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Hungarians vs. Bulgarians

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Thread replies: 398
Thread images: 53

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Which do you prefer?
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Post Hungarian memes pls
Hungry Bulgarians

Or Hungarians with a Bulge
never seen any hungarian meme
how about hung aryans with a bulge
stfu gypsy
where do you get the balls to call me a gypsy you fucking subhuman paki nigger faggot with a muslim mayor in the capital?

fuck you, faggot
yeah, i prefer hungarians now
i dont give a fuck who you prefer mohammed
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> Hungarian memes
good luck w/ that one
bull-garians > hung-aryans
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Hungary unveiled
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WHo has the best looking girls?
Well let's see:
Bulgaria = commies
Hungary = gypsies

Although, Bulgaria is no longer communist, and is quite better than most eastern European countries, but our lord and savior was born in former Austria-Hungary.
Gonna have to go with Hungary.
I think you'll find it's the Bulgarians that are the gypsies, you thick cunt
I've been to Hungary, shithead. Some gypsies tried to sell me a Nintendo DS for 10,000 Hungarian dollars.
They're both full of gypsies
does anyone have some good goulash memes?
No you haven't
You're thinking of Romania
I could have sworn I saw one years ago where it was a Hungarian merchant adding shit to a pot of goulash and it said "Serves him right, he trusted a Hungarian" or something like that.
All 3 are full of gypsies dude. Those are the 3 most gypsy filled countries in the region. Turkey has a ton too but who can tell the difference there
>Those are the 3 most gypsy filled countries in the region
Ah yes, a clueless, arrogant nigger who thinks he knows it all.

Go play with the cops and do us all a favour
What's the difference? They're all turks anyway.
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I'm going to trust that it was funny.
t. János Paprikács from Birmingham UK
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t. Ty'Rone O'Dinghylips for Shitsville, Alabama
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One more
You can't even create a fake black name.

It's more like this:

Tyrone B'robert Freeman from Kangzville, MI
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Ah yes, the old székelygulyás
That's a real Black name though
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final stage
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>Subjecting all of Europe to so many grammatical cases

How will society even function?
Not the bulgars
go away. no one likes leafs
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>telling a leaf to go away when they make a good post for once
it was a boring shitpost
i wish i could pick one
palvin is my wifu, and berbatov is my favourite football player
i seriously dont know which to choose
Szopjad a farkamat kurva angol ribanc, mennyél vissza a rothadó népedhez és várjál a halálra.

But thanks, I try
please kill yourself leaf
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Hungarians, but they're all so despondent and sucidal
szopd le a faszom te angol rohadék*

menj vissza gusztustalan népedhez*

és dögölj meg*

Majdnem helyes volt. Ha nőről beszélsz kurvázhatsz,de férfiakat nem szokás.
bit rude
If you put it in the google translate I can guarantee you it's 99% incorrect, because our language is agglutinative, not indo-european, also a great deal of meaning is implied by free word order, so it changes according to the speakers intent and robots are really bad at interpreting the nuances.
Bulgarian women are much more beautiful. In terms of beauty of the country, I'd also give it to Bulgaria because of their coastline and mountains.

Bulgaria wins, hands down. Fucking love that country. But Hungary is also very nice.

Oh yes. Language is another reason why Bulgaria is better. Hungarian sounds pretty nasty lol... It's the Chinese of Europe.
Ne játszd magadat nyelvtanárnak, úgy sem figyel senki. Ráadásul apámnak minden kurva volt, nőktől a barátokhoz és a kocsikhoz, igyis nekem is megfelel.
>chinese of europe
>written by a leaf
Have you already visited the Yellow Maple Pagoda and consulted with your ancestors regarding the upcoming Year of the Beaver dog eating festival?
yes hello where are the butthurt diasporas
More like the Japanese of Europe, but pretty accurate otherwise.
>Hungarians vs literally anyone else

same answer every time famalamalam
The world.
He's right you idiot. And hungarian gypsies are worse than ours.
Why is there some random bong in this thread just acting like an underage cunt?
Hungary by far.
if this >>73865821 is your language, then no. Not even close.
They're both pretty cool, Hungary has nicer cities but Bulgaria has a coast and beach, both have hot girls
Hungary vs the World
Who would lose and why Hungarians?
Bulgaria by a lot. I loved it there so much. The fact that they have a nice coast and beautiful mountains is a big reason. But Bulgarian women and food are much, much better than Hungary. Otherwise the countries are very similar, I enjoyed them both greatly.

And why is Romania even being mentioned here? Romania is gypsyland; both Bulgaria and Hungary are much, much better.
they're all gypsyland bogdan
>both Bulgaria and Hungary are much, much better.
In what? We have a higher HDI, GDP/capita, exports, you name it then Bulgarianbros and we are at the same level as Hungary.

Don't need to be so buthurt Secuii bro (I know its you)
Olso I like both of them....except Hungary...and Bulgaria, not so much.
Macedonians, so Bulgarians
The real question is, when are we going to share a common border?
when we conquer those goddamn gypsy romanians together my friend
did these ones kill each other in the past or what

Hungary is a lot richer than gypsyland (Romania). I'm talking about the feel in the country. Hungary and Bulgaria both just feel more European and developed. I saw some VERY bad places in Romania. Wouldn't recommend Romania, but strongly recommend Bulgaria and Hungary.
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A very long time ago. We are buddies now.

Good analysis. I have studied in both Bulgaria and Hungary so I consider myself an expert on these countries.

Budapest was the most architecturally impressive for me... and I enjoyed it more than Sofia (which was also a pretty nice city). But Varna (on the coast) and Plovdiv (in the mountains) in Bulgaria were my two favorite cities by far. Just so beautiful, with history everywhere you look and a cafe on every corner.

Honorable mentions: Pecs, Eger and Sopron in Hungary and Veliko Tarnovo and Burgas in Bulgaria. Beautiful.

The coast is obviously an advantage for Bulgaria.

Girls I thought were hotter in Bulgaria, by a lot, but I understand this is subjective.

Overall both countries are awesome and similar, and both peoples are very kind, helpful and warm. Great experience in both countries, strongly recommend.
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Hungary is based. They like building fences, like us.
I sincerely doubt you ever traveled here or to Bulgaria or Hungary. I invite you to actually do so, like this Canadians:

>pretending you're not bulgarian
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Inconclusive. Seems like wussy wars to me. You guys were always bros I feel.
I sincerely doubt you ever visited any of this countries. Just some basic google searches for a butthurt Bozgor.

I did go. I've been to the entire region actually and explored it thoroughly. Croatia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Greece I loved. Romania and Montenegro I liked. Serbia...not so much lol.
I am sorry mamaliga bros, but Hungary will forever be cooler and more European than you.
Its just 5-6 wars in a row, we won some, Magyars won some.
In the end the overall 5 century history of conflict was inconclusive, not the individual wars.

Hungary joined the crusade against the Ottomans after Bulgaria fell, unlike most of western Europe, so they are fine with me.

Kek. Burgers always gotta chime in with their $0.02. Go eat a burger, fatty Try seeing something outside of your small redneck town as well.
>Implying Bulgarians will ever invade their only friends and Hungarians have any army at all
Come on mate
>implying anyone would choose Bulgaria
We are friends with practically every country surrounding us.
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Btw, this seems like a much more friendly Balkan thread than normal. Are Romanians, Bulgarians and Hungarians all just secretly bros?
Romanians and Hungarians don't like each-other that much.
I dont know man. Wait a few more years, and see how daddy Orban manages to fuck shit up for them.
Macedonia and Serbia openly hate us, that half the countries surrounding us.
Turkey literally calls us "former territory", thats not friendship.
>that massive change in language towards romania when called bulgar
>We are friends with practically every country surrounding us.
Hehe...We all know about the great Bulgarin-Serbian friendship or the impressive Bulgarian Macedonian(Antiqui) relationship or ,lets not forget to mention, the lovely Turk build-a-bigger-wall-at-the-border-and-stop-the-huge-Turk-minority-in-my-country stuff.

Pls man

The fuck are you talking about fatty. Romania is good, not great. Gorgeous women though.
Romanians and Hungarians HATE each other as much as physically possible
But Bulgarians and Hungarians are bros for sure
okay nikola backtrackonavich
Could it be related to Vlachs claiming and being given territory inhabited by Magyars in WWI?
We only have an outstanding issue with small Fyrom (whose citizens are flocking to get a Bulgarian passport), Turkey is a threat, yes, but not an open enemy. Serbs deserve mostly pity.
>t. underaged tard
You mean Nikola Castlevania Notoilet Ceaușescu
Why they're not called Hunstan and Bulstan ?
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So you are friends with Turkey? Top fucking kek. Right...

And what about Serbia? Are they not notorious backstabbers? Pic related.

Why would Macedonia and Bulgaria not get along. They are literally the same people. Look at the Macedonian himself telling you this >>73867982

Why would Bulgaria and Romania hate each other? I think they are bros. But yes I know that Bulgarians and Hungarians are bros.

What about Romanians - Serbs, Hungarians - Serbs, and Bulgarians - Greeks? This shit really fascinates me.
Be that as it may, it still lives you with US as your only friend.
The statement "We are friends with practically every country surrounding us." is delusional as best...

So give me a hug you good-yogurt eating fuck

Ah, you answered my question before I asked it. Cheers!
a transylvanian perhaps? that makes more sense, I just went with bulgarian since that seems to be his favorite cunt.

he's definitely from around there
> Look at the Macedonian himself telling you this
A macedonian, ""A"". He is not a member of the majority.

This is what I love to see! More of this you fucking idiots! Unite together and focus your hate on invading arab muslims, the growing turkish threat and gypsies kek
At this point they are equally a threat and an opportunity. We need them to replenish the dwindling workforce. Street cleaners, builders, cashiers, cab drivers... Many of those are gypsies now.
^^phony ass nigga

dont trust him
lol meant for canafag
>Hungarians are such great palls, especially in WWII when they helped poor old Poland so much.
>implying we didn't
Tell it to Pal Teleki

Gypsies are better than Arab mudslimes after all. As long as you teach them to work.
choose one
>later this century when Russia archives hegemony over Europe and Hungarians help Russians as much as they can and kiss their ass while Ponds gets treated like shit

>Hungarians are such great palls, especially now when we are assfucked by Russians again, they help poor old Poland so much.

There is a reason why calling someone a "polak" refers to his lack of mental prowess, just saying
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>teach them to work
>this is what butthurt gypsies believe
Gypsies can't work 9-to-5 jobs. They are nomads who haven't settled properly yet.
You go to a ghetto, and everyone is using a taxi to get around, has expensive brand leather jacket, uses perfume that costs as much as my shoes.
Yet they have mud between their houses, and the houses are made of scrap, there is plastic on the windows where the glass is broken. The gypsy doesn't have a concept of a "home". All his money he wears on him, and spends on alcohol and partying. He doesn't see further into the future than 5 days. There is no delayed gratification mechanism in him.

The gypsy is a true alpha stud thug who is unfit to live in civilization, since he cannot possibly compromise his own personal mood at any given moment to help others, or for future profit, or any such thing. We should carve them an Israel somewhere in Africa and send them there. Currently they are to us like the somali refugees are to Sweden - a big money sink that sometimes stabs people.
Not at all, this is objectively what is happening right now:
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>and Hungarians help Russians as much as they can and kiss their ass while Ponds gets treated like shit


>Woah bro your country is 4.5% Chinese that means you're like China or something now

Fucking retarded Balts

Surely there must be SOME gypsies that have assimilated? And at least they aren't bombing you...right?
Gypsies are literally the rapefugees of the medieval times.
A bunch of highly criminalized, clan-ish immigrants that are practically allergic to real work and refuse to integrate or compromise with local culture.
The only reason they are less of a problem is because our ancestors killed and enslaved people like that.
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I choose huns. Because they r turanid, not gypsy
>coming from you
The absolute state of continuation of being exposed
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both are salty and nazi minded poor little cunts
Don't you guys have the most gyppos in the world and also hungary's came from you?
Anatolian Turks are worse than gyps.
proof that bulgaria is latin and romania is slavic
Of course they are SOME. But because most aren't, people treat any gypsy as if he is part of the most.
And because the few exceptional gypsies are treated like shit, since for the neutral observer the chances are they are part of the shit ones, they don't do very well, and possibly revert to actually being shit.

Its like in the USA. A black guy who is well integrated and civilized is treated like a thug or a criminal, so he gets bitter and cynical, sees all the BLM and gangsta rap us oppressed africans crap, and becomes the kind of person people treated him like.
i like bulgaria
It really isn't fair that the Hungarians were robbed of sea access.
well the sea access part was technically not hungarian, but croatian

hungary was a dual monarchy of hungary+croatia

a dual monarchy within a dual monarchy
Hungarian Girls are Pretty Dunno about Bulgarian Girls though.
They should have at least had like a little bit of land there by the Adriatic :(
May be. But at least we are a nation.

Bulgarian girls are the most gorgeous in Europe imho (along with Romanians).

Also love to see the friendliness on this thread. Usually Balkan threads go to shit very fast. No surprise RO, BG, H are the only countries in the area in the EU.
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Hahahahahahah dont u say balg.
romanians hate hungarians and bulgarians tho

bulgarians and hungarians are gay for eachother so that's why they don't sperg out like usual
Is that an Anatolian Turk in your picture? Or a gypsy? I can't tell the difference between the two
>I can't tell the difference between the two
There is no difference.

Why are Bulgaria and Hungary such big bros?

Also, I know Romanians and Hungarians hate each other, but I'm pretty sure Romania and Bulgaria are at least semi bros.
Hung aryans and bulg aryans.
Countires of pure perfection.
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One of the good things to come out of Trianon was that despite the majority of neighboring countries hating Hungary's guts, at least Croatia was on good terms. Can't say the same for Slovaks and Romanians though.
hungaria's land size is almost same with south korea's land size
hmmm, very interesting
plz gimme me a cute hungarian gf!
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*bulgarian khanate union of asian peoples
your gook brother called us salty
woundt want to disappoint him
I really like Hungary for some reason, maybe it's because of their history. Would visit tbqh
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I like Hungarians
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but it was me!
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i know, no gf for you!
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Brotherly countries
I don't know how to get one either ;_;
Is this a false flag? I like Hungarians, and their country is in an objectively better state than ours.
Having being part of Austria-Hungary and not having to deal with constant Russian tampering tends to have positive effect on countries.
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To live? Perhaps. To visit? Arguable. I'd personally choose Bulgaria due to the coast, mountains, food and women.

Really like both countries though!
>Russian tampering

Hang in there bros, you're almost out.
I can give you one in exchange of qt korean gf
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>gypsy is a true alpha stud thug who is unfit to live in civilization
That word alone is the best Hungarian meme ever.

Anyone who is familiar with any Slavic language will confirm.
me on the left
Make sure that you see pics of her when she was younger...
They abuse plastic surgery more than Japs.
That's a lot of abuse.

Top fucking kek. I thought gypsys were darker than this... more Paki or Anatolian Turk looking. These guys could pass as Sicilians, Portuguese, Greeks or Latinos... kek
I can't tell the one from the other
said by Jackie Chan

Hey how would you feel if someone said that about you and South Korea.
>The gypsy is a true alpha stud thug who is unfit to live in civilization
>You go to a ghetto, and everyone is using a taxi to get around, has expensive brand leather jacket, uses perfume that costs as much as my shoes.

there is absolutely ZERO chance this isn't a bait post

gypsies are the absolute farthest thing from an alpha, i'd say they're beta as fuck

and they smell like shit and wear rags
Jackie Chan is Chinese.
All those cool kung fu movies are Chinese.

Japan is the place where they make those pedo animations.
this is why everybody who isnt white is a gypsy to us
Gypsies are pretty white looking.
If they actually wore normal clothes, shaved and cut their hair, and didn't posture like 15 century mercenaries on a raid, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart from italians or greeks.
Canadabro ignore this >>73871164 fucking autist, he's b8ing you hard
But thats true, you gypsy.
>calls me a gypsy while calling gypsies alpha and saying they wear expensive clothes
there is absolutely no way i'll believe you're not a gypsy

you posted the most retarded shit ITT that it makes me fucking ashamed to read it, it's like a foreigner pretending to be bulgarian

congratulations you fucking cringemaster
Gypsies take 10000 loans to have a huge 16th birthday party, and that they pay for the rest of their fucking unemployed lives.
What makes you think they won't buy overpriced fashion kitsch? Have you even been to the ghettos? Mud, holes, stray dogs, random shoes or plastic bags flying around, and a new BMW parked next to a dead dog.
The most absurd mix of absolute Africa tier poverty and luxury can be found in the gypsy ghettos.
this 2bh

Thread should have ended right after any one of these posts imho kek
Gypsies are basically low-cast Indians... maybe Bengali or smth. They have darker skin, but with different shades of dark.
cringemasters gonna cringe

Bulgarians have got no chill.
>Gypsies take 10000 loans to have a huge 16th birthday party
No they don't you fucking retarded faggot.
>What makes you think they won't buy overpriced fashion kitsch?
Because they're fucking starving mud people who live in rag huts lmfao.
>Have you even been to the ghettos?
I live next to one, that's why your comments make me cringe hard.
> Mud, holes, stray dogs, random shoes or plastic bags flying around
This is correct
>and a new BMW parked
This isn't
>The most absurd mix of absolute Africa tier poverty and luxury can be found in the gypsy ghettos.
No. It's literally only Africa-tier poverty, because the gypsies that can afford a BMW don't live in the ghetto.

I have the feeling you're a sniveling little faggot gypsy trying to make gypsies seem less like rats than they really are so you're mixing in a little bit of turth with the lie.

Read this and read it well, you retarded fucking foreigner and/or gypsy - gypsies are starving shitskins that live in mud/rag huts or abandoned commieblocks, they're small and skinny as fuck and they smell like the inside of your asshole when you pass them on the street, and a gypsy's greatest dream is to be a street cleaner. Don't try to gloryfie the shithole that is the gypsy civilization by lying to people that they have expensive clothes and cars when they wear fucking rags for 5 levs and drive horse carriages. I wish you were here so I could break your lying faggot demented gypsy head.

>Read this and read it well, you retarded fucking foreigner and/or gypsy - gypsies are starving shitskins that live in mud/rag huts or abandoned commieblocks, they're small and skinny as fuck and they smell like the inside of your asshole when you pass them on the street, and a gypsy's greatest dream is to be a street cleaner. Don't try to gloryfie the shithole that is the gypsy civilization by lying to people that they have expensive clothes and cars when they wear fucking rags for 5 levs and drive horse carriages. I wish you were here so I could break your lying faggot demented gypsy head.

Wew lad.
Why are you so mad about being wrong?
Could it be you are a poor city peasant who lives near poor city gypsies?
Come to Sofia, the gypsies here can't afford food, but they all wear golden chains.
I am in Sofia, Hasancho. You're nothing but poverty stricken cuckolds and you'll never be anything more than that.

What's funny is that you say gypsies are alpha thugs when in reality they're petty thieves who shit themselves if you look at them wrong or go on the other side of the road if they're infront of you.
Reposting from /balk/ >>73871590

In 1944, at a reception in Brazil and the Hungarian ambassador, wearing the ceremonial uniform, entered the room and performed a Nazi salute. The host of the reception, an influential banker, took notice of the ambassador and approached him.

“Your Excellency, you greeted with Heil Hitler. I suppose that people of your country belong to the Nordic race?”
The Ambassador replied, “No, we are of the Mongolian origin.”
The Banker was curious and continued. “I see, so your country must be situated in Asia?”
“No, Hungary is part of Central Europe.”
“I know that there is a war going on in Central Europe. Is Hungary involved in that?”
“Yes, indeed. We are fighting against the Soviet Union”
“And do you have any territorial claims against the Soviet Union?”
“No, we don't have any territorial claims against the Soviets. However, we do have them against Romania and Slovakia.”
“So, Romania and Slovakia must be your enemies then?”
“No, they are our allies.”
The banker got slightly confused by his answers, but he eventually spotted a royal badge on his uniform and went on asking, “I reckon that Hungary is a kingdom. How is your King doing?”
“We do not have a King. We are ruled by an Admiral.”
“An Admiral? Hungary must have an access to the sea then.”
“No. We are a landlocked state.”
The banker got puzzled even more. “Anyway, how is your Admiral?”
“He has been captured by the Germans.”
“They are also your enemies?”
“No, the Germans are our greatest allies and friends.”
The banker was completely lost. “Damn! I really don't get it. You are living in the landlocked kingdom in the heart of Europe, which is ruled by an Admiral, who was captured by his greatest friends. You are fighting a country, which you don't want a single acre of land from. On the other hand, you have territorial claims against your allies. What a bizarre situation is that!”

“Sir, that's a new European order.”

You still never responded what happened that made Bulgaria and Hungary such brotherly nations.
*notices bulgearia* owo whats this?
not him but you dont know what the fuck youre talking about pham
shoo shoo dirty little gypsy
>trying to make gypsies seem less like rats
>he thinks niggerish habits like buying expensive cars, jewelry, and flashy clothes makes you less trashy
Can't fabricate such feces
bulgarians buy expensive cars jewelry and flashy clothes and gold chains because we can afford it

the gypsies are just rats

Shut the fuck up. Are you guys fucking 5 years old?
cringe thread
id rather be vulgar than beign hungry
i like both of them and both of them like us
we need to restore the medieval bulgarian-croatian border
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So this image is true then?
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Seriously. If you guys split Serbia amongst yourselves, the region instantly gets much better. Hungary can have a chunk of Vojvodina as well.
did someone implied it was not?


So could I get an answer as to why Croatian, Bulgarians and Hungarians are such bros?
this wrong, the anecdote is how we declared war on the americans
yes we declared war on them
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>bulgarians buy expensive cars jewelry and flashy clothes and gold chains
Kek. Yeah, you do.
we have serbia between us

Lol, I see. So just refer back to >>73872147
and then what?
literally nothing to do with american nigglets
ja sam srbin
How much are Hungarian and Russian relations warming up? Is Hungary falling into Russia's influence? I'm concerned for Hungary... ask anybody in Eastern Europe... you can't trust Russia.

Countries should not want anything to do with Russia. It's a shithole. Just look at the state of Russia's closest ally Serbia. Pity.

Happy that countries like the Baltics, Bulgaria, Romania and now Montenegro are able to break free the Russian chains.

>brotherly neighborly relations
>expensive cars, jewelry, and flashy clothes
Monkey see, monkey do?
The implication here, just in case you've missed it, is that those are all tacky things. It's irresponsible to waste money on those things, and they make you look like a pauper who thinks he's king. Think Dunning-Kruger, but with personal finances instead of knowledge.
>Russia's closest ally Serbia
thats a meme
we are pretty closed, dont really have allies, orbán is pragmatic
he wants to open relations outside of EU to make money, it can be disputed that its just a way to serve its clients with state money or making actual deals
(i mean what trade opportunities we have in the phillipines or ethiopia..)

plus hungarian intelligence ceased to exist after 1989 so we probably have some ppl working for them (the police discovers links but they obviously have no capability to follow it up outside the borders)

but the population hates them, i wouldnt be worried

Dude, the guy told you he's a serb >>73872362

Serbs are monkeys, nothing you can do about it. They are basically gypsy tier.

Perhaps, but they are definitely a lot closer with Russia than anyone in area, and you can tell by the state of their country
bulgaria best prostitutes in the region.
but on the other hand, hungary number one exporter of potassium.
hard choice.
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their relations seem to be breddy good compared with other euro countries
>bulgaria best prostitutes in the region.
>what are czech ukrainians and russians
you are confusing Hungary with our brother Kazakhstan, Shlomo

What about Visegrad? Dont you have an alliance with them? And Bulgaria? Croatia? All I've heard on this thread is that you three are very close.

And the population has no say. If Orban says it, the population buys it. And I'm fairly certain he's the only EU leader who wants sanctions removed from Russia. And didn't Putin just visit Hungary a couple months ago?
yea like you arent building the northern stream hans, cheeky breeky
>that balanced compromise
feels good wisemen

But you only ever had one moreta :))
hungary only good because of bucharest
ez meg mi a fasz?
I like them both but hungarian women are bigger sluts so have to pick hungary
we have a nasty habit of rebelling, go and ask anyone who ruled us, orbán is no exception

the reality is we have terrible relations with croatia
1, they lied and said they wont be pushing the fugees on us
2, they question a perfectly legit deal we made about their oil company, they cite us to court over it yearly (and lose every year)

we have no relations with bulgaria whatsoever

the visegrad four is just a regional partnership but until the refugee crisis it had no relevence, had pretty bad relations with slovaks over their discriminative language laws

doesnt work like that, he may have absolute power in parliament but his 2 million voters doesnt mean the other 8 will sit silently if he crosses a line
yea putin visited, it was mainly about the expansion of our nuclear powerplant
Only reason we are questioning the "legit" deal is because corrupt politicians sold oil company shares to profit themselves without the knowledge of country
hungarian is weird af

Bulgarian women are a lot sexier though, in my opinion. Hungarian women tend to have high cheekbones, and I'm not a fan. With that said, they're still really cute.

I guess not having any relations and not having warred against each other in medieval times is considered great
relations in this specific part of the world.

Thank you for the info on the Croatian. And on Orban - Russia, I guess we'll see won't we.
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Objectively Hungary. Their wages and standard of living is 2 times higher.

Bulgaria is so shit, that even after 10 years in the EU, they are still on the same level as Serbia, Albania and Macedonia.

Only countries poorer than Bulgaria are Kosovo, Ukraine and Moldova.

Also Romania is much better objectively at this point. Bulgaria has no future.

Magyars make nice history recreations even with shitty graphics involved.
would you like some cheese with your whine, loser?
>On the same level as Albania, Macedonia, Serbia
>Double the GDP per capita, much higher growth rate, political stability and way ahead in HDI of aforementioned shitholes

Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary each have a bright future in the EU. Serbia, and their Russian daddies, do not.

Nice try serb monkey :)
fuck you, gypsyturk
>be serbfag
>be envious of Bulgaria
>can't find a job in native shithole Serbia
>come to Bulgaria, an objectively much better country, to mop floors
>so butthurt, makes anti Bulgarian posts on online forums and calls Bulgarians "gypsyturks"
>doesn't realize his own country is the biggest gypsy shithole in Europe
how am i a serb for calling someone who insulted bulgaria a gypsyturk, autismo?

Who gives a shit about GDP? Look at the wages, the average pleb has the same wage all across the Balkan, a chump change.


Also forgot another fact. Bulgaria is 10% gypsy and 6% turks. 84% bulgarians.

This makes the country first with people of non-european ethnicity. Bigger than even France, Sweden or the UK.

So the country is super poor, but also a multu-cultural shithole. It's pretty much South American tier, but with less beheadings by drug dealers.

Oopsie. Sorry about that. That was intended for the serb/gypsyturk, of course .

>10% gypsy
Top fucking kek. We're not talking about Turkey here.
>6% turk
True, but they are Bulgarized Turks who were forced to change their names to Bulgarian ones. They voted 80% against Erdogan in the referrendum. While Turks in Germany voted 80% yes.

Please, leave the EU nation you are currently in and go back to shithole Serbia or even bigger shithole Turkey, thanks :)

This. Well said
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>doesn't account for all the gypos who moved to UK and Germany after we entered EU open borders
Suck my fuck you English bicker *

Go back to your disgusting people *

And snoop *

It was almost right. If you're talking about women, you can not bitch, but men are not used.

>Chart blatently ignoring the fact that Anatolian Turks and gypsies are essentially the same thing

Not the best source probably. Try something better.

I think everyone can agree that Romanians are disgusting subhumans

Literally worse than pakis and niggers
gypsies are 4% of the population retarded turklet

fuck outta here with your made up shit

I actually watched a documentary that showed Bulgarian and Romanian gypsies taking over entire towns in Sweden. There are also tons in the train stations in Germany. I'd imagine the security agencies of the two countries have mapped out a plan to have a massive Exodus of gypsies out of their countries. I imagine Schengen is the next step.

Czechs did the same thing. I wonder why the Hungarians are not considering they have such a large problem?

Maybe. But Romanians are not Turk/Gypsy tier.
We didn't organize shit, its just that welfare leeches will always prefer to go where the welfare is better.
Not like they have jobs, property or patriotism tying them here.

Right, of course. Leeches will be leeches
It's from Wikipedia you subhuman
Maybe if you weren't such a low IQ subhuman piece of dog shit you would know that census data is complete crap, the real number of gypsies is much higher because it's impossible to count all of those nomad vermins in the census, so you have to rely on estimates you retarded bastard nigger
according to the census there are 300,000 gypsies in bulgaria, making them 3.9% of the populaion

thats from wikipedia with sources, subhuman
Maybe if you weren't such a low IQ subhuman piece of dog shit you would know that census data is complete crap, the real number of gypsies is much higher because it's impossible to count all of those nomad vermins in the census, so you have to rely on estimates you retarded bastard nigger

Wikipedia literally says 4.6%.


And that's in 2011. I'm sure it's declined with all the gypsies going to Germany and Sweden to get even more welfare.

But A for effort sergeant cuck.
>because it's impossible to count all of those nomad vermins in the census
it's not impossible you fucking muslim rat, they've been counted

we're not relying on estimates like fyrom with its albanians, who boycott the counting

Dude, you are literally roach diaspora. Who exactly are you calling subhuman? Kek.

The census can't count all the undocumented vermin gypsies who live on the streets or woods
they don't live in the woods you retarded subhuman rat, they mostly live in urban areas or villages

it would be only impossible to count them if they mass boycotted the census and refused to be counted, which they didn't

Hans, you have 2 million undocumented mudslimes, 5 million Turks, and a countless number of gypsy scum in your nation. Kindly, fuck off.


With the massive gypsy exodus towards the West, I'd assume Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania each have around 3% total Roma.
honestly do you cockroach really think gypsies live legal there? they don't even have real homes, they don't have passports, they are undocumented, the census can't count all of them. you can just estimate their real number
>it's impossible to count all of those nomad vermins in the census

You count them when they come to collect welfare?
You count the issued ID cards?

you're telling me what it's like in my country without ever being in my country? xaxaxaxa you fucking stupid subhuman rat mudslime laz faggot

you're ignoring the poll completely, where they were counted and saying "no, its estimates"

you deserve nothing but death
most gypsies don't have ID cards you nigger
gypsies don't collect welfare, they either beg on the streets or steal money/food from others
Look at this niggerfaggot, he unironically believes that gypsies are honest citizens who live there legally, have ID cards, passports
youre probably a subhuman gypsy yourself
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>gypsies don't collect welfare

Are you a time traveler from the 19th century?
Gypsies live in cities and live off welfare.
They don't move from village to village fixing people's metalwork.
Wow this German is rude
gypsies are undocumented
they live like 200 years ago
they don't have passports, they officially don't exist there
they travel from place to place, or live in their self-made villages that they have build from stolen garbage
when they're in cities they usually beg on the streets or steal wallets

Gypsies are leeches that live off of welfare. A country knows the identity of people it gives welfare to you braindead moron. And I'm sure you know all about welfare, Hans, considering you give it to 5 million + Turkoroaches and 2 million + Jihadis
Hungarians of course.
Oh my, he actually is a time traveler.
Greetings, Sir. I have much to ask you and learn from you.
But before you make an ass of yourself, I have to inform you that in modern days, gypsies are not nomadic, and you can't make a living moving from village to village buying goat hides and sharping knives for grannies.
Instead the preferred tactic is refusing to pay tax and collecting welfare, and stealing from the city you live next to. A settled and luxurious life.

Is it because you both speak the blergh blergh language? :))

Uralic, that's the word.
most gypsies are undocumented
10% of bulgaria is made up by gypsies, 4% are officially counted in the census,that meas 40% of gypsies have passports etc. and receive welfare and the rest are undocumented beggars and thieves
you know nothing about gypsies you mentally challenged canadian, you don't live among the so shut your whore mouth
Bulgarians are scum
I live in Bulgaria, next to gypsies, you fucking shit.
They don't exist outside of the city, and don't move from the city. They are born, live and die in the same neighborhood.

>make claim
>get asked for proofs
>"ah but you see, the lack of proof proves me right ;) you see the lack of documents to back me means they are indeed undocumented :))))))"

Holocaust yourself.

my friend is an ex-gypsy, they go to germany illegaly, steal some wallets and then go back to the shitholes they came from (romania and bulgaria) and are basically considered rich there because germans always have a lot of money in their wallets
you have no proof either you worthless son of a nigger whore
why are you so much in denial? are you a gypsy yourself? you are scum, I would kill you if I saw you irl


How clueless can you get kek.

Gypsies do indeed go to Germany. But they park their asses there and live on German welfare for the rest of their lives. Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and the rest of Eastern Europe appreciates you fixing their gypsy problem, I'm sure.
>you have no proof either you worthless son of a nigger whore

I said ex-gypsy because he lives like a normal human being nowadays, has a job etc.

my claim was that not all gypsies can be counted in the census because most of them are undocumented bastards without passports, and to prove me wrong you post census data? are you literally mentally disabled? do you have down syndrome?
>most of them are undocumented bastards without passports
youre a rearely retarded dumb nigger faggot, aren't you? what a fucking idiot lmfao

Dude, you are wrong. All gypsies go on welfare, wherever they are in Europe. They live off of welfare with NO exceptions. Countries know the identities of those they give welfare to. End of discussion.
>prove that 800000 gypsies don't hide in the woods haha you can't prove it so its true

You are wrong, accept it.
no nigger



dont talk about subjects you know nothing about, I had to deal with gypsies all my life, they are a scourge
I have already posted a link and even Wikipedia article that support my claims, you havet posted anything to back up your claims you dumb cockroach
just end it all you dumb laz virgin rat
The wikipedia article links to the census you fucking moron, its where I got it from.
I don't know any Hungarian
The only Bulgarian guy I know is a huge, disgusting faggot (plus he looks like a gypsy)

No idea.
no it links to the telegraph

ahaha you got btfo, get over it
Who gives a shit about gypsies? Tribal mongoloids focusing on the small stuff.

Even without gypsies, Bulgaria will be corrupt shithole Balkan Russia tier.
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Bulgarian on the left. Hungarian on the right. Both cute, but I believe the choice is clear. Plus with the Bulgarian girls, you won't need to listen to that annoying Hungarian language/accent :))
>plus he looks like a gypsy
if it looks like shit and smells like shit, it's probably shit

gypsies are known faggots
>telegraph article

A 2014 article quoting an estimation on a 2007 article that was removed from "council of europe" whatever that is, there gypsies are romanticized as mysterious travelers.
And even that same fucking retarded article says 700000 gypsies are bulgarian, and over 200000 of them live in the UK.
That leaves under 500000 that would live outside the UK, presumably mostly in Bulgaria. It is not enough for your stupid 10% number.

The 10% they write is from their outdated estimation taken from a deleted article in a stupid SJW website that says gypsies are 10% of bulgarian population, not of the population of Bulgaria. The fucking article already says a third of them live in the UK, when you take the spanish, german and so on their number only goes down and down.

>who cares about gypsies

Nice try Mehmet, you gypsy scum.

>Balkan Russia tier

That's actually Serbia and Fyrom, but again nice try Mehmet.
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Hungarians remind me of good eating.
Hungarian girls are much better. FACT
Actually, that doesn't even make sense.
They say 700000, but 10%. So they percentage is as if they were part of the population of Bulgaria.
But then they say 200000 live in the UK, so they must be talking about total population, not just Bulgaria.

Telegraph are fucking up their own badly sourced math.
Here an example from the UK http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2010/03/05103811/4
They said that the Count captured only a little over 50% of the total Gypsy/Traveller population

It's most likely the same or even worse in bulgaria because they are probably even more incompetent in counting the population than the British
We used to be a commie state. We know how to count and register our pops.
Those are bulgarian/romanian illegals who live in parks and eat off garbage cans.
This isn't the case in Bulgaria, gypsies aren't refugees here.

You are grasping at straws for an hour now.
oh and what about that source >>73874660
it says that gypsies make up 9.9% of Bulgaria's population
cute pupper

Dude, they were 4% in 2011, and are probably closer to 3% now since they are all going to Germany/Sweden.

Fuck off with your fake shit, it's getting annoying.
The Black Sea
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Exhibit B:

Bulgarian on the left, Hungarian on the right. Both cute, but once again I am going for the Bulgarian here.
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Or just go to the Wiki article
>It is possible that the number of Romani does not decrease along with the rest of Bulgaria's population and, according to some estimates, their number may have risen to 600,000[2] or 800,000
You dont even live in europe stay out of your discussions you bastard
you don't belong here, fuck off back to /cum/ fucking shithead

Are you fucking braindead? Why are you looking at ESTIMATES when the Bulgarian dude already sent you a CENSUS. >>73876454

There's no way you are this dumb?
>gypsies increased 3 times in size over the course of 2 years
xaxaxaxa you have to be extremely retarded to believe this, subhuman laz rat
Why are leafs ruining this thread? Horrid unwelcome cunts
The 800K figure is pure fantasy.
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The National Academy of Science posts the official census, which says you are wrong.
You instead prefer to use minor footnote mentions in travel guides.
Estimates exist because the census fails to provide correct numbers. In this context estimates > census data
also I told you to get out of my thread snownigger

they breed like rabbits

The just go to your own wikipedia, they give the same numbers

Kek. There probably isn't even that many in Romania, the gypsy capital. This German guys IQ is definitely sub-60. Probably butthurt his country is solving Eastern Europes gypsy problem by absorbing all the gyppos.
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The figure 800k is first mentioned in this old trash travel guide.
It includes turks in it.
books are a very reliable source
>The just go to your own wikipedia, they give the same numbers
>Oбщ бpoй: oкoлo 320 761
>The just go to your own wikipedia, they give the same numbers

Read this you moron >>73877740 >>73877826
You are quoting fictional numbers from a short book that devotes 3 pages to Bulgaria, and another from a retarded tourist guide.
And you value those more than the national census numbers from the Academy of Science.

You are pathetic in your refusal to accept defeat.

>the tourist guide telling people to go to a long closed disco are more reliable than national census
Kill yourself.

You are starting to enter apelike levels now. Please reread this: >>73876424
I have posted dozens of links to prove my claims, while all you can say is >i-i think that's unrealistic

i hope you die in a car crash

But on the reals tho, why is this turkshit proxyscum still commenting? Kek
>I have posted dozens of links to prove my claims

All your dozens of links lead to that tourist guide.
You never responded to >>73877246 >>73877293 either.
The 10% number is taken from population of Bulgaria, but includes 200000 gypsies who live in the UK. How are UK gypsies taken as a percentage of population of Bulgaria, when they aren't included into it?

You are wrong, your retarded sources are wrong, the rag tourist guide you quote is wrong, the shock value yellow media clickbait websites you link are wrong.

Go be wrong elsewhere.
they mention numbers ranging from 600k-800k

the bulgarians ITT are so butthurt and in denial it's actually hilarious
you are a gypsy infested shithole, deal with it.
How come you understand Bulgarian? Are you a Serb or something?

You've proved nothing but your own stupidity.
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that's not how hungarian qts look like

He's either a disgusting turko roach, or a serb jealous that Bulgaria is leaving Serbia in the dust. Both of these shitholes deserve nothing but pity. Keep your head up brother.
>they mention numbers ranging from 600k-800k

Source for 600k - Nordic, Central, and Southeastern Europe, which devotes 3 pages to Bulgaria, mentions gypsies in 1 sentence, and doesn't quote research or citations.
Source for 800k - Bulgaria (Other Places Travel Guide) 2012, a travel guide which mentions gypsies as happy celebrating merry people who make good food and music, and doesn't quote sources, and includes all turks in Bulgaria as "roma".

Source for 300k - official national census analyzed by the Bulgarian Academy of Science and reviewed and approved by the European Union.

I fucking wonder who wins here?
>what is google translate

You are pathetic. You will dismiss every single source I prove. I pray to god that you get cancer and die a slow, painful death. I will find you, spit on your face when you die (it will be the last thing you'll see) and then shit on your grave.
Fuck off back to /cum/ already and don't talk about things you have no clue about. You worthless piece of filth.
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I was just posting girls wearing traditional Bulgarian/Hungarian clothing.

But yeah.. the girl you posted isn't hot. Cute, but not hot. Bulgarian girls are sexier than Hungarians, in my opinion.
>You will dismiss every single source I prove.

You have TWO sources, and they are both shit sources.
The official census is a far more reliable one.

Respond to >>73878088
I already posted links that claim that not all gypsies are officially documented (which logically means that they can't be counted in the census)
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go away leaf you no nothing about cuties or lavender
I have 3 fucking Wikipedia articles on my side you dirty gypsy, you have N O T H I N G

You're putting way too much energy into this failing smear attempt to not be a butthurt serb or turkogypsy. Stop, it's pathetic.
You're fucking pathetic, what does your mother think of your shitposting here??
>It's an autistic German flag thread
Oh boy my favorite.

But for real, I'd have to go with Hungary for their gulyás, but Bulgaria is cool too.
Those Wikipedia articles quote the travel guide I posted. Wikipedia isn't a research facility, it quotes other works. I did your work for you and followed the chain to show you the names of your sources. A fucking travel guide.

This is where the Wikipedia numbers come from:

Source for 600k - Nordic, Central, and Southeastern Europe, which devotes 3 pages to Bulgaria, mentions gypsies in 1 sentence, and doesn't quote research or citations.
Source for 800k - Bulgaria (Other Places Travel Guide) 2012, a travel guide which mentions gypsies as happy celebrating merry people who make good food and music, and doesn't quote sources, and includes all turks in Bulgaria as "roma".

Source for 300k - official national census analyzed by the Bulgarian Academy of Science and reviewed and approved by the European Union.

This is where "600k to 800k" comes from. Why don't you go add 4chan as a source that they were actually six million?
what the fuck is wrong with a good old booknote you dumb nigger, why do you hate books
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Keep your lavender, Bulgaria's got roses ;)

Ahhhhhhh both countries have very good looking women
and don't forget the telegraph and council of europe
Here frm the Economist
>Roma make up 5% of Bulgaria’s population, says the census. Yet this is an underestimate, as many distrust officials and refuse to register, or misstate their ethnicity because prejudice equates it with backwardness and petty crime. In six central and eastern European countries the Roma are thought to make up 7-10% of the population

Okay, we won't. Carry on and go spit fake statistics elsewhere you turkogypsy/butthurt serb.diaspora faggot :)
The Telegraph fucks up basic math, by taking a number of total bulgarian origin gypsies in the world and calculating them as a percentage of the population of Bulgaria, when half of them don't feature in that population.

Did you read the article? Can you do basic math?

And the Council of Europe is a SJW organization and even they deleted the shit that Telegraph quoted, it was so bad.

>source: Council of Europe deleted article, same as Telegraph

This is exactly the same shit, the different rags citing each other with no primary source in sight.
Or here
>According to a research made by the Bulgarian institute Open Society, if we consider the people that take part in Roma festivals, gatherings, political parties and that speak the Roma language, the number of members of this community is around 426.000 people. But when taking into account the people that have a very low social status and live in the gypsy neighborhood, then the number increases up to 650.000-700.000 people.
So the Telegraph, The Economist, The Guardian are all fake because you're too butthurt to admit your gypsy infestation? Kill yourself
>Between 5-10% of Bulgaria's 7.4 million people are of ethnic Roma background
>The appointment of Mr Draghici, himself a Roma, to a post advising the Romanian PM on Roma affairs in no way mitigates the shocking record of mistreatment of the country's 600,000 Roma.
>no sources
end yourself laz rat

So it went from 10% gypsies to 4% gypsies and 4% very poor people. Fucking kek. Stop posting, dumbass.

By the way, the link you posted had Hungary at 8.5% gypsys, Romania at 8.6%, Macedonia at 9.8% and Slovakia at 9.0%. YEAH FUCKING RIGHT, LOL.

The only one that might be right is Serbia at 8.2%.

GTFO of here with your fake BS, Mehmet
>There are more Roma in Bulgaria than any other EU nation. Some 10 percent of the population belong to the minority group
They're all very poor, just 4% are also leeches

Look at all the news articles I posted, why do you ignore them
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You can't read english?

Telegrapher quoted a "human rights" organization that paints the gypsies as elves.
Economist quotes the exact same deleted article in the exact same SJW organization to steal EU funds.
BBC quotes something it doesn't actually cite, just mentions by name casually, an then proceeds to form opinions.
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>chart pictured in "source" given by autistic german
>autistic german actually thinks it's real
>top fucking kek

Could autistic german possibly be butthurt serb or turkogypsy diaspora? This leaf says quite likely.
This isn't even about Bulgaria.
1. It is about Romania.
2. Still NO SOURCES.
and? The author may be a SJW but that doesn't change the facts
>source: council of europe


Every. Single. Time.
Stop posting the same shit just because it spread and post some research.
Websites named after newspapers are not research.

Or could he be a depressed German, sad that his country is absorbing all the gypsies from Eastern Europe?
hello Trump
>The author may be a SJW but that doesn't change the facts

The author literally changes the facts by doubling the number.

>this research says they are 400k
>but i think they are really 700k

Not changing the facts at all.

>posts fake news
>complains when called out
>It is about Romania.

HAHAHAH. This German dude lmfao, really grasping at straws. Autism confirmed.
>The social exclusion of Roma and Travellers can worsen as a result oftheir having no formal administrative existence. As the Commissionehas noted in a Human Rights Comment devoted specifically to this issue, “tens of thousands of Roma live in Europe without a nationality. Lacking birth certificates, identity cards, passports and other documents, they are often denied basic rights such as education, health care, social assistance and the right to vote.
Just as I said.
Tens of thousand, in all of Europe.
How does this equal the supposed half a million only in Bulgaria?
So after posting millions of reliable articles the gypsies are still in denial. Hilarious.

And, my Bulgarian friend, I have your back this time. But for next time, do not respond to these autistic german flags. It's either

1. A german sad that his country is filled with gyppos and muslims

OR (and much more likely)

A 2. Turkogypsy or a 3. diaspora serbscum jealous that Bulgaria is leaving Serbia in the dust. Why else would he spend so much energy talking shit.

They are not worth wasting energy on.
Each and every one of your article either cites no source, or cites a deleted article in a SJW fund, or isn't even talking about Bulgaria in the first place.

Just Googling what you want to prove and copy-pasting links doesn't prove you right.
Tens of thousands means anything above 10 000 you gyppo
I'll stop responding now as well, there isn't a debate.

I am sure that they they said "tens of thousands", what they actually meant was "tens of millions", so that Bulgaria's share would be sufficient.
European reports often make 1000x fold mistakes, after all.
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As my last post, this isn't even an official report, its effectively a blog post.
>t-they're fake news
ahah youre so much in denial, guardian, DW , the telegraph, the economist, they all prove you wrong.

Soros funded groups have an interest in raising the supposed gypsy levels in Eastern European countries, so they cannot just be disregarded.

This is why the sources say Slovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, etc are at 9%, when they are actually around 3%. And the 3% gypsies in these countries are hidden, not like in Serbia where they dominate the center of Belgrade.

I'm certain the percentage of Turks is higher in Germany/Sweden than in Eastern Europe as well. These 2 countries are literally solving the gypsy problem for the EU nations in Eastern Europe.

It's not a blog post my butthurt gyppo friend, the author had his own opinion on human rights and shit,. It says opinions, and not facts. Numbers are not an opinion.
It says personal opinion. It doesn't imply that the numbers are made up. Also I'm pretty sure youre the same subhuman gypsy with a proxy
>Soros funded groups have an interest in raising the supposed gypsy levels in Eastern European countries
are you a poltard or something? Why would he do that
>thread celebrating underappreciated European cultures
>German ruins it
Wow, didn't see that coming, it's not like Germans have a historic tradition of ruining Europe.
Bulgarian retards BTFO
It ended up like this because you absolute bastards denied basic facts even after I posted millions of proofs
What do you mean 'we absolute bastards'? I came here to discuss and celebrate Hungarian and Bulgarian culture, but then you autistics turned the thread into 200 posts of gypsy statistics. Now it's beyond going back, so continue your autistic debate, but all I can say is you've wasted 4 hours of your life making a point nobody will listen to
The Bulgarian doesn't respond that means I won the argument.
Congrats, you've won the chance to sit in your shit stew and eat it too.
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