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Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 44

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God king edition
Despise right wing and centrist people
fuck south america
Feds took it down from t'archive i beleeve not that i looked it up hahaha

Read last sentence

Hopefully dead x

Whom even is this mong
He needs a good steel toed boot to the eye
are you a poofter or something
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took 15 grams of this today
handsome lad
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>Penis butt
CANNOT make this up l0l
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why this dab look like a battleaxe lmaoooo
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caught ya mirin
dont understand this
Don't you mean right wing and centrist ideologies, beliefs, or ideas? Hating people you've never met is pure, unironic bigotry, and a clear sign of ignorance.
REALLY like Melenchon lads
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So these are the people that I am posting with in brit
ye hink yer fkn stunnin

lel done something similar but was 24

the state of me. parents didnae find out tho
hate melenchon lads
Reckon im done with brit gor good now

Just a waste of my time
how do you know you're not gay for sure without shagging a lad first?
why does getting replies feel so good? seriously it's like a rush of dopamine

Fuck off tory before I heem ya
no he is just one fucked up case

everyone else is perfectly sane and normal I promise
swear to fuck everyone chanting sounds english
what's going on here lads
people come for anything other than to waste time?
was going to prepare a spliff but i need to revise
Just spent my first day here shitposting after not browsing for a good 9 months, tomorrow I'll probably get bored and leave for another year.

Feel sorry for the runts who actually come on this site everyday, that can't be much of a life
if /brit/ is just a waste of time they I've thrown away a large part of my life I will never get back on nothing
Bit mental that there are honest basic bitch lefties here who still spout lame propaganda rubbish that everyone stopped caring about years ago as if it's relevant
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Should i make a Tinder lads?
daily reminder that yanks are our friends and always welcome in /brit/
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all me

you've been here much longer than that.
dont do that

you were going to mke a joint but you need to study. or some other yank shit
utterly pointless post
Nice bedsheets you feckin woman
This is my first time posting for three years. I haven't regularly posted for 4 years, but some people still have pictures of me and their life has not changed at all.
is turtlephimo actually here or is this just a fan of his
>he call me a plonker again lads
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posting some patriotic anime
I'm familiar with the website and the memes, like I said I've been here before
not sure i understood this post
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Fools and Horses is one of the worst TV shows ever made.
doobs, zoots and jays
utter tune

are you still on the silk cut purples?
just woke up
what else is it, if not a waste of time? it's a waste of time as much as video games or anything else where you effectively sit and do nothing for leisure. it's something to do when you have literally fuck all better to do
Why is five guys so expensive
explain yourself

just an admirer

and it's too early for phimo to be on
These are sad people, a sad reality is that a lot of the people posting in this general will end up taking their own lives before they manage to pass their genes on.
choose 1
Unironically massively left wing after going to college

Too left wing even for corbyn
>smoking a joint
>bunnin a zoot
>not splaffin a joobo
pfft >>>/1960s/ with you
*vapes your path*
/brit/ is just people talking. Whether that's a waste of time or not depends on the person, but personally i think its a good way to spend free time.
just fell asleep

as i know this is a dream i shall say whatever i want without repercussions: i have a small willy!!!!!!!!
i know yanks dont say revise or spliff. you're not fooling me
maybe you should start with one guy if you're inexperienced
>RBS stake may be sold at a loss, chancellor admits

Ah yes, the tories selling off state assets to their banker pals on the cheap.
>this autistic drummer
you're in denial, /brit/ is nothing like an actual group discussion. it's just inane shitposting and retards having one-sided conversations and arguments that go literally no-where
Reminder that there are JFs who just lurk here to learn english.
They don't make any posts, but they read all of yours.
>tfw uni made me right wing

Unironically nationalise the banks and the railways
That's all conversation
It's not just people talking, for some people this is all they have.. They don't have much contact with people outside of this general
>midlands high-speed rail

and our next stop will be birmingham due to arrive in 7.2 years
>inane shitposting
nowt wrong with this
>one-sided conversations and arguments that go literally no-where
ah yes as opposed to two-sided arguments where people actually change their viewpoint, those happen all the time

they are going to think the british are pretty weird then and love getting their bollocks crushed
1. I'd fucking batter you like you can't imagine.
2. You should be more tolerant of other people (as long as they're not in the act of seriously hurting someone). Attack ideas, like a grown up. Not the human beings associated with them.
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i love learning so much

recommend me something to learn lads

>le contrarian
>le I believe /pol/ not my professor!
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>tfw you will remain forever depressed
/brit/ is what you make of it
you have autism
Condescending meta posts are the most pointless kind you can make
congrats you can now feel better than the mongs who have nobody but brit to talk to and the people who dont take it seriously and just like making jokes
mate... we all obviously get a level of enjoyment out of it otherwise we wouldn't be here. don't pretend like it's healthy though, that's some strong denial.

you will get nothing from this. form no lasting bonds. meet no new people. progress anywhere socially, professionally, financially, educationally, spiritually (if you believe in that shit). don't fool yourself chappo
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>1. I'd fucking batter you like you can't imagine.
hmmm, was hoping it would be more conclusive

How does that make it not talking
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>next episode of rick and morty is written by a woman

oh great, now it's going to become even more reddit
Of course, I've come to know/brit/ posters in real life and I've met them. They're exactly what you'd expect. I recommend you leave this board before it's too late, most of these posters are consumed in this lifestyle, and will never leave it
They literally do. It's just another notch on his belt, you think he gives a fuck what she looks like?
all me
disgusting nonce
the best advice I can give people wishing to leave this place is to fill your lives with something other than this, you wont forget the memes but you'll forget to visit this website

toe bone's connected to the foot bone
foot bone's connected to the heel bone
heel bone's connected to the ankle bone
ankle bone's connected to the shin bone
shin bone's connected to the knee bone
knee bone's connected to the thigh bone
thigh bone's connected to the hip bone
hip bone's connected to the back bone
back bone's connected to the shoulder bone
shoulder bone's connected to the neck bone
neck bone's connected the head bone
now hear the word of the Lord
>knowing this

hėllo reddit
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oy you, get on t' fookin trehn we're goin t' fookin newcastle
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i saw it on the 'pedia

Can't be fucked arguing with right wingers, they won't change their view points no matter what I say because they are comfortable with how things are or want to regress backwards, usually coming from a position of privilege themselves.
rick and morty is objectively good
childhood choon
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10000 hours in ms paint
I already tried that

it just ends and I always eventually make my way back here

it's like an autism magnet
Why is literally every other country so much worse at journalism?
you met peple from /brit/?
>>737732Lads you'll see me on the news tomorrow there's a searchlight out looking for a gunman in my ghetto (N.I.) and I was out the back having a smoke , put my hood up and grabbed a cricket bat for a laugh and pointed it at it like it was a gun and the searchlight was on me for a few minutes.
Absolutely bricking it

Nonces out
redpill me on brum
why does he post the bait?
Hi Tom, i thought you stopped posting here?
Right you've obviously missed the part where I said its not JUST people talking

This implys that people are talking but there is more occurring
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something's "off" with my bellend
The profs that had the most impact on me were centrists or right leaning
Lefty profs just seemed like such a joke to me, idk what sort of people fall for their rubbish.
Ah yes, the classic boogeyman
Honestly the more I read into philosophy and history the less liberalism and left-socialism appealed to me.
/pol/ is full of liberal capitalists who just hate immigrants and that's it, they are hardly that "right" wing otherwise.
am i the only one who wants are sadiq or are chukka to run as labour mp, would feel proper proud to have the first black/muslim pm in our country's history and in europe. would be a big one up on the yanks
hello liam
does it itch?
Can't be fucked arguing with left wingers, they won't change their view points no matter what I say because they are comfortable with how things are or want to regress backwards, usually coming from a position of privilege themselves.
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absolutely howling if this is true
you utter mong
make sure there are no weapons around your computer, if the police kick your door in just get on the floor and co operate
yeah they do hahaha it's good banter to fuck girls like that and the guys just want to fuck something
it's very itchy and dry and has a weird complexion

not sure what's wrong with it
>can't be fucked arguing with right wingers because I don't have enough knowledge to debate them

Ive made pals on /brit/ and it helped me get where i am politically and re my sense of humour
It introduced me to shows, music, films id never have bothered with otherwise, its an excellent timesink when theres literally nothing else to do, and more importantly its somewhere i can vent the kind of daily frustrations that dont go down well when you air them on social media

I don't think spending a lot of time here is a bad thing, especially compared to other boards and generals which have a higher autistic wrongun to good lad ratio
im tom actually haha
*sniffs it*
Just wanked to trap porn for the first time

Massively ashamed of myself
/fug/ is pretty comfy
good post
doing a poo
better get the ol sheathes out mate

pls give this thread another bump lads
Yeah, I'm friends with delumo and the ed balls trip now.
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alri gayboy
Imagine getting to your deathbed having done nothing with the incredible gift of life but type on an autism containment website
Neuro-linguistic programming, self-hypnosis, lucid dreaming, first aid and the contents of this book:

/brit/ got me a gf tb h
post height and weight
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dont know how this was relevant to the question
maybe you should get someone to wet it with their mouth or bum juice xx
Have a shower and wash it properly
I'm friends wuth everyone on /brit/ except the thairunts and the leafs
6ft 3
It's a secret ;))
met my gf (male) on /brit/
You've made your first step towards coming out of the closet anon, you'll be telling your parents in no time
we already had a kenyan muslim for president

looks like you lose again x
Just watched this


Amazing desu
imagine getting to your deathbed having done nothing with the incredible gift of life but delete new /brit/s made before page 8 on an autism containment website
Come home xx

Literally so much autism in this post

>note to self: don't reply to jf
who the fuck washes their bellend?
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>NLP has since been overwhelmingly discredited scientifically,[9][10]
Have had this happen to me before when i was sinking a pint of triple Jack and coke
i needed to reply to open the quick reply and forgot to remove your post number
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>tfw one day all my pepes will be worthless
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what's a good home remedy for hemorrhoids
so lads, talking to a girl about another girl, asking why she doesn't like me anymore

she's like aw it seems you care

I'm like, yeah I don't care too much though, would just like to know

etc etc

I go: yeah, you're too nice

her reply: aw thanks you too x
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>What the bleeding fack was that anon? that post woz a lod of shit woznt it? facking hell anon get it together
What? I washing it with shower gel suds, use my fingers to give it a gentle scrub and keep the underside clean. Good hygiene innit
>/brit/ never created relationships
ummmm no sweaty what about kyary pamyu pamyu in london??xxx
Actually I've smoked joints and popped benzos with a /brit/lad it was fun
dont worry the shame recedes over time
*washes my dog's bellend with my mouth*
why do girls never go for us nice guys?

I'm already smarter than any right winger, I just can't be fucked, why are you so obsessed
accidentally deleted all my filters
stop being a fat fuck
*blocks your path*
stop forcing your poo out
and don't sit on a toilet
squat over a hole
>They don't make any posts
Then I quite like them
christ you're a cringe cunt, no wonder your dick is drier than deserts

>whinging to a girl because another girl doesn't like you anymore
>excellent timesink when theres literally nothing else to do

basically exactly what i said about it in my first post. it's something to do when you have literally nothing else. the word literally gets thrown around a lot but i do mean literally nothing else to do.
He's a good lad tb h
i swear daily mail needs to be shut down like the news of the world, need are je to shut em down


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gonna get my daily vlogbrothers dose
How is it autistic to think for yourself? Especially compared to openly admitting that you utterly fell for propaganda and are proud of it.
If you're not going to argue politics reasonably, like a grown up, then shut up about it. Flinging shit is what monkeys do. Whining is what babies do. Lashing out is what wild animals do. You're an adult human, act like one.
Someone report that 190kg to the police, he's posting about his noncing activitys again

This time involving TWO small girls
Margaret Thatcher was the greatest Briton of the 20th century

you literally cannot prove otherwise so don't even try
Having said that I post on mobile an awful lot like now getting ready for my day and after meals
are they still doing that thing? i watched that like 5 years ago
Then how am I personally able to use it to change my mood at will, and overcome phobias and cravings?
I met her on an anonymous messaging app very similar to 4chan and basically talked to her like I talk to /bit/ and she liked it.
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*blocks your path*
Goodnight /brit/
>mum look at how edgy I am!!!
190kg custard face
t. Charlene Hart
ever notice that foreners r wierd sometimes
can someone give me a brief tutorial on how to filter users
Don't understand sorry
*shows you my willy and you run away*
just started pouring my eyes out around the dining table about how i need a ct scan to my mum and all her stupid old hagged alchy friends and they're all just saying i need a psych literally this is my body and i know i need a ct scan what do i lads i really don't feel very well and no one believes me
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Nearly predicted my own post lads
Because you have autism
no not really kev
Hate literally everyone in this thread
poo willy wee bum fanny piss arsehole
sweet dreams ~
I am NOT from nz and am from australia

don't make me add poo peeland to that list
it's in our midst

this is real /brit/ hours. i know you have the power to ignore it

i believe in you all
Any you lads want REAL feels? Enjoy the decline of Britain as a geopolitical, cultural, economic and military power summed up in 15 minutes of archive footage

*slides down the banister in a clown costume*
*dropkicks tim in the head*
*falls down the stairs honking my horn*
Your Da's taking the divorce well
thanks for the free (You)
Love literally everyone in this thread
hes dead actually

Literally would knock you out if you talked like that to me IRL, luckily, you're safe behind your computer screen you autistic Tory fuck.
just had a pretty good poo, it was solid and a bit tough on the old anal fissures but the end bit came out in one piece and there was no wiping needed apart from the blood from the aforementioned anal fissures
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>type into a search field of a site I use
>"hypno black" shows up as historic search
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Me Timothy James Farron in Number 10 downing street London SW1A 2AA my temporary house on the 9th June 2017
I know its neither here nor there but the way leftists love to remind rightists that "we aren't a superpower anymore" they always seem pleased by the fact?

who wouldn't rather not live in a powerful and relevant country?
had an absolutely terrible poo earlier, got stuck in my arse hair and had to wash my arsecrack in the sink
heem literally everyone in this thread
h8 foreners
h8 lefties
h8 pakis
h8 poles
h8 the eu
luv pints footy & the queen xx
need a wholesome a kiwi gf

note: i see the kiwi in this thread but i do not want his input. my post is an independent entity.
You lads don't own me

Think I told you before
getting the daily dose of rubin report
Love a good "tough but no stuff" poo where theres maybe a faint patch of bowel grease on the roll but no concrete evidence a poo ever slid out of your rectum
that time when i was having a piss at home, farted and actually shat myself
good lad
Someone was saying there's proof that 190kg is on the sex offenders register and that some lads from /sp/ doxxed him to find out? Can someone confirm
Get him nzlad
fantastic. post mate
>his name's actually timothy james
*tickles you*
i never post on anything or visit on my mobile or tablet. i cannot deal with touch typing and predictive and not having a mouse to scroll. need to be on a lappy or it's no dice. see a lot of people posting here on their phone. cant imaginecoming here to post when i am anywhere other than at home doing absolutely nothing
*gets a hard on*
Alri er Nova Scotia er my mucker what are ye at ez days en? It is I belfast
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Honestly why does tim farron have a resting cry face
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making progress lads

do you think kay's son is a virgin
done this >>73773261 am soaring
i shitpost on my phone when I'm in bed, bored at work or on the train desu
>lashes out and flings shit
You're a pathetic little child, intellectually. And I strongly doubt you'd win a fight against me. I'm a boxer and have studied MMA, and have won more streetfights than I can remember.
new downstairs neighbor got a tv. it's loud. thank god. it was genuinely weird them sitting down there in silence all day and night before
Do people actually not know about this? It was a few years ago but they found out he did time for kiddie fiddling
Filtered non British flags last week

Blood pressure levels have declined drastically

Just to let you JF know I shan't be replying to your runtish posts
hate immigrants, refugees, sjws, foreign aid

don't mind the eu
what will britain look like in 30 years
will it be worse or better
worse, always worse
oioi id drop my sausage in her batter ;)
Maybe they had headphones in.
Never done dabs but I'm acquiring same hashish and going to make homemade wax with hair-straighteners and greaseproof paper. What are they like?
reminds me of a futa doujin where this girl witha smaller dick puts hers in the girl with a bigger dick's foreskin, they frot, and they both cum so much they stretch the foreskin out and then they gulp down all the cum

How about you come down to York and say that then?
Im a black man with a short black man black black black black black man with a short fuueuf so i cant stand waiting for stuff and tend to juggle brit, twitter and various other social applications
Hallo there its bucks where have you been i hope you are well
feel as though this will greatly improve my /brit/ experience
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was NOT expecting that result
are you dizzy blud
christ the future is bleak isnt it lads
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what will the internet be like in the year 2027?
the bankers the bonuses
isidewith is run by the russians
alri louise mensch
good job if you're doing that. the gf was telling me the other day her best mates bf is going to get it chopped. i went full retard about it to her saying she should tell her to get him to stretch it with those things and saying how it's fucked up getting it cut. it sucks because i cant say anything and i just cant help but feel sad a guy would just cut a piece of his dick off like that, you know?
hits fast and hard
much cleaner than smoking, i honestly can't handle a spliff with my asthma lungs

i do it in my room and it leaves no traces
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I wouldn't waste that amount of time on you. And I don't fight people just because some Scrappy Doo moron with anger issues got triggered by the truth on the internet.
*screaming at top of my voice before >>73774584 finishes saying it* BOGIES!!! *continues to scream*

luigi = theresa may in the 2017 general election
bankers get the guillotine

>it's fucked up getting it cut.
you could argue it's fucked up doing it to a kid, but why is it fucked up for a grown man to choose to do it when it's a medical problem?
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not really
no famine
no (serious) war
no nationwide disease (for now)

its alri
i'm not convinced that /lat/ isn't total nonsense even in spanish
same as it is now

the only real big change from how it was in 1997 is you had to dial in and there was no social media
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>You are a: Conservative Pro-Government Isolationist Ultranationalist Fundamentalist
190kg has once again disappeared after his noncing past is revealed
must've had a grim upbringing
*walks into the road*
*gets run over*
Used to do absolutely massive bongs and I've fucked up my lungs from it I can imagine just going overboard with dabs and dying from lack of exhaustion
nah because once i heard them listening to ed sheeran on a phone
>he doesn't know
>-ist -ist -ist -ist -ist -ist

sick of pretentious twats throwing around these esoteric political terms thinking their hot shite
not racist, just don't like foreners as is
Been in the nut house for a while. Not doing too good strongly considering resting my head on the traintracks. How are you s
fun fact: if you get rid of racism, it will just be replaced with another 'ism


fuck's sake
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need Theresa May out of business sunshine
it's just going to get worse though, and the worst part is there is nothing any person could have done to change it, all the events were set in motion long ago
>more immigration
>more decline
>lowering white birth rates
>more concessions made to islam
>more bending over for america
we are an ageing nation
good lad

*gives you greens voting slip printed on hemp*
but yeah mate i got one exam left then i'm done. got a summer course though to make up for some lost credit. been listening to a lot of hardcore and going to more dj nights
surprisingly some djs spin techno and garage here

check this out
>action posting

fuck off you tobacco chewing, vape smoking, fantasy football playing, starbucks drinking, chino wearing, dope smoking cookie cutter porno addict
because it's totally unnecesery. the skin is designed to stretch, and it will, with perseverence. the cons of cutting it off vastly outweigh the pros (there are no pros). it might hurt a lot and it might take months but it's totally doable. and then you have a healthy 100% complete, functioning penis. forever. no risk.

>15°C and cloudy
>10°C and cloudy

Seems pretty comfy tbqh
don't believe this could possibly be comprehensible spanish
Everything only ever gets worse
Thread posts: 315
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