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NTR / Netorare General

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 338
Thread images: 68

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Discuss artists, series, games and anything else related.

Previous thread >>4355845

Don't like NTR? That's fine, use the catalog and search for something you like, just don't shit up the thread because people enjoy something you don't.
To the others, please report and ignore blatant shitposters, you're only making things worse by replying.

Latest stuff
Okay I'll try starting this up, post some of your fav's

Also, I can't read a word of moon but this series made me cum about 20 times already
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Some really good cheating and netorare stories in the newest Kairakuten.

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more netorare goodness about two childhood friends getting stolen from each other

Damn this was retarded and the girl was a literal retard, not single word, basically 99% of the dialogues were from the fatguy.

It's a netori game where the main character loans money to married couples and gets it back in meat form.
Good art but jew game with inflated prices.
Reminder that mother NTR is the best NTR.
It's netori, the title is Netoribu ie Netori Club.

Sad panda has no netori tag however.
Previous thread
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Friendly reminder that if you masturbate to Netorare without self-inserting as the beta cuck getting their significant other fucked, stolen and impregnated then you're doing it wrong.

> b-b-b-but I self insert as the guy doing the stealing!

then fuck off to a club you god damn Chad

This genre of porn was made for beta males like us who will never accomplish anything in their lives.
>that fucked up anatomy
Yet people claim ntr has good art.
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No, my good friend. That would be osananajimi NTR.

There's nothing sweeter than watching a relationship nurtured over the course of several decades crumble by might of the cock.
reminder that self inserting is autistic as fuck
Pretty much this. It's fine to react to things, but pretending that it's you is something little kids do with comic books.
NTR was literally created by nips to selfinsert be it netorare, netorase or netori.
>those hands
How does one get into NTR? I've read dozens of hentai manga by the likes of Shikishiro Konomi, Takeda Hiromitsu, Carn and Tanaka Aji. But I just never got it. Maybe I haven't played enough VNs or watched enough to get it but I just can't get into it.
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About six years ago I was completely disgusted by netorare and had no idea how anyone could feel anything but repulsion, anger and depression after reading them

I think there were certain stories that eased me into it: the more lighthearted ones like Higenamuchi, some Ahobaka, Yuzuki n' Dash.

Before I knew it netorare was giving me the most intense sensations other genres could never hope to achieve. Nigga if while reading a story you feel week in the knees even while sitting down you know it's legit.
I've gone well over 4 years read through NTR manga and playing through entire VNs that have NTR as it's main thing. I'm not repulsed by it because I've seen far worse things as fetish, all I wanna know is how to get into it.
There's I think only a couple of times where it took less than 40 minutes to bust one out for a NTR manga for me, even more so for a VN. Do I need to be depressed to appreciate it? Because I've not once experience intense emotions from reading/playing a hentai manga/game with NTR.

On the other hand I'm thoroughly repulsed by the thought of things such as filth (scat/vomit and things alike), body modifications and guro. Just thinking about it makes me wanna vomit.
I too absolutely despised ntr. Then I became addicted to the rage it caused me and started to seek it, as time passed I started to like it. Now only the best ntr gives me rage(mainly vns), I'm almost immune to it.
You've got to be the happiest man on earth then. 4 fucking years and you still can't get into NTR?!
>filth (scat/vomit and things alike), body modifications and guro
Agreed, all of that shit's disgusting.
>Because I've not once experience intense emotions from reading/playing a hentai manga/game with NTR.
Bull fucking shit. You've got to be fucking empty inside if you've not once experienced anger/resentment and as such for what's happening in those. Like what the fuck?>>4367723
>You've got to be the happiest man on earth then. 4 fucking years and you still can't get into NTR?!
In contrary, I think he's just a fucking robot. Like this guy says he hasn't experienced vein-popping anger from things like Ama Ria. Like fuck I still get pissed off that it went south like that (which is what I seek from NTR).
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I"m just gonna paste this here.


Those who ascribe to NTR have a deep sickness rooted in the suffering of others. A twisted mind who's only sulcus of compassion lay withing a deep complex of demented wants and desires. Where a healthy mind would give their blessing to those that have found happiness, NTR wishes to destroy that. To revel in the destruction of another's happiness, to urn for the demise of that which is pure, to scorn others success; that is school of thought which identifies NTR.

I love NTR due to my inherent narcissism and self-loathing, I find it impossible to be the subject of my own sexual fantasies, instead seating myself in a passive role as an observer to a genuine sexual relationship. It is a form of sexual masochism and a form of self-flagellation in which I find release by punishing my own sexual inferiority through the vehicle of NTR.
I used to hate NTR from the bottom of my heart, but that same hatred was probably also the reason why it started to arouse me.

Sometimes it still gets me down, and I have to remind myself that it's just fiction, and that most NTR-fags are probably decent people in real life.

At least that's what I want to believe.
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Pic related says it all.
But... I also view NTR Passively yet feel nothing from it. In fact since some of the people have found what they truly want then I'd be laughing at the would be MC for falling for a slut or sometimes even laugh at the bitch themselves for discarding a would be happy life for sexual depravity.
Had I been NTR'd then I'd feel resentment of course but I don't self insert myself to anything, solely go by my voyeuristic mind which I look form an onlooker's view on the events itself rather than getting myself by the setting. Which is quite contradictory since voyeurism relies on things you should not have seen which really applies on NTR so why can't I get into it?
Corruption and NTR mix well but NTR itself is the only thing I can't get into. I've gone through almost all genres and got hard as diamonds in at least a hundred times for each genre. Yet I find myself having a flop when facing NTR.

Corruption on the other hand is really arousing to see as a self-proclaimed voyeur.
>most NTR-fags are probably decent people in real life
We aren't monsters anon, some of us feel vein-popping anger when faced with NTR which what others seek from NTR which in itself a sign that we're not heartless.
Corruption =/= NTR
NTR is where I see the happiness of others being crushed. Corruption is infecting the person so that their dream becomes meaningless to them.
That's not Corruption, that's Morals Degeneration.
NTR turns me on a lot but I feel like I should be repulsed by it and it puts a lot of stress on me. How do I stop being like that when seeing my waifu with other men and just jerk off to it like I should?
>no childhood friend tag
Could you give me the name of the artist if it's not much trouble, please? I should be able to find it with that.
As a woman I find that NTR done by the girl (girl steals a man from another) a more arousing prospect. I don't get why people call it reverse NTR when it's just NTR done to the guy instead of the girl. I have a damn good example of one on that link.
>I don't get why people call it reverse NTR when it's just NTR done to the guy instead of the girl.

It's a Japanism that's been appropriated by white people and used incorrectly. Like what the fuck is a reverse trap? Obviously, I know, but it's a fucking stupid ass term.
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Obviously, since you're a girl having the focus on the male being stolen would make it more interesting, and easier to self insert into one of the girls. Or not, I'm guy and still enjoy Male:NTR from time to time.
Also Reverse NTR is a pretty broad term, sometimes it means a guy is being stole, sometimes people use it to mean the protagonist is doing the stealing. There's no right definition to it and both scenarios have different words to define then (like male NTR and netori) you just have to base it on context.

>It's a Japanism that's been appropriated by white people and used incorrectly
Are you visiting from tumblr?
>reverse trap
isn't that just a tomboy?
I want more of this.
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Yous should take a look at this if you can read moon
Protagonist girlfriend has a NTR fetish, so she asks him to fuck other girls in front of her

There's also this one translated, but I don't know if its any good
>I don't get why people call it reverse NTR when it's just NTR done to the guy instead of the girl
People just make up words randomly like that, like gangbang is many men fuck a single woman so reverse gangbang means many women fuck a single men.
Beside I think they do that so it's easier to search for the tag, it's not like every porn will distinguish between girl stealing guy or guy stealing girl and I certainly will appreciate it when I get what I want in 3-4 clicks instead of browsing through dozens of them


story title is 夫のために
Got anymore NTR raws from recent-ish magazines? I always feel like I'm missing so much new content because I don't feel like wading through all those pages, and nothing really gets translated consistently anymore.
I've been racking my brain about this for a while now, and I figure you guys would be the best to ask about it.

What does a protagonist need to be or do in order for him NOT to get NTR'd? Or which type of protag gets NTR'd the least? I mean when hentai artists draw manga for an established series.
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not being a helpless faggot ant letting shit like image related happen

that's seriously all it takes
What's your favorite NTR scenario?

>The blackmailing shota
>The sadistic teenager
>The thug
>The old man
>The pure evil asshole
>The fat otaku
>The charismatic douche
>The creature feature
Any sauce?
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I would post that NTR scenario roulette image for funsies but I don't want to get banned again.

Any of the above I can fap to but there's just something special about that charismatic good looking asshole everyone knows is a player but women just can't resist. Bonus points if he has a massive cock.

Image unrelated.
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artist name is arakure

he does some godlike NTR and yet this c90 doujin of his hasn't been scanned yet
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Wot hentai is that .-.
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Screw the standard 'raped and mindbroken' shit, I've got an entire NTR plot in my head that seriously makes me wish I knew how to write

>MC and his waifu live in an old village
>Village customs dictate that to prove your love and be allowed to marry and live happily you have to pass through a trial together
>If you both still love each other after the trial is over you'll get the entire village blessings

Pretty easy to figure out what happens afterwards

>Girl having her first time with the village elder
>Girl serving as cumbucket for the village hobos
>MC having to stay a month without fucking her
>Girl serving as surrogate mother to some important village guy baby because his own wife is infertile
And any other sick fantasy I can come up with. The protagonist knowing and approving of his girlfriend hard work makes me rock hard
Well if the girl still loves him and he's okay with it, it sounds like cuckolding.
This shit is boner inducing. Is the squeal out yet?
Pic related isn't even ntr, girl didn't like closet guy to begin with and he didn't like her either, just her tits. Then was angry because he heard she wasn't virgin before meaning they other 2 were at it for a while.
This has his art but the wayybit happened was stupid.
Literally was a
>put your dick in >>> profit
She didn't resist and that is the best part resistance gives an accomplishment of cinquest. Kiasa's laziest work so far next to 72
Anything close to netoraserare?

any link to download, or am I going to have to use google-fu?
Search the japanese tittle on nyasee and download the game.
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Has anyone played this?

Is there any resume?
I only own the hardcopy so i can't seed it.
But I'll feed you because it's my favorite eroge.
I didn't play but according to the getchu , the premise is girl becomes a mahou shoujo and to transform she has to kiss another man that isn't her boyfriend, pic related is the guy who gave her magical girl powers and the hand reaching to them is her unlucky bf.
Because they are retards.
Like someone saying reverse rape because is the female doing the holy job
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One of my personal favorite NTR scenes/chapters. I love stories that have NTR in later chapters instead of just starting with hit right off the bat.

What's happening on this picture? Does the pain make him feel like he's fucking someone??
Cheap drama, fatguy left after watching his gf fucking a teacher, meet some thugs who beat and rob him.
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Friendly reminder that September is the month of NTRPG3.

Time to get hardcore cucked, bros.
I'm so fucking hyped but the author didn't say that it'll be release in September. I don't really care though since i'll not read it until m1zuki translate it.
>arousal drugs
these are so boring and unrealistic
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that's early September for you EOP dumbos
>more than 1000 preorders
the power of ntr is real
Except that's not what it says. It's just people interested in the game. You click on the green button next to the red arrow in that shot and they'll e-mail you when the game goes on sale.
I see so it's not exactly a preorder but there is a lot of chances that they will buy it day one. Still 1000+ people interested in NTRPG3, that's a lot.

NTRPG 1 and 2 sold about 2000 copies each.which totals to about $40,000

MarieXmas about another $2,000

That's a dog crap salary if you ask me.

I wish this line of work in general got more attention and support.
I can never find anything with that. There's no fucking tag for it ever.
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Got some delicious Chimosaku brand over-the-top ridiculous ntr


and the OG

Anyone else have the ridiculous brand ntr? The kind where you just can't take it seriously.
>Anyone else have the ridiculous brand ntr? The kind where you just can't take it seriously.
You mean intentionally?
Kon Kit and some Takenoko Seiji.

Or you meant so badly done it kills suspension of disbelief?
Not quite /h/ but how do you guys feel about the Hana Hook javs? And Hana Hook in general I guess
This is the only one I like, though it's more netori driven. Kenta just rubs me the wrong way.
I quite like them. Feel like we're overdue for some more. The last harem one was okay, but I prefer the NTR ones.

Nothing better than the scene in this one >>4369555 where the mom is getting all dolled up to go out and fuck her son's classmates while she leaves him to watch the house.
1. Sadistic and charming teen
2. Porn movie crew
3. Evil Shota

-------POWER GAP----------

4. Generic baldface
5. Thug

------POWER GAP--------

900001. Fat nerd
9000000000000001. Old fat man
You got it backwards again, dumbass. The higher numbers are bad in power rankings.
i know my power rankings faget
So, wait, are you >implying old, fat men aren't the best?
See, i tend to not goto NTR to fap, but to read a fucked up story. They tend to be well written, at least compared to the usual shit i find.

In the end i still fap to it though.
>Or you meant so badly done it kills suspension of disbelief?
Yep, that's the kind. Where you can just go 'The fuck am I reading'. Good art too, of course.
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Good book.
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Peeping NTR.
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watching your wife enjoying herself and making faces / sounds you've never seen her make before

that, my friends, is the magic of NTR
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A lot of Yumisuke's recent stuff has some kind of NTR in it. For example in that shrine maiden story he did, the main girl gets fucked right in front of the MC. But then again he doesn't really seem to care.
What's the meaning of holding hands in NTR ?
Sadly this. My wife of 15 years just found out I was into it and yesterday she said she masturbated to the thought of this construction worker with a huge cock she saw fucking my ass then filling her with his cum. And while this is hot to masturbate to, I'm getting scared /h/.

Wat do?
>I don't get why people call it reverse NTR
Because it's the reverse of the standard. It's not a hard concept.
google find nothing
That's not true though.
than your google it's better than mine.
I've been searching for a manga now for quite some time, and still can't find what i've been looking for.

I remember that it was untranslated in japanese and the story had multiple chapters. Its possible, that another story or some chapters came before the one im searching for.
The only thing i can remember of the plot is that the wife/gf of the protagonist of the current chapter was always stolen in the next chapter (for some chapters).
It was uncoloured, i think some male had blonde=white hair, and in the last chapter or the one before the last was some ffm threesome.

Does this remind someone of anything they know? Some months have passed already, so my memory is not that clear anymore and the story could have been a little bit different, but any hint is welcome

Any ideas how to search this are also welcome
Can i get the name of this manga where husband has left the wife, the wife starts having sex with husband's brother. He tells the wife about lewd pics husband showed him of her.

Towards end while having sex in the living room , her father in law comes, doesn't see them having sex but tells the wife she should get remarried and she says yes and something about drowning in lust.

I'd really appreciate if i can the name or link for this series. Thanks.
could it be those cheating wife series by kon-kit? https://nhentai.net/artist/kon-kit/
i dont think his stuff is NTR (stealing the girl) at all but somewhat cuckolding(?) nahh i think it enters more the voyeur or hotgirlfriend area, his other series of the teacher and daughter fucking the guy doesn't love neither of both bot only goes to see
fuck I've been doing it wrong this hole time
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Ordinary daily life and NTR
Who's the artist? SauceNAO gives nothing.
maybe :
I thought I recognized the artstyle, turns out I already had him bookmarked.

Is there revenge NTR? If not would this count?
"You twats fuck my wife? I'll make yours into my cocksleeve!"
Legit had me hard as diamonds.
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I can read a bit of moon but someone really need to translate them. The part that i can read are already fucking hot so i can't imagine the rest.

Pic related, wife goes to an alumni meeting without her husband. Ends up fucking one of her old classmate and cumming for the first time in 15 years.
Looks very nice. Do you happen to have the artist's name?
Ah, I must have missed the earlier post. Cheers.
this one if fuckin lit
i need to improve my jp so i can translate shit i would do all of these
Yeah this one is great. You can't go wrong with the "housewife + son's friend" setting.
It's handwritten, but not so bad. I love me some Sanbun but his handwriting drives me up the fucking wall.
i know what you me
i personally love it when shit is handwritten and looks rough
it adds to the intensity of scenes but some guys are just so bad at writing you cant read shit
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II just don't care anymore, to be honest. It's grown on me like a callous. I find two uniquely different experiences with NTR vs vanilla, though first I'll say I loathe any NTR that is downright malevolent and soulcrushing. Where it's just sex and it makes you go, ""Haha what the fuck?" the kind I prefer.

NTR is like instant gratification. Nothing but sex,, easy to get off to, sort like junkfood. Not good for you, but it's there and it's quick and it's easy.

Meanwhile vanilla, when I do manage to get off to it, is EXTREMELY fulfilling. It makes me feel good inside and I never have any regrets about fapping to it. But I have to nofap for a day or so before I get there, and most of the time it's like "Why wait?"

Also NTR artists just get so much right. You got artists like Rocket Monkey and Meme50 with delicious plump, but vanilla artists are usually not as carnal. They don't stress the sex as much as the others. Generally speaking, most NTR artists fit my aesthetic tastes more, but again that's just because it makes for an easy fap.

TL;DR ntr grew like a callous and I don't give a fuck anymore. Helps that I know exactly what I'm looking for. Leave emotion out of it, get off, and move on.
>"Thank You"

lol, smug bastard
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After playing this masterpiece translated, I don't know how any other NTR can compare.
thanks mister ants
i didn't feel like looking for a bigger picture on google fucker
Would have been even better with a wife instead of a girlfriend, but it is pretty excellent.
>semi-public sex right under the guy's nose
Fuck yes. More of this please.
>counter-NTR action
now we talking son
Hello anons! Has anyone here ever played Odin Sphere? If so you tell me where the fuck is 終焉の端 or when translated "Edge of the End"? Is it the Netherworld or Ragnanival?

I'm translating an Odin Sphere NTR manga.
Mtsp novel when?
just want to interrupt for a second, I'm looking for a particular manga that by all means was supposed to be ntr, but at the last second the MC doesn't go through with a swinging date with his wife/girlfriend, I only remember that the author does a lot of ntr, I know this isn't /requests/, but thought you guys could help me out
I'm not translating that anymore. I just lost all interest to it. Whenever I see anything MTSP related, I feel so lethargic. Furthermore, since I won't really achieved anything or get money from it, there's no point continuing with it. I'll do what I want to do but I don't think I will ever continue with the Tachibana novel

I'm sure you'll find Kaki Hoshuu novel (Which I'm working on) an interesting read of you enjoyed the Tachibana novel.
I'll just post a note on the gallery about this. Only 3 pages left to translate and typeset.
Smart move, honestly. If you're not being paid and it becomes a chore, you'll burn yourself out.
I guess that's what happened with me and the Tachibana novel. I kept working on it even though I didn't want to and burn out.

It's a different story for Kaki Hoshuu though, I haven't read past the prologue and I'm itching to read and translate chapter 1.
Nice. Hope you enjoy.
That makes me hard as diamonds. Any more of these? Like MC is NTRd but he NTRs the other guys worse than they did to him.
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She's not your wife anymore cuckboy.
Takeda Hiromitsu.
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Hey... Do you guys remember when Rocket Monkey tried to draw a Vanilla manga? Fucking riot that was.
Oh wait for Chapter 2 I'm damn 100% sure it'll be NTR. Rocket Monkey never fails to deliver NTR. All that shit was build up.
No way bruh there is nothing as good and tempting as the Tachibana novel. Staying untranslated will only increase its legend forever.

If you really want people to let it go do the translation even page by page like you do other stuff, or one page weekly worst case scenario.
But when can we expect some new pages for the second half?
>Rocket monkey

Good one.
IKR?! Just search up Kiss Manjuu and you'd be surprised.
I don't know if you've noticed but Rocket Monkey's works have been on a steady decline of NTR for a while now. Like when was the last hardcore NTR you've read by Rocket Monkey?
Girigiri Idol 4. Last month for comiket.
I like a few NTR's once in a while. But I wonder how you guys keep being invested in it? Like there's only so much good stories where the stealers aren't ugly bbms, old, orcs , beast or some monster. Like I feel that quality NTR is being held back by those shitty sub fetishes.

Can't artist just focus on drawing hot women & not draw so much attention to the stealer.The only part of the male that should be visible is the pussy drilling dick. That to me would be ideal NTR!

ntr hasn't drawn a ntr chapter since like 5 issues

fuck that traitor
I'm not going to touch the Tachibana novel anymore so please stop asking about it. I deleted the scripts of my main hard drives.

Restarting it from scratch is also good. Thanks.
What happened with Netoraserare? Did Rabbit refused to translated the last chapter or something?
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Good one.
I never expected that you would, because you seem to have issues with getting things done, at least if people are really interested in it. A bit like Kafka. I ceased caring about you when I figured that out. It's fine as long as it merely affects your hobby, but watch out that it doesn't affect your real life.

It seems to be a neurotic problem with people who are interested in NTR. Breaking down bonds between people, abandoning them, and killing something that was going well.
He is in Japan.
>girigiri idol
He's losing his touch man.
We need more of these.
Can someone help me understand the appeal of netorare/netori? I understand the appeal of something like cucking because for some people, its enjoyable to watch their partner have sex, so i get that, but when i try to think about why people enjoy watching someone they love being stolen from them, i just dont quite understand.
Don't remember, but I know 3 straight doujins from this artist.
>Backyard Girlfriend
>Shoshin Kanojo
>Ane no Tomodachi
For some reason, none of them are on sadpanda. And they are not NTR, so this is kind of unrelated to this thread topic.

At this rate I'm gonna read the spanish version first. I'm not complaining though, I just like english translations.

It's a fetish, not a paraphilia. Deal with it.
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Those who ascribe to NTR have a deep sickness rooted in the suffering of others. A twisted mind who's only sulcus of compassion lay withing a deep complex of demented wants and desires. Where a healthy mind would give their blessing to those that have found happiness, NTR wishes to destroy that. To revel in the destruction of another's happiness, to urn for the demise of that which is pure, to scorn others success; that is school of thought which identifies NTR.

I love NTR due to my inherent narcissism and self-loathing, I find it impossible to be the subject of my own sexual fantasies, instead seating myself in a passive role as an observer to a genuine sexual relationship. It is a form of sexual masochism and a form of self-flagellation in which I find release by punishing my own sexual inferiority through the vehicle of NTR.
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NTR is a drug with the poisoning.
>Translator doesn't want to work on something.
>Must have a brain condition.

Wow. Have you guys have never lost passion for anything before?
It's easy to work on various projects at full pace for years then one day find that it's not so enjoyable, then the next forget all about it.
It's totally normal to get burnt out on something, you begin to dread it, to hate it. Every second spent working on it is a bore.
It's easy to remain excited from the outside, you don't put in any of the work, but saying that they've got a problem or condition is just ridiculous.
Well, there's even more BS going on but telling people how they "truly" feel after they've just explained themselves is really fucking manipulative.
This is how you drive people away.
Give him some incentive, people shouldn't work for free. Otherwise keep your psychiatry primer to yourself.
Also that response whoops.
The new Illusion game is coming this week. Can we have a NTR role playing in this thread?
That was surprisingly easy to understand. Although, with that explanation, I would venture to say that NTR to you is passive sadism, rather than a form of masochism. Either way, thanks. Normally, i just get an "i like it, so deal with it." type of response, so that makes my life easier.
Girigiri 4 was kinda way too... weak in my opinion, maybe because I expected so much...
1 was nice, 2 was great, 3 was superb, 4 couldn't live up to it

There's a lot to it, because NTR by itself brings various other fetishes.

For me, I enjoy the usual mind break and slutness that follows. Sometimes there's also the moral degeneration and cheating.
I really don't get the appeal of imagining yourself as being "cucked", like the >>4372038 pasta explains.

As for netori, there's the male domination, satisfaction of getting the girl through your manliness or something like that, besides what I typed above.

Latest netori I've read:

I want to read Tsuchinoko's next chapter sooo much...
>his NTR girls are all plain and generic
>his vanilla girls are actually distinct and sexy

Has he been trolling us this whole time?
Will it be NTR? Illusion is known for rape or harem, not NTR.

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We've been fucking had... Girigiri Idol was the last good NTR he's made in like the last year and just look at fucking chapter 4... It was weak. Like almost vanilla weak.
Are you going to continue your own fan novel thing?
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tsuchinoko has potential to replace him entirely but he needs to step his fucking game up a notch
All Tsuchinoko needs to do is to improve his art style a bit more and he could overtake Rocket monkey. That being said. This guy... >>4372218
He's only 20, plenty of time to improve.
Yep. His art is already better than the others so if he keeps on improving we amy even see a new Takeda Hiromitsu
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Just found the PV for [Yuzuki N'] Zutto suki datta Final chapter

She got knocked up by sensei
Wonder if there'll be an extra chapter in the tankoubon
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Why does she smile?
Gimmedat sauce please?
That last pic is great.
She fucked up everything.

So she thought that would be the end for her and Gin.

But we know what happened on chapter 1 aka she misunderstood everything.
Nice, thank you.
Thank you
It was understood.
And this is the end according to different sites.

Talk about being a lazy fuck writer.

Is that author a woman? All the chapters after 1 were just "rape". No way it wasn't a woman.
If NTR wins I'm going to read this.
Yuzuki N' is known for being a woman and huge brother-con. I prefer her incest doujins, there are way better than her NTR doujins.
So I guess she will now get an abortion right?
I bet she'll pretend the baby is Gin's since he came inside of her in the first chapter.
>implying it can be even called that
Huzuki can't write ntr or forgot how it is.
At least she should have make them a couple from the beginning and make the guy suspicious about her affair.

So far it goes like this in chronological order from what material is translated so far
>Tomboy crushes on some dude
>She masturbates to him
>Bigger PE teacher blackmails her
>has his way with her
>one day she overhears a friend confessing to her crush
>she runs and goes to teacher
>gives ups and goes slut mode for years
>last year she asks teacher if he will marry her if she gets knocked up
>he says "yeah whatever"
>after graduation she confirms she is pregnant
>she is like "It's really over for her love for that other dude"
>she cheer herself up because "he is with that other girl, right?"
>"plot twist": her crush tells her she loved her for long, never dated any other girl
>turns her crush wasn't unrequited at all
>she is in denial and tries to play it off as a joke
>he says he is serious and they have sex afterwards

She is already pregnant, if they go to a doctor she will exposed she's been pregnant way before that like a month or two.
>Goes slut mode for years
Nah they were already 3rd years when the first rape happened

I'd really love some conclusion for the story when the tankoubon comes out in october.
Really? I thought she was on first year or two.
How fast does hair and tits grow?

On another note, Seinenscans is asking for shekels on his site so as to release his near forgotten works newest chapters.
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lengthy netorare with slow buildup truly is the best
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Yep, she was 3rd year already.
Pic related, check the P.E. uniform

>How fast does hair and tits grow?
Didn't you know? The magic of cum can do wonders
There was no build up on pic related though.
To me her best dark story always will be Shiva Urakao.
Who is this drawn by?
It's a "Well, I really fucked it up beyond the point of no return" smile.
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If Rocket Monkey draws sequels to his vanilla garbage and make them NTR I will fap my dick off.

Just look at this cockstarved fuckslut. Does this look like the face of vanilla to you?
That's just thr usual RM sameface.
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good ntr, lack translation.
Was it? Dude didn't even get hard, he was like, you marry him? Well, kay.
There is both a manga and a animated hentai exactly like this, except the girls are really taken and don't return to the MC, in one of the stories it's the MC himself Who trades his wife.
If you post the OCRs here, then I will translate it page by page.
>Those who ascribe to NTR have a deep sickness rooted in the suffering of others

Nah, I just think most men are dumb faggots with dumb faggot DNA information. So I don't really think twice about sleeping with someone else's wife.

It's not about "enjoying the suffering of others", it's about taking jewels from dumb faggot apes.
Can someone help me find this particular series, the wife husband can't get hard so he invites his workers/subordinate to fuck her so that he can get hard and get her pregnant. He's usually sitting on the chair, the first time the wife was doing with the subordinate, she thought the husband was sleeping.
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It sucks!
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That's it. I'm done running, /h/. I'm tired of being scared and frustrated of seeing a fucking tag for a fetish of all things, and having conflicting feelings about fucking porn.

I'm going into the NTR tag, staring into the abyss. And I'm not sure when I'll come out. I'll report back after a moment.
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>fuccboi is the bull
>not the DILF

WOW that's how you can kill interests quickly.
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Well, after about 2 and a half hours, and 20+ doujins, I can say with absolute certainty I don't like NTR. Mostly. I've got a small handful of expections. And while the stuff I read now did arouse me a decent amount, I guess I couldn't stifle my sense of empathy for made up characters and just fap.

End of blog.
>A healthy young man
>less than an old and busted granpa
I want self inserters to leave.
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What the fuck did you read?

You can't just jump into the hardcore despair bad feels NTR and expect to like it right off the bat

You have to ease yourself into it with light / funny cheating, then soft netorare and go from there.

I recommend higenamuchi as a decent starter.


and his tank
this is pretty much the game that gave me a huge NTR fetish desu
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For me it depends on the story. If it's just an outright NTR story then I find it meh. But if its multiple chapters with the same characters and the NTR happens after some build up, then I find it hot as fuck. An example that comes to mind is Offside Girl by Nagare Ippon. Although the NTR/cheating is kind of brushed off and played for comedy instead of the usual angst and drama.
Well of course I dived into the hardcore stuff first. I figured once I hit rock bottom, there'd be nowhere to go but up.

I'll check out your recs, though.
It also help if you have a fetish involved in NTR, like I like group sex and NTR usually has that. If it's outright one on one it doesn't work for me.

I started with Otomedori and that had a great amount of group sex. [spoiler]Also a yandere sister that causes the whole thing which is what brought me to look at it.[/spoiler]
Welp, fucked that up. Still though I started with some rather cruel NTR. But it really never occurred to me how cruel it was. I was like yandere sister, hell yea.
But it isn't ntr in the first place? It's netori, you didn't check the tag? Beside they're rehash the plot in their previous game
I need source for this. SauceNao, IQBD and google give me nothing.
Does anyone know if there are any NTR works that don't really show the actual fucking explicitly from the start, but it kind of does it more subtly? Like, most of the shit I've read and seen you already know the girl is cheating, you've seen her fucking and all, but I'm interested in works that are told just from the MC's perspective, we know as much as he knows, and that is where the majority of the buildup comes, we are given hints to what is actually going on, but we are never really shown it. Until, maybe at the very end, the facade is broken in a final scene where the girl shows her true colors.

If I want to give an example of this, (I didn't really like this game that much and I thought that this particular plotline could have been done better) it would have to be in NTRPG2. The whole subplot where you notice your sister flirting with some guys, and are given all these hints on what is happening and then at the ending scene you find her having sex with the villain of the game.
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Final chapter for Zutto suki datta is out
so the girl got knocked up by the sensei and is going to pass it off as the cucks kid?
Can't tell
Yuzuki left it up to interpretation
Bitch can either:
>Get an abortion behind Gin's back and pretend nothing happen
>Tell Gin the truth and then get an abortion
>Tell Gin the truth and keep the kid
>Pretend Gin is the kid's father
>Suck it up, leave Gin and make sensei marry her
God I fucking hate open endings
>implying the girl would get an abortion or tell the truth
ive seen like 2 doujins where the girl tells the guy that shes pregnant


>Pretend Gin is the kid's father
>Pretend Gin is the kid's father
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Translates someone to please.
are two parts.

Open ending until next month man.

>Tell Gin the truth and keep the kid
That other NTR game we were talking about last thread, Anim's Tsuma no Biniku o Masaguru Chichi no Futoi Yubi, had a True End with the MC keeping the girl, taking the NTR guy out of the picture and raising the little girl as his own
>mfw the dad got to fuck the sons wife, knock her up and then just dip without any consequences
>wife got fucked by a huge dick for months and has to go back to husband
everyone fuckin lost except for the dad lol
Nah the father really wanted to keep the MC's wife for himself as she reminded of his own woman, who died just before the story started.
Him getting kicked out of the house and losing the chance to keep his daugher-in-law in spite of giving her the "big dick" is a loss.
Why is she so cut above the rest of his NTR girls. She's got like twice the personality of that idol slut. I betrayed you guys as well, I fapped to this hard...
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Not even NTR. This is just cheating.
thank you anon
Are you guys aware she is like 1 or two months pregnant which is the time it takes to notice pregnancy?
She can lie the guy but how would he believe it when the go to a clinic and the gynecologist tells she is going to be soon on her third month?

Either way, bitch needs some slap in the face.
Everything was her fault, literally.

And the author is a hack adding all the character dialogues at the final contradicting what was said in previous chapters

>Gin tells her when kids that she isn't unfeminine and will make her his wife.
>all the series was a about her saying she isn't feminine

>chapter 6 has her saying nobody called her feminine
>Final chapter has Gin telling her cute since they were children

>Gin tells her to tell him about her troubles, no matter what he will be there to help her
>proceeds to let herself be raped over a stupid blackmail

Yeah but Biniku had the husband calling her father for that shit while in Yuzuki's works the villains get away

>Another World
>villain got to fuck and train the heroine's anus
>with her approval
>and thanks to her he can even graduate from school

>Shiba-san no urana kao:
>oldman raped his own daughter making of her his plaything
>let her be with the boy so he could cuck the protagonist once he saw it was time to have fun
>didn't do so because he found a new lover that is like his late wife
>daughter just accepts the outcome

>Zutto Suki Datta
>blackmails heroine with words, no photo or video
>rapes her and forces hiss fetishes on her
>she asks him to take responsibility if she gets pregnant he says he will
But because he said that to shut her up he probably won't take responsibility because whom can force him? The dumb heroine? He will play dumb and get a away.
>'80s trump fucking your mom
the ultimate cuck
Is this really the only NTR that Fuetakishi did?
Not even gooks liked this shit
> light saber censorship

really worst kind
Ryuuga Sin when he used to write god tier ntr. Now he does cheap hentai logic manga.
What went wrong? I'm starting to think the reason why Yuzuki and Ryuga went shit might be because of the editorial department.
>Ryuuga Sin
Thank you my good sir !!
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I've seen worst.
mangabox is fucking garbage

they literally censored cleavage in one of their manga

not even nipples, fucking cleavage
>>Shiiba-san no ura no kao
Ookura called out Shouko's father on his shanenigans. The only reason they didn't come to blows is because the girl intervened and somehow managed to end things with her dad on a somewhat civil note.
The ultimate fuck you to the teacher is Setsuna and Gin moving on in spite of what he did. Yuzuki could pull that off if we assume the extra chapter is long enough and she feels like writing such an outcome.
The whole thing on Another World is retarded.
>boyfriend gets an interest on anal but heroine is shy
>obviously the only thing to do about it is to ask the local bully to fuck her on the ass for a week

I've yet to see a shittier plot than this crap. On another hand, Saint Foire Festival has the best NTR I've seen.

recommend me some slow buildups with good art please
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That’s fucking funny!
>hentai logic
Holy shit, I don't even know what it this from but can easily tell that vagina don't work like that holy shit.
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Nevermind I checked the links
>check this out
>first 3 pages look pretty good
>think i've found another gem
>page 6 rolls around
>another old fuck
God fucking dammit, every time. I'm sick of seeing fat old bald guys.

There you go, there was some anon who was going bonkers over this
>title is ntr
>expect ntr
>it's just cheating
I hate this.

I'm supposed to fap over the husband agonizing about his wife's betrayal but he doesn't even shows up nor finds about it.

At least it's fappable, fixed the mistakes and has the omake the comiket version didn't have.
Blame whatever retard decided that the English definition of NTR should be different from the Japanese definition of NTR. That doujinshi is NTR.
Cheating = NTR, fag
Japan definition literally says it's meant to provoke jealousy, arousal, etc over betrayal of your waifu.
Fuck off secondary.
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>trying filthy ignorant gaijin definition
i dont know that doujin by icepick was pretty fuckin stupid. hot as fuck yet dumb
>Japan definition literally says it's meant to provoke jealousy, arousal, etc over betrayal of your waifu.
No. Nowhere in Japanese dictionaries does this exist. Not even in the Japanese wiki.
>Two new Rocket monkey works scanned already
>No translations for weeks.
Learn Japanese
I agree with you yeah, but I wish this was translated.
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I read it with VNR and i had no problem with the moonrunes. Machine translations are not perfect but most of the time you will understand everything they say. The description of the sex scenes is really nice, especially during the mom POV. The guilt mixed with pleasure and the description of how he penetrate her depending on the position. It's well written and really hot.
post some scripts already you fagt

Sorry its been a while since I've been this engrossed in eroge. What's that? And how do I use it. Spoonfeed me.
Visual Novel Reader, it's a machine translation software. Read this guide if you want to use it.
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Also a minor hypnotism angle is mixed in too if that's your thing.
Anybody know the name of this manga. The boyfriend is a photographer and has to be in a different city than his girlfriend. Meanwhile there's a coworker to the girlfriend who she eventually fucks. The NTR guy fucks her in the ass and records it. Later the boyfriend sees the recording and confronts the girlfriend. The girlfriend gets pregnant by the NTR guy who leaves to go to Singapore or something. The boyfriend then decides to stay and help her raise the baby, but years later can't get the image of his girlfriend getting ass fucked out of his head.
Fork in the Road, Mashiraga Aki
Ahh thank you.
Really hard to find stuff like Netoraserare.
A true gem.
Dude it was a steaming pile of shit. Sempai the only thing salvageable.
Yeah, it had me on the edge.
Fuck off sempaifag.

Why can't I view any of these exhentai.org links? it just returns a sad panda.
Can someone help me find this particular hentai manga(1 chapter only), the husband can't get hard so he invites his workers/subordinate to fuck his wife so that he can get hard and get her pregnant. He's usually sitting on the chair, the first time the wife was doing with the subordinate, she thought the husband was sleeping but later finds out he wasn't and the he organized the whole thing. It ends with a gang bang. Husband is watching the gang bang, saying something along the lines that he's getting reading to get hard and wife mentions to hurry because she's enjoying this and there might be no turning back.
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What do you guys think of Red Blood Red Legacy?

It's a non-h action manga, and some serious NTR is starting to go down.

The tl;dr is: Childhood fiance is kidnapped by vampires. Said vampires eat her out daily and treat her like a queen. Getting her blood sucked makes her orgasm too. Eventually she's corrupted by the influences of the vampire city and they crown her their queen for whatever reason.
I hate this "blood drinking feels like sex for vampires"trope. No sex = no real NTR.
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Was it rape?
I am the translator for said manga and I think it's pretty dumb.

I don't even know who she is but I want to help raise her bastard babies.
Looks pretty standard falling in love situation, nothing ntr about it desu.
Fuck i can't remember was this a game?
Found it, https://exhentai.org/g/794803/fecf902f98/
Honestly nobody reading the manga cares for the slut.

We're for best vampire girl who makes OTP with MC.
It's pretty fucking dumb. See>>4376956
>new Rocket monkey works scanned
Were they NTR? Honestly his works have been losing their shine ever since Girgiri Idol chapter 4, probably even before that... They'd been really boring and I had to last for 50 minutes trying to fap to his shit.


also thread is autosage
Sanagi Torajirou - Love & Less
Now post more cellphone ntr.
Please spoil me how does this VN ends?
You work for MangaBox?

She is the winner, her marriage is safe because her husband is excited for the cuckholding so her being unfaithful becomes actually good as that gives him ideas for writing scenarios for his eroge company and on the other hand she keeps her lover(her boss) whom she has good sexual compatibility.

She is on pills so her lover won't get her pregnant anyway and she really loves her husaband, all the attempts of her boss to leave her husband and be with him fail so he has to conform with jusy being just lover.

Wasn't vampirism basically a big innuendo for sex during the Victorian age of literature and theater?
Just a shitty excuse shift blame to imaginary monsters when the bitches lost their v-card.
I don't really need sex to get off to NTR. I just need the betrayal. Sex is a secondary thing.
gonna need a new thread soon lads
Page 10
Maybe in 3 more days
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fresh off the presses

Akane Iro Ni Somaru Saka Nagase Minato NTR doujins:

Thats just cheating mate
>DR.Evil. jpg
This is going to be released in the west by Manga Gamer this month.
This game is the best masterpiece of the NTR game.

what fucking game son

is this that "bang my wife?" game everyone has been shitposting on /v/ about lately?
Idk, this game is old
Man the art is so good
Some good NTR game. When the boy don't know what's really happening. I'm searching something like Marina series. And no Atelier Sakura games.
It basically sets the preset for future Marina games. Aside from the art, the Marina series is very lackadaisical.
>When the boy don't know what's really happening. >I'm searching something like Marina series.

Yeah no Marina series is netorase, the "boy" knows everything. He's consentant.
If you want a real NTR story with mystery you can try some studio VENUS games.
Xration is the biggest waste of talent in all of porn.

>inb4 NTRfags crying
Got nothing against NTR. NTR artists just have shit taste. If the kid cucked the old man it would be god-tier.
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How about this?
You have no idea how self inserting works, do you?
I will agree that 80% of NTR is boring and repetitive. Xration stands out because he covers a wider range of themes in his NTR works.

The kid cucking the fat bastard would be an interesting inversion of NTR formula. The Onigashima series doesn't really appeal to me, partly because I self insert as the fat bastard and taking any satisfaction from cucking a kid is pathetic.

But Xrations Hime Kishi Tame Ho series is God-tier.

By the way, you didn't provide any facts or a convincing argument. You resorted to name calling.

Your OPINION means shit unless you can actually defend it.
Netorase is NTR and so is netori and netorare.
>You don't get self-inserting!
>I self insert as the fat bastard!
>Y-you didn't provide any facts!
>S-stop calling me names!
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Studio Venus is trash tier. A good mystery NTR is Anonymous by Mirage (from the makers of MuvLuv).
Sorry, I want to say "male perspective only". I'm going to try the venus game

I try to play this game. But idk, just don't met my expectations. Is more like "you stole you brother wife"

Is this male perspective ?. And I think this is more rape focus
We're not even on page 10 yet mate, calm down
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Migrate I guess
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