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/dixie/ - Southern States + Friends

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 84

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Dixie kino and music edition
Hate non whites
he's a shitcunt, always liked Pitt better even though he can't really act.
Good country music, me thinks

midwest got some country chops edition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28XcCcm8HO8
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Won't you lend your lungs to me?
Mine are collapsing
Plant my feet and bitterly
Breathe up the time that's passing.
Breath I'll take and breath I'll give
Pray the day's not poison
Stand among the ones that live
In lonely indecision.

Fingers walk the darkness down
Mind is on the midnight
Gather up the gold you've found
You fool, it's only moonlight.
And if you stop to take it home
Your hands will turn to butter
Better leave this dream alone
Try to find another.

Salvation sat and crossed herself
And called the devil partner
Wisdom burned upon a shelf
Who'll kill the raging cancer
Seal the river at its mouth
Take the water prisoner
Fill the sky with screams and cries
Bathe in fiery answers

Jesus was an only son
And love his only concept
But strangers cry in foreign tongues
And dirty up the doorstep
And I for one, and you for two
Ain't got the time for outside
Keep your injured looks to you
We'll tell the world that we tried
good shit
I got a weakness for string bands, t.b.h.
you went to church today, right /dixie/?

Never was a church going man
long as you did your prayers and aren't a shithead papist, you should be fine
what are you? a Commie?

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Just strayed from gods light I suppose
you can always change that.

>he doesn't phonepost from church
do you even /dixie/?
headed straight for hell, pedro.

hope you find it again, bro.

There is nothing wrong with Catholics or othrodoxes, we are all brothers in Christ
like there's a fucking difference.
careful you don't include mormons there, friend.
This is the power of the alt-lite
Fine, let petty grievances distract you while Christianity faces the biggest threat of it's brief existence
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Loved this song from the movie

well after trump, the right will need time to recover.
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you can be left-wing and pro-South too.
true, but let's be honest, that is pretty rare.
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it's a shame he's getting too old to run for anything anymore, he might not look it but he's actually 70. He doesn't seem to actually like politics very much either, as no genuinely good person would.

yeah, I mean who am I kidding, by today's standards he and I are probably center-right anyway. Fuck the Dems of the 2010s.
so basically shaivism/shaktism
apparently he used to have a thick South Carolinian accent but he repressed it so he could get work on TV in NYC. The man is the epitome of cuck, it's a shame because he was really funny during the Dubya years.
>not worshipping tengri
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>he doesnt worship the sky gods
>not worshiping the american military industrial complex
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>He doesnt worship the lizardmen
did people really just drink glasses of scotch all day intermittently during work fifty years ago like they do in Mad Men? I would literally be ill by five every workday.
I know people drink whisky and/or beer (depending on their build) at my brothers workplace during workhours quite regularly.
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yeah at an old job I had it was pretty regular to do that, that was more blue collar stuff and not in an office though.

I just started a Netflix account the other night and it was suggested to me so I'm finally watching it for the first time. It started slow but it's pretty easy to get drawn into. I'm a 1945 to mid 1960s America-boo so doubley so for me.
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it's gotten a reputation for attracting fedoras as of late but it's still patrician.
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Remember to call your mommas and your grannies, /dixie/
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talked with them as well as my great-grandma for an hour earlier
>she goes on a diatribe about how Skype is a "miracle from the lord" every time we use it
adorable as fuck

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alright, catch you in a few days my man
Napoleon was a radical centrist.
No Drumpf! No KKK! No racist USA!
The KKK were also radical centrists.
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please reunite with /cum/

we miss you >>74851738
when will these memes stop, our userbases barely overlap
from life hopefully
I posted on /cum/ a few times desu
Seems like a massive circlejerk
This place is a circlejerk too with more trips and namefags than actual anons but at least it's comfy
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I'm going to stop namefagging in a month, I swear. I just don't want to be called Mohammed three times a thread.
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Manx cats are lovely and loyal.
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understandable desu, although we seem to like Brits here anyway
I've never been around one, desu
My favorite breed is Siamese at the moment because I enjoy cats that aren't afraid to be vocal.

true, wish they would drop by more often honestly, they posted here pretty frequently near the general's start but seem to have lost interest.
quality over quantity my friend.
I admit though more comfy posters would be nice
Britain would have sided with the CSA if it weren't for all those saves and such
I cant talk to american shitposters true.
Im way better at shitposting at /balk/anlar, its a cultural thing
>pictures of boipussy
wtf janny i cant even start a /tr/ thread with pictures of cute girls without getting banned and you allow this to the jankees
Their government didn't give a shit about slavery desu

It was just that the US was a valuable trading partner to them and the Confederate government was completely inept at any diplomacy beyond "MUH COTTON MUHFUGGA"
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>Although Pope Pius IX never signed an actual statement supporting the Confederacy, he responded to a letter written by Jefferson Davis on 23 September 1863 with a letter to Davis written 3 December 1863. Pius's "letter to Jefferson Davis was accompanied by an autographed picture of the pope"[9] in which the Pope addressed the Confederate President as "the "Honorable President of the Confederate States of America".[10][11] This simple courtesy, though it had no legal effect, has been seized upon by some to claim that it showed that the Pope recognized (at least on a personal level) the Confederate States of America to be an actual country (and separate from the United States).[12][13] In fact, no diplomatic relations or recognitions were extended in either direction. But this letter caused Congress to, in 1867, explicitly ban diplomatic ties with the Vatican.[14]
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Reminder that the yanks were hunting for witches until 1878:
>all these (dead)s
RIP Conway
Fucking Conway
I bet he's enjoying it.
Who is conway
>Lee, Jackson, and Davis probably in heaven
>Grant, Sherman, and Lincoln probably in hell
Feels good.
the American flag you're talking to half of the time, most of us have the autism flags extension installed.

I doubt Grant would be in hell, he was just a loser, not somebody of ill intention.
The poster that got banned was from Conway, Arkansas. You need extraflags to see that.
Ooh the banned trap dude.
Autismflags isnt installed on my phone so i couldnt tell
Our /dixie/ in-thread Shitposter Extraordinaire

>Seems like a massive circlejerk

So it's just like every other general on /int/ right ?
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honestly the latinos kind of have a point with their whole "American doesn't just refer to people in the US routine". People in the US recognized it as an issue from fairly early on. Edgar Allen Poe supported renaming the country the "United States of Appalachia" because back then the Appalachians pretty much spanned the entirety of the US.

It's still pretty much bullshit butthurt, but they do have a point.
Yes, but it's good, like I said.
But do they really, though? The continents are called North and South America, the Americas are not a continent.
It's not common to say "Eurasians" when referring to someone from Europe/Asia, you say European or Asian.

The US doesn't have an actual name, so we can't really have a demonym outside of state names in the same way that the rest of the countries in the Americas.

The demonyms are fine for the continents as they are, North-American and South-American, just because it's different in their languages doesn't mean we should change how it is in ours.

This, although, Appalachia doesn't really have much importance today than it did in Poe's time,.
I'm home /dixie/

excellent OP

official /dixie/ movie list:

Cool Hand Luke
O Brother Where Art Thou
Birth of a Nation
Mississippi Burning
No Country for Old Men
The Green Mile
Walk Hard
Big Fish
Night of the Hunter
A Streetcar Named Desire
Down by Law
Rumble Fish
Gone With The Wind
Cape Fear
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damn, jankee got conwaybro?

he's got it in for /dixie/landers
he is my counterpart

i live in conway too but i dont use all the regional flags

>But do they really, though? The continents are called North and South America, the Americas are not a continent.

This is because of culture for the most part. It really depends on how you were raised to believe certain things. South America and many other countries (like France) believe that America is just one continent, but some others rather recognize that they are both separate continents, again, it all depends on culture.
Well there's the issue, we should be getting by on state demonyms, but we hardly ever use them internally, let alone externally. It's always irritated my autism quite a bit, nobody in European countries has any trouble saying they're Scottish, Bavarian, or Silesian, but in the US it's just "I'm from Minnesota" or "I'm from North Carolina" usually. There are some exceptions, such as your state, of course.

evening, brother
Indeed, which is why I mentioned the last part. It's not like that in the English speaking world, which is why it's not really a valid complaint in my eyes.
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no u
My grandmother didn't like my grandfather drinking so she'd pour it down the drain and replace it with water, needless to say, he was able to drink all day.

I'm not a trap tho, just a massive faggot
Welcome back.
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>the return of the king
what'd you get b& for senpai
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I may or may not have been posting lewds on /cum/

Fuck /cum/
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>going to the land of leafs and anime to post obvious banhammer material
>getting mass reported as you're a recognizable /dixie/poster

sympathy lost
I never wanted sympathy lol

I was on uni wifi anyway, it didn't matter
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some of us got b& for the cause
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You deserved it, racist scum
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>one drop of spaniard blood

you have to go back
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What're they growing in that field?
thats tobacco senpai
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>negroes swarming City Park and ruining my bike ride
>living in nawlins
You probably deserve it
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starting up planescape torment for the first time

>never have been able to get it to work before
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> crawfish boil
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>wake up on a slab in a giant mortuary
>wisecracking floating skull sidekick tells me not to kill the female zombies so he can hit on them

gonna be fun
I've always heard them called "crawdads," but Wikipedia's trying to tell me that's Mid/Southwestern.
>the Finn keeps posting the gay disease statistics thinking that it bothers me
Top lmoa
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How do I post on 4chan using a VPN ?
Maybe he's doing it to be nice because it's relevant to your interests.
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>tfw no cyberpunk cities in the South, except maybe Miami, which is full of illegal boat people
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We'll be schway one day
Southern Gothic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cyberpunk
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Hello fellow Southerners.
t. oronto

how's things

Good post.
Eastern BC actually

Going well
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I'm gonna kidnap Conway some day
Why, I haven't done anything

If you don't like gays then I'll stop talking about it
Easy fucktoy, hole's a hole, bud.
lewd and rude
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Missouri tbqhwyf
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You know you like it
Where did your family come from?
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Arkansas >>>>>> all the rest >>>>>> ((((Yurope))))
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>TWO vape shops in town
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Umm, this is a gay free zone, so I don't know what you're talking about sweetie :)))))
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When are you coming back to God's chosen land anyway
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Some time after New Year by current plans
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Reminder that House is the only acceptable choice
>electronic entertainment devices
Stop doing that.
Just broke my glasses haha
Fuck how am i supposed to drive tomorrow
haha u myopic freak
When did they raise the smoking age to 21 ?
you should have extra pairs like me so you can still drive around and get shit done.
Weed is for degenerates

delet this right now
or you will do what
I do but I'm not at my apartment rn

Motion violently in your general direction
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thread anime music
>tfw the gf is giving a blowjob to a friend of mine on my bed while i am browsing 4chan
Yanks >>>/out/
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Taxation is theft.
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Beautiful post
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I wish I was in the land of cotton tbqh

Can you post the one with Yarnells and Riceland on it, I don't have it on my laptop
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Thnx bb
Reminder that white men are a marginalized group and women need to be STOPPED
just wanted to pop in and say i made pinto beans and corn bread tonight, it was delicious. thank you based southerners.
But was the corn bread sweet
it was sweet enough
>was the corn bread sweet
why would you make corn bread sweet
this confuses me
like, sure, you could put sugar in just about anything. it just generally isn't necessary nor is it always a good idea to begin with
Yankees don't think it's food unless it tastes of nothing but corn syrup and cane sugar
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Why the fuck do yankees do this? It's fucking disgusting
They never had slaves and they killed their Injuns before they could steal their food, cut them some slack
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>cut them some slack
Morning pals
Mornin, how's it going?
Good morning Turkbud

Get autism flags pls
Put a period where the space is
https://flaghunters github.io/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/
Does it work on phones?

Pretty good, sitting on the stairs of the bus, looking at qt's
Y'all seen this? Facebook's making a big deal out of this because Spencer was there. Came up under "trending topics" or whatever.
On Firefox for Android, yes

If you have an iPhone then that's ok
Alright. I use clover lets see if this works
I don't think it does, it's an add-on for Firefox itself

There might be a script for Clover on the forums, idk
so what is that faggot whining about?
Yeah, I use Facebook. Very reluctantly at first, a bunch of my friends kept telling me to get one and I caved. I don't post shit myself half as often as most people I know.

Also just noticed I didn't let the volume change thing fade before taking a screenshot, lol.
>Richard Spencer
>not a complete meme
Don't know why people care about this jackass
>muh reycism
Same reason why some people take varg seriously
Facebook seems pretty "meh" to me, I have one but I log in like once a year because I talk to my friends in other ways so I never really saw the point.
Social media in general is pretty cancerous tbqh
ebul rayciss boogeyman
FB is the only one I use. I have an Instagram account that I used for two years, almost exclusively to check the specials at a pizza place by where I went to school.
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Post badriodig musik https://youtu.be/mPWHUFD7cSY
Dog bless Papatürk
I like this
Glad you like it. Here is my favorite.
Really like Russian music buds

t. totally not a Russiaboo
Yankees did have slaves for a while. New Jersey didn't abolish slavery until 1804.

Their slaves didn't know how to cook
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y'all come back.jpg
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Meh, Western classical music composed by a Russian is still Western classical music. Not that it ain't good, but it's not what I'd call "Russian music".

Also, bumping.
>Western clasical
>not just western clasical
Do westerners really call it western classical music?
>not just classical mysic
Im dumb
Normally people just say "classical music", yeah, but the point there was that the style isn't really distinguishable from what Western composers were doing. Hell, it got its start in Russia at a time when all the high-class wealthy sons of bitches there spoke French to each other instead of Russian because French was the language of trendy, upscale Western things. Back then, France had a way of cucking other countries into imitating them.
Just a poor country BUMPkin
>Richard Spencer involves himself in something
>whatever it is completely loses credibibility in the eyes of the public because now it's NatSoc rally
fuck that CIA controlled opposition asshole desu
I don't think he's CIA. I think he's just a moron. The media too gleefully goes after him and that one Jewish lady tried to illegally shake down his mom into selling a building, to the point the Jew realtor drew up sale documents and sent them to the media saying Spencer's mom was donating the money to Jewish charities.

Spencer on the other hand is all
>"Tee hee, I want an ethnostate, but we can separate peacefully :^) "
knowing that such a thing would be impossible. His speeches are also boring disasters
Eh, CIA-controlled or not, that reflects on the state of politics in this country in general as much as it does anything else. Folks can't just sit down and debate anything peacefully anymore, like they're supposed to. Now somebody has to get offended by who's involved / by ideas they don't like / etc.

This shit looks ridiculous until people you know start doing it too. I've probably mentioned this before here, but I've lost my respect for the opinions of some people I know in the last year or two because of it.
morning /dixie/
Sup faggot
bout to go get chicken biscuits
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I blame social media, its rise to prominence in people's lives directly correlates with the rise of inability in the populace to constructively debate issues.
I suppose that's what you can expect when you make it so goddamn easy for people to shut themselves in happy little echo chambers.

It's about time I got some sleep, hah. I'll see y'all later.
g'night penman
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>install Oblivion
>run it for the first time
>it crashes before getting to the main menu on startup
>not a single mod installed
yeah I'm just not going to be bothering with this
my xbox hueg pooped out a few months ago

i was itching for a morrowind replay too

i think im just gonna buy a new xbox instead of downloading the pc version
but mods

it doesn't need much else besides new textures, some bugfixes, and better models for the NPCs but it improves the game immeasurably.
i havent played it modded before, so i wouldn't know

i play a lot of dorf fort and oldass rpgs so i dont mind dated graphics
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You all unironically follow antebellum honor codes, right? Because if you don't you aren't southern enough
What the fuck would you know
fucking sick of anxiety attacks
I'm so southern I moved from charleston sc to england to work on ships
I am an antebellum meme
grow a pair then
am i the only fuckface in alabama that has an internet connection?
Good morning turkbud
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>mfw a yank thinks he's worth my time
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>tfw very few Deep Southern posters
Who /757/ here?
very good, although I'm atheist I despise all those edgy leftist infidels that swear our long church tradition
my uncle lives in Birmingham AL and invited me for a few days, but I hesitate to go to a city with 75% nigga population in the dirty south, should I give it a try and visit him?
there a plenty of rich white communities right outside of BHam that he could be living in.
idk anything about bham tourism tho. i mostly go outside to the parks near my house, not visit niggerland
Why does your uncle live in Alabama
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Confederacy Army Flag.png
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Separation when?
Probably never. Most Southerners are loyal to the US now
Feels bad man. And tell me, Texas independence movement is real or just a meme?
Bit of both, really, but it's mostly a meme.
Meme. We'll stay with the Union until this liberal degeneracy destroys it
Fuckin hell
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Reminder that leftists have absolutely no reason to hate Lee
he's white
reminder that they should hate Grant and be trying to get him removed from the fifty
Lee was one of the finest examples of traditional manhood. Leftists hatred for Lee is a result of their hatred for natural laws.
I think most people are just so mindfucked by federalism nowadays that they're just incapable of empaphizing with the fact that a lot of people held their allegiance to their state over the US as a whole back then.

The largest factor behind people shitting themselves over symbols of the CSA, besides stupidity and virtue signalling, is a lack of understanding of how pre-war American identity worked. You can't expect people who see their states as glorified postal codes and who can't name their own state senator to understand why way back when were willing to kill each other over them. Slavery simplifies things for them, people like simple.
and yes I know Lee didn't own any
>tfw sub-50 percent turnout for gubernatorial elections every year
people are lazy as hell, but that probably hurts the Democrats more so I'll let it slide
Why does /brit/ have a general on every board
most countries have their own imageboards, every time the UK has attempted to have its own it always just ends up ded because it's impossible to compete with this one in the anglophone world. So basically they just end up carving out their own autistic corners of our boards. I think somebody did a count one time and there were eight active /brit/ threads across like five boards.

also colonial mentality
They're on /lgbt/ tho, there's no point in it
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>he browses /lgbt/
Not regularly, just do it to tell trannies to kill themselves for ruining the board

Not that it wasn't already complete shit, but still
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>for ruining the board
>just do it to tell trannies to kill themselves for ruining the board
you could do this on every board
>Not that it wasn't already complete shit
Read on lil nigga
It's more fun to do it on /lgbt/
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blow me faget
Thats a bit gay
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What, are you homophobic or something???
I thought you were white
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future generations are going to find this whole Russia thing so fucking stupid.

like half a year of this shit and not only has the investigation not even produced so much as a motive for collusion but a major diplomatic spat between the US and Russia has occured within the timeframe.

stop wasting our fucking money already.
I am hispanic
Get out.
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no YOUUUUU get out
I am a proud black man and I won't be intimidated.
to clarify: I am black-hispanic
>Black Hispanics
El DominicANO
I am also a Jehovah's Witness, but I mix in a little bit of Islam
alright you got me i'm asian.
not that ur general is bad or anything but rly the gig it up you need to rejoin cum
respond to me now
verify you can read this

that's how """y'all""" sound


Most people don't find it stupid now?
Twitter thinks there's still something there
yo yo yo
walking in on dixie
no plan no trixies
they are all racist
thinking it's the 60s
but this yank has got
what the bank has not
unlimited rank in cod no bot
stopping power god with a hot rod
bringing the big rod to sod off any mod
that tries to stop this unequivocal greatness
hate this, berate this, you just cannot shake this
I try
are kansas?
identity parkinson
hard on for the hairy butt-con
to him no hermoine just harry and ron
basque but not straight for any separatist cause
a dixie pixie without a hitch you can all see
when will he be free of his own insanity
posting all day about being gay
in his heyday pray he is no OJ
get the Olay he is lubed
Okay okay okay
kay kay kay?
he is him
oy vey
Recite Dixie's Land to yourself.
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And I wish it was three million instead of what we got
does the klan really allow gay and black members now or is that just a meme
That's fucking stupid if it's true
Let's send Conway to find out
it was one chapter, the Klan isn't a united, centralized organization.
now everybody from the chan of four
point your fingers and laugh at this clan of whores
everybody from the chan of four
look look
now while they stand tough, notice that this gen did not have its tracks up
slave labor's got you ass up
lee can't save you from this wave of the brave
irishmen in a war so depraved I'll admit when we started it was a close shave
but an economy of shirts might as well be a system of dirt
where are your trains I thought you were trained
for this war of our loss and your gain
you were planning not to be slain
but instead on these fields you are lain
stop being so lame
bring your A-game
I'd like to say we are the same
but I think I'll wait for "yall" to get a brain

the dirt you had the comb became y
I don't want to get shot, no thanks
It's for the greater cause, bud.
honestly I'm prolly not going to top this
those are some phatt rhymes daddio
anyone remember the cuckio meme?
I just want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that I have not read a single damn thing you have posted
Control your assburgers.
who /just got home from work a bit more dead inside than the last time/ here?
Naw, but I'm awake now. That count?
Why is /cum/ so much better and more interesting than /dixie/ even though /dixie/ has been around much longer? Is /dixie/ the worst general on /int/?
>Is /dixie/ the worst general on /int/?
Yes, don't come here
literally who

no, but that will be my life soon
Currently living in Georgia (the state) ask me anything
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Whos that?
reminder that we literally created modern music
What happened to modern music, anyway? I can't stand all this repetitive pop shit that's auto-tuned to hell and back.
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semetic influence
Auto-tune in particular is an insult to everyone who actually practices singing to sound good.
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>finally beat Age of Decadence for the first time
>ending came out of left field and i elevated a shitlord roman aristocrat to leader of an empire as the puppet of a living god

9/10 will be replaying thoroughly
Is this movie worth watching?
eh, pop music has always been a minority of good stuff under a wave of turds. Though today the turds are a bit worse, a lot of it is literally created with computer algorithms.

Also people with more alternative tastes are able to access a larger volume of more obscure stuff due to the internet, instead of going and buying the latest Pearl Jam record like they were pretty much limited to doing 20 years ago. That means that better stuff doesn't chart as much as it used to, because its listener base is divided over a larger selection of artists.
it's a loose retelling of Homer's Odyssey through the eyes of three escaped convicts in the Deep South during the Great Depression, it's fucking excellent.
Can you suck your own dick?
Yea its solid.
its really good. fucking love the soundtrack for this movie too
It's my girlfriend's favorite movie just because the soundtrack
you got a good woman
the music in that movie is just so good
when we watched it she already knew every song and quietly sung along and it was pretty cute
I don't know what it's like in Southern states, but California raised cigarette smoking to 21 last year, iirc.

Tobacco can fuck a life up, but imo if 18 is the legal age of responsible adulthood then it ought to be the legal age you're responsible for what you put into your body too.

I've heard people theorize that it was an anticipatory move, making it normal for cops to be suspicious of young adults smoking in public thus making it easier to enforce a marijuana-smoking age of 21.
I wonder if it's got anything to do with some kind of federal funding regulation or whatever. IIRC, states aren't required to have a drinking age of 21, but if they don't, a bunch of money is withheld from them.
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>black people aren't whit-

Could very well be

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