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From being on the chans I always people say that transgender

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From being on the chans I always people say that transgender people should be committed to insane asylums. Not sure why, but just a few minutes ago I decided to consult the ol' Google machine about the history of U.S. insane asylums, which no longer are in operation by the way, and how they treat individuals who experience feelings of gender dysphoria also previously known as gender identity disorder also previously known uncertain if such a diagnosis were made.

I found plenty of results for the history of insane asylums, but they usually seem to focus mostly on patients with disorders such as schizophrenia, etc. I have found nothing in regards to transgender patients. This leads me to question if people were ever committed for such things. Surely, they had to have been, right?

Would people who are transgendered be committed to the insane asylums of the past and if so, how would they be treated by other patients and the staff?
Like now it wasn't really seen as a disorder but as odd behaviour.

For the most part these people were never "ound out" because they lived very secretive lives in fear of what the rest of society thought.
People who say insane asylum are just being edgy.

The only reasonable response is to be medicated to balance out the brain.

Science and society weren't ready at the time to understand or fully comprehend what being a tranny was. I'm sure most were beaten to 'set em straight' or just socially shunned until they conformed.
That's the same thing.
By psychological definition, no, they are not.

Is it possible that "corrective rape" was a thing or is that a fairly new concept?
There were records of abuse for insane asylums which led to them being shut down. Today's mental health facilities are nothing like the old insane asylums.
> everything I didn't like is schizophrenia
Oldest commie trick in the book.
'corrective rape' is a problem in south africa of the same type as 'raping a virgin cures AIDS.' There's this notion that lesbians can be 'fixed' by rape. I'm wondering if you were referencing this issue or if it occurs elsewhere too.
Both, but I heard this notion extends to homosexual men as well. I am wondering if this idea is fairly recent or if it had been around since the times of insane asylums.
Communists usually support schizophrenia and transgenderism.
Actual honest-to-goodness tankies chucked them in the gulags and never looked back.
Transgenderism didn't exist until recently.
Don't you mean the terminology hasn't existed since recent times?

I'm pretty sure there were always faggots dressing up like women or believed themselves to be women. Like Elagabalus, that faggot, you know.
No, i mean it really didn't exist. Dressing up as a woman is one thing, believe you are/were supposed to be a woman and trying to become one is new.

Elagabalus was just a faggot
>Science and society weren't ready at the time to understand or fully comprehend what being a tranny was. I'm sure most were beaten to 'set em straight' or just socially shunned until they conformed.

and that's the best way to deal with the situation.
Transsexualism is a modern political construct designed to provide leftists with another grievance group to inflict on the rest of society. It simply didn't exist in the past. Sissies, transvestites, and femmefags were and are different from trannies.

>trannies are impossible to spot
you wish lol
At the height of the psychiatric institutions before the1950s, trannies (there weren't any back then, but if there were) would have just treated as transvestites or homos. Transvestic fetishism is still on the books as a mental disorder as of DSM5.
>Dressing up as a woman is one thing, believe you are/were supposed to be a woman and trying to become one is new.
To the West, yeah.
Chevalier d'Eon, dude.
>the second was the Vestal Virgin Julia Aquilia Severa.
This wasn't still punishable by death?
Nah tankies tend to be very gung-ho about social justice stuff
I meant actual 1920's communist Russians.
Are they hurting others? Are they functional? I don't know why people care so much.
Also the gender shit is just a matter of definition, which makes people getting butthurt over it even more stupid.
Social Justice Warriors aren't communists, bud.
Can you please provide more historical figures like this? This was a great post.
They are telling our children that it is okay to slice your balls off and becoming sterile which is an agent of evil.
If that makes them happy and doesn't hurt others, sure, it's okay.
They were never going to multiply anyway, unless you believe that childbearing should be compulsory and therefore literally all of Western civilization since its founding is evil.
Retard, can't you read? They are harming children and our future by telling them to castrate themselves.
Sure buddy.
>an insane asylum is every mental institution, ever.
You people are so stupid it's mind boggling
>hmm, I think I'll put on my psuedo-science hat and read a 4th of the wiki on insane asylums then inform the internet

Fucking kys my dude
It seems OP riled you up a bit.
not him but yeah they actually do this.

I am so glad transgender is considered to be a memtal illness in germany.

It is called "gender identitiy crisis" pretty mich every psychology that didn't get brainwashed by sjw's knows they are insane.

Just look at the suicide rate of trana people after they got changed.

If it really were their true self they would not commit suicide right?

So being the other sex isn't really what they want they want attention and money.

They are insane and need help I would suggest death.
>Normalizing destructive behaviour
>Passing this attitude onto impressionable children
>"doesn't hurt others"
Elagabalus offered a fuckload of money for a surgeon who could give him a vagina, Anon.
I know this must be difficult for you to hear, but you need to hear it.

You are evil.

It must be strange to consider that you're the bad guy. After all, you're only regurgitating the fashionable opinions you've been taught your entire life that all good boys should hold. But this isn't a children's game. You aren't just wrong or incorrect or mistaken. Listen to me.

You're advocating for a sin beyond the pale of humanity. Reason has fled from your reprobate mind, and you have given yourself over to the agents of your own destruction. Worse, you by your own admission seek to corrupt the innocent. Reading your posts, I recoiled from your intellect as one does from the stench of a rotting corpse.

You are evil, unutterably evil. You need to sit down and consider just how you became so far gone. Repent and seek the teachings of the Church and the forgiveness of Christ.

Romans 1:28-32 New International Version (NIV)

>28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
>proceeds to cite non-pauline interpolation
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That'd be really scary if god were real...
In my hometown we have a mental health prison that used to take homosexual and "pervert" enlistee rejects and put them through electroshock "therapy" it's sad because you really can't change sexuality or make someone not trans and they not still feel those innate feelings.
I would very much like to know whether you consider evil voluntary chastity outside the church, or even inside, if you're Protestant.
This whole trap hating thing is very new in 4chan. They used to be welcomed here, alongside fags and blacks. Cointelpro has really done a number on the hive mind.
>t."Masc"4Masc alt right "I'm not a degenerate like those other flags" fag
>Hell isn't real you stupid Christian!
>Hey I have an idea, let's turn this world into Hell!

Liberals, everyone.
I'm not queer.
>We have no cure so it must not be a disease.
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Name the reasons why a transgender person might commit suicide.
>wow i'm slightly annoyed by something others consider fine
>it's hell on earth, i tell ya!

if you were anything more than slightly annoyed you'd be out doing something, anything, more than just shitposting on 4chan about it, you pathetic weak little sniveling coward.
dressing up as a woman from time to time is still considered a mental illness but wanting to cut your dick off isn't?


what happened to transvestites anyway they seemed to have died with the 90s
I remember seeing some article stating that studies have found that trans brains exhibit the physiology of the opposite sex.
Seemed sketchy to me desu but if true that'd be reason enough.
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Why not try to prove them wrong?

The suicide rate for trannies is consistently elevated across all countries. Including both countries where they're stoned to death and countries where they're perfectly tolerated. Same thing with faggots. Transsexualism, like homosexuality, is a mental illness, and like all mental illnesses, having one makes you more likely to have others, leading to an increased suicide risk.

>you're posting on 4chan therefore you're wrong!
I cringed.
>you pathetic weak little sniveling coward
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. etc

Transsexualism is still a mental illness in the DSM5. How else are they going to steal our tax dollars to pay for their unnecessary surgery to unconvincingly mutilate themselves?

Back to my first reply, one of the main reasons many trannies kill themselves is because after their surgery they look in the mirror and realize what they've done.

Folk science justifications for policy are the worst.

I like how if you say there's a difference between the brains of men and the brains of women you become a pariah...unless you're using brain deformities to justify trannies.

We know that people with mental illnesses have abnormal brains. That's what mental illness is.

We don't say that people with a brain five sizes too small who claims to be Dora the Explorer in fact has the brain of a small Mexican child trapped in the wrong body and is expressing their true nature which we should all celebrate. We just call them retarded.
>I like how if you say there's a difference between the brains of men and the brains of women you become a pariah...unless you're using brain deformities to justify trannies.
It's notable the transexuals and feminists loathe each other for this exact reason.
Some of those links came from websites who check their facts. Just saying something is a mental illness without evidence doesn't make it one. Homosexuality was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 1973.
Why was homosexuality removed from the DSM? Because the Gay Liberation Front threatened to murder the family members of the American Psychiatric Association. The APA was so scared they released a reprint of the DSM-II (1968) in 1974 with faggotry removed. Really makes you think.
> Why was homosexuality removed from the DSM?

In 1952, the APA listed homosexuality in the DSM as a sociopathic personality disturbance. Homosexuality: A Psychoanalytic Study of Male Homosexuals, a large-scale 1962 study of homosexuality by Irving Bieber and other authors, was used to justify inclusion of the disorder as a supposed pathological hidden fear of the opposite sex caused by traumatic parent–child relationships. This view was widely influential in the medical profession. In 1956, however, the psychologist Evelyn Hooker performed a study that compared the happiness and well-adjusted nature of self-identified homosexual men with heterosexual men and found no difference. Her study stunned the medical community and made her a heroine to many gay men and lesbians, but homosexuality remained in the DSM until May 1974.

> Because the Gay Liberation Front threatened to murder the family members of the American Psychiatric Association.

Citation needed.
Who cares? 4chan is just one tranny faggot samefagging anyway.
>Would people who are transgendered be committed to the insane asylums of the past
Mostly not. Gender disphoria is a mental disorder yes, but only dangerous or bothersome lunatics were locked in asylums.
Trannies are bothersome now, but they wouldn't be in the past where they would have no right to express their deviance in bpublic (brothels aside), and defiance would have been met with violence.
Hijra(Kama sutra age), Kathoey(12th century Thais) Faffafine(Somoan) Muxe(Zapotec age) and two spirit(North american natives) say hi

Jesus Christ, the level of """discourse""" on here even disregarding the autistic christfag.
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