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>tfw the more I read about blacks and the more I post defending

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>tfw the more I read about blacks and the more I post defending them online, the more discrimination I get
>tfw not even black
>tfw fags can't imagine the discrimination blacks have IRL
>tfw fags complain about racial quotas but don't understand blacks need them because they're discriminated unless there are laws that force companies to hire them
>tfw not even black
>tfw the only culprit are white people
>tfw pol complains about the situation but never will understand it because they haven't feel discriminated for being positive about blacks
>tfw blacks will never appreciate your tireless service because they can't read your posts
Iktf bro
t. Not black
What the fuck, I hate white people now!
>tfw fags complain about racial quotas but don't understand blacks need them because they're discriminated unless there are laws that force companies to hire them

Just kill yourself
se mata seu merda
If it wasn't for the murders they might be worth defending
a white person will be always prefered over a black person of the same skill.

blacks have to outperform whites to be hired, and paid less.

read soccernomics.

several african countries have less homicides than germany, by example ghana and madagascar.
I haven't got anything against them but why are most blacks in America so tribalistic?
Ghana has a homicide rate of 6 in 100.000 people. Madagascar has a homicide rate of 11 im 100.000 people. Germany has a homicide rate of 0,8 in 100.000 people.
>tfw the more I read about Russians and the more I post defending them online, the more discrimination I get
>tfw not even Russian
>tfw fags can't imagine the discrimination Russians have IRL
>tfw fags complain about Russian foreign policy but don't understand that it's Americans who are trying to encircle and isolate Russia, and actually do the exact same things Russia does (but even worse)

Pashel na hui, suki. They will never understand the Russian soul -___-
several reasons:

institutionalized racism, democrats decide to institutionalize minimal wage laws that destroy the black teenager chance to be hired (read sowell books on economics) in the first place, increasing the unemployment in blacks.

Also the problem of the drugs that started in the 60-70 that destroyed the urban poor comunities, also the fact its prohibition was an inner job from the CIA to keep blacks poor and violent (thanks to cultural marxist wanting to destroy america in the cold war).

Also, the ((owners)) of the musical industry that promoted a criminal culture in form of gang music, this was another inner job.

Also the identity politics of the ((marxists)) that put blacks againts white people.

Several reasons, but those are the most common.

germany = 0.9
ghana = 1.7
madagascar = 0.6
burkina fasso = 0.7

In any case, madagascar and burkina fasso has less homicides than germany.

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an' we need mo' money fo' dem programs
welfare should be banned, is the source of the nigger problem.
I only meme on the internet about hating blacks.
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wow the colombian guy is serious, I thought he was just pretending
I'm the faggot who make threads defending blacks on pol.

how new are u?
The numbers are wrong in the chart. Look at the map, the countries you mentioned are dark blue. The amount of total murders are false. There's no way countries around them are so much more violent.
Enablers like you who victimize blacks are the source of the nigger problem
Ghana, world bank data.

Burkina fasso, world bank data.

Wanna try again?
Or are stadistics wrong when the data contradicts your pol cherrypicking?

read a book on european colonialism on blacks.
read a book on black history.
read a book over european racism towards blacks in the XX century.

wanna try me?
I've read more about blacks than y'all combined.
Sorry, but I don't go to that garbage of a board, their opinions matter less than /b/'s to me, and I don't browse /int/ 24/7 to see your mental illness riddled threads.
Maybe they shouldn't try come to europe to be discriminated against if it is so terrible for them.
>defending blacks on 4chan make me mentally ill
Maybe your ancestors should have leave blacks in africa and not fuck up their countries.

whites are the source of the problem.
read a history book.

why do you think white guilt was invented?
Republicans have the right idea when it comes to blacks.

They know the vast majority are completely retarded, but also admit that due to the fact that so many of them are Niggers, the few blacks that aren't really do face descrimination.
>educate yoself!
Cry me a river, bud. I've learned much more about colonialism than you think. Quit spewing your Marxist bullshit while pretending not to be one.

Did your first year history prof tell you all about 'da evil whitey' or something?
>oh yes ghanna is just like germany
congolombians everybody
>Maybe your ancestors should have leave blacks in africa and not fuck up their countries.
pls, finns had things worse than majority of africans ever had. No time for colonizing and shit.
A paradise with lower murder rates than europe
>your ancestors
Ah, yes. I almost forgot about all the atrocities the Finns caused in 19th century Africa
Ghana and Burkina fasso have 10-20 times as many murders as Germany. it's not cherry picking, you just post bullshit statistics. There are few countries that have a lower murder rate than Germany, all of them are white countries.
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trully civilized people just like the danes
Why do Brazilians self-hate?
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reminder that you're replying to this guy
I can tell this happened in Germany because he has a DHL uniform on
the start of the problem was the minimal wage laws.

read sowell.

Oh, so you're going to deny all the genocides the whites did in africa?
Are u going to deny the belgian genocide in the congo?
Are u going to deny the roots of the rwanda genocide?
Are u going to deny the civil wars because of the diamond industry?
Are u going to deny the unfair geographical partitions without regard for the indigenous tribes?
Are u going to deny the caucho genocidal industry in africa?

Are u going to deny whites left the countries in such poor conditions to allow dictators control the continent for decades that some of them are still going?

Are u going to deny the USA imperialism supporting civil wars in the reggion and puppet dicators to avoid commies to control the reggion?

Are u going to deny the dismissal of the XIX century europeans for african history?
Are u going to deny the root of the popular vissions of africa as some jungle thanks to popular western media?
Are u going to deny the complete ignorance of the average westener on african history?

Are u going to deny the institutions the whites put in africa were to extract resources and not build countries?

Are u iliterate on african history yet call me an indoctrinated idiot?

Retarded pol cuck.

and yet safer than huemonkey shithole.
africa is safer than latinoamerica.

read a book.

so mobs killing criminals don't happen here?

pol thinks blacks are one single race, seems fair to treat all whites the same.

>more reliable than my 2017 data

>the guardian being more reliable than world bank data


wow, just like hue monkeys.

They brought it upon themselves, if you truly are concerned about the well being of the negro, you better do your best to send them to africa where they belong.
Stop being retarded and see how well the "white" states of southern Brazil and countries such as Argentina have utopic societies without any crime "just like Germany". The color of your fucking skin has nothing to do with the historical and economic circumstances related to the success of said society in repressing crime. Go back to /pol/ please
>read a book.
Read one yourself mate.
>and yet safer than huemonkey shithole.
>africa is safer than latinoamerica.

Make this easier by not bulshitting this hard yourself
>victim blaming.
>wow just like the huemonkeys
yes exactly retard were black
if you unironically believe that the south is white in anyway you might go back to /luso/
>he doesn't know the origins of the slavery industry

So, you have no argument to my historical questions and tell me to read a book.

Try to deny them, give me a good argument.
Your race has been pieces of shit during history.

Brazil is a more dangerous shithole than many african countries combined.

try again.
are you stupid what do you think brazil is
you do realize the slaves were the dumb lower castes of the black tribes?
the smart blacks, the poets, the doctors and intelectuals were never sent to america.

america got the lower peasant castes of the african society.

read a book pls.
i forgot that africans can live for 500 years sorry
Why is there no rich black country then? Or no crime free black country? Or a black country with a high HDI? Most of africa has been almost let untouched, why did they never develop functional societies if skin color doesn't matter?
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you're still replying to this guy
>European people come to america and magically become black

I see

>Brazil is a more dangerous shithole than many african countries combined

Yes, but it doesn't prove a thing. Ever heard of tu quoque?
oh yes i forgot the south of brasil is just like /luso/ tells me and 100% white and germanic sorry, dont be stupid
Mixed people desperately seek an identity so they often either go full /pol/ and worship whites despite not even being white which destroys their self esteem, or go full "Dindu nuffin" and blame whitey for everything which gives them self-esteem but makes them lazy victimized idiots.
>something that happened centuries ago and has stopped even here still has relevance in the context of societal problems.
>tfw africa the land of the black still practices slavery in this day and age and shows no sign of stopping.
>So, you have no argument to my historical questions and tell me to read a book.
You just told me to read a book without any questions mate. And I told you the same. Finns and Finno-Ugrics have suffered ten times more shit during the history than any african country, to the point that we have basically been genocided to the extinction. And do we get any reparations or hypocritic defenders for that? No, everything we have we had to build from nothing by ourselves, while africans spend their time throwing hissyfits and poop around.
Don't you think that the very fact of Africa being let untouched has to do with this continent being mostly either a green hell or deserted wasteland full of disease and natural difficulties for agriculture?
>Are u going to deny the belgian genocide in the congo?
You even type like a negro. I won't deny things which went on in the Congo Free State (a personal fiefom of King Leopold, not a responsibility of all Belgians)
>Are u going to deny the roots of the rwanda genocide?
Are you going to deny that the Rwandans have no agency of their own? Are you trying to justify their actions by blaming the Belgians instead of the Hutu?
>Are u going to deny the civil wars because of the diamond industry?
This is my fault as a white man because...?
>Are u going to deny the unfair geographical partitions without regard for the indigenous tribes?
Unfair by whose standards?
>Are u going to deny the caucho genocidal industry in africa?
What are you even on about?

Are u iliterate on african history yet call me an indoctrinated idiot?
Again, I've taken plenty of history courses. I've even studied the genocides you've mentioned in your asinine post.

>Retarded pol cuck
Cuck? I'm not the one defending blacks here. It sounds like you're the one who would watch one fuck your gf. Secondly, I don't go on /pol/

>seems fair to treat all whites the same
Well, you're obviously no better than the people on /pol/ then
>tfw black and addicted to /int/ and /pol/
>tfw no black friends
>tfw I will probably die alone
African Americans also have on average 30% white admixure which in some ways makes them smarter than African blacks.
>I never read a book
read a book pls.

>rich black country
botswana has the same PPP as brazil.

>crime free country
I posted madagascar and burkina fasso, lower homicides than germany.

>high HDI
Seychelles has a HDI of 0.7 and is high development index.

>functional societies
>never read a book

lmao fag, kill yourself.

There's not a single african citie in the top 100 most dangerous cities in the world that isn't south africa.
Brazil has half the top.

So you have no point.
Brazil is more dangerous than africa.

slavery still exist in china and india.
So not unique to africa.

Africans aren't a single unit retard.
Some black countries are doing fine, others are poor.
Some black tribes are hard working, some have higher IQ than whites.

Which blacks are u talking about?
There's more than 800 tribes on africa.

So, it seems fair to treat blacks as a single cultural unit without considering they have diferent tribes, subraces based on genetical studies and yet I can't do the same to whites?

Seems fair enough, retard.
Blame all blacks on cherrypicking, I'll blame whites on the same ground.
please stop with this shit. no one is inherently smarter than anyone else simply because of their race
Not really, igbos have higher IQ than whites yet they're not mixed.

>muh 70 IQ meme map when It was disproven years ago
There are a lot of parts of Africa that are perfectly fine for developing a society. Why did countries like China managed to evolve over thousands of years while Africans still lived in mud huts? Even ancient Egypt turned into a massive shithole because Africans are incapable of getting rid of their egoistic instincts in favor of building a society that benefits everyone. It's in their nature, you literally can't blame anything else.
>mud huts
>what are the adobe constructions of the mali empire
>what are the stone walls of the Zimbawe empire bigger than the chinese wall
>what are the Sudanese architecture
>never read a book
unironically good post
Iktf, i'm arab
whats up with this congolombian saying africans are so great and then call brazilians monkeys
is he actually unironically retarded
Stop browsing 4chan in general. It's cancer for everyone regardless of race.
>the more I post defending them online, the more discrimination I get
Because you're pretty racist and usually the west doesn't like racist people.

>tfw not even black
Yeah, you're pretty racist. Can't blacks defend themselves? Are they some kind of retard?

>tfw fags can't imagine the discrimination blacks have IRL
I can imagine. Who are you to say I can't? You don't even know me. Damn you're racist and prejudiced.

>tfw the only culprit are white people
Hardly the only culprit. Between racist blacks, racist whites, racist whites trying to prove they are not racist and racist blacks trying to prove blacks can't be racist, there's plenty of guilt to go around. Notice that what they all have in common is them being racist, not their skin. Blaming all whites for racism is wrong.

>tfw fags complain about racial quotas but don't understand blacks need them because they're discriminated unless there are laws that force companies to hire them
You're right in one thing, I don't see how racial quotas benefit anyone. Positive racism is still racism. Slavery was pretty positive to whites.
A racist employer will still be racist after being forced to hire someone.
A non racist employer might become racist if he's forced to do things based on the color of skin. Because that's what you're forcing employers to do: be racist, hire people based on the color of their skin.

>tfw pol complains about the situation but never will understand it because they haven't feel discriminated for being positive about blacks
Have you ever wondered that it might be you that are simply a bad defender of human rights? That's also a possibility.
those don't feed them or makes them any less poor. If Africans are so good and equal to white people why are they massively flooding into white countries?
t. Alberto Barbosa
>Awarding yourself second hand victim points by defending people who never asked for your help, and would just as soon beat your shitskin ass
>So, it seems fair to treat blacks as a single cultural unit without considering they have diferent tribes, subraces based on genetical studies and yet I can't do the same to whites?
You were the one going on about 'muh poor blacks'. The only time I mentioned them as a group was in response to you labelling them as a group.

You really got the short end of the stick when it comes to brains and looks, didn't you?
he's black himself, he thinks pretending he's not make his points more credible.
>I'm unable to understand the cultural diferences between american blacks and african blacks
>I think they're the same
>huh duh americans are the same as europeans
kys dumb monkey.

do you realize people will hire a white person versus a black person of the same skill, unless the black is much better?
do you realize blacks don't get hired into managerial positions easily even if they're qualified?

have you never read a book?

>africa is a poor hellhole.
watch this video about the real africa.


same as mexicans moving to usa or muslims and indians moving to europe.

or the same reason germans moved to US in XIX century.

You're not my boss.

because they're labeled as a single unit by pol.
you seem new to the discussion.

I'm mestizo, not black.
some colombian posted my photos in this thread.
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you're literally replying to this guy, i'm not joking
>cristian ceron3
how many pics of him do you have?
no you absolute retard, you are the one saying to be agaisnt racist agaisnt black while calling brazilians by the worse most racist name you can call blacks in brazil
kek fag.

why so triggered?
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a couple
I'm not against insults, retarded monkey.

I'm a spic, a congolombian, a donkeyfucker, an indio.
So what?

I'm against being ignorant of the black history, that concerns me more.
ayy marico.
me amas.
>pol doesn't understand how a wealth transfer from blacks to whites (slavery) could cause inequalities
>pol doesn't understand how discriminatory policies could prevent blacks from developing
>pol doesn't understand how society is set up to benefit whites most
>If Africans are so good and equal to white people

They aren't in terms of large scale trends but OP is completely right in the point that they do face descrimination online because the youngest millennials and Gen Z swung so far to the right.

It used to be the other way around, and so much as implying that every problem in the world isn't white people's fault would immediately brand you as a racist, but the cultural pendulum always swings back hard the other way.
that's not the problem, is the absolute ignorance on black history, black culture and black archievements that can end racism.
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I dont have a problem with black people. I fucking hate niggers and sadly the majority of black people are fucking niggers.
>I'm a spic, a congolombian, a donkeyfucker, an indio
niggers only exist in america.
non american blacks despise niggers and hate black americans.
Blacks dont have real feelings. They hate whites and want to desroy white countries. Thats why they are obsessed with white women and.beat them later
those are jews.
>do you realize people will hire a white person versus a black person of the same skill, unless the black is much better?
>do you realize blacks don't get hired into managerial positions easily even if they're qualified?
Yeah, I realize that some people do that.
I also realize black people are some people too.

What I fail to see is how racism fights racism.

>have you never read a book?
I have read some books. I can assure you that no book was ever written by a black hired based on quotas. Because quotas are dumb. And racist. And racism is bad.
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>Learning how Somalians still don't have irrigation when the Romans had it in the first century will somehow end racism
This is where you tell me that an all black controlled country's failings are the white man's fault
I mean, I get what you're trying to do right now, but already acting as an extremist caricature of a Marxist is pretty terrible astroturfing.
positive racism is needed to change society.

>africa is a single country
kys retard.

may as well post argentina child hunger rates to prove that whites can't build societies.
I like to argue with retards.
and I've learned to outmeme then.

Is all fun bro.
there's when your redpill fails
The best way to end racism is to genocide all niggers. Glassing of Africa when?
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>positive racism is needed to change society.
Slavery was positive racism too.
Positive to whites.
problem is whites are genociding themselves by not breeding, racemixing, importing non whites and aborting their babies.


except now whites will become irrelevant in this century.
call it karma.
I don't even believe in human races, I only believe in rhetoric as an art. And by insulting your opponents with labels you're attacking, you really look like a mentally ill triggered leftie who teaches gender studies
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>Africa is doing great aside from Somalia
Colombian intellectuals
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thats nice
there are genetic clusters but not real race.
skin color is not an usefull system to clasify people.

>Africa is a single country
>what is nigeria, seychelles, south africa, botswana
>le american education maymay

>he doesn't know his country was a backwater rural shithole before finding oil
le Sven intelectuals.
Maybe whites, as a minority, will need some of that good old atlantic trade positive racism :^)
>Colombia telling America about blacks

You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. America and South Africa are the only countries that know blacks. The mixed Dominican bullshit you have to down there are nothing like real niggers.
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>before finding oil
We do not have oil and never have had. In fact, we do not even have ANY valuable resources in the amounts that would matter a shit. We do not even have half decent weather for agriculture.
why are you posting on 4chan then? what do you expect. try reddit
Finland doesnt have oil? WTF. I thought you were like Sweden and Norway. Oil is everywhere in that region.
Yes, all those colonies Africa by Americans.
>inb4 Liberia
Such a small country isn't responsible for the state of Africa.
except the trend is that the white countries will become shitholes and irrelevant in this century.

>what are demographics
>what is the relationship between white demographics and economy
>he thinks his country can compete with higher wages versus the rest of the world
>he doesn't know about the current global crisis of the white nations

>claims american blacks are mixed to explain why they're smarter
>next post claim they're real blacks
>20 black nations have lower crime than USA

>he thinks the nordics weren't the niggers of the white race until finding oil in the XX century

>some random spic knows more about his country

triggered retards and more you.
Sweden does not have oil either, but they do have mountains filled with valuable minerals if they would bother to actually mine them.
Since y'all claim blacks are a single cultural unit and blame all blacks over cherripicking american data, I can blame all whites using the same logic.
The stereotype stems from experience, not the other way around.
man, you're arguing with yourself now you're silly
Did you even read the article? We refine the oil shipped here from elsewhere, we don't have it naturally.
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this thread
You should probably read your own news articles. We do not have oil but we do import raw material and refine it, like could any frigging country in the world.

>Renewable fuels – a business segment that has been developed from virtually nothing over the past six years – already account for one-half of the refining company's result.
Also a thing any country could do if they had brains.
If the Finnish are to be considered something, they aren't white at all. Tell your friends to stop being nazi mongoloids like the so called /pol/ shitskins
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Why are people still replying?
Yeah, proxy users love to use odd countries when they've got a full buffet of countries in front of them. Just a proxy troll this one.
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t. fucking monkey who has never been in finland
>The most powerful developed countries in the world are all racially diverse (US, UK, France, and Germany)

Really makes you think
is based on stereotypes made from racist whites.

read on the origins of discrimination towards blacks, it all begun with european intelectuals.

give me more yous.

mixing norway with finland.
but who cares about snowniggers, lmao.
who cares about niggers lmao
What triggers me the most is that the Colombian guy is just saying an enormous bullshit after another one. And I don't believe in human races.
>The most triggered people in this thread are Finnish posters

Aka, people from a country that has never achieved shit historically and grasp desperately to white supremacy because they're the shittiest whites.
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Why are you hatin on Finns? Did their posters trigger you here on /int/?
>the proxy columbian switching proxies now
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Your daugher when she will meet a somalian in her disco party, lmao fag.

I'm just triggering retard.
chill bro.
enjoy it.
>disco party
ahhaha 3rd colombian tier :D:D:
he's not columbine, get with the program
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deys best be givin us money fo dem programs too
who cares? just fling shit, its the point of this thread
it's retarded when you argue with a proxy and then attack a completely innocent proxy country, as if that would affect the proxy user in any way
I find it hilarious how Finnish behave when someone calls them mongoloid. Maybe because they are lel
No. Finns and Argentinians cling most desparately to being white of any countries because that's all they have. Their countries are so irrelevant precisely because they have a culture of living vicariously through other's accomplishments.

Being white is certainly a genetic advantage, but evolution never stops, and Finns and Argies have become a trash bin of white society.
I find it hilarious how brazilians behave when someone calls them monkeys, maybe because they are lel
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Who is arguing here?
protip: fuck colombia
maybe he's got a finn proxy as well
Hehehe good try, uralic negger
Lol don't care. The US rules the world while the Finns greatest accomplishment is being a meme on a Zimbabwe Islamic dating website.
finns are the worst posters on here along with turks
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You dont rule shit kid. Stop roleplaying as a country before the freedom police comes and breaks in your teeth.
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this entire thread is literally one guy with a paid proxy service
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hijacking this shit thread, go ask your lads dumb questions on brit
>being this triggered
go prep your wife to your somalian bull, fag.
Your donkey doesn't need prepping lul
>he doesn't know donkeyfucking makes your dick bigger
So does prepping somalian bulls. fag
excepting that prepping somalians makes your anus bigger and ready for somalian cocks.
somalian was your father when it fucked the donkey that gave birth to you.
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>so insecure about his micropenis that he has to fuck donkeys in some hoodoo ritual
just buy a somalian bull for your anus already
my dick is 2cm bigger than the white average.
>hes average
hahahaha bad cards
You gonna go lure that donkey with your weiner now?
>15 cm is average
is bigger than whites (13cm).
That must be from your fat donkey mothers side because your father had so small dick he killed himself after raping the filthy beast you call mother.
t. white cuck with pencil dick
>15 cm
ahhaha babbycocklet :D:D no amount of donkeyfucking magic will save you
>he thinks porn is the average
ayy lmao faggot.
nah i just think you're average compared to my 22cm thundercock
t. make thundercock
t. impotent mulatto third worlder animal
>lieing on the internet.
>being fat on the internet

listen retard, what the fuck is your problem with whites after all?? why the fuck we should care about you and blacks??
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You've lied this whole thread starting by making it.
I have not lied.
you did.

read a history book.
pay for your historical crimes faggot.
you have profited of other races suffering.
I'm kind of like you. I have light brown hair and blue eyes, no non-white ancestors and yet I've been called a nigger so many times here that I've began trolling /pol/ and /int/ with interracial cuckold porn and black supremacist posts.

assuming white man did not colonized africa and america, i bet all of you would still at tribe level. overall i think was good, you got a chance to change, you did not took it right.
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this nigger finally understand it.
All I have written on this thread are honest truths,
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we wuz good boys, we build schools in africa and shit.

so you have a black bull, right?
>no non-white ancestors and yet I've been called a nigger so many times
every time, and 90% of them are americans for some reason
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>lovering yourselves to argentina tier
No, that was your whore mother who had small dicked one.
Go prep your wife, Sven.
>so you have a black bull, right?
thats not him, i've been lying tho, i'm fennoswede :^)
>we wuz good boys

we still are :)
So their muslim friends cut their hands off?
You really have to hand it to the Congolese for taking it in stride
you're not a real women, all nordic females are feminists who hate being at the kitchen and dream of being born with a dick.

we wuz gud boys, we burned people and shit
Go fiddle your donkey sister mate

despite you and africans, we are civilized. probable you forget your tribe name.
>probable you forget your tribe name.
we wuz tribe of da green jungla
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Finnish "Posts"
Dios cristian hoy estas mas autista

no te tomaste las pastillas?
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>mammi taxes at work

parce, solo es jodiendo un rato, esto me desestresa.
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