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/las/ - Last Artist Standing

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 519
Thread images: 75

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Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)
>have fun

Last Thread >>2682144
Something's broken, what do I do?

>The site is currently in the alpha phase of development and is being built around us as we compete so sometimes things go wrong. If you ever need any help send me a tweet @LavaFlake or shoot me an email [email protected].

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>A new Last Artist Standing challenge starts every week. If you get eliminated then get it together and rejoin next week.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>This is a way to let new artists join in and to allow re-entry for the eliminated. Every week a new challenge is started. If you joined on week 1 and make it to week 2 then your daily submission counts for both the first and second Last Artist Standing. If you get eliminated then you're eliminated from both challenges and you'll be able to rejoin next week.

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.
This is a list of anons who regularly stream, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.


Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

Here is a helpful tool that lets you see who is streaming at the moment:


You can also hang out with the community on the official discord:


Lava didn't stand for it

Place your bets!
>LAS 2.0
what's that?
We're all gonna make it.
http://las.doom.moe/ >>2684715
>Never Ever Ever
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Fucking college courses and courses that don't even actually belong into my field of study.

Who the fuck planned these
Depends, country?

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Just joined, will try my best
Work hard senpai!
is grach coming back?
Oh good, for a while there I thought Thready used one of your drawings.
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>when the pose I'm drawing makes my dick go OHHH GGGGOOODDDDDDDD
You can do it!
I would like to know this too
I wonder if it was school/uni/work
>tfw learn that /las/ isn't all of /ic/
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are you week 1? Gimme a hint.
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some cute lassies still have hope~
used to be
Ok Tom Im feelin those poses
Lava will fix that :)
late weekers tooo weak
Late reply but I was super busy with school stuff. Had to cram for an exam and didn't feel like submitting half assed doodles on notebook paper.
don't die or I'll meme you real bad
Make me proud anon, I need to root for a new artist.
I won't let you down senpai!
I thought people were over this already.
it's a tradition that never dies
>having good judgement and self discipline

Where do you think you are?
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Yes, sometime next month maybe??
Work.. And some commissions stuff that I need to finish too
Reminder that Lava a shit and Leslie is cute name but ONLY FOR FEMALES
hope you get well senpai! (unlike that FUCKING LEMUR REEE)
I-is it possible to git gud in a year? I need money while having a comfy life.
ask lava hes clearly making it
It depends what you mean by "git gud"?
You're not going to make money unless you get REALLY good and get hired somewhere, or focus on pandering to furries/tumblr for commissions. There's no easy money to be made in art, friendo.
Depends on your current skill level, where you define as gud, and your rate of working/improvement.

>where you are
>where you're going
>how long it'll take to reach there at current-optimal pace

If the result is < a year then yes.
Rad, your dragon's well-rendered but its anatomy is so fucked up.
>no joints apparent in forelegs
>wing should have skeletal structure analogous to an arm and hand, look at bats' wings for reference, yours only has one joint which looks strange and silly
>wing membrane should extend along body, not just weakly join at the armpit, the air would just go through there and it wouldn't even come close to flying
>no propatagium, this also aids in flight, again look at bats
>belly scutes don't conform to the shape of the body and there should be a little gap apparent between them at the visible edge, the lines should extend all the way down so it looks like separate scutes and not just a striped belly
>looks like it has very little neck, extend it a bit more
I'm glad you're coming back dude. You're definitely too good for LAS but I think it also helps you a lot and also you get something out every day.
>tfw no one is on my dick
I want to die
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Yea, anatomy fucked so hard and I've recognized it too late.
I already know about most problems but your notes about wings are really helpful. I did some bat study not too long ago but totally forgot about it.
Same here anon. Same here
then DIE
Weak one?
Man, so many people are getting sick lately
Hmm, suspicious
Loomis resorting to germ warfare.
LAS is fun, so I don't think I'll stop posting for good anytime soon. The thing is that I tend to prioritize it over other things... So now I just need to focus more on finishing the commissions I have rn, get some new ones, start posting on the social medias again (haven't posted any art on tumblr for ages now...) and start drawing every day again after that!
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>LAS is fun
get the fuck outta here you dumb nigger
you can make it
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>LAS is fun
I meant it more like a concept of drawing everyday, but now it's too late to explain myself...
b-but las IS fun!
>30min to deadline
>roofers show up a week early
>I'm the only one home
>there's an issue with the order
>Family calling and texting from work asking me to check on things
>I'm just trying to draw ;___;
>Loomis construction works
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Just upload an old drawing. All the /las/sies are doing it.
no, I'm not :/
b-but that's not allowed!
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good night friends, I'll draw more tomorrow, I promise
same tee bee ayche
make your dreams come true
Don't let you dreams be dreams.
Everything is impossible.
Reading someone's blog really gives you insight into how autistic that someone is.
>Learned the ideal head proportions
>at side view, the ear is supposed to be at about the middle of the skull
>decide to check my own head proportions
>fucking ear is all the way back near the end of the skull
>not even one ear width of distance from my ear to the back of my skull
>tfw I'm a malformed mutant
Why did this have to happen to me?
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Cath here, do I open the improvement template challenge again or are you guys really not interested at all?
do it on LAS' 1 year anniversary
Hey, that's a good idea.

>implying LAS will survive so long
I dunno, the plateau is real.
Everyone notices when you walk around man
Should I just sudoku at this point? Wish I never found out.
yeah, how embarrassing, pbw1
I'm pretty sure more people would do it if you just posted the templates in the thread.

Personally, if I'm gonna do something like that it's because I'm trying to waste time RIGHT NOW, not in a day or two.
But you waste the same ammount of time, and being in the challenge section keeps the images saved.
yeah well fuck YOU
If you throw a template up here, I'll do it when I feel like it.

If you put it on las, I have to preregister to do it, only have a certain amount of time to do it, then probably decide I don't feel like doing it.
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>haven't start drawing yet
>haven't drawn in two days
Not gonna make it.
loads of new weekers dying again

>tfw w1 and only post out of fear of being memed if I die
Who else?
What the fuck is it that the week1s have that I don't got? Is it natural talent? Is it luck? Is it hard work? Is it all of them? Why can't I do it?
poor lava :^(
don't worry, I won't meme you if you die, you can relax and skip a few days, I'll be gentle
Were you week 1 before? Maybe things would've been different with the added pressure, although many week 1s have died up till this day.
>this is all a w1 worries about
>not even worrying about being able to draw everyday
I have NO sympathy >:(
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good night friends and family!
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can't unsee
Will this make Santi finally Sudoku?
Yo, I just joined a few days ago, just wanted to say I'm really loving it. It's been forcing me to draw more and I think I'm starting to feel the passion I once had.
That's great to here man! Welcome aboard!
>decide to finally give the discord a shot
>it's literally only like 5 or so people talking
>half of them aren't even in las
What gives?
>quietly sits in discord like an autist instead of participating
I didn't want to participate, just wanted to know what the big deal was. It's just weird that a discord titled "las" has so many people in it who aren't even in las.

Niche please add a #people-who-are-actually-in-las channel
"hey lets have another dead channel that people don't talk in"
Good point.

Niche please delete the discord forever.
I'll be here as long as the site is.
Then you're in for a REAL FUCKING RIDE buddy
You're gonna see me win week 1
That's funny cause you're not me. I'm the one who will win week one and I'll rename it to week won after I win.
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>Week won
thats funny, because i have already set up a macro that uploads for me once a day at random times within that day for the next 258 days (thats how many sketches i have spare)

so i guess i will actually try in about 258 days.

>defeating the point of LAS
Not gonna make it.
>defeating you in LAS
defiantly going to make that.
Did you mean to write defiantly or definitely?
hey jmgn has anyone ever told you that you look like dave grohl
Most of them have quit las and just hang out with each other. What in the fuck is wrong with your autistic brain that it disturbs you so much? It's just people making conversation. Hnngg you fucking retarded cunt.
I'm not upset tho, you're the one who seems mad. I was just curious. For real son, I didn't even say anything mean.
Motherfucker you were passive aggressive as fuck, don't backpedal me you fuck.
Just take a chill pill my man, you may have misconstrued my intentions. We're good.
Misconstrue these nuts
For Inktobet are you allowed to sketch in pencil then ink it or is it purely ink all the way?

What pens are you all gonna use?
>a macro

its just a meme hashtag to promote your art, ofc you can use pencil first
a macro is like a script
like to selfie?
>tfw fall for carpal tunnel meme and get neck pain instead because excessive drawing from shoulder
Just as planned

only weak bitch-boys with limp girly wrists get carpal tunnel.
I AM a girl
When is Lava going to learn to stand up for himself?

nice original joke nigga
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More like, suck every day, u suk.
No girls allowed in the breads. Back to the containment discord pls.
Post your art.
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The people here that are "sucking every day" are one step closer to not sucking, unlike you who will suck forever.
>tfw no one ever compliments my shit
Fuck it I quit. It's almost been an entire year and Ive got 0 mentions. I was drawing every day anyways.
No one complimented BF til he started drawing furry porn. You know what you have to do.
If you're looking for attention, then post drawings on DA - they'll fav you without even looking at your work.
source that this works
This is just to get you to look at their page though, to see who it was who fav'd.
Look at Santi's deviations. Tons of inane stuff and shitty anatomy studies favorited by randos.
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If you see a pic on the front page of DA, then you can click on star that's on the pic related. This way you'll get a fav without getting a view.
I've never heard this colloquialism used until very recently, and now I see it all the time
oh boy time to start drawing :V
nothing happened
Nothing ever happens.

Is someone still running the doom clock?
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>Oh yeah I worked on site stuff too I forgot about that
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!
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>you were born just in time to witness Lava working on the website
I'm glad I'm not the only autist obsessively reading every post Lava makes.
honest question, what do you guys get out of that? I've only read what gets linked in these threads but it looks like he's just obsessively blogging about every little thing in his life.
>it looks like he's just obsessively blogging about every little thing in his life.

I'd imagine a lot of people that are dying would.
>I'd imagine a lot of people that are dying would.
Is he dying tho? I thought he was just disabled. Either way I feel for him and I'm not complaining about him blogging, he likes to write and I'm sure he gets something out of it. I'm not really complaining or anything, just curious why people read all of his posts. I guess they want to keep up with Lava's life?
Why else would you follow a blog? That's like kind of the point of a blog.
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we're all dying anon
He probably died.
For the flawless? Or week one? The lastools thing has a graph for flawless decline.

>had to go on a trip
>went ahead and dropped out of las
>planned to go out and draw random shit while on trip to post as my next first submission
>make a field sketch/paint bag
>panic attacks when I take it outside
>haven't drawn anything

Not. Gonna. Make. It.
iktf dude

You really just need to take everything you can to make it as manageable as possible.

Bring headphones, with your favorite music
Bring your favorite drink/treats
Find somewhere quiet and secluded, and just force yourself to get started.

The way panic/anxiety tends to work is that if something "irrational" is causing you anxiety, you need to do it MORE not less. Its rough but you will slowly build up a tolerance and be able to go further and further outside of your comfort zone.

Just do your best. Don't push yourself too hard- but always be taking steps, no matter how small, towards where you want to go.
p.s. if you're worried about people looking at your art when you aren't good yet, just remember everyone starts somewhere :|
>all those fucking studies on Lava's blog
>not a single attempt of a complete drawing
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He's going to make it in 30 days. Stay jelly faggot.
That's how you git gud.
>feel very sleepy
gomen ne minna =3=
>read post
>don't give a shit
kill yourself desu~
cruueell ;_;
should i drop out of week 1 and actually get work done?
Yes, absolutely, don't let this hold you back, drop out and flap your wings.
*sounds of muffled sniggers*
I don't get it. How can this Last Artist Standing challenge possibly get in your way of getting good?
Makes you feel obligated to draw rather than drawing because you want to draw something. Getting good doesn't just mean drawing everyday. Just because you're drawing everyday doesn't mean you're putting in your best efforts. A lot of you are probably just half assing your posts just to get something done.
I don't know about y'all but the days I half-ass my posts are days that I wouldn't have drawn at all period. And those days, I can still look at what I drew and think about where I need to focus more.

If you think drawing what you want 3 days a week, vs drawing each day but not always trying, is a better working method for you, then go.
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people tell me this all the time
Having nightmares about drawing now lads
Can't wake up
but how did you post

random question JMGN:

How big is your workload? have you ever felt like you need an assistant to help with mundane admin stuff? I started getting a lot of commission and I wish I had someone help me with the boring/non art stuff that takes time
yeah all the invoicing and keeping track of 20 people is actually a lot more work than people think. I guess I've gotten used to it, it does get annoying when someone commissions me and expects to hold a dialog about their pic.
nothing happened
story of my life
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so how often does shit like this happen to porn artists?
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>having to deal with autistics
lol damn what an ungrateful douche. The guy was gonna give him a free drawing too from the looks of it.
fake as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Right? What kind of faggot porn artist gets so riled up that he has to post this? Would not trust this egotistical asshole.
>please give me 8 hours of drawing for free
jesus fucking christ
choob isnt good
choob isn't bad

You should probably go to the doctor, its looks like you've been poisoned!
choob just stop

I would just not even respond or if I do give him my rates and end it at that. This is what happens when you try to be "humble", fuck that shit.
how can people on 4chan not be able to discern such a low level of trolling?
Does anyone know if poon is dead
>yfw Thready is Lava
lava definitely visits these threads, they just want to stay anon

I bet we made a pact that he would only come back when he gets really good so we can all admire him and shit
>lava definitely visits these threads
Why do you think that?
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>mfw las will be dead long before lava comes back to these threads
par for the course
anyone would in his position
I know for a fact that lava doesn't visit these threads
how can I see that page with all the users and their streaks?
remember when las hit bump limit within 3 days? Do you guys think we should still stick to the page 9 rule? These threads are 100x slower now so I don't think we'd flood the catalog with them.

Also, after how many posts do threads hit the bump limit?
I've managed to go out with my drawing bag a couple times now. Still nothing to show for it, but I did sit down for a quick attempt today. I was so nervous (for no good reason) that I made a hasty scribble and packed my pad away. Guess I'll just keep making these attempts and maybe eventually I'll do a decent long drawing.
>Also, after how many posts do threads hit the bump limit?
This question broke 4chan.
right? Almost no one posted on /ic/ in an hour. I know this is a slow board but damn.
stop voting shit topics you fucking niggers
>he's still in the topic challenge
I'm so sorry.

I'm 90% sure that the only people who vote for topics are you topic1 faggots. No one else gives a shit at this point. You guys just keep screwing yourselves over with shit topics that Lava hasn't updated in years.
Damn Eddcer, you get your little sister to draw for you yesterday?
if true, is your sister hot
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>4re5's submission
holy shit this is nice. Being able to produce this level of quality with traditional art seems like a good goal, so that's what I'm shooting for.
>last post 9 hours ago
Holy shit. Wtf happened to these threads? Did all of you guys die or something? Did you give up?


>used to be talked about all the time here a few months ago
>50+ views each image
>now I get 0 views and everyone has forgotten me

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shh, you won't feel a thing
Run, anon, you run for your life
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We need more topics, i am getting bored.
it's ok, soon the site will be dead.
W-will I finally get to be the las?
What does efficient line work mean to you? By extension, what would 'ineffiecent' line work look like? What are some good examples of both
no, the site will die AND you won't be the las
I'm no expert, but efficient linework I'd mention people like 0033 and jap animators in general. Few lines that still manage to express form well.

Inefficient, I guess anyone who's putting down a lot of lines over eachother slightly curving their way to the shape they want.
the problem with digital is you can undo until you get the line right.
thats a problem? lmao
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He's dead Jim.
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Maybe they mean for getting better with efficient lines. Like how KGJ started working only with pen so that he didn't have the option of erasing and redoing lines. Digital has the wimp out option of undoing and redoing the line, pen doesn't, and so forces you to learn better habits I guess.
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>mfw can't find motivation to use my extra free time outside LAS to draw more.
go into shortcuts and turn ctrl z off
Do you really wanna make it?
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been here for a while. I wasn't feeling well but I'm a bit better now so I'll start working on the site again. Thanks for sticking around.



>tumblr puts election banner up
>"Trans rights"
>"LGBTQ rights"
>"Gun violence"
>"The gender gap"
Nevermind, you dont get it.
how do you guys push the length of your drawing sessions? I cant break past the 3 hours I do cause I get burnt out, even with breaks every hour.

stream it, peer pressure helps a lot
try making finished pieces instead of sketches.

if you start getting burnt out you can swap to a different piece (it can actually be beneficial to work on two things at the same time)
What if I'm too shit to do finished pieces?
Make a shitty finished piece and then study what confused you the most!
thanks for the tips

maybe I should try streaming
imma draw porn of that moon man lamp
>OP is from seven days ago
>Not even two months ago we would have a thread every day
only dreams now
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I don't know, I get shit like that from time to time.
>Almost a full year
>Haven't seen other lassies irl
I-I just wanted to make art friends
where do you live anon? I can meet you irl :3
who here inktober?
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I'll give it a go
How do I inktober?
Draw fanart on Instagram and whore yourself for normie likes
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You call this 30 minutes, Niche?
no bully
That easily looks like it could be 30 minutes. It's clear the initial sketches were on a diff layer

You draw an ink drawing every day for the month of October (31 days).
Thinking of putting up LAS 2 for inktober. I don't really have a reason to withhold it any longer. I've put in place some of the changes that I think were needed since last up. Some fixes and some new features. LAS will probably be in the state it is at the moment for the foreseeable future and that's fine.

I'll be posting on some of the leddits for learning to draw and whatever other places that I can come up with tomorrow, with the hope that at least a few new people will join in. Probably won't be a huge influx, though.

Thinking I'll disable submitting images until 1st October so people have a chance to buckle up.
>I'll be posting on some of the leddits
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knbr if you're in thread, the hair you draw on your characters makes their heads look super huge
oh crap I better start drawing
go bait in a thread that isn't dead
>tfw you knew I was a good boy and already drew for today
>tfw already drew today but nothing came out like I wanted it too
>tfw I can't do studies properly anymore and my shit art is getting even worse
end me please
no, you must live through this suffering senpai, this is your punishment
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nothing happened..png
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i dont like choob
i dont hate choob
>tfw drastically losing motivation again
>usually check these threads to get motivated again
>the thread is dead
>just like my dreams
How do you guys motivate yourselves when you're not feeling it? Don't say discipline. I'm disciplined enough to draw all the time but without motivation my stuff looks like shit and I don't learn as well.
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if you don't have fun drawing, drop it and go do something else
every day I hold a pencil, knowing there is people who don't have the luxury of pursuing their dreams, I am greatful and I just draw and draw
set your eyes on the man you want to be some day
Fun and motivation are not intrinsically linked. Ask any pro and they'll tell you they've had plenty of days where they didn't enjoy doing art or weren't motivated.
Detailed study plan.

If you have some sort of requirement for what you should be drawing, it's easier to fill in the creative blanks.
i masturbate a lot and it kinda works out in the end desu
I do thumbnails to loosen up cause they take no effort when one is shit its no loss, and very quickly I feel like drawing one of them or something I was working on
Discipline allows you to do non-creative stuff like lines and boxes, anatomy, construction, bean practice etc
Those exercises get you technique and as your technique improves, you'll say "oh boy my art is lookin' pretty good" which is the part where you get your motivation back.

Live a healthy lifestyle, browse and discover new artists and art styles until you think "this guy draws really well, that sense of freedom must be really great. I want it too."
>Ledditors joining our circlejerk
Msturbating is such a fucking waste of time. I wish I had no sexual desire at all
It saves like barely 5 minutes anon
This to be honest. It's easier to stick to it, when I know exactly what to draw.
>implying I masturbate only 5 times/day
What tf happened to nile?
>corelation implies causation
>for the whole octomber a bunch of guys post daily in a /ic/ general, accusing others when missing a day and so on
>january the next year a site is created which does the same thing
>the creating of said site was discussed on /ic/

geez boss, I don't think you need to be detective to put 1+1 together
Why is /ic/ so freaking dead? Where did everyone go? Even the porn thread is barren...
>Why is /ic/ so freaking dead?
because of the one who should not be named
>because of the one who should not be named
I still don't know who is Malaysia and why is a meme. Would you guys tell the story?
you don't ask suck questions Harry, go to your class and draw some wizards or something
listen here anon you FAT OAF! I don't draw FUCKING WIZARDS
F-FINE, go back to your space marines
Just do a self portrait
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He's been talking quite alot in the /ic/ discord under the alias Bupe and have posted in the drawthreads a few times, still dont think he has a new blog yet but who knows
pic related is him and also >>2693260
>site dead
>no notifications

Fool me once motherfucker
I want to believe ;_;
>think "this guy draws really well, that sense of freedom must be really great. I want it too."

When I think about how I'll never see new anon313, fmmood, turnip or poon sketches again it makes me want to git gud for them.
>never see new anon313, fmmood, turnip or poon sketches again
some oldfags will likely come back for LAS2

it'd be like a high schoool reunion
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>tfw Rover comes back in all his splendor and glory after having trained in the mountains
The site's now back up at http://doom.moe
Idk what to do about the domain - this one's just a personal one i happened to have time left on. Anyone have any clever ideas for one? I don't mind paying the 15 bucks/year+-. Check availability on namecheap if you're gonna suggest something.

I'll open submissions on October 1st. Deleting the one I've posted then too. I've put up a challenge for inktober which kicks off on the 1st. Now to send some emails and shit.


the S and 2 combined look like a heart

domains don't respect case sensitivity dumdum
still works

Either way, I don't plan on carrying the las brand.
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>whois ded.moe
>"No Domain exists for the search string blahblahblah
wow, would you look at that, the domain's actually not taken yet

get it w
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>notgonnamakeit.com is available
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I'm surrounded by freakin weebs

hey w, it doesn't say when it starts
All challenges start the moment you create it. I've just manually set the created date to 1st october so the 31 day duration is showing 33 days. When submissions open it'll be like the challenge started that day too.
>All challenges start the moment you create it
huh, okay, anyone can just join at any time and submit? No enforcing or anything?
Yep, there's no entering challenges. The entrants are just people who has submitted to the challenge.
to change that .moe shit W. Make it something normal like .com or .net. I don't give a fuck as long as it's not .moe.
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>all these normalfags getting triggered

my nigga W knows whats up

we've told him like ten billion trillion zillion fillion times man

hey reddit, scared to use nigger?
Nigga is the affectionate way to refer to a nigger when they're your buddy, for example "ma nigga", person that lives under a rock.
>weebs think they're people
Holy shit I almost forgot to post. WEW.
RIP again jellybean
What's Jerrybreem's deal? His faces don't even look that bad, there's a bunch of proportional issues and stuff like that but they look decent. Why does he get so depressed about his art?
maybe life is making him too hard on himself
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i was actually late this time i did draw something today. cant quit until gave quits. watching watts videos and dint notice the time.
>His faces don't even look that bad
th-thanks buts its all comfort zone.
>Why does he get so depressed about his art?
because im stupid. i used to live alone and was having a hard time, i tried to an hero and failed thats where the meme came from.
I'm familiar with your story, I'm pretty depressed myself although not as much as you. But yeah, I think your biggest issue is, like you said, you don't leave your comfort zone. All you've done from day 1 are just studies, just doodle and try have fun with it.

Hope things get better for you mane.
i did draw a knight once, it was awful but i liked the little dwarf .
I'm physically dying /las/
It was nice knowing you

dang youve LEGIT improved my nigga
keep it up mate
thinking of giving this a go

is the topic of the day just optional?
ii ne
Damn, it's sad to see a community die
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but anon we're about to be reborn!
Speak for yourself anon, I'm not joining another las site
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don't you wanna make it?
Than go die on you're own nigga
>not gonna make its died in the OG las so now they're running off to a new site
Have fun "making it" anon. Me and the rest of the og las crew will git gud.
wot, I'm gonna be posting to both sites so I be restricted to one community and die when one falls, what's so hard about copying and pasting a link?
I won't*
I-I'll still be here!

Actually, there are probably a lot of lurking lassies. The threads are dead because there's nothing to talk about.

I miss crit sensei ;_;
>I miss crit sensei ;_;

Leddit nuked my post for self promotion, so I guess you're safe from the normies.
yay :D
where did you post?
there are many subreddits that you mightve missed
learnart. Seems to be several daily drawing subs but they're all locked down for posting and just have a bot making threads each day to reply to.
How did you word it? I browse that sub all the time and people post their shit without any repercussions. I think Noah Bradley advertises every now and then as well as draw a box guy. I don't see why they would delete it unless you worded it autisticly.
Just tried pitching the concept and why i've created it. In retrospect I probably should have gone a completely different route, but alas, I didn't. Reading it now I hate the post so it's fine that it's gone. http://pastebin.com/TwAh7msh

I joined the sketchdaily irc, which seems to be the biggest sub of this kind and had a chat with one of the mods who seemed down with the idea, but highlighted I need to introduce the site on the actual site. Right now it's built around the fact that you all know what this is. So I'll be working on that a lot more until I try promoting it further. It's not really in a state where if someone were to join I'd have to actively pitch the idea to them instead of just linking to the site and have it explain itself.
ya goofed m80. You sounded all professional and it looked like you were trying to sell people stuff. You shoulda used a friendlier/familiar tone and just told them about the community/drawing every day.
what sorta frequency are challenges made at, are they regular things or what? Could i join las and only do the challenges and not the main las thing/topics?
They used to be quite frequent but they've declined significantly lately, LAS 2.0 may see them pick up in frequency again.

>Could i join las and only do the challenges and not the main las thing/topics?
Yeah, although seems kinda pointless for LAS 1.0, maybe LAS 2.0'll cater for that method of activity.
>santi post
i wish i could draw a dragon.
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soon w will destroy the community.
W-will I finally be day 1 week 1 flawless? Will the memes come back? Will this community be restored?
no. people have already posted.
I, for one, welcome our new non-lemur overlord.
but he said he's resetting everything on Oct. 1st. Don't try to smash my dreams mang.
yeah, everything got wiped except for the registered users

anyway, weeks won't exist in las 2.0, it's all about streaks and building up your top streak
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that wont change shit dummy. if it starts in oct 1 all people have to do is look at the current date and deduct until you get a result, if its near oct 1 = week one and memes wont stop.
sure but I doubt anyone will keep yabbering about weeks when there aren't any, only oldfags with something wrong with their head will try to drag it back
I'm just hoping this resurges the community. I doubt it will happen but it would be nice if these threads were active again. atm I'm expecting DED to have less users than LAS unless W manages to get other people to join.

Also what would we do about the threads? One LAS threads for both? Change it to DED? 2 Threads?
all this shit because lava lacks the balls to reply. well fuck you too.
Just keep it all to this thread, I doubt LAS 1.0-only-ers will have much to say, and they'll be a number people'll be using both LAS 1.0 and 2.0, it's all LAS in the end.
I wonder if he's acknowledged the existence of LAS 2.0.

this. shouldve been shorter, not started with the word promotional and linked to a about page if they wanted to read more
I didnt get any email notification
dubya you fecking goof
hey w did you pick a new domain in the end?
w was too kind to even put ded on hold, I'm glad she changed her mind
Is w a she? I've noticed the male to female ratio on las is kinda skewed. Either that or the girls on here just talk more compared to the guys.
He's on discord and he's spoken in the voice chats, he's a he.
>voice chats
Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse.
They bully the quiet ones to speak, it's cruel and brutal.
>tfw tried joining discord but all the cliques are already formed and I just got ignored
Oh well, hope you guys are having fun.
it's okay, only like 6 people out of ~100 do 90% of the talking anyway
Why is that?
I dunno, I ain't a sociologist or whatever
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It's like high school all over again. I can't take it.
Anyone got some sort of guide to doing facial expressions?
Hey Santi :^)
W, email Lava, we all should, let's rub on his face his failure to make LAS great again
Dude, stop. You guys already took his project from him. Stop trying to make him feel worse.
he already emailed him like a month ago and he also made a challenge on las about it so he probably knows.
I doubt he gives a shit. We shouldn't try to fuck with him but it seems like he's focused on his own shit and doesn't care what goes on here.
I'm sure on some level he does.

Like, imagine you have a simple idea for a webcomic. It's not your endgame and you don't have many readers but you have fun making it every week. You take a break from it and when you come back you find one of your readers picked up where you left off and has a ton of new readers plus most of your old ones. It was just a time waster so you let it go, but you'd still be bitter about it, wouldn't you? Especially if it ever gets to the point of being popular.
That's possible but we can't really tell how he truly feels since we're not him. I just assumed he didn't care because he never updated us in these threads. If he dropped by occasionally and said hi I think this probably wouldn't have happened. He went radio silent so people assumed he abandoned it.
He's had months to say anything, he could have made a simple comment but he hasn't. Fuck him.

Yes, you. The one screaming, “Where is Lava” and “PBW1” and other slurs I dare not mention.

Tread lightly.

You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren’t just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.

I don’t feel awkward or anxious being in LAS around others, and your words don’t affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful site that Lava has artisanally coded for us – and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON’T ruin this for him. We lassies may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow lassers, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.

Don’t take this the wrong way. I don’t hate you. I don’t fear you.

I pity you.

I’m sorry that you feel this way towards us. I’m sorry that no badges is such a bane to your existence. And I’m sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I’m sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I’m sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I’m sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.

I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Delete your copy site, join LAS, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of your first community challenge, and then, maybe, just maybe, you’ll see what you’ve been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.



Yes, you.



Kill yourself please
Moof didn't draw yesterday and none of you gave a fuck about it. >>2696940

LAS is truly dead, you don't even care about cheaters.
>tfw finally free from the evil tyranny of the Gestapo
Y'know, I kinda miss the days when things like the Daily Ranker, Crit Keepers and 30 minute Gestapo were looming around, leaving this invisible pressure to actually draw and not slack off, they helped me stick to and grow my daily drawing habit.

These days I don't really need them anymore, but I'm gonna miss em a bit, just a bit.

las 2.0 doesn't have a tribunal.
he/she is better than all of you mediocre neets who still shitpost here, and probably spent more time on that than 80% of the other lassies spent drawing that day
/3/ - 1
/ic/ - 0
I haven't figured out anything as for a domain. I want it to be pronounceable without having to spell it out. Take the .moe domain for example.. Useless in this regard all together. 'ded' too, as you'll have to specify it as 'dead with the a'.

As stated in that mail I fucked up and deleted the list of the people leaving their email.. My bad (rm -rf too strong)

I could always implement a tribunal system, but it's a lot of code for a functionality that's only going to be used on rare occasion. Right now I'm working on things that form the site in general. The extras that might be needed later if the userbase is too large to manually police, I'll cross that road when we get there.
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kinda sucks that draweveryday.com and lastartiststanding.com are both taken (lastartiststanding.com got taken in late 2015, makes me wonder if lava nabbed it for LAS' final release)
I got it!

What is the real purpose behind LAS/DED? The philosophy of it all? It's to develop good artist habits! Therefore, let's go with goodartisthabits.com, or GAH for short!
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You know it. I'm writing an introduction landing page at the moment trying to pitch this idea. It's no doubt going to be needing refinement, but a draft is good.
lastdrawerstanding.com :^)
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AKA the /lad/s to our /las/ses :^^^^^^)
I like it.

I can't relaly read the "Start drawing" text though, too faint on the light color
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wew w w w w w
>tfw this was all an elaborate ruse by w to be at the top of the leaderboards
Glad I didn't fall for it
this is the real reason why he didn't make a tribunal, so he could cheat like this, Shake My Head
>submit magnum opus
>20< views every time
Why won't you guys look at my shit? Pls
20 views is like the entire userbase
post your username
I saw the thumbnail and that was enough.
Under 20 views
It wouldn't be right
well you're talking about views so you must be one of the imgur users, I doubt you're Pihori, tabascoshrimp or miloyoyo since they're posting the usual, maybe you're either Mal, knbr, mooff, Hma-

oh GOD


>tfw not even in the list
Fug me mane
Talent is real though :^{

Hard work beats talent until talent works hard
I'll naturally talent your mom in a second
I miss my mommy
I'm here Little one...... I'm here
The intro page with some info is up at /introduction - should pop up when you go to the site, though. If it doesn't give it a refresh to clear cache.

Anyone got some ideas on things to change / wording etc? This is just from the top of my head.
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ebin pasta, thank /v/
What's the og?
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To the No Man's Sky Haters...
You. Yes, you. The one screaming, "There's no multiplayer!" and "Sean Murray lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention.
Tread lightly.
You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority. I don't feel awkward or anxious playing No Man's Sky around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been procedurally generated for us - and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We No Man's Sky fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow explorers, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you.
I pity you.
I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that No Man's Sky is such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Uninstall Call of Duty, start up No Man's Sky, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of your first planet, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.
I think it's fine, put some link on the main website to get back to it?

>putting an irc chat embed on the bottom right
I'm not sure about this. I'm not sure about this at all.
Yeah I'll think of a place to put a link for it somewhere. The chat is just there incase someone wants/needs to talk to me. At least thats my thought process behind it. Nobody's joined so I think it'll be fine.
ooooh a new LAS!
looks neat, I was planning on joininh back for inktober
Yo what's the deadline for the new las? Is it the same as the old one? That would be ideal.
looks to be the same
is the site ded.moe? I get an error when I try to get on.
>I haven't figured out anything as for a domain. I want it to be pronounceable without having to spell it out. Take the .moe domain for example.. Useless in this regard all together. 'ded' too, as you'll have to specify it as 'dead with the a'.


all the big sites need to be spelled out, reddit tumblr 4chan CA, I don't see how that should be the determining factor

>drawBOX >>>xbox

>artSTATION >>>>playstation

>CUBEbrush >>>> gamecube

something with that theme might work like drawdrive, but I personally like ded. it just sticks
I suppose it isn't really a requirement, it's just something I'd like - ded isn't so bad in terms of spelling though. It's probably going to be what the domains revolves around, in some form or another. The tld's available for ded are kinda shit, though.

Best one right now is ded.ink
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thanks i don't deserve it.
You deserve it
>Site down while I enable everything for a minute.

Fuck you man I want the site NOW FREE ME FROM LAS HELL
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>Santi is first submission
you could have prevented this lava

you had a chance

we warned you

this is the grave you dug

you only had to listen

this didn't have to happen

it didn't have to end like this
A bright, new future.
how does submitting to the challenge work?
blue button when you're submitting an image from the dashboard
Nothing wrong with that, who would be better to symbolize a new beggining than the youngest person in LAS?
That introduction page is great, w
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his desire to be known will be remembered for all eternity.

so what happens now? damn it im going to have to post to 2 different sites until LAS actually dies. shit.
We should all agree to leave LAS on a specific date, as a final Fuck You to Lava.
I agree to stop posting as soon as you stop posting. I promise.
It seems like we have ourselves a deal, friend! How about tomorrow?
Just let LAS 1.0 peter out naturally, it ain't too hard to submit a few links once a day, certainly easier than drawing a few hours a day, should be a habit by now, and the guys that usually submit albums and multi-image posts are gonna have to submit several individual image links every day anyway on the new site
Sure! But you better not be one of the three people who posted already or I'll be really mad.
LAS 2.0's community is non existent you will need to wait for like 60% of the OG LAS to move to it.
/las/ses are agreeing to suicide pacts (◡ ‿ ◡ )
/las/ses are busy fighting bitter inner conflicts and overwhelming depression (◡ ‿ ◡ )
>implying I didn't give up and let them consume me a long time ago
/las/ses are gonna make it (◡ ‿ ◡ )
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/las/ses are bored and lonely on friday night (◡ ‿ ◡ )
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Forgot it was Friday night. Time to drink.
But today it's celebratory so it's okay!
>tfw bored and lonely every night
Hey at least these threads are picking up again. Maybe the new las was what we needed all along!
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fuck normies.
hi noa
>the threads are picking up again!

Until ICANN remove 4chan m8
is that real?
wait. do we have to post a direct jpeg? can we link to dumbrl? i cant seem to be able to do it.
direct image links only I think, cause w wants to generate thumbnails from the submission, and doesn't want to store custom thumbnails
so imgur only? shame.
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...i dont know how to post..
you can get direct image links from tumblr and nearly all websites (maybe not photobucket)
direct image link so not the url, open the image in a new tab and copy paste the shit on top

or just right click the image and "copy image address" and paste that
I don't have a blog/tumblr but I think people should be able to link to their blogs. Maybe have it so they can link the direct file for the thumbnail and then link to the blog for the normal link?
when does the inktober challenge start? already seeing Christmas adds ugh.
but im still in September.
>just want to get comfy, watch a movie, and draw but there's still 40 minutes on this torrent

what movie
Yeah what movie?

Recommend me some good flicks on Netflix guise.
is Sicario on netflix, that there's a good movie
Wings o' Honey Mayonnaise
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It's something of a cult classic
good night friends and family
night m8



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