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Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 71

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be nice edition
Asian (top tier face and legs) > Latina (top tier butt) > White (average all around) > Black (???)
>Black (???)
you can own them as slaves
I'm a fan of this edition 2bh
fan of this too 2bh
Bucks (face and personality) > Bucks (Butt and pecs) > Bucks (hair and walking speed) > jewish/white women > Bucks (footcraft and fingernails)
just saw a black chick with the THICCest ass Ive ever seen, buds
Asians have shapeless legs.
Asians have the best nipples
The only times people threatened violence against me have been by black people and over complete non-issues

>asian(top tier face)

this. most of the time they wear kimonos or whatever to cover up the less-dense-than air gaseous compound beneath their torso that keeps them elevated above the ground
someone had to say it
The only times people threatened violence against me have been by white men, asian men, but mostly white women over complete non-issues
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Hmmm they gave me a dinner bun instead of margarine
Luckily I have a condiment stash
Original post
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>4 hours into studying for finals
>already feel burned out
uh oh
>over complete non-issues
somebody needs to keep you pussy ass crackkkers in checkkk every once in a while
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proof you're wrong
The only times people threatened violence against me has been by honkies and their klan members
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>one of my professors decided to replace the final exam with a 15 page paper
not sure how to feel

if youve spent even a week surrounded by asians instead of cherrypicking the 1 in 15 cute off the internet, youd see theyre hideous
the actual neo-nazis I've met have never threatened me with violence (mostly cause they were old), but the punk upper class whites and asians do.
Youre just very bitter none would be your gf
>if youve spent even a week surrounded by asians

I'm a leaf who else do you think I'm surrounded by?
filipino girls though are the best of the best

no, Ive never even asked one

theyre fucking EVERYWHERE here


moose and geese
why does the other montreal poster only show up when i leave?

white people and poo in loos
(((if))) (((you))) (((don't))) (((post))) (((like))) (((this))) (((don't))) (((expect))) (((to))) (((get))) (((any))) (((of))) (((this))) ((())) ((())) <(((my))) (((butt)))
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Less studying for you, then. Sounds like the kind of project I could pump out over a weekend.
bucks county lowers the quality of these threads significantly
maybe we're all the same person
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stop it
This was a good post nice job
Maybe there is one person from each flag here.
t. conspiracy theorist
just punched a nazi lol

he said "hitler's ghost is gonna rape you to death you fucking stupid bitch!" so I kicked him right in the BAWLS xD

we were at the bus stop waiting, and I think my flower power purse really pissed him off (those guys don't like bright colors or warm, fuzzy feelings pecking at their white supremacist craw :/ (guess you could say he was TRIGGERED)). all the other people (a latinx family and a cishet couple) laughed when that fucker hit the ground

anyway my hrt session went well

Im the lone California psoter
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Is this an accurate depiction of the Northeast?
thats eugene
>tfw no one replies to your post
*eats your dessert while you aren't looking and doesn't give you a (You)*

it wasnt personal... kid
good luck on ur finals. may Jesus Christ pick up your pencil and complete your scan tron

>nonflag user
Lord Jesus please take this man out of my sight

Lord Jesus please prescribe this man Ritalin or some kind of sedative used for large animals

Lord Jesus please make this man less sarcastic

I mean, it sort of looks like some shitty parts of NJ, but considering we are one of the more developed parts of the country I don't think we hold the rep for looking like russia
protip: include a picture of a frog
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bucks county was a mistake
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Good idea.
I really like the image where little frog is in the toilet looking so self reflective and big frog is giving him the middle finger
Meant to but hit post instead of browse for image in accident

*eats your poo*
heh looks like I got the last laugh
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i went out like 2 blocks from my house, and there was this family of chicanos and they were speaking in english this was so utterly disgusting on itself but then i realized one of the girls had like 3 niggers son, and she was like 23! so disgusting chicanos and coal burners should be shot on sight
how do we fix the chicano problem
Guy on Phone: Is this the Krusty Krab?
Patrick: No, this is Patrick. [hangs up and starts whistling. phone rings again]
Girl on Phone: Is this the Krusty Krab?
Patrick: [annoyed] No! This is Patrick! [hangs up and continues to whistle. phone rings, yet again]
Another Guy on Phone: Is this the Krusty Krab?
Patrick: [infuriated] No! This is Patrick! [puts phone down and folds his arms] I'm not a Krusty Krab.
SpongeBob: Uhh, Patrick, that's the name of the restaurant.
Patrick: Huh? Oh, Fishpaste!
nice frog!
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america is better every single day because bucks county makes it that way, so be quiet and let me give you a lesson. see the sky? bucks county keeps it free of ozone and russians. see the ground? bucks county keeps that from becoming a stream of sentient piss. see your neighbor? and your other neighbor? and your teacher and your friends? they all support bucks. you are surrounded by bucks. you ARE bucks. do not insult yourself.
chicanos are the new italians

I would suggest cyanide for that idiot making shit up. That or medical grade charcoal because that nigga is drunk.
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Is this true?
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how does it taste
just found the facebook of this girl that sucked my dick in middleschool

should i add her and try to get another bj
the world doesnt need new italians

I think it's funny that chicanos are just like American black people that go to Africa.

>bitch GTFO this isn't your home
every time I play ck2, either my vassals hate me, or I lose every battle I'm in
It was ok
have you tried not being retarded
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Stop consuming asian media
*eats some anime*
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I can't help it
decided to not starve to death and make macaroni and cheese for dinner
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or just settle for any girl that exercises
>he doesn't play ck2 just to marry and have children with his sister
*likes this post*
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>Canada is 76.7% percent white
>Still the whitest country in NA

if I spend 150 dollars on an action figure what does that make me?
thank you

a collector
isnt iceland half native or something
a hobbyist
no better or worse than someone who spends $150 on sports memorabilia or feeding the poor

the universe remains at balance
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a sap and a freak
canadian-italians are shit tier but northern italy is a great place
which figure
I always wanted to collect but I don't have a place to put them
is this u
good post
people who buy figures are pathetic. at least assemble something
I have more computer and video games than I'll ever play and I still buy more.
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I have never taken a piss while sitting down in my life

In the northern portion I think. Nobody really goes there because it sucks for everybody but them.
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jokes on you, I bought this AND I assembled gundams
this tbqh

I don't play much at all, but I keep buying them. I'm trying to convert the spending compulsion to books now to at least become learned or pretend to be learn-ed
upcoming release from DamToys of an FBI HRT operator from 90's San Diego.

Interesting thing is that these companies rotate what 'scene' they make models for. 1-2 years ago they made a whole line of russian spetsnaz operators, last year they made some british troops and SOF, now they are doing a little bit of 90s cali.

the website is monkeydepot, but they are sold at many sites
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>reach into my backpack
>find the chic-fil-a sauce from thursday
yukari fucking shit
do they have a ruby ridge special edition?
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I have never taken a piss while sitting up in my life
Whites are native to Iceland
I used to have an entire lego town before I packed it up. it's literally all in a box right behind me

u waited in that line for 2 hours breh you deserve it
>bought a figure of a game he didnt play more than a couple hours of
Was it autisim?
Good post
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t. pleb

Yuka is CUTE
>tfw my college paid me and a couple of my friends $100 each to babysit some kids for a couple of hours while they were having an event on my campus

I would disagree when it comes to like, really complex model airplanes. I'd much rather buy something pre-built that's made out of steel. Those build models are flimsy as fuck. You can't let anyone handle them. Unless you use epoxy which means you have to assemble them outdoors. Breathe that shit in for even a short amount of time and you're going to be coughing blood with the IQ of a lemur.

actually, dropping P3 would mean I DONT have autism
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Not yet, maybe in the future. the fbi they are releasing now aren't too different with their greenish camo. the companies aren't shy of painful topics though. they released pic related from the beslan school massacre, so maybe they'll do ruby ridge
What is wrong with you honestly

I guess that means something for college students. Shit pay for having to deal with kids in my opinion.
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Should I buy Persona 5?
>Those build models are flimsy as fuck. You can't let anyone handle them.
and? its an autistic hobby. youre not supposed to give it to a child to play with and run around with

cripplingly low self esteem
where is the shadow coming from?
good lad
this. I want to have at least a little functionality so my autism can move the figure around. I keep making the mistake of buying unassembled ww2 tank infantry and models, and I never get around to them because it's so much work for something I can't even pose. plus I suck at painting

emulate 3 or 4 first to see if you like the """"""gameplay""""""
There were several other people there as well. It wasn't too much work desu
Some Asian kid kept throwing sticks for some reason, though
basically youre a casual
>not mitsuru
jesus christ

games from 2002 are 15 years old

holy fuck, that was past the golden era too
Maybe if you didn't spend money on plastic figures and bought some nice clothes instead, you could get a gf
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i sometimes wonder why I joined MATO
>not elizabeth
what is this meme I keep seeing? persona is easier than smt, but it's a lot more involved than the typical jrpg
i sometimes wonder why i roleplayed with you

2nd best girl
those gams
I honestly feel like being a young person on the west coast from 2000-2010 would have been like a golden era for me. I feel sad sometimes that I missed out
implying that I want a gf instead of plastic figures
Hes just autistic and has been complaining nonstop
Ignore him
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caroline and justine from persona 5 (winter 2014) are my waifus
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just stop posting
Do women care about how men are dressed?

sorry, I dont find "one inane activity per afternoon then lookalike tarturus floors while everyone gets tired after 5 minutes" exciting gameplay
*happy slaps you*
yes. it does say a lot about you depending on the environment. there's a big saying out here: "the clothes makes the man".

obviously clothing alone can't carry you, but it does convey a lot to women
think i might get take out
and they wouldn't understand a word we say

so we'll scratch it all down into the clay
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stay hydrated out there bros
I believe the man makes the clothing but whatever.
An attractive man can dress like a hobo and still make women wet.
eh I tried a lot. like genuinely cold approached a few women on top of the many I talked to when the situation allowed. now I'm entering a time where I'm going to spend most of my waking hours studying, so I'm going to buy some figures
Is it wrong to wear the same clothes two days in a row? Always been self conscious of this.
my cheap mouse's scroll wheel takes like three clicks to open something in a new tab now

recommend a sub-$100 mouse to last the rest of my life. must be hard-wired, I like low dpi, and logitech is my preferred brand
>dont even finish the tutorial and complain
Ah yes the old 'tisim
Sad they're going to shut down yik yak my favorite app
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Don't listen to the water jew.

9/10 doctors recommend drinking a glass of milk with every meal.
I sometimes wear the same pair of pants two days in a row but never a shirt/sweater/etc

I beat that bitch on the train after "not a Gary sue" MC magically knew how to stop the train

then the stupid kid appeared in my room and told me there was another full moon coming or something, and I realized Id already gotten a month or so into the game and I couldnt give 2 shits about what happened
I'm not disagreeing with you, but I wasn't implying that nice clothes wins the day either. if a man is a fucking baller alpha and wears jeans and a t shirt, he can definitely play off that. if you want to give off a more yuppie american psycho image you need nicer clothes. again, you are right, but most men probably could use the support of nice clothes to appeal to women, just like most women could use a little makeup support to bring the boys to the yard

depends on the context. in school nobody cares. if it's an office and it's all white button downs, nobody can tell the difference. i've been lazy as hell with clothes washing recently and have been rotating the same 3 pairs of jeans over the past 2 weeks
starving a beast, at the very least

will just increase its hunger

go right ahead, and starve me dead

it will only make me stronger
It's fine to wear the same jacket or shoes twice in a row but don't wear the same shirt twice in a row.
no one gives a shit
Cheers lads.
need a cute lad to suck my willy
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Hope none of you plan on spending your Friday night posting on 4chan

are you telling me the first boss is still part of the tutorial?
>tfw wear 1 pear of pants all the time and wear basic white t-shirts and girls tell me im well dressed

ah yes
I'm already in too deep
lmao now there are two of you

well obviously I have to study for a midterm too
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>tfw wear the same pair of shoes more than twice in a row
devilish as it is, I'm afraid it won't be appreciated
we're one person we just post on different devices
if it's normal shoes nobody will care
if it's nice leather boots/shoes with a goodyear welt, you just triggered a whole bunch of people
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Ahhhhhhhhh. My favorite time of the day. Hospital dinner posts make the world go around.
Since when is the first boss not part of a tutorial?
fake news
ah yes
the maggot lair
more like faggot lair if you ask me
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Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu
Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion

or cultural system. I am not from the East
or the West, not out of the ocean or up

from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not
composed of elements at all. I do not exist,

am not an entity in this world or in the next,
did not descend from Adam and Eve or any

origin story. My place is placeless, a trace
of the traceless. Neither body or soul.

I belong to the beloved, have seen the two
worlds as one and that one call to and know,

first, last, outer, inner, only that
breath breathing human being

what did he mean by this?

arkham games
alternative facts
kale is unironically enjoyable
would you guys live in rural areas if you could get a job that allowed it?

feels like a lot of people are forced to the cities now because all the jobs are there
today seems rather boring for you

I guess I'm biased because I hate kids. I hated being one and when I was one. I can't even watch home videos of myself because it's like, "god I hate that fucking kid" and it's literally me in the past.

I already live in a rural area
where at? genuinely interested to hear what rural CA is like because we hear so much from the cities
Talking abought traditional jrpgs
Actually never mind i dont give a fuck its the same rabbithole with you
No, rural areas are depressing and poor.

I live in a rural area and I have that sort of job. There's a major biotech firm that has a large lab here. Fuck the cities and everybody there. You shiteaters can keep it.
i could. ive considered living at the family cottage and being a ski instructor and sailing instructor in the summer
really? i'm' probably heading towards astoria with the trajectory I'm on. where are you at? clack is suburban, right?
Nah there is something very comfortable and zen about hospital food posting. I haven't quite put my finger on it yet. Just really enjoy coming home from a long day at work and looking at that plastic tray with nutritionally optimized and perfectly measured out portions. Why the milkette? Why not just a regular milk? Is there a scientific reason for not drinking more milk than that? Have we all been drinking too much milk?

final fantasy 2(4), 3(6), 7
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>tfw texting heavily with co-worker for weeks
>getting close
>just discovered that she gets turned on when I tell her that I masturbate thoughts of her

I don't know about the others, but the robo guard is part of the tutorial in ff7

you haven't even learned about materia at this point
c-calm down senpai. what do you do in your spare time

that sounds nice. i imagine you would need to go to nova scotia for that. ever been to newfoundland?
Dream baby dream
if you play jrpgs kill yourself asap
What's /cum/ listening to right now?
Yeah, I live in Northwestern Clackamas County, which is just Portland suburbs. The rest of the county is rural and depressing.
why do you always sleep so late you only see my dinnerposts? do you ever see my breakfastposts or lunchposts or menuposts?

Hike, fish, fuck around with my garden and occasionally go shooting. Or whatever else I can think of doing. There's nothing to miss about living in the city. With the way things are going you have access to almost everything you could want in a major city. You just have to know how.
>i imagine you would need to go to nova scotia for that
what? theres no skiing in nova scotia

i'd be doing the sailing on a lake. and no ive never been to the maritimes
Only on the weekends. I work 10 hour shifts during the week so I am working when you post breakfast and lunch.
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very comfy, but pretty boring
the only things to do in the entirety of the maritimes is getting drunk and collecting ei cheques because you don't have a job as the entire economy is fishing based and there's no more fish
hm, you notice a lot of people escaping portland's pricing and moving to the burbs? it seems like the city is really getting fucked over by its popularity, and it doesn't help that reddit has a top post on the front page promoting it every single day. for me the draw is the music scene, but we'll see how that changes with all the rent hikes
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wooow so deep
i'll be sure to post it all tomorrow just 4u big guy

I was in a nearby hospital a while ago and the public cafeteria was great. I wasn't a patient there. If the patients in the beds actually knew how much better the food was in the cath then there would be lawsuits over hostile treatment, I swear. The post-op nurses are outstanding at the hospital I visited. Can't say enough good things about them.
You are a very good man.
I just got yellow fever

how fucked am I?
willy willy bum bum
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are you white
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I have taytay fever
that slant eyed catfish will taste better than mom
most normal thing in the world if you're white

Depends, what state do you live in?
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I have juicy white thighs fever

You're in trouble then. Asian chicks being attracted to anything other than white guys outside their race is pretty damn rare.

Good luck to you.
lmao where do you guys get this shit from?

Asian girls are huge sluts. I have seen more asian + X mixes than anything else
asian girls are pure stop spreading bs
I've engaged in sexual acts with an Asian girl but don't have yellow fever
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Stop posting about Asian girls.

I'm from the northwest. I guess Asians adopt quiet tendency towards racism.

Here it's like, maybe a white guy, definitely not anything else.
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>Montreal shamefully gives away Subban to the Predators.
>Predators win the Stanley Cup

When did Canada stop being good at hockey teams?

Tits or dick. I bank on the latter.
Please don't remind me of the disappointment that is the Habs
you mean tagalog and hmong sluts with chicANO and black boyfriends?
playing walking dead and drinking coconut milk lads
I'd hardly consider Flips Asian. They're just slant eyed Mexicans.
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Whites are the hottest desu
Got a game of Cards Against Humanity going, if anyone wants to join.
Password is rage.
while we're on the subject, please rate my blogpost on falling for the /culture pals/ meme >>74181012
everything as far as I know. flips obviously but I've seen koreans mix with anything, and I have a CHI friend with a half japanese son
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post anime girls
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Wait, what happened after the Bruins series? I stopped following because I only usually follow lower divisions.

>how are you a Canuck fan? You're not Canadian

Bitch please.
>yfw indonesia is the country with the most amount of child brides in the world
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heres a real qt
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you can japanese not learn
this this actually happen?
>Wait, what happened after the Bruins series?
The Bruins started playing the Rangers (1-0 Rangers rn).

>I only usually follow lower divisions.
*tips fedora*
more game than me
what hobby do you take up when you don't like doing anything? I want a creative outlet but I don't like most of them

haven't tried music yet
Inching ever closer to the suicide event horizon 2bh
i thought you said you were ugly
I will kill you niqqa hu!
Oops jk 1-0 Ottawa rn against the Rangers I mean.


refute this

Always been that way dude.

I love how raw the amateur game is in most any sport. I'll tip you a fuck off.
fairly sure I am. don't know how that all happened but it's the first and last time I fall for the "women" meme
did you skype her or something? i cant even fathom meeting someone off the internet
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stop talking about sports
no, we just chatted a bit and I asked if she wanted to go for a walk in the park or something. honestly fucking bizarre the more I think about it
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I loved going to Thunderbirds games as a kid.

Yeah amateur hockey is a lot more fun to watch desu in general but ofc NHL is nice to watch just for the skill.

Well then bring up another point rather than complaining, fuckface.
she just saw the pics you uploaded to interpals? seems like a dumb girl
In the future, they're going to have anti-genetic defect therapy so incest couples can breed.
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>top tier face
why doesn't seattle have an NHL team yet a shit tonne of random cities in the south full of people who couldn't care less about hockey do

injustice 2bh

quebec city should get a hockey team again too
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Okay, this is a new video about Elon's The Boring Company:


Also my future employer.
Still some space left if anyone wants to play.
good post
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Incest is like cheating.

Fucking your sibling is probably 100 times easier than actually going out and trying interact with a stranger and fuck.
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business idea: a country only made of provinces/states that have WHL teams
is Connecticut even a place that exists?
Bureaucracy. Someone is trying to build a NHL/NBA stadium right now but the city just cucks him over and over again.

>Fucking your sibling is probably 100 times easier than actually going out and trying interact with a stranger and fuck.
how would you know?
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The city I grew up in lost it's farm team because the people renting the venue were a bunch of greedy fucks.

>we can't afford to pay this price
>I mean, we funded the update to the rink and everything, what the hell?

I moved away a long time ago and FUCK that city. It happened at around the same time that they wanted to make the city bus system free of charge.
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I saw like 3 animes based on siblings wanting to fuck each other. Since you've known your sibling since forever, you know how to interact with them. You know everything about them. There's no fun in cheating and making the gene pool weaker.
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not bad
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a general of CHL posters would be comfy
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just me and the memes are left now
business idea: fragment /cum/ into 5 or 6 different generals but have everyone post in all of them so they take up half the front page
I was going to suggest we all start dual-posting in dixie, but I think people won't even want to do that.

if we do initiate your plan, we should start with dixie, then create more generals as we go along
proposed generals:
/dixie/ (already made!)
/northeast + rust/
/mexico + carribean/
/carib/ is already a general and not included in /cum/

It's not like this is a chat window. You pay attention to what you want to.
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>implying we can't take regions by force
i guess we can just do /mex/ then

You have to be fucking kidding me.

That general would be ten posts a week.
another problem is our poster population. we just don't have the numbers. if we were like /brit/ we could fracture into 5 different generals and still have a lot of posts. we are spread thin in posts
think i might filter bucks, he's too much of an unapologetic redditor newfag
i just can't take you seriously now that i know you're like 18
take a look at the thread. 10/35 posts are from Caribbean flags
My last name is Rodriguez

>Pacific Empire tries to take Idaho and Western Montana and Wyoming

The nukes are on their side side, chum. Don't get greedy.
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Mine's Smith

One of my coworkers has both Rodriguez and Smith
dont engage me newfag, i was shitposting on 4chan when you were still getting driven to school by your mom

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engage THIS
what is this meme
it makes me feel unnerved
Tsukasa of all folks deserves to be happy
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...first name's Robert
Its an old meme used to derail Lucky Star threads across multiple imageboards.
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I was getting driven to school by my mom before somethingawful existed, bitch.

The fuck do you want?
wait Montreal is only 18?
I wanna be you bro

How do I make it like this
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>really thicc latina girl at work
>start talking with her
>good friends after 2 months, even went to play pool with her and another coworker
>just found out she has 3 kids and is single

She's 22
Thread posts: 315
Thread images: 71

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