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/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 43

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PTP recruiting at RED edition. APL and TehC BTFO.

Previously... on /ptg/ >>62241990

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ https://pastebin.com/hrXxMHs9
WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.
Press F to pay your respects to our guy 312c.
second for rip 312c
Do I need this thread after I am part of all cabal trackers and have a TB+ buffer and counting?
reminder that seedboxes are abominations that go against the bittorrent philosophy and are a cancer brought on by shitty ratio systems.
I have personal ties to top tier directors in the film industry (think J.J. Abrams)

How can I leverage this to get a PTP invite?
bittorrent philosophy is better connection gets the bigger prize, poorfaggot
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BTN official recruitment next
kill JJ for me I will invite you.
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>PTP recruiting on GGn and not AB

GGn has open registration every other week, it's not fair.
im sure your dad is very proud that his son is a fucking idiot that downloads twice and pays to pirate
>torrenting porn
This site is 18+. Please, leave.
What the fuck
t. weeb
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>older than six months
hint: anime
another hint: weebs
Weebs holocausted. Thank god.
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w-why don't they respect us anon...
Dont worry anon, I'm sure they will recruit again in another couple years
PTP better recruit on RED, they are cabal after all
requirements on BTN?
Cabal fears the weeb.
Shouldn't "remove data (all)" in ratio groups, automatically delete the files from my downloads folder?
PTP recruiting RED elite with 6 month+ accounts
>tfw TM+ on Red
>tfw not 6 months
>tfw life is pain
Čć de èß as ë tu GG fñjûį
>You must be an unwarned Elite with an account older than six months to apply.

What is Elite?
>Been here at least 5 months and 2 weeks, has snatched (including uploads) at least 1,000 torrents, has 850,000 bonus points and downloaded/uploaded at least 1TB total. Has access to all perks for lower classes, as well as access to the Elite forum and can set own Custom Title.
Mentally ill anime watchers eternally btfo
Weebs cannot be cabal. The cabal looks down upon the weeb. RED = Cabal > Weebs.
>tfw still not on PTP
>tfw I will continue watching complex kinos off the KG
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>implying we care
2D > 3D
Alright. I'm going out for an hour and there better be an invite thread on Teh when I'm back, 312cuck. Or else.
>6+ months required
One last fuck you from 312c it seems.
'S' for 'Spit on his grave'.
>there better be an invite thread on Teh when I'm back

hahahahahahahahahhahaa no
So PTP is recruiting on RED & GGN.
Is that it or is there more?
It's really easy to rise in the ranks on AB.
I could be a legend in a week if I wanted to. RED takes hard work
Wow. PTP is officially curry now.
6 months has been standard for most cabal trackers for years, they're unlikely to change it just because that cunt has fucked off.
Well, PTP recruited on AB for a long time and only required Elite+.
Well fuck, kind of wish I would've signed up on GGN when I had the chance.
I'm not a manchild though so I never bothered
>ptp are curry because they continued recruiting after i got in
>PTP requiring 6 months+ on a site where virtually all the 6 months+ users came from PTP
what did they mean by this
They have historically recruited there, and WhatCD which was easier to get in
AB was cabal then, the times have changed.
It's apooloo tier now
It's not 'hard' to rise the ranks on any tracker, it's just more laborious on some than others. They're pretty much all very fucking easy and some are tedious but still very easy.

PTP probably recruited at Elite on AB for a while because most people hadn't realized how easy it was, or weren't prepared for it, so they do it for a bit then close it off once people start doing it just to take advantage of it. A lot of people aren't Elite on Red now so they recruit at Elite and only a few hundred people will apply probably, they'll recruit on and off for a year or two, then up the requirements if they decide to continue after that.
PTP was also open signup in the beginning, what's your point? Time to move on. AB will never see cabal recruitment again, because cabal don't need it. They have better options now. Also, you know, anime.
How easy is it to get elite on GGN?
I'd be willing to take a week off of work
Very hard with new FL system
Shitpost on their forums and IRC and download every retro game on the site.
>I'd be willing to take a week off of work

wow. get a fucking life, man.
AB still has far less Elite/TM users than RED or GGn.
Good RED better.php automated transcoding scripts?
GGn is more time consuming than many other trackers. They have an 'achievement' system. I'd recommend sorting torrents from smallest to highest then downloading the 5000 or whatever smallest ones to max out the downloads achievement. Then search freeleech torrents and download as much of that as you can to max out the download achievement without affecting your stats. This will get you to Elite easily.
>take a week off of work to torrent
Is your computer powered by a hand crank dynamo or something?
I got to Elite by transcoding, got PTP from the thread there, then deleted everything I uploaded, and now I'm just a lowly user again. When they changed their transcode rules that probably killed a lot of Elites and TMs too. Point I'm making is it's a bit more tedious and far less rewarding to be Elite on there now, whereas people were fully expecting opportunities from being Elite at Red and GGn.
>Then search freeleech torrents
Doesn't work like that any more. You get 5 personal FL, that no one wants or downloads from you.
>Finally get into PTP
>It's lost it's cool club status

Well what do I strive for now? HBDits?
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>tfw 3 year old account but still only gamer rank
Strive to get a life.
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we'll rise again, just wait!
pls explain
>not having an HDBits account already as your PTP and BTN backup

oh anon
Aren't the monthly picks or whatever fl? Aren't there loads of other torrents that are randomly fl too?
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>hdb as ptp and btn backup, and not the other way around
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>no ptp invite on ab
because you're a dumb shit who can't read the countless responses of an already multiple asked question
weebs on suicide watch!
None of them. It will eventually get you banned if you do any little thing wrong.
>no ptp invite on waffles
Waffles is shit and filled with TI sellers.
irrelevant tracker
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>no ptp invite on apl
>implying APL would let such curry recruit on their tracker
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pls let me in
/ptg/ is the best mmo I ever played, it's worth a TV show I think
You do know you are the only TM+ with less than 6 months, right? There are only around 100 TM+
You really fucked up, you are not getting in, ever.
what client is that? looks good
PTP threads on RED, GG and BTN so far.

Probably soon also on HDB and maybe AHD/BIB/Bb too
>tfw 3 month old elite on RED
Where on BTN?
AB coming soon, just wait
It better. AB doesn't deserve the abuse it's been getting.
Autismo++ forum.
Fuck off weebcunt.
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or what loser?
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Imagine being this cold.
who has an invite to PTP for me please
Apollo.ripping has one for you! Only the low low price of cabal ban!
please sir do not bullying just giving invites please
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How many slots are left?
about 800
Tfw PTP wants 6 month account age on a 9 month old tracker. I was really hoping it'd be like the bib thread.
RED was my first tracker and I have over 6 months
AB stopped being cabal after blossom left
>he didn't get in when they were recruiting what.cd members
>downloading stuff off better.php to transcode
>realize after a few uploads that the older ones are disappearing from my client
>forgot to change hash size
This really shouldn't matter since the files are technically different, but it does
There are ~330 TM+ users and I'm far from being the only one sub 6 months. Please stop shitting up the general with your 9gag-tier ebyn maymays, autismo.
I know that feel, anon.
>PTP recruiting at RED edition

I will just pass

Regular section, power user I guess.
Why is there no music equivalent for Sickrage and Couchpotato? There's Headphones, but it's just...bad
Because you haven't written it yet and other people are not autistic enough to care.
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clik clik clik clik clik clik clik
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i hope my user id is a cool number!
i can't wait
come on, that's not funny, just post the thread on ab already
Anyone got any replies so far from Sunshine?
holy crap I love redacted.ch now!!!!!!!
312c's staff account.
can you feel the sunshine
does it brighten up your day
Should I team up with spaghetti to take down PTP once and for all?
didn't get reply from the Red recruiter, should i sent another pm or wait?
>sun shine
>312 colors
>1 2 3 sun
>312 sunshine
sunshine confirmed 312c's staff account
>PTP doesn't recruit on AB
>weebs will cry about it for weeks
what rank?
why would they recruit on red but not on ab? ab is high quality tracker with very good encodings, ab is more related to ptp than red.
>weebs will cry about it for weeks
Nothing on PTP we want.
kind anonymous recommend me a good name for my ptp account arigato~
>recently hit my required uploads for PU on RED.
>don't have upload amount yet
>don't have two weeks yet
And now we wait
>1337 h4xx0ring with a guy larping as a security expert after implementing OWASP on a single site
Yes. Yes, you should.
You need elite and 6 months for PTP, my dude.
You need alite, fucking retard, do 45 more uploads and upload 100GB

And wait 6 months
they'll hit user cap way before he reaches 6 months
You can do it, anon!
I wasn't doing it for PTP. But thanks for the advice
>on red since first month
>17 uploads because their autismal shit trumped most of my non 100% torrents
>1.6TB uploaded

Fuck that subhumans
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I want to get in the KG
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>elite on RED
>still 4 months until I hit 6

I-I didn't want to be on PTP anyway...
transcode nigger
All my trumped torrents was 99%
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>no ptp invite thread on ab
Alright so I'm on BTN, 6 months, but I'm not tryna finna download 1000 torrents to get to that user class. Should I just download everything until I get to 1000 or wait it out until AHD invite cums?
I got into RED recently so missed to boat on FL tokens. What's the easiest way to build buffer?
The staff picks are not FL so i dont really want to grab them this late and spamming bandcamp stuff is tedious.
Spam bandcamp stuff until you build up a decent buffer and then get a seedbox and autosnatch 2017 FLAC with log.
Autosnatch all 2017 FLAC with a 10gbps SSD dedi at leaseweb
quick question lads. i'm in uk and i'd like to buy bitcoins online for the first time with my debit card. what's a really quick and easy way to do it?
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why are people so mean about ab, it's the best tracker out there
>Should I just download everything until I get to 1000
yes! there's a window of opportunity for ptp, go for it, mate. don't dawdle, they might close again when the user cap is reached.
I like AB too
It serves content for severely mentally challenged manchildren.
snatch 100mb torrents, easy
So does PTP, you think any normal functioning adult watches capeshit?
Most movies aren't capeshit. Most anime is trash for autismos.
>Goes to 4chan
nice meme
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>RED is hemorrhaging users
>forums are a ghost town
>most torrents completely unseeded
>PTP requirements much higher than Apollo
>RED staff caught faking stats again

I'm a poweruser or above on all the cabal trackers, but fucking hell, are all the sysops fucking braindead? The PTH certificate has apparently expired? How fucking amateur are these fucking people. Use certbot.py, acme.sh or some other client and add it to cron, you fucking twats.
>PTP requirements much higher than Apollo
didn't think this shit meme could fall any further
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why would one not like anime? anime girls are perfect, any anime girl is more beautiful than any 3d woman, they're always perfect and cute, anime provides delicious japanese music singed in cuterunes, only retards don't like anime.
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Guys I'm not into KG. I don't care about PTP. Why should I? Enough complex anime and korean kino for me to watch.
>tfw no qt 2D wife
You may need to wait upto 2 weeks inorder to receive invite
Sad day 312c gone, now who will mark my account :(
>All my trumped torrents was 99%
So your stuff got re-ripped because they were originally someone else's rips from what.cd, or because you weren't willing to re-rip them.

t.t cry more.
/marking/ is now his full time job. He won't stop until every last /ptg/ scum is global'd.
Anyone aware of a Freelech autosnatch script or resource?
Private trackers are bullshit. Why do I have to go through all this trouble just to get good quality shit for free?
>So does PTP, you think any normal functioning adult watches capeshit?
He thinks the only choices are anime and shitty superhero movies.
>>RED is hemorrhaging users
>>forums are a ghost town
>>most torrents completely unseeded
>>PTP requirements much higher than Apollo
>>RED staff caught faking stats again

Fixed that for you.
Just get ratio ghost and then everything is freeleech
>why would one not like anime? anime girls are perfect, any anime girl is more beautiful than any 3d woman, they're always perfect and cute, anime provides delicious japanese music singed in cuterunes, only retards don't like anime.
jesus god, the empty-headed saccharine music is probably the worst part
are they gonna open recruitment on AHD??
In the hierarchy of piracy, torrent trackers supersede The Scene and also pic related.
>Just get ratio ghost and then everything is freeleech
Just get ratio ghost and get banned, retard.
>he's on TehC
>he's not on PTP
>there's no invite thread
>mfw I'm him
>he doesn't have a <5 digit RED account
tehc is good enough for me, i barely even watch movies anymore. the only thing id use ptp for is leveling my account up to get invites for other trackers
Don't call Jesus to pretend you're right, you are not.

Wait a couple of days if they open up a thread on AHD or on somewhere else you are already. If they don't, snatch small shit or try to put season packs together to get them even easier. It's not like they are going to pull the threads tomorrow.

But don't wait longer. I got fucked with PTP and HDB because "well I'm fine without them now and can just join them later since they have open recruitment here".
>he has unironical autism
so which tracker would i be trying to get onto for music? or are we not using trackers for music?
read the wiki dumb shit
So that's why HDB pulled the thread...
>312 quits
>they open recruitment

Redacted is not for downloading.
HDB staff playing 4D chess
Why do so many trackers forbid cross-seeding? What is actually bad about it?
Only if you are greedy. If you overdo it it's obvious. There is some art to it.
serious answers only please
paranoia over the client reporting wrong stats to the tracker
What's not serious about my answer?
>so many
Literally who? Some trackers disallow sharing internals, but that's about it.
btn invites on tc when
Honestly senpai, if they don't have a thread now, I doubt they will roll it out in the next few days

Or it's just different recruiters there who haven't been online yet?

Otherwise it seems weird that they are recruiting from GG but not HDB or AHD.
How long does it take to hear back from a recruiter?
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it'll be good to have excited anons that have just got into ptp in the threads again
If the trackers release the same content then they have the same sources. In that case you don't have to download it twice.

It is beneficial to both trackers.
1 to 3 months usually
I mean, I would say that I over do it and I'm not banned. I don't have it set to show incorrect upload data, but I have the freeleech option turned on so it doesn't report what I download.

Obviously I turn it off every now and again. I balance it to stay right around required ratio and I seed 100% of everything.
i've done all of those, the bingo is missing avatarfagging though
This describes the bib thread on RED as of late.
Nobody is avatar fagging your old meme is still
still waiting for myr here
and nobody is doing none of the shit on that bingo either, it doesn't even have /marked/
At least Myr said she'll finish sending the invites eventually, on her profile. Ian has stayed silent for a few weeks now.
Is the general idea for building enough ratio on something like AnT to just stuff with many leechers and seed it for ages? My upload speed's like 900Mb/s so can probably do it fairly quickly with a bunch of them
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Should I pm the recruiter even if I've only been a member for 2 months? Is there any chance?
no you stupid shit. you do that, he will say no, and then when you actually do meet the minimum required months he's not going to send you one because you're fucking stupid
Not unless you're an ETM with thousands of uploads already. Though you'd be better off trying to get a life instead in that case.
Already happened from April to May nigga
>still no PTP invites thread on /g/ yet
what the FUCK is taking so long bros?
Elite+ and 6mo+, same as GGn and RED.
You must've missed the name change a few months ago doofus. They abandoned their old domain repeatedly mentioned they would eventually stop it redirecting to the new one.
Lmao retard, there was (and still is) recruitment on other trackers besides PTP, also you could get in from reddit if you were Elite on What.CD.
No unless you want to find yourself on their "do not invite" list
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Do they actually have blacklist?
I really like GreenDay if that helps
They recruit on bigBoyz and BTN
They don't forbid cross-seeding, you're confused or retarded
Get the big new freeleech torrents, you can often get 1TB+ upload if you jump on them early.
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Not really understanding what they mean by this. If it's freeleech, why would my ratio go down?
/disabled/ and /cabaled/
>Apooloo QUALITY™ coding
>PTP thread is at the bottom of the BTN invite forum
I thought you guys were trying to gaslight me there for a second
Big as in large filesize or popular? Seems like there are some absurdly large ones available that would only really serve the purpose of circlejerking each others' ratios which seems like a pointless system
the devs are learning as they go. they're not very good at the moment.
>Seems like there are some absurdly large ones available that would only really serve the purpose of circlejerking each others' ratios which seems like a pointless system
Welcome to private trackers!
But the question is, will it actually bring down my ratio or is it just a visual glitch?
if it sways freeleech its freeleech, what it says down there is probably just some small bug because it doesn't take into account if its freeleech or not
I'm not 100% sure how they do it but it does tend to be different recruiters at different trackers, although sometimes one recruiter will cover more than one tracker. I think the individual recruiters get a say in where they recruit. There are other reasons why they might not be on HDB or AHD too, the relations might not be as good as they once were. The most obvious example is that PTP and BTN don't really get on well any more. They work together on basic security issues in their #fbi channel but other than that I don't think they have any common ground any more. They certainly haven't reciprocated recruitment for a while, although I'm told PTP are now recruiting on BTN again.

Anyway, the main thing to know is that there are lots of reasons why sites choose to recruit in some places but not others, and it's not always directly related to reputation in the community. Why do you think BTN recruited at TehC? It was obviously at least partly a move to hurt PTP.
wtf i love btn now
>>he doesn't have a <5 digit RED account
I have two.
Thread on AB or TehC yet?
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Anyone have that painted portrait image of a guy holding a dead guy close to him with a look of intense horror on his face?

I need it now and I can't fucking find it.

What? PTP and BTN had a reciprocal recruitment not that long ago.
>6 month requirement on BTN
The thread will still be up in two months, r-right?
Maybe, maybe not. There's no point in thinking about it, just set a reminder for yourself then check when you're ready.
Why does PTP hate KG? Are they jealous that KG has more competent staff?
is Chunkylover known to give fast invittes?
It's already pulled, tough luck amigo.
And no it's not a joke, check it yourself.
Users: 34621

Hurry up and apply, gates are closing soon ;)
Where is chunkynigger's thread? His HDB thread was notorious back in the day, but he didn't have one there when I checked a few hours ago.
They will go over user cap before closing, they always do. They'll probably get to at least +500 before they close.

So, what does this mean for those who have contacted recruiters via the threads just opened? They shut down those threads and process the existing messages?
Has anyone received their invite through Red yet? I applied 20 mins after the thread opened and still heard nothing.
you were /marked/
nsa has to do the background check on you first
I don't know what they do exactly but if you have applied through one of the new threads then you will be fine, assuming there are no other issues with your account.
>implying i gave the real time that i applied at
AHD not HDB.
>tfw ETM on Apollo
>tfw personally contacted and asked to join their curry shithole by a PTP recruiter
>tfw agreed only on condition 312cuck is kicked out without legend status and cabalbanned
>tfw got to be a mod right away due to my immense expertise
>tfw thinking about revoking Sunshine's invite privileges
Feels good to be a respected member of a superior tracker. Keep refreshing those inboxes, r*dtarded neons. :^)
>They shut down those threads and process the existing messages?
this is what they have always done in the past, yes.
>he says back-pedalling furiously
OK m8, well you go and report me to ElJewCuck.
So what p2p (torrenting) software do you guys recommend ?
I used to use utorrent but I've heard a lot of negative comments about it from you guys in this board.
There's no reason to use anything other than deluge and rtorrent
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>The Purge has started
Holy shit, so soon?

lightweight ?
No it hasn't, they delayed it.
read the announcement

Nope, it's some guy with a beard close to the viewer holding someone he probably just killed I think.


thanks /g/man
>invites on BTN opened ~5 hours ago
>requested an invite ~2.5 hours ago
will I make it in time?
how do i get more snatches on btn?
Give me a single reason to use rtorrent except for "muh lightweight".
Fucking kek, why is there an official BTN thread on x264 of all places?
give me a single reason not to
Why would we care enough to talk you into anything?
Why bother replying when you have no argument? Do not reply to me next time.
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Tracker for Chads?
>reason to use rtorrent
muh lightweight

>reason to use deluge
muh racing

>reason to use any other torrent client

So why should anyone use whatever your trash client of choice is?
>So why should anyone use whatever your trash client of choice is?
Im not promoting any clients.
>muh lightweight
Except that. I told you.
Why is being lightweight not a valid reason to use a client?
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>honda civic
Where was that fucking BTN thread?! Checked x264 - nada.
it's taken down now.
That's why PTP in the best tracker out there, no one wants weebfaggots
At least the trannies aren't welcome
>you have been invited to PassThePopcorn
based sunshine
lol im pretty sure thats mary and jesus. mary has bagina, and is woman
What. the. fuck?! I had access to that forum and had an old as fuck acc there too. Fuuuck.
wait what they were recruiting on x264?
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>tfw seedbox whoring on GGn before they shut down 6hr FL results in a PTP invite

i don't even play video games anymore

I don't really believe this.

>They certainly haven't reciprocated recruitment for a while

Sure they had. They have basically had that for years. PTP pulled recruitment from everywhere, hardly a move against BTN since they were over their user cap. BTN pulled theirs from everywhere since myr took a vacation amd they are also basically at their cap. Now when there's room those threads are opening up again.

Also TehC has been a decent tracker for ages, nothing special about BTN recruiting from there. I'm pretty sure WCD and PTP used too.
kek, Reminder that ChunkyCuck53 always takes a long ass time to send out invites.
oh shit i thought he retired
neos are in for a wild ride
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>a week has passed
>still no Emp invite
Yeah, he is the last person to ask. In fact it would be quicker to rank up elsewhere.
what's your username?
Does PTP turn people away if you're on multiple trackers? The db9 recruiter flat out refused me.
oh boy here we go
This will never not be funny
>how do i get more snatches on btn?

upload stuff
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17KB, 112x344px
use this one anon

changeWhat = "font"; 
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