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Thread replies: 307
Thread images: 76

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The age of the Yank is over
The age of the Weeb has just begun Edition
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why are the Japanese such filthy degenerates?
just severed my penis
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There is literally no legitimate reason for any drug, medicine or plant to be illegal.
@thailad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey5GItze-BY
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just got my results back lads (214168), should I just kill myself already

maths was a mistake
what about poisonous stuff
t. 15 year old
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Considering picking up once of these so called 'gimmicks' so that /brit/ will name me [insert gimmick]lad and i can pretend my life has meaning
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honestly Asians have the right things going on
the West needs to adopt their ideas to thrive once more.
Not a legitimate form of prow-test my friend
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BASED Corbyn calling out the SNP
i tried that
everyone ignored me
just like real life haha x
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>BASED Corbyn
>honestly Asians have the right things going on

yeah like low birth rates and 3 consecutive lost decades
What about them? My statement stands.

Virus and Bacteria samples are different but just because something is harmful doesn't mean it should be illegal. Else petrol, de-icer, alcohol, coffee and cigarettes would be illegal.
people often talk over me when i try to say something
ridiculously low amount of british posters in this thread
shan't be reading anymore
Fair play to him
hey thailad what's your favourite mr bond song?
what a good lad
honestly the best and most rational approach for all drugs is for possession/use to be legal, and addicts not to be treated like criminals but rather as sick/diseased people who need help.
possibly even have legal government controlled sources for some tamer drugs

meanwhile dealers/traffickers are brutally punished or even executed, with gangs and cartels treated like military targets.

it worked in China and it can work here.
>That smug fucking better than thou look on her face

We can thank these people for making Corbyn unelectable. The Brits will never vote a commie in.
we have low birth rates too
the difference is while we bring in immigrants by the boatload they build robots and improve efficiency.
so companies should be free to use toxic chemicals used in farming and some manufacturing processes even if it poisons the workers?
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I'm gonna HEEM the next man to call me YANK!
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Does it feel awkward for any decent looking woman that every single one of her male friends has wanked over her?
ummm no sweetie
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>mfw both games are owned by japanese companies
cannot decipher this post
>prince willym

why are british names so fucking stupid?
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>ywn be part of a nomadic horse clan and raid nearby farming communities in the late neolithic era
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Why are Japan flags so often quickly dismissed as proxies? Japs used to be notorious shitposters here back in the old days
me in the hat
gf on the right
Agreed although I would say we need a legal way to sell the drugs too. The most dangerous thing about drugs is the black market of criminals needed to create, import, sell and sustain the drug trade. Then there is not knowing how pure it is because all the batches are different, and accidentally overdosing. The third most dangerous thing about drugs is not knowing what shit they cut it with and being poisoned. The fourth most dangerous part of drugs are the injectables spreading disease and illness. Only then do you actually get to people ODing on crazy binges and dying from drug addiction.

We can solve the first 4 things by having legal, pure, doseable and clean drugs on offer to those who wish to use them. The tax you could place on it even to make the drugs the same price as they are now would cover ALL the NHS costs to help treat these people many many times over because having a legal route for drugs would make their cost minuscule to say the least.
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>reading /r/ukpolitics
>they're making fun of americans on there and even calling them yanks
There's many more weebs than nips
corbyn's actually an anglo-norman name
therefore jezza's an aristo???
idk but its silly
Japan has so many people online and 4chan is well enough known that they regularly come to shitpost
are you pronouncing that as hat or 'at?
why do refugees often choose to be knobheads?
Most research on robotics comes from Silicon Valley and the U.S. army.
link me senpai i'll downboat them for ya
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ah-ha-ha! this my friends! this!
They still are.
There was even a recent 2ch raid here. They made a thread and it was full of awful, unintelligible shitposting.

thailad is this you
>nomadic horse clan
that must have been a tough life
can't think of many grimmer places to live than the steppes of central asia
can't fucking sleep for fuck's sake gonna be fuming tomorrow
t. Tyrone DeShawn SoUnique Washington
That's Jermaine Freeman to you, cracker.
nah, there's quite a few Thaiflags on /pol/
I really have no problem with this at all, and with such a system set up, dealing with the early stages of addiction becomes much easier.

people already get addicted to prescription drugs which are often just as dangerous if not even more so than illegal stuff, still its always easier to monitor and control legal drug use, and ultimately help these people when they need it.

throwing people in jail for drug use is a very bad way of going about things.
i woke up at 1am
sleeping pattern is in greater smithereens than my bollocks
Don't even need to be pretty
britain is literally grim: the country

can't fault thailad one bit for beating feet on outta there
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tfw too intelligent to have a normal name
here you go lad

Do you get a vote in the election
People romanticise it so much but when we have talked to previously uncontacted Amazon tribes they say life is fucking shit, they're usually up all night protecting their women and out all day finding food, they never get a good nights sleep and live day to day. Being homeless in a big city would be easier than being a tribal primitive human.
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>ywn be a middle eastern date farmer with three loving daughters and one strong son.
Nah, not registered and can't register from here.
Yeah he must be loving life under a fascist military junta!
It's pretty based ngl
thailad admitted to being a staunch thai monarchist
he probably would have gone back if he didn't like it
haha, really liked this reply. cheers x
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>staunch thai monarchist
I only recognise one monarch
its grim in a good way
when I went there I just felt at home as >muh heritage as that sounds.

granted Canada is pretty similar to what Britain/northern Europe looks like so that could be the reason.
we get the same amount of rain too in my region, but more snow in winter
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>lectures people about how undemocratic the EU is and why the UK has to leave
>literally chose to live under a dictatorship


Are they being ironic or is /r/ukpolitics a tory stronghold?
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Might take a plane trip to Venezuela and set up my own paramilitary group (I'll call it the Black Company or something) and join the current civil unrest.
Modern British Monarchism is not dictatorship.
democracy sucks nerd
what a fucking stupid op

this leaf acts like a kid who grew up on /pol/

what a fucking travesty
Yes, r/ukpolitics is insanely right wing whilst r/unitedkingdom is the more moderate subreddit.
I'm here for a horny pissing session
t. Yank who's age is over
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Current polling for the Snap Election. Cannot make this shit up.
this guy just did reply all to a message our university sent out about an internship opportunity. he wrote a really well thought out paragraph talking about how he's double majoring in x and y and attached his resume. i think i'd genuinely kill myself if i did that
by all accounts his life there seems pretty great

fit thai gf
western salary with third world cost of living
delicious food

certainly better than wage slaving away in the cold and wet and expensive britain
they usually like lib dems
Going to report you for wanting to create a FARC-like organization you red bastard.

It's the gun posting Communist yank.
why? it's not like it's some embarrassing mistake, at worst he'll just seem enthusiastic
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first day back on keto in months and i already ate pure butter again

it's not supposed to be like this
How do reply-alls work that way? My school email isn't connected to everyone else's email. It'd be sent to all my contacts only.
retarded election process
ah yes, lost another argument on /ck/

knew I shouldn't have said anything
cooking virgin
Its the same as congressional districts
tell me about keto
there are no seats in yank parliament?
where do the MPs sit?
reckon the politicians should just play musical chairs for their seats
all monarchism is dictatorship
no it isn't
How not
what's so bad about that?

sure it's a blunder but assuming the company he's hoping to intern for wasn't included in the carbon copies then he's lost nothing

mates might crack a joke or two about it but that's it
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>ywn be a Norse sailor charting the arctic water ways and the rivers of North America
braindead Communist runt

What's the leftist version of a rorke? Regular poor person?
absolute fucking newcunt
thanks for the rare wojaks
what's wrong with autocracy?

true democracy is antithetical to freedom
America at its least democratic was the most free.
Just gave £500 to the International Rescue Committee.
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>anyone who opposes monarchy is a commie
Just gave £500 to Princess Chelsea
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I have so many
was a BIG fan when it was a spicy meme

Alri lad. meme diet that makes you lose a shit ton of weight by starving yourself of carbs. It can make you lose weight but apparently you get sick you like a week when starting it and the guy who invented the atkins diet (similar i think) had a couple of heart attacks due to high fat or someshit. As i understand it it's great for losing weight quickly but fucks you up long term. Had a gf that wanted to try it once
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listening to technical death metal with the vocals removed
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Cromwell was a dictator though and a turbo Christfag
it puts your body into a state of using solely fat for energy

first week you feel sick because your body doesn't smoothly transition into ketosis
he was elected though
Might try and become a polymath or something, I dunno.
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excellent choice brother
my grandpa was a polymath; jewish as well
You know, I keep hearing this.

And so I sit, waiting for the China boogeyman to take over (they'll do it ANY TIME NOW GUYS, FOR REAL, they just gotta actually fix their own country first, which will happen ANY TIME NOW).

You know the Chinese boogeyman has been a thing for well over ten years now? I remember anepisode of the fucking Office, an ancient show, that had an episode called "China" about the Chinese panic. I think I was in my teens back then


Just...don't hold your breath
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Why don't you smoke?
an elected dictator is still a dictator
Roman dictators were elected as well
many Monarchs were/are elected.
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I know
not the british one
Inspire me.
cucking a mate
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Lads how do I become and autodidact?
I'm tired of being a pathetic piece of shit.
>le monarchs are indistinguishable from dictators

dumb little runt

dictators are somewhat similiar to autocratic monarchs which are really a later and modern development to traditional monarchs
China is comfy but won't be taking over
they are the 21st century Japan.

they may take over Canada though which is a bit shit since they don't even hide their disdain for anglos.
so was hitler
Read 25 pages of a book every day
I would but I'm not settling for runt brands, and I don't know what high quality fags there are
pretty sure Hitler was appointed
I'm pro dictatorship though
so, what's your point?
apart from being owned by the same corporations, they have nothing to do with each other.
I do cause I'm not an autistic manchild

>Doesn't smoke

Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?

>b-but it kills you

And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?

>it's addicting!!!

It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can smoke in moderation

>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!

Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel
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Lads what cheap guitar should I buy? I wouldn't it to a good ol' British brand.
ah ok
not fat so no point for me
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>one unicorn frappuccino coming through
>y-your not a communist are you???
need to take a fucking cock up the ass
start easy, anthropology, and work forwards. get a grounding in the basics of each subject first to make multi-disciplinary thinking easier i nthe long term.
ah here it is
single coil tellycaster
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>ywn burn nazis alive
feels bad
need to get my life on track desu lads
harley benton make good cheap guitars
khan academy
it's just zero carb, so you get to only eat fat and protein. you can eat fibrous vegetables like broccoli and kale since they're not real carbs. it basically means you can't drink soda, you have to drink water. and that you can't eat doughnuts and have frosted flakes for dinner. you lose a serious amount of water weight from the lack of carbs in the first week or so. it's pretty good for losing weight, i went from 210 to 185lbs on it once before
the American Office was pretty good in its heyday
enjoyed it more than the British one.
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keep getting nice digits
ngl, i've made a spelling error in every single one of my posts this thread
think i need sleep
probably because you're a massive runt
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it's one of the few american adaptations that improved the material, the only other onei can think of is Shameless

completely different show desu. liked both of them for different reasons
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fix your posture
whenever a british version and american version exist of any media the british version is always fucking horrid
>he says while posting yank cartoons
>the corner fat on a rib-eye steak
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the British one was good but being much shorter it didn't explore the characters as much as the American one did.
also Ricky annoys me.
just made a thread
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not telling
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reminder if the C*mmunists had their way we would all be eating Nutraloaf every day
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just made an omelet, fucked it up a little bit but it was still pretty good. i did it based on this video

was way better than it'd have been if i didn't watch it

> tfw ywn be that piggy

> when someone tells me vaping isn't an art
literally all i can think of is that 70s show remake
they're greasy creeps
surprised how easily it's cut
are pigs soft?

i think it's just a really sharp knife
>that reddit show
Turkish food is fantastic
wish we got more here than just donair, which is greek anyway
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Is the ham police real?
fuck off rasheed
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The US version of I.T. Crowd is pretty dogshit 2bh
my point is that just some japs are good at making money from nerd industry
that's all
what a funny pic xD
Butchers knives, good ones at least, are incredibly sharp. You'd be surprised how sharp you can get knives with professional methods.
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>mfw hearing someone in the uni cafeteria loudly complain about "Auntie Fah" this morning

You never realize how dumb that fuckin name is until it's said aloud
turkey could be a great country
unfortunately it's full of turks
they dont look human
"ant-ee-fah" not "auntie-fah"
same thing
some americans pronounce auntie ant-ee
those words are pronounced the same

t. northerner
most people here pronounce auntie as ant ee
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Eating a Cadbury's Easter Egg
Those sound the same in my dialect (Midatlantic)
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What was your friend group at school like?
aunt and ant are pronounced the same
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>not being a quirky fat girl with glasses and an avengers tattoo
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>No allotment

>Farms his allotment regularly
>Provides water to each plant according to their needs
>provides a bountiful harvest which is pooled with other allotment overs in a workers cooperative

hmmmm i wonder who im voting for
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>guaranteed (you)s for such a basic shitpost
remembering the time in the highschool cafeteria i was along waiting for my pseudo-mates and a gang of turbo normies all sat around me
Didn't have any friends at school.
very good, waste your vote on someone who will never win. you're helping the tories
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made a kid cry during lunch once by bullying him
Someone who is actually standing in your seat?
Did you say hi
yeah. the guys i was going to sit with all moved down the table though, so i was stuck sitting around a bunch of preppy bisexuals
no I got up and left
Who should we vote for then
Labour obviously aren't going to win, but they're still literally the only other party who could win.
someone who has a chance at winning

Fuck OFF Murdochshills
So the Tories then
i thought it was pronounced like "an tie" wtf i hate yanks now
Only Labour and the Tories can win
Labour would sweep if they went full NazBol and came out against immigration
there was me
the blonde guy who bullshitted a lot
the tall guy who played bass
the guy with wingnut ears
the guy with long hair who is now a tranny
the scottish guy who took everything too far
the guy with the glasses who got called "harry potter"
the gay guy with the giant nose
the fat mosher/emo/goth/scene girl
the lesbian girl
my fraternal twin sister
the fat guy
the tanned guy who's grandparents are from spain
the guy with a really bad speech impediment
the guy who never got enough sleep so he had massive bags under his eyes (he was also into conspiracy theories and weed)
the guy with aspergers whose dad married a polish lady, so we also had his stepbrother who barely spoke english
there was also the guy with eczema who was really into music

it was pretty good
>Labour can win
having a howl
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They did that under ed miliband
Labour party idea: Corbyn but without the limp personality and terrible public speaking
What did lads who had no friends do at lunchtime lol
might actually buy a big dildo so I can push my hemorrhoids back in more easily
All the UKIP votes going back to Conservatives. Labour have been in visible disarray for some time now and few people can get behind their ""leader""

Just so many things working against them, the Conservatives would be better off making a case in Scotland at this point, England has sorted itself out for them already.
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>britain's leftist party is the one advocating strict borders
>britain's rightist party is the one advocating open borders
they pace around the playground and try to fit in with other social grounds before being told to fuck off

there was this one twat at my school who always did this and everyone hated him
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I taught myself Danish and read Kierkegaard
Had a dream inside a dream earlier
Was proper weird
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Does reading Dickens make me fedorable?
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>there was this one twat at my school who always did this and everyone hated him
Strict borders is a pro-worker policy, bub
it wasn't because he was trying to fit in, it's because he had such a terrible personality and he'd just make up so much bullshit
plus my social group >>73822908 already had one bullshitter, another would just be silly
Ah yes I do remember when your average North American or western European leftist party was actually anti-immigrant and reflect what would actually benefit the pro-union working class.
or maybe a buttplug so I can put it in after shitting and let the hemorrhoids heal around it so when I take it out they won't hurt when doing my next shit

genius. unironically will be trying this
no but i don't like him
i hate the victorian era. the mere thought makes me shiver
Reading, studying, listening to music.
sit close enough to someone you're faintly familiar with that people don't think you're a sadcase, but not close enough you risk having social interaction
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warfare idea: tactical sharting
my lunchroom had tables and chairs facing the wall.
>we have low birth rates too

Well duh, Canada is an asian country.
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just wrote a 10000 word essay on Trump
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Doing a no-fap but instead of no-fap it's just no-cum and I'm actually wanking whenever I want but just not finishing.

Kinda enjoyable being this horny, on day 5 now wonder how far I can push it.
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I hope it was about how he's the savior of the west
the WORST of both worlds
Sargon please leave.
Business idea: violate the NAP
I figure that the orgasm I have when I eventually blow will be fantastic though and I have nothing else of note going on in my life
>the west
doesn't exist
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>the savior of the west
>a corpulent reality TV host with advanced dementia
Sargon is pretty critical of Trump t?bh
>fake merch

>white race
>the west
all spooks
nothing exists
nothing matters
go away

nah. Hes too scared of triggering his alt right viewers and losing views desu. Wish i could get rich by pandering to delusional rorkes
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why do brits require ID to buy mustard??
He's in the middle of a massive analysis of the Syria strike is he not?
offensive word please delete x
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Water kot
Fun fact: 'spook' is also an archaic American pejorative for black people

Fuck off dont you dare prove my ill informed views wrong
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>massive analysis
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>massive "analysis"
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I love trump

t. opium addicted chink from the 19th century
Not sure if you have a point here or not.
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>watch YouTube video on my phone
>Get advert for gay dating site

H-how does it know?
>not using adblock
>tfw no white gangs anymore
I do on PC, but I've never been able to block ads on YT on my phone

they're still triggered at what the krauts did to them at Ypres in 1917

it's the centennial almost
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Git good

tell me about Thailad
Just met the gfs daughter lads

Mad right wing nutter

He's pretty handsome, 2bh. No way he's the next elliot roger
I'd love to be left wing ngl, but you retards just make it so unappealing, you just have to keep losing, sorry about that.
Lads, if I'm having coffee with a woman I'm acquainted with (spur of the moment thing, not a planned date) and she asks if I've ever been in love, does that mean she's taking a romantic interest in me?

At the time I took it as a bit of an obvious indication she's fishing but now I'm doubting myself. To give a bit of context, I spent a fair amount of time asking about her then she said she wanted to find out more about me.
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Elliot is better looking than this guy, just shorter
willies are far more interesting than fannies

not gay though
Have literally done nothing but post here in bed for a week now
Eating a mcchicken for the first time

Not a fan
big willies
>Elliot is better looking than this guy

fuck off murderer
I murdered your mom's pussy with my meat stick
Listening to Green Day
so that was you? i always thought that cat got hit by a car
Screen just went orange
oh look the abo who posts interracial teen couples all the time is a vegan

im shocked
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Where is everyone
im here darlin
*bites you*
i'm neither, i'm a vegetarian
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