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/éire/ - /eire/ - /airlan/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 137

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Real autism hours edition.
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>not /realautismhours/
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>thread only at 306
>reusing a slightly different OP image twice in the same day
jan pls delete
>/bant/ edition pls
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What the fuck that's not the picture I posted, the filename's right but I don't even have that image on my computer.
the picture suits as well
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It's not the point, it wasn't even just the thumbnail that was screwed up. Fucking hell Hiro get it together.
Very poor thread.
>Kancolle thread gets moved to /trash/
How will Froggy ever recover?
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whiteu piggu want werr functioning imageboardoru?
What are you listening to lads?
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Who needs that thread when we have /Kancolléire/ right there.
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FLCL soundtrack.
Because I'm 100% sober right now but so sleep deprived i feel like im tweaking. So here's my tweaking song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMkdtMQH7WM
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Nog music desu but I like it.

Uh, I accidentally just clicked into "never played" on my media player and this started.
Never even knew I had this.
Of course I've heard it before years ago on youtube but didn't realise I had it in my media library. Sweet!
Ignore the MMD video if you want. It's kind of annoying desu. Good vocal cover!
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Is anyone else here following Sukasuka?
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>It's kind of annoying desu.
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I just like the original. Actually the live version is amazing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0_6QVS2GBE
I have merchandise from this exact show! What I would have done to been able to attend. Good backup band too.
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>never listening to anything when asks
>feels like cheating to post something I wasn't listening to at that moment
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>not Kagamine Rin
Shit taste.
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Just post something nobody will know.

Except we will now I guess so ya.
Only thing she's good for is riding her sexy brother. Would suck him off desu.
anyway go to 1:32 those are some sick introduction solo's!
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I like it!

I'll know. I'm too honest for this.
You're a good lad and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Just post whatever you like.
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But I hope we can have plenty of fun threads tomorrow just like these.
>I'm too honest for this.
*tells you otherwise*
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Night. Sleep well.
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Does anyone have a count of the people supporting either Leo or Simon?
Haven't seen one an up to date one in a few days.
It was 45 - 20 a few days ago. Don't have an up to date one sry.
Listening. I used to be a gigantic vocaloid fan back between 2009-2012. I miss the old school stuff.
It's way too commercial and professional sounding now. Too bad I deleted all of my old collection and now forget nearly every song name because it was all in Japanese.

Holy shit I just found one! Love that main verse/chorus. What a miserable time in my life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LJUtLAlrGc
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No, but that's a fucking nice Poi.
Froggy do you think it's possible we passed each other in the airport today? (yesterday now I suppose).
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Ya, that was the last one I saw.

Indeed. Too bad the resolution isn't a bit larger.
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>What a miserable time in my life.
I can't listen to music from the past without becoming depressed either. I like that.
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>it's the artist's only work
It's a rare Poi anyway.
Did I read something during the week about Leo saying he would increase the amount of say the membership have in leadership elections, if he won?
Same. Being miserable is a strange comfort because I've been miserable most of my life since a child. Feels good.
Now come do drugs with me and lets be miserable together. (once again redirecting the thread to drug chat baka).
I should sleep. Might get into bed in a while and watch a stream. Was hoping to wake up early in the morning and exercise or clean or something.
Have you got any particular songs that make feel that way?
Here's one that drags me down from around then http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm10740367
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Knowing your music tastes AA, I really think you'd like this album. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2feinkFlSnk

Mainly pop songs that were popular during a certain timeframe, I can't listen to them without being depressed but also loads of music I listened to at a certain time in my life I can't return to or else I become reflective and melancholic.
This is probably my favourite melancholic song. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbrnbr_melody-gardot-because_music
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Listened to the first 8 minutes and it seems cool. I have it bookmarked to listen to properly tomorrow because I'm in bed now.
It reminds me of Luminous Orange. Same artists perhaps? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZdZpyhe0rE

Very shoegazey. Not 100% my thing but I'll give it a shot. I prefer much darker/noisier stuff.
Are you judging my taste in music off my twitter? Didn't think you were that observant there.
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Would posting a picture of a boat urinating get me banned?
You can't see the genitals, just the liquid.
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>Are you judging my taste in music off my twitter? Didn't think you were that observant there.
I'm glad you'll give it a listen! I don't know what your twitter is, I just judged it off what you've posted here before. Didn't mean to make assumptions.

Umm, yah I like that it's cool.

>I prefer much darker/noisier stuff.
Yeah I know, since you're a bit of an emo. :p What's your favourite choon of that sort of stuff?
I've posted some pretty explicit stuff before and never knowingly been banned for it.
That second melancholic song is very nice. My exposure to that music is minimum. It reminds me of Fallout NV, johnny guitar. I like it.
My music library is huge and I could be posting melancholic stuff all day. In terms of mainstream stuff my favourite summer day melancholy track is Higgs Boson Blues by Nick Cave.

But this is definitely up there with my all time favourites. A lot of it was filmed in Ireland.
This is only a trailer and it skips parts, the intro etc and its poor trailer. It's a really good film and song and it's 20 minutes in total.


You might see some Irish places here if you look close. Parts were also filmed in Scotland and NI by TK.

Fuck I cannot recommend this enough. Wish I could find you the full film.
Oh I thought you were Jaggy, sorry he follows my private twitter.
>What's your favourite choon of that sort of stuff?
I prefer dark psychedelic and morbid stuff, mostly Japanese. I don't like Emo, I like underground Screamo which is actually good

Not going to get into this because I'll bombard you with hundreds of links. Currently in bed and don't have the proper access or decent headphones/speakers to listen.
Pic related however.
I have a really hard time telling the difference between Juni and Jaggy at this hour sometimes.
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>Juni and Jaggy
They're both effeminate weirdos. Or they're actually both Jaggy, who's an effeminate weirdo. Either way.
Some figment of my imagination no doubt. Nice thighs...mmm...
Attempted to sleep there but kept tossing and turning
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I'll put you to sleep, Brit.
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Oíche mhaith.
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I love your music tastes! You always post things I like. I wish you posted more.

I'll take that as a compliment since I admire Jaggy.
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Night Frog-kun.
I think you have similar posting styles and you post similar anime images. Jaggy is one to admire I agree!.
Going to sleep now, goodnight.
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Sleep well.
Now it's lonely hours.
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Hmm, yeah. You don't need to feel lonely though since you have me. I'll talk about whatever you like.
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No because I'm going to bed I just wanted to make one last shitpost. Lmao cya suckers.
It's leaking again
Your anus?
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Are you still writing your comedy?

I like Bowie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tgcc5V9Hu3g

That film he was in as an alien was good.
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Ya senpai, just tapping away at it, also you posted my favourite Bowie choon
I'm listening to this because it's silliness is so much fun
And this Bowie Choon is underrated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_8IXx4tsus
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>just tapping away at it
How much progress have you made?

Was the French wans going away party fun?
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Just a few lines I thought were funny. The French wan was class tonight, she is a class wan. Not much of a house party that I'm used to, a few pints in the pub, I'm too poor to be pub drinker but I gave her some sappy lines about life and it was grand
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>Just a few lines I thought were funny.
Like what? I'd like to hear them.

Your writings intrigues me,

>some sappy lines about life and it was grand
I hope you didn't declare your love for her.
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Well a week ago I was partying with loads of people my age to Bebo choons like Casdada and some one said "I got my first shift to this choon" Then a lad born in 1998 said " I was convinced to this choon"
That had me in stitches.
Another was just the thick lad character who was full on convinced he saw a red room murder on a Bebo group back over a decade ago. It is way funnier than it sounds
I just gave her the generic "Best Wishes"
I wouldn't chance another wan since I have thr best GF
Juni you still up?
Shave yourself cleanly and groom other areas. No facial hair. Tidy your eyebrows.
Wash and shower, brush your teeth, groom your hair nicely.
Moisturise, dress neatly in freshly washed and ironed clothes. No pennies tracksuits.
Can you do this? Are you capable? Respond ASAP please.
(Frogweeb go away)
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Your humour seems to be very generational based.
What's so great about your gf? I always imagine you living in Roscrea which is a shithole btw.

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Oops didn't mean to post that.
Respond to the ability question.
Um, link?
The above question*.
I woke up and am currently feeling psychosis.
Here retard>>75248170
40 minutes later what part of ASAP don't you understand?
Whatever. My response is going to be the same either way. I want to suck your dick so bad and fuck with you. I came twice in the space if 15 minutes and feel like doing it again.
hello where can I find Irish practicing Catholic gf please

thank you
>hello where can I find Irish practicing Catholic gf please
Stoopid fishniggers won't bite
thank you
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It shouldn't be considering I'm usually in bed for /realautismhours/
Feeling sick lads
My nigger I was just playing GTA 3 remastered, I typically listen to flashback and lips 106 out of habit.
Wrong person.
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Well that particular episode is fairly generational based for reference but it's also a commentary on "Everyone gets old, get over it"
My GF is an amazing person, she's genuine, I'd never fuck her over, I'm blessed to have her. Roscrea isn't too far off Nenagh, and yer right, it's a hole and a half
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>tfw we will no longer be able to identify Frogweeb by his French flag
>tfw it no longer makes sense to call him Frogweeb
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Calling him "weeb" would be a little bit redundant as well.
What should we call him then? Corkweeb? Boatfucker?
Personally I always liked Froggy, it fits in with the animal theme of old /éire/ posters like Jaggy (Jaguar) and Rooster, Wolf.
Unless he has something else he'd rather we call him.
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>tfw it no longer makes sense to call him Frogweeb
Many of the names given to people on /éire/ lose their relevance after a while but the names are still retained.
If it wasn't for his introduction I don't think I'd have even noticed he was in the last thread. I think the unique flag was a psychological factor in making him appear as more of a stand out personality than he actually is.
Nah I notice him by his pictures and tone. It's hard to describe but he's hard to imitate.
Are you Poi? I think I mistake your posts for his and vice versa a lot.
Stop watching anime

Welp, wanking to what by now are old women lads.
No, I'm Poi.
My post was mistaken for his last night >>75244767
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His old flag was a trip by proxy, however he's such a personality that makes it easy to identify him
I imagine that there will be much such confusion in the future. Is this a good or bad thing?
I think a few weeks from now we might all have have trips out of necessity to avoid such "who are you" posts. Or maybe we'll just stop asking.
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Froggy sounds a little goofy and warm which doesn't really fit his personality. I like the matter of fact and succinct description of a French anime poster as "frogweeb", even if the description no longer fits I feel it's tonal to his posting manner of describing the often ridiculous in a concise and meticulous manner.
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>this a good or bad thing
Only time will tell. The confusion may be a catalyst for massive change in /éire/.
Depends if people care about posts being correctly attributed to them or not. If they do its better to trip, there's nothing worse than a board filled of "who are you?", "thats not me" and people pretending to be other people.
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Does Wolf suit Wolf? Does Rooster suit Rooster? Does Jaguar suit Jaggy? This names are serendipitous like all nicknames should be. Try coming up with a name for Frog is forced
The problem with doing so is that multiple anons would adopt Frogweeb trips for shitposting purposes. In fact, the only thing preventing that from happening now is that people here know that Frogweeb isn't interested in adopting a trip.
*touches them*
Trips have a unique code so it'd be easy to check. I know tripcodes can be cracked but I doubt anyone would go to that effort.
>Trips have a unique code so it'd be easy to check
But how would you know which one is the real Frogweeb if he and others were to adopt a Frogweeb trip?
No one who comes here every day can mimic anyone's personality to a tee
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We could tell which is him from his posting style as I've said before. Once he has a confirmed trip, as in we know it's him, it'll be difficult to impersonate him again. And to be perfectly honest I'm not that good at impersonating him. All I have is some Grafs, I can't be bothered typing like him.
Note the correct behaviour under a certain trip, note the trip and it's easy to spot the fakes.
It would only be an issue if you think he's so easy to impersonate that he's virtually unidentifiable next to a fake.
Sick of this cult of frogweeb. Absolutely sick of it. If you love the scrote so much why don't you marry him?
Because only Frog would know the code used to create the trip.
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That's a big bird.
I tried meeting him at his sister's wedding to propose but he didn't show up.
If the identity confusion continues, somebody should really urge him to get a trip even if he rarely uses it.
It's a good way to identify the most cancerous posters.
You said that you'd only post the other german girl from now on to avoid confusion.
Man he's going to pissed when he wakes up and sees our posting about him this much again.

I told him to before he left France but he didn't listen. Either way I think the only way he'll adopt one is if everyone else does first.
Just used Graf there to tell you that as the main impersonator I've pretty much given up.
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How's it even difficult to confuse him for another? The only posting style that gets mimicked here is Jaggy's K on and Cardcaptors reaction posting. And K on pics are too much fun not to post anyway
You mean he'll make a show of pretending he doesn't enjoy the attention.
I think he wants to move to /bant/ to avoid that but it's a pretty poor reason to shift the board when a trip would resolve the problem.
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Concerned Sakura.png
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It's a worrying trend.
>How's it even difficult to confuse him for another?
Graf posting.
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You wouldn't understand Irish culture
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I'm watching Cardcaptors and are only posting pics cause I'm into it at the moment, I'll probably stop when I finish it
It's your fault I got hooked on Sakura and you have to take responsibility.
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Mornin' lads. Gonna pretend I didn't see the last 20-30 posts.

>I think he wants to move to /bant/
When did I ever say that?
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You shouldn't stop. We need more Sakura, you owe it to your country.
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I'm glad you see it that way.
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Everyone in that show is in love with someone, but it's all young girl innocent hold hands love, it's very adorable
Best girl is Tomoyo for being a comedic stalker lesbian
I apologise, I mistook you again.
These threads are markedly worse for your presence.
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>tfw you will never have a friend as good as Tomoyo
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I wonder if any of my mates, male or female ever wanked to me
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I'm sure she was just assessing the performance of the fabric for her next costume design.
I've wanked to a few of my male friends before. There was this one lad who used to sit in front of me in science whose arse I stared at all class, it looked pretty nice.
Fucking beautiful day out lads. Though the cat lost his collar again.

>whose arse I stared at all class
Tell yourself that, like how Father Cononley was just washing your genitals
An arse is an arse.

I didn't say it wasn't gay.
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It's obvious that Tomoyo was fairly bent
All Magical Girl MCs are extremely homosexual.
Hamfrog 9000- Hf9k
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woke up at noon again lads
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Why is Asuka so perfect?
you were thailad from /brit/?
She's a sunny cunny
Juniper is everyone
Did Thailad use that trip? Haven't been in /brit/ much.
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>I don't see the necessity of IDs
>Everyone that matters has a recognisable posting style
>I'm looking forward to being anonymous
trip history goes back to 2009 with multiple posts by a taiwanese flag on /brit/
what's habnin here
I just really like some of these tripcodes. I promise I'll stop after this one.
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>picked up toy dropped by small negroe child with family on LUAS and gave it back to her
>regret it now
It was the highlight of your day, don't lie.
Now they'll feel safe enough to breed more. Nice one.
who /denyingthesunsrays/ here
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>no wind
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Hey, I haven't said anything since this post: >>75257152

I was out cutting lawn for my parents.
it's your man
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>back one day
>already doing work for them

You're doing this on purpose now.
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>didn't get the job
>overcome with sadness
>but have to keep looking in hope I get one
Keep yourself positive /éire/
How long are you unemployed?
I'd rather give up and blame everyone else.
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>mfw not taking jobs I have a sure chance of getting because of nepotism
About a year now.
Hello anons
my man
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>uncle is rich is fuck
>only thing he ever gave me was a cheap plastic toy for my 8th birthday
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>I haven't said anything since this post:
Sure thing, Hamfrog.
What's the craic
I have a moderately wealthy aunt who is incredibly tightfisted with money. We can only speculate as to how much money she has horded away.
Was a retard again lads.
We forgive you.

Don't think I forgive him.
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What did you do?
not surprising lad
Have your senpai not battered you for failing college
what possesses a nigga to have an anime avatar
An enjoyment of anime and a need for an avatar.
At least you didn't get bullied by trouts today
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>Stagnating is waiting for death
I wish I didn't have to wait so long.
The only thing that keeps me going is the thought that I can end it myself at any time.
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You say that but can you? Did you pick a sturdy enough rope? Did you tie it correctly? Did you remember to lock the door? Did you take the right dosage? Are you sure the fall will kill you? Are you scared it won't just leave you brain damaged? Are you worried you won't regret it at the point of no return? Are you afraid of what dreams may come?
All these things and more can go wrong.
Not to mention that every major religion preaches that you'll end up in hell after killing yourself
Overslept lads. Jetlag.
That's what I meant by what dreams may come. Do they teach Shakespeare in Luxemschools?
I used to think that but once I gave it serious thought I realised it wasn't an option. Even as someone without religious belief and a moral conviction that your life is your own to take it's very difficult to achieve a clean death in the sort of way most people would want.
Common methods either involve tremendous pain, a huge risk of not being successful and leaving you with permanent damage, a very graphic mutilation which would scar any witness for life or some combination of the three.
We see most authors but not many texts of each one,if I reckon correctly we had to study parts of Macbeth,some of his poems ,The Merchant of Venice,King Lear and A Summernights Dream didn't have to study any Hamlet though
It shouldn't be too hard to find a tall enough building or a preciptious cliff face
What's up guys. What are we doing tonight?
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this, it's simple to kill yourself, people do it accidentally all the time
some people just seem to be permanently in the edgy le depressed faze where nothing actually ever gets done
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I think most depressed people don't realise that they actually don't want to die. They just want their life to improve and think the afterlife will treat them better. I used to tell myself I'd kill myself soon almost every day since 4th class, and only last year I came to realise I like living. Maybe it was just a way to cope with shit by telling myself it would all be over soon but it made me even more disassociated since I didn't care what happened.
Failed a test? Who cares I'll be dead before I leave school. That sort of thinking.

Tall buildings are hard to come by in Ireland. And the real issue is getting on top of one.
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Was that meant for somebody else?

>They just want their life to improve and think the afterlife will treat them better
I don't think I believe in an afterlife, but I'm terrified at the prospect of reincarnation being real.
>I think most depressed people don't realise that they actually don't want to die
I think so as well. A life can both be disappointing in not being what you hoped it would be and still worth living.
You could book a flight ticket to saudi arabia and jump off that fuck huge tower.

Cliffs of Dover is also a notorious spot if you're short of cash.


(not that I want to encourage this sort of thing)
>198 animals on average die per meat eater per year
>By 25 almost 5000 animals will have given their life to sustain yours

Have you put them to good effect?
posting on an anonymous image board, like every night.
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>A life can both be disappointing in not being what you hoped it would be and still worth living.
In my case I wouldn't say that it's worth living (I'm not happy and I will never achieve anything of merit), it's just that it is easier to go through the motions on a daily basis and stagnate than kill yourself.
I'm playing with myself.
I taught you were hiding the fact you failed college from yer senpai
My life can't improve.
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>I taught you were hiding the fact you failed college from yer senpai
I think you're mistaking me for somebody else.
That fucking tower is not worth the wait together with thousands of other annoying shitskin tourists for a super-expensive ticket to have a gret view over a fucking desert (haha to the retards who were stupid enough to buy a deluxe ticket)
I'd want the last moments of my life to be a better experience than this
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Is there anywhere in the world you HAVEN'T been to?
Who are you? xD
Haven't been to Ireland yet
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You ever think that reincarnation is real and you suffer in this life because you were some sort of horrible criminal in the past?

I think people do have unrealistic expectations of how their life will turn out. Most people blame films and video games for giving people the impression that they're special but I think it's more than that. Society itself raises you to believe everything will work out, just do well on your exams, go to college and you'll have that job you wanted and worked years to get. When in reality a lot of people don't get their dream job, in fact many struggle to even get one in their field. You spent 4 years in university and now you're stacking shelves in Woodies.
A big problem with modern life is that people like us grow up isolated from others and are never taught how to make friends or approach women. You grow up thinking you'll meet someone and get married just like in the films, but no. You have no idea how to interact with people and you'll most likely die alone.
That's a lie you stopped next to me when I was walking yesterday. I know it was you because of all those fishing rods in your car.
Saw a good lad buy 32 litres of Guinness at Tescos today.
I refuse to cooperate with life.
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>You ever think that reincarnation is real and you suffer in this life because you were some sort of horrible criminal in the past?
I don't care about what I did in previous lives, but I sure as hell don't want to live another life (good or bad) after this one.

>A big problem with modern life is that people like us grow up isolated from others and are never taught how to...approach women
How exactly would you teach that?
>How exactly would you teach that?
Women are people too. You don't need to be taught how to approach them, you just need to treat them like you would anyone else.
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Any websites where you can beg millionaires for some free cash?
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>I sure as hell don't want to live another life (good or bad) after this one
Maybe not another life in this universe but you don't know how reality will be in your next life. I hope I get a space-faring mecha universe with lots of beautiful scenery. While that'd be heaven for me in this life the me in that world would think of it as mundane and might even hate it like you hate this life.

>How exactly would you teach that?
I don't know but I'm sure people are thinking of ways. It's a growing problem and I'm sure will become more evident as time goes on.
>treat them like you would anyone else.
Wrong. Fuck off, Jaggy.
>How exactly would you teach that
By watching Game of Thrones and learning how to rape properly
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>women are people too
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>you just need to treat them like you would anyone else.
So blindly ignore them unless they initiate interaction? I'm already pretty good at doing that with both sexes.

>While that'd be heaven for me in this life the me in that world would think of it as mundane and might even hate it like you hate this life.
Even if I was born i my ideal world, I think my brain would still find a way to be unhappy.
>Need to buy tobacco but the shop is 10 minutes away

Might just quit.
Go to 4chan.org's /int/ (stands for International) section and search for a thread called /éire/ (possibly /eire/). From there make a post claiming to be a poor man from Limerick who is in need of cash. A poster with the flag of Luxembourg emblazoned on his posts will then approach you with sympathy. Make sure to continually praise Limerick as the bastion of western civilization and sure enough he will donate you many thousands of Euros.

Source: it's how I bought my mansion.
It's a huge problem in the west at least where kids are taught to dream and expect certain things. Early 20s are such a difficult time as it's then when young adults begin to realise the difference between perception and reality and struggle to adjust.
The education system is in many ways idealised, nobody is let fall through the cracks and the hardest workers are the most rewarded. The workforce isn't fair. Working hard and being clever will not see you rewarded as it did in school. Connections, skills, location and plain old luck play a factor and even then after 10 years of progressing through a company they may just shut down and you'll have to try again somewhere else.
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>All these Bismuth incels being mean to women
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Are Luxlad and JP the same person?
whosey whatsits
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>Working hard and being clever will not see you rewarded as it did in school
>Connections, skills, location and plain old luck play a factor
Don't forget the ability to lie convincingly in a professional environment.
I'm not related to J.P Morgan...yet
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That's why I hate job interviews. So little of what I am expected to say is actually truthful.
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Not like the east is much better, Japan and South Korea have huge problems with shut-ins. Though they're the most west friendly eastern countries, not sure what it's like in China or India or SEA.

I'm still fucking pissed at how they convince you that lying is wrong and yet the kids that lie get no punishment for doing so and most of the time get away with it while you often suffer for telling the truth.
>So little of what I am expected to say is actually truthful.
Like what?
He does have a lot of grandchildren
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FG hustings begin tonight at 8. Will be streamed online.
Did any of you lads apply to be a janitor?
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Enjoying working in teams, pretending to be social, hobbies and interests being more palatable.
One example from my current job is I was asked how I felt about overtime in the interview. I hate extra hours but of course lied that I would be motivated to help the company in crunch times. I got the job and during training we (a class of 20) were told by the instructor that offered overtime was expected of us as we agreed to it during the interview. Implying anyone who had not agreed would not be there, so regardless of any other redeeming qualities I would not have got the job if I had not lied on that question.
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I'm already one.
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Ever feel completely overwhelmed by the amount of anime, games, music and other real life crap you have to sift through? It's a never ending backlog.
Sometimes. I wish I could stop time and catch up on everything. I think I'd be able to cope if I only felt compelled to consume new stuff.
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>you will die without being able to read every book, watch every movie, listen to every song or play every game that you would enjoy
Why is /Eire/ the comfiest general? :3
Yeah. Thinking like that though make everything feel like a chore and you lose your enthusiasm to consume them so I try not to think about it.
>ywn be part of a fianna
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You could always be part the best fianna, the fianna who brought prosperity to our country, those who spend when they have it and cut back when they don't, the responsible fianna, the Fianna Fail.
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This heat is going to kill me lads.
Kill yourself, don't give it the satisfaction.
Waiting for someone to sacrifice me to the moon god. I'm not giving that star cunt an once of my cosmic energy.
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Thoughts on pic related?
I love the heat so much. Wish it was this hot all the time in the country.
I cannot stand the constant year round rain and overcast it makes me want to kill myself and the cold is so physically painful unless you're fat and have a blubber to keep warm baka.
I'd actually enjoy living in this country if it wasn't for the miserable climate.
I don't remember it airing here.
I think it aired on RTÉ.
t. negro
>he thinks he has energy that didn't come from the sun
Going shop. Anyone want anything?
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Pic related
The original Anon
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Loop the Loop.
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French wan who I taught was leaving today is coming over to the house lads
When was the last time you were at the beach?

About 3 years ago for me but that's because we used to go down for PE. Haven't properly been since I was a child.
Cum on the door handle. It asserts your virility.
One of those magnum ice cream tubs people were talking about here a couple weeks ago. Still haven't seen any.
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>3 years ago
>A child
Last year when I was in Kos, got a really bad foot massage from a 40 year old China wan
I'll hang my wank sock off it
Begone with your normalfaggotry.
Don't cut the baguette but break it instead
A spicebag
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3 years ago I was in Leaving Cert. I meant that then we were just throwing javelins and shit or screwing around with a ball. I haven't properly been to the beach, as in gone swimming and made sandcastles since I was around 11.
But now that I think of it I have been to the beach when staying with a friend a year or two ago but that was at night in Winter.

Which beach?
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God I want that now.
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>Leaving Cert was 3 years ago
Venice Beach and Santa Monica pier, Los Angeles,didn't go for a swim though but I managed to beat a homeless man in a game of street-chess
Looks disappointing and overpriced. There isn't even any hard chocolate or caramel etc.
There are some chessboards on the edge of a beach near me but they're right next to the road and it seems like the wind would knock them unless you brought very heavy pieces. There's also a big chessboard built into the pavement but there's not enough spaces, maybe they're just some out of place tiles.
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Got a big tub for €3.

>isn't even any hard chocolate
What? That piece on the left is solid.

>caramel ice cream
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End your life for proving me wrong you cunt.
>A beach near me
How come that you go so rarely then?
You have to take advantage of your location on an island and all and go more often.
I was actually quite amazed when I first saw random people play chess against eachother,I thought that was only a thing in movies,can't imagine how awkward something like this would be here though.
Most honest post ever made on /éire/.
Who is this?
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When I say near me I mean like a half hour drive away. I might go more but no one I know really wants to go and I'd feel weird by myself.
My sister/gf.
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Jasmine is the kind of cute girl I'd love to be buddies with and is NOT for lewd
>is not for lewd
Lying is a sin
Make (girl)friends on the beach then
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I want to marry Jasmine and live in the Olivine Lighthouse together(but I only had one picture of her saved)!

Ah yes I forgot that getting a gf was just that easy.
What are your favourite booru/doujin tags?
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HGSS Misty sex on wheels! Watching the anime as a 7 year old probably, she probably gave me my ginger fetish
Did someone say /bant/?
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I preferred her successor.
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You know what I love? Walking on train tracks on boiling hot summer days in the countryside, far away from everybody. It's so lonely and peaceful and it smells weird. Like oil and grease.


Have that song start at 6:53 but the start of it is very nice too. Pretty sure I linked it before.

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I hated walking on my train tracks. They've been abandoned for a good 80 years so they're almost completely overgrown.
walking along the tracks from waterford is great, comfy as fuck alright
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