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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 109

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Cutest song ever edition

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Canadian-American War.png
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Business idea
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the bf
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>leafs killing americans
in your dreams
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the gf
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>mfw bf says hello
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steep is fun but im not sure if it was worth the $50
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palms you in the nose.png
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>mfw I see Paha Sapa in person
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Man WTF are (((they))) putting into our food.
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>wake up from weed induced coma
>lips are chapped
>mouth is dry
>throat is scratchy
>bladder is bursting

LOVE this feeling
one of the best things about winter is the water out of the tap is nice and cold
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the bf.png
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>ur bf when I say hello

pls don't attract any more brazilians
business idea: get your friends to take the MGTOW pill so there are more women available for yourself
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wooow bananas look like *THAT*
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>mfw I see Succramento in person
is it true that americans drink bottled water in their homes?
>constant dude weed talk
I don't think we can be friends anymore
>says the twink

youre so fucking special... i wish i was special..
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umm no, that'd be retarded
Recommend music for the roadtrip playlist
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NEED a French GF


Drinking some right now

>implying you can drink the water in Texas
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Have to be up for work in 7 1/2 hours. Should I go to bed now or be tired and grumpy all day tomorrow?
Anything by Johnny Cash.

>not having a filter on the sink

literally 3rd world
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It seems you won the battle of the threads, GG OP
>bottled water

im gonna sick virginia on you fucking planet murderer what is wrong with flyovers
yes, why not. Just refill it when done
why not just drink tap water?

but you're canadian though
>needing a filter on the sink
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>3 yes' and 1 no
Go to bed now.

go to sleep wagey
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Man i was so excited to show /cum/ my huge banana, only to be ignored.

I wont show you anything anymore then.
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Being tired and grumpy at work is literal hell
>says the twink
What does that have to do with anything?

Tap water here tastes like ass. Yes, I know I live in the 3rd world
get some rest anon. being well rested is much more important than seeing shitposts
>not realizing what post is getting (you)'s
What's your name, who's your daddy?

Is he rich-- is he rich like me?
gonna kill myself way before cancer can get me
Okay thanks guys. Good night.
Go night night bud

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sleepy time.jpg
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Night night
it was a nice banana, mexico

i saw itttt
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Don't you guys use this in your cunt?
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pssh nothin perosnnel
Shut up you're not supposed to tell anyone
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I'll fucking kill you
As a resident of/k/, I want one of these so fucking bad.
Oh fuck right.
Only in more rural areas, been awhile since I have seen those in someone's home.
>Tap water here tastes like ass. Yes, I know I live in the 3rd world
what's it taste like?
U already know that I love ur banana bb

I'm pretty sure i can make the best road trip list but i wont waste any second recommending a song because i dont like people from Oregon
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Like ass...
Like water that's been left out for too long. That's just city water though, well water is p gud
so it tastes like human feces?
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>not hydrating yourself with alcohol
Nothing like a tall glass of vodka after a workout, I always say.
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Maybe I should have gone downstairs to make myself some tea 2 hours ago.
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Should I drink a protein shake before or after work? I already drink some before the workout and then the rest of it (if I didn't drink it all) when I'm finished. That'd be like enough powder to fill a 1 litter bottle.
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No, he clearly said "ass" it tastes like ass.
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Fun Fact:

The mexican government spent millions making tap water drinkable and then spent millions in marketing telling people that drinking tap water is now safe.

The majority of people still do not drink tap water (i do it from time to time and is true, is safe lmao).
It was me fagboi
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anotha rejection.png
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~55 job applications sent out last week and only 1 employer got back to me to tell me to fuck off.

I know they said getting the first job out of college would be hard, but christ it's almost been a year since I've gotten out of university. At this point it would be pretty difficult to answer the "what have you been doing between graduating and now" question. I've been a fucking neet applying to hundreds of jobs that no one even responds to what the fuck do you think I've been doing.
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Ok guys so I drink milk straight out of the jug and recently I switched from whole milk to 2% and it doesn't taste as good what do I do
fucking freak

>home of the country's best whiskey
>drinks vodka

slavaboos gtfo
don't worry I won't let him touch the worder
I never drink tap water unless it comes from a well or antiglobalist waterfilter
what did you major?
brev I'm in uni and still trying to find and internship for the summer
shit's hard
I don't understand why rejection letters have to be so indirect. Why does the have to be the last sentence of the entire letter? Why can't they just tell you without making you read through so much bullshit?
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>tfw when the milk in the fridge expires tomorrow
>like half a gallon left
>i drank it all

big mistake
As long as you get it in, you should be fine.
I'd do it after, but it's up to you.
tl;dr I have no substantial advice

Whiskey is for relaxing, it doesn't have the electrolytes like vodka does and as such has no place in the workout room.
make it into choccy milk
Don't Mexicans have extremely low trust in their gov't?
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>I don't drink tapwater
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>I drink the liquidized gay
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>drinking tap water

enjoy the estrogen chemicals :)
t. not white enough to digest milk
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>enjoy the estrogen chemicals :)

Of course, and still the majority of mexicans are heavy statist that want the government to run all.

Really ironic
Tap water is ok though, already conducted several tests on it, a filter helps a bit.
Unlike Canada, our country doesn't do that, and my testosterone has been high for years now, leaf.
th' 'f
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>Why yes, I do drink milk.
>get to work an hour late because of class
>manage to clean the entire department with 1/2 an hour to spare

>high in comparison to (((their))) standards
u is just a babbie
Keep the fucking secret. I am from a tourist town, and their neighboring city declined a Nestle plant. We can't have people taking it away. I hope I dodged a bullet.
Skyrim belongs to the nords lad
Reminder that the Imperials deserved what they got
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>Unlike Canada, our country doesn't do that, and my testosterone has been high for years now, leaf.
Intentional walks shouldn't be allowed in baseball
wow you must be the talk of the town with skills like that
Electrical Engineering

May be my mistake to begin with. I didn't try get any interships/coop jobs in school because everyone said they're useless.

I honestly don't get it either. Human resources, what do you expect? They fluff up the email so the rejection "doesn't hurt as bad". It would be better if they just shat on me and made me feel like a piece of shit as long as they gave me something constructive besides "we are moving forward with better qualified candidates sorry lol"
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>I don't have a filter on my tap

I dont mean to brag, but....
whats the context of this

it looks very entertaining
I think every poor cunt is like that though, they think the government is a corrupt failure but expect it to fix everything anyways. See poo-in-loos, Brazil etc.
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another absolutely ABHORRENT post from Canada
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>I didn't try get any interships/coop jobs in school because everyone said they're useless.
not sure whos more retarded, the people who told you that if they actually believed it, or you for believing it
N-no, I'm not. I'm a big boy.
Do you anglos buttwards consume the "milk skin".

You know, the thick layer that forms on top of milk when you boil it.
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Christ Rush has truly milked their 10 popular songs to death
so much for the crown jewel of canada
love it or hate it I dont care what you faggots think. I've drinken milk my whole life, and I'm healthy as a horse, in fact, I could heem any one of you right now. when I stopped working out, I benched 150 (towards the end of a workout, i had never attempted to "max out" because it's distasteful and might discourage others), and could run a 6 30 mile (that's 1.61km for you eurocucks), so even if I did feel threatened, you'd still eat shit if I ran away. I can even run tornados around all of you and you won't be in Kansas anymore poochy.
It's the best part
Why should it be allowed just become they're up against some big hitter at a certain time they don't want him to hit? just seems like a shady tactic to me
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RIP in F, hate hot dry days these niggas come out in droves
give me a kiss bitch
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>milk skin
>boiling your milk
>Electrical Engineering
what was your gpa? I am graduating in chemical in May with a 3.06 which i am pretty sure is in the bottom half and have only gotten 1 interview from ~150 applications. I dont want to be a NEET
The point of baseball is to have the least amount of movement possible in a sport, every little bit helps.

Glad to hear.

my mouth waters just by thinking of it.

con una salsita tatemada y unas tortillas doradas, uffa.
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>tfw family has history of alcoholism
Is this an indicator for non-whiteness?
Woah, don't think I'd be able to live anywhere near shit like this. I'm afraid of cockroaches even.
I know what you're talking about, but I doubt many an American boils their milk for anything besides the occasional pudding.
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>Cascadiafag has a trash opinion
Not surprised
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Bark scorpion.jpg
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bad post

because lets say you have barry bonds coming up to plate. He's the best batter in baseball, and for emhasis sake, theres a guy on 2nd. So theres the looming threat of a 2R homer, or at least an RBI. But AFTER bonds, is a guy with an abysmal batting average who's in a slump. Now strategically, you could pitch around bonds to get him on first, and then have a chance to strike out the next guy and have a run come in
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>not boiling your milk when youre mixing it with coffee or making hot coco or chocolate milk
and they call ME non-white
>not boiling milk
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t. Jose Vasquez Garcia

you only boil your hot cocoa AFTER you've put everything in
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> skyrim>arena
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>you only boil your hot cocoa AFTER you've put everything in
No one cares about GPA unless you get a government job
>Computer Science
>3.4 GPA
>countless applications
>zero (0) interviews
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>arena was a good game
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choccy milk.png
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Think I'm gonna make some hot choccy milk
I hate sports and windsurfing, yet I was raised in the windsurfing capitol of the world, so I feel you.
t. only my English ancestors had alcohol problems (and yes we wuz kangz)
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>Daggerfall isnt the best ES
They are alright, better than fucking ants that's for sure
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You always prepare the dry ingredients first and then add liquids

It's like you dorks don't know how to cook
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>playing open world games

Tell me one(1) good open world game that is not

>Farcry 2
>unless you get a government job
[citation needed]
literally NOBODY cares about your gpa
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>you only boil your hot cocoa AFTER you've put everything in
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>playing BABY Dark Souls
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>Daggerfall is good
good post

why you posing boy?
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>>Farcry 2
Code up some personal projects and make sure potential employers can find them. If you show off what you can do your chances will be a lot better.
Jaws unleashed
>I hate sports
>from washington

well color me surprised


how the fuck is DeS open world, you dunce
National Laboratories want your GPA and transcript
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download (883).jpg
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>I play video games past the age of 20
fallout new vegas
just cause 2
gta sa
gta vc
gta iii
saints row 2
Need for Speed Most Wanted
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Not like it matters now, I can't go back in time and change that.


No one has asked me for my transcript anyway.
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Spongebob: Battle for Bikini Bottom
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>how the fuck is DeS open world, you dunce

Good, true.

I own the game. Its not even remotely close to open world
>I don't play Nier to look at 2B's butt
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>be fedora poster
Not using vapeman
I didn't know I was in March 2016
>Muh Oblivion should be No.1
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>I'm past the age of 20
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>Its not even remotely close to open world
probably cause it fucking sucks lmao
>a psp game had more variety


Open World Need for speed are shit, it ruined underground for me.


Gta 3 is the exception, the others are bad or derivative bulllshit.
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*unblocks your path*
>implying Portable Ops has literally ANYTHING positive going for it
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>>Muh Oblivion should be No.1
No one fucking said that
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I have a couple of projects
A MST generator in python and a compiler for a language my professor designed
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Memes were a mistake
>tfw people are literally too dumb to enjoy MGSV

is either that or just ponies upset over >muh exclusivity

not an argument
>implying Peace Walker wasn't a good game
>Open World Need for speed are shit
Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man. For me it improved the series. The new Need for Speeds are shit in general though.
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>Excuse me sir, fedoras are an outdated meme
Just Cause
Almost any ES game other than ESO
Sleeping Dogs
Sinaloa has terrible taste in video games
What's the problem in the pic?

Im not implying, Im stating a fact
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Open World games were a mistake and all MSG control like ass, Konami was a mistake.
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Brazilian taking a grape.jpg
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>Simian visual acuity
Look again silly macaco
christ I hate reddit

every time I go there I have an aneurysm
>all MSG control like ass
You're just shit at games famigo
Trump is such a great president. He's pissing off the sjws so bad lmao.
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sweater jew.png
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>hates reddit
>can't stop going to reddit
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For what purpose.jpg
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>every time I go there
he's just baiting for yous dumbass
>every time I go there
Stop going then genius
one thing I'll never understand is why everyone loves MGS2

the game had so much bullshit you had to slog through, but since it was bad ON PURPOSE, its a work of art and the best MGS game
What the problem? The dog?
now see placer isn't actually baiting, he IS actually this dumb
Gonna go to bed buds
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tag yourself

tell me why Im wrong
i'm the big one crouching
why would you think a corporation wouldn't put estrogen in their water too?
How often do you see qt and hot girls in your place?
Is that normal if everyday I go to work stoned as hell cuz 1 hour in Moscow metro?
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I would love to watch the big one try to get up from that squat.
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Every time desu
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that foldable rocking chair looks pretty comfy, never seen one before
It's fun though to make an antifa circlejerk subreddit, gain~1000 readers, then start stating your a moderate right winger. Watch them all cry. Other than that, Reddit is only a hipster containment site.
But they are
>muh Morrowind
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me on right
>giving him (you)s
mgs1 easily has the most annoying real "slog" considering all the stupid backtracking you do
meanwhile mgs2 has what? a escort mission?
give me a fucking break
When I took the SAT in high school I got 82 percentile in reading/writing. How did I fuck this up?
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I call Hannibal Buress kek
don't approve of oriental musicians
I cannot understand this, my speakers crackle and cut, so I figure hey, they might be fucked. Plug in headphones and it still is happening. Then it completely stops for awhile, then comes back. I can't figure out. Reset the laptobbr and it's fine sometimes, other times it has audio issues. Sometimes it loses audio altogether.
what songs remind you of /cum/

MGS1 bullshit:
>the staircase
>defrosting the keycard
>going all the way back for the sniper rifle


>underwater timed escort missions with AI breath meter, cant actually do anything but walk because she's so scared or some bullshit
>bombs hidden in the most bullshit places
>Sniper segment where you have to literally memorize where every grunt is going to pop out of and shoot them before they can hit your retarded AI partner while she goes on a stroll under big shell, meanwhile missing one starts you from the beginning

probably tubthumping or Closing Time
Back to your shithole, Nigel.
who /staying up late because you procrastinated something due tomorrow/
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a silly kot
>Closing Time

Crack 'er open, you probably have a loose connection somewhere.

why not
Me, still not doing it tbqh

why would /cum/ remind you of one hit wonder nerdy buttrock

next thing you will say it reminds you of its been a while.

ever watched/heard of Cheers?

Yes, but never quite liked it

Are they related? andt how would Cheers remind you of /cum/?
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holy shit you actually did it
i was thinking if you'd try to just casually low key pass off the entire fucking defrosting process and you actually did holy fuck
actually fuck it here i'll summarize the next two hours for you: i call you bad at videogames for actually complaining about stupid shit like bombs actually being hidden well and not being able to cheat via radar as easily and you'll bring some more dumb trivial shit and it'll go on until one of us goes to sleep
im done
whatever dude
you win fuck off
I see the resemblance
>best of Feb 2015
>most songs didnt even come out in 2015
what did redddit mean by this

Im not saying the defrosting process was good, I hated it. Especially because it led into the gigantic plot dump immediately after
O дa этo жe Чepвиe
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>tfw you close a job listing because you know you're not going to get it so why even bother
Fatty-Tan's Moot
>two strange flags in /cum/ in one day
you sound cute :3
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Can't get a job if you don't try!
Not for sale, unless your with NPR surfer news in which case, I'd suck yo dick no homo
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>google couldn't translate his Central Asian gibberish
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woooow #respect

share if you agree
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>NPR actually has segments on surfing

god dammit
This is what all Canadians talk like.
You sound like a typical Califag.
>t. never left his bubble
>Reading the requirements
>Literally qualify for everything they want to a T
>minimum 3 years experience
>close the tab

You can't get a job without experience and you can't get experience without a job. What kind of catch-22 shit is this
Apply for it anyway fool
>What kind of catch-22 shit is this
it's called you have to know someone
>Everything south of us talks like this
>Everything northeast of us talks like this
>Washington and Oregon have a hybrid of US and Canadian English
>we don't sound like this
Pretty good.
Welcome to canadian nepotism, bud.
I do, and guess what? They never respond. If they do, it's hr_rejecionletter.txt
So what the fuck was the point of getting a degree? Just to fulfill 99% of the requirements and have everyone refuse you because their son isn't fucking your sister?
finally kicked heroin boyos. I feel on top of the world. Got a normie job now too. For the first time in 3 years things are lookin up
pretty much
t. have gotten all my good jobs via knowing someone
>nepotism restricted to canuckistan

Don't think I haven't been applying abroad. I have dual citizenship and not a single nibble over the border.
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the golden one.jpg
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Become glorious my friend
im lil shaniqua
I'm addicted to weed, help pls
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Migrate in 15 posts
>>72862390 Reduce!
>>72862390 Reuse!
>>72862390 Recycle!
its 310 you imbeciles
How do you get to know people? I know loads of people and no one fucking knows anything it seems. Best advice I get is "have you looked up X company? I hear they're hiring".

Even go to networking events and hand out business cards. Nothing. I don't know how you're supposed to do this shit if applying to 100+ jobs per week is a useless endeavor.
>tfw another company bought our company and we are getting laid off
NEET life return soon. Except now I have $25k saved up
and im having trouble kicking phenibut. gg
for the first time in months was able to go without amphetamines for 2 days
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Thanks, nice digits
I know my dad and he knows a fair few people, kinda lucky like that.

>been working a year now
>Savings still pathetic as fuck
how does one save? Paycheck is just above 2400 a month post-taxes/benefits/etc
Thread posts: 314
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