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Thread replies: 354
Thread images: 39

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Stupid Questions Thread
Requesting lewds of queen callisto.
Do blind people feel 'Love at first sight'?
Are black people human
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4: meme or actually good?
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Repost, because old one died.
So, my sound card jack output is on the last legs and the one in the front of a case picks up a static which is annoying, so I'm thinking about getting usb sound card. Is cheap shit like pic related good enough for my needs (just a clean stereo signal, something to plug into my stereo) or should look for the better options?
Gonna try to pull a quicken data file off my step dad's old hdd that was starting to fail. Since it'll be in his documents, will I have any probs seizing administration control to get into that folder?
I used a similar usb sound card thing for about a year when my headphone jack broke. Worked great and did the job well considering it cost next to nothing.
Some of them are shit and can fuck up your headphones.
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>Bought lenovo ideapad 100s
>comes with win10, slow as fuck

What linux distro do i install to get the most of this?
No, but don't boot that drive. Run something else to copy the file.

I'm gonna connect it as a secondary drive to my pc and then try to take the file and copy it onto a flash drive for him.
Which one would be prefereble, and why?
That's up to you
You could do that. Or you could just boot from external media on his PC and copy it from there


Also when that's done you could try imaging the disk with Macrium Reflect and see if you can save the whole thing, although a clean install would probably be simpler.

Lubuntu is a goto lightweight distro. Has full ubuntu compatibility with minimum resources. Also lets you decide at login to use netbook mode or even Window Manager only
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my left click isn't working

it happens intermittently, help pl0x
Do some finger strength training exercise. Check youtube for examples.
So when I look up how to do back-ups, these videos and guides always explain how to use certain software, and how to use cronjobs to automate them, and other stuff.
But here's one simple thing i don't understand:

How do you automate a back-up, when you physically may not even have a second storage device attached to your computer at all times? I mean, wouldn't i need to have an external harddrive plugged into my computer at all times, in order to automate back-ups?

Or am i missing something really obvious, and there are back-ups that don't require external storage?
Buy replacement switch from chinkland. Desolder old one, solder in replacement.
The software can easily check what drives are available, so it checks if there in an external drive available. Also i would guess that you clarify what drive it should use, so that i only checks for that drive letter
Well you could use the network...
The windows builtin incremental backup thing backs up changed files to an intermediate directory when the destination drive isn't available and transfers them from there when it is plugged in again, or next time schedule runs and it is there, idk.
Some just backup to the same drive, which is stupid. And you can also backup to cloud services.
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Did I screw up for letting my pirated Win10 to update?

It asked me again in the start up about sending info and statistics to the judens, the look of Defender changed and bugs me to turn on cloud protection and real time checks.

Will they find and block my windows if I keep updating?
Microsoft is fine with running unregistered win10. And even XP got updates when it was cracked.
Are the Google DNS exceptionally unsafe compared to the average ISP?
>Will they find and block my windows if I keep updating?
No. They don't care about your pirated installation.
If you were to start manufacturing and selling computers with pirated licenses you'd be in trouble.
>marketing company
>responsible for extreme privacy invasion and soul stealing EULAs
This is why they make me wanna buy Win and Adobe programs when I can afford to.

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There's a bug under my screen.

What do I do now?
Safe from who? If not using dnssec then your DNS queries are unencrypted UDP. Even if not talking to your ISP they can sniff that shit trivially. So can anyone who has tapped interchanges you packet goes through.
So the answer depends on what you mean by "safe". Are you worried about the owner of the server selling you data? Both google and your ISPs can, although I think we would have heard rumours if google was doing that whereas for ISPs I wouldn't be surprise. On the other hand if your ISP is not sharing data with the NSA (they are) then hitting their DNS server probably will prevent your packet from going through any interchanges.
Wait and hope it disappears magically.
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Will a old hp Compaq with an Intel duo core E8400 be powerful enough for a pfSense router?
I'm running a 960 gfx and an amd 6300. Which should I upgrade first for the biggest noticeable performance increase.
Your IPS knows all the shit you're doing whether you use their DNS or not. Using a different DNS just doubles the number of people watching you.
throw away consumer routers are generally ~500mhz with 2 cores
Probably the processor, but it depends heavily on the applications/games you use. Look that shit up.
Get an SSD
If you don't mind lowering details in vidya then CPU.
Yeah but sometimes they fuck with results too.
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I'm looking for a mechanical keyboard not for coding but for writing
>should have multimedia keys
>no numblock; as compact as possible yet normally sized keys
>F-keys directly on top of the numbers would be lit
>~$200 max
>noise, backlit etc irrelevant
What would you recommend?
Sweet, now may i ask what are some recommend cheap easy to find 1Gb NICs? on ebay and such?
I'm not saying there aren't reasons to use them, I'm just saying you don't gain any privacy from your ISP from using a different service.
how do private torrent trackers work?
I just registred on site and I did not need to enter any credentials to torrent client
it just works?
The torrent files you download from the site have your personal key.
Usually they embed your user code in the .torrent file you download. They do know what IP you're downloading from though, and sometimes they get pissy if it's not the one you logged in on.
what audio codec do I use for 4chan again? libopus?
I think 4chan only allows vorbis
your user id is part of the tracker link embedded in the magnet/torrent file
it works like a cookie, that identifies you when your client connects to the tracker
My mobo detects my harddrive only every 10th time or so. Does that mean that my mobo or hard drive are broken?

I don't have a spare hard drive or SATA cable to test, but which one is more likely if the BIOS says that there's no hard drive connected? Once it recognizes it, it works flawlessly so that's telling me it's my mobo, but the fact that it sometimes recognize it tells me it might be my hard drive.
hey chaps, whats your av, do you even use one? i need one for my brothers work laptop and im at a loss, never had one.
try a different port
for windows i just set people up with clamwin + clam sentinel
clamwin being the av itself, and clam sentinel providing realtime scanning capability
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I have an old raspberry pi model B I want to use for my backups. My first thought was something like 4 scavenged laptop hard drives in RAID5, but I'm opened to other solutions.
Here's what I intend to do :
>1 Raspberry pi
>4 hard drive, each with a SATA to USB cable
>Hard drives and RPi connected together through a powered USB hub

I will put there my important documents, backed up with something like rsync and my config / dotfiles backed up with version control.

Since I back up almost exclusively pdf, plain text or small files, I don't care about the transmission speed.

The raspberry pi will not be connected to the internet as an extra precaution against randsomware or shit like that. Rather, I'll manually connect it to a LAN and run backup scripts from my main machine via ssh.

Is this a good idea or am I falling in noob pitfalls? What should I change?
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I'm having trouble removing some Windows tracking updates from my new OS
When I tried to uninstall, it says that it failed
So I went to the command prompt an tried to delete them manually with the wusa command
I got an Error 0x80004005
Every solution I've looked up online either doesn't work or requires me to download a package that must be upgraded to premium

What do I need to do?
Long story short:
>accepted at college
>living with my grandad now
>old fart that doesn't even consider my requests or opinions and thinks he's always right
>have a shitty router with a nasty wifi siystem around the house with the same internet contract for over 10 years
>no stable internet connection

How do I destroy the internet system without leaving any traces so that a cable guy comes here and replace it?
if you're ok with a couple megs a second, you could do that
the original pi (a and b) has a single usb2 root hub, with the 100Mb/s ethernet controller attached to it, which alone is a massive limitation for a file server, then you've got the slow as balls armv6 cpu, which is slow as balls, things like samba and ntfs-3g slow things to a crawl, those can be avoided though. a raid5/6 requires parity calculation, which while i haven't tested that on my piB, i imagine will be fairly strenuous on it as well

basically, the original pi is basically the worst hardware you can get for a file server, you'd literally do better with a near-20-year-old pentium III box
-- basically what i'm saying is, go and find yourself a cheap second hand desktop pc, and use that
add a sata/gigabit ethernet pci card if need be
if low power/noise is important, then look at other SBC's, something with a better cpu, and gigabit + usb3/sata
Is there any alternative to the Windows 10 keyboard for handwriting input? Have someone being really bitchy about it not properly recognizing his shit

My eyelid starts twiching uncomfortably whenever I try working in Debian. Is that normal?
My car has an android touch screen system in it. I want to connect an external HDD to it for storage, but the problem is obviously a hard drive (moving parts) in a moving vehicle.

Would I need solid state, would a secure mounting work, or are there any external hard drives made to endure external forces during operation?
By moving out and getting your own shit.
Are you mad you didn't go to college?
No, but you do have to be over 18 years old to post on this board.
which programming language do i have to use to make more money in the future
So you didn't go to college.
it might be enough to just support the hdd with shock-absorbing material
a 2.5" (laptop) hdd would probably be a good idea as well, as they'd be more likely to be designed around being moved while operating, and responding to shock
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how ubuntu 16.04 will work on this http://allegro.pl/acer-predator-g3-710-i7-7700-16gb-gtx1080-gaming-i6906520557.html
is gtx1080 supported?
Why wouldn't it be, it's the same as every other nvidia card. (If you're a freedom autist, worth noting that the open source nvidia drivers are dogshit and you'll have to use the proprietary ones.)

It's more likely that some stupid shit like your network adapter won't be supported
Yeah, you may be right. But the more I think about it the more it sounds like I should bit the bullet and get a flash drive. My car's suspension is pretty rigid so dips and bumps rock it a lot. Maybe if I had a luxobarge, but.. Yeah.
are modular cables interchangeable between power supplies? can i take the cables (used or unused) from a supply im going to scrap and use it with another (different watages or even brand)?
what is the cheapest Uninterruptible power supply I can find?

the office where I work has constant power outages and I want to protect one or two critical machines for 15 minutes tops to save any work and shut down properly.
No the cable pinouts are not standardized
an ssd is a sure thing, of course, if you can afford it
how much space do you need? you're not putting bluray remuxes in your car, are you?
Nah nah just SD copies of mostly old TV shows. I can swap them in and out as I please so a 256gb thumb drive oughta work fine.
depends on the load
How do I use multiple proxies simultaneously on chrome with win7?
I only need about 4 or 5
thats crap. even among the brand / supplies in the same series?
Thanks for the advice. I'll look if I can scavenge some stuff at my uni's garbage.

Should I better do a NAS or just install ubuntu and just run the backup process with bash scripts?
Here's a question worthy of this thread: the Gentoo handbook says the minimal installation ISO will only boot into a non-uefi BIOS. Well that's not a problem, I can just boot my installation usb in bios mode. But then it says:
>Readers looking to make their system UEFI bootable must download the latest Hybrid ISO (LiveDVD).
Does this mean that my final installation will also not be uefi-incompatible?
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Generally , when I configure gnu/Linux to my liking, how do I save the config file or settings/installed packages so I can automatically run it next time i clean install or use another machine and save me a bunch of time?
you don't, you use firefox and keep applying new ones over and over
Get one of the chink orange pi boards, they have SATA even on their lower-end ones (sub-$20).
>Should I better do a NAS or just install ubuntu and just run the backup process with bash scripts?
it's up to you, a NAS-dedicated system like FreeNAS might be easiest if you're not familiar with linux/bsd already, but if you are, then you can use whatever
A single proxy? But that'd give hardly any degree of anonymity
You have to use multiple firefox profiles IIRC.
I think you then run
firefox -P my_profile
to manage that efficiently.

It's really ugly and bad because profiles store all configuration including bookmarks and shit. Use a curl/wget script if you can
this link is polish auction service
how much need I spend for "assembled" (in polish- "składak" xD), or even used computer to have same parameters like in this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_GM1JA608Y
this thing cost ~32700PLN how much can I save
pretty sure he's talking more about things like foxyproxy, where you can specify different proxies for different sites based on user-written rules
No. Yes. Depends.
Cables are (usually) interchangeable within the same brand, regardless of wattage. But like >>61623071 said the pinouts aren't standardized, so the cables are absolutely not interchangeable across different brands.

Swapping cables within same brand and series is safe. Do some research if you're swapping from one series to another.
You can check out cablemod, see if they have one set of cables that fits both of your PSUs. If they do, you can be sure they're interchangeable.
So if I configure my browser setting to use a LAN proxy, then use foxyproxy for a certain website and then access it by a generic proxy site, would that be enough to offer sufficient protection?
I've heard the foxyproxy extension recommended before
How good is it? Are there manuals on how to use it?
good call, thanks.

i have the cables from my EVGA 650 G1, but it doesnt look like they will work with the G2

feels like such a waste
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Is there any (markdown)-editor that allows to export to html, that simply has a table of contents on the left side and the content on the right?

All I could come up with is using Word and Export to PDF, but that sucks, because you can't embed code in a syntax highligted box.
not sure but I think it means unless you use the hybrid iso then your system will only boot in bios legacy mode
Yes. I'd recommend to use the Live CD in either case because it offers much more functionality and less required fuckery with wifi etc

Happens to me too on gentoo
Java is a guaranteed slam dunk, if you want to learn just one.

Even though it's shit, it will never stop being used because Java is the woman-appeal programming language.
i don't think it requires a manual, if you understand what proxies, wildcards and/or regular expressions are, the rest is self explanatory, the UI is well made (imo)
if you don't know what the above are, you can use information from anywhere to learn about them, they're not foxyproxy-specifc
Does it mean ssh is not safe?
B-but the handbook said that will make me less l33t :(
>run Manjaro in a vm
>install inside the VM from the live system, put my info and password and stuff
>about half an hour, finally ready
>"Manjaro Linux 17.0 was installed on your computer. You can restart the new system, or continue using the portable Manjaro Linux operating system." Checkbox for "restart now" and "Exit" button.
>hit "restart now" and "exit"
>the system in a VM closes and restarts
>it's again the same live system
>do the whole process again
What do I click now? I don't want to do this one more time. Please answer quickly.
How much space should I leave for CPU cooler and the case? Will a case height of 60mm be enough for 37mm cooler (+ MB height)?
you're fine
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I have one of those newer matte monitors that have a sort of film coating.
How do I clean this?
replying for visibility
>Out of memory: killed process
Shut it down and try again. How much RAM do you have?
Wipe and start over
It's fucking 5 posts up, fuck off.
you don't have enough memory to use the full gui installer, either use a text mode installer, or download more ram
Take the iso out
>3 minutes
I think we have a new bump record
Now it's not doing anything... I hate you
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but that's the correct solution
You're not drowning in my goodwill either, sonny
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How can I make unlimited youtube accounts? I see I can make multiple accounts on an already existing account but only sometimes. Is there a way I can make unlimited?
Pic not related.
Well... it did nothing for me. I'm trying again.
thanks, appreciate it
>not doing anything
Can someone tell me what the fuck a Parity Drive is? I have fucking googled for 30 minutes straight and read all the top search results without understanding. They just talk about parity bits and shit and saying how you can have 2 drives in raid 0 and then 1 parity drive and somehow you can restore if one of the raid 0 drives die. How does this work when the parity drive is only 1 drive but the raid 0 is 2 drives?

This is the most fucking frustrating shit I have ever encountered. FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
showing a white underscore on a black background. Basically what VirtualBox shows when there's no boot media.
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my SSD appears as SandForce {numbers} in bios sometimes, is it dying?
Is there a way to get the replies from a 4chan thread into text form?

e.g. separated lines/paragraphs for each reply?

Without copy and paste. I want to get each post into a text document/file but copying and pasting also highlights the unnecessary parts .

Say you have five 1gb drives. Each of them is 4/5 full of unique shit, and 1/5 is backup of the other drives. If any one drive dies, there is a complete backup across the others. The minimum for this to work is 3 drives.
I don't know
When you boot up live media, run gparted etc to see if it's actually installed anything.
What's even the point of a reply like this?
b u m p

pic related
I don't know?
I've got this exact monitor, just wipe it down with microfiber cloth for dust, or a baby wipe if you have actual dirt on it.
A good Android emulator?
...would be awesome if they existed.
I do it with a cloth for glasses. I tried baby wipes but they leave marks behind.. Can I find a microfiber cloth at the grocery store?
I can't be bothered to buy one online..
I was running Leapdroid and it run very well for what I needed it to do, but suddenly it started shitting itself and being slow, even after reinstalling it.
So in this case you would have 4gb of usable storage. That's why it's more efficient to have more drives. However many you have, you lose out on the storage size of one drive.
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Why is Jesus Gaben on the sticky?
I thought /g/ hated Steam.
Will do, thanks
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What do I look for when buying a laptop?
I need one for school work which includes light video and photo editing, also coding but I assume most laptops can handle that.

I built my PC a few years ago, so I know something about specs, but I feel you can't really compare laptop specs to desktop.

I also just want one with a trackpad that's not fucking terrible, I know macbook trackpads are nice but >apple
SSD IPS 1080p, preferably i5 or i7, good brand like dell. Try shit out at bestbuy to see if you like the keyboard/pad. If you go for a GPU make sure it's a Nvidia 10xx
How the flying fuck do i get my lelnovo g50-80 to see this perfectly fine bootable USB with memtest on it. My other laptop sees it and boots from it, USB boot is on, but it doesnt see if in any of the 3 ports on it. Ive booted from other usbs, but i dont want to waste my 8gb stick with shit on it for memtest of all things.
why the 480p, 720p, 1080p are reference to height pixel count, but 4K, 8K are reference to width?
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The fuck is this shit?
Pure marketing. I think 480p wasn't even a term until HD and FHD. 4K is also 4K because it's 4 times FHD.
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I want to create a fidelity app to my mom's coffee shop so people can get discounts if they buy there enough or if they pay upfront.

How should i go about it?
>Redmi Note 4
a 2017 phone without 802.11 ac wifi
no nfc => no android pay
no typeC
no usb 3.0
no front facing speaker
and dont expect great camera on Mi phone
otherwise, it's great
how do i auto sage all my posts?
480p and the like are like that because of how analog video and crt's work, that is, only the number of horizontal lines (vertical resolution) has a hard definition, the signal drawn horizontally was analog, so there was no fixed number to use for it
480p means "480 lines (progressive)"

"4K" is used in digital cinema, and refers specifically to 4096x2160 (3840x2160 is UHD, a digital television term)
Nevermind. I just swapped the sodimms around and itll work for the next while.
What's a lightweight and good antivirus for windows ? I want to change avast for my father, since it's too fucking slow for a fairly strong laptop without an SSD, it takes too much fucking time for the laptop to start responding normally after turning it on
interesting, thank you!
clamwin + clam sentinel
comodo firewall
you dont need antivirus if you have common sense of internet
i discovered having a domain and hosting a website are different things. So what would happen if I buy a domain name only? Nothing? I would only stop other people from having this domain name?
>antivirus for father
>common sense of internet
I personally haven't used antivirus for couple years now, windows security + malwarebytes is enough for me, but I can't give that much responsibility for my dad, since I will have to fix it later anyways
Thinking of getting Alesis elevate 6 (pic related)
Worth it? Will be using them just for everyday stuff.
install ublock origin chrome extension for your father, I think that is enough
I'm trying to write custom css for 4chan to use a specific font, but I'm dumb and can't figure it out.
This is what I have so far:

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);
@-moz-document regexp("https://www.boards.4chan.org/*")
html, body {
font-family: "xos4 terminus" !important;

but this changes the font on more than just 4chan. How should I change this so ONLY 4chan fonts are changed to terminus?
I'm using the extension StylRRR on firefox if that's relevant.
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Which motherboards actually support Ryzen's SME? Motherboard manufacturers don't even bother with every option in their manual PDFs anymore.
use stylish instead, they have themes wrote by other people, you can just click to download them
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Forgot pic
I just want the css to change the font though.
Stylish is literal botnet,it sends every url you type back to home base.
Use grease/tamper monkey
nevermind I got it.
@namespace "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
@-moz-document domain("4chan.org"){
font-family: xos4 terminus;
Why the fuck is so-dimm ram so fucking expensive. $100+ for a 8gbx2 kit. DDR4 prices are lower. Is this just manufacturers jewing the fuck out of laptop memory prices for fun?
holy, I was wondering why api.userstyles.org is top on my dns request list
> Bought Windows 7 Ultimate for $10.
> Was given a download link to archive.org and given a key to be used to activate it.
> When asked whether I could get it from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows7 was told the key their selling is an online version key and wouldn't work.

Is there even such a thing for Windows 7 or am I being duped right now?
here's a legitimate download
/g/, what Linux distro should I install on my NAS? I was using freeNAS for a while until the install fucked up somehow (don't know why). This time I will keep it simple and not bother putting shit in a RAID. I just want something so simple even my Grandma could use it, that I can set and forget, and it won't get broken when I hit the update button.

Also OEM keys wont be accepted in microsoft website.
>not do raid
Then there is no point in doing it at all if you're not using zfs or raid.
Buying a used elgato hd capture device. Is there anything I should know beforehand?
As long as version (home, pro etc) matches, any key should activate any ISO

Thanks, was actually worried the one they linked was tampered with. I'll download the same version given and see if the key works.

Yeah, the thing is they claimed it's a full version and not OEM. Was really thrown off when I was told it''s an online version key.

Thanks, will test the key they give using a real Windows iso. Here's to hoping it works out.
synology nas offered android/iOS app, I think it's easy to use.
I ran a zfs 4x4TB RAID10 for like 2 months and it started throwing me SMART errors, so I give up on that shit. I don't have the money to keep constantly replacing disks, so I am going with plan B. From now on, I decided to just make my NAS a Linux box and use the hard drives as backup storage since my desktop drives are getting really old now (I have over 35000 hours on my main 2TB, and 20000+ on one of my 4TB)
Why do you keep posting queen callisto?
>tfw you fell for the Ryzen meme and now it's taking you 1 minute to copy a 500mb file.



Why is my SSD write speed slow? It wasn't like this with my i5 2500k.

I'm looking at benchmarks, and my SSD speeds are around 75% what they should be, in some cases only 50%.

>throwing smart errors
This has nothing to do with raid or zfs, your drives were shit and started/did die.
To create a bootable usb from an ISO, it's just
dd if=/path/to/file.iso of=/dev/sdc1

(assuming sdc1 is my usb drive, of course)?
No,just sdc
you are doing it wrong. imo, you might return the disk when first time SMART scream on your face XD, and get a new one under warranty.

so a scheduled linux task to check smart is essential.
Only scrubs who dont know shit/or even research shit use raid10,and with only 4 drives
I'm new to emacs and I just discovered the auto-complete package.

Is there a way to trigger the menu only if I press something like C-TAB rather than having it appear automatically everytime after 0.8s ?
Honestly, it's my fault for buying Segates for my NAS because they were cheap, but like I said, I can't afford any more drives right now, so that's the end of it. Going back to straight up independent drives and manual backup.

RAID5 and RAID6 are garbage, you have to rebuild the array if a disk dies to access your data, and they lower your read/write speeds by a siginicant amount. I chose RAID10 because I wanted to have shit still work fine if a disk died (which it did) and because I wanted fast speeds. I kept using it for quite a while without touching the fucked up disk, but then FreeNAS fucked up during an update somehow and it's been sitting idle ever since. I decided today to get off my ass and install a Linux distro on it and just use it as a regular machine that will double as my backup box. I didn't ask for your opinions on the merits of RAID, I simply wanted to ask opinions on distros.
thats why you use your backup raid-6 while your main raid-6 rebuilds.You should also have hot spares so as soon as something breaks it automatically starts it,not having to wait for you to initiate the rebuild.

>your opinions
Well given the fact you chose raid10 and the fact that you only had 4 drives and you some how fubar'd one of the most simple processes there is.I would suggest you use windows
settle down there son, it's a home solution not enterprise grade. leave the boy alone
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I'm considering starting a side business on eBay/Craigslist.

Something along the lines of buying parts or old machine for low, fixing them up and selling them.
What's the best way to go about doing this? Any tips or advice welcome.
Its not "enterprise grade".
Just because someone has a proper raid setup dosent mean its "enterprise grade".
You can go fap to your double RAID6 setup elsewhere. I just need to back up my anime porn and video games. I suppose I should have known better than asking /g/ for distro advice, instead I attract shitposters ranting about my choice of RAID setup.
>i did something stupid.
>im blaming software that i used improperly for the hardware problems i'm having
>what distro should i use
Use windows
>backup raid array, and hotswap drives are standard for home solutions
ok bruh
Is there any significant difference between winblows built-in defrag and third party defragmenters? If so which third party defrag software is best?
keep in mind that every sale will cost you 10% of the sale price plus shipping.
defraggler was popular.
RAID is not BACKUP.Raid is redundancy.
Of course you need another aid array for backup of your main array.
>hot spares
Why would you wait for your dumbass to find out about it,what if it died overnight when you're asleep? Oh you wake up and its done for you.hmmm
I already use Windows. I am posting from Windows. All I asked is for some distro advice for my NAS. You know what? Fuck you. I am going to use Fedora. You can now shitpost about how my decision is wrong and recommend something else.
>backups also need to be kept on a raid array
just nope
>home solutions require zero downtime
oh come the fuck on
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Lately my PC has been randomly restarting on shutdown. When I turn it off, it will go through the shutdown sequence normally, but then it immediately turns back on. It has never done this twice in a row, and I have not made any changes to the computer lately.
I'm running Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit.
I opened up event viewer, but I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for. How should I go about troubleshooting this?
Have a Dell T3600 workstation. Want to get a M.2 SSD for it. Don't know if it will boot Windows 7 on the BIOS (it has UEFI.) If not, are there any ways around this, like using GRUB on a 2nd drive? Or does anyone know for sure if it's supported?
So you take the time to setup a raid array and then use a single disk for backup?
>zero downtime
Why would you want to wait hours for it to rebuild and not have access to your files?

This will work on w7.
y'know what, that other guy is right, just fuck off no one wants to hear your bullshit
I just inscribed myself in an Infographic course ! Anything I can read about related in the mean time it starts ?

>Not wanting to spend triple the amount of money or time to setup a backup is "asinine"
Fucking hell dude.
also yes, backups should be kept on a single unpowered disk retard
Honestly getting a tech job is much much more worth it. You'll run into really fucking dumb issues which take 2-4 hours and really bite into your time and profit. You won't run into hardware you're used to fucking with -- think of replacing laptop lcds, keyboards, fans, etc. That's pretty much all you'll be doing, and those parts cost $$$$. Seriously not worth doing. Mexicans make $20/hr tax free on the corner, go get a spray tan and join them desu.
how do i block more ads in adaway
So i assume you have a 1ghz celeron with onboard graphics and 1gb of ram?
Thats all you really need to browse the web and work
Good luck getting Windows 7 to boot from an m.2; I actually had to install onto a normal SSD, then install the m.2 drivers and Windows Updates, then use some disk cloning software to copy it to the m.2 drive. In the end I got my m.2 drive working in UEFI as the boot disc but what a tremendous pain in the dick it was.

I'm not retarded either, I looked up all the methods to slipstream in the drivers into the ISO, but every time I used the recommended tools, it would corrupt the image somehow and it wouldn't read any of the attached disks.
the phone app?
You're assuming that I use my computer only for web and work, that work can only exist of simple computable shit, and that something that you use everyday is as high up on the budget list as a backup. You're a massive idiot.
Thanks, but when I filter the event viewer to only show "power troubleshooter" messages, I get nothing at all. The last time this happened was last night, so shouldn't the error be logged in there? I have it set to show logs from any time.
Yeah, I've heard of people doing that -- I have the tools and knowledge to do a swap from a SATA drive to PCIe.

I'm just worried about mobo support for booting from the PCIe SSD once it's installed. I don't even know if the fucker will be detected by BIOS.
But why would you spend 10x the money on something you use to browse facebook and do work in ms office suite?

Tried, same result.
Did you run "powercfg -devicequery wake_armed" or "powercfg -waketimers" like they said? It probably will give different results.
I don't fucking know, ask somebody that does that maybe? Don't direct that question at me.
Already got a degree and a tech job.
Not making much money though and wanted some on the side.
BTW, check that "wake on LAN" is disabled in your BIOS.
Is BSD good for daily use?
Oh god yes. It's much more relaxed than Linux imo. Much, much easier to configure everything.

FreeBSD much comfier than OpenBSD, but OpenBSD is still good if you like a little bit of a challenge and you love security.
Yes. Trust me, my use case is the only one that matters.
Anyway easy way to test if my speakers are shielded besides putting them next to a fucking tv or buying some equipment
Built in is fine. It's been years since you've even needed to mess with default settings.
So I'm using jdownloader and for some reason it's not downloading links from madokami anymore. I tried reinstalling it, I tried restarting my computer, I tried making sure I was logged into madokami, I tried different websites to make sure I could download from them. The only website I can't download from is madokami. I used to be able to download from there.

Does anyone know what might have happened? There isn't a filter on the website in the jdownloader2 settings. I don't know what is going on.
Anything that emits some kind of signal in the order of at least 1W-4W will allow you to tell.

If you have a walkie talkie it would be perfect. You MIGHT be able to put a wireless router next to it, but that's around 0.5W, and you'll have to pump a lot of data through it to hear the chirps. A cell phone may or may not do it as well.
I ran both. The first shows my mouse and keyboard. The second claims I do not have permission, which is strange because I am the admin.
Is mturk the best site for clickworking?
An old microwave would be good, assuming the microwave shielding has worn off. You can test this by putting a phone in the microwave then calling it. (Don't start the microwave obviously.) If it receives a call, the shielding is bad, which means the microwave is leaking electromagnetic radiation (i.e. microwave signals), which could then in turn be absorbed by your unshielded device. I don't know if this would affect your hardware though, sounds pretty risky unless the microwave is a decent distance away.
I have a shitty Nvidia GT 730 2GB, i can use the nouveau driver? or i need to stick to the NVIDIA ones? the performance would be the same or better? someone have tested similar cards yet?
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So I'm trying to configure stunnel's configuration file, but whenever i run stunnel and type the directory to the config file, it gives me the error in pic related. Can anyone help? Ubuntu linux, if that matters.
... I have a walkie talkie...

what do I do? just hold it next to the speakers and if i get static then the speakers are unshielded?
On Linux, no, on Windows, Google "take ownership" and use that to get permissions on the files if need be.
A. You don't, that's not yours to destroy.
B. Log into the administration page for the router and set the DNS server to a random private address on the wrong subnet, like or something.

Now everyone can connect, but no one can go anywhere.

They'll buy a new one to fix the old one.

3. Feel like a piece of shit for forcing people to spend money just so you can have better internet on their dime, you fuck.
>boot up PC that was sitting idle for a while, finally going to install some distro on it and put it to use
>takes like 40 seconds to POST, another 30 to load the boot device selection menu, the menu's background graphics visibly load from top to bottom over several seconds, pressing an arrow key only changes the selected option after a 2-3 seconds delay
What the everliving fuck could cause that?

It POSTed just fine about a month ago, I was just too lazy to do anything with it then.
"Try sudo apt-get install blink"

That should fix that, but if it doesn't it's probably genetic.
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That's expected behaviour, nothing needs to be changed
Performance will be dogshit on mouveau.
Check the feature matrix for your family
You can always try asking >>>/g/hpg/
They are mostly about headphones but since most people there are """audiophiles""" you'll be able to get good advice either way
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I don't fucking get it. What's the point of the ": this(price)"? How's that "a constructor calling another"? year.Year??? WHAT THE FUCK? The book was easy as pie to understand until this part.
I haven't looked at C# in detail but this looks simple enough.
:this (args)
is presumably shorthand - in Java you'd just have the first line of the constructor be
, C# provides a special construct to keep the inside of the constructor method clean since the call to this() will likely be present in 99.9% of overloaded constructors.
I don't know if this syntax can also be used in other places or if it's specific to just this case, so keep a lookout for that.

is because you're making an overloaded constructor that accepts a datetime (called year). Since your wine only stores the year (as an integer), you extract the Year property from the datetime object.
Oh yeah, to clarify, this() is your own constructor. If you have MyClass with a method foo, from outside (using an instance myClass) you can do myClass.foo() to call the method, or from inside you can do this.foo(). To instantiate myClass, you'll have used MyClass myClass = new MyClass(), and similarly from inside the object you can do this()
What are some good low budget tablets?
pick one, and only one
I dont see a smartphone general up

The Samsung Galaxy S8 has its own VR headset, and its own apps.
The S8 is going to support the Google Daydream apps soon.

If I were to buy an S8 and its Gear VR headset, would I be able to use the Daydream apps with the GearVR headset, or would I have to buy the Daydream headset aswell?
So I'm using jdownloader and for some reason it's not downloading links from madokami anymore. I tried reinstalling it, I tried restarting my computer, I tried making sure I was logged into madokami, I tried different websites to make sure I could download from them. The only website I can't download from is madokami. I used to be able to download from there.

Does anyone know what might have happened? There isn't a filter on the website in the jdownloader2 settings. I don't know what is going on.
a few years ago, I switched my galaxy note 3 from verizon to t-mobile; I only just now realized that this means that my phone hasn't gotten any updates since then, since the software updater has to go through verizon to check for updates. Is there a way I can update my phone despite not being connected to verizon anymore?
I just completed baby's first statistics course at uni (+ some modeling in spss). My interest in datasets/databases was born. Then I did the codecademy SQL courses: loved it. What is the next step? Geting an actual SQL textbook? Any suggestions?

If it's not up right now someone should make a new one soon

If they don't yell at them
>galaxy note 3
a 2013 model
>software update
what do you expect from a 2013 model?
Guys please. I'm completely baffled by this. Does anyone have any ideas at all? Where can I start debugging?
I dunno how easy it is to do on a note 3 but samsung doesn't seem to be too bad about it, so you could always manually install a newer ROM

You can always get stock Nougat if you don't want to be fancy, or LineageOS if you want to be free
change another hdd and try again
But you're wrong. The old man has the same overpriced internet for over 10 years. He still hasn't renegotiated the contract. He's the one being robed.
Why the fuck would the HDD have anything to do with it though? In fact, I haven't gotten to the point of booting off any of my drives yet.

I could disconnect all my HDDs and SSDs and try again, I guess?
Data Scientist is well paid
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Getting "NTLDR is missing, press crtl alt del to restart" when trying to boot into windows, is my hard drive fucked?
Bootloader is missing
Not that guy, but a bad hard drive would cause a long post
It would also cause graphical glitches if you were in a boot menu on the hard drive, obviously not in the bios boot loader.

Your windows is fucked.
A bad hard drive can sometimes do it, sometimes its just pure software. Repair your windows install.
Why does /g/ install gentoo with stage1?
I often read stuff about free SSL certificate for https being shit, and that you need to pay for a good certificate.
Any reliable article about that, comparing the quality of various offers ?
Or maybe one of you can redpill me on that
I have manjaro installed on sda1 (encrypted) a swap on sda2. I decided to install win10 on the remaining space (system reserved on sda3 and windows on sda4). After the windows installation, grub will not load. Windows loads right away. I have fast boot and secure boot disabled. Any ideas how to get grub to load so that I can pick which OS to boot?
Brother has some money to piss away, so he wants me to help him find a "gaming" laptop.

What's the recommended gaming laptop for /g/? Budget is around $1k.
Dell Inspiron 7000 series. Fuck I'm shilling hard. Pretty cheap (lowest is about 800$) and have a 1050ti.
a rog
Any clevo variant
>gaming laptop

My asus "gaming" laptop works flawlessly
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About 1400 for this one.
Is it worth it or should I look further?
How do I get python 3 on ubuntu?

There's such a confusing array of ways to do it. I just want to or something similar, I don't need the bleeding edge functionality.

Can I just
apt-get install python3

or similar or will I get something donkeys years old. I tried googling the apt-get package name and the hits are ppas or people building from source. Do I need a ppa one?
How about no. You can get a 17'' with a 1060 for like £1000 here

>an asus laptop working flawlessly

While I agree thats an anomaly, doesnt mean he should be paying more for less because of a faggot "gaming" badge.
Oh, I see it now. So in a way, one constructor is "inheriting" the other (tho not really, it's just making it run, but that explains the colon) and the
was just a DateTime property and the author was just being a huge fucking faggot when he named two integers year and Year.
>. You can get a 17'' with a 1060 for like £1000 here

His budget is 750 euro you faggot
But he isnt.

Oh it turns out I already have it and just needed to type python3 instead of python into the terminal.

Well that's needlessly confusing.
Yea basically.

Year was named by whoever made the DateTime class, and year is a good choice because it describes what the variable represents, not what it is.
DateTime datetime
doesn't tell anyone what the fuck
is supposed to store.
So when someone writes code that calls your function, and they see that they must pass
DateTime year
, so that tells them they can pass a DateTime object if they want but it's only meant to represent the year (so you can't create a Wine with an exact date associated with it).

It's shit for using in this example demonstrating constructors, though, I'll definitely give you that.
gaming is ok, gaming + laptop = meme
you must take care the heat on a laptop
a laptop can handle heat must be heavy
a heavy laptop loss its portability

get a GTX1070 / 1080 laptop if you really want it
>Can I just apt-get install python3
yes, definitely

grub was overwritten
Budget shmudget.

>he quotes budget in dollars
>I give a price in pounds
>you correct me in euros
Is this worth it?
I can only find one with 1050 for $800, not 1050TI. There's a 1050TI one for $900 though but it only comes with a SSD.
the tablet pc i have only supports up to 64 gig micro sdxc cards, can i get around this by splitting my 512gb sdxc card into multiple partitions and installing my game collection that way? if i try to just install it on the whole card it gives me a "corrupt disk" error.
Is this going to be his only computer? Does he absolutely need a laptop?

A desktop will have much better value for gaming. If he can afford a gaming desktop and a $200 X220 thinkpad for shitposting on the go, that would be a better choice. If he wants to game on the go, the best option would be a desktop for home and a decent laptop for portable gaming, but that's obviously not always an option.

An 1070/1080 laptop like >>61627737 says is NEVER an option because it's about as portable as a desktop, but will still have worse cooling, much worse upgradeability/repairability, and be more expensive.
Check if you can install an HDD. If it has a DVD drive 90% of the time you can swap that for a disk with some knowhow.

A 2TB HDD costs about $60 these days, 1TB probably $40 or so.
dont waste your time, 1050 cannot be consider as gaming
to get the updates from 2014/2015? like, it'll still be old, but at least I'll be on one of the versions that people are rooting.
Ideally I'd want to get to versions OL1 or OB6, as that's the latest that people are rooting with.
He's in college and doesn't want a battlestation yet. He needs a laptop, but he doesn't want to get both.
1070/1080 seems way out of his price range anyway, the best laptop I found in that price range was that 1060 Acer I linked.
Good to know.
What's wrong with 1050? Is 1060 really the bare minimum?

Yeah, it'd be his only computer.
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What do i look for in a laptop when i want it to run reasonably fast and start up fast?

I'm tech-retarded, i just want a laptop i can watch movies, post some images on 4chan, listen to music, etc. It's not going to be used for gaming.
anything that;
a. isn't an ultrabook
b. has an ssd
use LineageOS if you want root anyway
1050 is really budget. It's what you get if you have an AMD cpu with no igpu.

You can get something like a 960 too, I have an £800 laptop with a 960M and it's mostly fine for most gaming, though often I have to settle for medium settings. I can even play GTAV just fine.
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Where can i find python (3 not 2) ebooks in french ?
I already know opencalsrooms.com but you can't download on it without an premium account .
wouldn't I need to root in the first place to install a different os?
I'm not /g/ in the slightest im a fucking retard with technology, but I'm wondering if this is possible / how to do it please nerdlads..

I want to put torrented media onto a server I own, where it sort of syncs with my other PC's via a shared directory sort of thing - OR through the command line - I also want my friends to be able to access this server and download what they like.

Maybe its a stupid idea i just thought it would be cool.
Sounds like you've got your shit backwards. It would be VERY weird if you had to update to a newer version to get root. And anyway Lineage will do a lot better shit for your phone than just root it. Check out XDA to figure out what steps you need.
yeah, need root before install it
So i've seen that it is possible to use some microcontrollers to make programmable custom keyboards (hhkb mods and those using teensy boards), i have this cortex m uC laying around and and old keyboard only with it's matrix plastic sheets, (i managed to fuck up the controller circuit, an old zilog uC) now i wouldn't be that hard to program the cortex to use the matrix as input and implement a ps/2 protocol so i can use it on my laptop with a ps/2 -> usb adapter i already have, right ? I don't know a lot about uCs so i think this could be a good oportunity to do a project that actually interests me, just want a second opinion confirming that this is indeed possible.
tl;dr using a uC to make a ps/2 keyboard, yay or nay ?
How to install icecat in debian ?
I dont know how to use the chmod command
Learn english
Whats a efficient way of reversing (mirroring) the last 4 bits in a byte?

Example: 0000 0101 -> 0000 1010

No functions allowed, just simple operations in C. The first 4bits will always be 0000.
So I'm using jdownloader and for some reason it's not downloading links from madokami anymore. I tried reinstalling it, I tried restarting my computer, I tried making sure I was logged into madokami, I tried different websites to make sure I could download from them. The only website I can't download from is madokami. I used to be able to download from there.

Does anyone know what might have happened? There isn't a filter on the website in the jdownloader2 settings. I don't know what is going on.
I don't want to wait it's also too difficult can i learn alone ?
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Something like this?
Or do you have any recommendations?
I was just worried that rooting methods for old phones might not work anymore for some reason and, since nobody's using them, nobody's reporting that it'll brick your phone or whatever. but I found a method that seems pretty safe for my version, so I'll root it and install lineageOS. Thanks!
hmm, low power model cpu ("U"), but otherwise yea, that should do the trick
data1 = data;
data1[3] = data[0];
data1[2] = data[1];
data1[1] = data[2];
data1[0] = data[3];
Senpai, just get a refurbished T430 or sth similar for <$300 and buy a 256 gb ssd for $80 runs smooth like a brand new $700 laptop
>low power model cpu ("U")
What does that mean? What will that affect?
It costs the equivalent of 690 USD, is that overkill?
just read the python document
My Galaxy Tab 2 7" has been unused for 11 months. Has just been sitting in a drawer for 11 months.

Now I bought a new charger and cable for it. Connected it, waited for half an hour, and nothing. No lights, no charging indication, holding power button also does nothing.

Could it be dead? How leathal is it to a tablet's battery when it's left uncharged for 11 months?
I can find tutorial in french i just want comfy offline reading .
Books are also better
a bitmask

it's overkill for a shitposting machine
not terribly cheap considering it's minimal specs, something like >>61628327
is better if you're willing to find one and install an ssd + maybe some ram yourself (or have a friend do it, you can also take them to a shop, but that'll cost you)

the cpu is a low power dual core, the kind you find in ultrabooks, it will do for basic stuff, but won't be particularly fast
hmm, looking closer, the cpus aren't much different speed wise between these two
you might still end up paying less for the t430, though
to learn programming need to run the code in your mind and predict the output.

I dont think it's a comfy journey though
Is ogg or mp3 better for quality? (I have no other options in this case)
check for broken battery connector, you have to open the tablet
Thanks anon I didn't know this site
Seems like a good method to learn I hope that the "engrish" explanation are not too difficult
ogg (presumably you mean vorbis, ogg is a container, but usually people mean vorbis when they just say "ogg")
it's shit anyway for the long term. It doesn't teach things very well.

is often better, but the best solution is to simply learn english, it's not difficult at all.
So I'm using jdownloader and for some reason it's not downloading links from madokami anymore. I tried reinstalling it, I tried restarting my computer, I tried making sure I was logged into madokami, I tried different websites to make sure I could download from them. The only website I can't download from is madokami. I used to be able to download from there.

Does anyone know what might have happened? There isn't a filter on the website in the jdownloader2 settings. I don't know what is going on.
Well, i am Norwegian, and as other Norwegians can probably confirm, tech is expensive as fuck here.
I'm embarassed to ask but, is the CPU the i5? because when i look for anything with an i7 the price goes up to 990 USD..
Either way, what exactly will the CPU affect? The general speed? Or does it mean i just won't be able to run videogames or other heavy duty programs?

Also, i'm willing to pay the extra cash to avoid the headache of doing stuff like >>61628327 myself.
I never really learnt English not even at school I can understand it thanks to 4chan and videos but that's it .
and I don't find good method to learn alone (poorfag)
is electricity a botnet?
yes, every thunder and lightning is the instruction come from skynet
It's showing signs of life now, it shows the charging icon. It look the thing 45 minutes on a wallcharger.

My question was if the battery would be dead after 11 months of no use - apparently it's not completely dead, but for now I don't know if it's still in a usable state. I'll let it charge fully and hope for the best.

Thanks anyway.
Yes and we're all in it, I'm directly connected to you with this very post.
Ja CPU'en er generell ytelse. Dårligere CPU gir treigere pc, spesielt ved multitasking og tunge programmer. Til ditt bruk som var filmer og shitposting(?) så er nok denne bra nok, bare det er ok kjoling. Hadde en notebook som ble for varm under kjoring av film så filmen begynnte å lagge. For å være sikke kan du jo velge hakket over denne. burde ikke koste mere enn 5-6 tusen
>For å være sikke kan du jo velge hakket over denne
Hva ville det vært? Jeg vet ikke hvilke nettsider jeg burde se på. Er inne på Komplett nå.
Beklager, jeg er litt tett i pappen når det gjelder slikt.
It's not your fault. Our government never understood a thing about education and how it should work, and because of all this "french before anything else" we are lacking seriously regarding other foreign languages (as if you can't learn more than 2 languages at once).

When I went to sweden to see some friends and saw that a lot of their courses were in english (actually most of them) I was wondering why the hell France is unwelcoming to foreign students.

Anyway, force yourself and get your hand dirty. And maybe try some websites like duolingo or memrise.
And yeah keep reading and posting on 4chan. I learnt english by talking and trading with people on Diablo 2.

In France yes. They basically forced you to have a new device so they can remotely get data hour per hour of your consumption, so they can know when you go to work, when you are back, when you take a shower or when you are using too much energy and are doing something weird.
Say i have 10000 folders
Some folders are missing
Is there a cli tool that will output the missing folders?
*All folders being numerical
you can create a script for that. I'm not sure a cli tool for this specific use case exist.
Script or etc,im not sure where to start with what command would do this
What are some fun things you can do with an old 120 gb hard drive?
120gb tmpfs
Yeah it is ogg vorbis.
I thought so but for some reason the files are way smaller than the mp3 ones. Is that normal?
It's been a while since I made a bash script I'll try to post it on the next thread

Next thread !



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Thank you anon i'll try that also i am not french but algerian (don't judge pls) and here it's even worse, people dont speak english at all, outside Alger they don't even speak french...

Are you talking about linkie ? Is this even legal?
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42KB, 620x349px
What is the best FOSS backup utility that I can use to backup my files to an external harddrive? I'm not planning on using it for automatic backups. Just manually backing up my files every month or so.
virker som om det faktisk er den beste i den prisklassen
virker helt ok.
så bare anmeldelsen på komplett:
>"Grei pc. det som drar den ned er veldig middelmådig lystyrke og display samt dårlig lyd og rart og mushy tastatur."
Tror jeg tar den da. Tusen takk for hjelpen. Hadde ikke forventet å få hjelp av en Nordmann her. Takk takk.
>Thank you anon i'll try that also i am not french but algerian (don't judge pls)
it's not /pol/ I'm pretty sure no one gives a fuck about where you come from.

>Are you talking about linkie ? Is this even legal?
yeah linky. Technically it's legal. They won't do anything about the data they get, but they can, and with the leaks from snowden, you can't really know who and which much data are shared with a government.

Since people don't give a single shit about their privacy because they don't want to understand, things like that happens every time.
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