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British Boys edition
*does an odious shart*
glad darwin is still working hard
*comments about an off smell within the premsies*
once spent my birthday or xmas money on a game boy micro thinking it was a new system

biggest regret ive ever had
Wouldn't mind trying mcat one day
All right lads.

The """UNIVERSAL""" health care is a meme and thievery.

Just think of the car insurance. If you caused an accident, you should pay more of insurance bill, because you are the one who used the insurance money of everyone, it's your responsibility.

Now, apply it to the health care. If you are weak, and being a crock, you should pay more since you are the one who used the insurance money of everyone.

The point is, WEAK SHOULD BE CULLED. So as to the only strong and healthy individuals can remain and reproduce. That is how we maintain the healthy and strong society. Old and weak should die off. Since they are merely the burden upon the strong and wealthy and healthy member of the society. Why don't we do this? It is the most reasonable way.

If your kids are weak, then mercy cull him/her by yourself for the sake of our great society.

If your parents got too old and weak to produce anything positive to society, then mercy kill him/her by yourself for the sake of our great society.

Do it today.
Wouldn't mind trying my cat one day
Not gonna read that
erm not much really. Just doing it for part of work placement for college. I basically get paid slave wages
t. anime fan that would be culled
read every single letter of this post
Anyone shagged a tranny before?
shan't be reading this. assume it's something to do with anime.
WTF is cocaine?
me. i am cocaine. everyone wants me
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Huwitey on pooicide watch
the sauce they put in coca cola
Was scuba diving in the river this morning and some spastic threw £30 at me. Joke's on him though, I can buy a new pair of goggles now
Laws come from all sorts of places in sovereign cunts multinational lobbiests, advisors, international agreements (whether bilateral or organised like the EU) and so on

Dont be such a fucking spaz. Sovereignt is the final say on those laws, that is the supremacy, not this fantastical thing of being the absolute source of all laws. We had the final say on the eu thus we were sovereign.
Q: What do you call an alligator in a vest?

A: An investigator!
american crew
Is there a disorder for being completely normal when out with friends but turning into a giant social autist at work.
is this some new meme
ctr is 1.99 on psn
that made my day
no it just means your work environment sucks
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last night you were in my room

and now my bed sheets smell like poo
goon grease sounds like tons of fun in a pot desu. slap it on.

don't use acronyms that i don't immediately understand, thanks.
there was a really sheltered lad in my secondary school and he was doing a presentation on drug abuse and didn't know the difference between coke and heroin
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Baxter of California
what is the difference? without looking it up
i think its a fruit
was listening to this band seriously for the first time the other day
he uses 'slip inside the eye of your mind, might find a better place to play yaddadaddada' in another song too
they're ok but not that good and they're definitely wankers
bio oil for the hair
french word for battyboy
hair gel for benders who dont like admitting they use hair gel like 15 year olds.
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SAS operators
me on the left
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the sauce they put in your hair
wow no POC's? i am shook
hair gel made from horse semen
>cool rockabillys
le born in le wrong generation
these cunts need killing along with the mods
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did an audition the other day for australia's got talent x
>dying after mephedrone binge
What the fuck? How much of that shit you do you need to consume to end up in a coffin? People eat this shit by grams and be fine.
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>i use pomade
wanking has become more effort than it's worth
miss the cocaine part?
no metric measurements please
you forgot to dab
is it noncey to have a midget gf?

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he was like cocaine is a drug that you inject into your arm
then later on he said heroin was something you snort
no just embarrassing that the only woman you can get is a genetic fuckup
how small we talking
not circumcised
you can do both of those things. looks like you're the ignorant one here mate.
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elk man tbqh
shall be reading this
bit of a pony man i reckon
you didnt expect the bogtrotter to be intelligent did you
you technically can but when you call cocaine an opiate that you inject and call heroin a party drug you might have the two mixed up
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nah mate, not a fan.
yeah but in america the drinking water would be full of lead, you'd get shot by burglars and then when you're trying to call the police a tornado would tear your house apart
yeah, in texas maybe
anywhere else it would be ~1.5m
the scottish?
nah mate, not a fan.
dancing man here
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I'm hurting, lads, last night my date walked out on me because she moved the conversation towards politics and didn't like it when she found out I voted for Brexit.
not a fan of airbrushed bums
its not even that big
don't sweat it la' you don't want a girl who's into politics anyway

especially bringing it up on a first date you know she's just looking for a man who will reaffirm her beliefs because she's not secure in them herself
the french?
yeah mate, they're alright.
how many sq ft?
they're still legal til October
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russian hackers
why would you want a girl that dumps you over such a small thing?
"America first" is a Russian slogan. It's a Nazi slogan being pushed by Russia.
i need to get an erection to see this but i am too exhausted right now

will see later
ffs lad i'm in public
baby huntsman on the porch
thanks i just got fired
>sovereignty is an absolute concept
umm no sweety xx
I only deal in absolute concepts
Having a 7up sugar free. AMA
Decided to get a 'stika tattooed on my forehead lads
will post results
set it on fire
I only deal in obsolete concepts
you're an absolute concept desu lad
Are you homosexual?
Prefer the taste of sugar free drinks tbpqhwy
10:51's gonna be a mad one lads
i only deal in conceptual absolutes
answer my question
the answer is clearly yes
i only deal adderal and concerta
That doesn't answer my question.
You're not very good at this whole "AMA" thing lad.
barely any of the lads were at morning prayers
bit sad desu
doing a binge drink
it's literally impossible to not be smug when you're a tory

miss Big Dave tbqh
This post was NOT me.
that was a mad minute
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dentist in a few hours

want to die
this post wasn't me
I'm not, sadly I'm a straight white wagecuck so I dont fit in here
eating a maxibon
there was a proper marxist on /brit/ yday
good lad, hope he comes back soon
THIS post was NOT me
i was born in 1995 and i consider myself generation z

generation y are a bunch of lefty cuck degenerates
conceptual absolutes are a social construct
Would absolutely HEEM you if I ever say you in real life mate.
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I have never played dead space
none me
Yeah I like not reading half the thread because its political bullshit
getting my daily dose of
it's pretty good, the first one at least, haven't played the second or third ones
This post was NOT the real me.
Getting real tired of you strokey nonces.
it's not cool or intelligent to not like politics, you're just like every normie pleb
same but i was born in 1997 so i have more claim to that title
any elk man in?
addendum: technically i have played the second one, but only a little bit when i was over at my friend's house
2 weeks to do my diss and i'm still doing research lmao
>not cool
>just like everyone else
>trying this hard
Fuck off you edgelord reject
amendment: i'm a runt
who are you quoting?
Tfw finished my diss nearly a month in advance

Was AMA lad gay or not?
Would really like to know.
start of every year I think "I'm going to work hard this year" then I don't
why do coke make both lift and sprite
Why is it that so many racists support "Marine A"?
What subject? I never went uni but I'm on 50k now at 25 so I'm pretty happy (but I've hit a ceiling and the skills are non transferrable I'm secretly worried desu)
good lad
that like some kinda theses
I am NOT gay. AMA.

The fuck is lift? Theres a difference between 7up and Sprite though.
Nicole's boobs
some social science meme degree with a language, just didn't fancy getting a job yet
Oh, didn't see that.
thanks lad
sprite is infinitely better
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>cocaine and meow meow binge
nah it's an aussie lemonade you cunt
>insuring first car
>cheapest is £1100 for a 1500 quid 1.2 Fiesta
>most are 1600+
>almost all of the quotes require a cuckbox, go for the cheapest that doesn't (1400)
Absolutely Jewish
delete this
Oh sweetie xx

lilt doesnt come in to this
i've never paid more than £800.
haha i'm doing a cool MSc at a decent uni though, in an actual professional (although not very good) field
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Ruined it with my gf lads

She broke up with me

The best thing that ever happened to me and I just deliberately sabotaged it for no fucking reason.
You mustn't have been 17-19 in the last 10 years then or you live on a farm

Anyone fancy some CSGO?
what'd'o do la?
literally no one cares
*smiles at you from across the room*
What did you do?

Well if its gonna get you an actual job in a field where a degree is required and you can't do an apprenticeship or work up then its worth it, otherwise you chose poorly and enjoy your stupidity tax (student debt) for the next 30 years
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*heems you from across the room*
you sound like you've got a bit of a chip on your shoulder about uni. It was a conscious choice to not have to get a job and work like a runt for at least 3 years. But yeah my masters is a professional thing, you can't get certified without a degree
Said she was a slut and implied that I should cheat on her to "even the odds", since she slept with so many guys before me.

Ironic thing is I had no intention of cheating on her and I never would, but she just hung up on me and told me it's over on text.
OwO a good yank post?
*wonders why we're in the same room*
*yawns and stretches out, my arm wrapping around your shoulder*
*gets a fat willy (erection)*
*detaches my head to get away*
dont care
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a lemon flavour drink made by the coca cola company
literal mad man

*smiles at you lustfully and rests my head on your shoulder, my hand snaking it's way down your waist*
oops wrong chat
>lemon flavoured drink
don't think it will catch on
Hope she doesn't top herself tb h
*gently humps my throbbing trouser bulge up against your bum*
fuck off
he will not divide us
nah you fuck off
Who is this slag?

And what the fuck is meow meow?
did codeine anon die then?
Why would you do that?
timed myself shaking my willy after a piss and it took 2 minutes for all the pee to get out
make me you bellend

hope your ex drinks bleach and you do too
really shitty speed that makes you smell of cat piss

it was never called 'meow meow' until the papers caught wind of it
Ah. Why does it make you smell like cat piss?
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on the train
dabbing your willy with TP is the only way, couple of strokes to get the dribbles out
Because she kept talking about getting with guys when she was drunk before we met and it made me angry.

Every time she mentions it, it's a new name. Feels like she's shagged half my uni sometimes.
>really shitty speed
ummm what?
it's literally like mdma+coke and it's the patricians choice of drug
adulthood is realising that the sassanids were the good guys
the buzz is okay, but the teeth grinding and dehydration are fucking torture
and it's very, very, VERY moreish

dunno, it just makes you sweaty and stinky
for some reason people called it 'meph wallet'
just drink a bit of water and chew some gum (lots of gum)
you're right about the moreishness though, it's insane. Me and the lads used to go through 25g bags between friday night and sunday morning basically every weekend lol
The cat thing is because it's a CAThinone, not because it makes you smell of piss
mcat is actually pretty strong m8, i wouldn't describe it as shitty speed

it has a strong aroma, your wallet and clothes will reek of it
>been in a new social group for about a month
>been going out 1-3 times a week with them
>already seem to be a vital part of it, but haven't had a chance to talk to everyone
>. . .
>at a bar on Friday
>one of the more shy girls comes over and talks to me
>throughout the night we occasionally look over at eachother and smile
>at one point she's sitting across from me and I smile at her and she smiles back, but then she looks down and starts fiddling with her bag

Hm, are these good signs?
Think you dodged a bullet tbqh mate

I wouldn't have autistically insulted her like you did but I would have politely broken up with her if I learned she was a whore
you literally did nothing wrong
Are you in year 10?

Talk to her you fucking goblinoid
dont think she will m8

think she'll be a lot happier from now on
you the lad who couldn't get a gf from yday?
very drunk lads
strength =/= quality
>normie twats talking about normie things


if you want a pure virgin gf then go kidnap a 9 year old
>oh God I hope this spacker doesn't fancy me please stop staring, this is so uncomfortable why did he have to go and make everything awkward now
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*blocks your path*
get enraged every time i think about the internet in this country
finally a plan comes about to get it sorted and the old farts do their very best to ruin it as much as possible
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>restoring phone from backup
>been on 16% for like an hour
>half day at work (finish in an hour)
>2 week holiday in the states from tomorrow
>doing a poo atm

Can life get any better?
4 hours left of work and I've already finished all the work that needed done. Long, boring 4 hours ahead.
Bit noncey lad.
fe*k off
you inept fucking mong


>no dapper dan
did an incomplete poo, very aggravating

a bit drunk x
wanna make out x
calm down
Australia doesn't want fast nbn

I heard
It's unrealistic to expect any young man to find a virgin in today's day and age

However that shouldn't mean you lower your standards absolutely to settle dating with any village bike

Promiscuity shouldn't be rewarded. Try to aim for girls with as few partners as possible. Even if these few partners were long-term ex boyfriends, because it's a sign that she's loyal.
she will probably talk to someone else soon
i wish being drunk would last forever
autistic reddit cunt
*invites you to play farmville*
liberal party are a bunch of cunts
why didn't you vote labourrrr
enjoy losing your penalty rates loll
Fucking lads lad loves his lads
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>Promiscuity shouldn't be rewarded.
bit gay
*pirates stardew valley instead*
thats hot
enjoy your russian botnet kangaroo stu
this is the best image i've ever seen
>reddit spacing

fuck off
*doubts you*
Autism about virgin girls is a 4chan trait you idiot goblin
no hostility below this post
NGL i met a girl who is still my gf, 2 years ago and she was a virgin

In fact she still is a virgin, partly because it took so long to get her comfortable sexually and circumstances stopped us seeing each other as much as we'd liked to

When we finally tried, i couldn't fit my dick in and I think she has vaginismus (extremely painful for penetration) so having a virgin gf isn't all it's cracked up to be imho

I don't even know if we'll ever have sex 2bh

Also it's been hard staying faithful to her and feel like the relationship is a complete sham but hey-ho
fuck off thairorke gay nonce idiot pleb
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> object above 140m in size orbiting close to the earth
And we've only discovered a minuscule fraction of them too.
alri thailad
fuck off
>Why YES I do really want a girl who's completely inexperienced in the bedroom and has no idea what she's doing
STOP triggering with your blankposting
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can you not?
please explain
do one
who are you quoting? They seem to have the right idea
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one what?
please do not bully thairad
>extremely painful for penetration
Apparently this is the case for most virgin girls though

My gf had lost her virginity and had sex maybe three or four times before she met me and hadn't really enjoyed it.

I gave her her first orgasm, but only because she had gotten used to sex with me
2 me
>>extremely painful
look at me *enter*
doing a post *enter*
doing a poo *enter*
doing a wee *enter*
poo poo pee pee
why all this hate for are thailad these days
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Nonce enabler
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>these days
it's only ironic hate, he's my favourite poster and i'd be up shit creek without his /brit/ redirector doohickey
for you
not voting is like giving £100 to a random stranger in the morrisons car park to go and get your shopping for you
crap analogy
have a rethink then come back
*gives my head a rethink*
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>people still use this
i did a good.
Yeah, except she can't even take 1 finger and she can't use tampons because it hurts too much

When i try to give her the d, it just hits a wall -
classic case of vaginismus
not voting is gay like you?
Why do numales think "I don't want a total slut" is equivalent to "I want a pure virgin"?

I don't care if a girl has had sex with a couple of partners so long as the number is not reaching or passing the double digits

She's honestly have to have a really good reason for anything more than 6 to not be considered a slut
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Just noticed how many ideas were written by Larry David in Seinfeld because they show up constantly in Curb.
>tucking in bed sheets
>the "genius" doctor
>no smoking, drinking
i'd have a lot more if i wrote down each episode of seinfeld, bet you can find one thing in most of them you'd also find in curb
Corned beef bap. AMA
*holds up spork*
giz 'alf
Back to /r9k/
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>he identifies with any of the mainstream parties enough to vote for any of them
quite sexist
i've had sex with 20-25 girls
wouldn't care if my gf had had sex with 20-25 girls
is it just an insecurity thing? most men who have lots of sex don't care, at least in my experience
I live in a labour safe seat so there's no point in voting
*blushes gently* alri then
puttin loom bands on my bellend
haha meant if she's had sex with 20-25 men
girls would be fine to
that's 20-25 willies you have kissed
*corned beef baps you in the face*
get in..

need to get corned beef next time I visit.
seems to have ramped up in recent times
sounds like she just doesn't want to have sex with you
Isn't that a lot of people on here? But yes, I am one of them
Why would she approach me then? Why would she sit next to me and always look happy when I'm talking? Nonce
I'm not a virgin, I can just be pretty awkward. I'm seeing her again tonight.

What should I do?
umm she washed in between i think
dick doesn't wash off
I feel as if it's gotten better if anything.
kia ora, my name is robbie and i'm another white man behind a desk

pretty sure it does?
Tbf I go through phases where I forget it exist then I binge for two weeks when I remember it. Truly the wonder meat
reminder that eating meat is degenerate and immoral
Alex Blackman free in two weeks.

Lefties BTFO!!!!!!!!!1
It's one of those one's where you're not sure what's going into it and it's probably awful but tastes really nice so fuck it.

Haven't had it in like 5+ years now. :/
so is eating plants
>the lawyers are called Goldberg and Israel

oy vey
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