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Thread replies: 336
Thread images: 111

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Radical centrism edition
first for reddit flags
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>voted drumpf
>thinks he's a centrist
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Centrists have mixed views. Dump has mixed views.
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Stop consuming Asian media
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Truly the patrician's political standing
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>laissez faire economy
other nations can't beat you in scientific progress if all the other nations are dead
>starts aiming an unloaded gun while he isn't being filmed
What did he mean by this?
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I'm not sure yet.

But with SpaceX for example, he didn't start with the reusability idea. He started with the idea of just reducing the cost of building rocket to something closer to the raw material costs. He could do the same with TBMs.

Why Elon over other companies? Big companies tend to not try new things. SpaceX at the begining was like 20 people.
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Fuck roads
I was testing the sights
>But with SpaceX for example, he didn't start with the reusability idea.
That was already done though, thats the soviet model and the saturn model

I dont get why he's trying to break into an established industry, he's going to need to steal talent from the existing firms
LYSF > F#a#infinity
Somebody post the pic of a minion sucking a dick
>drumpf tuck frump
I have it but I won't post it
weasyl > furaffinity
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people talk behind my back at work a lot
Macron will win.

I talk about you behind your back here
Does /cum/ use tile-wallpapers for their computer?
is he the good guy?
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so funny!!!!
>It is important that we think in the long term, beyond our lifespans.
>uses this to determine if you believe in "science"

into the trash
You must be a very interesting person
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I don't care about the long-term survival of the white race desu
Le Pen will win
[spoilwr]73999560 is a fag[/spoiler]
I consider you lower than a rapist
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is the one that is a pencil drawing?
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>Pope Francis calls refugee centres concentration camps
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I live to suffer

I collect a lot of Akari images
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girls are strange creatures
your concern about the survival of the white race is irrelevant though, youre a faggot that will never reproduce
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They probably found that current TBM manufactorers, and the people that use the TBMs to make tunnel both go overbudget to such an extend that they can take advange of it and break into the market.

I don't follow the space launch stuff to strictly, but my understanding was that the companies that built rockets, and launched them were always wayyy overbudget.
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>americans said that the chimpanzees known as malia and sasha obama were cute
>now they say ivanka is cute

This is how a president's daughter should look like
>but my understanding was that the companies that built rockets, and launched them were always wayyy overbudget.
I think SpaceX were first for private launch, no? I was talking about NASA and soviet space programs.

And the thing with TBM contracts and tenders is that they are almost always awarded by the public sphere to the private sphere so theres lots of wiggle room for corruption and kickback in that.
so far i only have daughter so i;m not worried about passing my dads shitty genes along
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looks like some basic instagram bitch hiding behind two layers of makeup and three layers of photo filters
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the cutest
>people who are having kids are still posting on 4chan
why and how
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fuck blizzard
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>dub trips
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Gee look my plan for plan for a 5 year undergrad, a masters, and post-grad is completely needless...

I hereby declare myself a master science person with the best knowledge in the extremely difficult scientific issues of intersex-phobia
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i actually have two daughter and i'm into lolli :^)
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>spic using a bunch of filters to appear whiter
Evrytiem, though she is the best daughter.
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Yeah this post isnt worrying at all
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Am I autistic for reading this shit?
haven't played the games since halo 4 came out years ago but I think the expanded universe is really fucking neat.
>native rights
i'm not gonna ruin their lives don't worry i'm not that fucked up
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When I was in University I knew a professor who told me how much he hated protests nowadays because the "sociologists" have ruined them with stuff like that.
there are so many books out there that aren't based on video games for 12 year olds
Women are funny, get over it
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I dare you to name ONE anime that asks more thought provoking questions
Women are not funny at all
>12 year olds
>most of them have been rated 17+ since 2001
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implying anyone actually follows the ESRB ratings

good night
but i don't watch animoo
I've met a few funny ones. Most of them don't have a sense of humor though unless its laughing at someone. They don't know how to laugh with someone.
If I put my elbow on the table and my ear in my hand, I can hear my computer fan
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tfw not even going to try for the get since I'm a tabletfag
my sister is funny, but sisters aren't women, they're gross
Your fans must be nice and quiet.

Mine are loud and powerful.
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my gf has never really made me laugh. smirk and giggle yes, but never lmao
but i can usually make her squirt from laughing
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I am a two-spirit pansexual vore-loving butch dyke who enjoys enema play and hopes to get a sugar daddy one day

>Not science
FosB accumulation in the nucleus accumbens represses the enzyme G9a, primarily associated with epigenetic modulation as it reduces dendrite formation associated with walker area 14 of the orbitofrontal cortex. Downregulation of G9a is related to increased dendrite spine formation, and therefore synaptic plasticity strengthens via long-term potentiation.
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me on the left
i like contact harvest
>the long hair makes up for any drag advantage
hope you like your women bald headed too
well fuck, well everyone shits on the scifi genere anyways, what's the difference between space operas written by award winning authors and franchised space operas written by award winning authors anyways?
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Look at all this climate change evidence, can anyone deny man-made climate change at this point?
>Not Science
Look at all this race and intelligence evidence, can anyone deny race plays a role in intelligence?
you should just treat them as fun books and nothing else, its not exactly intellectually stimulating but its like watching an action movie imo
nothing wrong with being autistic, or as I like to call us, the Differently Neurotypical
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whatever makes you feel better, eric
fuck you
>buying panties for a team moving to Vegas in a few years
Dumb spic

>raiders fan is a slut

cant say Im surprised
you'll figure out how to do it someday
nothing hotter than watching your gf squirt milk out her nose
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With the scientific racism, it has a lot to do with interpretation.

With the gender shit, there is no fucking evidence at all. There are a few preliminary studies regarding brain area differences for transexuals and non-transexuals which I can believe 100%. But "two-spirited pansexual sheepfucking faggot powerbottom" is not a scientific issue
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fuck drumpf
Who got the get

*crashes 5 ton truck into instathot gallery*
this was already said but it bares repeating

you arrive to buy...sandia... and end up wanting papaya?
okay bye
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Remember if you are against "SCIENCE!" you are on the wrong side of history
Dude I fucking love science lol
Did you know that fuck Drumpf?
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sandia = watermelon

and papaya welll

is obvious
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>people complain about Canadian gets
lalo landa..................... ;)
Freud and Kinsey shouldn't be there, they get shit on by current sociologists for being problematic.
I don't like the smug SCIENCE! stuff either, but it really is a reaction to the mass populist anti-science movement that took root during the latter half the 20th century from numerous scientific and industrial disasters.
i think i know her
me quede a dos posts sin intentarlo maldito joto
i am lorde ya ya ya
why are your restaurants so amazing
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Yeah, I also read the entry level hipster shit /lit/ always recommends, they are really fucking amazing but overwhelming at times.
Sometimes I just feel like rooting for a character and see his linear plot continues in a standard fashion. Perhaps I'll never be ready to discuss shit at /lit/ because I still don't feel the joy of being a contrarian elitist.
most noteworthy scientists are deist/theist. Only meme tier ones like biologists are agnostic/atheist
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>With the scientific racism, it has a lot to do with interpretation.
My nigger sense is tingling
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The anon you're replying from is from the GTA. Do with that information what you will.
just read books you like and thats it lmao, congrats on reading all that stuff in your second language
that's because the noteworthy ones tend to be further back in history, as they discovered the foundations for the fields of science we have today. Back then, religion had a much stronger presence, and as a result more people were religious. There is not some magical edge you gain by being religious
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I only read good books
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truly one of the greatest sinaloans of all time
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>no tingle

kys booklet
i need to update my library, all my books are ww2 fiction i used to read when i was 10

can alligators really get 6 pack abs?
Reading is for dorks.
the reasons they were religious back then still hold up. they would tell you the complexity of the universe implies a creator. if you really think those great thinkers only believed in God because of the culture then you're cutting their intellect short.
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>not reading the superior Canadian literature
Brainlets >>>/out/
All of my books are econ theory and business strategy books that I haven't even opened yet
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what should i name my band
i like reading creepypastas sometimes to give a me little spook before i go camping
College textbooks don't count.
>they would tell you the complexity of the universe implies a creator.

thats the most intellectually lazy argument ive ever heard and if they believed that in their heart of hearts they couldnt be geniuses
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there is a god and/or gods (not sure about goddesses though)
The Delegates

>thats the most intellectually lazy argument ive ever heard
not as intellectually lazy as just ruling something else off as intellectually lazy with no further explanation given
put that song on and you're guaranteed to get some pussy
It is intellectually lazy you're brainlet for not being able to see this pseudo-logical conclusion makes no sense and is supported by no evidence, it amounts to conjecture
Been hearing too much of this ginger fuck lately.
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Jesus christ I cant wait to get the fuck out of this hell hole and pig out in Italia
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like what?

I'm not the one attacking here. I am defending the work of more modern scientists who are in a less religious world. If anything, you are attacking the modern ones.

What I'm trying to get to here, is that science branches out. The scientists back in the day who started with the first root were the most famous, and in a time of great religious influence. Whether they thought about it or not, I don't know. Now, we have many little branches coming off that original one, and of course we don't acknowledge all the little accomplishments.

Everyone knows Newtown, who laid the groundwork for modern physics. Nobody knows the guy who invented the blue LED because it's just a tiny branch off of what Newton started.
I like my coffe how I like my women, with my dick in
I'm talking phrenology, craniometry, and polygenism. They were theories, explored, accepted, revised, then debunked.

For that picture I assume you want to talk about IQ. Personally, it's socioeconomic and genetics. If you're talking about how blacks have lower IQs and are therefore dumb, then you have to accept that whites have lower IQs than Asians. This creates a needless hiearchy.

Are asians truly smarter? Or could external influences play a part.

Since there is no objectivity involved, as opposed to an immunoassay where I can easily say yes or no to a diagnosis based on the numbers, it's more difficult for that stuff.

Plus, I mean even if blacks are indeed less smart, what does this do for science? I mean, I don't care, and I'm pretty sure the world's going to on the same way. Keep that stuff in sociology, science should be actual hard science not theories based on theories based on theories featuring one survey with 300 people
anyone who tries to make or counter a logical argument about the divine is not part of the elect, that much is certain
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"The Holocaust"
"Night" etc.
supported by no evidence? so the statement "the universe is complex" has no evidence, or that the complexity implies a creator has no evidence?
Diary of anne frank
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also god bless benzos

also mde never dies

okay i'm going to sleep soon

do benzos kids
i need some lorazepam
Yes we know the universe is complex. To connect that to a god requires a complete jump of faith. What dont you understand?
>theist means someone is religious
Atheists are the ultimate brainlets.
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>muh then whites would be less smart than asians!
>What does this even do for science lmao

Heavily melaninated anon confirmed, pure scientific research doesn't need results to be justified.
okay then you do either of these things; either 1- tell me a better explanation for the complexity of the universe than God or 2- admit that God is the best explanation. Just saying "god requires a leap of faith" is a cop out, either its the best explanation or you must have something else that is better
>he legitimately thinks asians are smarter than europeans

why do this?
False dilemma fallacy.
>this is actually what chicanos believe

wtf? i thought this was a meme outside of the bible belt
Has anyone here ever had an Asian roommate/dormmate? I had one in freshman year. All he did all day was go to class, study, and play ASSFAGGOTS.
I'm pretty sure people don't but I'm quite paranoid that they do anyway
I used to be quite autistic when I first got a job but I've kinda evened out since then
Unfortunately it's still the same job and a lot of the same people
things to not do ever: mix lorazepam with zopiclone and alcohol and smoke a dart and some weed
that was nice
but degenerate
don't do drugs kids
except benzos

>doesnt need results to be justified
lol what
and the whites vs asian thing's from Jared Taylor so yeah go argue against your fellow racist
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why didn't you separate based on your phenotype?
prove its fallacious then, give me a 3rd option also viable
i've only met a few asians
all named taka

yes, except it was sophomore

he was a cunt who didnt speak much, woke up in the morning with hair looking like a saiyan warrior, and he sat on his chair by his computer perched like a vulture
the big bang theory and the general theory of evolution have more evidence to support them than scripture, what's your point? the bible is far from the best explanation we have for the origins of the universe
Because computer programs that assign roommates don't care about what you look like. Also, why did you put flags back on?
My roommate his vietnamese, vietnamese are probably the closest asians to white people, koreans/chinese are too autistic and flips are too niggerish
what initiated the big bang and evolution? those theories have nothing to do with God
I had an asian roommate my freshman year. All he did was play league. Didn't even go to class. Had no concept of cleanliness, left a fuckhuge mess in the room and tried to blame it on me at the end of the year. His face was about 90% acne. Spoke english like a retarded toddler.
*accepts jesus into my life*

much better
Flips are like CHIs in my experience. They even have the same shitty national pride despite their countries being hellholes.
((((((((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) you fuckin retard use your brain
Everything that we are, know, and love is just part of a dream of an infinite being that we finite beings can't possibly comprehend
When we die we may ascend to a higher or descend to a lower plane of existance, or stay on the same one
Does that answer your question?
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I fell for the normie meme and started watching netflix series so I would not just stare at my colleges yapping about them during lunch.
They are ok in small doses, don't know how they manage to watch straight through 5+ hours of drama.
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Why question his existence? God is among us!
also, the bible is the best explanation because it explains the universe coming into existence from nothing. the big bang and evolution don't even touch on the universes origin
im an atheist and i even know that the most logical conclusion of the universe is that a God must have created it.
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bojack horseman is pretty good
Which series?

my explanation is that we are in a computer program

its just as valid as the bible you braindead chicano
They just watch it to say they did, I can't imagine people really get anything out of those huge binges.
Netflix is like 80% garbage nowadays
It's pgood, but the formula starts to get stale by s3
we are a mirror of another universe formed from pure random collisions of atoms that expand and contract over and over again in an endless cycle of universal death and repeat with no order or law.

just made up

w-we're not WHITE b-b-BAKA
>Just dropped a brand new roll of toilet paper directly into the toilet

I feel like a massive fuckin loser right now
what started the computer program
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is this true or not bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
>but the formula starts to get stale by s3
You can say the same for almost every show now. Excluding Rick and Morty, since it was stale before getting halfway through the first season.
*dies of fan death*
Just started "13 Reasons why" and House of Cards.

good job, loser
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>there is a viet in here
>redeemed xbox live gold on the wrong account
>contacted support and they transferred it to the right account

BASED microsoft

those aren't better explanations because they raise more questions than answers

Who created the aliens?
i've only seen s01-02
no longer giving my $9 to the netflix jews
>not questioning scripture

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Dry it off in the microwave
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*brings out the agent orange*
srs question for you: if god is good why does he keep letting new mexico post here?
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It is beyond a fraction of a doubt that this is the greatest, proudest, and most famous achievement of the Filipino race.
>friend's birthday is coming up pretty soon
>she's talking about how the new Zelda game looks pretty good and that she wants to play it but doesn't have a Switch
I wonder what she wants me to get her.
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cannot even begin to tell you how much I hate filipinos
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>cucks county is a fucking BOAT PERSON
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i love y'all bruhhhhhhhhhhs
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Don't forget to brush your teeth before bed
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*runs to cambodia*

g-g-g-g-g-glad you think i'm white

>not obama speaks to me
>Bucks is a Viet
That explains his autism.

Ive got something she can brush her teeth with
I did, hoping one day they would turn smart enough to build a device powerful enough to run a stable simulation of an universe.
They created the Demiurge (OS) capable of running background checks on reality (Like a hash checksum) to verify that nothing collapses and the laws and events are consistent with the defined restrictions of said universe.
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stop bullying bucks
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>high af off benzos

fake news
I heard in the South West they act like a bad mix of CHI and negro, accurate?
Bucks collects my posts, which means I have a right to bully him.

but who created you!
i had 5 bars of xanax and i binged them in 3 days
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>you have to strip away the spics to see the cultural identity of america
im not surprised
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when my cousins marry italian-americans, all I can think of is you
It doesn't make you autistic, it makes you literally stupid.
lucky cunt
They act like that everywhere because that's exactly what they are.

I think negros only applies to the LA area, which is a cultural dumpster of just about every ethnicity imaginable. CHI's are abundant though, yes
why do people complain about chicanos when we're top tier immigrants compared to all the european ones
just order them online bud

t. Jesus Fernandez garcia de Guadalupe Fedalupe Francesa Gonzalez
You did, welcome back
Because no one had their head chopped off in broad daylight with a machete in my hometown before fucking useless spics moved in
nobody hates you here in PA. we just never see you guys though so we can't befriend you :L

in the clash of italian and vietnamese genes, I think our autism is stronger.
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>white people think they have cultural identity
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Bought a beautiful restored Lee-Enfield today lads
i'll share my weed if you share a xanax bar
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>why do people complain about chicanos when we're top tier immigrants compared to all the european ones
Completely false. CHIs are horrible. I would honestly prefer being 20% Asian than 20% Hispanic
Awesome thanks for the reminder. My breath probably stinks awful with all the coffee and cigarettes.
who /alcoholic/ here

downed a 40 today, gonna pick up another one tomorrow ehn im sober
ive got weed, i need more xans
>move all pure swedes out of sweden and into maine
>leave all refugees behind
>declare maine to be new sweden
>nuke old sweden
i've drank three six (6) packs today
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The poor area where I grew up was better maintained/safer when niggers lived there before they were replaced by manlet spic and their gangs playing lord of the flies over burritos, just think about that
checking in

Can't drink right now I'm on antabuse. Been looking for a weed hookup.
why would you ruin maine with swedes? send them to new somalia AKA new sweden aka Minneapolis
I drank a dr pepper today
my life has been hilariously bad and dumb
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why not minnesota? when the swedes arrived to america they all bumrushed the state like it had infinite kringle. maine belongs to more pic related IMO T BH IIRC PHAM
>making Maine the most left-wing state in the union
If you're a Democrat I guess it's a good idea
>not Minnesota
what about benzos. i'll share some of those with you
i just wana forget about all my problems
xanax is a benzo my dude
badumb xd
What questions does being the imagination of an infinite being raise?
Bucks, you still never told me why you collect my posts in the first place.
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>b2b contradictory answers
i hurt my self today
to see if i still feel
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the poop
tried to kill it all away
I'm pretty sure Placer said that the negroes thing only applies to LA because he didn't realize the question was about flip behavior.
you're being a debbie downer
at least let's combine everything we have and get royally fucked up
i think he dislikes you and wants you smother you in autism until you leave
but all the pain, not even that was real.
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Because fuck you

no, the flips up here dont try to act black

they act like annoying druggies
>t. Juanny Dinero
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Nice, have you gone shooting with it yet?

Just got this revolver as gift, apparently it was from my father's grandfather, so it is a bit rusty, need to take a day to clean it.
I'll leave when I want to leave.
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NONONONONO i need him here
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>meme personality tests
>at least let's combine everything we have
all i have is weed bruh
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Fucking disgusting, kill yourself please
When's that gonna be?
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Duterte Harry.jpg
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Americans need to dress nicer
it's all good. all i have atm is weed and beer
soon tho bro soon
what the shit why aren't you guys getting brigaded by euros? when I posted a pic of my shotgun they fucking reposted it as a thread title making fun of me

uuhhhhhh maybe a few months? years? how long are you going to be here?
*dresses in a graphic tee and basketball shorts*
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i like guns
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Based Spen
I agree
how much? is it chambered in .303?
that definitely killed at least one person who thought it was a harmonica
I don't know. Maybe I'll stop posting after this summer.
I like playing with fire.
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The "I have given up on life but also on suicide" look
This image is incredible.
chi's have lowered your crime rat and this is coming from a guy that fucking hates chi's
>chi's have lowered your crime rat
Do beaners actually believe this?
Based on an incredible true story
people in montreal are really well dressed

whenever i go too deep into the suburbs or god forbid cross the border everyone becomes fat and starts wearing sketchers and looking like their entire wardrobe comes from walmart.
*wears khakis and flip-flops to the gym*
i keep considering quebec but I would definitely be unfit as I cannot speak french
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Are they well dressed or are do they look like they are preparing for the gay pride parade?
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in the winter, youd typically see a dude in slim cut pants, a peacoat and ankle cut rainboots.

All the fags stay in the gay village
we dont want autistic hapas here, move to vancouver
Nah it was cold out today so I didn't go out. Not really planning on shooting it much as ammo for it is really expensive, it's more of a collectors piece for me.

That's pretty nice, would look real cool all polished up


Yeah it's .303. Stock was redone, metal was reblued. I think there are some minor new parts on it though like the firing pin and some other small shit.
nigga french is easy af to learn, english is like half french words already so you pretty much have a head start
Storm by itself > f#a#infinity
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your crime rate has been lowering since mass Mexican migration started in 1994.
Correlation does not mean causation but it's a fun meme I like to exploit with trump supporters.
Anyways chi's are fucking scum regardless if they are either violent or not.
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who else /infp/ masterrace
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>it has a lot to do with interpretation

No, not at all. It's just people are afraid of politically incorrect data and concepts. Sam Harris just had a talk with Charles Murray on his work and according to both of them and every other piece of scientific research I've read or heard about on the subject, the people actually studying racial differences in achievement, IQ and so forth have a consensus that there are differences in group achievement and especially intelligence that are at least partially genetic.

Link for convenience:
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