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Why do redditors and milennials love Tesla so much?

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Why do redditors and milennials love Tesla so much?
They think knowing about Tesla makes them appear informed
Because Serbs need self promotion, and it's easy to pitch an underdog genius that got screwed over by his employers and was probably not completely sane to austists on the internet.
It's projection. They like to see themselves as struggling artists or geniuses who would be famous and successful if not for jerks like Edison keeping them down. What they don't understand, however, is that Edison was actually alpha as fuck and Tesla was a beta pushover. It doesn't matter how intelligent or skilled you are if you can't promote yourself. Edison knew this and took full advantage of it. Tesla believed that if he took the blows life gave him that he would eventually be rewarded for his struggles with success and fame. Edison knew that success and fame isn't something that can be given to you; that you have to grasp it yourself and there's only so much to go around.

So yeah that's why they hate him.
*love him
Because he seemed edgy and Utopian and counter-culture, compared to Edison.

Most actually have no idea how Tesla thought, what he wanted to do or what he believed. They just see an eccentric dreamer.
It's an extension of the romantic futurism propegated by Elon musk and I Fucking Love Science.
It's not fame he wanted, he wanted to propagate his inventions and see them utilized, but he got Jew'd by Edison and J.P. Morgan. Edison's was a much more palatable way of thinking than "I can pull energy out of thin air, and we can ring the entire world with light and infinite power."

The "Dude, science. Tesla. lmao" crowd have no idea about any of that, and just thought he looked cool, holding a light bulb next to one of his coils.

His ideas were vindicated, sadly after his death, when the U.S. government immediately seized all of his research. If it's not in use today, under another name, it must have been a threatening concept to people making money and deriving power from the world, as it was, not as Tesla imagined it could be.
WTF I love Reddit now
tesla was a croat
Was he Orthodox or Catholic
If Orthodox, choose Serb
If Catholic, choose Croat
wtf are you talking about dude Nicólá Ó Teasléach was a proud Irishman
Not that anon but fame aside he was right about Tesla being a pushover. His inventions could have been utilized had he the charisma and backbone to sell himself and not be taken advantage of.
Nicola Tezza was Italian.
Faggot, everyone knows that Nikko Teslanen was a Finn.
Tesla love is part of that whole Steampunk thing. He's looks kinda snazzy, has an underdog story.

I think alot of those Tesla lovers were people really out looking to make idols out of science, trying to make scientists popular like a celebrity, and the group think chose Tesla. It's all part of the technofetishisation happening as we secularise culturally.
Nicolae Teslea was Romanian

I dont know how to articulate it, but Tesla is for them what Hitler is to a bunch of edgy teenage faggots with no friends.

under appreciated genius who got cucked by Chad, so they see him as themselves.
Fascists get out
Nikolai Teslov was a Bulgarian.
Because he was a great man, and you are being a bitter cynical jaded broken contrarian piece of shit right now?
>Great man

Choose one
>great man
>fucked birds and died in poverty
More like
>without him the world as we know today wouldn't exist
I'm a greedy motherfucker myself, but even I can see the value of someone like him.
What is this, 2012?
You have to go back
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5/10 bait made me frown before I realized

older than that. internet culture has been stagnant since the 00s
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>fucked birds

Why isn't Tesla an icon for us autists? We need to take him back from the normies. He wasn't one of them.
>Tesla wasn't a great man, because muh memes :DDD le cuck :D:DA:SD:A::A:A:AS:d:fwdjgopsjt58904wy
Faraday had a much cooler backstory and was more clever.
bulgaria is a turkishh shithole
I thought Tesla was way overhyped by his fan-club but when I see that the only you guys can say about him is "he's a cuck Edison was alpha" I'm wondering.

Was he a great scientist in terms of discoveries or not?
Nicholas Teslington was English dipshit
Nikita Teslowski was polish, it is known.
Niklas Tessle was Swedish, obviously.
Nic Tasser wuz a negro, ya cracka
Mykolas Tešlius was a famous lithuanian inventor of cold borscht and suicide.
If Tesla is a Croat, then Josip Jelacic is a Serb.
>Tesla was born on 10 July [O.S. 28 June] 1856 into a Serb family in the village of Smiljan, Austrian Empire (modern-day Croatia).[12][13] His father, Milutin Tesla (1819–1879),[14] was an Orthodox priest.[15][16][17][18] Tesla's mother, Đuka Tesla (née Mandić; 1822–1892), whose father was also an Orthodox priest,[19] had a talent for making home craft tools and mechanical appliances and the ability to memorize Serbian epic poems. Đuka had never received a formal education. Tesla credited his eidetic memory and creative abilities to his mother's genetics and influence.[20][21] Tesla's progenitors were from western Serbia, near Montenegro.[22]

>During World War II, warfare broke out among ethnic groups. The Ustaše of the Independent State of Croatia killed several hundred Serbs by the Orthodox church in Smiljan.[8] The Ustaše killed most of the Serbs in this and other villages in Gospić district between 1 and 10 August 1941.[9] The Orthodox parish church was destroyed by the Ustaše the same year.[10][11]
Every time with you Crorats. You also try to WE WUZ Marco Polo and Ruggiero Giuseppe Boscovich too. You're just the bitch of the Ottomans, Venice and Austria, nothing more.
Sorry, but Nicolau Teslada was a spaniard.
Mikołaj Tesłowski was a proud Pole. Although the chochols will try to claim him for Ukraine and baselesly call him Mykola Teslenko.
In the late twentieth century, pseudoscience people latched onto Tesla as a supergenius who had incredible knowledge that was held back and ruined by The Man (Edison). Because of that, lots of books and TV specials were made about him during the 90s and early 2000s, and he entered pop culture as a super-cool and underappreciated genius. Millennial have latched onto that because of sites like Cracked and I Fucking Love Science writing about him.
You guys are professional contrarians.
Tesla was an interesting guy wtf... There's nothing reddit about it.
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When someone asked Einstein how does it feel to be the smartest man in the world, he replied, "I don't know, ask Tesla".
ni-ko-lesh-a-tesh-a-la-wa was one of the sea peoples
Thats quite the sweeping generalization. I personally think its because they didn't know about him and wanted to make up for it by showing their support.
Einstein's first wife was Serbian.

And Tesla was a vlach gypsy charlatan and con artist from the sheep fucking part of the sheep fucking part of the world. Pure vlachish gypsie black magic

Tesla was an I2a1 Serb Proto-Slav.
Tesla was a savage vlach

Take the vlachpill
نيكولا تيسلا
>Implying vlachs are anything but romanized Slavs
Pure salty gay memerey.
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He was a real life Love Live.
>born in Austria
>studied in Austria
>worked in the USA
>only went to Serbia twice
>first time he got arrested
>second time he got sick and nearly died

Tesla probably spent less time in Serbia than he did sitting on his toilet in the USA.
Nikolu Teselu was a proud samurai warrior of Nippon! Hai!
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Nick Tanner is a proud AMERICAN
Νιkόλαος was a proud GREEK
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>Tesla probably spent less time in Serbia than he did sitting on his toilet in the USA.

>assuming you have to live in Serbia to be a Serb

The person who standardized the Serbian language lived his entire life in Vienna.
Well he wanted this song played at his funeral.
Nico Testa was an Italian
>Serbcucks have no loyalty to their nation
You just jumped through 10 hoops to reinforce your world view.
Most Balkan intellectuals of the period (Serbian, Romanian, Bulgarian) lived somewhere else and Vienna was the place to be.
"if I would be fortunate to achieve some of my ideals, it would be on the behalf of the whole humanity. If those hopes would become fulfilled, the most exiting thought would be that it is a deed of a Serb. Long live Serbdom!"

Tesla was muh heritage
If he wasn't born in Serbia, didn't grow up, study or work in Serbia, and didn't live in Serbia... how do you define him a serb?
Is nationality something you pick at your leisure and however you choose? Can I be a german nationalist now, if I wanted to?
How is he "muh heritage" when he didn't inherit anything from Serbia at all?
He would be a foreigner in Serbia at his time, sticking out among the simple peasants like the sophisticated american intellectual he was.

Sounds like he was just a hipster.
Nikomari Tetsumi was Japanese.
Jus sanguinis, not Jus soli
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And yet Tesla's still more popular than Edison. Also Tes wasn't really looking for attention while Ed was.
Do amerifats do really struggle with the concept of blood ethnicities this much?
>Jus sanguinis
>His mother wasn't Serbian

Besides, nation and retarded clan bloodline slav horsehsit aren't the same thing.
And there is a reason one of those ideas was abandoned. Protip: it was the blood one.
Eh whatever, marry your american girlfriend and migrate to mainland China and have a kid there and lie to yourself that she won't basically still consider herself an American wayyy before she'll consider herself han Chinese.
Popular? Sure Tesla is more well liked than Edison but Edison is much more widely known than Tesla.
He in particular was born in Serbia and learned basic writing from the local monastery before moving to Austria for further education, and he came back during the first uprising and worked as a secretary for the army (because he couldn't fight because he lost a leg). He went back to Austria when the Turks came back.

Both of their mothers were Serbian. Tesla's mother was the daughter of a Serbian priest and memorized Serbian epic poetry.

Jus sanguinis was not abandoned it operates in most of the world.
Jus soli operates in countries in the Americas because they were built on immigration, and a few countries like Pakistan and Tanzania.
Even when adopted in Europe it's still heavily restricted and Jus sanguinis has primacy.
And you lie to yourself that a person born in China, raised in China, studying in China, working in China won't turn out Chinese regardless of what they say.
If a bear is born in a barn, does that make it a cow?
What kind of weeb (or whatever the chink variant is) are you to believe that anyone would think you're Chinese.
The rest of the world doesn't think that way amerifat, diasporas of the world cling to their identities for fucking generations.
>bear in a barn :D

Nigger, culture isn't genetic. Eating rice isn't genetic. Speaking Chinese isn't genetic. Not respecting animal rights isn't genetic. Being a collectivist isn't genetic.
The thing that defines you as a certain nation is belonging to the culture of that nation, and that is not genetic.

When the nazis were doing their background checks, they found a lot of SS officers, fierce German nationalists, passionate about realpolitik and living space and all German culture and aesthetics... weren't actually German. Many were Jewish, Polish and so on.

lel you're breaking out into hysterics already. Take a chill pill. Your hypothetical daughter in China won't consider herself Chinese and odds are good her daughter wouldn't either, it's just the way diasporas work. ;^)
>Polo's name comes from Dalmatia

Even by that argument, one that cherishes his heritage and culture whilst living in another country still has the nationality of their parents. Tesla was a Serbian American. Both. The whole Austrian part is you'r memeing.
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>Why do redditors and milennials love Tesla so much?

1. They never worked a day in their pathetic morcel of an excuse of an existence.
2. They have direct transgenerational materialistic wealth-inheritence.
3. He's a cute dude with a good, clean, has nice facial hair, nice hair, a good nose, good facial structure, dresses well, unique, significant, accomplished, fair but adequete exercise regiment, eats well, sleeps well, never took a hit to his body in his life. Bit of failure in intellectual property, etc.
Tesla was for all intents and purposes Austrian, a cosmopolitan citizen of the world, who played a hipster supporting some dog turkish province.


the great thing about infographics like that is that they're entertaining and make you think you're learning something. in reality you might as well be watching cat videos on youtube
Nikola Toniblerim was Albanian, look it up, he wore Albanian pants.
Nikolu Tesloglu was the best of all Turkish scientists.
Nicholas Tsong was Korean!!!
ניקולה טסלה you mean?

His religion was Serbian Orthodoxy, that makes you a Serb. Similar with the Jews.
His religion was christian, stop with those cults. There is next to zero difference even between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, and you are dividing it even further now.
>The expression has also been associated with Elijah McCoy's oil-drip cup invention (patented in 1872).[6] One theory is that railroad engineers looking to avoid inferior copies would request it by name, inquiring if a locomotive was fitted with 'the real McCoy system".[4][6] This possible origin is mentioned in Elijah McCoy's biography at the National Inventors Hall of Fame.[7] The original publication of this claim can be traced to an advertisement which appeared in the December 1966 issue of Ebony. The ad, for Old Taylor Bourbon whiskey, ends with the tag line: "...but the most famous legacy McCoy left his country was his name."[8]
This. Muh know of things and people
LISTEN UP you imperialist roach FUCKS, Nilmet Tirej was A KURD, and that justifies the creation of KURDISTAN!! Wake up to the lies told by the T*rkish devils!!!
>His religion was christian, stop with those cults. There is next to zero difference even between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, and you are dividing it even further now.

The Serbian church has been independent since 1219 and has unique traditions and sense of spiritualism compared to other orthodox churches and is very tied to the Serbian medieval statehood (most saints are ancient Serbian kings). The Catholic church is world's away.

If you are a member of the Serbian church you are a Serb, and that's a part of the bloodline.
>serbhood is divine, we swers it
what? youre stupid as fuck. he's liked because he had good ideas you fucking dumbshit. its that simple. you're literally the people youre describing in your second line with your unnecessary "haha i know all about that edison v tesla beef" sperg
Bullshit, Miklós Teszlai was Hungarian.
He was in love with a pigeon. Or some such I forget the exact story behind it.
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>t. reddit
Nikolaas van telaas was a proud dutch citizen
>serbhood is divine, we swers it
Only the Serbian religion has the Slava tradition:
You say it as if that legitimizes the religion, when in reality it just delegitimizes the tradition.
>You say it as if that legitimizes the religion, when in reality it just delegitimizes the tradition.

What did you mean by that?
Tae Suh Rah was a Korean.

You mention the tradition, thinking it legitimizes the religion. A religion that has a unique tradition must be a solid religion.

However, in reality it delegitimizes the tradition. A tradition that only exists in an obscure christian cult is a lame tradition that never took off. Especially weak seeing how it is allegedly a slavic tradition, yet the vast majority of slavs don't follow it.

So you associate the tradition with the religion, hoping to boost the religion's credibility, and what you actually do is lower the tradition's credibility since the religion its exclusive to is a weak dying sect.
>A tradition that only exists in an obscure christian cult is a lame tradition that never took off. Especially weak seeing how it is allegedly a slavic tradition, yet the vast majority of slavs don't follow it.

Because it's a symbol of Serbian national identity, which was christianized from pagan times. It's survived cultural assimilation and non-Serbian religious persecution, so that's a success.

>So you associate the tradition with the religion, hoping to boost the religion's credibility, and what you actually do is lower the tradition's credibility since the religion its exclusive to is a weak dying sect.

The fact that the tradition is recognized by Unesco legitimizes it enough. And calling Serbian orthodoxy, which has over 12 million believers across the world (and is the fastest growing religion in Austria), a "dying sect" is like saying the same about Judaism. It's exclusive and old, but it's not dying.
Nick "The Dick" Tessa was a proud Australian m8
>without person X none would ever have invented Y
Then why did Croats slaughter every Serb in his home town in august 1941, in the church in which his father was a priest?
Because that's what you do with vermin.
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And here's the thing.
You can go on and /int/ fag all you want.
Say Serbs are vermin, subuman, whatever the fuck you want to call them. But you can't deny that Tesla was a Serb.
This board is overrun with /int/faggotry, and no one acknowledges it instead blaming things on /pol/ or /leftypol/.
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wew lad
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Include me in the screencap
>But you can't deny that Tesla was a Serb.

I never implied that, I just hope you aren't one of those people who find pride in the fact they happen to share an ethnicity with a brilliant individual and think his contributions to humanity belong to the national collective rather than him and him alone.
/fit/ is leaking again
People of that level don't concern themselves with the masses, let alone cater to them. He was an asexual living in recluse away from society. A technocratic monk of his time. You think he really cared about selling himself like those two-bit cart salesmen selling snake oil?
Plays-With-Thunder was a proud Mahican

Shut up catalacuck his name was "Nicolas Teslaz del rio"
So Edison didn't really do him any disfavors when he kept many and fame to the masses out of his way?
Nicolás Teslano will always be one of the most succesful Argentine scientists.
>eats well, sleeps well,
He was an anorexic control-freak who thought he was the ideal picture of health at 6'2'' and under 140 lbs, and claimed to sleep only two hours a night.
Hиџo Tecyлџић јe Пoтypицa.
Hикoлac Taceл јe ycтaшa.
T. Xenophobic Ameribrit Croaturk slavhating richfag master race
ITT: We love to hate Serbs for no reason, because they are poor subhumans, niggers of Europe and we are rich Ameribrit master race who want just to kill every Serb that lives and deny their good habits
Nicolas Tesselat was French you idiots

>Gave away the royalty rights on A/C electricity so Westinghouse could recapitalize and the world could have the benefits of AC electricity out of a sense of moral altruism

Did oatmeal have something to do with it?
Anyone who enjoys about 80% of modern technology should love Tesla.
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Nice try Ante
Posts like this are reason why reddit has negative connotations.
That's the joke!
My understanding is that he was brilliant but didn't understand the world. The famous example is that he really could transmit power without wires...but he thought that would make power free, when all it does is freely distribute the power that's being created at a cost.
>and think his contributions to humanity belong to the national collective

But that's what Tesla himself thought
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