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Private Tracker General /ptg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 374
Thread images: 37

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>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ https://ghostbin.com/paste/b6844
WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.
why do so many new users on bib have a large amount uploaded???
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>just another day
>another day I came to the realization I've seen all anime worth watching
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What are you waiting for then anon?
killing myself won't let me dream. You're really bad at this.
I'm surprised you spend your free time posting on an anime website despite not having watched any anime.
AT is the apooloo of anime trackers
I get the joke but it's not a joke to you because you actually are of that belief.
Where can I get RT First content?
what music celebrity is going to die next? I hope fred durst dies in a car crash before the end of summer
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>/u/rioforyou on /r/trackers is 3 days old, every single post they have made is eating shit from apooloo's ass and fighting the "baseless" conspiracy theories

really makes you think
Today was a good day. An anon learned how to take proper screenshots with mpc!
>still 29 mil yen left for AB for freeleech
>months almost over
Wtf, thought this site had like biweekly freeleech or some shit
They raised the amount needed.
/u/rioforyou is A
I dont think so.
new freeleach of the week on thegeeks boys
It was 75m max before the current one, not sure if it was lower since I never checked
What are you talking about. It was raised twice, first to 75M then to 100M.

t. animebits veteran
invite me please
this general would be fascinating if you fucks could stop talking about adult cartoons for more than 5 mins
myr I hope you are having a great vacation ;)! !!
Don't forget about the thread on tehc :o .<3.
>he basically says If you don't agree with my opinions you're a racist
myr was just on IRC, anon
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Wanna talk about children's cartoons instead?
no can do anon, I reccomend you apply through redacted.
Weird art style. Sauce?
New freeleech torrent on thegeekz!
Looks pretty normal to me. *insert kappa mikey screenshot here*
new freeleech
redacted is fucking impossible to reach pu
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One of these is for children, the other is for adult MEN
learn the difference
Only if your retarded.
gay adult men?
h*ck you. this is a safe space.
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>humorless fool, i merely used the alt-right meme in an ironic fashion to emphasize the idiocy of your posts. i'm jewish myself.

he can't be serious
I watched both as a child. Cowboy bebop is unironically worse.
you have shit taste, you can't help it
One is aimed at children and succeeds. The other is aimed at adults but is pretentious trash.
phineas and ferb is goat u uneducated trash
Is there any recommended movie public tracker? My internet is too shitty to ever get a decent ratio to get into one of the private ones.
Why would we know about those?
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like I said, shit taste
Top 30 easy, phineas is garbage and can't compete; it's for toddlers
if phineas and ferb is for toddlers anime is for fetuses
They aren't competing. But is your only argument
>it's good because rankings
? Because Cowboy Bebop is pretentious trash. I would go as far as watch a Miyazaki movie over bebop any day of the week.
>MAL as proof
i always wanted ferb's bulbous nose in my ass
Huh? Guess Your Name is a masterpiece then! Oh wait no it isn't. Those 500k people that voted haven't seen enough anime to be ranking them. I can assure you that
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>it's _____ c-cause I say so hue
>who cares what the masses think...
I also used IMDB, and there are plenty more sources but I'm lazy
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filthy frank is the highest rated show on the whole site. ratings don't mean shit hippie
^ true
Bebop is nowhere to be found in the only Japanese chart that matters.
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The masses are mouth-breathing retards.
are you implying that Filthy Frank is bad...?
Think about your answers before you post..it's going to determine whether I deem you a retard or not
yes, you have to be 18+ to be posting on this site
I don't even know who he is...
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if you're not fucking around search it up.
It's literally 14 year old humor. Ever seen gifs of a guy in a pink suit screaming cuz lel so random!!! thats him
meant for >>>61513340

wrong reply
why the hell would you reply to something someone asked me =;(
Why does he talk like pewdiepie?
you like filthy frank? me too! btw ever heard of a show called rick and morty, it's fucken hilarious
Why do you know how PewDiePie talks?
Who quoted me?
I think he's the most subscribed guy on youtube. Not knowing him is kinda impossible.

he made some clickbaity manga video
What do you want?
too deep for you?
this ptg turned into a shit flinging contest because of anime
you're why we need another genocide
>no (you)'s
Heck it I'm going to bed!
You mean JULIAAA
because they talked shit on phineas and ferb

Heard of him. No idea who he is, and the few times I encountered chatter about him it was from people I dream of choking to death before falling asleep.
What is anime equivalent of Cool Beavers?

I can't take anyone that watches anime seriously

>"A" furiously defending his tracker and donation money
Yeah. Fuck doing things seriously.
me neither. i imagine that they all have that fucking emo hair
why are you doing this?
At least I'm not bald
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/ptg/ got it all wrong...
True. The only anime that matters is Love Live after all.
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Past What.cd user who got into Apoolooo what do? I still haven't gotten into RED. Should I restart seeding my Apollo torrents or what?
Ditch your Apollo torrents asap. That shit is up to no good.
Get into RED instead by taking their interview. Just queue in early and so something else while you wait.
Who should I donate to: SCC or APL?
t. insane REDdit spammer
>Ditch your Apollo torrents asap. That shit is up to no good.
I need some backstory please
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Fuck you
listen to lil uzi vert if you want good music

Nah i prefer lil Kodak
stop trying to mark me
Uh what. You can just embed the link without even visiting the site
>doesn't even know how a browser works
That's good too, though I prefer tunnel vision
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I mean like this
the settings only have youtube/soundcloud embed options
Apollo did nothing wrong.
you know that mp3s are served by servers just like webpages are, right?
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>what is to say they you aren't a digital unicorn residing solely in cyberspace and don't even exist in real world?
when the FUCK is animebytes going to reopen applications? the new nyaa sucks fucking ass
tfw can get on AB easily
tfw dont watch weeb nonsense
I have infinite AB invites, post your top 5.
Recommend me some anime and I might send you an invite based on your recommendations.
If you're a qt femboi, I'll give you a inv
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball GT
Dragon Ball Super
Thanks for reminding me I added one of those to Steam and hadn't gotten back to him yet.
I recommend you some anime.
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>Dragon Ball Super
There's another one after GT?
Gundam IGLOO
Yeah it started 2 years ago
Gundam feels so dated. How do you guys put up with that shit?
hmm, i'm late.
Not sure if I want to tread down another DB sinkhole though I'm interested. I mean it was fine as kid when I had nothing to do, but all that filler...
even after all this time i dont see the big deal with trading invites tbqh
Honestly. Two people care enough about x and y trackers that they'd risk their current ones to get in. I doubt they're gonna be bad users when they go to those lengths.
literally cuck logic, never marry
>I doubt they are going to be bad users
>first thing they do is break the rules
it seems like a rule the early trackers forced and all the trackers after them just copied it without really thinking about it. it's not stopping anyone from offering invites. i guess it's only purpose at this point is the forum admins don't want post after post of "trading x for y" on their invite forums.
>rules should be followed because they're rules, not because of the effects they have
Literal nigger logic. Is it so hard to comprehend why we've got laws?
so what is/was the oldest private tracker?
nobody knows
amazing logic.
see >>61515277
If I have ~35 gig upload at the no name tracker CinemaZ then can I request access to animetorrents.me?
>sysop A
>sysop X
>new developer W
why the fuck can't these people have regular fucking internet handles, jesus
Sure, they probably need as many people on that low grade tracker as they can get
Does AT prune inactive users?
Pinch - Midnight Oil
Their staff includes:
... (yes, that's his name)
and included
You're an idiot then. I can easily get the required upload in a single day without any seedbox and without relying on requests or any other luck based factor.

I'll say it again, you're an idiot. And to anyone who says the same thing, you're all idiots.
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seedhost is down
If you ask that at Reddit you will get banned. That's how mysterious the whole issue is.
>posting on reddit
tfw asked on WCD and my thread was deleted
Sysops in jail
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Here you go take a link to the server status
the only big tracker i can think of from back then was oink. im sure there were others but they were all paranoid as shit, you couldn't even mention invites on oink or you'd get banned from the forums, they were ridiculous.
The seedboxes themselves works. Can I get a link straight to seedhost/rtorrent?
So...seedhost is down...
Authorities aren't hitting all of the datacentres at exactly the same time.
only the frontend
BakaBT from December 2003
Yeah, that's right, not only BakaBT is above the cabal, they are the oldest private tracker as well.
of course its FUCKING ANIME
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball GT
Gundam Wing
Gundam Wing Endless Waltz
I don't have links to the backheand. PLS lint to seedhost/rtorrent
are you a retard?
does seedhost have an IRC channel?
Is there a list of server names somewhere?
fuck!, I got to delete my OT torrents quick!
BCG is from August 2003.
It seems like all private trackers started around late 2003 anyways.
everyone doesn't have the same server you dumb shit
>mfw seedhost hosted their frontend on OVH
>mfw 6 months free seedhost seedboxes now
thanks sacem!
but BCG is dead. Thus no longer aging
Suprnova.org is from 2002
everyone doesn't have the same server you retard shit
holy shit! should I delete all my AB torrents from seedhost?????????
you have already been marked by the authorities
guys i really want to be a dev for apl
what should i put on my application so they accept me
>implying authorities give a shit about anime
All my seedbox shit is from weeb trackers, nothing serious like music/movies etc so i don't have to worry about getting fucked by the MPAA
fluent in hindi and punjabi
Share your favourite curry recipe
BreatheTheWord is from 2001
Delete this immediately.
Okay so I'm not asking for an invite but... how the fuck does one get an invite to a tv/movies one without knowing someone? I got into UltimateGamers but that's down for some reason and rn i'm fucked.
tehc opens up registrations periodically.
>how the fuck does one get an invite to a tv/movies one without knowing someone
you don't
I'm sad that APL survived.
So am I. It is a dark day in the torrenting world.
>yfw apollo killed seedhost
How much does a BTN or PTP account go for these days? Thinking of selling mine since money's kind of tight, don't really have any actual hard to get into trackers like HDB or AoM but hopefully these I can at least get a bit from, and then just get re-invited back later or something?
your best bet is to just go to the open signup subreddit and hope for the best
It's been kind of hard to get in since what closed down, not sure if any of the current open invite trackers actually let you into anywhere else very high up
where does red recruit from?
GGn and AB
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Rate my Zooqle ratio.
Where the ghostleechers @?
>one hour later seedhost still down
is it time to panic?
I don't think they were a torrent site back then. What's their oldest torrent?
when did retrowith.in begin?
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BClaude confirmed gay
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>i tried to stick my dick, but it was too short
>tfw even BClaude can have gay sex but not me
fuck this gay earth
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thats what she said
>check emp
>it's real
du fug
November 23, 2001
fake news
Wasn't it a successor site to UGG? Or did it exist before but gained popularity when UGG shut down? I never really heard about it until way later when I complained that retro shit was a pain in the ass to find now that it's gone and someone pointed me to it.
>thou shall not steal
>sharing is stealing
nice logic you got there
It is. Copyright holders aren't getting money.
>copying is stealing

Jesus must have stole all that fish then, huh?

dumbass atheist.
The bible isn't real.

dumbass christer.
You will know when your time comes.
it sucks, doesn't it
Another day
Another day without an OT invite
He deprived fishermen of profits
Lol what's the problem? Can't pass the penis inspection?
Is arthouse just a meme or actually worth it?
Nice try, Jew.
Spaghetti doesn't exist.
Spaghetti said my d*ck wasn't feminine enough.
wheres the old ptg thread?
in yo mama's ASS
kys degenerate
just kidding, if you were my friend you would get invited
go to h*ck
Jokes on you, I have no friends.
Don't you consider everybody on /ptg/ to be your friend?
so they dont get v&
No, I hate everyone in this thread. I /mark/ you fucks every chance I get.
only a select few on /ptg/ are my friend and you aren't one of them.
you don't know that
I used to, until we got infested with red/pooloo shitters daily.
I don't even know why I bother coming here anymore
I could be but you wouldn't know.
if you were my friend don't you think I'd have seen you naked by now?
lol, when did BTN drop APL from it's official invites forum?
are they fucking up so bad, other trackers don't want to be associated with them anymore?
>that English
hi Kyle
>What the fuck is "KM"?
>Is this a meme? I checked the archive and it's only refering to "Check KM" and pic related
Is KM the most sekrit KM tracker ever?
what's wrong with my English?
do private trackers have 4k blurays? i have a VPS that can seed but never been on private trackers
Insanity is sticking with a tracker with incompetent staff, and users who can't contribute.
Day 15: No response from BiB inviter yet still waiting
did you use markland?
He probably did
Anyone gotten their AB invites yet
I did a decade or so ago

Good dudes there. Be cool and respect their wishes.
I meant montly invites, waiting to invite my friend
what wishes?
Ok on their own website they even say to beg for an invite so does any kind anon have a horrorcharnel invite they can spare? Thanks in advance! [email protected]
Why don't you just apply

What are you looking for? Is it available on the sites you're already on? If not, can you check with a member there and see if it is? If you're into obscure foreign stuff it can't be beat. Found titles that have no commercial releases I'm aware of, like things that were only ever shown at festivals. They don't really care for account hoarders and want people that appreciate their purpose.
about tree fiddy
>What are you looking for
I'm not sure yet. Just looking to expand my taste and better quality versions of things on RUT.
Have any of you ever been banned from a tracker by a staff member who is simply a dick? A case where you did not trade accounts, ratio cheat, invite anyone questionable, act stupid on forums/IRC, or clearly break any known rules?

It happened to me many months ago by a vindictive individual on a site I was a member of for years and did my best to contribute to. It really deterred me from trying to contribute to the "communities" of other sites by spending a lot of time uploading content.

I've been on private trackers going back to the early 2000s and never had a run in with staff until then. It was really an experience that soured me and made me weary of investing too much time into a site unless I really can gauge the temperament of its staff.
As far as I can tell there's no application process listed on the site
Personally no but my friend made a mistake on 1 of his uploads, and was permanently disabled by a Staff member. The reason? a '-' in the title, he was never informed of the 'mistake', and when he was disabled and attempted to retrieve his account in IRC the staff member just outright refused to re-enable him

Not even a warning
Oh I see my mistake, didn't realise you needed a code

my bad
No worries dude
Just go to their irc
I get 2 a month?
They have a recruitment thread on teh

Yeah I'm working my way up to Elite, but as a PU I only get 1 a month, supposedly I was supposed to get it yesterday
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I have a bit of a general question.
So I live in Ausfailia and I find it almost impossible to seed (not due to bandwidth, but my upload speed is absolutely fucked, I'm currently seeding something at 0.2kBps). Obviously it's impossible for me join any sort of private tracker.

Any other ausfags here have any advice??
buy a seedbox
>lmao paying to pirate
Yeah use a VPS/Dedi/Seedbox, at my old house I only had 20KB/s up, worked well
get a 5$/month seedbox
>We've also added remuxes... as content mediums
dis nigga serious? remuxing DVDs?
move to a place with NBN brother
somebody please tell me how to remove 17 HNR on AB thanks
with yen
seed them
seed them you baka
i didn't like them so i deleted the files
BBT wasn't private for all that time though.
Your mom's pussy wasn't private at all either
that's not how it works.
just download them again, how did you even get on AB?
Why are you doing this to me!?
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>meanwhile at APL...

I wonder if I know what tracker that was. I encountered a staff member on one site that was deleting torrents just because they did not match his taste — and basically wrote as much in the logs. Rules were complied with meticulously.
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>meanwhile at GGn...
It's been like 5 days man wtf...
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What did he mean by this?
>all these ghostseeders for gold
what's filelist like? how does it compared to ipt, ncore?
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Sorry but all of the seeds are moving to [].
Better try there instead.
Fuck APL and their duplicitous shysters, I stopped seeding 800+ torrents there. I won't be surprised if that place goes the way of nostream.
Hmm, I'm not really keeping track so I can't help you there. If it's happening to others I'm sure it's on their forums.
how do you do this tho
I'd remove them manually if they were all <10 episode shows and you only downloaded 1 episode each
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delete dis
rioforyou is tina_freppf92. the english is the same, use of quotations, parentheses etc. rioforyou account is 3 days old, tina_freppf92's last post is 4 days ago.
Who the hell is tina_freppf92?
lurk moar, filthy neon
Leading member of the Pooploop Defence Force with JaneCuckby
the pooploop staff always said that the promised new features like bonus points were ready to roll out but couldn't be implemented because A was awol and they didn't have the keys. now they have the keys, they've implemented fuck all and are, in fact, advertising for developers.
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How big is your buffer on bib?
enormous, because I was there for the insane freeleech
what? please donate bitcoin if you care about apollo
No one cares about pooloo
fuck off neon
t. zed
t. JaneDigby
>5 results
>lurk moar
okay anon
should i eliminate the middleman and donate directly to SCC?
we _literally_ have no connections _at all_ with SCC

take your conspiracy """""""""theories""""""" back to [] thanks
>the pooploop staff always said that the promised new features like bonus points were ready to roll out but couldn't be implemented because A was awol and they didn't have the keys. now they have the keys, they've implemented fuck all and are, in fact, advertising for developers.
Finally, they have the keys so they can just explosive diarrhea shit their economy to death, just like they always wanted to. Freeleech + leech-only mode - rippers = success.
t. tina_freppf92
>we _literally_ have no connections _at all_ with reality
t. PhD in tracker economics
>>5 results
sorry, anon. maybe because I follow the apl drama on reddit, I thought her name was more well known. my bad.
and the last I heard, speed.cd staff deny having any connection to ipt. so yeah, no.
t. weab00
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More than 50 GB
I misread it... I think it's time to sleep.
no! don't go, anon! motw is coming soon!
tehc staff have hook shit taste. there hasn't been a good motw in months
MOTW is out
And it's hook. What did I tell you? I hope >>61518793 went to bed
The fuck is that?
fuck off neon
Marking Of The Warned?
Which one of you posted this?

How much of that Apollo money did Oppaitime get?
>another ww2 movie
I got tired of these at the ripe age of 13 if I'm being honest
yeah, these WWII movies are absolutely unwatchable propagandist garbage
is a bunch of guys running around with guns too macho for you faggots?
I don't see KG on that list. So none of us

It's just boring. They're all the same.
>t. PhD in tracker economics
Gosh, if only people could learn from their mistakes.
Bad bait.
Made me reply.

I'm interested in a WWII movie where Germany wins.
Do you guys still consider PTP and BTN to be private trackers? Personally I don't since pretty much everyone knows about them by now.
>private means secret
Obviously, like if you talk about something that is private it means not many people know about it
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get the fuck out of here
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haha I'm pretending to be retarded on the internet!
got u guyz lol ex de ex de
>private trackers are 'thoughts and feelings'
fuck off neon
pooploop hack when
spaghetti is definitely NOT applying for a apollo developer position under an assumed name. nudge nudge wink wink
/ptg/ is dead now
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faggot sarek
Why is that pro pooploop shill on plebbit suddenly gets shitload of upvotes and everyone criticizing pooploop gets downvoted into oblivion? Did they bought bots with the donation money?
make sure you keep us posted! funny dough man!
i wish i had yellow eyes
After the maulling they previously received, they probably mobilized the staff retards into making multiple accounts to protect their money-making scam operation. The scc servers don't pay for themselves you know!
Thanks for the advice!
Every IT book on bib is on libgen...
What's the point of this tracker?
calm down, kyle. just stick to your comics
Is downloading a sparsely seeded freeleech torrent to two different boxes illegal anywhere? Seems like a perfect way to build ratio extremely quickly. (Not that you really need it on any tracker with freeleech).
>will cheating the system for ratio get me permabanned across the board at all private trackers?
Translated your question to plain English. Now read it my way and see if you can figure it out
thanks for leaking, dude. you know kyle will have already reported this to apl staff?
It's not stated to be against the rules.
Anyway how about torrenting it with my home connection and then claiming I know nothing about FTP?
You can seed a torrent from multiple locations.
You can't download from yourself.
But it isn't in the rules.
When you use mRatio or ratiomaster, is it fine to "seed" when there are no peers?
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Just download it to one seedbox and rsync it over to the other and seed from both so long as there isn't any explicit limit on IPs and the tracker isn't complete shit.
I wanted to play the system and get hundreds of GBs in a few hours.
Ah, so that's what you were trying to get at. Your passkey is tied to the torrent file so you'd need another person's passkey to even make that work and then you'd both be banned together.
Yeah, your idea isn't new and it's really, really bad.
No, I have done it before, torrented to my PC something I already had in my seedbox (di itwithout thinking, didn't feel like setting up filezilla at the time).
Not sure if the transfer got counted though.
>getting caught with mratio

you're fucking terrible and nice autistic chart you have there
>you're fucking terrible and nice autistic chart you have there
hi kyle!
you literally just have to pause/stop the torrent, it's not hard
>page 11
send help
Never claimed I can't do it in a way I know is perfectly fine with rules, just wanted to know if gaming the system a bit was allowed.
At that moment I did it without thinking.
Hurry someone make a new thread [spoiler]with news[/spoiler]
how about you do it you lazy fuck
old captcha's don't work on new threads so I can't
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