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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 325
Thread images: 43

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Pupper edition
first for this is the wrong thread
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Everybody will be in this thread soon. And they will all read this post.

Hi everyone!
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need his willy in my bum

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wonder does she get much money from that
good post
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Why do they ban highschoolers?
Any good reason?
passes are $20? i thought they were 10
>giving money to gookmoot

how fucking low can a person stoop?
dogs? not a fan
you mean on 4chan?
What about -and this is important- pints?
back when i was employed i was having a really bad night and wrong a song the next day to describe my feelings. forgive my shitty talent, but r8 the content pls thx.

alri paki lad

3:40 this time minus whistles and buzzes
fuck me that's a blast from the past
start off every day with a wank to jav
bit awkward when you post something just after everyone moves to a new thread
Lichen IS pronounced like-en
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the chaos.jpg
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Just finished your last one, good effort lad, far better than most would manage. I wouldn't do much better.
You're gonna be tired aren't you?
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Morning boys ...
hate dogs
love cats
simple as
yeah that was my point
not a fan either
t. dsdsds
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hmm nothing to see here
i'm probably the bravest person in this thread
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because the site is often filled with adult content and themes, not for children
adult is considered to be 18+
>still saying terp-see-cor
don't see the issue
One more question here
What does "as remote as it gets" mean?
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"STOP TRIGGERING ME AND ACTING LIKE IM AN AGGRESSIVE PERSON WHEN IM NOT" the sister screeches at the mother for saying something that upset her.

can't make this shit up
>blacks 13%
>having siblings

imagine being the literal runt of the litter
alri manuel jajaja
>Everyone being sexual deviants
>Mass abortion
>Interracial relationships
>Collapse of traditional marriage, high divorce rate
>Single mother families the norm
>Suicide rate high among young men
>Islamic terror attacks
>Islamic rape gangs

when you realise that none of these things were prevalent in this country 100 years ago, you must come to the conclusion something has seriously gone wrong in our society
alri le'daqan jefferson
isolated, far from other places
couldn't begin to lmao

how old is she?
18-24 59%
65+ 19%

18-24 19%
65+ 67%
Thanks lad
I should be careful then!
is she a tumblrite?
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>ywn be a semi attractive female who can extort virgins for money

Americans exaggerate things to much
you all look like Mexicans already
its not like you're being flooded by blacks or Muslims
and they include white-Hispanic relationships as "interracial" which is dumb
>>Everyone being sexual deviants
>>Mass abortion
>>Interracial relationships
>>Collapse of traditional marriage, high divorce rate
>>Single mother families the norm
>>Suicide rate high among young men
>>Islamic terror attacks
>>Islamic rape gangs
>when you realise that none of these things were prevalent in this country 100 years ago, you must come to the conclusion something has seriously gone wrong in our society
you should fuck off and take off the proxy dumb weeb
Thank you lad!
You're really good at English!
twenty (20)
yeah lol
wouldn't be surprised
even better than last

also hiccough = hiccup (sounds the same, it literally tells you so in rhyme)
the rorkists are out in full force tonight

alas, progress marches on
Been posting here since I was 15 desu
I'm not wrong exactly, though
hate how you can't say you dislike dogs or alcohol on here with being called a m*slim
im not i was a B student in english at best
12 to be honest

I wonder how the me from the universe where I never used 4chan is doing right now
check this one out
How is ANY of that "progress"?

It's just the breakdown of traditional values. That's not progress, it's decadence
who are the best posters on /int/ (apart from the irish ofc)
maybe if you only listed objectively bad things i could have taken you more seriously
Well aware of this Aussies lads saga with his mad sister

Long running storyline
I only got C so you're way better than me!
naturally occurring, only gets diagnosed more nowadays due to improvements in diagnosis methods, lack of sunlight during pregnancy and people having kids when older
has always been a thing throughout history, it's just being slightly more accepted nowadays
>Everyone being sexual deviants
see above
>Mass abortion
kids are expensive, and as both parents tend to have jobs nowadays they don't want to have a kid to take up their time
people live longer and we've cured most other diseases, cancer just ends up being one of the last hurdles
>Interracial relationships
there's literally nothing wrong with this
>Collapse of traditional marriage, high divorce rate
would you rather people just be unhappily married?
>Single mother families the norm
>Suicide rate high among young men
this has always been the case
>Islamic terror attacks
>Islamic rape gangs
not exclusive to islam
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statistically, thailand
I'm off for a poo, I'll see you in two
Why do you hate that? Is it so important that you be able to spread your anti-dog, anti-pint agenda on /brit/ without question?
all me
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>It's just the breakdown of traditional values. That's not progress, it's decadence
>Australia sneaking into the spee rankings

Quite impressive honestly
not really, just find it baffling how much people defend them and associate it with islam
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>5.5 gb update for player unkown battleground
I hate having shit internet. Gonna take an hour
>alive and live
you did that in both vocs. live should be the verb i think.

breddy good otherwise

read these local place names pls:
Paint Creek
probably just /cric/ /afl/ /nrl/ and to a lesser extent /rug/
1630 leave the office
1700 in my mates garden with an ice cold beer to hand

can't fucking wait
not an argument: the post
who was that brainlet that said they didnt know how to play ck2 last night
English is literally difficult for me
Here he says he'll see us in two
but what exactly does this "two" mean?
Could be two hours, two minutes, two seconds...
Dogs and pints are reviled in Islam. In many Islamic societies, alcohol is strictly forbidden and dogs are routinely attacked and killed in the street like rats. It may not be a fair assumption, but it's not really surprising.
source on that?
*slaps you*
Two shakes of a lamb's tail.
What's a good hangover cure

another choon for your enjoyment
Fatty greasy foods
don't be a drunken degenerate in the first place
it's just a context based idiom
Sex with pretty girls.
Works every time for me.
Aspirin and caffeine.
I'm back from my poo, how do you do?
sounds good to me
So he means very quickly?
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you earn that beer lad.
me? I'll be taking it easy all day
yeah I tried to post that earlier

she walks about like a fucking idiot because she has no arse
not necessarily
oops, i posted the wrong one
thoughts on men with hair passed shoulder length? going to grow mine out
Mulder attempts to catch an alien bounty hunter who holds the key to his sister's whereabouts.
need more of this blantant whoring
past i mean
hippies or boipucci
i had long hair for a while
a girl came up to me and touched it once
just keep it clean and don't do anything stupid like wear a man bun
you need to a certain amount of wavyness/curlyness to properly pull it off
Could be in 2 hours/minutes/seconds/shakes of a lamb's tail right?
gays don't have long hair
traps/trannies do
Probably a happy normie.
Nah spent a tenner on a kebab last night after the drink made me feel more sick than from drink, fucking atrocious kebab
really hate old pensioner tory voters
spiteful insular cunts
hopefully are jez makes euthanasia available on demand for them
yeah that's what I always think. gays usually have hipster hitler youth shit or just shaved
A little of something to line your stomach (milk, cheese, yoghurt, creamy soup) followed by 2 aspirin or other painkiller (eg. co-codamol).

After 30 mins, start taking in small amounts of orange juice and water.

Last few years I was drinking, I used self-hypnosis to mitigate the pain and nausea. You don't have time to learn advanced techniques now, but a light trance can be achieved here:
Get the pakis out of the country
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>just keep it clean and don't do anything stupid like wear a man bun
>people actually hand over hundreds of dollars just for a "thaaaanks"

jesus wept
I see, /brit/ is always helpful
are you in memecity by any chance?

if so, how much for access to your sister's fanny?
its especially weird since they could just buy private shows on chaturbate instead
It won't be 2 hours unless you were already talking in terms of hours when he said it. It will usually mean two minutes, but a very flexible 2 minutes (anywhere between 30 seconds and 5 minutes).
commencing my diet today x
might have to shave my beard desu it's very hot
>past shoulder length
Sydney, fortunately for you x
his hair is greasy and straightened
mine was clean and wavy :3
>sharp pain in scalp
>hair turns grey
yeah but then they'd have to face the fact that they're just whoring themselves out

with twitch they're just "playing games"
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maisi-GOLUM *cough* GOLUM
>tenner on a kebab

what the hell was in it?
I dropped out of school when I was 15 because of psychosis and panic attacks and I'm only just now (21 years old) getting back on my feet and studying for my GCSEs. Mental health services put me on many medications but this did not help me. Some nights I would dissociate and self injure and my mum and dad would take me to A&E or call an ambulance if I was bleeding too much. Sometimes I got a bed for the night, but more often they sent me home again after I told them I wasn't suicidal. It makes me sick to think about what my mum and dad went through and I'm only just starting to blame the system and not myself. I wasn't able to claim benefits due to the extreme anxiety and if my parents hadn't had the emotional and financial means to support me I would have become homeless, or more likely just killed myself first.

I am getting better but the problem is getting worse and many people don't have a loving and able family like I do. I know this isn't really about university but I hope people will read and understand how critical the situation is. I am not an anomaly. CAMHS and AMHS are failing the most vulnerable people in our society.
is she a budget prossie then?
wew, what's it like having a prostitute for a sister?
Sure sign of a virgin.

As in, the surest sign. Even more sure than guys with long and well-kept finger nails.
mate's rates
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hmmm... yes... I see...

>waah my children are scared
yeah I'm sure they're really afraid to walk down the road in their paki dominated area
She's NOT a prozzie anymore, and she's claiming that it was rape because she was afraid that the pimp would do something if she quit.
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rita ora's arse lads
replace islamism with irish terror and all of those things happened back then too. they were just better hidden by a veneer of edwardian morality
also single mother families are not the norm today
going to go out for another stroll today inabit
please don't copy paste material from reddit into this thread
haha shut up freak
very interesting
So brits use 2 also as a proxy for short periods
ah yes the famous irish rape gangs
how far

where did you find this
>>Everyone being sexual deviants
>>Suicide rate high among young men
all me
the rest not me

Well /brit/?
bout an hour trying to get a bit of a tan and that
remember when the RA blew up a nailbomb in a large crowd as part of a suicide attack?
fuck off selfish coward
Reactor Online. Sensors Online. Weapons Online. All Systems Nominal.
was with you until the bit about islam
fuck off rasheed
>had a pimp
at most that's larceny
nice 1
I'll see you/I'll be back:
in two
in a few
in a mo' (moment)
in a minute
in a bit
in a sec (second)
in a jiffy
in two shakes of a lamb's tail

All mean roughly the same thing.
There she goes, there she goes again
don't care you useless twat

I've got a room full of sundresses, skirts and chebs to admire. How many girls are in your room?
no, we use (any number) as a proxy for short periods
the understanding is based on context
dont care
me mum
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>working in an office with women
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wagies are raging

god tier mix
god I hate summer in this country
Back from dinner

Live and learn


Slight whistle
Hey japlad, what do you think is happening in the following conversation?

"Come on lad, we gotta be there in 5"
- "I'd better get a chicken on"
"I should coco"
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I ogle at women all day at my desk job, do you?
no i meant the buyers
eating a milkybar :3
obviously. hot weather has been nice for that desu
reporting you to sexual predators list
*strokes your hair*
>working in a country full of chinks
Beats me, care to explain?
>Katie Hopkins to leave LBC 'immediately'

rofl stupid cow
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>stop trying so hard to be funny

I get trips on the internet
>"I'd better get a chicken on"
I've never heard this expression. Would get it from th context but I assume it's a southerner thing.
Such a great slag
business idea: react to videos of people reacting to videos
"get a chicken on" means hurry up
"I should coco" means "I should say so" / I agree
she looks really old for 42
*reaches my hand into your top*

she looks kind of weird now
white women age like bananas
I think it's East Anglican
that drink is the worst colour i've ever seen
Those slangs are popular?
what about nigella lawson? she's basically the poster child for british milfs
omg thirsty fuckboys get off my profile >_>
they are around my way
start of ramadan today lads.
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on of my best mates from school retweeted this

not sure what to make of it
am home from qut pub lads, having a cheeky sandwich from 7/11
can't even imagine the idea of a girl wanting to put my willy on her tastebuds
top kek, good shit.

Youghiogheny always gives me a chuckle.

here's mine:

Slight birds
tell him hes a cuck
it's 100% correct
that image is ripe for abuse
Then I'll try it
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ban muslims AND men
Retire to the coffin that I call my room
men aren't defined as men by being taught to murder non-men
jewish genes?
it was a lot funner when the japs who came up to practice english on us were 14 year old schoolgirls and not mid 20s male students
*finds a paki, heems him, ties him up and force feeds him pork for a month*
>tfw responsible for some Japanese lad telling his mates to get a chicken on
Terrorists are always muslims while they are usually men there have been plenty of women too and 1.6billion is not 'same diff' as 3.5billion. Also There's an even larger gap between muslims in Britain and men in Britain.

Every single argument dismantled.
>why are you a terrorist?
>because I'm a man, I fight in the name of masculinity

>why are you a terrorist?
>because I'm a muslim, I fight in the name of Allah

There's the false equivalence.
men are taught to abuse and rape non-men by the Patriarchy
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umm sweetie xxx
Not a terrorist
*slap on the back*
Good man!
Loving this new Jew tactic of "blame men and masculinity" for all the terrorist attacks

Really jogs the noggin, bet they had that thought up for a while
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>ywn go to Legoland for your birthday and play the Lego Racers game in the big mountain
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what's some general advice for hitting on a slag lads?
mental how every famous bird i find particularly attractive turns out to be jewish
get off brit and go outside
don't be too overbearing
be funny
don't be too weird
wouldn't mind being a mindless normie drone if it meant i could have white teeth
>when you have to lie to girls about what you're doing today so they don't call and text you so much
>I'm fishing today with my brother
>actually sat at home getting stoned and sunbathing
Been waiting to peruse someone i barely know's privy for what feels like 2000 shakes of a lamb's tail. Queue behind me now 5 and a half shakes long. Hope this silly cunt gets a chicken on before i piss myself at a stranger's house again
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fucking terrifying

the state of him mum

the state of the pair of them

that's not a life
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Ribena in a few years
business idea: put a digital clock in big ben
sharia squads in Russia


jewish women are hot
the men, not so much
same as slavs really - must be an east european thing (assuming ashkenazim)
nippin to offies, anyone want out?
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I don't want to live in this country anymore. I'm just too disappointinted in the state of Britain to be patriotic about anything. And it seems like things will only get worse from here.

Am I a cuck?
couldn't imagine a people as hardy as russia putting up with this bullshit
sephardi jew girls are hotter than ashkenazis

Nah, better not.
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it's always fucking gingers

deport every redhead to saudi
its weird how out of everything fluoride is the best bogeyman they could come up with
business idea: big willies in my bum
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>tfw i actually do have phimosis
slav girls feel cheap and fake to me, idk why

i mean they can be hot as fuck but it's like there's nothing behind their eyes
bit 'cist
yeah I know what you mean
italian/spanish women actually have some substance
playing with the ol' phimmy lads
*brushes my teeth*
Uuuurrrrhhhh... *shuffles out into the street* must...serve...the jews
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I like my local football team.
I like pints
I DON'T like diversity being forced on me.

funk carioca?
ginger ale and chili
Switched to flouride-free toothpaste because of conspiracy theory stuff. Kept at ti and didn't really notice much difference. Tried a "normal" toothpaste and immediately felt my mind getting cloudy and tired, couldn't think straight, went a little bit light headed.

Dunno if the conspiracy stuff is true but I'm not going back to flouridated toothpaste.
hear ye hear ye

i doth hearby proclaim that slavs are cheap chinese knockoffs of real white people
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>tfw boss is mega rorke af
>just spent 30 minutes ranting about Islam
>"The UK needs vigilante death squads killing the families of every terrorist to make them stop"
Business idea: Rachel Riley, Stacey Dooley and Maisie Williams
thats because they are raised in better values than slavic women
shall be voting labour and there's not a thing rorkes can do about it

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>"The UK needs vigilante death squads killing the families of every terrorist to make them stop"
ah yes that'll fix the issues
is you're boss a nonce (white guy in thailand) too?
desu i don't know where the pure slavic gf comes from
polish girls here are all sluts
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*invests in Are Raych*
The amount of fluoride in a blob of toothpaste is not going to hotbox your brain you simpleton
It's not my actual boss - boss. It's guy from a different part of the company. He's a Nip but was educated in the states. Still my superior though, top bloke.
How much flouride is in a blob of toothpaste and how much would it take to hotbox your brain?
it's in the water too
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Are Turtle.jpg
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one whole tube of colgate straight up the shitter
going flying tonight boys
>fluoride paranoia

ah yes the runts
very drunk lads
About 0.375mg
In the realm of 4kg
*slips medication in your drinking water without telling you*

It's for your own good. You trust me, right?
Where did you get these numbers from?
I am a scientist
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777GHdhdddhhn dobdhd -win winginin wigggggggg

ownwb0b wifq980777 fpwiedobdhd -fn

sriprppoppp i9g kwb k fh3gp9 0ub30brpipipipipipipi
not an arguement
are you retarded?
if you dont want to get fluor in your body stop drinking water x
Typo i win haha
excellent post
Bit warm x
prefer not to say
absolutely in awe at this post

how is it even possible to btfo someone so thoroughly?
Love this gimmick x
its the fluoride... or maybe chemtrails
one of those
*unleashes a loud and pungent warm wet shart directly in your mouth*
>"I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the great IG Farben chemical industries and was also prominent in the Nazi movement at the time. I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years` research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorine--any person who drinks artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person mentally or physically." CHARLES E. PERKINS, Chemist, 2 October 1954.
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who /libdem/ here?
why so mad

>here's some scientific proof that fluorine is bad for you
>whose proof is it? Er some lad who once talked to a Nazi chemist
>when does it date to? 1954
>when was the research done? 1934
but the real question is, is novamin bad for you?
Thread posts: 325
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