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Why are Muslim girls so beautiful?

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Why are Muslim girls so beautiful?
1400 years of inbreeding turns you into a butifel melike.

>only muslim girls that look white/European are attractive
>ugly girls aren't allowed to be Muslim
wtf I hate Islam now
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>fuck muslim girl
>all her male relatives want to murder you
is it worth the risk?
I agree. Swedish women are HOT
They'd want to murder you anyways because you are an infidel, so it really doesn't matter.
>islam is an ethnic group
1.6 billion people are Muslim, from North Africa to Russia to SEA.
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how would I know I never saw one
>1.5 people are Chinese from the east china sea to the Himalayas

do you see how retarded you sound
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It's a meme, the pretty ones that get posted are full of plastic surgery. Most Muslim girls look like shit.
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this is her in her youth
Well, arabs prevail I guess? I mean African muslims have ethnicities too, they're not mixed craziness like "afro-americans"
W-what happened?...
she aged? The pictures are like 40 years apart
Han is a genuine race, Ahmed

While islam is just a religion
Ahmed isn't an Australian name
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>Islam is a race
>Poor as fuck
>Spend a large portion of your life in a country that has seen nothing but warfare for over 40 years
Yeah it's a big mystery
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So? Most little girls are qts. Point is you're basing them off a few airbrushed models and pictures when most real Muslim women are hideous.
really? :3
Not all Chinese people are the same ethnicity either
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thank you senpai <3
Airbrushed models? That's a screenshot from a video. Also you're posting old ladies and saying they're ugly.
You know you have a much better chance to be Muhammad
You choose to indentify yourself as a Muslim over being Indonesian? wow
>You know you have a much better chance to be Muhammad

Ahmedov pls
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Ok so? That's still only one person with access to plastic surgery and makeup.
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>taking everything on /int/ seriously
bruh... chill...
You Indonesians are truly neutral as fuck, most peaceful muslims I guess, unlike your bros from Phillipines
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It doesn't seem as common among them as others
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Ahh this qt <3
>tfw her ig is private
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Do Muslim parents disown their daughters if they date filthy white kuffars?
do you think muslims are a race of people?
>most peaceful
not really according to recent events
>uneducated loudmouth beta cucks
yes, according to recent events

idgaf about pinoys anyway. most of them here are american cock-suckers, but i haven't met any irl tho.

i've met an orthodox family from russia (tourists) when we were in central java and they looked pretty content with the locals and the weather.
Did you just discover /pol/ my man?
If you are an aspiring lawyer, engineer, or doctor it's not as likely
It depends.. tunisia are the most westernized in all of middle east and north africa, i don't think their parents would react so much.
But here for example, daughter/sister-hunting is the national sport of this country even when some people refer to us as "liberal".
Gee I wonder
She's half Mexican.
nah bro she's full muslim
>implying muslim is a nationality
It actually annoys me how much she keeps switching ethnicities between arab and latina even though she can't speak neither arabic or spanish properly
She's just a leaf
I got no idea who she is 2bh
>switching ethnicities
She's both. And Latina is more of a geographic term if anything
>mfw im mexican mix
>crush is a muslim
Our kid would look gorgeous hory shet
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OK so am I being baited or do people ITT think that Islam is a race of people
it is they are calleed Araps
you're a dumbass
t. Arap
I never know when you guys are trolling or not
She has Japanese teeth.
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exactly what makes her a qt imho
show me dutch qts that are worthy of your uploads here NOW!
Dunno, they usually cover themselves.
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Dutch women belong to the BBC, like this woman.
Since when did the BBC claim the to own all Dutch women?
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they would murder her if she didn't marry you, they would high-five you lad
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Because they are pure
Cause the men are to busy fucking goats and boys
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Holy fucking kek!
Based soddy
Xa-xa, wow.
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I would
you guys sometimes look just like tanned russians lol
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is such lewdness permitted under islamic law?
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What's the use of the hijab if you're gonna do that shit?
if hes rich and well mannered they tend to look past it to be honest
There was a Pakistani girl in my Technical Writing class who actually looked like she could be a model, wonder how many times she's been MAYO'd.
0 thats haram
>usa talking about plastic surgery

Turkish girls here sometimes run around with high heels, skirt, a shirt where their tits are almost falling out and hijab.
As long as you can't see the hair she is still a good modest muslim woman it seems.
She didn't even wear a hijab though.
that doesn't neccesarily make her non-religious
Wtf I hate Italian and Greek girls now
maybe that's true in canada and america because you select for among the most educated (with the exception of refugee influxes and somalians) which usually means more open minded.
And choosing to go to the land of the great satan is going to be correlated with liberalism among the muslim families immigrating there.

But here in europe it is so rare to be able to have a serious relationship with a muslim girl and the rare time it does happens the guy usually converts like a cuck.
I've been working on a muslim girl for so fucking long and we've sexted but she keeps feeling super guilty and pushing me away afterwards and saying we can't meet because it won't go anywhere.

Its so fucking annoying. But it will be worth it to get a qt virgin waifu with family values (that you have admittedly corrupted to some extent in order to get her to be with you, a non-muslim, but still better than a regular western girl) who has basically 0 chance of divorcing you.

where else are you going to get a qt virgin?
Even if you manage to find a nice young teen who is still a virgin, the chances are that she is only a virign incidentally and you will simply be her first boyfriend and dump you efore you can start a family together.
With a muslim girl you can actually raise kids with a woman who has never touched anyone's cock or even any man's lips apart from yours.

It's worthwhile because it is difficult.
if you look at only the top say 5% or 3% of beautiful girls of every national (by heritage, i.e. pakistani-american counting as pakistani)
I am convinced that pakistani girls would be the most beauiful.

the average won't be as high as say israel but their hot girls are hotter.
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It would be Russia or Norway.
what is she Pakistani?

did you try going after religious Anglican girls or are they lewd
Convert her to Christianity.
she's arab-mexican mix.
kys dunce
lmao if you want her to get disowned and then she's forced to chose between him and her family
Pretty qt would go full Reconquista on her
so you would deport her? rood t b h
Moors were converted. Jews deported.
I just want everyone to covert.
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>Made her sext
Nigger you are a terrible influence then again i atleast hope your intentions are as good as you claim in which case it's ok,remember though if shes not comfortable being sexual then don't try to get her attracted to you in sexual advances/manners just be upfront and honest,you're gonna have to propose at some point which is very unlikely to work if her parents are religious and you aren't a muslim though,Trust me on one thing though if you try your hardest im sure you can ''corrupt'' her but that kind of girl always ends up regretting it in the end which is something you don't want her to do in the long run.
moriscos were eventually deported too
Yeah but happened a century later because they didn't stop being whiny bitches.

At first they were allowed to stay.
This is why muslim countries are so shitty
Muslims don't want to kill all infidels
Good meme
Can someone explain to me why tinder in Muslim countries is full of girls in hijabs (pretty much 50% of all girls on tinder here, quite close to the actual demographics)? I haven't dared to swipe right on one of them yet.

Will I get messages from her dad who wants to arrange a marriage or what do I have to brace for?
did jews have some secret reformation? their holy books are pretty hardcore, basically muhammads inspiration
You aren't Malay?
there was some other brit on mena that plans on converting for his gf

if you want her parents blessing you will have to be muslim or rich

preferrably both
No, I'm a kufr expat.
If you're jew or christian than its fine religion wise, its traditiond you need to worry about
To be fair your country has a lot of athiests/irreligious and the poll is for Muslims only.
For sure atheist turks would see themselves as turks first and foremost since your nation was found by seculars.
she's syrian but was born in scotland
I don't believe that any religion gets it entirely right when it came to God. I believe if there is a God he created the earth and different tribes of mankind imagined stories about him independently. Although I do believe that Jesus is a very good example of moral behaviour.
But nah I can't really convert her when I don't believe in it.

She doesn't /really/ believe 100% in islam either. I've made her have doubts and she blocked me that time for a few weeks. It's really more part of her identity. Her loyalty to it is based more in tradition and family values. intellectually she is not convinced by it but doesn't want to 'lose' her culture etc. she thinks that if she doesn't follow islam stringently then she can't be a syrian or something.

each time we sexted (like 3 times) she'd initiate by saying "I'm horny" or asking me "I want to ask you a very inappropriate question"

then afterwards she'll say all kinds of things like "I was weak" or "I feel satanic" or "this isn't me, I was too tired to resist", "I know, I'll tell my father and he'll punish me" or something like that.

I don't want to use sex but I want to get past these mental barriers she has erected for herself because there is literally no good reason why we can't live happily ever after other than fucking muslim tribal instinct. Don't have a problem with her being muslim as long as it doesn't get in the way of me having her and keeping her.
her dad (a widow) is a surgeon so he'll be expecting that anyway. I'm a software engineer. I know that his dad married a christian girl and that they spoke to each other and fell in love before he sought her parents permission.
I think there's a fairly good chance that if we present a united front then her dad will eventually relent
Need name on this girl please!
Just search mexican muslim on youtube
Terrible thread

Seriously? Not a single Brap post?

He's the fucking Mike, shilling his shitty patreon all over /pol/ and tainted malaysian flag over /pol/. fuck this syrian kaffir
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just be honest with her and with her dad, have everything planned out just like any normal family planning and you're good to go.
learn more about islam to be able to respect her and her family in the long run (i'm not trying to convert you). this is for avoiding those awkward "oops, i didn't know that _____".
the only matter that would rise is when a child is born. "Will he/she be a muslim?" that would be something you need to discuss with her / her family.
Why is a Muslim girl wearing a catholic mantilla for use in church?
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Because maybe it's not strictly for catholics only?
Abrahamic religions are very much alike, not only theologically but also culturally. this type of head covering for females (christianity-islam) and the cloth skullcap for males (judaism-islam).

going deeper, this qt grill is Batavian (old dutch people will know) and what she wears is ceremonial batavian female dress, which includes the headscarf. Islam has deep roots in indonesia long before the VOC set up camp here.
>Because maybe it's not strictly for catholics only?

It is see through and it looks more like a mantilla than a headscarf, but sure I can be mistaken.

>Islam has deep roots in indonesia long before the VOC set up camp here.

Well, it depends on what you think is long, probably on Java it spread slowly around the 14th century, Majapahit was hindu and existed until 1527. Which is long before the Dutch arrived, but not extremely long. In 1498 the Portuguese already arrived in Indonesia, even prior to the definite fall of Majapahit. So yes, it has some roots before, but it depends on how long you allow 'long' to be.

Add to that that the Indonesian Muslims were quite largely nominal for a long part of the history of the archipelago. I would even go so far as state that we the Dutch actually made the Indonesians more strict in your religion since it was seen as a countermovement. Also, more speedy Dutch ships and international links helped broaden the world of many Indonesian Muslims who ended up finding out that their Islam was not really the islam other Muslims professed.
she doesn't want me to meet her dad. We've never met in real life.
She's still in uni (frst year) but has said she wants to get married before she finishes uni.

for children i have , after lengthy discussion, yielded that I am ok with her raising them muslim subject to some liberal provisos (e.g. they are not to be taught that non-muslims will automatically go to hell, she's from a quite salafi background )

however having said that , once we're married and she's pregnant , I really doubt that she'd raise her children without a father and divorce me if I insert some liberal minded skepticism and universal humanist morals that contradict islam's shitty shariah morals and fqh.
To Puerto Rico.

The obvious answer to the kids religion is that you will absolutely 100% not raise them muslim. What else could it be. Not in name or practice.

Islam is just not something modern civilized people get involved with personally. Leave it to the barbarians m8. Either do as I told you or you have lost the big game of life because you have no spine.
>rest of body
trannys getting their junk cut off?
>never met
jeez senpai you're aiming high, i wish you luck
All the muslims in this thread actually have girlfirends right? Being a virgin is haram.
>we never met irl
Wanna know how I know this chick is British?
because she is white?
Muhammad or whoever invented the hijab must have had a fetish for hairjobs
Must be all the inbreeding. And what's the point of them being beautiful if you can't fuck them.
That's what they tell you until they are in majority. Then they'll either kill you or convert you.
don't catholics portray mary with a headscarf
how do you know she isn't just playing with you? one day she could just stop talking to you and she ends up married to an Arab guy
pussy is too strong tbph
only the men. the women make prime breeding machines.
I know but I think if I'm their father I'll be able to crush their faith any time I want.
Also I think once I start fucking her she'll give up in a lot of ways. The same way that once an addict gives in to one cigarette he'll give up on quitting and tell himself he has failed and will quickly start smoking again regularly.
yeah I know the chances are low but I want a virgin qt waifu and how else are you meant to get one?
Oh boy
Explain all the christians that live here with absolutely no problems..?
you could grow some balls and meet chicks irl maybe. You want a muslim chick right? just walk out your flat, your nation is full of them.
Don't know about Jordan, but life in Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. for minorities is hell
>tfw no qt agnostic Palestian gf
Too life is two suffer
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like i said before, what about anglican and protestant girls? are they not chaste and virtuous?
Once you're married, you'll be burried alive in some backyard and your head will be separated from your body. Might also get mutilated before that, depends on her father's taste. Same will happen to her, before her getting gangraped for tainting the honor of the family. If you're unlucky then you will get raped too kek.
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>It is see through and it looks more like a mantilla than a headscarf, but sure I can be mistaken.
No, you're right actually. it does look very similar to mantilla. that seethrough version is probably the posh version of batavian headscarf for the rich to stand out more.

Majapahit may be hindu but Samudra Pasai in Sumatra was islam since the 13th century and it was conceived by close trades with arabs and indians. what's strange is that an old muslim tombstone in east java dated back to 1083. VOC's establishment helped to catalyst the spread in java and other parts.

As for the authenticity of indo's islam, it's obviously not authentic. our society always clinged to pagan ancestry and mysticism, even to this day.
I don't know for certain but we've been talking on and off for over a year, I started liking her first, I spent ages jokingly telling her that she would be my wife before I occasionally got hints back, she's blocked me then readded me like 6 times . she's made up stories to try and dissuade me from pursuing her before then admitted that she had made it up when I pressed her on them.
The first time we sexted was after talking for a year and she took a lot of calming down after that from guilt.

I mean I am aware of the risk of failure but I am seeing other girls anyway so it's not like I'm missing out on much.
I wouldn't be seeing other girls if she agreed or if we moved forward.
anyway let's see. A lot can happen. you never know.
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You're extremely exaggerating it, this won't happen.
I'm of opinion that if he really wants her then he must convert because otherwise it will never work out, honestly, converting to islam isn't the worst possible thing if you think about it, idk why you guys are so anti islam if you just want a conservative lifestyle
I do meet chick girls irl but they're not marriage material. You can't 'just meet' practicing muslim girls irl really. They won't beat bars or clubs aren't on tinder, and usually their social circles will be almost all muslims. Basically the only time you can meet them and socialise withhtem is uni.

you can't just try nd approach them in shops or on the street.that's a bad way to meet women normally, but muslim women are many times moer likely to refuse to make eye contact or automatically shoot you down.

honestly the main way to meet practicing muslms here is on twitter/telegram/kik
there are hardly any. Even the ones who are seriously christian are rarely virgins.

and honestly slightly-tanned caucasoids make my dick harder. I want to conquer something foreign.
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>she's from a quite salafi background
whoa, sorry bro. can't help you about dis.
dem salafis are batshit crazy if you ask me dawg...
>because otherwise it will never work out,
yeah but this part isn't true.

it's just a bit of mass hypnosis or memery where you all keep saying something and then eventually you accept it as true because you've heard it be said enoughtimes

the proof being the fact that muslim scholars found ways to justify banning slavery even though muhammad and his companions were slave owners and traders

but they still tell tehmselves it is a theologically critical ruling that men can marry non-muslims but women can not.

it's just a tribalistic instinct.
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If it's your thing you could marry a arab christian w/o having to deal with religion conflict
Honor killings boi
Both muslim and christian jordanians do it
I'd be up for that but I haven't found one I've found a muslim, and there are virtually no arab christians in the uk.
Exaggerations are funny. But seriously what I said is a possibility if not a certainty.
Ahh yes
The time honored tradition of killing your own daughters is bringing people of different religions together.
Oh-OH. That's way worse than I imagined. Why Kill your family? Why not kill the one than sullied your family honor? That was the Spanish way, it makes more sense to me, but then we are from a different culture.
i guess in their head they can just pop out another child to replace her or they think tye woman was less valuable to begin with
It's the ruthless, bloodthirsty culture that's so attractive. Wouldn't you want to fuck someone you know would like to see your entire family slaughtered? It's like... the ultimate act of dominance.
look for a coptic, maronite or greek orthodox church i guess kek

other than her being waifu material, do you even like her?
It makes sense if I think it in that way, we Iberian have had a problem with babies since ever, we aren't a very fecund people, specially our women.
It's kind of a form of washing out the shame,
If it's well known that one woman of this family is a whore, she ruined the reputation of her tribe forever, so when they kill them it's kind of a societal sacrifice in order to wash out the patches of shame that woman gave to her tribe.
"We removed the reason why we are not accepted by our society, so accept us again"
Btw in here they're more protected by law. Honor killing is not treated the same as other murders.
Actually, you will probably find it crazy but there's also a law in this country that allows rapists to completely avoid charges if he married her victim (because he concealed the shame of that family, no one will know she was raped, he gave them mercy).
I had to check your flag [spoiler](don't blame me desu, you guys in that region have nearly identical flags)[/spoiler], I considered Jordan to be the third nicest Muslim country, but shit like this is totally bonkers (and that comes from a country than kill bulls for fun).
Is the tribe still so important? How the fuck can you have a serious gov without tribal shenaningans happening? And that coming from an anti-feminist and conservative leaning , but heck, you guys are too harsh with women, they are humans too, marrying them to they rapist is fucked up.
>She's just a leaf

ooh baby

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Give qt gf pls
a-alright, you're scaring me, anon...
please stop.
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>Is the tribe still so important?
Yes, except in western amman (more liberal and wealthier)
>How the fuck can you have a serious gov without tribal shenaningans happening?
They do, some families just hate each other for no reason, though tribes are pretty loyal to the gov
>And that coming from an anti-feminist and conservative leaning , but heck, you guys are too harsh with women, they are humans too, marrying them to they rapist is fucked up.
Feminists have been protesting since years
But nothing changed
Most of the pop still see honor above everything
Daniella m biah
She lives in alberta i think
>Daniella m biah

wow, disappointing youtube but what should i have expected anyway
Thanks bro, l like to learn that stuff. The tribes are arabs tribes no? Do you guys preserve your pre-arabian domination culture or are Jordanians basically arabs?
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Yes, most jordanians originate from east and south of jordan (bedouin arab)
But there isn't genetic difference between us and balis or syrians
Under certain circumstances.
1. She has to convert to Christianity
2. She must not be circumcised, I like a woman to feel pleasure so I know I am doing it right
3. No fucking hair towels or whatever they are called
>She must not be circumcised,
wow bro u r so cool
Woman in some Muslims and African Christian countries do this, they chop-chop the clitoris.
But I get than is quite funny USA bitching about other being circumcised.
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'Jordan' and 'Bedouin' look nearly identical

Pic related is Moroccan
Yea boiii
A dude getting circumcised isn't losing much of value, just some skin. The same cannot be said of a woman getting circumcised.
No, at most, they'll tax you at the rate of Zaka't, and not even that is permissible.
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leave it to poo in loos to lie about everything

if what you say is true, none of you street shitters would be cow worshippers today
>Why are Muslim girls so beautiful?

>Under certain circumstances.
>1. She has to convert to Christianity
sooo... basically a christian grill?
>2. She must not be circumcised
meme. even in my cunt.
>3. No fucking hair towels
hijab, anon.
try gugl.cum for moar nolej.
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Yes, like i said most native jordanians have bedouin origin from east and south of the country(while northerners were farmers), but bedouin jordanians not far from the rest
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watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCSWbTv3hng

>inb4 it's lib propaganda
I don't care if she's christian, buddhist or atheist as long as she's not muslim desu
>t. spineless beta
see >>72335076
>Getting a muslim girl and making her abandon Islam is beta
Whatever you say fuckboy
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I am.going to marry an iraqi kurd girl next week. Her parents are muslim and im a non religious white guy. You can do it. And it feels good converting muslims to white dick.
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Once I got a death threat ("you're going to get killed" in a really serious tone) from a hijabi bitch for wheeling her sister and I just walked even closer to her, stared her down and asked her slowly.

"Now, why did you say I will get killed?" and she just had a meltdown and said "Oh... cause you're a good person... uhh like how Obama is gonna get killed"
is it gonna be one of those weddingss where the arab women scream and dance in circles
They aged like shit
Is this Denise Richards?
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It's called yaeba
She looks white as fuck. I've met ethnic Germans who are darker than her.
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Here is the Redpill on Dutch
Sounds like fake cuck porn
>And it feels good converting muslims to white dick.
How do you even think about your missus that way? Kinda disgusting desu.
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Is this fake cuck porn ?
Good chance he's lying like the rest of us are
that's under average in slavic countries
Eh only the turks are really qt
A girl who won't choose you over her family is worthless desu. And you dodged a bullet.
>live in candada

I hope the crusade will restart soon so we can exterminate everyone of you shitskin
just a little banter, friend
i was just referring to how much of a softened institution the church has become
goddamnit you're good
Syrians aren't Bedouin though, they're Levantine Phoenicians
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wtf I love islam now
No, there's hundreds of thousands of bedouins from syria, but most syrians aren't bedouin origin
If you are talking about genetics then they're not any different to their neighbors (arabian+med+caucasian mix)
Less talking and more Muslim qt posting

the webm is of an Irish fetish model/performer
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>ITT: Nitpicking

The vast majority of mudslim girls are ugly as sin. Stop deluding yourselves.
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t. nigger
best hair
so many kuffar in this thread.Masha Allah
> honestly, converting to islam isn't the worst possible thing if you think about it

Because our western identity is built around another religion. How would you feel converting to Christianity in order to marry a girl?
What a terrible example. Just looks like an average Indian girl
The Hindus always outnumbered the muzzies by a wide margin. Try force converting hundreds of millions of pooskins.
i dont think i will ever understand Islam and its practices.

i've been taught that all religions are feudal superstitions that should all be wiped out for human progress.

i also dont understand how Muslims can go through their religious rituals daily without finding it a nuisance or a bother. I would imagine having a beard, having to pray several times a day and having artificially imposed dietary restrictions as really annoying.
because they don't


No but seriously, if you identify with your religion more than your country, you are a selfish cuck. If our primary responsibility to the poor and helpless was taken care of through charity/tithe/zakat/whatever, I would change my opinion, but that's not the case, not here nor anywhere. They're taken care of with tax dollars.

The state should be the primary identifier.
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The bulk of the muslim population around the world doesn't pray and goes to the mosque only on occasions.
The ones that do go to mosque, listen to the sheikhs, and pray extra just feel superior to the rest of the people.
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