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Tell a joke about the country your country jokes the most about

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Tell a joke about the country your country jokes the most about
wtf hungary
wtf bosnia
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>mfw estonia

If you're on a plane, how can you tell you're over Albania?
If you put your hand out, your watch will be gone
Thought it'd be france 2bh
Can't think of one off the top of my head about Ireland
because we're a bunch of smug cucks


Not surprised
What's 3 swedes on the bottom of a lake?

A good start.
And swedes are smugger and cucker than us, while norwegians are the smuggest but somehow not the cuckest overall.

trust no one etc
What the hell is Hungary's problem with Scots?
tell a joke
They're essentially the Americans of Yurop
isn't there a series of pics of George Bush visiting albania and "losing" his watch?
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What do norweigans call their smart citizens?

A norweigan is watching porn and spots his wife in a scene
-"thank god it's on tv and not real", he says

Do you know why the norweigan got so happy when he finished his puzzle in three days?
-because it said on the box "3 to 4 years"
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and then the swede gets his ass fucked by niggers
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Another quality post by our friend from the other side of the equator.
There is a German,a Grek and an Albo on a helicopter

The german stands up and says "I wil lthrow this watch of the helicopter,because in my country we have many watches"
The albo follows "I will throw this shoe of the helicopter,because in Albania we produce alot of shoes"
The greek follows "I will throw this Albanian of the helicopter because we have too many of them in Greece"
Who is faster than an albo with a stolen TV?

His cousin with the stolen DVD
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I take it you don't know which one that is?
In a car there is an albo,a gyppo and a tatar

Who drives?

The cop
Long one, told in Portugal.

There’s a village in the Portuguese/Spanish border where Portuguese and Spanish live side by side. One day, the priest gets sick, so a Portuguese man replaces him for mass.
Turning to his audience, he says:
“God made us equal so that we learned to live with each other and trust each other like brothers. The only ones you shouldn’t trust are the filthy Spanish, since they will lie to you every time they can.”
Arguments and fights erupt in the crowd. When the infighting finally ceases, three people had already been injured. The priest gets called by his superior and is told that he must stop this kind of nationalist comments.

The next day, the priest turns to his public and says “S.Paul frequently criticized immoral people with his letters. I know that, if he was alive today, he would write a book denouncing the Spanish and their filthy, degenerate behavior”
The infighting is strong this time. One person almost dies and the whole village is in chaos. Wanting to stop a riot, the superior tells the priest that he shall focus on the Bible and never utter a word against the Spanish. On the next day, during mass:

“My brothers, we are approaching easter, a time of love and compassion. Let us forget all this infighting and focus on the Bible for today. I would like to talk about the last supper of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And as they did eat, he said, Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me. .... even in this night, before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice.”

The people watched on and on, paying attention to the priest words:
“- Is it me? – Said John.
“- No John, it is not you.”
“ – Will it be me, my Lord? – said Paul.
“- No, it will not be you either”.
And then Judas asks “Entonces, ¿quién es el traidor, mi señor?”
>A norweigan is watching porn and spots his wife in a scene
>-"thank god it's on tv and not real", he says

>A Swede joking about cuckoldry
>not self-deprecating
You lack self-awareness.
>when everyone around you is obsessed
Bosnia and Sweden beat you in that one
we're tied with swedes
also belgium
An Englishman, a Finn and a Swede were competing over whose language is the most beautiful one. They selected a poem that everyone had to read on their own language.

The Englishman began:
"Island, island,
grassy island,
grassy island's lady"

The Finn was next:
"Saari, saari,
heinäsaaren neito"

Then the Swede get to recite his poem:
"Ö ö,
hö ö,
hö ös mö"
mfw Swedes and Greeks are bullied by everyone
Belarus does not make jokes
Honestly I think our jokes are more regional than anything:

A guy from Toronto wants to become a Newfie. He goes to a surgeon and asks if this is possible. The surgeon tells him "absolutely, we just have to cut out 1/3 of your brain and you'll be a Newfie." The guy agrees and they put him under.

So after the guy wakes up from the operation the surgeon tells him "I'm sorry, but there has been a terrible accident, we mistakenly cut out 2/3 of your brain" to which the man replied "Qu'est-ce que vous avez dit, monsieur?"
Hot Ukrainian tours! Anywhere and forever.
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I really shed a tear of joy reading our poem, such awesome poem.
A dumb swede, a smart swede, Tooth fairy and Santa Claus were walking on a street. A $100 bill lays on the ground. Who picked it up?

-No one, because dumb swede thought it was a candy wrapper and the rest don't exist.
WW2 era Italian rifles are all in excellent condition to this day. They were never fired and only dropped once.
success breeds...
Everyone has rwgional jokes.

What do you get when you crossbreed tortoise with a monkey?

-Tampere man with a helmet.
t. greek
A belgian lights a match, blows it out immediately and puts it in his pocket.

"I'll save that one because it works"
I hadn't heard this one before. I love it.
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- why do you hohols have such stupid language, nezabarom (soon in ukrainian) ... this is like near the bar, right?.
And the entrance in the country written with obscene words "Nehyj shastat'" (nothing to do here)
It's for you nothing to do here, but "Nehaj Schastyt'" (Good luck) for us.

this looks so unfunny in english tb h
People get very emotional because they are jealous of Greece.
like you
kek nice
Why would anybody be jealous to Greece? Well, maybe Albania is.
Greeks are friendlier than Eastern Europeans.
>citation needed
visit Greece
>What the hell is Hungary's problem with Scots?

Jokes about Scots are always on the topic of them being cheap or stupid or both. So, the explanation I choose to believe was, during communism our leaders being jewish, saying a jewish joke could get you into trouble, so people looked for some people living far away and basically being unknown for the general population, and simply replaced jews with Scots.

They're pretty lame, here's an example:

A scotsman approaches a taxi driver and asks:
- How much do you charge for a ride to the train station?
- About 10 pounds.
- And how much for the luggage transport?
- Luggage goes free.
- Good. Take these bags to the train station, I'm going on foot.
I disagree with the map. I know absolutely no jokes about Portugal. Most of our jokes are about Spanish regions, for example:
> Andalusians are lazy
> Basques are physically strong but stupid, and everything is blown out of proportion in the Basque country
> Catalans are greedy
> Madrileños are arrogant
> Galicians are chronically indecisive

As far as foreign countries are concerned, we definitely have more jokes about Argentina (egotistical, arrogant people who can talk for hours) than about Portugal.
>Jokes about Scots are always on the topic of them being cheap or stupid or both.
Same here
Why does the Greek alphabet has so little letters?
Because they sold most to pay debts

How do 4 Greeks sit in a chair?
Everybody knows it

Greek:Greek names tell a lot about them?
Albanian:Ok Mr.Bythqiris

A Greek thinking S.Albanians are Greek goes there to see. He comes back and tells his friend they're not Greek.
Friend: Why?
Greek: Men and women had sex together

The human is called homo sapiens
The Greek is called homo sexual

An Englishman goes to Greece. After he arrived in a hotel he goes to the bathroom. He flushes, wash his hands and turns the TV on. 300 islands had been sunk mysteriously.
Scots are known for being cheap tbqh
our "international" jokes usually incude people from various countries (german, french, brit) and the italian usually delivers the punchline
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albanians are subhumans
Every joke about Estonians in a nutshell:
>lel Estonians are slow
A Swedish athlete came seventh on a running competition. Next morning Aftonbladet printed a story with huge headline "It requires six foreigners to win one Swede".
we don't have this type of jokes about 1 single nationality, the most similar are jew jokes
Two Swedish couples were tired with their relationship... They decided to change partners. The new couples went to their rooms and during sex one of the women said "I wonder how the boys are doing".
I have a Soviet book somewhere upstairs that has hundreds of jokes about many Soviet nations/ethnicities. Those get rehashed a lot these days to fit the current political climate. Most of the jokes I remember are about Russians, Jews and the people of Northern Caucasus.
How did the Bosnians come to be?
A bear fucked a beech tree.
This is true, but since most of us have Scottish blood, we replaced the subject with Dutch people.
In Belarus is no joke, only sad
> >lel Estonians are slow
I think soviets/old people used to do this too
And generic nigger and gypsies jokes
I would, but we don't consider it a country.
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The absolute state of Sweden

football match, two greek teams playing
referee throws coin, 2000 wounded

why greeks never buy fridges? because they believe that after closing the door the light doesn't go off

a car hits a greek man and the owner of the car gets out begging to the greek not to call the police
-i'll take you to the hospital and pay everything so please dont call anyone
-can I borrow you phone for a min to call my wife
-evgjeni don't cook anything today I'm eating by the hospital

a greek man returns home with an expensive bottle of wine but while climbing the stairs he falls and finds himself covered in red and says
-please let it be blood

an albanian and his 5yo son share the same bus with a greek
the kid starts mimicking the greek
>tell your son to stop
>son stop acting like a peder
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Very rude, apologize right now.
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But here we mostly joke about ourselves, desu. Spain never much enter the joke, unless you count insulting people of doing things the non-manly way, but even then it's rare.
How do you say "an airplane" in Slovak?
>pointing to a sky and doing monkey noises
Surprised it's not pontic greeks for Greece, we joke about them a lot.
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What should you do if a New Zealander throws a grenade at you?

Pull the pin and throw it back.
Nobody jokes about Schweiz.
>"Ö ö,
hö ö,
hö ös mö"

How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?

jokes about fishes and big noses?
Everyone in Spain says two things about Portugal
1 - They make carpets
2 - All of their women have moustache
Albanians offered us next levels of retardation even further than pontic greeks.
>An irishman is watching /int/ and sees a meme about Sweden.
>-"Oh wow, I guess Sweden is meme", he says
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It all stems from jealousy.
>finland hates us because we colonized them for 600 years
>norway hates us because we lorded over them for like 100 years or something
>denmark hates us because we stole their clay
I see many Americans use the same excuse: "success breeds jealousy".
But at the end of the day it's really just because you're a retarded faggot.
in the case of Greece
it is really jealousy
Americans don't typically crack jokes at any nation in specific. If anything we're more self depricating.

A Canadian, an American, and a Mexican are all on a cargo plane flying across the Atlantic. The plane begins to lose altitude from there being too much cargo. The Canadian pushes a massive crate of maple syrup out of the plane and exclaims "We have so much maple syrup in Canada we can afford to lose this.". The Mexican follows suit and pushes a massive crate of maize out of the plane and exclaims "We have so much maize in Mexico we can afford to lose this.". The American follows suit and throws the Mexican out of the plane. The Canadian looks at him in shock and asks "Why did you do that? You could have thrown out your massive crate of guns!". The American turns to look at the Canadian and yells back "He fucked my wife!".
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>probably less than 50% at this point
We're not smug, only cucks who desperately want to be like the Scandinavians they suck up to.
My point exactly
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Whats the difference between a cow and a guy from belgium. Gender.
Why did the pollack throw his alarm clock out the window?

He was mentally retarded.
Finland doesnt hate Sweden. It's mostly just banter, like teasing your gay friend.

A shitload of Finns legitimately hate Russia because of the Winter War.
>like teasing your gay friend.
>gay friends
Fucking 1st world lol
> They make carpets
Weird. I always thought our stereotype about the Portuguese is that they sell towels and tablecloth.
>How does an albanian woman fight terrorism?
>She has an abortion.

>How do u circumcise a Albanian?
>Kick his mother in the mouth.
What's the difference between a movie plot and Bosnia?

-Movie plot develops
>How do u circumcise a Albanian?
>Kick his mother in the mouth.

Explain it, I'm dumb ;_;
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is this the american banter i've heard about?
She's sucking her son's dick.
It's not our specialty but we have our moments.

I was thinking on a pregnant woman
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That is because of decades of Nordicist propaganda and brainwashing, we have as much if not more cause to hate Sweden than we do Russia.
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I can't actually think of any jokes about Brits
kek'd good at the last too
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a luxembourger, santa claus and a smart belgian make a race.
Who wins?

The luxembourger, because santa claus and smart belgians dont exist.
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Here you go
finns wanna be opressed so bad
the absolute madman
should be

hö ö
hö öns mö
This. I never heard a joke about Portuguese. Only about Galicians snorting cocaine and fucking goats.
Have you heard the one about the English ventriloquist on holiday in Wales (cam be adapted to an Australian ventriloquist on vacation in New Zealand)

A travelling ventriloquist on the road in between jobs decided to practice his craft before his next show. He stopped at a farmhouse and approached the farmer who lived there.
"Hello there, Mr. Farmer, I was just passing by and I was wondering if I might speak to your dog." The farmer replied, "Well, you know, dogs don't talk." The ventriloquist said, "You'd be surprised what a dog might tell you. Can I speak with him?"
The farmer, eyeing the ventriloquist suspiciously, called his dog. "Hi there, Mr. dog," said the ventriloquist. "How does the farmer treat you?" To which the dog replied, "Oh, he's great! He throws a stick for me, scratches my belly, and I just love him!!" Needless to say, the farmer was dumbfounded.
Wanting to see if he could fool the farmer again, the ventriloquist asked if he could speak with the farmer's horse. "Well, you know, horses don't talk." Again the ventriloquist said, "You'd be surprised what a horse might tell you."
So the farmer brought out his horse. "Say, Mr. Horse, how does the farmer treat you?" asked the ventriloquist.
The horse then replied, "Oh, I think he's great. He feeds me oats, he puts a blanket over me at night, and I just love him!" Again the farmer was amazed.
Wanting to try his luck a third time, the ventriloquist said, "Mr. Farmer, would you like to hear what the sheep has to say about you?"
The ventroloquist walks over to the sheep pen and the farmer yells, "That sheep is a fookin liar!"
How do you spot a corean?
The China(dogs ) refuse to go near him
No, we don't.
part 2:
a bosian hears this joke and asks "how did Serbians came to be"
"idk" says the serb
the bosnian screams:
Are you Greek?
>albanians joke about greeks not having any money
>meanwhile 50% of the nation begs for work here
Mostly about how stupid, or rather unconventional they are.

One of my favorite jokes in primary school where
>How did the last pontic computer programmer died
>he jumped from the windows
Classic president joke:
George Bush was sitting at his desk when an aide busts through the door.
"Sir, there's been a bombing at the US embassy in Iraq"
The president looks up, asks if there are any casualties.
"Sir, 2 Iraqi servicemen died"
"That's troubling but they died in the line of duty, any other casualties?"
"Sir, 4 American Marines died"
The president looked down and said, "a terrible loss for America today but I'm prous of our troops. Any other casualties?"
"Sir, 6 Brazilian citizens died"
The color rushes from the President's face and tears start to well up in his eyes.
"Sir...what's wrong?"
The president in a broken voice says, "how...how many is a Brazilian?"
Pretty sure we have more jokes about gypsies but I guess they don't count

Either way, most of our hungarian jokes are about szekelys being unable to speak romanian properly, so they translate poorly in english.
most of our szekely jokes are about them saying a very few words, like 1 word/hour rate
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Don't know a joke abour Portugal but here's one about Galicia:

>What sound does a Galician's wife make when having sex? BAAAAAAAA

nice didnt know you use that word
alright i did a bit of googling and it seems that the word comes from the greek word "paiderastes", which means one who lusts for boys
>be irish
Why do frisians put wirefence around their swimming ponds?
So they dont get lost when the flood comes.
A tour guide is walking with a group of tourists in Skopje and showing them the statues and the ancient buildings. "This building here is from the 16th century, and the building next that to it that is currently under construction with be from the 12th century when it is finished."
>Country that subjected to Germany in 2 hours

Shiggy diggy shut up.
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When you completely make stuff up in a smiley
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low quality
>to pay debts

your joke failed right at he beginning
Yeah, we also joke about them speaking very slowly

Anyway, here's the only hungarian joke I could think of that would translate relatively well:

Little Janos was causing mischief around a romanian orthodox church
The priest tells him:
- Janos, if you don't behave, I'll baptize you Ion (romanian form of John) and make you romanian
Janos doesn't stop and the priest keeps his word
When he goes back home, Janos tells his family what happened
His angry parents beat him and ground him
Afterwards, Janos thinks to himself:
- Been a romanian for 10 minutes and these fucking bozgors are already persecuting me
Scots being greedy?

Okay, here's one.

Who invented copper wire?
Scots, when they were trying to pull a 1 pence coin from each other's hands
I don't know any greek jokes

I only know my granpa used to say i was whining like a greek under arrest when i didn't want something and my grandma used to say my ass will start speaking greek if i sit on the cold pavement
inferiority complex
did you shave your ass yet, laz boy?
i am greek
You know that you can not insult Greeks and switch to personal attacks.
its not even funny
Scot went to his friend for a visit. After a modest meal the master of the house puts in front of the guest a tiny droplet of honey on a small plate
- I see you bought yourself a bee John
I really don't know how you get 'grassy' to mean 'hö'. 'Hö' is hay. I'm guessing that in Finnish those are sort of synonyms. But that doesn't really work in Swedish, hay is something have in a barn, field, roof or feed animals with.

Furthermore, the possessive form of 'ö' is 'öns'. Further still, 'hö' and 'ö' should be one word.

So your poem should be more like:

"Ö ö,
Hööns mö"


"Ö ö,
Gräsöns mö"

t. autism
>how do greeks procreate
>they don't. they wait for turks to fuck their wives
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Sweden is a joke itself
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projecting subhumans
thats how albania was born

the subhumans are jealous of Greece
>When you completely make stuff up

ok so like in your picture there too. The Easter Rising and the Irish war of independence are two different things.

The Irish war of independence started when britain was at peace and at the height of their power
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We mostly joke about their ugly women and how autistic and serious they are.

>How to tell a difference between german woman and german cow?
By the earring
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Also, as response to their "stealing polack jokes"

>Pole, go to Germany, your grandma's jewelry is already there.
Here's a really good joke:

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I might believe you if you didn't keep oppressing yourselves throughout history.
Oohshit. Brutal. But good
Do you know how you sink a norwegian submarine?
You swim down and knock on the door.
Do you know how you sink it again?
You swim down and knock on the door. then the norwegian opens and says: Oh no, I'm not falling for it this time.
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>at least am no Danish
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You can't actually open the hatch on a submerged submarine, the pressure difference is too great.
The joke is a well-known classic. I didn't change anything except translate Finnish original copied from a random joke website into English. The original joke apparently contained some linguistic mistakes that I didn't fix because I'm not fluent in Swedish and many Finns have heard this joke in that form.

Our Swede jokes are mostly about Swedish people doing stupid things and as someone has noticed that some of your words are really short they have turned it into a shitty poem that's purpose is to sound as retarded as possible.

It works only in a joke. The poem itself is pure garbage in whatever language.
raus autist
When an alcoholic inbred redneck from northern France crosses the border to get into Belgium, it increases the IQ average of both countries.
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A german tourist stops in a gas station, gets off the car, sticks the hoose up his ass and starts pumping gas.
The clerk, curious, approaches im and says:

-Excuse me..., das ist nich normal
-Nein, das ist super
genuinely chuckled
portuguese women...



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Knew it before I saw it.
>Tell a joke about the country your country jokes the most about
Ukraine is Europe.
kek jocks btfo
i made a meme-tier translation
>A RAI reporter goes to Sardinia to interview an old man on his 100th birthday and asks him: " In 100 years, you must have seen worderfull things so tell us the most beautiful day of your life." And the old man: "The most beautiful day of my life was when the sheep was lost, the sheep for the Gennargentu Mountains had been lost, two days and two nights to look for it, and when we finally found it, to celebrate we all bore it and we did a great party till dawn. " "Yes, but you do understand that this anecdote can not be told on television, tell us another beautiful day of your life." And the old man goes on to say, "Another beautiful day was when we lost the goat. She was lost for for the Gennargentu Mountains, two days and two nights to look for her, and at the end when we found her to celebrate her we all bore it and we did a great party till dawn. " "Yes, but we can not say that in RAI. Look, we need to ask, tell us the worst day of yor life." And the old man: "The worst day of my life was when I lost myself ..."
betas btfo
I'm actually laughing out loud with this, good job mate
Yeah we have that one with the belgians but the surgeon asks him to count and when they accidently drop the platter of scalpels into his cranium he gets to 90 and says nonante.
We have this kind of jokes with jews.

Germans are the autistic people in polish jokes
How to distract a belgian for nine hours? See below.
How to distract a belgian for nine hours? See above.
Haha I like this one
A belgian terrorist tries to blow up a bus.
He burns his mouth on the exhaust pipe.
Does this mean Bulgaria, Denmark, Lithuania and Latvia are irrelevant?
As a matter of fact we mostly joke about ourselves.
*conquers half your country*
>Greek: Men and women had sex together
>The Greek is called homo sexual
lmao savage. That's some top tier yläastehuumori you've got there.
its inferiority complex and he made that up
Actually the French are our whipping boy. 90% of Arévalo's jokes were about the French and they are repeated by unfunny people to this day.
How do you separate a swedish officer from enlisted in a sauna?

With a crowbar:DD
A belgian terrorist tries to escape by taking himself hostage.
5 deaths, one missing person (the terrorist)
Germans are playing a football game against Jews in a gas chamber. The Germans put on their gas masks and turn on the gas all of a sudden the Jews start scoring goal after goal with the final result being 6:0 for the Jews. The Germans ask them, how did you manage to beat us so easily? The Jews resend, we had a home field advantage.
What's the easiest way for a Jew to escape a concentration camp? Through the chimney.
What would happen if a rabbi with an erection ran to a brick wall? He would brake his nose.
to be honest, the polish Jokes were more of a thing in 90s and 00s, i haven't heard them in a while now
A french and a belgian are watching TV in bar. On the screen there is the news where you can see a woman about to jump from a building.
The french says to the belgian : "I bet you 20€ she'll jump from the roof."
"Deal !" answer the belgian.

And indeed the woman jumps from the building and die, so the french earn his 20€.

"I'm not gonna lie", admit the frenchmnan, "I already saw her jumping from the roof in the news this morning."

"Yeah me too", says the belgian, "but I didn't think she'll do it twice !"
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>countries whose country-fu doesn't joke back at them
Feel bad for them, man.
If it's stolen, it's probably in Polen
greece BTFO how will they ever recover from this humble goat shepherd
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albanians are subhumans
see >>74831186
Why wasn't Jesus born in Poland? Because in Poland, there are no three wise men and no virgin.
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We do the same with spaniards.

Not cheap though, just stupid.
Judas speaks Spanish. Connect the dots.
The funny thing is that "gallegos" is not offensive to us, it's just a demonym.
The butt of the 60% Flemish majority's jokes are generally the Dutch (disregarding the universal racist jokes about Moroccans, Turks and niggers). So the map is wrong, and maybe the language border should have been included for accuracy.

>How do you recognize a Dutch ship?
There are no seagulls flying behind it.
>There are no seagulls flying behind it.

Walloons and Flemish are memes by themselves
I don't get this one, is this the Dakota access pipeline?
Literally humor for 10 year old kids.
you should know better
so, you guys make jokes about us because we killed your dear king and ended your time as a great power?
Scot dad: Here son, I have a strawberry for you
Scot son: Wow, my first one, tastes great!
Scot dad: You're not getting a second one, they all taste the same
What does the scotsmam do when he is cold?
He takes out a candle.
What does he do when he is even colder?
He sits closer to the candle.
And if he is even colder?
He sits even closer!
And if he is really-really cold?
He lights it.
Thought it'd be Belgium.

but to be honest Belgians here can be readily interchanged by Bosnians, Irish, Polacks, Punjabis,.. and the jokes repackaged accordingly in various parts of the world.

Similarly, the same can be said about the Dutch and the Scots, Jews, Indians...
>No humor in Belarus

It's no coincidence surrealism became so big here in the interbellum. Birds of a feather flock together.

love you all
hearthy kek was had
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ah Frisians and in Germany more specifically East-Frisians, almost forgot about them, they are pretty much also interchangable with us in jokes.
having gay sex or being gay probably
estonians pls tell us some joke about finland :)
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True that. The alcoholic inbred rednecks from Northern France are the sons of the only regions where FN has consistently been a political major force for the last couple of decades, and recently was the sole region to firmly choose Le Pen over Cuckholeon clone number eleven-and-thirty.

I'd gladly see a population exchange, letting these backward drunkard spare Belgians settle in Wallonia. In return Nord de France gets an equal amount of circumsized future engineers professing the religion of peace in return. The IQ net ratio is sure to be in France's favour, it's an offer they can't refuse.
Most people credit the invention of the windscreen wiper to a polish inventor, but it was actualy invented by a portuguese one.
It was the pole that put it outside of the car though.
pretty good, desu
Everyone is friendlier than us so that's not an achievement.

Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Bosnia and Greece confirmed bullied countries
but you moskals have word 'sravni' - chi srav, chi ni...
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look at all these retarded flags

you nigs are the reason why /int/ sucks bawlzzz
fuck man belgium

you non-country fag

i hate you
>everyone else is stupid or worse
> Madrileños are arrogant
let me guess you are madrilenyo
What's the difference between a Mexican and a park bench?

The park bench can support four kids.

What is Hungary's beef with the Scots? What the fuck is their problem?
What will happen if you burn a flag in Albania?
Nothing, since all Albanians have escaped to Greece or other countries.

There's no pointing in washing a Turk, you're wasting your soap.

Mexicans, somehow, manage to support fuckhuge families. The original version of that joke was with niggers.

Mexicans are ripe for lampooning in other ways, like how they pronounce words in English (or "ingless"

>what do Mexicans use to cut their pizza
>Little Ceasar's
>Belgium and Sweden are jokes to all of their neighbors

What kind of banter does Hungary have about Scotland?
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>Belgians make fun of French the most
Heh I dunno where this came from, the only thing we think about the frogs is that they're an arrogant bunch that have a stick up their asses
Aside of that we don't give a shit about them

Wew did you learn that from the Emus?
Drunk Germany pls
they made cheap textile in general from their industry in the north
Then you proceed to shoot it down with your own general, because you can't differ the Italian flag from the Hungarian one.
How to cook a Bosnian head? Put two stones and a bosnian head in boiling water, when stones become soft then take them out and cook the head for two more hours.

there is a meme that bosnians have hard heads, probably something related to their stupidity, they have thick skulls with no brain.

most jokes are about bosnians and slovenians
What do you call 20 thousAnd abos strapped to a rocket ?

Clean up Australia day

What do you call 20 thousand Indians at the bottom of the Ocean?

A good start
Vanilla is better

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