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Hey guys, I uploaded my work from FZD. >Term 01: https:

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Thread replies: 144
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Hey guys,

I uploaded my work from FZD.

>Term 01:

>Term 02:


>Term 03:


>Class notes:

FZD review: http://www.colourcow.com/fzd-faq/

I suck, so you shouldn't use my work as an example. Rather do the exercises.
>Oh, I also got married to a fellow FZD student.

closed. teeth clenched. frogs in my brain making a siren sound.
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>goes to FZD
>still makes this
>married a rival artist to cuck him while he is left behind as their career blossoms

Can't make this up
So, how do did you afford to go?
thanks anon for the post
>It will kill you if you don’t love it.
My life in a nutshell, thanks.
Can you upload the books and stuff?
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Fuck I was asking for something like this weeks ago to help fuckers in the fundies discord, Thank you so much
The class notes are just 40 empty pages with one sentence per
What does it mean
Subsidized by parents. Three types of students:
1. parents or zero-interest loan from family 2. saving up for a few years 3. bank loans
Bank loan students performed the best because taking out a loan pre-selects the most determined.

There are no books used in class. They do have a small library of reference books.

All of them? They look fine to me (see pic). Could convert to pdf instead.
There's a fundies diascord?
If you have them as pdfs and they work, why not upload pdfs?
thank you anon, doing god's work
Anon, you know docx means it's from a mac right?
Don't have pdf, could upload pdf if there's a problem. Upload .pages and .docx so anons could add their own notes without having to convert again.

So is it an anomaly or do more people have issues with the formatting?
Did you guys really draw for 16 hours a day?

Because it's a huge meme and no one knows if more time is better.
How on earth do you do these exploded views? Do you actually take the whole thing apart and draw every single individual part?
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Individual variety :)

So yes, a lot of students did. Students would pass out in class, sometimes so badly that their head would bang on the desk and they still kept sleeping. Another dude got the creeps, feeling "ghosts"

I started off with 14 hours, then went down to 8-10 every for term02 and term03. I was the only one doing that, but a lot of students would work 18 hours during the weekdays and sleep 12-14 hours on Saturday and Sunday.

The reason why is that I wanted to learn a lot, so I often sacrificed good pieces in order to pay more attention in class. As a result, I was often the worst student on Monday (when everyone went full blast in the weekend) but above average on Friday (when people's batteries ran out).

No right, no wrong. Just what suits you best.

This is all opinion, but I think doing difficult exercises (liek draw-through) and getting mentorship is important.
When I log my time, I log the actual pen to paper work, not any "fluff". That's the most difficult about working/studying from home - you need to control procrastination, your focus and get rid of fluff.

Also, dedication. I drew on with a fucked up wrist (couldn't bend my fingers anymore) and a shoulder dislocation (though I did miss client deadlines because I was messed up).

They're from photo reference in instruction manuals. The teacher didn't say specify how to use reference, so I made it easy for myself. I'm sure some students took stuff apart.
Isn't everything at FZD tablet only? Did you have any experience with drawabox or Peter Han, and if so was it a strange change for you going from paper and pen techniques to tablet?


fundies discord
Is it alright for you to be sharing this? Pretty awesome stuff and I appreciate you sharing but I wouldn't want you to get in trouble.
Talking about term 2 and term 3 and mentors. Do you interact with the seniors and the juniors or are they just segregated most of the time?
If you could sue someone for sharing notes over something you taught them and exercises they did for you, I'd be rolling in bank right now pham
True, true. Guess it's not a big deal
whoa, that's a lot of 3d stuff they learn over there. Didn't know they did so much, I guess it makes sense tho since it's basically required these days.
I've seen this one before, were you posting on 4chan while in fzd?

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Do you need a wide range of a visual library to even have a chance at doing well? For instance, playing a lot of games or watching a lot of movies. What if you're just not current with them at the moment?
Congrats on graduating, getting married, and your improvement both artistically and career-wise! Thanks for sharing your files and notes with us, as well.

Honestly, I think I would literally die if I went to FZD. I was getting severe TMJ pain induced grinding to the point I couldn't open my mouth for hours after waking up over my last semester of HS, so I can't imagine putting myself through FZD. Makes me sort of sad I don't have the stamina to really push myself, but hopefully I (and similar others) can git gud through a slower grind.
Term 01 is mostly traditional. Used to be 100% traditional except for digital painting, but they experimented with 50-50 trad/digi for my batch.

I dunno, but the school will be fine. They're awesome because of strictness and deadlines and crunching. Even if you know what they teach, it's still worth going because they will make you work when you don't want to.

Yes, visual library is paramount. That's why sketching is good for mileage :)

Relying on games for visual library building will make your work look generic. Movies are better, real world is best.

Visual library makes the biggest difference in how much time an assignment takes you. Surely you can tell my strengths/weaknesses in visual library from looking at the files.

That's why the draw-through exercise is so powerful. You use real-life reference, but to draw it from a different angle, you need to understand what you're looking at. So you're learn perspective, draftsmanship and understanding of your reference at the same time.

By the way, most common: characters, creatures, fantasy, historical.
Less common: clean sci-fi, modern day, architecture, props.

So if your passion lies in one of the less common areas, you already have less competition.

Thanks :)
You can definitely get into illustration with a slow and steady grind. Or are your eyes set on a different field?
Don't remember for that one, but yeah I posted like three or four times.

>"If you're on the internet, you have time"

I am average due to how I spend my time.
Like, I'm answering your question instead of working on mah client stuff.
Missed this one.

Yeah, we interact. Not on a class basis, but as individuals. As such, maybe your seniors are a bunch of introverts and you don't talk much. I had experienced lots of interaction both with seniors and juniors. For example, Charles Lin was my senior and a great guy, he's a teacher at FZD now.

However, listen to what the teacher says rather than a random student. We had a weird rumor from seniors that hatching was frowned upon. Made the teacher laugh.
Did you have any dream company you wanted to go work at?Also, why did you get into concept art?
>unsolicitedly exposing your skin/bosom for all to see in this filthy place while married
Harlot. You disgust me you floozy whore. Begone.
Did any of you guys get RSI or hand injuries drawing that long everyday? How'd you deal with it?
link to the work of your husbando?
Reposted to fix formatting.

When going, Blizzard. Changed my mind, because I didn't have a reason to pick them. Just sounded cool.

Got into concept art because I have a lot of different interests (biology, psychology, drawing, reading, foreign cultures, ...) and it combined a lot of them.

Yeah, me. Used to pinch when holding a pen.

>How'd you deal with it?
I taped my pen to my hand so I could draw with my arm instead of my wrist.

<< like this

Also ibuprofen + sleeping with a high-quality wrist band every night. My stylus now has a few socks taped to it, so it's a soft fluffy ball and I don't have to grip it. Wacom pen sensivity set to reaaaaaally sensitive so I don't have to press down.

My wrist still hurts (a year after graduating), but it doesn't affect my daily life anymore.

He knows. I showed him the thread. First time he got called a cuck (>>2941343) and he's thoroughly amused :)

Nah, don't think he wants to be on 4chan. Or on the internet in general.
How do you keep a relationship going when you're probably stressed all day and tired all the time during FZD? What is there to even talk about if you probably don't even have time for entertainment?
Are you happy with how you've progressed? Do you plan to continue down the art route? What're your plans for the future?

Also did you get to meet Grand Master Feng? What's he like?

It's microsoft word format mi amigo.
You can talk about your interests anytime. Or stuff you see in Singapore (we walked to school). We made it a point to not talk about school.

Sex reduces stress.

Hell yeah, I can draw for a living now. On the other, I’m superfrustrated because I know that I’m slacking.

Feng is so talkative. IRL Feng is Design Cinema in 3D.

Imo Tze Wei was the best teacher there. He’s probably open for mentorship if you offer to pay his mortgage.

Plans for the future are difficult to pinpoint. I will freelance for 2-3 years till I get citizenship. After that, moving anywhere in the world for an in-house job. I am extremely fearful of sliding down further and further into averageness, spending too much time on chores and entertainment.

I’m off. It’d be awesome if this thread helped a few anons. Git gud :)
Thanks for sharing

The school has a bit of a bad rep among concept designers where I've worked. Feng being completely obsessed with perspective and nothing else plus some rumours about drama in the school. Would have been super interesting to hear more about this, but seems you're not anonymous here.
Thanks a ton for everything, this will spark a whole new generation of artists now.
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Thank you OP! Good luck on your future endeavors!
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>Sex reduces stress.
Okay that's it, I'm never ever going to make it.
Masturbation does too, just not quite as well. So maybe just masturbate twice and call it even.
Hey, thank you so much for doing this. I have a question, is there no term 4 or other programs? IS this ALL the stuff that FZDoffers?
There is a term 4 and 5.
How long is the course?

Do you have what you studied in each term? If you have, can you share with us?

And what about the reference books?
>Do you have what you studied in each term?
I meant, the deadlines and studies that you had to do by each date.
Check the op links. It has all the work she did neatly arranged week by week and there's a detailed syllabus that goes over everything they learn on a week by week basis + homework. And she said higher up in the thread that they had a library of art books but most of the learning was done via notes and lectures.
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Today OP was a valuable asset to the community.
Thanks, OP. GL with art and life.
Thank you for sharing these. If i am perfectly honest, I'm not too impressed with your work. You same to have a good grasp of perspective (that's the least I'd expect from an alumnus from FZD) but everything else is severely lacking. Your figures in particular leave much to be desired. Honestly, FZD smacks of scam school.
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Yes goy, sign up for my overpriced "Entertainment Design" school and you too will earn as much as a doctor or lawyer.

holy fuck though the tuition fee is fucking ridiculous. You must have some loaded parents OP. If I had been in your place, I'd have gone to Watts atelier instead. Seems like you actually learn to draw and paint there.
How much is it?

one year is 40000 gook dollars, which converts to around 287000 usd, and that's not counting living expenses, software and hardware and other fees.
>I'm off.
You had a good excuse to chat for a while and keep procrastinating, but you chose not to. Looks like you really learned something there.

Thanks for the resources and happy travels.

Do you guys have any idea how much specialized private schools cost in the US? And they don't even have to be world-renowned like FZD is.
Of course, if you compare it to European schools where taxpayers pay for 95% of your studies, you get different numbers.

But FZD is not situated in the US, it's situated in a third world country. The fact that the education system in the US is rotten from the core doesn't have anything to do with FZD. Also, world-renowned doesn't mean anything here, point in case would be OPs work.
Jesus, I'm almost more interested in how OP managed that than the course content itself.
>third world
Singapore is THE country to investigate if you want to know how the world will evolve. It's a great place.
>average monthly rent $1900
>third world country
Just because it's in Asia doesn't mean it's third world.
It's literally third world though.
Cost of living has absolutely nothing to do with its status as a third world country.
Crowded, hot, expensive, lots of asians, can get thrown in jail for "hate speech" or talking shit about the regime. Yep, sounds like the near future.

Did you even read your own source? Look at the 4th paragraph.

"However, this usage and the concept itself has become outdated in recent years as the term wrongly represents the current political or economic state of the world."

Singapore is a rich, developed country on par with other rich Euro countries. Their GDP per capita is 3rd highest in the world. I can't believe I'm arguing this shit with people on the goddamn internet.

I hope you're trolling or American because it'd be depressing if anyone else was as retarded.

Their GDP is only as high as it is because a small part of the population is very fucking rich, the rest is piss poor. It is a third world country.
You probably support changing the definition of jealousy to mean envy, and literally to mean figuratively. Undeveloped means undeveloped, and third world means third world. Go fuck yourself.
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This self taught myself this stuff and im much better than OP is. FZD is a meme.
Post your...oh fuck it, who am I kidd--who are you kidding?
yes i know i know

Do you not understand what GDP per capita means? It means the average income per person. The average person in singapore earns $81k per year.

It is impossible for a third world country to outrank first world countries in the human development index like singapore does.


Read your own source hick, it disproves your own point.

It literally says the term is outdated in terms of the map. 4th paragraph, learn to read.
This looks pretty good.
Read the rest of the fucking article you retard, it clearly says that relating economic status to the 'first, second, third world' termonology was done as stereotyping, not the fucking definition of the term.

Holy fuck, thank you a lot for this. It's incredibly useful.
This is really cool of you to do this, but would it be possible to upload everything in just three folders or one big file? All these subfolders are hell to click through.

There seems to be some stuff missing, like in Term one, digital painting, weeks 2 to 6 and Term 1, Perspective FINAL.

Did you forget or...?
Jesus Christ

Term 1 Perspective week 3 is also missing.

Fuck, I missed it.
The invite link isn't working or has expired

OP, at what resolution size canvas is the homework usually done in? Am I crazy for going 10000x10000 when I do VisCom for shit like planes?
Thanks for the info, OP.
This is actually a little inspiring. My wrist is fucked too, but I haven't had to go this far yet. When it gets bad I can get by with wearing a brace and using my whole arm plus small finger movements.

So not only is the third world term outdated when referring to Singapore, it was inaccurate to the point of being a stereotype. Thanks for proving my point LOL.

Speaking of economic status, it is impossible for Singapore to outrank developed nations in GDP per capita, HDI and still be third world. Singapore. Can. Not. Be. Possibly. Be. Third. World. With. It's. Current. Economy.
Why can't you just read the article? Even if you don't ever read it, how could you possibly come to such flawed conclusions?

There's a very clear definition of the 'three worlds', and it has absolutely nothing to do with economic status, and everything to do with diplomatic relations during the cold war.

Your logic:
>black people are stereotypically poor
>You: "This one particular person [singapore] isn't poor, therefore he can't be black [third world], because I'm replacing the actual definition 'black person' with a fucking stereotype."
cant figure out a way to open the .pages stuff on windows, is everyone here on mac or is there a workaround?

or you could, you know, not expect to be spoonfed and fucking google it like i did. but i'll help you, rename the .pages extension to .zip and you will be able to open it.
Not even that guy, but you clearly used the term "third world" in a derogatory way to imply poverty and low living standards. When being corrected on this issue, you now pretend you were all along talking about the fucking diplomatic relations of Singapore during the cold war? I mean, come on, it's not that hard to just admit you were wrong about something.
They are converted to .docx and linked above under "class notes".
Where the fuck are the exercises? Help.
> and literally to mean figuratively
"Literally" doesn't mean "figuratively", but it can be used figuratively like any other word. If "literally" is used figuratively, it's used as an exaggeration to strengthen the word it refers to, just like "really" "seriously" "actually" etc. It has little to do with its definition and arguing against its figurative use is arguing against the use of hyperbole in general, which is -literally- retarded. Nobody suggests changing the dictionary definition of "literally" to "figuratively" by the way, however the figurative use may very well be noted (strictly as figurative) since it's common.
The jealousy/envy case is completely different, since it's about people not knowing the difference instead of knowingly using a rhetorical device that you don't like.
If you're too retarded for reading comprehension, you won't make it anyways.
I don't wanna make it, I want to make the exercises.
Thank you for the cool downloads and the write-up post anon. I needed to hear some of this from an outside voice.

Your experiences bring back memories of my education over a decade ago - similar kind of set up with regards to daily grind (9 am - 9pm every day + homework afterwards til 1am or so). I was one of the few who managed not to have an SO throughout most of it. Sex definitely helps with pent up stress in these situations. Today the money is flowing and I can shitpost /ic/ whenever I want, but it wasn't always like that.

The grinding is, I've found, a necessary evil. It's hard to describe to outsiders because on one hand people are thinking it's smoke and mirrors bravado, while on the other you get pelted with "survivor ship bias". Both try to dismiss the underlying point: you're training to work under a lot of stress and discovering under this stress how you learn best and where your effective points are, and there's no other way to do this in such a short period of time.

I hope you'll look back in a positive way and not feel like you have been put through a gauntlet with little return.

You have our support anon and you're not alone.
>who managed not to have an SO
>who managed to have an SO
Typo fix.
>smoke and mirrors bravado
What does this mean
not them but

prolly meaning something along the lines of "misleading statement presented in confidence, that will trick me into doing something that doesn't work, because these good artists are hiding their secret art strategies to stay on top"
Means that every now and then when I tell people about the experiences, some are convinced that such a method of education is not needed and is damaging; that it's all theatrics and a dick waving competition. To their point, and to the OP talking about people falling asleep at their desks or seeing ghosts, I do remember people sleeping through some of the classes. It would be years later after I graduated that I started being able to articulate the experiences into words, and being able to place a word to the state of being between awake and asleep but managing to be productive and focused. Most of us can voluntarily pull all nighters here and there, but doing so constantly for two three years on demand does build odd mental facilities to focus on a task into you. You get into a get-shit-done mode that Tze Wei's bullet point list can't communicate.

As an aside, some years later I saw Band of Brothers and decided to look up Major Winters, and came across some of his writings. His philosophy resonated with me on a deeper level than most philosophical works I've read. I do not for a second claim to compare a first-world education to having to lead people to death in one of the world's worst wars by any stretch of the imagination (though both are voluntarily in this case). But there are common characteristics that people who have been put through personal hardships end up having. A particular hardened mode of thinking that they identify with between themselves. And I don't think it's too big of a statement to say that I can relate to some of his thinking.
Good, thank you very much.
Holy shit, with that money you could invest and living off interests, I think you can lend it to the bank for 1%. That would be around 2500/month for doing nothing.
American education.
don't be retarded, it can't be quarter a mirrion

he misplaced an extra 0
Op has an extra zero in there; 42.8k GSD is 30.6k USD.
Even with investing, with that money I could NEET it up for a year and draw 10 hours a day without financial worries or getting overworked.
>draw 10 hours a day

Singapore isn't even third world now from that definition either. They are a US ally/leans capitalist.

US education baka
indeed singapore isn't a poor country at all, just a small one. they do however use 'black' as an insult quite a lot, but usually they're referring to indian immigrants.
You're either mistaking me for someone else, or you're just retarded. I never said anything disparaging about Singapore, only that it's literally a third world country, because it is.
aren't singaporeans more SEA/negrito than indians though?
most singaporeans are chinese

Singapore isn't even third world now from the definition that you insist on. They are a US ally/leans capitalist.

You haven't explained your reasoning on what makes singapore a third world country at all lol
>taped pen to my hand
>dislocated shoulder
>can't move any fingers

What the goddamn fuck.
I don't know if this is inspiration or Japanese-level of retardation that will eventually kill a person from overworking.

Thank you for all the informartion OP, I only skimmed through this thread but I'm saving this and your links for later, hopefully this thread will still exist when I'll have time to ask questions.

Good luck on your career and the future, and don't forget to take care of yourself
So is there hope of replicating this on my own time, or I must content myself with taking a longer time to become proficient.

>currently looking for full time work
>managing 5 hours a day

I don't think it possible if your working full time.

I'm calculated that I get 10 hours of free time a day if I sleep 6 hours a day. The problem is I procasinate for 6 hours.

So it like doing 4 hours a work a day.

Its impossible to concentrate. I use up all my focus at work.
Change your sleep pattern. Sleep early - sleep 8-9 hours though. Wake up in the dark hours, grab breakfast, down .5L of water, maybe some coffee. Study before going to work. Be happy and proud of yourself.
This is the kind of thread I browse this place for...

It should happen more often. The only thing I'd suggest would be to clearly mention the valuable exercises for the lazy (or non-english speakers) anons who need to be spoonfed...
am i the only one that doesnt know where to start?
where are the homeworks?

Perspective. Just look at her homework solution and it obvious what the homework was.

The first set of homework is like drawabox stuff.
thank you for this, it's really helpful
Holy shit this is a goldmine that I thought would never see the light of day

But if it's possible, can you give us the original homework directions? As in what the teacher actually told you to do in the homeworks/assignments.

While some of the homeworks are obvious and straightforward, some are not
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This thread is so nice.
Now I am sure I wish I could go to FZD.
Too bad I live in shitpoor country.
Пpивeт бpaтишкa
This is insane with the workload. How can I even replicate this or have a hope of catching up to these students? It's possible, that I know, but the estimated time would be anywhere from 5 to 10 years.
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I am Polish though.
You could also specialize in a less saturated niche. Military, fantasy, characters and creature are a dime a dozen. For example, specialize in modern day interiors like doctor's offices and classrooms.

Just look at what's in movies and games that nobody here is drawing. Furniture, interior layouts, ...
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concept art and western AAA are really fastfood
Yeah it's McDonalds-tier lowest denominator garbage for people with sub-100 IQs. Makes it that much funnier/sadder that people like OP are willing to ruin their health and social life in order to spend 80 hours a week churning out bread and circus for the masses because some one told them they needed to be "passionate" about the industry.
Thanks for sharing OP. The biggest thing I took away from this is work ethic.

After seeing your terms, I feel disappointed in myself. What I did in a month was done in a week for you guys.

It lit a fire knowing that bunch of art peeps are grinding like madmen in some school. I probably can't ever do something like FZD for financial reasons, but I want to be good too. *increases art hrs per day by 1*

thanks for sharing
WTF i hate games and movies now
>not one of the 4 asian tigers
>asscreed, tomb raider, jame bond
all those games are super casual. like the big bang theory of gaming. you think any job isn't garbage? maybe if you're a doctor or a carpenter or something, then yeah your work has actual quantifiable value. I don't get this idea that people are being manipulated in to actually liking something. some people just like producing art and some people like consuming the art. if you think staring at modern abstract art nonsense on a wall is somehow waaay more fulfilling then playing a AAA blockbuster game then you're just wrong.
This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone on the internet.
Anon, can't your work be linked to you at some point and in turn this thread and 4chan linked to your artist career?

Why would that matter?
My god it literally drains the life out of you. I dont have the ball like OP to join FZD at this rate due to my own personal lack of self discipline and choice of career. And to think you guys have pulled off 10+ hrs. I'm over here, spending only 3 -6 hrs a day trying to get by with basic drawing.

I take it that now that you went through all those ordeal, you've gain a good ground on your direction? I mean for most people, especially self-taught artist like most /ic/ have basic knowledge and theoretical understanding but have zero intuition on how to put it down into an effective formula t get better faster. Hopefully at this rate, you'll be sufficient in a few years. Good luck in the future OP
Thanks a lot for this OP. You're a cool guy.

Godspeed in your endeavors.
dont die on me just yet
Question, do you guys mdoel out the environments before drawing it?
Obviously, anon.
Ok ;_;
Real answer: sometimes. Depends on your personal preference whether you want to have a quick sketchup mock-up first or you just plot it by hand.
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