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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 63

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/braltic/ edition
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but none of that is true, chicANO
Just do a BTEC, they're literally worth 3 A levels for some unknown reason and uni's accept them
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*stares at you*
brit when faced by someone with straight teeth:
>they're fake! it's impossible for someone to have straight teeth naturally
>bracers? why would you use those?
>brits don't have fucked up teeth, we have the least cavities of all the entire world
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What the fuck is an A level. What the fuck is sixth form
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don't get this meme
only ever seen one real life fedoralord but my god was he euphoric
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not enjoying this thread AT ALL so far
i like the volleyball team
its not that big a deal here
In the UK, you have to do GCSE's, THEN you have to A-levels (if you're GCSE grades were high enough) and then with A-level grades you can get into uni
Rogan kicks hard alright, but I know I could take his kicks. He could probably hit me with his best kick and I wouldn't even be stunned, just because of my mentality. It's so strong. Nobody can knock me out because of my mentality. I even met Rogan once, and tried telling him about how strong my mentality was, but he just like . . . I don't know, he didn't take me seriously. I was like, "All those guys in the UFC are lucky I don't step in the Octagon, Joe Rogan. because with my mentality, none of them would stand a chance." But I don't think he took me serious. Whatever.
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Any other depressed/lonely lads still up?

How are you feeling?
Getting real tired of the Québécois and their antics to be quite honest with you lads

dumb pirate frogposter
Real yank hours
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is it 2008?
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Just blew 40 dollars on slots, m8s
v lonely and extraordinarily cross with myself
have a good night lad
what are you insinuating

insinuating means suggesting
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*stares at you*
>extraordinarily cross with myself
how come?
*arrives from balt* * looks around*

Hmmm, new things are scary.
is this who the roaches wojak is based on?
1. – Any and all weaknesses can be used against you, and in conflict, will be. As such, weaponise your weaknesses by making them known; hide them in plain sight. Wear your weaknesses like armour, flaunt them, and you deprive your opponents the use of ammunition that would otherwise discredit you.

2. – If weakness is speculated, deny it. If weakness is known, spin it. If it is directly observed, dismiss it. Should it look profitable, leverage it for status in the victimhood hierarchy.

3. – Justification can only exist in respectful exchanges. When you are disliked, justifications are deemed excuses, your guilt, pre-determined.

4. – Do not defend against your attackers, attack them; justification is a Machiavellian fallacy. Do not justify, stipulate. [More Here]

5. – People are like stocks, acquire assets, avoid/drop liabilities and ignore market rumours; acquire insider information wherever possible.

6. – The only difference between the toxic and the unlucky is the unlucky bring you down inadvertently, avoid both.

7. – Attacks reveal intent, defence reveals priority. You don’t defend the unimportant. You don’t attack allies unless it’s a decoy, this simple concept can be extrapolated to any situation.

8. – The battle of the sexes is the only war where crushing the opposition isn’t victory. No, a man must avoid checkmate and stalemate, he must continuously put his woman in check. This and only this is victory for both sides.

9. – Everything is war in a different set of clothing. Love, business, politics, wherever there are competing interests there is a battlefield, and wherever there is a battlefield, there is war.

10. – When things fall apart, be ready for total war.
is it normal to feel cold and shivery when on coke?
have you ever had to heem a runt and put him in his place
11. – Don’t insult the king in the throne room. If you must insult him, do so only amongst those you are confident share a mutual disdain. Lèse-majesté is dangerous, in this context a king is anyone you rely on socially, politically, economically etc.

12. – Lust of all kinds begets deceit, desire is good until it isn’t.

13. – Machiavellianism is the art of wielding power, how it’s wielded is determined by the wielder’s morality or lack thereof. Don’t blame the strategy, blame the soul of its employer. [Read more here.]

14. – Machiavellianism does not determine one’s morals, one’s morals determine the use of Machiavellianism. He who believes he is too moral for Machiavellianism is no more moral than he is an idiot.

15. – When people don’t like you, their questions are attacks. Sometimes these attacks are disguised as concerns, other times they are blatant. Whenever you’re asked a question, gauge the legitimacy of the question. Insincere questions must be met with insincere answers, if any answer at all.

16. – Do not trust those who overwhelm you with questions. They may simply be very curious, but it is more likely they are searching for dents in your armour. The line between curiosity and interrogation is thin, and people do not wear uniforms.

17. – Doubling down on your position or ignoring the challenge usually trumps an apology.

The cool, refreshing taste of Coca-cola is known to do that.
travelling to the past https://youtu.be/Ic-lG4ofvas?t=147
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someone post the video of the people in the 90s in london and everyone's white
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>No, a man must avoid checkmate and stalemate, he must continuously put his woman in check
>14. – Machiavellianism does not determine one’s morals, one’s morals determine the use of Machiavellianism. He who believes he is too moral for Machiavellianism is no more moral than he is an idiot.
thats a good one desu

knew a girl who had tits like this once
>14. – Machiavellianism does not determine one’s morals, one’s morals determine the use of Machiavellianism. He who believes he is too moral for Machiavellianism is no more moral than he is an idiot.
>follow my system or you're an idiot

great argument
you are a mere pawn
hahaaha he is writing a blog!!!!!!!!!
read "il principo" at 15 and it equipped me for total domination and influence over the intellectually stunted ego driven untermensch with my now mephistophelian intellect
How hard is it to become a solicitor/lawyer in the UK?

Do you just need a law degree
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That's what you think
You can only achieve true enlightenment from walking alone in a massive desert, 2bh
in theory yes
I thought becoming a lawyer was super hard, like becoming a doctor?
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Facts: Dating a former porn actress is fine if she has no infections.
takes ages, and only elite educated cunts get into the jobs at the end

what I meant is all you need is a law degree to get started on the solicitor/lawyer career path

(though you'll likely give up and just resort to doing grunty paralegal stuff)
lawyer is a normoid job
you need to have a million person network to make it work, not just know the law and have good rhetorical skills
>Diversity Advisor (Ab)
>$102,838 p.a - $113,324 p.a base, plus employer's contribution to superannuation and annual leave loading.
what is this shite

I went to her cam site once and read her bio. I was surprised when I saw that it said she was straight under 'orientation'. I'm not surprised she's straight, just that she'd admit it. Most camwhores lie about that shit to make more money
nigger job
this is what happens when you let shitskins have power. no skills required cause niggers dont have any.
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Guess what percentage of our energy comes from oil.
Go on guess.
Zero Percent.
For America it's 28%.
So I ask you, why on EARTH do we feel ANY need to get involved in the middle east when they can offer us NOTHING?

Is it just "We do what America tells us to."?
Is it really that simple?

So depressing tbqh.
Inside Every Woman, There Is A Man Waiting To Get Out
business idea: massive gaffiti mural of muhammad copulating with his child bride
to help israel and spread democracy, goy
this internalized misogyny is so tragic
why on earth would you choose to stop being a woman?

if i had the choice i'd have preferred to have been born a woman. i'm not a tranny and i look pretty masculine, but still, the choice is obvious, especially for a shy guy like me
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yeah being a women means easy life
you have to be jewish
agp misogynistic weirdo
eating a corn dog
do ftm guys have any luck with the ladies
also eating a corn dog
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Hm? A frankfurter with a crispy, golden corn shell?
not without a dick

although I've seen some cutting edge phalloplasty and they look indistinguishable from a regular jew cock
but I imagine those cost more than typical trannies can ever dream to afford
Farage = Le Pen = Wilders = Trump = Putin = Assad = Hitler

This is accepted by 50% of the population.
[x] Don't Care
legalise equal marriage already you neanderthal
Why do the British say "bri bri~ :3" when they see something cute?
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Equal for whomth
Getting real tired of everyone calling people they don't agree with Hitler or nazis. How detatched from reality you'd have to be to make such comparrisons.
plans for sunday?
How about you fill your cars and buses with that 0% mate
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Tell me horror stories about London. Terrorism, mayor and the Queen's nickers don't count.
>only a 3-star country
Get good
I just want to go to university, do every drug there i and then hang myself
that's gas bitch

weakest excuse for crossbreed i have ever heard
0/10 Don't even deserve a (you)
Cannot refute my point and thus memes.
Very predictable.
*strokes beard*
Enjoy some booze after 1.5 months off
Don't want to listen to your gay sex music
it's a bad track anyway
fetishizing becoming a woman

your sentiments involving the appropriation of another sex for entirely misguided and informed reasons are degrading of and offensive to women

these makes you weird and thus something to be disdained
brit is getting too cheerful

more depression talk please, ta x
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What do you wanna talk about? :3
Will NOT listen to your gay sex music!!
Kill yourselves fucking scumbags
>fetishizing becoming a woman
>your sentiments involving the appropriation of another sex for entirely misguided and informed reasons are degrading of and offensive to women

what's the problem? women have it better
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cut myself again
I wonder what they talk about in /mämmi/ desu. Wish I could speak Finnish lads
Feeling very happy today lads, last day before my two-week break

Picked up some hotsauce and two sixpacks of nice beer
Going out for breakfast tomorrow with a mate
Gonna go pick up some quality coffee grounds for my stovetop espresso pot

All looking quite cheerful really
proxy offense is not offense
just because something has the capacity to cause people discomfort doesn't mean that it does

gas the kikes
that can be offensive, to a jew
it is not offensive because no jews heard it, or the ones here don't care

you don't have to take offense on other peoples behalf
you're not changing the world
how pathetic i am

is that really you?
only a clueless male drunk on their own privelige could ever think that
That sounds really great laddo

What kind of hotsauce did you cop?
>women don't exist on the internet

how misogynistic

don't reply to me again little boy
Women are the property of men
Always have been always will be
still not answered the question sweetheart
try cutting yourself

It's great for stress

now THIS is crossbreed
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Produced by my mate in another state (NZ)
I think my dad is becoming alarmed at how much I drink every night.
i wish i had privilege
wish i could stop caring politics

think it's bad for my mental health

i've swung between fascism and communism and everything inbetween and it's just exhausting, confusing and depressing
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This man shows up at the club and rudely tells you to grab his wife's ass. What do you do?
i also wish i was a girl
How is it?
what question

if you're male you are priveliged
>falling for the ideology meme
>if you're male you are priveliged
i don-t like being privileged, it means i am the one who needs to work
would probably cuck a man if his wife was attractive
he's not allowed to look me in the eye though
*puts on Trans-Europa Express by Kraftwerk*
the privilege of being most likely to be homeless
the privilege of being more likely to die at work
the privilege of harsher prison sentences
the privilege of guilty until proven innocent when accused of rape
the privilege of 18 years of wage slavery when the condom breaks, or she lied about the pill
the privilege of a mutilated penis at only a day old

but do go on about people saying mean things on the internet
Are you me?
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Good stuff, made of Bird's eye chili. Only need a few drops but quite flavorful and not too hot.
>if you're male you are priveliged
so are women
only they can't admit to that, or the jig is up
tell me your secrets then

are you a KHHV?
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i wish i was black 2bh.
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oppresed women wanted more rights, while privileged men were sent to fight against the germans in ww1
Yes and a Marxist-Leninist
Stop seeking control
Focus on conquering the self and purging weakness inside and out.
After that you can worry about that the plebs are up to and subject them to your sharpened will.

Politically, embrace futurism
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I'm so tired of ironic nigger shit
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Cultural enrichment
>Arguing with these people ironically or otherwise
Absolute waste of effort and willpower
Once you enter their space and accept their terms you've lost
idk if i want to rule the plebs with my sharpened will, seems too stressful
if this happened in omaha beach, i don't want to imagine how terrible was the killings in russia
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I sat and did nothing for years and look what happened
>the privilege of being most likely to be homeless
>the privilege of being more likely to die at work
then campaign for safer working conditions if it bothers you so much
>the privilege of harsher prison sentences
because men committ more violent crime and more crime
>the privilege of guilty until proven innocent when accused of rape
not true and not comparable to how women are often treated as rape victims or to the miniscule amount of rape convictions
>the privilege of 18 years of wage slavery when the condom breaks, or she lied about the pill
because women lie just so they can do something so dangerous and requires so much commitment from them and men certainly don't just for a few more moments of increased sexual pleasure and then they have the option to disappear

what bizarre logic
>the privilege of a mutilated penis at only a day old
not comparable to fgm

all in all you don't have it bad at all if these are your only "concerns"

if you're not going to try then neither am I
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>Stop seeking control
>Focus on conquering the self and purging weakness inside and out.
>After that you can worry about that the plebs are up to and subject them to your sharpened will.
>Politically, embrace futurism
goodnight you artistic fucks
i accept your admission of defeat
Talking to them on their terms is worse than nothing, it's how they reel you in for one of their "struggle sessions"
having a can of somersby apple cider
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what's some good clothes for a depressed lad to wear?

green camo jackets?
*calls that paddle for table tennis*
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>i accept your admission of defeat
yeah but as >>73524202 posted, it's just nonsense
I can explain how it's nonsense but it won't change anything
their opinion was cemented into them in their womens studies course, they won't even
entertain another opinion
how are you supposed to reason with them?
if your depressed, all your clothing should be brightly coloured to offset your grey soul
i do have lots of brightly coloured chequered shirts and t shirts
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top fucking kek

no light blue though, it's not your colour

I want to fuck a black girl, 2bh
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me 2
me second from the left with the awkward posture
thanks lad :3
can't really blame the 'ra for existing desu, england has been absolutely horrid to the irish throughout history
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>this is what you study anon?
>wow you must be really smart!
That's why you don't bother reasoning with them on their terms
Play the ultimate devils advocate and shut down everything they try to turn into neutral ground
whenever I get into an argument I just tell my parents to fuck off lol
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Brutally honest
>me second from the left with the awkward posture
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ousting them from power would do little, they'd be sucked straight back into the vacuum it creates

they harp on about men holding the powerful positions by being fortune 500 CEO's, but every household, every school is dominated by women. They are raising the next generation, most of them alone, so where does the power really lie?
she seems nice
wood bery
Mediterraneans are not white
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>le quirky dog filter
night lads :^(
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a bit weird to think that their grandaughters protested against oppresion and are ugly SJW's
>Shaniqua Stevens
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who's the real heroes, ww2 veterans or modern feminists? the answer's not as clear cut as you'd think
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really greased my brain gears
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need a gf who's into anime
>left leaning libertarian alt right sympathiser
she sounds very confused
that's a man i guarantee it
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>She has been told that someone asked why he didn’t have a clip in the gun and told him to put a clip in the gun. “As he put the clip in the gun, that is when the gun went off,” she said.
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are you implying men can't be gfs?
me a couple of years ago
what changed
1 down, 44 million to go
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the FBI commited suicide by supporting this, but that was part of the cultural war against russia
I love going to the gym at night so I can grunt and yell causing a fuss and make the NEETS who come when they think no one will see their disgusting bodies uncomfortable
I also like to stare at them when they're using a bench or machine I want so they leave
wonder how many people can tell just by looking at me that i'm a virgin
aaaand this is why i'll never go to a gym
le angry about le magazine being called le clip ahaha XD this pretend anger makes me feel better :)
The years
>Put to death upon a cross
>Human sacrifice needed for salvation
>people actually believe this

Sorry to break it to you, lads. God doesn't require a human death to forgive you of your sins. "Jesus" was a harlot, just another false prophet as it is prophesised in Deuteronomy 18:15-22. Same as Korach, Anan ben David, Shabbethai Zvi, Jacob Frank, etc.

originally i started with engineering after thinking that's what i wanted to do for so long but i ended up hating it and just started skipping classes, tests, exams and eventually ended up not doing anything at all for a whole semester

came home, had a few sessions with a shrink, worked a fun summer job, then started at a different uni, different degree, clean slate and i'm golden
human sacrifice is a very powerful rite, and rite's have influence on reality, so idk. wouldn't be so quick to call it silly
I saw a therapist but it did nothing for me. Too scared/clueless to get a job and I'm just a few months from graduating uni.

Ah yes the state of my "life"
the key was that my depression was linked to my situation. i changed my situation and i solved my depression. that was what the shrink helped me to figure out.

i guess i was pretty lucky to diagnose and fix it quickly and without medication
time to put on your big boy boots and function despite being afraid, like these guys >>73524614
nah, rather just lay in bed and rot
just had a shower im absolutely sodden!
doing an ironic poo
then stop moaning on here. hate "depressed" people who moan on websites for attention like a teenager, learn some shame
a literal dictatorship
-and nominal equality for women in education and the workplace; however, in the 1960s and 1970s, women continued to experience discrimination in certain career-paths (including politics) as well as income inequality and a greater burden of household work. In spite of this, the concern with feminism waned during this period.
the only reason men are more successful than women is because everything they do in their life is a prelude to getting laid

I aught to crucify you for this blaspheme
>then stop moaning on here
nah why should i? this place is good to vent and there's many others like me. it's comforting
le sandnigger potuse
South African guys in the office howling at the idea of people being scared of being titled racist

Observable effects of a white population used to being called racist their whole lives. Perhaps indicative of the attitude of other white populations following this period of white-shaming.

le Indian toilet
-HAHAHA stupid conservashit and your stupid conspiracies that obama is bad and a dictator
-WOAH drumpf is bad and a dictator

>implying NEETs shower
>Observable effects of a white population used to being called racist their whole lives. Perhaps indicative of the attitude of other white populations following this period of white-shaming.
nothing speaks volumes
imprisoned dreams, jailed forever
forgiveness weeps, no tears released
anger has no hope, indifference rejoices
while nothing holds court with jesters of time
nothing waits, and waits
sometimes wish my grandparents never left Europe, 2bh
dont care
After the February Revolution of 1917, feminist lobbying gained suffrage[1]

Vladimir Lenin, who led the Bolsheviks to power in the October Revolution, recognized the importance of women's equality in the Soviet Union (USSR) they established. "To effect [woman's] emancipation and make her the equal of man," he wrote in 1919, two years after the Revolution, following the Marxist theories that underlaid Soviet communism, "it is necessary to be socialized and for women to participate in common productive labor. Then woman will be the equal of man."[14]

lenin was a feminist LOL!
So fucking glad my ancestors went to Australia instead of the US or some other shithole
Excuse me but II have been a NEET for over 10 years and my personal hygiene is exceptional and is much higher than the average pleb wagecuck.
don't think they had much choice in the matter
>human sacrifice is a very powerful rite, and rite's have influence on reality
t. Canaan`
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very few fellow brits on here tonight
Brit on holiday here
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need THICC gf lads
mountain view extracts
need THICC non-asian gf lads
Grandfather keeps harping on me to sacrifice a yank already to ensure a good harvest in the fall
Told him I'd find one tomorrow
-it is necessary to be socialized and for women to participate in common productive labor. Then woman will be the equal of man
never find writings of lenin saying this
goodnight subhumans
Need a skinny white gf lads
*dabs to safety*
alri? which state?

setup seems too convenient.

I call samefag

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fuck saxon oppression, 800 fuckin years of english oppression
asian girls are superior to white girls

asian girls are traditional and family oriented
white girls are feminists who just want black cock
this blueberry headband nectar is glorious
Get a load of this silly cunt.

my sister is a white girl and shes not a bbc whore
Asian girls are utter trash.
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ah yes one of those teachers who doesn't have exact dates on their itinerary or changes it too much and expects a constant stream of things schedule concretely independently from student knowledge aside for a few quiet remarks in class
favela monkey is here
a benevolent dictator is literally the best kind of government you can have
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What`s up cousin banger
all benevolent dictators get attacked by (((the chosen people))) and the only one who didn't end up getting btfo was castro
Report for spamming and rule violations lads
radical technocrat here
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Mi comandante.........
which is better?
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Thanks common core
based corbyn wants to gas (((them)))
install gentoo

Literally nothing I would do is on that list
even in america we have free school meals...
what would you do anon? owo

we had free meals and quarter meals depending on how much money your parents made
(((they))) like to push democracy on everyone because it keeps people divided
So do we for all very young children, and poor kids generally.

This dickhead wants to make them free for all kids, even those who's parents can afford to feed them
What exactly did Hitler do wrong?

get drunk
Pissed off the intellectuals. If German scientists hadn't defected, he'd have had an a-bomb first and won the war by nuking America
i read every yank post in iam's voice
going to make some noodles called mi goreng

ok back in 10mins im goreng to the kitchen ;)
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The jews thought Castro would be another puppet like batista, that's why they treated him nice at first......but later they didn't expected that he would be pro-russia and start kiking their asses out of cuba
watching 13 reasons why lads

very good desu haha

he probably would have nuked Russia, 2bh
*begs for attention in gardener english*
>This dickhead wants to make them free for all kids, even those who's parents can afford to feed them
>nuking America

umm they didn't have any planes that could reach america sweetie and even their most advanced missiles couldn't go nearly the distance required x
>gardener english


>not mi goreng to the kitchen ;)
stopped reading there
enforcing a plutocratic social hierarchy from a young age

classic america
Hitler never had the chance to defeat russia
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Because he's a commie
>nuking america
Nigga WW2 was in the 40`s not nowadays

Ah yes. The religion of peace no doubt
What's it about?
fuck off sick of hearing about this
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