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Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 49

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Top blokes edition
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what's it like to be loved?
(yank replies will be ignored)
love it when an escort uses her escort twitter account to complain about things to supermarkets/companies
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fuck off sunderland you won't be missed
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dunno why you're asking me mate aha
swear by sudocrem
post it x
Sniffing gear does mental stuff
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lads why do I turn gay when I'm drunken?

I'm very confused about myself
can i bum you?
probably because you're gay

Grabbing muscles is the equivalent of grabbing a girls boobs or arse

"Oh look how big they are haha"

Double standards
England fighting right now.
i'm going to be alone forever, what do
never have and never will reply to poofters
not true
Don't care mate
8 inch
it's because you're bisexual but you're too silly to realise that
doing my first reply to one now x
Wasn't talking to you.
how would i go about meeting a nice girl in stoke and maybe getting my willy wet

feel like i should have got a job somewhere that isn't still stuck in the 70s aha
Skull a bit thick mate? I said I don't care
reinvent yourself
off yourself
were you talking to me?
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>Don't care mate
all sounds hard, just going to continue with the painful monotony and resentment for my past actions
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>>Don't care mate
can I fix this?
Might make a post. Might not
just pood my pants
No doubt the normies at work will be talking about the boxing on Tuesday, how do I fit in lads, what should I say?
Go to Keele uni
halsey sucks
godlike post
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>just pood my pants
Good lad, put that entitled slag back in her place
>nipped to shop for sunday paper
>ended up shagging 3 girls
No idea how anyone can be a virgin in 2017.
cracking boxing game on saturday that was. did you see that punch? did you see that guys muscles? phwoar
I had a premonition in the last thread that this thread was going to be an utter disaster
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just gonna mark this thread as american territory real quick
Why am I spending my time watcing this runt?

His life and mannerisms are VERY runty, can't look away though. It's quite depressing that 90%+ of people lead such lives.
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alri? give us a rate would you
watching dear white people
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Happy Big Shell day lads
please stop using racist terms in my /brit/
>nipped to brothel for a shag
>ended up buying 3 papers
>free smells
listening to nick cave
who are you talking to
is Ronnie O'Sullivan immortal? fucker hasn't aged a day since the 90s
Worst mgs game
entertaining the possibility that this is legit because this image aint showing up on reverse search
how though, not a student and I've already got a masters
bit cheeky ;) x

what's your masters in
bit gay
Anglish FTW
coughing up 'cus
not nice
chem eng lad
listening to footwork eating strawberries
Arrogant students are not welcome in MY /brit/
Only current pupils of the School of Hard Knocks or the University of Life are accepted
sports psychology
utter runt opinion, 4 and V are way worse
Me too pink moons my favourite aha
Australia vs Spain
just dabbed
Don't care.
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*pricks your bottom lip with a needle and it deflates like a balloon*

English lit. Absolute grind but great career options after grad.
cringe whenever someone says they rate coloured girls
useful image
can't see myself using it but I appreciate the effort nonetheless
Truly relapse is Eminem's best album
Em album ranking
1. Relapse
2. Slim shady EP
3. Infinite
4. Slim shady LP
5. Marshall Mathers LP
6. The Eminem show
7. Marshall Mathers LP 2
8. Recovery
9. Encore
tourism and leisure
A bit too niggery for my tastes lad.
i rate coloured girls
what's a good beer to bring to a house party

nice one
>but great career options after grad

listening to 9 albums of the same guy? how boring
thanks for supporting the australian music industry
t. aria
>great career options after grad

imagine being such a melt that you can't even get into a russell group to do maths, engineering or medicine

>mummy mummy i said a bad word!
MMLP 1 is the only decent thing he's done lol
>he's listened to every Eminem album
>he cares about Eminem's music

fucking hell....fucking hell.
Good looking
nick cave is culturally british
need some new clobber for 5-a-side and the gym, looking at sports direct and it's hardly fucking cheap
Eminem is the most successful and talented artist of the 21st century doesn't have a bad song
dear white people on german netflix

going to have a cheeky watch
Alternate opinion
1. MM LP
2. Slim Shady LP
3. Relapse
4. The Eminem Show
6. Encore
7. Infinite
i got my first real six-string
Shouldn't have posted that new picture
Britain smashing Turkey.

Can't believe I'm the only one here excited to see Brits in medieval armour smashing Turks heads in with swords and clubs.
My company (private security) has a detail helping out the TSA with passenger screening. Bag checks, pat downs, monitors, crowd control. All the shit the airport does except this was for a cruise line. They sent only the best officers from each site, so I knew literally no one except the corporate guys and one other officer.

Tuesday was the first cruise of the season and a girl (relatively older than me) was being oddly nice to me. About an hour in to the detail, she says something that made me laugh and said "just trying to make you smile, doesn't look like you do it very often"
Hello nigger
>putting encore above infinite
if eminem were a nigger no one would like him
chief keef? x
only clobber you need for the gym is some joggers and a few old t-shirts
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*delivers a dubious 2 footed slide tackle to your weak ankle just centimetres from the penalty box*
*ref allows it*
Going to study nursing at a poly lads.

Engineering? That's a shit-tier degree. You take that if you can't make it into maths.

Computer science is where it's at. Tech is encompassing our lives and everyone is clamouring for people who can program.

If you look around an office the people making the most money will be the manager and the fat cunt sitting in the server room.
business idea: persuade tim to wear his guitar strap properly
3. Went to shit after that
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Purely because the beats were far better but we're not rating Dre atm
Keele University SU
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be my gf?
Infinite has absolute fire beats are you smoking crack?
Dre is shite, and a crossdresser, Em's best beats were the ones he produced himself
She wants the D
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>Eminem is the most successful and talented artist of the 21st century
*stamps on you*
>if we just lampshade it having an annoying and overused narrator is fine
So much fucking cringe from last night it's hurting my brain

This is why I shouldn't sniff gear
Shiggy diggy. This song is proper SSLP tier
Literally won artist of the decade, mong
*ref gives you a straight red*
good they can have the cunt
Anyone else here go to Keele?
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New addition to the dream diary, does this mean I'm gay?
Top 5 Reddit-core musicians:
1. Queen
2. Radiohead
3. Eminem
4. Led Zeppelin
5. Gorillaz
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me and the alleged gf
I'm male though.
Sniffed some gear last night lads.

Just saying it in case you hadn't already heard but last night I sniffed some gear.
eminem fanboys are the biggest nonces on earth
yeah he did some good stuff but stop always talking about him
Bet you've never heard the EP, pleb

friend of mine almost did but he went to manchester instead
>dream diary
This is the worst post I've ever read, infinite is shite and unlistenable due to the quality
hope you get sucked into the bag sorting thing and all your bones get crushed and mangled you fucking cunt
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>radiohead is reddit
if you sing along to songs in public you're an annoying cunt
Been listening to Em since i was 7, I've heard every single one of his song, mixtapes and freestyles, fuck off
Probably a good call desu

nice. You deserve all the money in the world and really low hours, an amazing pension and holiday package for being a glorified porter and having a job anyone could do.
Feel a bit sick.
practicing self aggrandisement
do people who mention their Russel group uni really think they wont be seen as an absolute wanker
can i get into uni with a btec level 3 pass and a c grade a-level or do i need to do more a levels
You're a pleb. Just listen to the remastered Infinite track
young thug shits on eminem
Kid Rock is the voice of the generation 2b


Didn't know he was your mate
Mate you listen to fucking spastic like little uzi
Not one person in this thread respects your opinion
You need at least three and it'll be a pretty mediocre uni with those grades
the fat cunt in the server room is indeed a fat cunt, he probably also posts on 4chan and has a waifu

comp sci attracts a certain type of person who can be described with a word that begins with a and ends with c. sadly the same also applies to most people who do maths. it is true that engineering is full of people who weren't quite good enough to do maths though. mathematicians have a tendancy to end up in analytical jobs with poor job progression because they're too good at what they do for management to want to move them away from that.
then when you look outside the office the person actually making the most money, the managers' managers' managers' manager, will usually be either a business grad, an accountant or an engineer who has an MBA or similar depending on the industry.
*filters france*
don't enjoy the beatles
Got into uni with 3 Cs mate, just be yourself lmao
stop being so defensive hahahahaa
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>american rap star "not so gangsta" after being molested by popular english television presenter
Been listening to him since I was 4, my Brother used to play As The World Turns on repeat, my Mum used to go mad lel. Probably why I'm so fucked up.
Whole hip-hop community calls him that
He has PTSD from living in the hood, his house used to get shot at
>all the money in the world
>really low hours

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ahhh yes, americans
>Southend might be through to the playoffs

>what uni did you go to
>*tell them rustlers uni*

hmm yes very wankerish

that is by the by though as every uni below oxbridge is shit tier
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>hip-hop community

BTEC level 3 counts as 3 A levels, however since he got a pass that's basically an E at A level

BTEC pass = A level D
BTEC merit = A level C
BTEC distinction = A level B
BTEC dictinction* = A level A
west africans are so fucking ugly
can someone give me a swift breakdown on black women hair? why do they look like they are wearing wigs?
>hehe i listen to Eminem I'm so damaged and dangerous LOL
Fuck off you cringey gobshite
Yeah we're like two theives in a pod
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Don't mind me. Just posting best hip hop record of all time.
me top right getting angry at things
Why didn't Europeans have black slaves?
>why do they look like they are wearing wigs?

have you never seen a fight video between two black american women?
We could afford white ones.
quite regrettable that america created hip hop

come adventure island I'm waiting by rage mate, sort me a ticket though yeah? One short haha.
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Conservative black guys are the gamer girls of politics
eastern european ones were cheaper to import
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good hiphop aka not eminem
>yeah, you could say I'm a real Em fan hehe I rate infinite lower than encore
Fuck off you plebby gobshite
90s Hip Hops > 80s Hip Hops > literal dogshite laced with AIDS > modern Hip Hop
slavs were easier to import
cannot stop coughing haha what am i like
me on the right
meet me by Sky Drop mate
that's a great album desu
Going to howl at you when Millwall score
Does he always do that silly voice now? Seems like a real pain to keep it up.
civic nationalist r/the_donald/ runts don't care
Toddler-tier lyrics
*kills everyone in this thread*

fuckin cunts
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19000 calorie tea
Gimmick idea: Do live webcam shows every night on /brit/ where people pay money to make me do silly things

Computer science houses the most autistic of the lot, even more so than physics and maths.

The male/female divide is atrocious, they'll be some Asian girls and a handful of fuck ugly white girls who are shit at what they do as women's minds can't handle coding structures.

If you do computer science and you're not a normie enjoy spending 3 years speaking to nerdy fuckers
old man just got a new whip

it's a carrera 4s and it's rather fast
cheeky bit o cancer
me in your gfs fanny
ah yes the mid life crisis
Fuck off you hipster, just because he was unknown at the time doesn't make him better
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*pulls up next to you*
>hop in, we're ending the rigged Tory economy
abysmal post
"wah wah im a nerd wah wah my mums on drugs"
ah yes, eminem the fine lyricist
details lad
I've brought you a man!
i saw this, i always assumed it was a meme but the comp sci lot made the physicists look normal. they're not usually that smart either. a few are, but most are just stereotypical autists who grew up using their computer as a substitute father figure.
>replying to yourself
I'm judging by lyrical wordplay.
Fack is his worst song

can I finish my lunch?
his life is a pain
doing a voice is much easier than wilfully clinging to his ignorance all these years
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another album thats miles ahead of eminems career
OK, I'm lazy so I'll do this in greentext:

>Natural nigger hair is utterly shit: dry, sparse, nappy, etc...
>The nigger hair industry is worth tens of millions in the UK alone.
>Nogs, to escape their genetic hair-related woes, wear a fake 'weave' on top of their natural hair. This could be anything from extensions to a full-blown wig.
>Gets into fights, and has weave pulled off.
>Emits a simian primal scream.
yes indeed, better one of those than something dull like an audi or a beemer though
Fuck off :)
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>he listens to hip hop/rap
i dont listen to music that glorifies violence, crime and black savagery.
me in the reflection
"wah wah, I'm so gangsta let me rap about murdering people like 20000 other rappers because I'm so hard!"
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>another album thats miles ahead of eminems career
/brit/ is a Milibandite general lad, watch your step
unironically pissed the bed last night

i'm 24
Styles P - A gangster and a gentleman
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better than eminem
Remember that chicken man webcam thing on the internet? You could tell him to do anything, dance, whatever and he'd do it. 24/7 (I assume there was more than one guy).
His wordplay got better with every album, and its not his best but one song doesn't discredit an entire album
They are wearing wigs

They're called weaves
gf wants my willy in her literally all of the time
my mate does that all the time. only when pissed though. i literally have to remind him to do a wee before sleeping like his fucking mum.
My mate and his bird both liked my picture at the same time

They're clearly laughing at me
>niggered up image to the point where the zips on everyone else aren't even visible
kind of defeats the point
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A solar eclipse

the cosmic ballet

gose on
feel like shit

no idea, wasn't drinking and i had a piss before bed last night too

i woke up about 9 this morning and smelt piss, then i moved and felt the wetness all over my mattress

haven't got a fucking clue what happened
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>we will never hear another gangstarr album
Kill yourself
Rainman, Big Weenie, My First Single. All shite
>using facebook/instagram
do that sometimes when i'm very drunk and forget to piss before bed
going to throw myself off end of Southend pier

had enough
Just liked my mates picture at the same time as my girlfriend, we were discussing how nice he looked
Cannot fathom why Eminem ever started D12. Surely he could see that they were all really fucking shit rappers to a varying degree
Funny though
Remember that bloke from one of the early X Factor shows who worked in a chicken factory?
i wish its just croop or summat
you're right
havent used social media in years and never owned a smartphone
Proof was great. He only really started D12 so he could get his friends out of the hood and make them money. Agreed though.
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hope you don't succumb, it's degenerate
southend on sea
I notice non-small-cell lung cancer lad has stopped posting after getting his CT scan
Proof was decent yeah. The most frustrating part of D12 was that they were supposed to develop an alternate personality like Eminem and Slim Shady, but all they did was make different names and rap exactly the same without any change content. It was babby lyrics from all of them. Had so much potential
>Manchester Poonited
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> gf wants my willy in her literally all of the time
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I'm still here. CT scan has a high failure rate, still getting pain from the mets to my brain and spine. I don't think I have long left but they don't believe me anymore. I'll be vindicated in death.
essential gucci right there
Plus they all literally copied Eminem's style
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don't give a fuck. hope hell exists just so he burns in it
Would love a spliff but copping weed is too much effort
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just realised it's not called Alexus
Ignore this comment please, I'm just going to reply to myself to see how it feels.
Couldn't afford a car so she named her daughter Alexus
Hello nigger. haha
Do I have terminal lung cancer? Yes.

Do I rate Pogba? No.
still seen no proof of this ludicrous claim
Em is a great singer

those lyrics make no sense. it's called a Lexus
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The owners of my bottle-o are trying to set me up with someone
do i care?
yeah nah
Do I have several kids being raised by single mothers? Yes.

Do I rate Pogba? Yes.
*facepalms myself into another dimension*
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Step aside plebs
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disastrous state of affairs
am I withdrawing from morphine? Yes

do i rate pogba? No
Paul Pogba actually seems like a really nice lad desu.

Don't rate him tho.
>Posts one of the worst examples of his singing
fucking go for it you runt, maybe shes got big tits
it's not that embarrassing especially when they put the logo to the left like that . it literally looks like a capital A especially stylised like @
tore the ol' foreskin a little bit
stings when i piss
and maybe she's a hideous runt
*rubs my hand on my bollocks*

*takes a sniff*

>Really liked Patagonia clothing, their fleeces, pullovers, etc..
>Finally escape NEETdom so I can afford to buy things.
>Discover they've become a fuccboi streetwear brand and now prices are inflated 200%

Fucking runts. I'm going to kill each and every last one of you.
How will you react when Anthony Joshua gets BTFO by the gypsy king?
It looks like an L you spastic
unironically do this many times a day
Labour should put the legalisation of drugs into their manifesto if they want to get the support of young people.
But what if I don't like her and I don't know how to say it and I'm stuck going out with her for years
And if I don't tell her I'll have to find a new bottle-o
Also I haven't been on a date before so I'm scared
wish i could pick a hot girl's brain
>A Lexus

The absolute state of your abilities of inference.
Buy Carharrt
north face innit
Better but I prefer something like this desu
so they're setting him up with you?
Better example of Eminem's singing
Thread posts: 318
Thread images: 49

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