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Thread replies: 327
Thread images: 48

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brits want to kill this edition
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just fuck my shit up
Maith eagrán mó chara
are chas

Is it anti-psychotic meds that make him so sweaty and greasy? Or does he still believe he's not a schizo?
't 'g 'es
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Business idea: physically remove the Irish, use Ireland for Lebensraum
Swear this cunt puts baby oil on his face before every picture
Worse, their a traitor and a sheed
only because they want to kill me x
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business idea: peaceful muslims
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that image doesn't even make sense swapped around
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spent the afternoon listening to Bach, trimming my toe nails, watering the plants, eating lipstick, fixing my hoover, and petting my Iguana.

What did you lot get done today?
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Business idea: a girlfriend, but instead of a fanny she has a willy
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We need Stalinist style state atheism to stamp out the Rasheed problem tbqh
the stupid shit ive been seeing people share, "come on london we survived the blitz we can do this", makes me fucking angry lads... hate how anglos have to make everything some fucking twee shite.
>reversing the image
That's just sad, get your own memes
The branches across the border are the worst for allowing and take a cut of drug profits. The original northern families tend to be wholeheartedly against it
not sure if he takes meds, I doubt it

he has no idea he's a schizo
which one of you faggots stole the hwndu flag?
got a guy to water my plants and fix my vacuum cleaner for free and he didn't even catch on
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It does, because the Irish are not white and sympathise more with Palestinians than the British.

Get shoah'd, paddy boy.
Anyone remember the Oak Furniture Land gimmick?
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>hate how anglos have to make everything some fucking twee shite.
>sympathising with Jews
Good goy
if given the option women prefer a well built but under average height man to a lanky ayylmao looking freak
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Ireland will never, EVER, be united, runt.
they got it already? i'm impressed now
t. Bing Wu
silly comparison
>sympathising with 'sheeds
some do, some don't
t. grill
>girl i like admitted to doing that thing where you stick a finger up the blokes arse as you're giving him a blowjob
>asked me if i've ever tried fingering my bum
>said no
>actually been doing anal masturbation for 6 years, got over 40 toys and see escorts twice a month for fisting sessions

i really wanted to admit it but it might backfire at some point so i'm keeping it a secret
>tfw have an accent below my class
I don't care about them particularly, but they do a good job at slaughtering the assorted scum in the region. Ideally they would nuke the entire region.
they're still up there, as far as i know
they were delivering food and water to them via helicopter
>Get shoah'd, paddy boy
you're a minority in your own """country"""
you'r pants on head retarded if you don't use torrentz2.eu
*squeezes your bum*
its true though really, look at the responses to the terrorist attack if you dont believe me
>well... le stiff upper lip... back to work come on we beat jerry XD
we're reddit: the people and i HATE it
Part of your country is still owned by another country.
your majority is creeping away, runt. only a matter of time
was addressing the lanky runts that permeate /brit/ who think their height alone makes up for their atrocious appearance
5'8 is the perfect height
the thing is they get angry at the entire west for the way israel behaves
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yep, another terrible day at work

decided to go to the chippy on the way home for some chips and they were fucking terrible. the fucking nigger who works there made them too brown and burnt. fucking disgusting

hate my gay life
its chipper you fucking moron
NI isn't a country and if it was then it's owned by the UK (England), think before you post thanks
would never buy from a chipper that isn't being run by a swarthy Italian desu
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had my burger king for lunch today lads. went for the bacon double cheeseburger XL meal (large). nearly couldn't finish it. was nice though. chips were fresh from the cooker and tasted well good.
I had a great day at work and I'm having pizza for dinner
A gross fat man drenched in sweat strides towards you dressed in what can only be presumably his finest attire...
who /whohere/ here?
the lad the other day who was asking me if modafinil worked, it's working much better today than it did yesterday. Don't take more than 200mg on your first go cos you'll just feel queezy.
you are a waste
Chinese owned chippys > *
it's the fry salon you absolute dungbeetles
thats gross
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Regularly go around and heem Anglo runts, even take out a few pakis now and then too, brits get the fright of their lives when they realise they're up against a fella from west cork
always makes me feel like i have the shits but only a highly dense black turbo-nugget comes out
>fry salon
>not the gravy barber
it's a bit sketchy
no timestamp, so there's every chance they got caught and had to return it, or even got arrested
still, they took down the stream under orders from police, so if you want to call THAT a victory you can
work in a call centre and today i had a literal asperger on the phone who wouldnt fucking shut up so i listened to him blabber for an hour about shit i dont care about

if i had more of a spine i would have told him halfway through his autism speech "that's nice but this call is dragging so i must wrap this up" but im scared of coming off as a cunt
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That's not actually true.

Ample attractive girls end up with somewhat lanky tall guys, as long as you're closer to skinny than auschwitz.

I should know.
dont come to Barnstaple if you dont want your jaw vaporised
off to the fritenhaus lads
creasing at the thought
>so anon teehee you ever tried slipping a cheeky finger up your bum?
>why yes, in fact i pay crackheads to fist me twice a month
That's because they are 90 IQ morons who follow an Iron Age cult

Gas them all
shes cute in an average way
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yeah but it's the only thing i enjoy, quite lonely 2bh

kek, they are middle-class single mums
so what? half the world is fucking dumb. If it wasn't for jews they wouldn't be whipped up into a frenzy and invading Europe en masse
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Imagine the butthurt when Ireland becomes unified
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Why do the Irish have such good taste in firearms?
pooey lynx lad?
time for a poo
its not mad for me right now, i definitely feel a bit buzzed but it''s not what people made it out to be.
When do we exterminate the Rasheeds, /brit/?
>think i have a fart fetish
>get gf to fart on me
>nearly fucking throw up

needless to say i dont have a fart fetish
If you had more of a spine you wouldn't work in a call centre.
thought he was called Tim Bryne


off my rocket these days haha x silly cow that i am x
doing an [event] which might either involve white liquid leaving my penis or solid brown leaving the anal hole.
So nice that an Anglican vicar and her Muslim team mate won this evenings episode of The Chase. He can take his children to visit Lords and she can do charitable things. God works in mysterious ways.
its gross that her fingers have been up other mens bumholes
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>working in a call centre
What are some other signs of an uber-runt?
They've been invading Europe since the 700s

Charles Martel stopped them

Now it is time to wipe them out forever
i think you mean

>if i had more work experience
>if i had more qualifications
>if i had more references
that's extremely dangerous
because irish americans supplied them
flatmates went out clubbing yesterday and got a photo with the dark destroyer from the chase
bit sad i didnt go now
vote for the tories because theyre afraid of corbyn
next tine have her fart on your willy
ah yes the average amerilard roast beef
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for you
And the Germans don't forget
Spends more than he can afford on ostentatious designer clothes or cars.
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the 'fu
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image searched for needle dick porn to get some idea of what youre dealing with and that was a bad idea haha
>tfw no idea who to vote for anymore
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>no A-Levels (unless they went into an apprenticeship)
>Can't drive
>wears clothes like in the pic
>queues up to buy the new fifa at midnight
>shares lad bible/uni lad articles on facebook
Had a startling revelation today that THE patrician accent of the world is the softly-spoken Scottish accent.

fashion victim brands
just realised how much of an ABSOLUTE RUNT i am

>24 years old
>work in a call centre
>cant drive so get shitty 142 pacer to work every morning
>live with parents
>short and slightly overweight
>ugly, never had gf and a virgin
>life is nothing but the same monotonous trudge day in day out
>life is going absolutely nowhere

im a stereotypical failure
>that top

Lmao, spot on.
people who don't give a shit about any current affairs
it literally doesn't matter

>voting at all
good sheep... you... stupid... freaking pleb...
scottish accents make me want to vomit
ive got no idea how they can fuck up just every aspect of an accent, not a single redeeming quality
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spaz out and start wacking my chest when a girl is near me
Get /fit/, get /lit/ and join the military.

Sounds dismal at the moment, but it doesn't have to be.
americans are gross
>JUST BEE YOU'RE SELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that doesn't mean you're a runt lad

you're in a comfortable position, meaning you're perfectly place to make changes and improve your life, plus you're only 24 so you've got many years ahead of you

lots of people realise what you just did too late
me except i'm older with no job

but i have a driving licence i suppose
despise germans
despise americans
despise belgians
despise most scots
despise the majority of irish
despise eastern europeans
despise muslims
literally not even slightly what he said you autist
>cannae drive
>tall but getting a bit fat
>KHV autist
>no friends
>spend all free time watching anime, reading wikipedia articles and wanking
JUST my life up fampai.
my heart starts pounding when a girl is talking to me in a club or whatever
Just checked out my little brother's bird on the 'gram
Bit of a chubster but I'm not in a position to criticise
>tfw no gf
its from jack isnt it
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just like us :33
You need to get out more ya little runt.
never once had a girl speak to me in a club haha
i'm the biggest loser on 4chan
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you love us
piss off
He was implying to do the opposite you fucking spastic
No hope for pathetic defeatist runts like you
he's an arrogant cunt 2bh

>look how easy this is for me, don't even need to pay attention haha wtf did someone just walk in front of me how dare they
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bcause u are a fat boy
once had a girl at a club offer to sit on my face
I left promptly
I bet I'm more of a virgin than ANY of you.
im still offended by how bad those chips i got earlier were. terrible, just terrible. waste of money
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PROVE to me Khalid Masood was a PRACTISING Muslim at the Time of the crime
used to love D&G

haven't seen it anywhere for years
I bet I'm less of a virgin than ANY of you
just did a PRESIDENT in my pants XD
RT if u h8 trump
#HeWillNotDivideUs #StillWithHer #LoveTrumpsHate
i don't believe in love. never have, never will.
winds me right up when the new is posted with no signposting so i sit around in the dead thread like a retard for half a while
he committed a violent act against the citizens and law enforcement of a western nation
so many maisies :))
>she goes to finger you
>slips in up to her elbow

she'll realise then
is that the bus girl prior to getting peace'd
Nobody will. The rorkes are all in hiding after yesterday.
If there's 42 posters here I imagine I'm probably about the 37th most virginal of us
all lined up for an awp ace
reply to this post if you're a virgin
technically not a virgin because two female cousins nonced me when i was about 7
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>5 maisies
>maisiebro has held hands with NONE of them
dont think he was practicing at the time of the crime, though that would explain how he crashed his car
>be absolute nobody from a lower middle class family
>be in dancing and theater classes
>rehearse for some little meme show coming out at the age of 9
>show goes huge, become famous and star in big media

Maise lucked the fuck out. So did the Sansa girl.
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Captcha: Botany Bay
i remember that time i dressed up as a girl and molested my pre pubescent cousin who lives in australia, little runt never suspected a thing
raaah blud manna moving aggy on road these times
did they put your winky in their flowers though?
hes brown
>feel good yesterday
>think about how ill kill myself for the whole day today
ah yes
>Aussie ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''culture''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
maisie is ugly though
I can understand why sophie turner gets modelling gigs but I don't get why maisie does

seems these days every young one whos famous just gets more jobs handed to them
i look back on it and blame it heavily for a lot of my sexual deviances and other assorted issues
not too happy about the whole ordeal
yeah, i remember one time i visited them for the first time in months and as of them put my hand in their pants and i felt hair, they explained and showed it to me
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Eating a cheeky croissant lads
you should really wash your hands before eating mate
keep going please
vile nigger animal
>i visited them for the first time in months and as of them put my hand in their pants and i felt hair, they explained and showed it to me
this doesn't constitute losing your viginity
You posted your setup here a few months back didn't you?
Fucking hell, colder than anticipated out here. In a hoodie only lads. Thought Spring had sprung baka.
*inspects this image VERY closely*

t.whitest man in all of London
>The English are STILL defending Islam
After centuries of being the most ruthless, evil people in the world and now you just roll over when someone attacks you just because they're brown?

Bloody mental.
where's the yank who says "hello nigger" when you need him
Hello there nigger
fine looking girl on the bus talking to someone on the fone and laughing a lot
its a really satisfying and overall really delicate feel to know that ill never be able to make her laugh because im a boring cunt
hello nigger
uncalled for
dumma neger
are you a normgroid?
it was just a story. they made me put my willy in a couple times but at 7 its so small so it was usually just hands and things
How long before we start getting rid of Muslims?
Nipping for a shower, should I livestream?
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yeah mate, did you like it?


where is Kramer when you need him?
shan;t be believing this until you provide vivid details
Muslims should not be allowed cars.
I make girls laugh all the time. It doesn't translate to shit when you're uggo.
jesus what is wrong with australian women
love how niggrels always post their hands in pics they post on 4chan to deliberately stir shit up
Hello nigger
stop posting nigger
hope teafuckers neutered you before that marriage
Aaah yes, the fabled meme-screen.
this poster is KSI
How'd you fit that out the person's window?
Yeah, hopefully they will demonstrate that they are the "religion of peace" and just fuck off on their own accord.
breety noice, although you could have just gotten 2 monitors

Muslims should not be allowed life.
Nice to see the hello nigger gimmick fully taking off.
whats the box on the left
i was 7 lad, how much do you remember when you were 7
i remember one time they wanted to go watch charlie and the chocolate factory at the cinema with the idea that we could sit at the back and play around, i turned that down because i was afraid someone would see. they made it into a game that only we could play so i wouldnt tell anyone or id get in trouble
>post black hand
>get a thousand (You)s

really wish i wasnt born white
all cagers should be banned
wish I was a girl so I could just whore myself out to the internet and get free money
Unironically went through a period where I wished I was black in school, had a rap phase and thought they were really cool.
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you're in luck
dont really see the interest in chasing women
Enoch was right
Yeah because a few (You)s make up for the racism I receive every day
that image is a load of silly shit
every one of them is more attractive than me


Are you so desperate for attention that you'd rather be a stinkin', big-lipped, yellow-eyed, nappy-headed NIGGER for your entire life just to get responses on an anime website?
>listen to drakes new album to fit in
>he uses words like bossman, wasteman, and side "ting"
>gives skepta an entire track to himself on the album
>giggs on it as well
>has a song called "blem"
>talks with a british jamaican accent for an entire song

Recently nailed my bollocks to the table as part of a sexual experiment. I won't be doing that again, let me tell you.
that chart literally says north/west europe is white idiot
the attack was orchestrated by theresa may to gain euro sympathy ahead of negotiations

Any normal person considers eastern europeans white.
Because UK is effay as fuck.
where are the girls now?
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she's just been confirmed as the woman who died under the bus RIP sophie x
>posts on 4chan
>complains about racism
where do you think you are?
i dont leave my house
roastie btfo
He's a britaboo
man had to go brum
black people just copy each other
i went to school with some nigs who were born and raised in ireland and they used all the grime slang instead of irish slang
>I don't mind if you kill me, I know you're really a good person
>*kills you*
>omg how did this happen? They were a good person!
girls under the bus was only injured . she was french btw
And on /int/ of all places

What a stupid fucking nigger
do conveniently ignore the colors yes
if you don't have light skin, blonde hair and blue eyes you are not white

don't care about low IQ garbage culture, jog on
whats the easiest way to get killed lads
like by the hands of someone else
>be british
>get killed by muslim

just run into an airport or trainstation shouting muslim words
the primary victims of khalid masood's hate-filled rampage are the tens of millions of muslims in the west who just want to make a better life for themselves

khalid masood wasn't even really a muslim no muslim would ever do anything like that
it's fine just don't have kids
Going on a second date tomorrow. My first ever second date. What do I do?
run at the police with a knife
What do you mean by easy? Quickest? Most common?
>be american
>get massacred by a gun-wielding muslim in greater numbers
we deserved it for not being tolerant enough
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rorke sounds more upset than me
i have two of the three :)
also every swede i've met has had brown hair desu
drive your suv down the pavement and try to stab your way into the houses of parliament
If you check out we're all coming to the funeral and we're booking a bouncy castle.
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never in a million years
one still lives with their parents and the other has settled down with a guy, last i heard shes preggers
we moved away when i was about 10 and havent really wanted to keep in touch 2bh
hello nigger
Some /pol/tard actually stabbed a black fella to death over in New York because the blacks were stealing white hfs. Howling at this pathetic runt.
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>in London right now
>Loads of military attack helicopters flying around

Reckon they have higher security because of yesterday or something is up?
>work tomorrow

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>/brit/ is filled with commies, pooskins, faggots and chavs

the absolute state of this general
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this image is very sad imo. it reminds me of when a zoo animal goes berserk and kills its trainer and has to be shot. it's not the animals fault, it's a wild beast and doesn't know any better regardless of how many years it spent being "civilised"
stop pretending to be a victim
boys can't be raped. now go get back that magic
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Explain THIS, racists
1)Shout nigger in KFC
2)Run at an American policeman
3)Scream allah ackbar and set off a firework in an Airport
4) drive on the wrong side of the road
most easy to achieve
like without organisation or planning

shant work im white

this one sounds interesting
posting this from underneath a van lad?
gfs my bad
Walk around Wakefield town centre and ask for big deano
terrorist attacks are part and parcel of living in a major city
based nigger
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another realm.gif
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the latest named victim was a guy from utah
>we didn't ban irish people

yes we fucking did lmao
We actually sent our military to shoot and torture Irish people though, we didn't make hashtags like #notallpaddys
Society is pretty fucked, lads. People secretly fucking love being all stoic and posting "solidarity" and doing vigils and shit
Had Irish relatives in Manchester who got the shit kicked out of them after that purely for being Irish
IRA didn't want to kill people. They literally set that up jut to blow out windows and look worse than it was
>we didn't ban Irish people or Catholics
You interned us, starved us to death and executed us on the streets.
fuck off
Steal someone's drugs

at least the IRA phoned ahead
IRA sent a phone call to the police warning everyone beforehand, the only guy killed was an idiot news reporter who went there, the IRA did it for political reasons rather than religious reasons, they just happened to be catholic
need a qt gf to cuddle
catholics have been discriminated against all over europe for the last hundreds of years
Absolute shit gimmick. you boring cunt
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Sounds justified then
Imagine living in a country that imported a group of people so utterly reprehensible and evil that it made you look back on the IRA fondly.
Second generation immigrants are usually the worst. The boaters are usually just happy to get the fuck out of where they were. The kiddies usually grow up in poverty because the parents have no marketable skills for a first world country, and the second gens think somehow 'whitey' is oppressing them.
The idea that the IRA were motivated by Catholic doctrine and were blowing up places because of transubstantiation is so common and so fucking wrong
Fantastic gimmick x
haha u made af
Honest question here. Who is prettier: Irish girls or English girls?

I can feel my danish blood calling for to sail across the lake and grab some booty.
caused careful consideration
always found irish girls to have rather large noggins
I'm not in the Mafia, m80
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Yep, and then the third generations are raised by those second generation nutters and that's when you're past the point of no return as a country
Oh would you look at that we're at that exact stage
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she was 100% dead
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Would turn your face to mush you ever stepped foot on the emerald isle you slackjawed cunt
>posting that with a british IP
>replying to a dead thread
first causality of the race war
Thread posts: 327
Thread images: 48

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