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/las/ - Last Artist Standing: WTF I hate Lava now edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 511
Thread images: 92

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Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)
>have fun

Last Thread >>2698768
Something's broken, what do I do?

>The site is currently in the alpha phase of development and is being built around us as we compete so sometimes things go wrong. If you ever need any help send me a tweet @LavaFlake or shoot me an email [email protected].

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>A new Last Artist Standing challenge starts every week. If you get eliminated then get it together and rejoin next week.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>This is a way to let new artists join in and to allow re-entry for the eliminated. Every week a new challenge is started. If you joined on week 1 and make it to week 2 then your daily submission counts for both the first and second Last Artist Standing. If you get eliminated then you're eliminated from both challenges and you'll be able to rejoin next week.

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.
This is a list of anons who regularly stream, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.


Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

Here is a helpful tool that lets you see who is streaming at the moment:


You can also hang out with the community on the official discord:

We're all gonna make it.
except lava of course
Thready is so silly
>not putting http://doom.moe in the OP

one job thready
Is Lava still our guy?
he hasn't been our guy for a while
who else 2 pictures a day here?
Give me a little description thing to put along with the link. I'll put it in next bread after the Discord link.
who else 0 pictures a day here?

maybe I should up it to 4 or 5 a day :^)
How many can you submit in a day?
Remove everything about lavaflake and just put " Update at the new website: http://doom.moe "

Wait, that sounds bullshit as hell?
What stops me from splitting my submissions up like that to arbitrarily increase my submission count?
Nothing, absolutely nothing, that is why the "Submissions Count" leaderboard stat is completely pointless, because it's utterly trivial to abuse it.
simpsons and chill
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He's still a crippled douchebag
>tfw resonate with Lava, but realize others won't and Lava even mentions this
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>I was in such a bad mood yesterday. I wish I had written about it at the time because I’m struggling to remember exactly why. At the time the reasons were crystal clear but they’re already fading away. Part of it was the frustration of being mediocre, that I’ve talked about before (and I talkin the lower side of mediocre), and that’s not really an issue. It bothers me but it’s a problem with a solution that I’m working towards so I can shrug it off.

>Another thing that bothered me a little is that I have no artist I aspire to be like. There’s nothing I can look at and say “I want to be able to do exactly that.” I think saying that this bothered me a little was an understatement because yesterday I was scrolling through hundreds of images and couldn’t find anything I loved and the longer I looked the angrier I got.

>Some of the highest rate submissions are so fucking boring and I hate having to wade through them to find something interesting. I’m talking about the photocopiers who 1:1 copy a photograph or even worse the people who do a stylized photocopy with that rainbow watercolor bullshit. I’m assuming as they approach the end of the photocopier skill tree they realize there’s nothing creative about what they’re doing so they need to use other mediums like watercolor or smear paint with their fingers in an attempt to separate themselves from other artists who do the same thing, because their art doesn’t.
It was a thinly veiled dig at Choob.
Poor Choob. I feel bad for the guy to be honest.
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>And yeah I know this sounds angry or bitter or whatever but I promise I’m not angry at them or what they do. I think it’s boring as shit but if they enjoy it then it doesn’t matter what I think. My issue is that they make it harder for me to find the works of people who are actually doing interesting things. I know that this is a “me” problem and a problem for people like me, people who think copying references exactly instead of using them as inspiration or for information detracts from the work. A year ago I went down that photocopier path for almost a month and I’m so fucking glad I hated it.

>One last thing, and I know I’ll regret saying this because I’ll be guilty of it, is that I’m so tired of seeing fanart. I 100% understand why people do it and why other people like viewing it but I have the same issue with fanart that I do with photocopying. 99% of it doesn’t say anything that the original hasn’t already said. It’s just some artist’s version of another artist’s idea. They’ll put their style on it because they need to differentiate themselves from all the other fanart but the original concept is the same and it’s something I’ve already seen. That’s obviously not all fanart because there’s some out there that enhances or reinforces the existing concept/idea but that’s rare.

>I dunno, this is probably a “me” issue. I’m working so hard to get good but it’s not just because I want to make good looking things. I want to get good because it lowers the brain-canvas barrier which is super important since I want to make people feel things. I think this whole ranty post is about me not liking art where the artist doesn’t try to express an idea or make me feel something. I had trouble finding art like that yesterday and it made my bad mood worse the longer I tried.

where were you when lava shot it down?
hitler dubs sympathizes with Choob
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tfw pardoned
What kind of inspirations did this painting draw off of?
Also blog?
>taylor got pardoned
what does this mean for LAS
thats theo prins https://www.artstation.com/artist/theoprins

his stuff is great
there is no justice in this world
It means LAS still has hope. That it's not dead yet. That it can still live on.
I would've punished the other one that was just a smiley face but it didn't get enough reports.
fucking this
http://lavaflake.com/draw/submissions/?offset=7 here it is
>popularity matters even in LAS
oh, then I pardon Lava
What the fuck happened to Lava? And why the fuck is there a new sight? I kinda dropped out of LAS a few months ago, so I'm a little outta the loop. Can someone explain?
Lava went full potato mode so someone else made a LAS clone
Stopped appearing in the threads ever since he had to have medical treatment (entailing half a dozen spinal taps), he never returned nor made any updates to the website afterwards.

Doom.moe got created because people were fed up waiting for Lava and getting radio silence regarding LAS.
Ok, thanks for the reply. How new is Doom.moe? It looks like it was only started up this week?
It had a trial run back on the 12th of September for a few days, and recently reopened just before the start of this month for Inktober.
same shit different colors
It doesn't got the creator blogging on their diary everyday with no locks.
I feel like DED is a more mature platform. it fixed the issues LAS had and people just focus on getting good. I have more confidence I'll make it there.
>people just focus on getting good
What? Isn't DED only for inktober? That's fucking nothing.
no, it launched in october
DED's got a lotta potential, I look forward to the structured official challenges and such
Not only for Inktober, it just so happened that Inktober was a good time to launch it.
>DED's got a lotta potential
it's like you niggers didn't learn from LAS
it will die away just like it, not because of a cripple host, but some other mundane reason
It already died, so the host got past that step.
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It's got more features. Also, we will have something LAS will never have
Hello everyone, I was old member of the las but people think I was a troll so I leave. I'm wanting to join again as I am little bit more better now but I am now seeing that there is new server for drawing every day. Should I still submit to the old server or submit to the newer server. I do not know which one is in use. Thanks for any help.
The old one of course. No one uses the new one.

> that functional, slightly broken english

So I should put my work on the las server? Thank you.
No. I am other guy. For hint I tell you I always make use of the pink lines.

well, fuckyoumang, fuck you, mang.
yeah stay in the LAS autist containment board
Why does Lava even bother to post on tumblr when he has own blog already?
Has any lassie actually died for real?
Yeah, you're mom.
he has to approve it before it gets seen, and he never approves comments, so we'll never know how many people posted comments on his blog
I know, but at least he'll read it.
poor lava ;_;

maybe we're being too cruel
>that thumbnail
fucking hell banana that's frightening
he has really bad attitude honestly, very full of himself and opinionated while make pitiful progress in 15 month of doing nothing but drawing all day every day
15 month solid for 0 skill all ego
hes actually made fine progress.
I agree, that being said tho, he is a giant fucking autistic faggot.

It's not a good time, no.
I think I'm going to slow down a bit this session after work today.
Literally can't wait for the day when I can deliberately and competently draw something horrific.
Also this should now be in every thread.

"I'm so glad this fuckstick isn't running our community anymore. Nigga take your art elitism and shove it up your unfeeling cripple ass. You think what other people are doing is boring? Take a long hard look at your kindergarten-level scribbles and your chunky box anatomy. THAT is boring. You can't see benefits of 'photocopying' because you have a retarded aversion to using any sort of reference, which is why all your shit comes out looking like macaroni art. You don't get to fucking judge if a piece of art has 'meaning' or not. Art means a lot of different things to a lot of different people, and it's a shame you'd put down a whole group of people based on art that doesn't give YOU any specific feelings. But that doesn't matter because you act so fucking high and mighty all the time, nothing short of the Sistine fucking chapel would 'move' you or 'impress' you.
>I promise I'm not angry at them or what they do
You just think they're shit, they're work is shit, and everything they produce is meaningless. Top job, Lava.
>the artist doesn't try to express an idea or make me feel something
Nigga what the fuck do you know about feeling anything? You're the human equivalent of a half-empty toothpaste tube.

Literally, physically and mentally go fuck yourself Lava."

RIP lava
Put this in the OP too
Thready, what is that weird link on your OP post? That's not good old DED.
Yeah thready please add DED links too. I get that you like lava, but new people wont be able to join DED. Theres no reason there should be two different threads for this.
literally not even high school level. the worst is this nigga thinks he's going to get work soon
>human equivalent of a half-empty toothpaste tube
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This kills the lemur
>golf clap
>comfort zone again
You guys are the worst.
disgusting community
can't say i expected much from /ic/
literally shaking
I rarely visit these threads, who exactly did Lava attack?
all the people that use references in the world
You are just retarded. Please don't come back
Aw, someone didn't get any views. :(
>being this triggered on 4chan
what did you expect? go back to your hugbox
t. Lava
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>"I dont get any value out of seeing an artist recreate a photo 1:1"
This is some tumblr level overreacting holy shit You guys do realize what hes talking about? The kind of people just copy and paste photos and throw them on insta for normie attention. Not only that, he wrote about it for literally a few sentences on his blog that he doesn't think anyone reads and yet here you all are throwing a tantrum and circle jerking about how awful lava is..Why do you all give such a fuck and are triggered by every word uttered by a crippled canadian lemur
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ok niche
Because it hit them in the core
loli you cheeky cunt, it aint me
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wherever this is, discord or some faggot's stream, this reads like leddit and everyone involved should end their lives
Okay Chosen one, lead the way on how we should proceed. I want to be a neckbearded friendless unsuccessful sad empty toothpaste looking motherfucker like you.
>toothpaste looking
I'll have you know I look like the mintiest, whitest toothpaste you've ever seen, you double nigger

I also suggest death by you're mother sitting on your face
those 10 metric tons should do the trick for you
>perfect time to drop ded and force them back into las

not a chance, LAS is responsible for all the cancer in this community, why would you even want to drop DED at this point except if you're an eliautist who only care about "muh wk1"
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>I also suggest death by you're mother sitting on your face
those 10 metric tons should do the trick for you
are you that autist that keeps getting kicked out of discord
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>you'll never watch Totoro with Lava, UBF and all the other fags on stream again
Because it's fun to bully autists and Lava is the Autist Extraordinaire
I don't use discord
I certainly don't want to talk to autist in LAS, knowing how these threads go
Thank Lava t b h.
>tfw remember watching moomins on stream and jaa-posting
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official DED merch when?
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Choob just copies shit, look at how god awful his drawings are when he tries to draw from memory.
The funny thing is you don't need to draw from memory well to work at a professional level
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Tell that to larva the slug
Fuking KEK
Beginners undervalue referencing. This is nothing new
i thought we were talking about his skill progression, not current level.
sure , atm his skill level is not all that flash, but his progression is fine.

iv seen people pay 10 grand a semester at some of australias best art school make slower progression, and they have their hands held through everything.
referencing is one thing, what Choob does is something totally different.
I was talking about lava not choob
Thats your mom who youre seeing in your head.
I'm saying that Choob doesnt reference, he copies.
I'm aware.
Post (you)r art
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Ok Lava we get it, you hate Choob and anyone who doesn't draw from 100% imagination and always original donut steel.
At least they don't write huge essays on their blog bitching about how everyone else is inferior.
It is literally, L I T E R A L L Y, impossible to hate Choob
Hello Choobs parents.
>he doesn't know what the blog is for
>he probably hasn't even read the rest where he talks about how everyone is a fucking faggot anyways
Can now follow others on submissions page. Next up probably gonna be some stats and info, like who lost streak today, etc.
Anything else anyone feel is dearly missed and I should prio making?
A 24/7 Tutoring center where I can always go for some help.
i love you, thank you for everything

While you're at it, can you rent out a building and start writing a curriculum for atelier-style classes with free tuition? I can handle bringing my own supplies.
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why are these numbers so weird?
Closest I can get ya is one of the planned pages where I'll collect some links to references, such as http://www.hel-looks.com/ or http://www.seeingbirds.com/ etc..

Some people are submitting numerous times a day.
Oh, number of submissions per day then.
A graveyard for those who have fallen, we can drop off drawings for them at their graves every now and then.
Nice, Lava still posts in these threads, more reasons to fuck him up
Should I read Bridgman's Drawing from Life or Scott Robertson's How to Draw?
>Can now follow others on submissions page
How do you use this feature? I don't see anything what to click on on the submissions page
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>Started studying again. There’s 14 pages of traditional stuff too but taking pictures is for losers
get shit on jerry breem! first choob now jerry, how tragic.
LavaFlake shooting from the hip, taking down innocent /las/ses, 1 lass at a time.
who /gettinghitbyhurricane/ here?
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>mfw its real
leave him alone ppl hes just venting. must be having a hard time.
I hate how he always mentions that he is other stuff but won't show it. A while back he said he drew from reference but didn't upload it because it was too good. Like nigger, don't mention it if you don't wanna share it.
I wish.
How do I learn to do figures like Louse? Or where do I go?
I really feel kind of bad for lava
He's going through a tough time in his life and he made a really cool site for us
This is the kind of thing 4chan has done to people numerous time and it's really not necessary
He doesn't even come to the threads. What does it matter? This will all blow over by the next thread.
I'm hoping the power loss is only 2 days. It will probably be more though.
It's alright because he'll make it and we won't. A sacrifice I'm willing to make.
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It's kind of weird. It's not just that one post people are flipping out over, but judging by the content of the rest of his blog, Lava just seems kind of bitter and resentful right now, even a little bit arrogant.

It's a bit disconcerting.
Lava is the same as he's always been. Newfags are just trying to start drama.
lets be real here, considering this is 4chan the community here actually did a good job containing themselves all this time (how many days/months has it been now?)
from get well images drawn by lassies to wishing him to come back, its a surprise that it is only now the community is fed up and fully exploding with rage.

how would you feel if someone you cared for ignored you and bitched about you like this?

Not explosively angry or vindictive. I'm just a little bit hurt.
>how many days/months has it been now
272 days so far
Holy shit, has it really been that long?
the amount of shit drawings I have amassed says so
the year just flew by, where the fuck did the time go
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Doesn't time fly
After 365 days I will make a thread on /ic/ titled "las 1 year progress." You will have 1 day to post your progress in it, if you don't I'll do it for you. Then if you haven't made any progress I will join the rest of /ic/ in laughing at how someone could draw everyday for a year and still not improve. It'll be fun.

There's still time anons. There's still time to git gud and save yourselves from the humiliation. Get to it. ;^)
Choob please.
>Lava hasn't posted on his blog today
Got him ;^)
Memed out of existence
It's the beginning of the end.
Inb4 he deletes las

> ending of the movie 21 flawless
> a few of the remaining ones are holed up in the LAS atelier kind of like The Hateful Eight, cautiously waiting for the perfect moment to kill each other
> suddenly, they hear a noise
> they investigate
> all the doors are blocked shut
> it starts to get hot
> smoke begins to fill the room
> through the spaces of a nailed-in window, they can see a lemur patiently and dispassionately watching from a short distance away
he's always been very passive-aggressive like this, towards anyone that takes a different approach to him especially people that use any reference at all
always says he 'used a reference today but wont post it because it's cheating'
he was one of those beginners that thought he knew everything from the start and it stopped him ever improving or taking any advice
im sure having an inflated opinion of himself like this while still being bad at drawing has caused him a lot of inner turmoil, probably why he left the threads
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This is true, back when picarto streamers were very active his attempts at giving critiques like he knew shit was very cringy to read
Haha this is so true. I remember when someone was venting about not improving enough and then lava started acting like a seasoned vet and talking down to the guy.
I used to lurk those streams, I thought he was some kind of lighting and perspective god back then because of how he talked.
Me too...
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How's your progress?

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>on that day, anon etched the Fear of God into the hearts of every last /las/s
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>Fear of God
As it should be.
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I've got to say, I've harbored hatred towards Lava for a long time. It brings me immeasurable satisfaction to finally see him get smashed to pieces like this and called out for what a fucking piece of shit fucker he is. For every time I held back my opinion while you were giving out critiques and talking about how to be a great artist and how you knew the only right way with your autistic schedule : A giant fuck you!
I'm thankful for the site that you created and your idea, but as a human being you are the absolute worst.
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at least he will read it, right?
he knew about the new site a long time ago and still didn't send even one message to us about what's going on
he lost interest in las 4 months ago when he left and is probably actually hoping that everyone will move on so he wont feel guilty about us anymore
Lava you could have avoided this if you only acknowledged our existance
This is 100% your fault for going radio silent
You can still apologize and redeem yourself
>yfw all this could've been sorted at any time within the last 4 months with a single tripcode post
>instead anons had to read his blog for any news, and very very rarely hear once in a blue moon "blahblahblahblogblogblog btw I'm thinking about maybe working on LAS ;^) blahblablogblogblog"
I actually prefer this timeline where Lava goes completely silent on us and Doom.moe gets created as an alternative, at least now we have a place that's being developed and can truly make good use of the LAS format rather than Lava sitting and squandering it, while blueballing and stringing us along for several months with nothing.
No he cant, fuck the cripple
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If you don't see this button try force reloading the submissions page with ctrl + R to clear your cached version of the site.
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Can you make it so that you can click on the title of a leaderboard category and it takes your to a page with the full sorted list of users in that leaderboard category, only seeing 5 is a bit little

pic not quite related
lokki, so lewd! I like.
Candycone a CUTE
same desu senpai
>Tfw there's a Loomis can right outside of my building
W-what do I do guys? Is this lavas retribution?
i've also seen a truck with the loomis tag, seems like a back armored vehicle, it made me laugh.
They expect one of us in the wreckage brother
>tfw no floozy susi gf
they only talk in the discord.
Keep that cancer in the containment discord pls
>Tfw want to join DED because I love the views, critiques, etc.
>Don't know if I can keep up with posting every day
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>not being able to draw 30 minutes a day
not gonna.........................
My 30 minutes of drawing looks like 5 minutes
I need to draw at least 2-3 hours to make anything remotely presentable.
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This was one of my first drawings. Not sure how long it actually took, but it definitely doesn't LOOK like 30 minutes. This rule only really works for the more well known members since people know what those are capable of.
>This was one of my first drawings
where is it, anon
is it under the light piles of dirt covering your paper?
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>There are now 2 ongoing challenges.
I don't think a single person has gotten a critique
>I don't think a single person has gotten a critique
hello newfriend, enjoy your stay
literally no one in DED has asked for or gotten a critique you mouthbreather
>literally no one in DED has asked for or gotten a critique you mouthbreather
>implying DED isn't all LAS users
>plenty LAS users have received critiques
it's like you want to be called retarded
Thank god. If you care about what some amateur has to tell you about your work, youre retarded.
inb4 please lava how can my art be like the sistine chapel
Learn to read you retarded faggot. He said he's joining DED for critiques no one was taking about las. I swear to god, the only thing smaller than your dick is your brain.
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i got a compliment, that never happened in LAS lol
well I didn't reply to him you turbo nigger
you said nobody had gotten a critique yet
next time be more specific
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>I swear to god, the only thing smaller than your dick is your brain.
make your background black, mess around with brightness and the contrast settings, it's too bright
>I swear to god, the only thing smaller than your dick is your brain.
Soroneir is that your own cat? It's very pretty
qt girl dude
Favorite lass of al time??
Is there any way to delete a submission? I uploaded a wrong 1
With LAS I think if you upload a new link it overwrites the one you had previously posted (as long as it is the same day or challenge).
if it's still today you can update it with another link, if it was another day you'd need to talk to lava if he weren't deader than his legs
one of them is a selfportrait, the other one is a ink challenge. You can do a selfportrait in ink and be done with both in one drawing
will niches drawing challenge have a badge? if not fuck off.
fully how do you get lines like that?
get the fuck out, faggot
>Still no mobile access on DED
Come in Dubya, las had that since day1
just noticed that like 4 people have already failed the inktober challenge. tragic.
https://picarto.tv/artscrub streaming. Come over, kids.
aren't you like 5?
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hey hman
try submitting more than 10 minutes of work on one and the same piece for two weeks, aight?
Don't wanna say because of this shit >>2707518
Lavaflake our lord and savior
this one dude who only posted once in the 2nd week.
working on mine, stop using old runes
come over, grown ups*
I'm using an iPhone 5 I think or maybe it's a 6. Idk.
>inb4 ifone a shit
>he doesn't even know if he has a 5 or 6
N-no bully anon pls
Oreo :3
>favorite lassie is someone who doesn't even submit anymore
Fuck outta here brokeback mountain ass nigga. Go suck his dick in the discord
Someone's triggered
>DED has been active for a whole week and not a single week one has dropped LAS

>ded was just a shitty ploy by other week oners to get week oners to die.

not fooling this wise week oner
>of all time
yeah, stay in your autist containment board
>rating Oreo the best lassie of all time
Are you really this delusional?
>favorite means best
>dicks are for sucking
>having no friends
Fug you got me. ;_;
Oh, I remember him, he was really good.
the fuck are you on son, kid was legit.
But was he fmmood?
But was he fmmood?
But was he choob?
>tfw Lava said he's coming back to /ic/
But was he fmmood?
its ok choob you are gonna make it, eventually
About time but also sort of the worst timing right?

t. Dickbutt
it's okay senpai, I'll be you're friend!
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>tfw amidst all the lava bullying I remembered all the get well cards lassies made for him for the challenge
what have we become
There's only a few spoiled eggs. Don't group me with you fellows.
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>So I haven’t written about the LAS in a while so I should do that since a comment on my last post told me that people aren’t happy with my absence.

>I stepped back from the community I think 3 months ago because of the health issues I mentioned yesterday. I continued to support the site and its users through email and social media for the next month or so but I’ll admit that stopped after a while and it’s not just because I’m a piece of shit.

>A big priority was to make the site as self sustaining and as hands off as possible. It’s far from being perfect but thanks to the design decision as well as being a relatively simple site there were very few support requests. Compared to when the site launched where I was fixing a dozen issues a day it was down to maybe 1 or 2 per week.

>The reason I eventually stepped back from the email and social media support as well was because the support I was providing was… controversial. People would forget to submit or they would leave it until the last minute and miss the deadline by seconds. Not only was the community against me making fixes like this, I noticed that it was always the same 3 people who were forgetting/procrastinating and after fixing the issue for a user for the 4th time I said no more.

>I think that’s a pretty good summary of my first month away from the LAS community and I’m not at all making excuses. I don’t think I should have gone radio silent and abandoned support all together since I’m sure I’ve missed some legitimate issues. I also should have made a post saying that barring a site outage there would be no more reinstating the forgetful procrastinators. I wouldn’t call this a mistake because it was much worse than that. It wasn’t a single bad decision or a misunderstanding; it was me ignoring a project that had come to mean something to a bunch of people.
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>At the time I felt no guilt or remorse because I was in a bad place at the time. It wasn’t until a month after, 2 months after stepping back from the project, that I was finally getting back to normal. The pain was subsiding and while I was waiting on the final test results so far I was in the clear. I think this was 7 weeks ago. At this point I wrote a couple times in this blog that I was probably good to return to the LAS but there was still some hesitation. I felt guilty for abandoning the email support and I think that guilt kept me away.

>2 weeks later I finished up the study plan I was on and I pretty much came out and said that there was no reason I shouldn’t be back to working on the LAS and that I was a piece of shit for avoiding it.

>This was a little more than a month ago. As stupid as it sounds but the shame and guilt of abandoning the project were keeping me from returning to it. I ended up working on the back-end to further minimize the amount of maintenance and upkeep the site needed as well as fixing a couple bugs. I think the only front-end change that came through was when I removed the Challenges announcement banner that had been up for months. At one point I had even removed the creation of new topic challenges being created so I could move forward with the site redesign. I chickened out and added them back in because if I removed them I’d have to explain what was going on.

>So that’s my side of it. I mentioned at the start of the post that someone from the LAS had commented on my previous post and they said they’re angry at me and I can understand why. I honestly didn’t think anyone read this blog but if they have then yeah I can see them being upset. I’ve been talking about being excited about other projects, working on them and planning for a future that doesn’t involve the LAS.
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>That’s not at all how I see it but I haven’t been communicating my plans very well. My plan for the LAS, and this has been the plan since the earliest stages, is that I’m going to take it to a point where it’s “feature complete” and will require no further development from me. There’s an ongoing struggle with deciding whether the LAS should be a tool or a community and honestly that discussion is a post of its own. The current development plan is to complete the “tool” which leaves the option to expand on the community features and all the work that entails. I do have some “community” features along the same line as the community challenges but that topic deserves another post of its own.

>Anyway, the comment from yesterday also mentioned that a LAS alternative popped up and that’s cool. I don’t know what their plan is but my goal has always been to get people drawing every day and if they can do the that or do it better then I wish them the best.

>I guess now that I’ve broken the radio silence on the LAS I can’t avoid /ic/ any longer. I stopped hiding away with my traditional drawings, I started studying again and now I’m writing about the LAS. They’re going to shit all over me and I deserve it. I still need to swing back round to Forza so I guess tomorrow I swear

fucking called it, every last part, feels bad

>tfw it's been so fucking long I can't find my post in the archive perfectly predicting his reasons for going AWOL
Who are you so I can filter you
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you're mom
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I always love learning people like you exist
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>you maybe actually will watch Totoro with Lava, UBF and the other fags again in your life
Lava get well card challenge was less than 3 month ago and he reply to that so he was still reading email at that point. He was told about DED many times by different people.

Lava if you are here - you don't need to come back as admin, come back as user. Everything is ok now. Good luck in life genuinely. I know you have been through bad things but you let LAS die and have a very obnoxious attitude about art. People go soft on you because you have medical problem. It has make you bitter and spiteful of other artist.
Why doesnt Choob have an imagination?
Post your work.
>Lava finally comes back to ic
>Choobposter starts tring to force memes again the same day

What a curious coincidence
I think we're better off when he was gone.

shoo shoo lava go away
>lava is currently writing his long ass wall of chyna post to this thread as we speak
>bully this faggot but don't bully this other faggot

hmm.. really gets yer noggin' goin'
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Pretty sure the implication is that Lava was the choobposter all along anon
Im not Lava,I assure you.
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>that picture
Okay, I believe you Lava.
all he had to do was " guys i dont feel well so i cant update the site for a while." and non of this would have happened.
Imagine how good lava would be right now if he actually did the 20 pages of sketchbook studying he claims he does in every one of his posts

Poor dude, if only he could see what he's actually worth
hes a beginner, his drawings look like a beginner, no one care that his drawings look like a beginner, stop what you are doing.
Hi Stella
Can now enter a submission into several challenges. If the challenges don't turn green as you click 'em, refresh page with ctrl R as always.
yay :)
Choob, why do you refuse to create?
performance anxiety.
Choob, please stop using that shitty pastel brush.
You better not come back Lava, it's not worth your time. Go git gud instead of dealing with people who won't make it here.
I will make it tho.
people will be dicks to him bu ti doubt they will shut him down. hes a faggot though for the radio silence. but if hes sorry i dont mid.
Hello guys, I joined a few days ago. Cool concept and all. I'm not in the loop with whole LAS thing. As I understand LavaFlake is sick and site maintenance is sometimes poor due to this. So my question is: Is LAS LavaFlake's private project? Can others contribute fixes, features etc? If the man gets sick for a long time, there should be someone to manage the site, or at least maintain it.
lava stop being a retard, you aint fooling no one.
A second site was made because Lava refused help with the original site.
hi choob
hi susy
LAS is Lava's personal project, he doesnt let anyone else maintain it.

So another user named W created DED (Draw EveryDay) it is better maintained, open source and I think welcomes contributions
The link is doom.moe and I think all new users should go there instead. A lot of the old users from LAS started migrating there.
wtf i hate lava now
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What a time to be alive
I could've sworn one of my topic suggestions was, "Unsure Terrorist"
gottagitgood where are your reference from? nice studies.
Is he still in las? I thought he left.
nice sun glasses saucy.
He's using Hampton's book.

>Lokki lost token
Could it finally be time to reset the doom clock? Will another Week 1 finally fall?
>lokki and jmgn losing tokens
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The last weekwunner to fall was Larrex/Vad on September 14th. The last flawless to fall was Soroneir on September 18th.
These are the Day 1 Week 1s who haven't lost a token, right?
>tfw lived long enough to witness the greatest Mythical fall
My God, Santi's really going to win this against all odds, I honestly didn't think he'd outlast all the other monsters, may God save us all.
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I'm never going to fall. I'll die having submitted every single day, but I will never make it.
that image hurts every time
>totally forgot to post yesterday even tho I did my work

Can you forget one more time? Pls and thank.
How come no one gives feedback on DED?
because its a better site. lol nah, the problems that where faced in LAS were a template for dead so technically the mistakes it could of had were already dealt with.
Do you want us to? Feedback or critique?
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give what?
not sure I follow.
Just in general. It's a cool feature so I assumed more people would comment on each others submissions.
What did you do with Crit Sensei Feng?
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You can make it but you'll still have these feels.
>tfw I already have no social life or friends
T-that's a plus right?
he DED

>Lava officially decides to ignore his community and halt development

This is it, LAS is done. time to move on lava apologists
Thank you, i'll look into it!
>what is reading comprehension
How do you expect to be able to read a Loomis book if you can't even understand a simple lemur's blog post, baka desu senpai
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I wish there was a Draw Every Two Or Three Days I could partake in
Hmm, I shall call it, "Draw Every Other Day", or DEOD or short.
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I'm surprised of how little this hurts. Guess I never felt like I was deserving the spot.
Do wish it had been topic challenge failure instead of accidental token loss, though.
Draw Tommorow I Swear
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>yfw Lava made his first legit post here in months and no one even fucking noticed him
nobody cares
I think that's the point
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> (You)
If I streamed would people watch?
maybe, people from all skill levels are streaming, may as well try your luck
Depends on what time you stream senpai
Welcome back Lava-senpai.
I missed you at least.
>welcome back

Nigga he aint coming back
Well, yeah, not if everyone's mean to him when he does post.
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it would be very painful
Santi counting gestures by the hundreds right now
Have we gotten gud yet? Have any of us improved? Post the names of people you think have improved and people you think are stagnating. I'm sure it'll be a nice wake up call for some.
I know how my own progress has been at least.
He didn't come come when everyone was nice to him for 3 months
No one gives a shit at this point.
Choob is regressing.

>ignored /las/ses when being begged and sympathized with
>only came when he started getting angry comments

Realhy taught some life lessons :^)
I think stagnating is more apt.
slugboy has upped his rendering game, a few absolute beginners have made strides, the rest of us have stagnating hard.
I-i need to know if my name is on that list. I need to know if I've been improving....
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No, please, no namedropping, I'm happy the way things are
you're mom has improved a lot
Choobs google image searching skills have improved alot.
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Choob's getting so gud that lassies are bullying him out of jealousy

>inb4 hi choob
>tfw no qt girl will lay her head against my shoulder
>tfw no qt girl will lay her shoulder on my head
>tfw no qt girl will lay her egg on my shoulder
>tfw no qt lassie gf to fall asleep on my sketchbook
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>Self portrait, inspired by Lava
Where's a good place to study nsfw content?
you are mom
male or female?

softcore or hardcore?

female only you have kindgirls.com
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>>tfw lived long enough to witness the greatest Mythical fall
But I'm still here.

If you're gonna shitpost with my name at least use the trip, dude
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>tfw one Mythical still survives
>one final /las/ Monster to combat Santi
you're our best hope
the trip is worthless, you gave it away to everybody
good night friends and family
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you've gotten a lot better santi. keep pushing.
stop it jerry dont encourage him
nice values echo. share the reff??
Yeah, sorry about that. There was no coming back those first couple months but I could've been back here a month ago if I was a better person. I promise I wasn't reading everything and ignoring it, I shut myself off completely and... I don't know if that's worse. It wasn't until I got a comment on my blog telling me to kill myself (I thought it was a joke) which was followed up by another saying people were upset that I realized I had waited too long to come back.

I want you guys to know I didn't leave because of the LAS or the people in it. I ran away from everything in my life and would have left art behind too if it wasn't all I had left (it sounds fucking lame to say but it's true.) No pity party, I'm just saying that it wasn't because I hated you guys or something.

I'll be in the threads and working on the LAS for the foreseeable future

ps: thank you to the people who made those get well cards and especially to whoever compiled them and spammed me on every social media platform til I saw it
i cant tell if its a real trip...
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i still don't believe it.

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i missed you
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sorry for not coming back sooner

He replied earlier too but you guys ignored him. kek
last second i changed to that video instead of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsyUnPINZeY and i'll always regret it
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how dare you just quit in something you built. how dare squander something many other people will never have. how dare you just abandon the opportunity to lead by example. how dare you treat the community you built like this. how DARE you throw jabs at the ones who look up to you. i don't resent you but i hope you struggle mister flake.
throw jabs?
Half-empty toothpaste
mooff why the fuck do you bother submitting the 3D stuff to LAS still?
the angel you did was more than sufficient this time
Cause she likes to start shit

Maybe you and w can work together, nd I don't just mean on code (doom.moe's open source!), co-ordinate something I dunno, talk to him.

>inb4 w closes doom.moe
You better not w.

Also, Lava, can you clearly define somewhere on the site what forms of art are and are not allowed, there've been so many arguments I'm quite frankly fed up reading about it. moof/taylor continuew to sybmits 3D stuff, claimed some /las/ses said 3D was okay and it all blew up in the thread and discord, just stick a list somewhere visible on the actual website of allowed types of work and we needn't ever have to bother with this shit again (btw, w on doom.moe said he'd allow 3D cause he didn't care about people submitting 3D). Not trying to take any particular side (except the side of clarity), I just think it'll be good to fihally have it in clear words on the site so stupid misunderstandings don't happen again (this isn't the first time newcomers have been submitting 3D).
>I just think it'll be good to finally have it in clear words on the site so stupid misunderstandings don't happen again (this isn't the first time newcomers have been submitting 3D).

I'm super busy right now with school/working/partner so I'd rather put free time towards learning 3d, building a portfolio, speeding up workflow and content generation. I sketch during lectures/on bus only right now.

Really not out to start shit, just trying to learn relevant tools to work conceptually. if lava says don't do it then I'll stop posting it.

That is all I'm posting about it so the thread doesn't shit out like last time. Sorry for that btw!
>Bernie Sanders
>Maybe you and w can work together

He asked about contributing to the site or going open source a long time ago but I always sidestepped the issue. It's not because I'm unwilling to work with other but I started the LAS with these core values that I can't compromise on and that's not good for a team environment.

Anonymity, no ratings, no views/follow numbers, no art policing, crowd sourced design decisions, crowd sourced moderation, no super users/moderators, etc. I've received a number of offers of help, both financially and from programmers, but they always talk about how big the site can be while my focus is on getting people to draw every day and getting good (if that's what they want.) I know they're not mutually exclusive but a lot of the design decisions that promote growth also shift the user's focus to appealing to other users instead of doing what's right for them.

I haven't checked out DED yet and I don't know how w's goals differ from mine but I think it'd be a dick move to offer now that he's started his own project.

There's plenty of LAS "grunt work" to be done that's really just finding interesting ways to format and display data (the challenge archives, leaderboards, etc.) I suppose I can set up a contributions page that links to the templates and libraries I'm using along with json LAS data dumps for people to play around with. If there's interest I can get that setup

>Also, Lava, can you clearly define somewhere on the site what forms of art are and are not allowed, there've been so many arguments I'm quite frankly fed up reading about it. moof/taylor continuew to sybmits 3D stuff

https://boards.fireden.net/ic/thread/2423510/#2425976 we did a poll a long time ago and voted no 3D. There were talks of a LAS3D once the main project finished but for now it's 2d only

Old loser talking to empty room, maybe one supporter left, seemed appropriate :^)
>Lava follows me on tumblr
I-I Had no idea
I hope he wasn't talking about me when he said he had to wade through shit drawings to find something interesting
Okay, I'll just post on w's then! Glad you clarified.
Nah I think I started with daily deviations and then ended up on instagram
Sorry about the confusion!
I never post anyways lmao
We all know you meant Choob anyways ;^)
Oh god does he think that? I thought he was stuck in a photo study comfort zone. Like, I didn't think he was trying to become a photocopier because with the amount of time he's put in he'd already be there. Some day I'll be doing similar studies
W, Yotsuyu uploaded the same image twice to DED.
hey, when is grach coming back?
are you his wife or something?
>no 3D
put it on the website
added to the faq
>>I haven't checked out DED yet and I don't know how w's goals differ from mine but I think it'd be a dick move to offer now that he's started his own project.
I highly recommend you check it out as soon as possible, it has no week system, purely works by streaks and leaderboard, is also a WIP so some leaderboards are superfluous.
oh nice that's actually the direction the LAS was going and it's what I'm working on right now. I put a hold on achievements (the last thing I was working on) because they were all streak related and it felt dumb finishing them before the streak system came out. i'll check it out
I think most people on DED are there because they thought you had abandoned us and LAS was going to end, if you use some of the ideas of DED and keep working on LAS it will be great.
Fuck that, im not going back to Las just because the cripple came back. He still left like a piece of shit, that says a lot about a mans character. W is much quicker with the updates, and can also draw.
>5 months from now W will be in a car accident and DED autists will lose their shit
thats a weird ass thing to say
Don't do it Lava D:
Then he can delete the duplicate if he wants to. I'm not gonna micromanage that shit. It doesn't affect anything except submission count leaderboard which is pointless to begin with.
Originally you weren't allowed to upload the same url twice, but it didn't respect soft delete. It's on my list to fix it.

With lava back I don't have a problem with closing ded again if people want to be on one platform. Having two like we do now is pretty weird. But I don't think most would want me to, so y'know, it's there for now.

Afterall, I learned what I set out to from building the site (the laravel API). Everything I do now is repeat of what I already know.

My leg actually hurts like fuck today. Little 6 km jog with already kind of hurting yesterday was a bad idea. Barely made it in to work today.

He posts stuff on discord every now and then if you miss him.
I think keeping both is fine, most people post on both anyway and it only takes a few more seconds to paste imgur link into a second box.

Also good to have differences so 2D purists can stick to LAS and not get triggered by 3DPD being posted on DED. And there's the crit req feature, feedback etc.
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>My leg actually hurts like fuck today. Little 6 km jog with already kind of hurting yesterday was a bad idea. Barely made it in to work today.
shoulda done starting strength
you better not close it till i get my badge fucker.
yup to everything
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dZaQ-S2MX0 fucking kek this story
Evens: I'll make it
Odds: I won't make it
>giving yourself a 50:50 chance
bullshit, more like dubs you make it singles you don't
if quints he makes it :^)
Well well, looks like >>2710020 is Not Gonna Make It!
What a shame! What a shame!
Choob isnt good.
Choob is great!
No I meant like in a negative way, he just copies photos.
>he thinks copying photos from ur imagination makes u better
post your work
>With lava back I don't have a problem with closing ded agai-
>Bobby is Nile
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the truth must be revealed
>lava goes awol for several months again
>with lava gone for 3 months now I don't have a problem with opening ded agai-
>lava comes back
>with lava back I don't have a problem with closing ded again-
>lava goes awol again
>with lava gone for 15 months now I don't have a problem with opening ded agai-
really, just keep it open, don't let lava's status sway you.
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where were you when DED fags got BTFOd
Nile climbed a mountain and pissed on someone's leg?
No, but he's the father of the Nile because he pissed himself at school
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>tfw senpai never notices you so you resort to bullying but they STILL don't notice
poor anonchan
LAS faggots can't stand up for themselves
seems like it, so they jump the ship and run to DED instead and now that that is sinking they'll come back on their knees
nothing's sinking.

No, stop trying to start shit you retard
>Lassies in denial
>these guys don't know ww3 has already started
>you better not close it till i get my badge fucker.

>27 oct. 2016, DED server fails because of a surge and never recovers since LAS was giving a good concurrence for a while
>9 jan. 2017, LAS still in development because of another series of health complications the lemur has
source on this?

>Santi: "But... this is fantastic! Isn't it? The Lemur's restored!"

>Choob: "You weren't there, in the final days of The War. You never saw what was born. But if the website lock's broken then everything's coming through, not just the Shitposters but the Living Memes, the Horde of Malaysians, Rover, The Could've Made It King and his army of Tomorrow I Swears and Never Gonna Make Its. The War turned into Hell. And that's what you've opened, right above /ic/. Hell is descending."
Spiderman's reply
w if you close DED now you are a giant fucking faggot and you can go fuck yourself
Gesture Battle?

More like Gesture War
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tempting offer
Fuck you
Someone start name dropping now or I'll have to make a list. Letting people know if they're stagnating can only be helpful.
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Fuck you, you're mom is stagnating.
>Nobody has left feedback on any of your submissions yet.
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>Just get out of an stressful situation in your life and you finally have motivation to concentrate on drawing fully.
>Two new money/health related stressful news emerge next day.
Then give them private feedback on DED you cum gurgler.
Prepare your anus' lads. That list is on its way. ;^)
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DO IT.png
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>Game studio folllows me on tumblr
>Likes all my posts
Just give me a job already
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you list faggots are the worst
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I know I'm stagnating. You don't have to draw everyone's attention to it.
it's too late, he's doing it anyway, the absolute madman
Scared ;)
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>lava comes back
>next day lists come back
FUCK I thought I was the only one who made that connection. Thank you anon
shitposting is back baby
pomf.cat shit itself. Just a heads up for those uploading to it.
>the Horde of Malaysians
true horror
hard to believe we got to such a high number in the few days DED has been up, did we start at 10k? such a shame
Choob isnt improving at all.
It's probably just half a dozen artists spamming it in all their free time instead of shit posting like the rest of us.
personally I click maybe 5 times a day

[spoiler]when there are numbers like 11111, 666, 69, 10, 20, 30 and so on[/spoiler]

Not everything is about construction and drawing ability. When he decides to go into something like else he will have a good understanding of textures, lighting, color, rendering.

I fully agree that he could be grinding creative work at this point and potentially improve in a more well rounded manner, but he might not be up for doing that yet.
Are heavy pens/mechanical pencils better at preventing hand cramps and other hand problems than lighter ones in the long run, or is it the other way around?



nigga, copying photos is prob the worst way to learn any of that though

but yeah hes gonna be real good at rendering well rendered photos
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