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Happy school days edition
Wew, France does it again lads!
Can you please stop making threads before the old one hits 300? You were already scolded yesterday but you still won't listen.

I'm sorry, I used to like you, but now you're becoming even worse than the Pagpag anon.
I'll promise not to the same mistake again, but the old thread is almost hitting bump.
>tucked in shirts
You promised yesterday but you didn't listen. Also, you could have waited. That's what the rest of us do.
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I vote to bully her till she leaves!

ohshit senpai
I hope I'll pay more attention, thanks. At least the OP pic is not anime-related for a change.
new bread
I just want her do do her assburger magic again, like making MKL commit sudoku for example.
Pls no. I personally think /asean/ is enjoyable and I can do everything to survive myself.

I won't repeat the accidental suicide mistake again, I repeat.
Then please humor us with anything,I need a good lel.
So Ahok is loosing.

What does it mean, you guys going full wahabi now?
chink btfo today

yes, we are Malaysia 2.0 now
>you guys going full wahabi now
Please no.
We'd still be a shithole that's for sure. But no as long as Jokowi is still the leader, we'd never be a full blown arabs wannabee.
I was too late for the party, and I'm not into cancerous politics.
I hate chinks and wahhabi equally.
>Anies, the one who once called liberal muslim, becomes governor
>full wahabi
What did he mean by this?
>But no as long as Jokowi is still the leader
When are elections?

Can he win again?
who died and made this faggot boss? fuck off island nigger :-)
I hope no, because there will be no fun anymore.
I can't laugh at reddit again, just like now, if Jokowi wins.
>What did he mean by this?
indos on /pol/ are pretty scared/dramatic about all this
>When are elections?

>Can he win again?
But he'll face Fuhrer Prabowo, and that is going to be a sight to behold that not even a powerful shaman can predict.
Only time can tell.
>minimum wage increase from 491 to 750
Happening? y/n?
They're liberal chinks who support LGBTQDNNJKSNAJDNJASKNDA, and SJWs, of course they're afraid.
>Fuhrer Prabowo
Who's this?
>still browsing /pol/ unironically
Don't browse /pol/, it'll turn you into a retard.
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A neo-con, just like Trump.
Do they have reasons?

Just curious.
Ahok is better worker but worse politician than Jokowi
The one who faced Jokowi at the last election, you can say that he is Suharto 2.0.
Post French school uniform.
it's funny sometimes

is he ''based'' or crazy wahhabi?
Romania anon, are you the one with minang parents? Or i mistaken you with someone else?
Their arguments are mostly
>look sweden is first world country and they support LGBTKMAKOSNDONASOID, so we need to support LGBTMKASMKODMASPD to become first world country.
FUCK YOU FRENCH. YOU FUCKING AUTIST. DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT BUMP LIMIT MEANS? Are you so torn that MKL made the previous thread?
>when he's sponsored by his brother Hashim who is literally pro America
In which ASEAN country is prostitution legal? I'm thinking of traveling this summer vacation and lose my virgin credentials.

They made it illegal in Korea last year. Faggots.
French people don't have school uniforms, with the exception of some private schools.
Nah, he is a hardcore nationalist bordering on fascist.
Are you the Eliott Rodger wannabee?
He's not wahabi, he's pretty much nationalist and patriotist that is pro america.

But he's also pro-America, anon.


How strong are the Islamists?
Just answer the question.
>but hes also pro-america
thats exactly what i said
I think it's permitted in Thailand, to some extent. It's banned here although the ban isn't always strictly enforced.
You mean the wahhabists?
VERY vocal minority, they are still growing into a possible threat to our nation stability.
Here's the list of countries (not all) where prostitution is legal:
>Burkina Faso
How much for a legal, STD-free virgin Thai girl?
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With the incoming tax reforms it better be
At least make it so that it will break even
Well he gets supported by Islamists mostly because they think "at least if Prabowo won, Ahok wont become governor".
So next election, Islamist support will be more diverse to both sides since Ahok loses. Pretty a good thing for Jokowi if he still wants to be president.
Just visit CEBU.
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Chink redditor in suicide watch
>still browsing 4chinks unironically
Please don't come here anymore, it'll turn you into a retard.
>VERY vocal minority
To be fair, it's the media that love them. You know, creating conflict mean interest.
I meant to use past tense for the first sentences. It was when there was a presidential election.
Just use a condom.
Just wondering: why are you in Japan anyway?
>neo-con can't become pro-america
Hmmmm, is that so?
reddit balik reddit
jesus fuck that /pol/ redditor is cringy as fuck >>>/pol/121840317
He shouldn't be posting in an overwhelmingly pro-conservative board.
Just like how the media meme'd Trump into presidency?
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I want to move out of my house so fucking badly
I can't stand this shithole
My grandparents are a pain the ass and my dad is constantly yelling at them
I basically can't do anything most of the time without being meddled in especially by my grandmother or disturbed by whatever fuckery is going on around here
>VERY vocal minority, they are still growing into a possible threat to our nation stability.
Anyone doing anything?

Like stoping foreign funding for mosques, arresting extremists imams...etc

You need to stop them early or they'll spread like crazy.
Are you the bipolar anon?
Are Malay girls easy?
Prabowo cannot beat Jokowi la. Need some new puppet candidate like Mega did, maybe Anis if he did well enough
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>2018 Najib wins with 2/3 majority
>2019 Prabowo wins with a landslide victory
>2020 Najib meeting Prabowo in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei
>Indonesia Malaysia Brunei now formed a new country called Nusantara
>Reinstate Borneoan Mega State - Sabah Sarawak to Brunei
>Five simultaneous invasions to Sulu, Timor Leste, Singapore, Patani and Australia
>2025 Nusantara forces are besieging Beijing
>Communist Party is overthrown, Habib Rizieq is made the new Emperor of China
You'll come back after you get a shit job and can't pay rent. Or alternatively get an average job but have to bunk with 9 other people in the same house because you can't afford your own place.
Literally they're hunted down by everyone. Almost weird cults are destroyed by their own religions. I mean if there's weird cult branched from catholic, the catholic would hunt down them. If there's weird cult branched from islam, the muslim would hunt down them.
Why is Malaysia rich when other ASEAN countries are dirt poor?
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Well, majority of us perceive those bearded and burqa'd people as terrorists
Also, the government constantly fight the most extremist ones. But those wahhabists =actually didn't do anything illegal so we can't just jail them.
But Singapore is also rich as well.
Truly best timeline.
One word: Mahathir.
Wew, the only rich cunts here are Singapoor and Brunei.
Singapore is like Monaco. Not a real country.
Because they have many chinks.
I don't think you will take that seriously. This is a mere VPN i borrow from there. People here use DNSscript but somehow i don't feel safe to use it.
pretty badass

can you arrest them if they preach violence?
But why Vietnam isn't rich then?
Sabah, Sarawak and Johor will secede from Malaysia before that.
lmao neck yourself proxyfag
look at north korea
viets are smart, at least the ones i met
What do you think of Ceausescu?
>Sabah, Sarawak, and Johor left Malaysia at 2018
>got annexed by Indonesia at 2019 by Fuhrer Prabowo's command

/asean/ do have real nips though, just a reminder.
north korea manages to be poorer than african countries in the middle of one of the richest regions on Earth

communism is the worst idea
If it went viral then sure, someone will report it to police and the law will do its job. But sometimes their follower will defend the preacher.
Hi fellow Europe anon.
How are you doing?
Just try and we'll see what happen
>he still hasnt fuck off yet
Annex your retarded brother then.
Juche is even worse from what I've read (both in official and unofficial sources), it's more of a variant of Japanese fascism than true Marxism.
Kim il-seng v 2.0

10 times worse then the other commie leaders
i dont know any ASEANs irl

Siad Barre is around the same level I heard.
I read somewhere though that a significant minority of Romanians still like him. Why is that so?

What state?
south carolina
Why do leftists and militants here love Lenin and Stalin? Don't they know that those two people are among the most evil people in history, who led to millions of deaths?
>The laws of Hong Kong currently allow classified ads for prostitution and websites that allow clients to make appointments with prostitutes.

OK hong kong here i come

i'll just pretend to be korean and those canto girls will jump on my dick
No wonder, I don't think there are many Asians in the southern US (except maybe in Florida).
>I read somewhere though that a significant minority of Romanians still like him.
I watched a documentary on a Moroccan channel (dubbed in French) and I think the interviewees that are shown in the program(especially those born around the time a people's republic was established in 1947) basically act like they feared Ceausescu. For example in one ancient city, a lot of the religious houses before the 1989 revolution are destroyed since communism doesn't tolerate religion.
depressed old people. Capitalism destroyed their easy lives.

Ceausescu gave you an apartment and a job by force. And you could buy only 1 car.

it made the losers feel good. When they realized that they had no skills and their jobs were meaningless as the government subsided everything it hurt them.

literelly only old people over 60 like him. ''he was good son, he gave me a job and a house''

but he forgets to say he didn't even work, his '''job''' consisted of working for 4 houres and getting drunk for 3, going home drinking some more and repeat tomorrow at 6.

they miss the easy life, they have no skills for the modern world, communist destroyed them, but they can't live without it now.

thankfully they are a very little minority.

PSD, our socialists buy their votes with gibs and bigger pensions nowadays.
Is there a way for Lazada seller to deliver to PopBox? Or is it impossible?
praise kek for this
>not actually a Korean

Wait, what are you?
Young people who are gommies are just sick of the fucking rich idiots who care more about how much computer games cost than how the people of the country are doing
I expected that. Old people are retarded in any country.
He's the Indon gook fag.
>communism doesn't tolerate religion.
the curch was hand in hand with the commies here

Ceausescu moved beyond Marxism-Leninism. He wanted a personality cult and a race cult.

that's why the commies revived the ''we wuz romans'' meme. And national hereos that fought the Muslim ottomans were lifted quite high.

religion was pretty important to his shitty ideas.
Lazada sucks. I don't use the site but I'm tired of seeing their popups whenever I visit a website (Desuarchive included).

>literelly only old people over 60 like him. ''he was good son, he gave me a job and a house''
Funny you'd mention that, over here a significant portion of Marcos loyalists are the youth who were either very young or were not yet born in 1986.
Daily reminder Korean girls are overrated and vile.
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*blocks indon redditor's path*
>I literally never met any actual commie
What was his purpose drawing that again?
Massacre those mannequins, be an hero.
Agreed to some extent. Most of them look too artifical (not surprising considering most of them have undergone some kind of plastic surgery). Not being biased but Japanese people generally appear to be more attractive naturally.
Why do you always imply your fiction

You already know the answer
Does your country even like the communist government at all? I heard the middle class citizens often criticize about corruption even on television.
>over here a significant portion of Marcos loyalists are the youth

that's because you guys are still somewhat ideologic.

our politics have 0 ideology. 0. All party platforms are basically just this:''will raise salaries and pensions''

debates are the same, if we have them at all, no debates last year. ''i will raise salaries/pensions with X amount.'', ''I will raise them by Y amount!''

turnout last elections was 38%

the youth, and the vast majority of the country, simply doesn't care. There is no ideology in Romanian politics.

point being our technocratic government in 2016 enjoyed the highest approval raitings of any government in the last 8 or so years.
Japanese girls got boobs.
SEA girls got big eyes and double eyelids.
Korean girls got neither, just bitchy personality and pride.
We see them as a big meme and nothing more.
just fucking revolt already. They act tough at the beginning but their little faggots.

our communist ''dictators'' were hiding under their desks literelly pissing themselves during the revolution.

Ceausescus son, who ruled an entire city, was hiding inder his bed, when they found him. He pissed himself as they draged him outside.
But it's true.
The power of memes are purely free advertising made by unpaid labor. Memes make you human.
Also I think we would encourage us to criticize of corruption.
Is it true that Elena (who apparently was illiterate but her husband wanted her to be called a scientist) crapped and peed herself before she was executed? Also apparently they were the last people ever executed in Romania since capital punishment was banned the following year.
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I don't get it: how come most of Duterte's supporters are conservatives when Duterte is arguably a left-wing populist?
why do you not use euros
Our leaders aren't even commies, they just brag and meme.
Criticizing corruption is essential in order to form good governance and in Vietnam's case corruption was high level which isn't good. Last time I heard farmers are holding government officials for not compensation their land.
Romania's economy is too underdeveloped to adopt the Euro. Corruption is bad and living standards are among the lowest in the region.
Most conservatives are only really motivated by spite

Any left-wing populist/commie could get their support by being spiteful enough

They where both fucking peasents. She had more cunning then him though, and she was very prideful. It was she who wanted to be called a scientist. TV propaganda was full of ''comrade Elenas new discoveries''

He was mentally retarded.

He made people paint the grass green during winter, and asked his architect why do the fruits fall from the trees in winter and if he can stop it.

we were ruled for 30 years by a retard. She ruled the country in truth, he listened to her every word.

No idea if she crapped herself, but she was crying. He was still delusional, even when they pointed the guns at him, he kept saying ''we'll have a trial soon and i'll arrest you all then.''

yes they were the last people to be killed.
>implying ours were

we were ruled by the 2nd echalon of commie officials in the 90's

and lo and behold the same people who wrote books about socialist economies suddenly turned into neo-liberal capitalists.

ceaucesku is kim jong un's future
in the 60's he was ''decent'', like all the other commie rulers in europe.

but he went in a visit to N. Korea and when he returned he went fucking nuts man.

Praising socialism wasn't enough, now we had to praise the ''beloved leader as well''

the TV would hold poetry competitions, seeing who could write the best praises to ''our beloved leader''....etc
That's not a good answer to my question. Could you write a longer answer?
ku berlari kau terdiam
ku menangis kau tersenyum
Please tell me you indofags here are different person than those submissive bitches on /pol/.

I better lead by Ahok than wanting to be colonized by Eurocuck again.
We don't have that dichotomy
Most of the "left" he does is for show
>events for Malaysia already announced
>angela, May'n, and Nano are going there
>still no news about events here
I'm getting bored. What do I do?
Visit other anime conventions if you like.
There aren't any good ones here until September. Still waiting for guest announcements (organizers promised announcements "very soon").
Mahathir is overated.
Not enough of chinks.
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I think that delusion is the very thing that makes humans turn their heads from the grim truth and begin to embrace the sweetness of lies and its terrible comfort that brings.
he's the same chinklet who paranoid and made a lot of threads on /pol/ that 212 would be a 98 tier-huge chink massacre riot
he's just plain stupid
Nothing gonna happen.
1. I don't browse /pol/
2. IDGAF about Jakarta
3. I hate plebbit (please gib me karmas)
And I hope that retard got buttblasted by those /pol/tards.
Answering to the question of the previous thread, Mami Kawada is not as unpopular as you think (at least until Break a spell); she's still loved and praised by most anison fans and even anime and normal music fans to an extent.
On the other hand normies usually doesn't care about her.
we already know. we just love memeing.
Is the new governor fun at least?

Really don't understand why BaS sold so poorly. Her sales were in decline but the drop between Fixed Star and Break a spell was dramatic.
>On the other hand normies usually doesn't care about her.
That's the problem. I always considered her underrated and wondered why she was never invited to an American or European event. I know a German event organizer who tried to get her, but she wasn't high on their list, and by the time he considered again, she had already announced her retirement.

Another singer I can think of with a sharp drop in sales is ELISA. As recently as Millenario, her singles were selling well, but beginning with her 91 Days single (Rain or Shine) she couldn't even sell 1000 CDs per release.
/pol/ is the most reddit board on 4chan invested with reddittors
tbqh i'm amazed that there is a board even more reddit that /v/
What do you mean by "fun"?
Fun is a buzzword.
It's used to be a place for shitty conspiracy and kike memes. Now after 2016 election that board is overrun by plebbitors.
the new governor sandiaga uno is pretty cute
I mean, fun in an Ahok or Jokowi kind of way.
i just googled a pic of Ahok for the first time.

holy shit he looks like he has autism. looks like that poor kid that always gets bullied in school....

was he a bad campaigner as well?
They are politicians, not comedians.
Please elaborate further regarding the subject of "fun."
Fun as in memeable.
>was he a bad campaigner as well?
Not likely, he know very well the power of memes can bring. But he just made a fatal mistake which ruins his image.

Don't you see the last thread? He IS the epitome of meme.
Vice governor is pretty chill towards Otaku.
Well, he's also still young afterall.
Yeah, overrated. Tell that to your mom and dad who made him a leader of your country for 27 years.

Give credit when it is due.
the blasphemy thing?

did he actually commited blasphemy or did the opposition just spin his words?
is he browsing /pol/ or is that hand gesture a thing in indonesia?
That's his signature gesture for his campaign.

>is he browsing /pol/
Of course not.
Why did the French have a piss color in the middle of his flag?
civil war in Indog coming soon?
It's subjective whether he committed blasphemy or not, his side portrayed him as innocent and the hardcore Muslims were triggered as hell.
frogs are degenerate they don't even have uniforms at 90% of schools
It's actually signifies the fact that they are a bunch of surrendering pussies.
>civil war
Only libtards are delusional enough to cry about his country entering a civil war because his favorite candidate didn't win the election.
I actually doesn't hate Ahok personally (even after all the blasphemy thing).
The reason why I don't wanna him to win is because:
>1. I fucking hate the idiot Kanjeng Mami & her PDI-P
>2. Ahok supporters are insufferable cunts
Looks like meme powers work both ways. Maybe it's a good time to syahadat.
I agree with the second point but why would people hate Mega that much? She's no different from any politicians.
She sold Telkom satellite
The good thing about her era was the birth of KPK
And everyone seems forgot just last years she said herself want to close KPK.
>She's no different from any politicians.
No, she's different. She's way dumber than other party leaders.
You haven't watch her speech, have you?
She's nothing but grumpy nanny.

Goddamn, if only Risma can dethrone this women from PDI-P.
This is blue board. Also I already fapped today
The fuck does 'Ngekeki' mean

I can't speak jowo
He lost because he was overconfident about the fact no one cares about blasphemy things. I think the blasphemy just added more fuel to himself. He was infamous for talking shit like an autist, and he has short-tempered mind.
Maybe there are muslims who don't care about the blasphemy, but he was underestimated how much they are. Well imagine someone insults Christianity in Philippines when he promoted himself as the next leader, I doubt he will get elected.
Many people thinks that it doesn't have any effect on his losses, but to me there's.
haaah? meki?
'Ngekeki' means 'Ngasih'/'memberi'
That only works verbally desu

>Well imagine someone insults Christianity in Philippines when he promoted himself as the next leader, I doubt he will get elected.
Duterte would like to have a word with you.
ngekek = tertawa
ngekeki = membuat tertawa
if you trust those media and those indon on /pol/ (who basically rundowner from /a/) or r/indonesiathat we will went into full durka after this then pls, reeducate yourself

here what we basically want

you want democracy fine
here is our democracy the majority win for majority
if we don't fuckin vote for someone that come from minority, it doesn't fuckin mean we will kill those fuckin minority next

also our durka is much very different than the durka from arab because we are not up to hand with something kalashnikov rifle

even the most durka like HTI or FPI went down like those antifa or hippie in US
This one >>73795540 is also right though.
So, what's the context?
ngekek tertinggi
Some news on tv. I watch jtv because I was bored
Calls them pedos and corrupt, immoral all the time
Is it the channel with jawa medok?
>The A-team in Javanese
p wkwkwkwk xD :333~~
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ngelawak gan?
Yeah, very medok.
New pope is satanist.
So what if Malaysia is ruled by a Nazi Party after World War II assuming it existed at that time?
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What's fuehrer prabowo policy again lads?
Why do you always come with the most random questions all the time?
I pretty much forget his policy but from what I remember he plays more on macro economy than Jokowi. Also he planned to make Papua became rice fields.
Probably to do what if stuff or something and also it's /asean/ related.
Make Indonesia Great Again?
main pedang-pedangan juga dosa om wkwkwk

say this ten times and see what happens
Javanese are crypto-chink
I laugh everytime they use 'Lha mbok yo' in every beginning of sentences
Try tongkol but faster
Try to find something more related than "Nazi Malaysia."
Ok then. Is Ahok better than Jokowi politics wise?
Ahok is much much better at managing something, even with iron fist if needed.
Our President .. I didn't even know what's on his tiny little mind.
In terms of what? Making policies? Finding allies? Solving problems? Gaining supporters?

Here's a short answer; one became a president and one failed to be a governor. You do the math.
Isn't what connect you and /asean/ animes?
it's autism
What about the french elections? sounds fun judging from this video, especially Jean-Luc Mélenchon

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same shit actually, the difference is only the aggressiveness

>"Look everyone! i do this and i do that! I AM GOOD BOI RIGHT??"
>turn out it's not 100% completely developed

in here something like that is called as "pencitraan" (good imaging), so basically you do and complete you promise as much as you can to gain reputation, and that should be informed to all people and media, but doesn't matter how well or how complete those developed
Zahid Hamidi's daughter speaking Javanese with fellow Malaysian reserve soldiers

B-but he did a good job before.. too bad he isn't redpilled enough
I born and live in Solo, and i used to like him so much.
But then shit happen.
One thing i found suspicious is when he erased ministry of environment.
Next is he also fired Rizal Ramli, Anies Baswedan, and probably forced Susi to shut up back when reclamation project start to getting hot.
So basically he want to get rid everything that will hold him back to put as many project as possible.
Where's that Frenchie?
A bit busy checking out the other /asean/ thread, but better wait until it reach past 300 replies. Tomorrow I'll make a new /asean/ thread but I will not do it until the previous thread also reached 300+ replies as well.
We didn't see him enough on tv or internet but he make infrastrucure real good i hear among peers.

Deep down i believe this will backfire us somehow

If we didn't need to catch up with first worlders, what are we going to do then?
Be re-colonized or eat mud like our new Guinean brothers?
Is he also involved in land grabbing?
that's why i say it was "pencitraan"
now he rush out all those infrastructure project
seems good if you see as a common people
but for me an accountant who know all shit about economy, it is bad, especially for macro

you see, fiscal and moneter should be balanced
that's why we could stood up even with that 2008 crisis in SBY era
but because the rushing of infrastructure project, it will be mean you must rush ou too the national budget collection aka tax
in of how to use national budget, it's not same like how you must save up first to get something like usually people do, government need to collect the money to balancing the national project and policies spending (if you want to learn more abou this, learn Public sector accounting / akuntansi sektor publik)
if the gov can't meet the target of collection, then the gov needs to get the money from another source, which means either sell national bond letter or foreign credit debt

that's why our national debt skyrocketing in jokowi era and that's why our rupiah skyrocketing too from 10000/US dollar to nearly 14000/US dollar
Pls include the social side too anon
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> tfw no lesbos gfs
I remembered my engineering friends said that his ambitious project to make 10,000MW is too unrealistic, kek.
Is it possible to suck your own dick?
from social aspect, jokowi is not recognizing the power of majority aka the most islamist

their political theme is probably old, but their connections and their political stand is so fuckin solid lately, especially after ahok incident. The gap between the real islamist and fake islamist become clear, also the islamist form an alliance with the right nationalist like prabowo.

also his way in caring the people is monotone which means almost similar like he did before
>give something good
>then forget the people
this thing is alreday happened in papua, he build many project in there, but not caring the feeling of the locals
Centrism > Capitalism >> Communism
Believing that personal freedom will lead to breakdown of social and familial order is conservatism.

Believing that powerful governments are needed to protect Islam and Muslims is more Muslim nationalism than Muslim conservatism.

Believing that Muslims can only vote for Muslims is Muslim nationalism, not Muslim conservatism.

Let's call a spade a spade. It's Muslim Nationalism, not Islam or Muslim conservatism. Don't concede Islam or all conservative Muslims to the nationalists.
Based malay anon. Screenshoted just in case.

new meme

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>tfw you realize that your life is meaningless and futile
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apology for poor english

when were you when ahok lost?

i was sat at home eating tempe when udin ring

‘ahok is lost’

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>being this butthurt because he can't make an autistic thread
>ITT: Prawowo wot wot!
>Makes Indonesian great again

Hell, i love when indo/pol/ already banging the /int/ door once more....

Where's that 24 trillions at again?
ᜑᜓ ᜈ᜔ᜄ ᜄᜄᜓ ᜁᜉᜎᜒᜏᜈ ᜋᜓ ᜃᜓ ᜊᜃᜒ ᜇᜒ ᜈᜒᜌᜓ ᜄᜒᜈᜄᜋᜒ ᜁᜆᜓ
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Was the first triumvirate better than the second one? The second triumvirate didn't really feel like a partnership, they kinda ignored one of them and the other two decided to fight each other just cuz of their greed.

>First triumvirate
>Caesar - charismatic populist, with a history of kindness and honour
>Pompey - strong man with a history of honesty and great military background
>Crassus - rich man to keep your troops and supporters happy

>Second Triumvirate
>Antony - the experienced politician/ military leader
>Lepidus - only part of the triumvirate as he stayed loyal to Caesar and had armies. Although became irrelevant when he agreed to give parts of his army
>Octavian - descendant of a well-liked populist leader from a well-known family
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This does not look anything like anime.

unless you also think this is a manga
>French army uniform
>get seen from a mile away
>not having the black Prussian Hussar uniform with Totenkopf hat and not fully wearing your coat
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The call that saved Indonesia
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>get seen from a mile away
>they have time to fill the surrender form
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Still sacked Paris and declared the German Empire in the French icon of power at Versailles though :^)
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The communists deserved it a lot less than the islamists and the oligarchs do now desu
Cry more r*ddt
Indonesia is good at showing you that the right will definitely team up with Islamists if they have to and their main objective is getting back at the people who make fun of them online
>ᜑᜓ ᜈ᜔ᜄ ᜄᜄᜓ ᜁᜉᜎᜒᜏᜈ ᜋᜓ ᜃᜓ ᜊᜃᜒ ᜇᜒ ᜈᜒᜌᜓ ᜄᜒᜈᜄᜋᜒ ᜁᜆᜓ
>"Ho(y) nuga(mga?) gago ipaliwana(g) mo ku(ng) baki(t) 'di ni(n)yo ginagami(t) ito"
>"Hey fools, explain why you don't use [Baybayin]."

Some people are starting to, for artistic and/or personal use. There is a closed Facebook group you can join, wherein they share their writings and artworks using Baybayin, or even organise meetups and classes to teach others the writing system. Its name is "baybayin".

By the way, "mga" is spelt as "manga" ᜋᜅ

And you can try out this set of fonts from nordenx (Google "nordenx blogspot", second post "The old and the new").

It uses a proposed modern reform (see the "Modern Baybayin Chart" link on the sidebar) of Baybayin, based on his research on other scripts (e.g. syllable duplication).
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>tfw be with two qts one Filipina and Hong Kong grill
>we just finished revision at SOGO hotel library
>decide to go grocery shopping and KFC
>turns out based Filipino uni friend works there as well
>gives us 25% discount on our chicken
How was your day?
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bump to keep wagecuc.ks cuc.king
Wew. She's wearing our college uniform.
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>Liberal Democrat leader denies he is homophobic, but won't confirm whether he thinks being gay is a sin or not
>Merkel and CDU is also very anti-homosexual
>Conservative Party allows legalisation of gay marriage
wtf, why does Bakahime call me SJW??

>popular doijn only translated to viet
I'm proud to be asean
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>As above, so below

What did they mean by this?
how is the pokpok inventory of UST?
I got Thai
Gotta read those runes
Selamat pagi
>*wake up side by side with kak ros*
non existent honestly
guise let's make a love letter to r/indonesia

just make or post all memes that related to yesterday happening, i will combine it
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Brunei anon,you are so mean
it fell ;__;
How about you just open the archive and start collecting it?
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Brunei anon is a mangkukulam

Do you guys still dream when you go to sleep? I just had one and it was pretty weird/cool.
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Thread posts: 301
Thread images: 43

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