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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 339
Thread images: 49

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are derby
i like karl pilkington

he seems like a dude

a cool dude
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HK will always welcome the UK.
pls let us back into your commonwealth :(
Bongistan a shit

Independence for HK
>>JK Rowling and Emma Watson mindless femirunts
they really are though.
op lost his rag
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Lmao why is eric roberts in multiple killers music vids
are the mainland chinks as butthurt about hong kong as they are about taiwan?

Hong Kong was literally founded by the British, it's a British city that was stolen from us due to Deng's autism
china gets a lot more angry over taiwan because it's an island and a lot easier so has a natural incentive to support its independence
we need technocracies like hk to boost the uk economy

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>girls don't care about HEIGHT FACE or FRAME anon you just need to be kunfidunt
I've been there, and I stayed in a hotel called Dorset Mong Kok
if it was founded by the british then why does it have a chinky name?
China gets angry about Taiwan because the yanks and co. autistically refused to acknowledge the PRC as "China" until the 70s, that tiny little island speck held a permanent seat on the Security Council of the UN even
could probably ask the same thing about you, mate
>The source of the romanised name "Hong Kong" is not known, but it is generally believed to be an early imprecise phonetic rendering of the pronunciation in spoken Cantonese or Hakka 香港, which means "Fragrant Harbour" or "Incense Harbour

more like "Pong" amirite
Not really. HK and Taiwan are very friendly towards each other because we both hate the mainlanders, and we both support the 1st world.

Taiwan has a high chance of 'full' independence (recognition from the UN) if the cummunist china falls, as it already controls the Taiwan island and has its own sort of army.

In case of HK, we don't have an army. Mainland China "protects" us from "enemy west". So it is much easier for us if we are welcomed back into the commonwealth and get other commonwealth nations (UK, AU, NZ, etc) to protect our home for us, rather than full independence ourselves.
how will aussies EVER recover?
australia comes from a latin word meaning "southern land" m8
the one china policy is autism in the extreme
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>tfw your thread is the one that survives a three way thread split
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me on the left
because locals are influenced by Guang Dong language and the UK interpreted the way we call HK (Heung Gong) into Hong Kong.
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reminder this is why you look ugly in photos
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>spend every period of my life daydreaming about the next
>get here and it's worse than what came before it
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anywhere that isn't western europe is inherently dangerous to the extent that it produced niggers and turns white people into niggers

anglo diasposa =/= white people


Are you a westerner, a native HKer or a chinky Canadian who has moved back?
Latin pro here, comes from 'Auster' meaning 'South wind'. The original smelly convicts had a lot of problems with their own 'South wind', and the country was named after that
alri lad, i'm coming to visit hk in june for a few months
any recommendations? is 4chan blocked there or can i shitpost freely?
Could have happened. It took a prolonged campaign by a bunch of true autists to make Australia the standard term for the whole island
only photos where you jam a wide angle lens straight up your nostrils

i.e. none of them
not 3 way when 1 of them doesn't appear in the search catalogue
disregard this post, it isn't factual, or true either

some might even call it fake news
1st world foreigner living in HK for studies
what lens should i use to look good?

inb4 anything with the lens cover still on

Are you even a chink? Why are you posting all that shit about independence then?
what if I am just ugly
Stefan Molyneux has a lot of good points on race realism
tfw i destroyed my sense of taste and can only enjoy foods that are strong as fuck
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>race realism

Yeah but Fable 3 was shit
>Australians shitting up the world with their enormous hot fart island 24/7
great thanks for that
no-one respects 'race realism' as a term
just call it racism
He got lucky when he was at bullfrog with all those stolen amigas
i thought it was inoffensive for the most part

that whole sanctuary thing instead of a pause menu was bullshit though
>any recommendations?
Visit Tsim Sha Tsui / Jordan / Prince Edward for local HK foods (they are a bit oily but edible for the experience).

SOGO - Mid Level Escalator walkway for art district and international foods from all over the world

There are trams in HK Island, and HK metro (MTR) is similar to the Tube but much cheaper.

Mong Kok area has a massive night market that generally sells dupes (thx china), but they also sell HK souvenirs at a cheap price. You can bargain with them.

English works well in all areas mostly.

>is 4chan blocked there or can i shitpost freely?
Internet is as free as the UK, but faster lmao
commonwealth is irrelevant and I think you're already in it

so long farewell...
yes, much better to have the nation with the largest number of people fighting against an island backed-up by the largest military power in the world (!)
molyneux's games are pretty good if you don't listen to what he says will be in the game before it comes out

if you do they are all huge letdowns
>commonwealth is irrelevant

get out Junker
Racism is the belief some races are superior to others

Race realism is the knowledge that there are observable, documentable biological differences between races, with large trends showing racial strengths and racial weaknesses compared to others
had no idea about 'slim inbreeding until recently
this means it's our duty as white men to fuck their women, it's the only way the radical Mohammedian ideology will die
But it literally is....
20 surveys done in a 4 hour shift at the ol' call centre lads
alri urbanus II
Can any English people tell me what goes on in Crawley, England?
oh so you're normal then?
i prefer ruralus II tbqh
lots of crawling
I personally support HK returning to the commonwealth. To be dead honest HK itself achieving independence is very very difficult, even with external help.

For one China will NEVER let HK achieve independence because it will influence Taiwan/Tibet/GuangDong, and for two even if somehow they let go of HK, China will pressurize HK economically because the independence goes against their firm "One China Policy".

But there is a less chance if HK is a UK's crown colony because now it becomes a China - UK issue.
yes but you will be called a racist for observing the latter regardless, thats what i'm saying
Dogging and incest
big fans of linkin park

Gatwick Airport
no, I'm part slavic, meaning I'm more prone to biological weaknesses
Just seen a family of 3, all morbidly obese

Haha fucking subhuman fat cunts
Going to Sainsbury's for lunch, suggestions on what to get??
what panels you on lad?
funny how lefties will call race realism racist but will eat up any fantasy work that has different races with different traits

not only that but circlejerk over fanart of it on Tumblr
a whole rotisserie chicken
taste the difference triple choccy cookies and a prawn mayonnaise sandwich
hmm yes orcs and elves is definitely the same as chinks and whites
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>funny how lefties will call race realism racist but will eat up any fantasy work that has different races with different traits
>not only that but circlejerk over fanart of it on Tumblr

cheeseburger and fries
lefties have no idea how racist they really are. calling muslims a race for example. racism of the highest order. muslims are disgusting but they're a diverse crowd and lumping them all together like that is insulting.
chicken and mushroom slice, chocolate mouse
>tfw get to return to HK in October but only as a stopover between Japan and Thailand
probably won't even have time to leave the airport, let alone see Kowloon Park again
Orcs are just corrupted elves in LOTR aren't they?
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i'm on your side but that's a retarded argument
fantasy is not real life
>you say you want to stamp out crime but you watch the sopranos
those damn dirty lefties, always up to no good
>that time Morrowind gave Redguards less intelligence

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>libruls r da real raycis
fuck off yank
Traits in groups of human beings are determined by their upbringing and environment and not by their race.
exactly, there is no difference between orcs and elves, my man. The only reason there aren't as many orc mages and scholars is because humans keep sacking Orsinium and oppressing them.
have a huge cock
actually it's both
I'd say there's conclusive reason to suspect the fedoraposter ITT is a triggered nonwhite.

Wonder if he's a full on nigger or just some run-of-the-mill paki
ur alri m8 cheer up la
ah yes a human raised by a family of chimps will behave as a chimp so that means chimps are the same as humans, right?
they actually are they treat people like shit simply for being alive

they treat whites as if they're kings of the other races and treat all the other races as if they're infants that can't do anything for themselves and that they can do no wrong
I said human beings, lad.
I 'dorapost both right, left and /radicalcentrists/

You write like an underage autist who has spent so much time on /pol/ you forgot there are people outside your hugbox who genuinely don't care about your incessant ramblings about m-muh leftists m-muh race realism
*turns to you mid-lecture and smiles widely for an uncomfortable amount of time*
*farts loudly*
Anyone here have any experience using tanning salons?

I'm particularly pale and considering using tanning beds. Will it be immediately obvious to people that I've gone out of my way to tan? How many hours per week is a good start?
>'doraposter calling anybody an underaged autist
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>I'd say there's conclusive reason to suspect the fedoraposter ITT is a triggered nonwhite.

>Wonder if he's a full on nigger or just some run-of-the-mill paki
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vain twat. get over yourself you bellend.
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>I 'dorapost both right, left and /radicalcentrists/
>You write like an underage autist who has spent so much time on /pol/ you forgot there are people outside your hugbox who genuinely don't care about your incessant ramblings about m-muh leftists m-muh race realism
no, they might be able to smell the faggot on you when you leave though
its not that it isnt true it's just that it's a stupid tired talking point that never works on anyone
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Sieg Heil! \o
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name a better band than this
the doors
What the fuck are subtitles (?)
utter anal scalp.
that's a good pic, love me some twisted sister x
>replying to a 50 minute old post
dont even know who they are
Vue cinema, edinburgh
13 march

be there or be square
not over something so trivial on an anonymous Mongolic yurt-building forum.
any of you guys want to join the pen 15 club?

What are we seeing?
>le humourous variation of the phrase "chinese cartoon forum"
very played out gimmick

using it this late in the game gives off strong reddit vibes
Not me mate, about to catch the red eye over to Pen Island
don't. Heavily tanned is the hallmark of a low class deano. If you want some colour do it naturally
plenty of red eyes over there, if you know what I mean
>complaining about played out gimmicks on a sri lankan shoe repair forum
Japanese, monghead
the killers
>being new and stupid

please leave
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>brits LITERALLY have to go to a solarium just to get a tan
Jesus wept
This gf meme doesn't seem worth it, you give up so much time and money just to have sex a couple times a month. I know lads who have to give up weekends watching awful amdram plays and going to feminism rallies they hate just to keep their gfs happy.

Why bother.
white people aren't designed to live in hot countries
I do TV ratings and council feedback
what about south african, nz and aussie whites
On which board is it most difficult to get a (You)?
nowt as good in life as a good warm cuddle
What about the Tory election expenses fraud?

t. person who is more likely to get skin cancer than correctly guess the outcome of a single coin toss

this one
probably one of the really slow or really fast boards

/po/ and /v/ for example
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why is cocaine that comes in semi solid lumps SO much better than the powdered shit?
what about them? they all came from europe.
yes but the current generations of whites in those countries can handle heat pretty well
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did the politician do something corrupt? ho-hum
I'm sure it's just a placebo, you degenerate
Because if it's powdered then it means you have a dealer who is so shit that he can't even be bothered to re-press it so he can pretend it's "off the rock, innit".
going to add porn runts to the list of people I never reply to
so why do they need to wear a special cream to stop their skin falling off
why is a glorified prostitute who has filmed evidence of niggers nutting inside her allowed to be so smug?
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>the third time I've been accused of reddity despite never having been on there apart from links I got from chon
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What does one mean by this
>first day with a hint of sunshine all years
>sketchy window cleaners emerge out of the woodwork asking for £5 for their 5 minutes of work which I didn't consent to

ah yes, excellent
take the hint retard
they probably don't need to put on as much as other whites
because people pay for it
that doesn't explain why the rocks are so much better you utter fucking moron
Dear Philip Hammond,

I owe a bundle in tax...but circumstances have moved on, you know how it is.


hunt the runt
make it squeal
>a couple times a month
Mate it should be at least 4 times a week

I ahree though, the romanticisation of the so-called gf on here is misguided. It's a responsibility not a life saving experience
It's obvious. Every dealer cuts their coke. The ones who are professional enough to only cut it a little bit also re-press it.

You call me a moron, but I'm not the one asking simple questions about cocaine that any idiot already knows. Enjoy babby's first gram though.
yo, bongs, what's the first image that comes to mind when you hear "Bulgarian immigrants"

I bet you've been conditioned to think of us as gypsies. Can't really blame you.

My first association when I hear brit is degeneracy and ugly, slutty women in short skirts and nasty high heels.
Computer screens as HMRC are going bloody mental right this second
even good coke is shite for what you pay
balding, poorly dressed petty criminals
My sister goes to uni in plovdiv. She says it's full of turkish people.
Can the aussie hurry up and advocate Bulgarian genocide please x
Only thing I've ever experienced that I know was Bulgarian was a fit holiday rep I met in Lanzarote, so I'm just gonna picture her asking to move in with me
Church roof with no lead
Rate thug
What type of phenotype is that? She looks like a nigger piglet
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having a blast dislocating my adam's apple sideways
I think she's part egyptian which would explain the great big niggernose
eastern euro runtoids come and pull the lead off roofing to sell as scrap metal
1 drop and you just cant stop.
this happens here? really?
>made 2 posts so far
>zero (You)s
You runties are getting wise
>spent several years NEET after leaving school
>check NI contributions on gov.uk website
>says I am 6 years short on contributions to the tune of £4380

no idea what any of this means, I'll just ignore it and hope it doesn't matter
going on a runt hunt
gonna catch a big one
Playing the witcher 3 lads

They are shiping migrants into europe
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truly the most boring open world game, I would reconsider
Car towing company is coming to remove my smashed up car that I drove into some stupid Welsh cunt who pulled out in front of me.

>Hello, Mr. Anon. We will be arriving to pick your vehicle up between 9am and 4pm.

Fucking pricks. Funny how you get into an accident that is completely the other driver's fault, but you end up being punished for it. All the stress communicating with insurance companies and making sure you don't get ripped off, having to find a new motor and going without a car for a few days.

You should honestly be awarded some kind of compensation for all the time that gets wasted. Time is money as they say.

\blogpost over
>Support the software developers. If you like the game, BUY IT!
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Sluta göra reklam för din egna tråd
i hope sweden rots for the 700 years of viking horror you put europe through
Saw some girls I used to know in uni recently.

They've all gotten very fat, but then again so have I. Ageing isn't fun.
How much money would you have made if it wasn't for it taking up your time?
red flags for women if she likes any of the following;

>rupi kaur
>frida kahlo
>albert camus

who else?
>skeleton in secondary
>porker in college
>fit now
would snap up the chance for a school reunion, go see all the pregnant single mothers and Tesco trolley dollies who went to uni
how old are you?

my cohort are almost 30 now and most of us are trim
you were probably driving too fast or not reading the road up ahead enough.
Hmm... I always wondered was NI was.
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>if you like the game, BUY IT!
>even though you already have a fully working copy of the game for free
I swear this is just bullshit that pirates say to seem like they aren't just thieves
who the fuck would do this
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>Ageing isn't fun.

nigga it's not aging, it's laziness you fat fuck.
i've got fitter and stronger as i've got older. sucks to be you, runtling.
I mean it was much less effort to stay in shape when I was younger.

Of course I could still be fit if I intended doing anything about it.
voluntary contributions result in better bennies down the line. they have no legal obligation to be paid.
true pirates don't give a fuck and dont need to justify anything.
They'd probably still want nothing to do with you mate.
>I mean it was much less effort to stay in shape when I was younger.

literally all it takes is dieting, and 1 hour of working out if you want to look like a real man

Shan't be doing that *pops off to the chippy*
We need a whites only planet.
Did some twitch betting on melee with virtual currency the other night.

Rose to the top of the leaderboard in an hour and a half, but lost it all when i bet all my money on my main who I knew was gonna lose to falco before the match even started.
Conflicted on piracy. My dad works at a games company and his work ethic is incredible (60 hours a week), but most of his team are spotty runts who i would've bullied in school. Not sure if people like that deserve my hard earned money
Zero because I am a filthy NEET. Regardless, if somebody puts you through an ordeal through their own negligence which leads to you being put into a net loss, you should be compensated accordingly.

Hmm no. I was driving below the national speed limit and the mong pulled out of junction before I even had the chance to brake. She wasn't even looking and admitted so.
which company?
ok, but just don't cry about being a fatass
Has anyone here ever been part of that troupe of people that sit in Tesco carpark revving their engines?

What the fuck is the appeal? They just all sit there together revving away.
I work for a car insurance company and deal with whiny cunts (like you) every day.

If you're "having to go without a car for a few days" it's probably because you only pay for a courtesy car on your policy, not a hire car. Repairers will only provide a courtesy car if your car is repairable, not if it's a total loss. Hire cars however are provided by external hire companies so can (and are) provided even if your own car is a total loss. This problem could have been anticipated by you had you read your policy documentation before signing the contract.

>You should honestly be awarded some kind of compensation for all the time that gets wasted.
Depending on the circumstances of the accident (yours at face-value sounds like it could be non-fault but I would need to know more about exactly how it happened) you can potentially make a claim for uninsured losses (e.g stupid shitty costs you incur as a result of the accident which aren't covered by your car insurance for instance physio if you have a [made-up] neck injury or loss of earnings if you miss work).

Again depending on what cover you have on your policy (specifically what extra benefits you pay for), this uninsured loss claim might go through your insurance company's in-house legal department. If you don't have the required cover for that you would need to go through an accident management company e.g all those wanky personal injury solicitors and pajeets whose adverts you see on telly.

The one thing I wish I could say to every whiny prick who calls up is: "Yes this is an inconvenience, obviously it it inconvenient to be in a car accident you stupid bellwhiff. Yes it would be much more convenient had your car not been smashed up and forced you to take time out of your life to sort it. There is no such thing as a convenient car accident for a normal human being."

P.S buy a dash-cam.
anyone got source??
Doxxable info
But it doesn't even look fun, they could be out driving or something, but they just stay parked and keep hitting the acceleration out of gear.

Are they trying to impress their mates with how loud their car is?
>That Dominic Raab
hMMM, int'e scrummè (?)
elsa "gobble black dicks like breadsticks" jean
does she literally only fuck black guys? shan't be watching in that case
don't care
no she does a lot of blacked scenes so the /tv/ memelords picked up on it
>don't care
best hope you never have a car accident because I can assure you no one working for the insurance companies cares either
not a word
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haven't been impressed with /brit/ so far today. Very low energy.
Imagine being indian and not having superpowers
you're low energy
could have move the S from straight and H from white
I have barely missed a cooldown timer my friend, the next post is always ready to go

New banger
>autisto up to his old baity tricks
do not reply
*something about open deification*
my new favourite sub lads, drumpf will literally never recover
>Barely missed
>Not "never missed"
>High energy
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>remembering that your life is completely empty, lonely and listless
*something about open defecation*
I like trump and I find these funny
>it could be non-fault but I would need to know more about exactly how it happened

That's exactly what it was. She just drove into the middle of my lane without looking, but thankfully she admitted it. A dashcam would be a good idea though la'.

I'm just having a moan desu. But to be put through an accident only to have my own insurance company try and fuck me over by offering my £1000 less than the average value of my motor was the nail in the coffin.

The driver at fault's company actually called me up and I actually resolved the whole thing through them, including getting the full compensation for my totalled car. Thank fuck.
Me in the bottom right
I fucking love Hong Kong it's a beautiful place.

Got to shitpost as a hong kongian for a while last time I stayed there.
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>tfw white working class man
>tfw the left hates you just for existing
>tfw the right looks down at you just for existing
>tfw you'll never get to retire
>tfw you'd probably be executed under a communist or fascist regime

the future's looking grim lads
me in the 2nd from the left at the top
good. how do i accelerate the process?
They will never learn. I like PJW and the warped PJW memes are fucking A*.

Trump ran off popularity, of hype and off hope. These kind of memes serve no purpose but to make him more popular, however derogatory. He's a celebrity not a politician and so, the idea that there is no such thing as bad publicity applies.
>tfw the right looks down at you just for existing

t. thinks the tories are right wing
>posturing with weapons
>rapping about shooting people
>rapping about running away from the police.

Ah yes, I wonder why nigger incarceration rates are so high.
does anyone else like to give (You)'s to posts with more than one (You) in order to emulate redditing :-)
>toffs think children buy cigarettes because of the pretty packaging
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not unless you become the king of the land
yeah every PJW thread there's a handful of autists with the 'Y DO U HAAAATE HIM' tears
Oops, missed question mark
hehehe :-P
>browsing hotukdeals.com while not actually buying anything

helps to satisfy the instilled jewish brainwashing desire to consume and be a good goy
they are. they're capitalist, elitist scum

would love to curbstomp a privately educated tory boy

what a melt you are
only white people are capable of socialism
/brit/ is dead :-(
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Is it just me or is there much more fuss/propagation around Int. women's day 2017 than in 2015?
maybe it's a mismemory but I think 2015 passed with barely a hitch and it only lasted for 1 day.
I find it funny. It's apparent on all political movements, though more so on the modern left, people are unable to laugh at themselves. It's idiotic.
tell me what they are then you utter subhuman cunt
>implying I remember 2 years ago
Damage control. In a culture where every corporation, company, person, entity, place and thing is required to maintain a social media presence it's easier to just spunk out a token gesture every time some stupid day rolls around than to deal with the backlash on Twitter for being a muhsoginist pig.
what about 2016?

*peers down into runt colony #335*
*observes the filthy creatures screeching as a ball is poked from side to of the box by 2 particularly large runts*
hm yes
Neo-liberal elite hand puppets enabling and progressing the welfare state like their masters wish while running the 'right wing means anti-immigrant' line that means nobody ACTUALLY LOOKS at their economic and political policies outside of immigration, which are FAR from capitalist.
We don't talk about 2016
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>vote tory to get immigration under control goy
>goes up every single year
quality post
>right looks down on you just for existing
so capitalist

they uphold private property, a market economy, production for profit, privatisation and austerity

all capitalist functions
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get fucked.

slaughter the rich.
Did right wing inbreeding remove the need for a neck?
I'm like a broken lantern
Stuffed of everything good and light
How do you know he's right wing? He's just upper-class. Plenty of working class right wingers
>society dependent on economy built upon perpetual growth
>UK birth rate is 1.9 (below maintenance)
>immigration continues

utterly shocking, truly a mystery why this keeps happening

*cracks open a Stella and thumbs through the new Screwfix catalog*
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awesommu powah.png
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incentivise native births
oh wait that would be ray-cis
Watching the ol' Always Sunny
They say all these things and yet we have a welfare state

>MUH NHS isn't privatised
>highest immigration ever
>highest taxation ever
>highest borrwing ever
>highest spending on benefits, job seekers, ''''refugees''''' ever

And it all gets paid for with, you betcha, the tax payers dollar. They put s gun to your head and say pay up and help this worthless lazy runt or you'll be jailed until you do.

That is not, never has and never will be capitalist and it is only getting worse under the Tories.
and? Japan's population is falling and they aren't importing millions of migrants. In the next 20 or so years automation will take over, and all these low skilled migrants will be a drain on the economy when basic income becomes reality.
If you uphold class society/hierarchy, you're right wing. The sneering attitude towards the poor needs to be cured by the guillotine.
don't know how grown men can bring themselves to watch anime

it's so fucking gay
first the rich
then the fash

ill crush everyone in my way
maybe anyone who dares to call themselves "alt-right" after im done... theyll be next in my path of carnage
fuck off cromwell
have you guys ever noticed how antifa are in fact the real fascists
>"Antifa are the real fascists" - winstone churchill
not sure what the obsession with japanese cartoons is

if something is good, I'll watch it
makes no difference to me what country it's from
Never even met anyone from the upper-class, don't see a whole lot of sneering. Class society enables the smart working class to move into the middle class, and stop the underclass from having more money than they deserve
Hot af tbqh
if it's in a quote it must be true
no you.. NO YOU!
who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
its a parody, because people use the quote 'the fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists' and attribute it to churchill despite there being no record of him saying it
now that I've explained my post I hope that the humour will come through
not me
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*blocks your path*
just did a piece and sausage
non whites are jewish puppets
punch and judy are puppets
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phill ham.jpg
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*increases his tax*
channel 4 went shit after losing richard and judy
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>have had diarrhoea for 5 days
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>people don't like me so they should be killed
i heard bad diarrhoea is hereditary and runs in your genes
I agree, let's execute the poor
I don't remember that day of 2016. I was on /b/ on that Sunday of 2015 and got into a bit of shitflinging.
those damn tories i bet
White van men make Britain great
but they're racist and read the S*n
can take the "van" out of that post and it'll still be correct
Men with ven make britain great
tell you what that crack is really moreish
how can I apply to work at 4chan's uk office?
hit me with your best shot
>runs in your genes
bf me
Quarter Circle Backwards + Kick
*hits you with my second best shot*
can girls masturbate in public without getting caught?
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which 1 lads
>checks flag

Sorry not into Africans
don't pay the new N.I.C.s in there
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