from an abandoned fishing boat in 1998 and offered temporary shelter in married quarters due for demolition. In November 2014, the then home secretary, Theresa May, refused the families entry on the grounds they had no strong ties to Britain and could be resettled in Cyprus.

So they're asylum seekers with no right to live in Britain, and have every right to settle in Cyprus, but they want to come to the UK for bennies.

Her job as Home Secretary was to say no in that situation. Don't see the problem, no different to any other failed asylum seekers
I'm 19, simple as x
who else in /brit/ is a super loser with no valuable skills or intelligence but is carried entirely by their family's wealth? #bankofmumanddadonlyreasonimnothomeless
never reply to me again youre so obnoxious a creature
hm except the court of appeal ruled that they did in fact have a right to live in britain

this is beside the point desu, we're discussing that the media isn't reporting on the fact may was found unlawful, not whether she made the right decision or not
Anyone hear about the increase in hate crime after the attack? Bloody disgusting, how these people think more hate will fix anything is mad
reckon medias are fine as long as they have no links to the power en place or are always opposing themselves to it
but once they become vassals to the power then there's no point. here multiple tv channels and journals are owned by rich blokes who are directly friends with politicians, some of them not even hiding their support for this or that political party
how are they any different from state funded propaganda in totalitarian regimes?

we ill beat them with out love and unity, they will not divide us
Alri grand dad

U on the drip 'la
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>600 calories over 2 hours
got a tummy ache :(
dominatrix gf? why i wouldn't mind one at all.
*Belts out Don't look back in anger*
this Manchester attack has gotten so much attention from around the world

why this one in particular? because of ariana grande?
>some lad on twitter tried to attack /pol/ for absolutely no reason
>they found out where he lives through a reflection in a window of a picture
>doxxed his 90 year old grandmother
>and posted pictures of his giant salami nipples all over the internet
>even the kid's dad started calling his son a cunt
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lads what the FUCK has tim been doing now?
we can beat terrorism with oasis songs and bee tattoos lads!
because it was done during a gig
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Pathetic little Brit boy
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don't get it
don't care unless there's a nice collage to read
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it's "Do"
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s-sorry mummy
most people dont speak English properly. but its a living language constantly evolving so its to be expected.
Onion bargee
dear lord
aloo gobi
holy shit never seen such nip on a lad before
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>Justin Bieber, Coldplay and Katy Perry are among the stars who will join Ariana Grande at a tribute concert following the Manchester attack.
proper lad, me
fresh tim
Pathetic little brit poster
lmao they edited his wiki as well
cor buying tickets now
Will be funny when they see how grim it is there
>still hasn't worked out how to wear his guitar strap properly
it's a bit better than before
still quit ebad
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hi im jez hows it hangling
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>haven't been to the gym in over a week
>seriously under-ate over the weekend
Why do Muslims worship a pig fucking, paedophile, rapist mass murderer?
Know this feel, have had to join a different gym and been off 4 days and sporadically before that. To make it worse this one plays music so loud can't hear my headphones

that stuff was normal back then!
They don't he was just the prophet of God.
Bellend smells like a public toilet
*Compares it to how ridiculous Christianity is*
Hehehe, nothing personnel son. They're ALL stupid
bellend smells like morrisons own brand salt and vinegar crisps
the nipples were shopped lads
*excommunicates from a christian society*

heh nothing personnel
mock Jesus again and you're getting a thump

At least jesus didn't shag kids
>Muslims are stupid cunts HAHAHA believing in some warlord twat and a sky god!
>Me? Oh I'm a Christian yes, God created the earth in a week and we shouldn't eat shellfish or wear mixed fabric clothing
well what's ridiculous about christianity?
dont care about you defending islam but you don't have to bring christianism into it have you? or is it because you can't factually defend islam?
all religions are just mechanisms to facilitate cooperation and ensure adherence to norms and laws
only question is which one is suitable for which group
Literally no Christian that has ever existed has said "Muslims are stupid for believe in a God" you imbecile.
> come home with shopping and a 10 pack of beer
> put my stuff away, leave the beer out while I go wash my face and get changed
> come back, about 10 minutes later, box is opened and two beers are already missing
ah yes, "being a student" with "housemates"

time to smash some plates
>Believing in words written down by uncivilised peoples from a far away land many decades after the fact they are supposedly reporting on
Sorry mate you can't tell me any religion is not inherently ridiculous and expect me to keep a straight face
Phone died lads
ah only a 90 minute commute, an hour of cooking and 30 minutes of errands until I can finally relax until 6am sharp tomorrow all over again
love toil simple as
Hope you're next
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>drinking beer
Enjoy the oestrogen and empty calories
why can't I have my phone be on silent for most things except the ringer?
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*watches you recite the science written by a German Nazi scientist*
ah right tell us more la
I will
>put everything away except the beer
for what purpose
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>leave my bread in a birds nest
>he eats it
Woaahh what a totally unexpected and unfair outcome??!!

Good stuff
I'll drink to that
would love to heem that slapper
because I was coming straight back downstairs to crack one open

sipping delicately upon one now, plotting revenge

>share a house with other people and get upset when they steal your property from you
WOW how unfair and silly I am being, silly me
What is this image?
how you lads foing?
what are you like haha
what do you believe in?
If you leave your beer unprotected in a house full of poor students you deserve to have it stolen. Should've put it in your room or threatened them not to take it

Boys will be boys
not FUCKING good
Jesus fuck
islamic music is literally called a nasheed
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>that image of e celeb nu male CUNTS with Facebook memes
Nothing makes my blood boil as much as this
pipe down you papist runt
- Jeremy Corbyn
well he has my vote
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remember when we used to enjoy these?
love the pope
hate proddies
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Playing as Poland, lads. I have a good feeling about this game
> Jeremy Corbyn
> Jesus Christ
> JC
hmmm? ahmmm... hmm. Hm.
>pipe down you papist runt
>He doesn't have an android device
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Reached a new low point lads

Benzo/opiate abuse has become a regular thing
I'm smoking counterfeit cigs
Drinking on my own

go into notification settings and turn sounds off for everything you don't want
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Who here /shant/?
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Nowt wrong with the last two
unsubscribe me from this blog please
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are you having a drink on your own or getting plastered every night on your own

because the latter is the only one worth doing xo
take this to britfeel
t. Nigel Shropshire
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whats the matter big brother?
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>t. Nigel Shropshire
t. Nigel Birmingham
still dunno who to vote for
t. janni
pathetic cunt
>t. Nigel Birmingham
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What should I buy lads
>Friday the 13th game
>The evil within
>Resident evil 7
friday 13th is supposed to be shite lad
how about you grow up
literal manchild
Anonymous 05/31/17(Wed)01:22:10 No.75463500
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What should I buy lads
>Friday the 13th game
>The evil within
>Resident evil 7
Just a drink but just feel like a total loser in general really
It has bugs yeah but it looks fun. Not much like it
Fuck off grandad
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don't know whether I'm gay or asexual
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wonder what kind of car and roadsign identifying terminator AI we're training with our /brit/posting

Pretty positive I could cure my depression (or at least make it 100x easier to tackle) if I just stopped drinking half a bottle of vodka every night, but I just don't stop

I don't understand what female Tim Byrne is saying here
I got dead by daylight when it came out which is similar but it was a buggy mess which got really annoying after a couple games
if you want a horror game get alien isolation
ah yes the ol' asexual meme

you'll grow out of it
Lib Dems should drop Farron and get some self-respect

No one wants Mr. Worryface to be in charge of are country
Just finishing alien isolation
t. Nigel Buckinghamshire
Might take the dog on a walk.
I will NEVER forgive the fine brothers for react world.
That wasn't a constructive post
my doggo has arthritis in his back legs
I think hes going deaf too
>Might take the dog on a walk.
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Poor dogaru!!!!!
What's this I hear about rorkes drifting????
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>work in an hour
>gonna piss it down
>gotta ride home in the cold, dark and wet
woof woof woof woof (waiting for my runt of an owner to take me for a walk)
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Made karaage chicken lads
*takes a poo on your doorstep while you're gone*
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was with some lefty glaswegians over the weekend lads and told them I was a tory brexiter and they lost their fucking shit

was v. funny
>lefty glaswegians

and the sky is blue
has he got that weird dolphin disease?
where the H*CK is everybody?
€5 left in the account til thursday haha
uni/school exams
the power of neoliberalism
At home lad
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spent the rest of it didn't i
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need to get me some kvass
100% right
a society where no one believes in anything can only led to the worst misery
Based Sargon

need a rorkina
business idea: VR acid trips
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hate globecucks 'ple as
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>Based Sargon
thanks but no thanks
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average european.jpg
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it's all greek to me lads


Making a chicken, bacon and pea risotto with pea and basil pesto lads
getting my daily does of molyneux and sargon lads
wew lads abs fucked on ketamine playing red orcehstra 2 and it feels like i am in the game
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>getting my daily does of molyneux and sargon lads
quite hungry


it's 5 o clock

when did that happen
I forgot to mention spinach. Why's it gay? It's fucking delicious.
Religions communists are the worst. Guess she forgot the "Let us strangle the last king with the guts of the last priest" part of revolutions
business idea: actual acid trips
getting my daily dose of alain soral
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dont want to go to work again tomorrow lads
if you're still here in half hour-ish i'll write it out and post it, cooking right now
this is really, really, really funny
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don't go then
>still hungover from Saturday

boy i got fucked up
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>5:23 PM
you mean like from mdma? you can't mean booze surely
don't get it
hot mummy
don't get it
Lads, you know how we're the most perfect predator the world has ever seen? Can the world adapt to how perfect we are? Would we be capable of wiping every living creature off this planet before it caught up to us?
prefer not to say
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