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/spg/ - Smartphone General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 352
Thread images: 39

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If requesting purchasing advice, please provide your country and what carrier you will be using it with, along with wanted features, budget and size.

Good resources:
>Reviews, specs, comparisons

>Frequency checker

>Chinkphone news

>Recommended Chinkphones $80-$300 as of a long time ago (outdated)

>Post a mini-review of your phone
>Discuss upcoming and current models
>Ask for help related to phones
>Tell us how much shekels you spent on good/bad phone
>PRAISE THE CHINKPHONES unless you live in America you shits

Samsung Galaxy J5 (2017) review

Lenovo is dropping the Vibe Pure UI for stock Android

iPhone 8 display assembly spotted in the wild, no Touch ID in sight

Grab Huawei Honor 8 for as low as $259 ($140 off)

Leaked image shows 3,300mAh Galaxy Note8 batteries

SHARP AQUOS S2 officially coming on August 14, will be announced Aug 8

BLU Products on Twitter: "Hey BLU fans! After a false alarm, BLU devices are now back up for sale on Amazon

old >>61767171
is there a reason to get a Pixel now if it has about the same price as other current flagships?
1. Is this a good moment to buy a new phone? I feel like the technology advancement is slowing down, so, if I buy a decent phone now, it should last a few years. Do you agree?

2. Are golden phones girly?
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>no Essential Phone
Got to play with this today, shit's dope
Is the OnePlus 5 a good phone?
I have a golden OnePlus 3t and I wouldn't say it's girly
>somewhat "meh" camera
>no headphone jack
Overall it's nice except those two flaws, I wish they would sell outside the USA so I could try or buy one
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Will there ever be a phone as based as the nexus 6p?
What can be as based as a bootloop after using for year
>Now, the complicated part: a mere eight or so hours before we needed to publish this review, I got a software update for the camera that added a manual HDR mode. More importantly, the update improved image quality — in some cases drastically.

I'm taking current camera reviews with a grain of salt... Kinda doubt a lot of reviews bothered to go back after an update
>Phone shuts off at 15-30%
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It's still way too early to judge, hopefully it turns out good, there isn't a vast choice of phone to buy right now
My only complaint is the lack of an headphone jack
In all honesty, who picks up a phone and bends it that way during regular use?
>Non-removable battery.

Sounds like the opposite of based to me.
not that exactly but the phone is fragile and that's a real issue
The Pixel 2 is very close so it's honestly worth waiting and if it doesn't interest you, you can probably get a deal on the original at that point.
OP5 or S8?

S8 is roughly $150 more than the 6gb OP5.
Neither unless you're a masochist
I always take camera criticisms with a grain of salt. I know everybody has different uses but most phone cameras are pretty good and reviewers are nitpicking hard.

As for the headphone jack. I hate to see it go but at least the essential is giving super thin bezels in return. The next pixel is likely gonna be bulky and remove the jack :/
I wouldn't say you're correct
>The next pixel is likely gonna be bulky and remove the jack :/
At least it's got big front-facing speakers now
If money isn't an issue I say S8.

I love my S8 more than any phone I've used. My only real complaint is no IR blaster. Otherwise it's great, I like it more than the G6 or the V20 for sure.
Essential Phone or the Galaxy S8? Or should I wait to see what Apple has to offer?
Essential or iPhone
What do you suggest then
True but with as much money google is playing with and probably asking for, you'd think they could trim the phone down just a bit.

I don't even really care much about size that much but if I'm losing shit like the headphone jack I expect something in return at least.
It's water resistant and that squeezy thing might be cool
Go for the S8, micro sd is a deal breaker for me.
I wish manufacturers would release phones with no front screen
I meant to say no front camera*
The essential phone will be a shit meme compared to the S8. Won't have a memory card slot, won't be water resistant, likely have a worse camera, likely have a best equal battery life.

iPhone is even worse with no memory card slot, no headphone jack, no ability to torrent, no time manager, ect.

Just get a S8. People are hyping it because it's actually a good phone.
Seconding this. I still might just get the G5+ but it's worth waiting for the price drop regardless.
Why? If it's for privacy reasons then you shouldn't use a smartphone to begin with.
How long does it usually take CM/LOS to pick up a new Android version?
The S8 is literally a polished turd and that polish wears off eventually.
Squeezy thing is interesting but there are already tons of gesture controls out there and one more while nice isn't really a selling point.

Water resistant is nice but I don't desperately need it like some people who screech about it. Just don't dunk your phone in water and you're most likely fine.

so that the entire front face can be a screen. front cameras should be optional
Why would you not put a case on it though?

Even if you're not clumsy, other people around you are and there's a risk of it dropping and breaking regardless.
will they ever fix android's horrendous touch latency
I've never noticed it, does it really exist?
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Give me one good reason to upgrade from my 3 yr old lgg3 running xenonhd with no gapps
You'll have a phone capable of running gapps without lag.
But i dont want to be a part of the botnet
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I have the 3 and it's excellent
I want to know if I can unlock the bootloader on my honor 8 and keep my warranty?
On my lg g4 I could unlock it and keep the warranty
I live in Germany and therefore it was regulated by lg and I want to ask if huawei/ honor did the same in Germany
>no ability to torrent
But iTransmission exists.
>no time manager
What do you mean by "time manager"?
If someone could post a link to buy a redmi note 4 or 4x I would be most thankful
bought me a OP5
how long will it take me to regret this decision?
Should I get S8 or S8+? Not talking about money.
S8+ international version or US? US version is a lot cheaper. What about battery life?
Lg G6
yes or no ?
wait for v30
Twelve minutes
International. Good
Bootloops - yes. Satisfaction - no
Looking for purchasing afvice:
From ireland
Carrier doesnt matter too much as long as it fits the specs and requiremetns
Requitements: supports android 6 and above, at least 2gb of ram and must be bigger than 5 inches.
Budget 300 euro
Did you just copy all the news from some old thread? All the articles are dated 4-5th August.
Nokia 6

What about the LG V20?

Ebay listings: https://www.ebay.ie/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.XLG+v20.TRS0&_nkw=LG+v20&_sacat=0

GSM Arena specs: http://www.gsmarena.com/lg_v20-8238.php
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Femanon here

It's hard to beat the OnePlus 3T at that price point. Has everything you wanted and good software support. Great camera too
about to buy Samsung A3 2017, any better alternatives? Is Iphone much better security wise?
Did you seriously copy the news from 2 weeks ago? dumbass.
Why buy Android phones when the majority don't get regular security updates and none at all after three years?
>hair color
communists discussing phones, the irony.
good choice own a midnight black running lineage it's literally perfect. Also tits please you are hot.
Yes iPhone isn't cucked by custom firmware from mobile operators. iOS is has a longer lifespan in terms of updates on a new phone.
but I fucking hate apple. Also - would buy a phone from a shop, so no operator bullshit, just samsung bloatware
Me too but Android you've just got to accept you are a walking botnet.

Because Apple phones are ridiculously expensive, Windows on phones is pretty much dead, and all the popular apps are on Android.

Also, you can root Android phones and install Lineage on them if they are supported.
Will rooting or installing a custom rom on a redmi note 4 void the warranty?
What's a proper Nougat ROM for the Note 4 N910F? LineageOS does not officially support it and I don't want to install a pajeet unofficial version that'll (probably) brick my phone.

Any suggestions?
Fuck off whore
Same fag
Pixel, Nokia 8, OnePlus 5, OnePlus 3T or S8?
Anything better than Nokia 5 for Nokia 5 money. Main focus is build quality and battery life.
fuck... thanks anon
Check what Oukitel has around that price, they have fantastic build quality.
Xiaomi redmi note 4
S8 if you have the money, OP5 if you don't
Any rugged phones <200€ with decent specs (2 or 3 gb, hd, 4G) ?
XZ premium, S8 or wait™ for the XZ1
>no headphone jack
Why would you buy the 2?
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>lineage a bunch of old phones
>relegate them for one specific purpose
>showroom live on each one simultaneously
>place them around my room
G5 plus
I got a Sony XA1 for £238 a few months ago but my clumsy ass broke it.

Is there anything with better hardware for that size and price range that doesn't look ancient or like a clone, or do I just get another XA1?
>tfw qt Arab girl from uni always mirin my S8
>always asks to hold it
Feels good. Just wish it didn't elongate Snapchat memories when I send them
Just go with the S8
It's been good to me so far. I downsized from a nexus 6p and I feel like the p10 is the perfect size for a phone. Sort have been spoiled on stock android though but one you find a nice launcher and uninstall some of the bloat you should be good to go.

Some things to note, the sound surprised me. It's clear and doesn't sound tinny. I do miss the 2 front facing speakers though but it's just something to get used to. Also the display is absolutely gorgeous with very nice colors! I don't feel like I'm losing much coming from the amoled screen on my 6p. What I will say though is that mine has a yellow tint towards the bottom of the screen but thankfully you can adjust the colour temperature to hide it. Not that big of a deal to me but it's worth a mention.

You can hide the navigation bar and use the fingerprint reader in its place which is enjoyable. You can go all day with the battery and it lasts longer than the 6p. The main selling point of the phone is the camera and I'm sure you're already aware but it's fantastic. I'm too stupid to know how to fully use it yet though, there's a lot of messing with the camera settings. I don't really know what else to say about it, it checks all the boxes, looks pretty and haven't run into any major issues. It's a great phone
So I've done a clean install and I want to customize. But I know nothing about what I can do, exactly. Is there a good starting point/general information about android customization?
Check out /wg/, there are phone customization threads.

For starters though, I'd say download Nova Launcher and some icon packs from the play store
What's a good phone that fits these requirements?
>Under 300 eurosheckels
>great battery life, should last around a day
>decent camera
>great LineageOS support
>at least 32 GB of internal storage
>doesn't shatter if it touches the ground(not that I drop my phone daily, but still).

Gonna check out wg. Why nova launcher?

Did you like the XA1? If so, just get another one and don't break it.
Dogee mix ? Yay or nay ?

That or Redmond note 4
samefag? implicating what other comments that was my only one?
>""""""""time manager""""""""""

Called a clock?
Any cellphone that has an iPhone red metallic color and finish, and LTE with Movistar México?
I really like it. It gives you a lot of customization options for being an app. Better than TouchWiz
Thoughts on the Axon 7?
I made the mistake of getting an iPhone. Nexus is dead, Pixel is disgusting and over-priced, Samsung/HTC/etc. all lock their phones down.

What phone should I get for $150-$200 used?
Is moto c plus the best budget phone?
Hey nerds is this a good deal?

Is it still basically mandatory to root your phone if you actually want to do something with it?
Also for actual Adblockers, that don't just hide ads, is root still necessary?

About to get a Moto Z, my first Android since the original Nexus 7
Want to sell my Note 3 and get something else 2nd hand. Any suggestions?
i am buying a new phone cause old one broke.
i prefer android
i want
-long lasting battery
-decent camera(doesnt need to be too good. i just take pics of my /toy/s from time to time
-decent storage space so i can download tv shows
i am college student and my dad said he'll pay for it but still cheaper the better
what kind of things do you want to do with your phone?
if u want customization, just get nova launcher
for example the adblock thing, deleting shitty preinstalled apps, or installing pirated shit
how good is the battery on the samsung note 3? Was thinking of getting it since its only $118 on ebay.
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Is there anything worse than phones with backwards capacitive navigation keys?
Back is on the left, options/app switch is on the right. This is the way of the patrician. Anything else is complete garbage.
>phone lets me make the switches do whatever I want
Note 5 with custom touchwizz based rom (but none of that S8 based shit)
Dude I've been using my 3t for several months now and absolutely love it. Will be a OP customer for the foreseeable future. Don't let someone else's opinion shade you enjoying what, memes aside, is actually a really good phone
OP3T for the fucking win. I went a long time thinking that no phone would ever really top my Galaxy Note 4. But I was thankfully wrong.
OnePlus 3T
How much are you looking to spend?

Guess what. I haven't missed it and I had a 128gb card in my LG G5. Genuinely haven't missed it at all.
>Android market share drops 6%
>IOS market share rises 6% to 41% of US total

Are you guys ready for iOS to be the majority? Three new iPhones are coming out, including two 7s's which will be as affordable as flagship androids
720p on a 6in phone is shit, also mediatek
just go for the Xiaomi
Aren't these two the same phone?
no, it's pretty shit desu
What's a good budget phone in the same price bracket
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What's the best mom phone?
Redmi note 4 I guess, I don't know how much the C costs where you live
Why are phones that cost up to 300 dollars labelled as "budget" smartphones? People on a tight budget don't spend fucking 300 dollars, that's not what budget means.
My nexus 5x just randomly bricked itself while updating. Should I buy a pixel or is that gonna randomly brick on me too?
It's one of only phones actually recommended in literally every fucking thread, it has to be good.
Good luck finding one for less than 300 europesos these days. I wanted to get one but at this point, 5 is just cheaper and easier to get.
I feel like every phone that came out this year was shit
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This non-standard aspect ratio meme is triggering my autism.
>all those wallpapers that don't fit anymore
Kill me
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>find great phone for ok price
>no microsd card slot

>find another great phone for ok price
>microsd card slot
>chink botnet
Why is the pixel still overpriced. I'm actually considering buying a OP5 at this point. Are they any better phones that I haven't heard of?
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>used iPhone since the original
>never used android
>see iPhone 8
>see the concept pictures of mi mix 2

looks like I'm switching to android boys. It took a lot but I've never seen a more beautiful device than the mi mix and the 2nd one is shaping up to be even better.
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Looking for the best bang for the bunch phone that can be found under $150 used on ebay.

The g3, g4, g5 have excellent specs and great price, but their boot-loop problem scared me away.
I think the LG G6 is best buy right now.
I'm looking for something cheap.
What happened with nougat for lg g4? Did we get chinked? Are the going it release it Yes/No?
>Femanon here
anon, i have bad news..
Thoughts? >>61977795
How much difference is there between the Redmi Note 4 and the Lenovo P2?

Is there one which stands out as better than the other?
iPhone SE is dirt cheap right now if you're in the US. Plan on getting one to replace my mom's old ass iPhone 5 some time this week.
P2's battery is superior.
Also amoled screen, if you prefer those.
What are some new-ish phones with replaceable battery, aren't fucking huge, and can be rooted?
Oh, and high battery life would be nice. Budget is $200-500
Why are samsung galaxy S phones the only android phones that come with a file browser and calendar as one of its default apps?
so what's a good phone to buy since the nokia 8 is an utter failure
A friend of mine had a G3 with nougat a few months back.
My phone lets me switch them however I prefer.
Every phone has a calendar, and you can install a file manager like Solid Explorer on whatever.
Why doesn't android allow "inverse-portrait" orientation? I would like to have my phone display upside-down while driving in the car (Phone nav in cup holder, with charger sticking up instead of down to minimize stress on port + cable) but android does not allow for this orientation. Is there a reason for this? Is there a relatively simple way to allow this orientation?
What are android phones that come with no bloat?
max 5" screen, simple stock rom and a decent camera makes every mom happy.
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My mom uses an LG phone and it orks for her.
Hello /g/uys
What is the best camera phone under 400 usd?
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I need NFC, fingerprint sensor and 4G LTE band 4, the rest of the specs can be mid tier.
What to buy?
What is the glass like on chink phones?

Easy to break/scratch?
who is she
Best phone for $200, max. $300?
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Recommend to me a phone to buy first
Yeah, who is she and is there moar pics of her?
Im so ready to back to Nokia, my Note 4 held on for long enough.
next iphone
GF is interested in the dual-camera gimmick that the Nokia 8 has - are there any other smartphones currently available / soon to be available with this feature?
Literally every chinkphone company is pounding out dual-camera phones
lg g6, oneplus 5
Honor 9, Huawei P10, LG G6, iPhone 7 Plus, Oneplus 5
Are you referring to the "both-ie" bullshit?
To my knowledge no other phone can do that currently but someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Yes, that's what I'm referring to, sorry I phrased it terribly.
Actually it sounds like Samsung and LG have done something similar (based on Verges Nokia 8 article) but I'm not sure what phones specifically support it.
Ah, thought you meant dual cameras in general, ignore >>61986700 then
Is there any app that supports XMPP and SMS in one? I currently use Signal, but rolling my own server would be better.
>usable NFC

pick one
Pixels are the most autistic flagships you can get
How can I change it when my Android phone is on the home screen and I swipe, the screen blurs? It's ugly and I can't find anything on how to disable
Go to settings > developer options
turn off animations.
G5S+ will have them.
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Who is winning the Snapdragon 835 contest right now? Should I just go with a galaxy s8 or w8 for a bit longer.
What was the best cheap earbuds you guys used?
xiaomi capsule


Xiaomi Mi Mix has pretty tough glass, actually.
does have penis? need more anon.
Oneplus 5 is a controversial winner with S8 behind it. I would wait for the zenphone 3 and just CyanogenMod it.
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>recommending iPhone Shit Edition
>babbys first phone, designed by a manlet for a manlet
top kek
give it back marques
How do I secure apps on my rooted Android phone? I let people use my phone all the time, and they're great about not fucking with things they shouldn't, but it's part trust-but-verify, part just for my peace of mind, and part people who I don't let use it have probably seen my passcode, so preventing worst-case scenario of something malicious. Is there a way to lock down certain apps and prevent them from opening them and accessing the contents? Banking and nudes mostly.
Has anyone here had a v20 that bootlooped?
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What's the best ad blocking solution for iOS?

I sure as fuck hope you guys don't ignore me too like 10 other threads.
Ignore this dude for using Crapple.
Android is for poor "people", kiddo
The Crapple dude will just pollute your board with trash threads just to attempt to get a reply and more exposure.
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Hello /spg/. I need a new phone since my Z1 is not fully charging and overheating. I also experience performance drop, the phone is literally not usable.

I want a small and durable phone. Thickness and weight is not an issue for me. Also I don't use phone to browse web or to take pictures, I just need it in case someone wants to reach me. I would go for an Iphone SE but it's too expensive, I need something a little bit cheaper. Durability is my first priority but Android is also a big plus since I want to have WhatsApp installed. Thanks for any help.
>Thoughts on the Axon 7?
I just got the axon 7. So far I love it. It's better than my old note 3 and the sound quality is great but the camera isnt the best. The battery lasts me all day too.
I've been slowly working my way through the Galaxy series over the years, and I think it's time to get the Galaxy S5. I can pick it up for about £120, anything else in that price range that would perform as well?
im on the verge of getting a redmi note 4, but i dont know if its possible to get it stock as possible. with no experience, how troublesome is flashing a close to stock rom on it? I also couldnt find it on lineages website;9 And will the phone get supported in the future, or is it already slowly dying. I wouldn't want that.
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Hey guys, someone came to my door last week with some kind of phone service called safelink and since my autistic sister gets autismbucks, they were able to give a free smartphone to everyone in our household to be able to "keep in touch with her."

I generally haven't cared about smartphones because I didn't like being bound to a contract, but if it's free I'm willing to give it a shot. It came today, so I'm wondering if there's any good app or browser recommendations. I found out that Chrome browser doesn't support add ons, so I'm thinking of the Firefox browser. Also wondering about general recommendations of what kind of tracking shit to disable/enable.

The phone model is apparently a ZTE Majesty Pro LTE, which is only like 30 bucks. If I like this free phone enough, I'll probably shell out money for a fancier smartphone though because this one is pretty clearly not that powerful.
>getting a redmi note 4
make sure you get the right version for your country, for Europe and most of America you want the Note 4 Global

>how troublesome is flashing a close to stock rom on it
Not hard at all, there is a program called XiaomiTool that automates most of the process

>couldn't find it on lineages website
Here it is

>will that phone get supported on the future
yeah, Xiaomi's sold over five million Note 4s just in India alone, it's not going to be abandoned
Will LineageOS get Android O any time soon? I'm planning on rooting and flashing it then.
mᴀd ʙoi
nothing worth a buy atm as op said, never have been anything good the past 2 years neither now
1. Depends on how you make use of your phone imo. If you need it for gaming, mobile payment, VR, etc. there might be still improvements to come. Basics like smoothest operating, high quality cameras, fhd displays, battery lifetime won't change much in the near future.
2. I don't think so. However bear in mind that golden phones might not be a thing anymore at some point (either in your life or in general design beliefs). So if you want to keep your phone for a few years, you might want to stick to black.
Does Samsung Pay work well?

What if one needs a new phone?
Not for months
shit guess I'll just install it now then
Why are you buying a 3 year old phone?
Because I can get it for £120? I bet you'd have me pay £800 for the latest apple product or the S8 or The Google Phone, wouldn't you? I bet you'd prefer I got a £40 a month contract so I end up paying £1500 for a phone that will be out of date when I've stopped paying, wouldn't you? WELL I WONT FALL FOR IT YOU DISGUSTING JEW
Yes atleast in my country, it's quite comfy but I can't tolerate touchjizz for it
Unless you are planning in flashing a rom it's a terrible phone
Awesome. I ask again, what else can I get for that price?
Also does anyone have a good guide for rooting, backing up contacts and stuff, and flashing a rom?
Probably a redmi note 4, how much is that in your region
Look on jewtube and backup your stuff on your pc not some app
According to kimovil the Redmi Note 4 Global has these LTE bands:
1700 1800 2100 2300 2600 800 850 900 AWS
So if I get it right it has B4 and B7 but it lacks B17.
How does this affect its usage in Canada on Rogers or Fido (which have B4, B7, B17)?

Yeah, about that price. I'll have a look at it. Thanks for the suggestion friend
i want to change it, but that camera and those stereo speakers...
What are the next mobile payment improvements? I'm about to buy a Samsung Pay enabled phone.
2. But only the golden and light pink ones are on sale. I'll use a case, anyway.

Even if they do release it soon, the first months are very buggy. I usually wait at least 6 months before installing a new Android version.
Make sure you get the Global version
i guess my post was a bit too stupid to be acknowledged
Awesome, awesome. Anything I should know going from the Galaxy series to this?

Also I see a lot of people complaining about Touchwizz. From my understanding it's like the UI 'skin', right? Why's it bad? And what do the other phones do better? pls spoonfeed
what the fuck when I search "how to flash lineageos" on youtube literally every video is by a pajeet
You'll get LTE no problem. B4 is the main band
Thanks! I'll just wait until the 21/08 to see if there are any news about the Redmi Note 5 alongside the release of the Redmi 5A.
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V30 Best of all time ?
Who /priv/ here
Think pad the phone
Moto G6 when?
Next year
Bumping my question.
How about gestures? Are good and complex gestures possible to set for stuff like app drawer, task manager and back/home without root?
nothing really worth writing to it.>>61989071
So I installed the official lineageos builds for my device (Redmi note 4 Global),

I then flashed the "addonsu-14.1-arm64-signed.zip" package from recovery, and enabled root for adb and applications in dev. options.

I checked root status using root checker and it says that the device is rooted.

when I installed adaway I refreshed the hosts files and applie ad blocking it asked for a reboot, but it won't start automatically after the reboot.

Another app that requires root access is cf.lumen, I get this message every time it starts:

>selinux running in enforcing mode but you are not using super su
That's why you read tutorials instead of watching poo colored people.
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When it comes to cameras what's the best cheap phone there is?
Adaway doesn't need to be running all the time, stupid.
if it's not running, the ads are still there, in each app and youtube
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gonna get this ASUS phone.

prices are in CAD
It's quite bloated and expensive, look into g5+ maybe
Kik plzzzzz fuckn sexy.
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>want to try gear vr
>s8 is a glued together piece of shit
>pixel is shit too
>the google vr headset is covered in fucking t-shirt fabric
>also only supports s8 and pixel
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Ok Im a few hours in researching phones, Im not a /g/ fag so this is hard for me. From what I've found the most affordable phone with the best video recording (I don't care about ebin photos) is the Zenfone 3 Zoom (It has a good microphone too), G4 LG was promising but I learned that it's basicaly broken. Can somebody recommend me a phone that fits these criteria?
>Good video recording (pictures are irrelevant)
Anything other I don't care desu, maybe storage space.
How much is your budget?
I guess I can manage 200 dollars
How do you go about updating a custom ROM to a newer release without losing all your app data?

Dirty flash or backup with Titanium/wipe/install/restore?
The zenphone seems alright but for this price I would suggest you get a yi cam, no phone will have a decent enough camera at this price point
backup with Titanium then try a dirty flash. If it doesn't work you have the option of wiping and restoring.

Also nandroid backup if you can.
Especially for video
Best chinkphone for £200-350?

Looking at the Xiaomi Mi5s
How much will I have to up my budget? What phone do you suggest?
How much is an s7/s6 in your religion, how much is an iPhone se /6s?
An S6 DEMO(Whatever that is) is very affordable, there's also a lot of used non demo ones which are also affordable. Iphones aren't an option in Poland, barely any one is selling them here (Also ebin memez taught me not to trust apple).
I'm looking for a cheap phone with a half-way decent camera for something in it's price range. I'm planning to use it as a faux security cam. and dash cam. Carrier is irrelevant. Any suggestions?
>nothing worth a buy

galaxy s8
The demo phones don't have sim card slots, iPhone se has a flagship level camera in its price range, I would suggest the mi6 too but it's software is horrible
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Moto g3 is worth buying. Its fast, cheap and will last forever
>tfw bought a phone I wanted and needed for a good price but feel like shit because I spent money
Who else here has a frugality problem?
What if I just stayed with a regular S6?
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What the fuck happened?
Nvm my austim get the zenphone zoom, the camera tech has improved too much to consider anything old, the zenphone is quite decent, xaomi mi6 is better if that's in your price range
Is re-flashing a custom kernel or gapps necessary if it's the same version of Android?
You really need to check what the rom requirements are as some specify a specific kernel or bootloader version.
Alright, thanks for the into. I've never tried dirty flashing before but I've looked into a bit and found conflicting answers on the kernel/gapps question.
I'm on net10 but unlimited everything is a waste of money, what should I look at instead?
>work night shift
>Own a Zuk Z2 Pro
>Co-worker has a Samsung s6 edge
>Compare cameras out of boredom one night
>My phone takes better photos indoors (less grain)
>My phone takes better photos of moving objects (she waved her hand in front of the camera)

It wasn't a massive difference but it was big enough to be noticeable when put side by side on my laptop.
Considering reviews are saying the S7 Edge camera was better than the S6 Edge but not a huge upgrade, would any phone be a noticeable camera upgrade for me worth buying? I'm mainly asking because I want better performance for emulation but I don't want to down/side grade the camera either because I use it a lot.

Also manual camera controls are absolutely necessary.
Any xiaomi phones that LTE works in burger land most I find so not. Is it hopeless?
Here. But mostly because i'm a poorfag.
trying to backup my Android to Linux with abd and it starts working for a little bit and starts going through apps on the screen that it's backing up (com.android.xx), but after a few minutes it just hangs at one app and stops working. The backup file on my PC does appear but after it hangs the file size stops increasing and it just stays there. Also it's a different app every time it stops and the backup file is at a different file size so I don't know what could be causing it.
Best chinkphone for $280 or less?
lineageOS 15 when?
Who /Axon7/ here???
Also I should mention in the middle of the backup a popup comes up saying "The connected device is unable to access data on this device. Reconnect the USB and try again." but it still works for a big after that until it starts to hang at an app.
I'm guessing the S8 has the same Knox thing that's been on every Galaxy phone for the past few years that prevents you from flashing in any kind of ROM without voiding the warranty?
virgin canada, give me advice
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What are some cool things to do with my smartphone?
Moto G4 w/latest Android
Mi 5s
Is there a current brand on the market that doesn't have that with their phones?
The Essential phone is dope af. You know it, everybody knows it.
>spending so much on 4gb of ram
at that price i'd expect 6gb minimum.
I do. I'm holding on to a deal for 4 days and I still haven't paid it, despite wanting that phone a lot. A few more days and I'll lose the deal.

I don't know about the kernel, but you don't need to flash gapps again usually.
Also 16:9 resolution is a must and I want a bigger screen if.
Do Firefox addons make the android phones lag at all for the mobile browser?
Complete battery hog and the 2nd screen is a gimmick that you'll stop using/caring about after about a day.

Sold mine and bought an S8+
I want to get rid of all the Samsung apps that I've never used on my Galaxy S4. Thinking about installing Android without all the samsung bloat, but i have no idea how roms work or where I'd get this vanilla android.
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Is this a good deal or not?


Thanks Anon-kun, I'll read into these things and try to do it. I need to back up my pictures before I do anything though.
Along with your pictures, contacts, etc. you should also do a full backup before you root/flash a rom just incase of a brick
contacts lol as if i have any
lol ok
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>using NFC
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use Purify, no complaints
Price isn't really an issue but I'm torn between the upcoming Moto X4 and Xperia XZ1. I'm mostly keen on battery life, but which one would you guys recommend and do we have any possible release dates?
It's pretty sweet. Screen is nice, DAC is cool, and camera is really good. Second screen is pretty handy if you're driving.
So I just bought myself a Moto G5 Plus. Did I do a good decision?
Is Kodi any good on Android?
Had it since last october/november.
Its true, sound quality is great and you can turn toggle the dolby output.
Ample internal storage plus sim tray.
The camera is excellent in well lit stable conditions. Its not so good (slow/laggy) in low light conditions, but you can get some quality shots if you're patient/still. I bought a pair of them, one for my gf who used the Moto G4 or w/e for a very short time before this. She liked the camera on the G4 a little more, but never took any low light shots with it.
Quick charge was life changing for me. I was using an S5 with multiple batteries before and really hesitated on the purchase because of that.
File transfer doesn't seem to work with the usb-c chord they supply. You need to use the older style with the adapter they supply.
I busted my screen a few months back and had it repaired for 80 bucks. They send you an exact loaner phone in the meantime.
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considering switching to android from an iphone.

this might sound incredibly stupid, but is there any way to easily sync folders across a pc to android? say, for instance, i want to sync my photo, epub, cbr, music, etc. collections. is there an application that will let me specify folders on my pc to sync with folders on my phone so i don't have to manually transfer files every time?
>going back to the fruitgoy
You and your files deserve to suffer.
had a v20
broke it
Was thinking of replacing it with either a second V20 or waiting for a newer OnePlus model
is that a no?
Yea get this installed.
My lg v20 is starting to get burn in, would I be able to get Sprint to give me a different phone because of this?
don't get another v20
For what reason? Wait for V30, or does V20 have issues?
currently using dropbox (free) + dropsync and symlinks to automatically sync files between my laptop and mobile at regular intervals.
Both, really. Other than the bootloops, my v20 I've had for six months is having lots of issues with overheating, freezing, and light bleed. I think you can find a better phone than the v20
eh. i'd rather stay away from cloud-based solutions. just seems like an unnecessary step (and my music and manga collections are too big for most free drive services).
cloud just means some one elses computer. Just use your own
before breaking it, I had no issue with the V20
only annoyance was the battery, which was a non-issue because it's replacable
freezing doesn't exist because I flashed an AOSP-based ROM, so no heavy LG-UI skin
I didn't own the phone long enough to notice a light bleed
If you think there's a better phone than the V20 at the same price point, I'm all ears
I can't think of any other phone with a removable battery, dual cameras, headphone jack, NFC, IR Blaster, and a microSD card slot
there's also the quad DAC, but I'm not an audiophile
i know what a cloud is. it just seems like every (polished) solution i've come across relies on using a cloud-based service in order to facilitate the syncing.

i WANT to use my own computer.
I linked you a noncloud github nigger
because i really want to spend my time making a fucking batch file i need to run every time i plug my phone in.
don't bother switching if you're going to be this ignorant
I get an error every time I select the .zip i downloaded from LineageOS
what carrier did you get it from
It says Zip signature verification failed
error installing zip file 'extrenal_sd/lineage-14.1-20170816-nightly-jfltexx-signed.zip'
here's the V20 issue, only found one other person with the same problem
Did you factory reset first?
I fixed it. I looked it up on Lineage's subreddit and someone said to format which I did and it worked. I remembered I got error 7 when I didn't use the verification

Thanks for the help too, Anon~
HTC One M series
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How the fuck do I root my 6.0 museum piece without installing Chinese communist party malware (kingroot)?
No LG phone will ever be best phone of all time
HTC 10 is the Thinkpad phone.
look up guide to rooting phone on xda
usually consists of unlocking bootloader, flashing twrp, and flashing su.zip
Thanks friends.
>no magnesium alloy
>no physical keyboard
>no expandable storage
>no removable battery
>impossible to take apart non-destructively
>doesn't come in black
G5 plus
1080p, physical front buttons, 3.5mm jack, 3+GB ram, SD slot, Nougat, USB 3, non-shit camera under £300

does it exist?
Is the honor 6x worth it? Heard the build quality is bad but it seems to be the best phone for 190-250 bracket. The honor 8 is over 300 here
Not before Android 8 (O) is released...
How do I get Snapchat without Google Play Services?
Don't even bother bringing up Oppo on this board.
/g/ automatically hates anything Chinese, regardless if their phones are good and are getting better.
>/g/ automatically hates anything Chinese
yeah we definitely don't have a whole thread dedicated to great chinese shit or anything
looks safe enough
It says Login Services are down though
>safe enough
if you're okay with your account getting locked out, sure
the "login" basically works by using the devs server as a proxy, imitating an iOS device
best thing to do is root your phone, sign in to snapchat, and then select "Use Snapchat Session (ROOT)"
otherwise, you risk a lock/ban
What does that "use snapchat session" option actually do? You have to log in to do it but you can't access the option again without logging out.
it does exactly what it says
you sign in with snapchat first, and then in casper, you use snapchat's login session
logging out of snapchat will log you out of casper too since it's the same session
Okay how do I sign into snapchat first? I'm not joking how do I do this
I can only log into Casper, which barely even works
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