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I'm building an x299 'puter and I can't find a

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I'm building an x299 'puter and I can't find a i7-7820x in stock anywhere.

I have all the parts except the CPU.

What do?

Is Intel cancelling these or somethin'?
Just wait ™

>building an X series

If you have background programs, stream, discord, music etc or combinations of these and are playing game at same time, you're much better off on Ryzen.
I don't gayme anon,

it's for editing.

Benchmarks have 1800x Ryzen being slower than 7820x by far.

1800x = $499
7820x = $599

Both x399 AMD and x299 Intel mobo prices are high.

Where the hell do you live?
The highest I'm seeing it now is $470 on newegg, and im pretty sure once Amazon has stock again that it was at like $420, hell, the 1700 is basically just an 1800x they binned slightly lower (it clocks to 3.9ghz like 99% of the time with decent voltage) the 1800x just guarentees 4ghz, and the 1700 is $270.

Also wait a second, x399? Thats threadripper, you just want an AM4 board like a b350 or x370
just save your money and burn down your house for free
Well its around ~$469 on newegg. Still there's 1800 option, or 1700X or 1700.

The performance difference is ~10%, yet you'll be paying twice 100% more on CPU alone.

The motherboard will set you back additional 100% more given that X299 motherboards are 2-4x more expensive.
Me again, but also don't forget, if you're doing a lot of heavy threading tasks, used Xeon computers get sold by massive corporations all the time because they upgrade every generation, I myself am trying to justify a $330 12-core xeon workstation that I honestly probably wouldn't even use at the moment.
There isn't an 1800, its just 1800x, 1700x, 1700 in the 8-core department.

$420, $340, and $270 on amazon while in stock if I recall, the 1700 is a steal right now
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>buying lavalake housefire-x
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>Not waiting for Threadripper in early August
Apex kek OP, maybe you can still return that fire hazard .. er, motherboard.
Ok fine, $469 vs $599

x399 mobos are still more expensive than x299.

I don't trust AMD anyway, their GPUs are shit.
Oops yeah AM4 garbage mobos with a lot of features are expensive.

I'm gonna stick with Intel as I have for 15 years.
Why did you even make this thread if you're just gonna fanboy it up when you know nobody here is going to have inside info on why Intel can't keep their shit in stock? (Spoilers: It's because they rushed it to market to take advantage of idiots like you who refuse to even consider AMD)
Cheapest Threadripper is $799 and $999 respectively.

I'd rather save the $200 and add it towards the GPU.
I'm not a fanboy, asshat.

I just always saw AMD as a gaymen platform and not for workstations.

I still have 30 days to return all this shit so we'll see if Intel is going to discontinue the x299 series, which I doubt it. x99 went on for a long time.
Why don't you save $300 and add the $600 to GPU instead?
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That will absolutely shit all over an i7-7820X.
>I'm not a fanboy
>claims superiority of a product based on company brand name
k e k
>I'd rather save the $200 and add it towards the GPU.
I thought this was for editing. You don't even need a very powerful GPU for that.
>I just always saw AMD as a gaymen platform
What the hell? Everyone's been shitting on Ryzen for months for getting 20 less FPS in muh vidya at 1080p 144hz compared to Intel.
>for getting 20 less FPS in muh vidya at 1080p 144hz compared to Intel.
Should add "with a 1080ti" to that ..
>i'm not a fanboy i'm just an idiot

oh ok
The fuck you talking about?

1800x=$469 (+tax)
7820x=$599 (no tax)

I'm not building some budget gaymen setup, it's for fucking work, it's going to be on 24/7.

All workstations I've built I used Intel and they have lasted for years.

1. I'm not waiting a month for that shit, need it asap.
2. It is $799 vs $599 for a mere few points in some obscure benchmarking tool which favors multi-threading.

It made me tons of money for a long time, so brand loyalty does matter. Not that I wouldn't jump ship if something better came along, but 5% here and there on some obscure benchmark on a super-glued CPU....count me out.
>I thought this was for editing. You don't even need a very powerful GPU for that.

You don't know shit. You need a good CUDA card for Premiere Pro. I can't afford a Quadro like I did on the last workstation, so going with a 1080 (not Ti). I've tried ti already, it works well on another workstation.

>What the hell? Everyone's been shitting on Ryzen for months for getting 20 less FPS in muh vidya at 1080p 144hz compared to Intel.

I've never played a single gayme on my edit workstations. Not even minesweeper and most likely never will. I don't look at Gaymen benchmarks, that's not what I'm after.

Also Intel still shits on AMD in single-threaded performance, ie even the 7700k shits on Ryzen.

Wow nice argument.
>mere few points
>obscure benchmarking tool
>which favors multi-threading
confirmed troll, sage and hide
Ray-tracing renderer ≠ editing application

Nice try though.

Show me benches for Premiere and then we'll talk. Also not just benches, but day to day usage from a professional source which talks about how buttery smooth it is to scrub 4k-8k red raw footage. (yes CPU still matters in a Premiere Pro setup, even if it uses CUDA or OpenCL).
>I'm not a fanboy
>but I'm loyal to brand names
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you forgot >super glued cpu

thread is now about amada
AMD hasn't proven itself to me yet.

The OP was about why Intel is delaying the shipments, I was just wondering if x299 is DOA. Jeez, man. I don't give a shit about either brands, really. But I don't have time to experiment with new CPUs at this time or wait™ for things to come out. I need it right now to get shit done. My old workstation is struggling with 8k footage.
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Make sure you don't use a stock cooler
Read the fucking reviews you retard. 90% of them are saying the X299 series is complete garbage.

They're all saying its a complete garbage. The pricing structure, tier structure, mediocre performance and very high power usage and thermals.

There is literally nothing on this new architecture that got reviewers/people excited about

Only a retarded shithead, aka a fanboy (yes you're a fanboy), who wants to deny the reality of the reviews and the competition from AMD's Ryzen thinks the new series is of any good.
easy anon let him find out for himself lol
It's also pretty clear he did not research or is waiting for threadripper
>garbage mobo's because AM4

you're a retard, and a shill
1700 is $300 cheaper than 7820X

But you don't want to buy it because its "weaker".

There's threadripper which is stronger.

But you don't want to buy it because its $200 more expensive.

Then AMD boards are cheaper with all the features unlocked.

Yet the excuse is you want to run the computer 24/7 and don't trust AMD and you think cheaper competition = worse quality.

I don't understand this mental gymnastics. Jesus christ. Your justifications contradict each other.
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This thread a bait, just marketers replying to other marketers to damage control. Btw op I too like Intel™ i9 processors and can't wait to get my hands on the best™ gaming processors in the industry and don't have to rely on amd inconsistent supply and glued together dies.
>My old workstation is struggling with 8k footage.
And you think this Intel 8-core is going to save you? lol

You'll definitely the kind of performance you can get out of a 16 core Threadripper.

Also Cinebench is not "some obscure benchmark", you clearly have not done any research and are just rushing into this shit with an "Intel is teh best fuck AMD" attitude.
Cause AMD has the same money as Intel to invest in disinformation.
Calm down you degenerate gaymen.

Reviewers are shitting on x299 because AyyyyMD has some competition up its sleeve. These same reviewers weren't shitting on x99 were they?

I don't give a shit about "getting excited" about a CPU.

I was going to get a used x99 mobo and some used CPU but it seems that it wasn't gonna be worth it.

You're a fanboy too for shilling for AMD, and I'm not. Intel has always had better performance for productivity applications.

I don't give ONE FUCK about gaymen benchmarks. IDIOT.

Did plenty of research. I don't have time to wait for Threadripper, which costs $799 the cheapest 12c/24t and the x399 mobos will be pricey, probably $399+. The overall cost will be more for me, and I don't want that shit.

I don't want a ryzen CPU.

Fuck off back to /v/
this thread is about actual people who have actual jobs.

I'm NOT getting a fucking Ryzen CPU for an edit station, fuck off faggot.

I WOULD consider a Threadripper, but it doesn't fall into my current budget. And it's not available and there's literally zero reviews besides some CIneBench results from PoojeetMD.

Everything is bait to /g/.

I wonder how you autists sleep at night.
Yes it will. You can preview at lower quality on a 4k monitor and it will play fine. I don't have to get a Red Rocket PCIe card for this, my friends with 8core Intel CPUs (last gen) work with 8k footage all the time no problem.

I don't do 3d shit nigger, I need an 8c/16t to "debayer" the Red RAW footage.

Go back to /v/ I don't game.
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140w is not that bad. Calm down.

I never OC workstation CPUs so it'll be fine.

I'm more pissed off for the fact that Jewtel is delaying the shipments.....I was scared that they might DOA the product and discontinue it.
>Intel has always had better performance for productivity applications.
For a given price, not for me when dealing with video editing and more importantly encoding time. Obviously the single core was weaker on the FX series but the extra cores for the price made it worth it. Just depends on what "productivity application" you are talking.

>I'm NOT getting a fucking Ryzen CPU for an edit station, fuck off faggot.
I guess you are into editing.
Did you happen to read anything about how then thing can't run stable at stock setting let alone an overclock, let alone full load over an extended period of time? On water cooling

Hey autist, you got easily triggered there when we talk about TDPs?

The fucking 6850K is 140w TDP big fucking deal. Plenty of people use it.

Your fucking 1950x/1920x is 180w lmao
The only producitivy applications I give a shit about are Premiere and After Effects and DaVinci Resolve. Two out of 1 of those applications support CUDA (except realtime debayering of Red RAW footage takes a lot of CPU time).

I have zero benchmarks from AMD (Threadripper) regarding what I intend to do with them.>>61414014

>I guess you are into editing.
Yes, I don't gayme. I would gladly use AMD for a gaymen machine, though, or a personal workstation which I don't depend on 24/7.

Proof? I smell bullshit.

I've read reviews of people having issues with VRM overheating on x299 if they OC, but stock everything works fine.

Go read some regular reviews off newegg or amazon. I don't like watching those retarded gaymen reviews like GayZTwoCents on Jewtube. Their benchmarks don't help me in my situation at all.

Like I said, I don't gayme.
>support CUDA
Which requires Nvidia, and CUDA has been discontinued by Nvidia for some time so I'm not sure how that will effect you.
>CUDA discontinued

What the fuck are you even talking about?

Why are people on /g/ so retarded?

Adobe uses CUDA and OpenCL with their Mercury Engine.

CUDA has better performance. Workstations still come with Quadros.


It is NOT discontinued.
Are you really this retarded? 180 watt TDP on a 16 core CPU with these kind of benchmark results is pretty amazing.

6850K is 6 cores at 140 watts. That's pitiful.
How is intel paying for you? With branded pencils?
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>Why are people on /g/ so retarded?
You sound angry.

Nvidia dropped support (and removed it from update packs) for NVCUENC around early 2015 in exchange for NVENC. CUDA seems to be a general term that includes these encoder chips. So any software you have that never made the switch is going to be fucked.
The 12 core is also 180w TDP lmao idiot.

6850k is like 4 year old tech.


>Dropping support for CUDA

yeah good luck kiddo.

Do you even know how much money nGreedia makes from CUDA?
Oh, I see. With branded pencils and otaku pin badges.
Kill yourself.

you first
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I said they dropped NVCUENC for NVENC, which seems to have a lot to do with CUDA. Anyway I'm sure Adobe has enough money to stay on top of that shit, considering how much money they are make now with their subscription shit. But apparently Sony Vegas has not.
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>Ryzen has proven itself to be the workstation king of the generation in review after review after review
You're not, just a moron who can't be bothered to read reviews for the tech he's buying.
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Should also say that the NVENC performance is the same from 1050 through 1080ti.
>GAYming! GAYME.
OP why are you so fucking insecure about your sexuality
I'm not a fanboy. I only like Intel because intel's my favorite brand but I'm not a fanboy. Also AMD sucks because I like intel, however once again, I'm not a fanboy
This guy is right. The gap between r7 and TR is to big. Hopefully the mobo manufacturers sabotage this platform.
What is your goddamn point nigger?

No one in the pro field buys a ryzen. Sorry, it's for enthusiasts.

Yeah it's a known issue Jewtel uses shit TIM in between the heat spreader and the die.

You think I'll have issues with Noctua DH14? I'll go AIO if I have issues.
Because you retards at /g/ keep posting gayming benchmarks.

Go back to /v/ idiot.
7900X ≠ 7820X
Why do you keep saying 'gayming' like it makes you a mature person? You sound 15
>I don't like it so no one else does either
Oh, I see.
>You think I'll have issues with Noctua DH14? I'll go AIO if I have issues.
You don't understand the processor, tmi does not allow it to conduct heat properly although I don't think deliding will even fix the issue. The water cooling system still had more to go but the processor bottomed out.
Sure, cause you need overclock and igpu for editing. Get ryzen or a xeon and stop wasting money
OP is either a legit paid pajeet or a troll. Nobody is this stupid.
Yes you'll have issues as tests showed it already. You need delidding first.
Because I hate gamers and their "culture". It makes us PC users look bad. Fuck off back to your RGB lights.


That's fine, as long as it doesn't hit above 78c I'll be happy. I'll try the Noctua first since I already have it from another machine, if it doesn't work well on air, I'll just get an AIO.

Skylake-X doesn't have iGPU.

Fuck off with your Ryzen you used car salesman.

I would have gotten an x99 and a Xeon but Skylake-X comes out cheaper for better performance.
Nigga I ain't deliding that shit.
It's fine, just go ahead and buy your skylake x chip. Buy it now. If it's so great why are wasting your time here, instead of buying it? Lel.
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You realize Threadripper is coming out in like, days, right? Even if you don't want to buy an AMD chip you're retarded if you don't wait and see how it shakes up the market.
I was simply asking why Intel is so late on this processor, and was attacked by rabid gaymen telling me to buy fucking Ryzen which I don't want.

How retarded are you?

2 weeks is not "days".

Also there's literally no motherboards I can look at for threadripper to see which features I need or price.

Also cheapest threadripper like I said a million times is $799.

Also Intel will never drop the prices from MSRP.
Figured this is the best thread to ask this. How soon is coffee lake launching? Will it essentially be kaby lake but with more cores?
>2 weeks is not "days".
Haha, holy shit thanks I needed the laugh. Like I already said you daft C U N T, it'd be worth waiting for to see how it shakes up the HEDT market, since you're about to, you know, invest in the biggest failure HEDT-entry since HEDT was invented.
OP :
>I'm building an x299 'puter and I can't find a i7-7820x in stock anywhere.
OP knows what cpu he wants, so why are anons trying to cinvince him to go ryzen/threadripper
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>What is your goddamn point nigger?
Will you be adding heavy amounts of special effects to your videos? Or is it just for simple editing, adding audio, messing with the timeline,adding transitions, and so on?

As it would only help you to get a high end 1070/1080/1080ti if you are dealing with lots of special effects, which a higher end card will help with speeding up the process. And if you do this a lot then the extra cost might be worth the time saved. Other than that it's mostly just down to GPU encoding (NVENC) which 1050-1080ti all have the same NVENC encoding hardware.
>it's for fucking work

for someone who claims to use their computer for work, you are incredibly clueless.
I am calling you out on this, you are a retarded gamer and your parents have too much money.
>Also Intel still shits on AMD in single-threaded performance, ie even the 7700k shits on Ryzen.

No one cares besides gamer kiddies.

Work-related workloads need multithreading, but you wouldn't know that, would you?
What's the point of the thread? We can't tell the sellers to give this guy a cpu. He could buy an alternative but that's not good enough. He could wait for TR but he wants to wait for his precious instead. So this is shitposting central.
Yeah I think you are right about OP, he seems pretty clueless.
>if it doesn't work well on air, I'll just get an AIO

It's not going to work with an AIO either unless you delid. No heat is being transferred from the die to the heatspreader thanks to Intel's garbage thermal paste. It literally doesn't matter how good your cooler is, because the heat never makes it there.
>What's the point of the thread?
This thread was brought to /g/ by Intel Press Relations.

Jesus fucking christ. I thought the thermal paste was just bad at dissipating heat, but it simply doesn't dissipate shit.
Top fucking kek
Reads more like another plebitian amd poi brigade thread.
OP is a fag

Seriously, you are retarded and the first thing that went is your ability to see it.

Buy your shitty intel processor that is objectively the worst product they have ever put out and satisfy your fanboyism. Not like you are wasting our money.

Just stop wasting our time.

Oh and do come by for the post-purchase rationalization. You will need some of the other intel shills to tell you that you did okay when you realize deep down that you bought a shitty cpu for way too much money.
designated poo containment thread?
>replying to desi/g/nated H1Btel shilling thread
Dude just kys. Stick to Gayzen and play your vidya.

If you have nothing to contribute to my thread, fuck off. I get your point about Threadripper, point taken, but stop posting about shit that's not out yet.

Seriously. I was just asking why it's not in stock....was wondering if it's DOA or just Jewtel being dummies.

It will be a mixture of things. I've had great success with Quadro cards, but they're expensive especially the new generation. Adobe has pre-approved Quadro cards, but can't afford them right now.

My buddy has a workstation with a 1080 and it's getting performance I want. I MIGHT get a 1080Ti instead of a 1080 if I see a good deal next month.

CUDA cores matter a lot with Adobe applications (even though their overall performance is shit because their programmers are literal poojeets).

I'm not a programmer or some computer nerd, but I know enough about computers to make a judgement on what to build and what works for me.

Why you gotta judge breh?

It was either Skylake X or Xeon, and the latter doesn't have high clock speed CPUs in my price range.

Yeah keep shitposting.

I'm not OC'ing tho.
>Also cheapest threadripper like I said a million times is $799.

Haha you fucking moron, like amd isn't working on more cpus.
I'm not buying Ryzen.

Fugg off.

I will come back here after the build and post benches for you fags.
Intel schlomos are kikes, and amd poojeets are the poos. Now get lost newfag you're bothering me.
Brian stop shitting /g/.
We also need the laughs.
15 rupees have been deposited to your Intel™ Retail Edge account.
>I'm not OC'ing tho.

Irrelevant. That graph is at stock.
>15 rupees have been deposited to your Intel™ Retail Edge account
T. user abuberkala
How do I uparrow you on 4chan cunt?
>"I did extensive research on this topic!"
>"But somehow I literally don't know anything about threadripper or the nine million warnings and reviews about skylake x thermal issues!"
You were too busy doing work on your rig, right?
More of that Wait™ Kool-Aid

Keep drinking that shit, idiot.

They're both kikes.

Fugg off.

Looks fake.

Here's a good review.

He literally says Intel is quicker and you have to OC gayzen for it to come close to it.

Ryzen is still in beta phase.
Yeah I was busy, unlike most of the fa/g/s here.
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Oh wow Intel is getting desperate.
>I'm not a programmer or some computer nerd, but I know enough about computers to make a judgement on what to build and what works for me.

Yes, we can clearly see that. You just didn't mention that you needed a heater.

>Why you gotta judge breh?

I am not judging you on your future purchase but on your inability to listen to anyone here. You came into this thread asking for something and had already made up your mind.

The trouble is that the choice you had already made is a rather bad one and you're only defending it with bullshit reasons like "I don't want Ryzen", never based on the individual hardware's capabilities.
>Heat memes

>I am not judging you on your future purchase but on your inability to listen to anyone here. You came into this thread asking for something and had already made up your mind.

You're a fucking idiot.

I do NOT give a shit about any brand. Especially AMD. Threadripper is not out so shut the fuck up.

I made a thread asking about why Intel is late on this CPU, even if mobos are out already.

I did NOT ask for dickwads such as yourself to give me advice to get a Please Wait™ CPU that's not even out yet. And it's more expensive than what I'm getting.

>The trouble is that the choice you had already made is a rather bad one and you're only defending it with bullshit reasons like "I don't want Ryzen", never based on the individual hardware's capabilities.

Or so you say. I will never get Ryzen for work, now fuck off faggot.
Yes, you do give a shit about brands. You admitted you like Intel more and don't trust amd. All the rest of your post is invalidated by this so I didn't even read it.
dead you need to put your fucking trip on.
Come on.
how are you still going my man
just get a threadripper you enormous cuck
>All the rest of your post is invalidated by this so I didn't even read it.
Thread wasn't even about amd. OP was already set to get a cpu, and quater oer post pajeet kept bringing up amd, so personally I can understand why op is annoyed.
I'm also waiting for the amd version of this thread to be made soon, because pajeet isn't creative.
On Thursday, AMD disclosed the model numbers, price, and rough availability of both the 12- and 16-core AMD Threadripper chips, designed for the upper echelons of gaming and content-creation PCs:

The $999 16-core, 32-thread 3.4-GHz Threadripper 1950X
The $799 12-core, 24-thread 3.5-GHz Threadripper 1920X
Given that information, we also know the difference between what Intel and AMD will charge for their respective offerings. You’ll pay $700 less for a 1950X than Intel’s 16-core, 32-thread Core i9-7960X, and a thousand dollars less than Intel’s 18-core, 36-thread Core i9-7980XE. On the lower end, the Threadripper 12-core 1920X costs $400 less than the 12-core Core i9-7920X, and $600 less than the 14-core Core i9-7940X.

Wow fucking hell. That just really showed that you must be mentally 16.
Also, repeating myself, but still:
>Seriously, you are retarded and the first thing that went is your ability to see it.

You really showed your hand there, bubba. You don't belong on /g/, because you are technologically illiterate and a child about it.
X399 boards don't work with r7 1800X you know.

You bought a turd by the way, but as long as you're happy with it. Not an AMD user either, but you'd still have to PAY ME for me to use something as shit as the CPU you want to buy.
>"I won't wait for threadripper, I'll proudly wait for skylake x instead!"
Fine I guess.
No I don't give a fuck about brands, but Intel has been a good (((friend))) for years and I don't have time to beta test AMD.

Fuck off benchmarkfag.

Thanks for understanding anon. I literally don't give a shit about AMD at this moment.

Too many AMD poo shills in here with their ugly brown skin and curry smell.

I'm not paying $799 for a CPU lmao you're retarded.

7900x vs 1950x is a good deal though, but I'm not getting the firehouse 7900x.

Go back to India, pajeet.

I meant x370. Whatever nigger.

Did I fucking mention AMD at all in my OP? Did I even talk shit about AMD in the OP? NO.

This is strictly an Intel thread, now fuck off. There are plenty of AMD threads for you to jerk off too, pajeet.

120 posts later. Nice one.

All my parts are here, except the CPU. They were in stock last week, I don't know wtf Intel is doing.
>I'm not paying $799 for a CPU lmao you're retarded.
buy you're set on buying an i9
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Goddamn, AMD just flooded the market with cheap/fast/efficient killers.

Intel is going to have to do a lot of expensive shilling to keep the server market from imploding.

What a wonderful time to be alive.
dead put the fucking trip back on.
>Did I fucking mention AMD at all in my OP? Did I even talk shit about AMD in the OP? NO.
No, but you did mention X399 which is incompatible with Ryzen that someone you were replying to was talking about. You didn't get the memo the first time, so you needed to be corrected again.

You don't need to be so buttblasted you dumb nigger. I've only used an AMD CPU once in more than 20 years, you just bought a complete Pentium 4 tier turd. It's okay, we all make mistakes sometimes. You more often than others I guess, since you had ample warning that what you were getting into was a pile of shit, but what do you do if you're a dumb fuck.

If you really wanted Intel you should have waited for used Xeons to hit the market with datacenters migrating to EPYC or bought next gen Intel CPU assuming they somehow manage to fix this piece of shit. By maybe using soldering on the die instead of thermal cum.
>"This is Intel safe space, amd bulls out! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEÈEEEEEE"

You are really retarded. But, I guess we need people like you to serve as an example for others. Have fun with your overheating system (even without OC).
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>6 hours of bait
Props to OP, he knows how to fish.
You fucking idiot autist.

I bought the 7820x for $599, which is an i7. The 7900x is $999 and is i9.


I mentioned x399 because that shits as expensive as x299. Oops sorry I mistook a Threadripper chipset with a Ryzen. Wooptie doo.

Fucking kys autist.

All the used Xeons I looked at from datacenters have low core speeds, with high core counts. And they are priced above the 7820x, which I think has a decent price. Although the x299 boards are priced ridiculously, but so was the x99.

Go eat your curry.

Put some fans in your case and you're good. Are you that poor?
The fuck is the point of the i5 in that line up? A budget chip to allure people on to the ground floor of the socket? I don't get it.
It's okay, I know you're hurting but it will be okay. You'll get over your buyers remorse one day. It really only hurts for a couple of months, then it'll dull.
>put some fans in

Good idea. Tell me how you are going to fit the fan between the die and the lid of the CPU.

You really have no idea that you bought the cat in the bag, do you?
dead put your motherfucking trip on.
Insurance, goy
>go eat your curry
Will you warm it up for me with your cpu?
So it seems, we dont know what to expect, we can only hope intel does better than this X series they have going on right now. I think it's due to arrive early 2018
Cry more fagget

Don't OC a Skylake-X unless your VRM has better heatsink.

Easy fix.

No, but your mum can by warming up my cock.
>paying $200 extra for minimal performance increases because you're an Intel fanboy

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>I don't gayme anon, it's for editing
>I'm not a fanboy
>AMD as gaymen platform
>I'd rather save $200 and add it towards GPU
>it's going to be on 24/7
>All workstations I've built I used Intel and they have lasted for years
>toootally not a fanboy
>brand loyalty does matter
>not that I wouldn't jump ship if something better came along

not gonna read rest of the thread but ... wow...
What is this place? Are we in twilight zone..?

>I buy more expensive (gayming) CPU for my WORKSTATION which has to be on 24/7!!!
While intel is now housefire and consumes more power and costs more. OP add liquid cooling to your setup.

Oh man... OP, please give us feedback after few weeks when you build your workstation, OK?
why would anyone willingly believe that someone with a supposedly serious use-case would sit here to troll about it for six straight hours
Sometimes people are strange.

>redman titwood
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Get an 7740K, its basically just as fast for most uses and cheaper too, and provides a great upgrade path.
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>actualy wasting money on lavalake-x
Wait® for threadripper or dont forget to buy a delid™ tool
>Looks fake.
>tom's goyware is now not a valid source
>mentioning performance when the topic is thermals
>b-but it beats the 1800x when you overclock it to housefire levels
Good luck overclocking that without your socket
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Lol you guys got baited so hard.
Intel is literally the Nvidia of cpu market.
>Cry more fagget

Nice name calling

>>>61415957 (You)
>Don't OC a Skylake-X unless your VRM has better heatsink.
>Easy fix.

Are you dense? Even without overclocking, the hat cannot dissipate. You are looking at a house fire unless you underclock severely. But I guess you don't even understand what I'm saying.

>No, but your mum can by warming up my cock.

Again very mature. Are you twelve?

I think most of us realise that but he is so buttblasted, so even if that was bait, he reeled himself in, too.
>What a wonderful time to be alive.
took 5 fucking years for a cpu release, and the one before that was like 15% performance difference
these generational steps are nothing like they used to be, performance or price wise

the market is fucking awful right now. literally overpriced in every fucking component. from fans being charged 100x their value, to top off the line gaymen gpus being 3 times what they were just 5 years ago such shit.
u seem angry
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Intel is dead, anon.
>I'm gonna stick with Intel as I have for 15 years.
>AMD hasn't proven itself to me yet.

No shit, you never gave them a chance. Really activates them almonds.
The fuck is this thread?
Why the fuck did you buy x299? it's the worst chipset in two decades?
Why are you upset at people telling you to buy better CPU by AMD?
u wish
>Why are you upset at people telling you to buy better CPU by AMD?
Because it's not even out lmao
two weeks
It's true though.
As opposed to OP's beloved napalm lake cpu?
just let this dumbass buy his toothpaste housefire CPU for double the price
>Reviewers are shitting on x299 because AyyyyMD has some competition up its sleeve. These same reviewers weren't shitting on x99 were they?
They didn't shit on x99 because it was an okay platform. They trashed X299 because it's rushed piece of shit with BIOS bugs galore and a tendency to catch fire thanks to inadequate VRM cooling.
i7-7820x is 8 core CPU, it has expensive as fuck motherboard.

r7 1800x is also 8 core CPU with reasonably priced motherboards available

For editing it's not even that huge of a leap in i7-7820x performance boost to justify the price of CPU/Motherboard.

and frankly buying x299 for anything less than i9 is retarded idea.
Reminder that even mobo manufacturers hated the platform stating that it makes no sense.
No benches, just rhetoric.

Also pricier than the midrange Skylake-X.


Who said it's beloved? It's available now for $599 instead of $799 for the cheapest threadripper (aka glued together CPU).

Also I need Thunderbolt 3 so fuck off.

>BIOS bugs

You clearly don't remember the ryzen launch lmao
Do you really think Threadripper won't have that same issue, ten fold?

Nigga I will never ever buy a Ryzen setup. I always get HEDT or server grade parts. Now fuck off you pajeet shill.
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>Benchmarks have 1800x Ryzen being slower than 7820x by far.
>by far

Every review has the 1800x behind even the mid range 7820x.

You have to OC the SuperGlueTechTransport™ CPU to get it close.

Nice try to, pasheet.
>Every review

Link them, faggot. Anandtech is one of the most reputable magazines out there.
Wow great argument, I tell you a fact of reality and that's all you can say in return. Consider yourself destroyed, kiddo.
[spoiler] He's mad.
>criticizing CCX when he doesn't have a clue how it works
>doesn't realize Infinity Fabric is faster than Intel's UPI

Go on youtube idiot.

>Considered yourself destroyed
The fact that this thread is almost 200 pages with 47 posters, and I am alone, you and your kin have been cockslapped more than on a few occasions.

Keep Waiting™ for that AyyyyMD CPU.



KEK Keep innovating™ poojeet boy.

Instead of actually making a decent leap in tech, poojets at AMD literally recycled vomit and stitched it together to sell it™ to the consumers™ for $50 cheaper than Intel™.

Poojets lack imagination.
Everyone is using you for their own amusement. You're the buffoon here. Entertain us with your retardation.
>Not realizing everyone besides OP is a tool

lmao he baited you niggers hard.
Basically all of YouTube's tech sphere disagrees with you.

You've been here the whole time, ignoring outright facts and screaming "NUH UH YOU'RE WRONG" every time someone proves a point that isn't in your favour.

PS: That's an Intel marketing slide. They're in full damage control mode because Ryzen is slapping their shit.
His posts are giving me my daily dose of keks, he's an entertaining buffoon.
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>Calls Anandtech Poojeet
>Cannot even link one (!) of their """Tech""" Youtubers

I bet they're all Gaymen benchm-

Oh, wait


Watch this.

Almost all reviews agree with this.

Intel is pricier and VRMs get hot and CPU can't OC well because of bad TIM. But that's it.

Now go Fuck yourself
OP here, you faggots are dumb as fuck. Thanks for all the laughs.

Oh and btw, don't forget to buy Intel products :^)
>I like being baited teehee

>it's better because it oc's better
>but it doesn't oc well because of anal lube paste
Thanks for entertaining us, clown.
Anandtech, Hardwarecanucks, and even Linus Shill Tips say otherwise.
He started at 10:23PM and it's 4:33AM now
Past a certain point, it's not dedicated trolling, it's autism
=1700 with factory OC flashed to microcode.
>. I always get HEDT
Then why are you landing on 8core CPU? HEDT means good for multitasking, 8cores are pretty shit at that.
Stop pretending to be me, faggot.

This board needs IDs.

Yeah and those idiots are definitely THE place to read reviews because of M'Gigahertz and M'Cores are (((VERY))) important.

You do realize that these sites and youtube "video makers" make money off morons such as yourself right?

Also they're usually sponsored, people like GayZTwoCents push for nVidia and Intel. I don't trust them.

I prefer people like OC3D and der8auer
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>Watch this.
8 Core is more than enough, faggot.
Why not 4 cores then?
Stock 7820x still shits on stock 1800x.

I never overclock workstations.

You seem angry. Do you have $0.02 in AMD stock? It doesn't seem to be going up even after 3 product launches lmfao
>Who said it's beloved? It's available now for $599 instead of $799 for the cheapest threadripper
threadripper + x399 board will probably be cheaper than 7820x + x299 board. also, most if not all current x299 boards have vrm temps straight from hell, so they're not even suitable for 24/7
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>Your tech magazine is shit because it doesn't agree with my narrative.
Because another workstation has a 4770k and it's not enough for what I'm doing.

Now fuck off and leave my thread.
Not even 10 years ago was 8cores enough for HEDT.

You must be some kind of a retard.
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So you'll bitch about Threadripper being too pricey, but you're fine with 7820X being $100-150 more than the 1800x?
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>Barely 10%
>Shits all over

I seriously hope you're not doing this for free.
>my thread
Show ownership documents first.
>Also I need Thunderbolt 3
for fucking what? TB is a poor mans PCI

>Nigga I will never ever buy a Ryzen setup. I always get HEDT or server grade parts
ok so you are either a retarded fanboy, shill or troll.
He probably isn't, considering he unironically used an Intel press slide
Fucking wrong.
7820x ($599) + x299 Taichi ($299) = $898

Your Threadripper will likely be $1,200+


8 years ago we were on Haswell.

Even my OC'd 6700 at 4.7Ghz reaches close to 12 core haswells (2x6core). Now go kys.

1800x doesn't count because you have to OC out of the box to make it a decent CPU.

I never OC workstation CPUs cuz it needs to be stable and longevity is key.

You seem pretty angry btw.
>ok so you are either a retarded fanboy, shill or troll.
Make up your mind.
Now this post is a goldmine.
>no ECC memory
If anyone seems angry, it's you.

Also you can just use XFR and it'll be fine.
>Even my OC'd 6700 at 4.7Ghz reaches close to 12 core haswells (2x6core). Now go kys.

Welp, this cuntfirms it, it's a troll everyone, stop responding
ECC is overrated.

You definitely seem angry.
>7820x ($599) + x299 Taichi ($299) = $898
>Your Threadripper will likely be $1,200+
Indeed. But threadripper is also pretty close to twice the performance.

>1800x doesn't count because you have to OC out of the box to make it a decent CPU.
No, are you retarded? the 1800x is the ryzen for those who wont OC, you get very little out of it. Even a OCed 1700 should outlast a i9 tho because it's not a housefire.

We're not angry, we are annoyed. You asked what to do but all you do is argue against all good advice.

There's no way to tell. But Im strongly leaning towards fanboy or troll. Not that it matter which it is.

Until ryzen shaked up the market the best HEDT cpu was intels $1700 10core.
HEDT =/= workstation with server grade hardware
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U mad, bro? U mad.
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>OP getting BTFO: The Thread

Ayoo that is some good shit
>good advice.

Aka shilling for some failed poojet company.

>There's no way to tell.
Nigger did the OP ask degenerates such as yourself abut any other processor besides the 7820x?

True workstation is Xeons, ECC RAM and GPUs like Quadros. That shit costs too much and is unnecessary for what I want to do, hence why I like HEDT. They are still workstation level.

You seem desperate and jealous :^)

I guarantee no one in this thread can afford ANY Skylake-X CPU let alone Threadripper CPUs.
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Let's see.

You can buy a 1700 - which you can moderately overclock even with its stock cooler - together with some decent B350 or X370 circuit board (If you need the I/O) for 100-150$, which totals below 500$ in any case.

Or you can get your 7820x + x299 combo for 900$ and pay at least 80% more for a 5-10%(stock) to 20% (OC with water cooling) performance uplift while shelling out another 50$ minimum for some good (air) cooling to not thermal throttle while encoding at fucking stock.

Unless you desperately need the additional I/O respectively PCIe or can't overclock because you're a tech illiterate retard, there's absolutely no point from a price-/performance perspective - and if you want more power, you can go for more coars on either Threadripper or X299.

Now you can buy your 7820x if it's worth for you, but don't kick and scream if people recommend you other configurations because it might not be the best choice around.

>ok so you are either a retarded fanboy, shill or troll.

Look who's talking.

Stop reading right here.

OC'ing is for poorfags.

If you go buy a Dell Workstation or an HP Zline workstation, they are not fucking OC'd.

Now go kys.
>Stop reading right here.

Stopped reading right here.
>oc'ing is for poorfags
>b-but I can't afford that it costs 200$ more!
>OP getting BTFO: The Thread
OP is a fucking genius for starting this thread.
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You seem angry.

It's not even the $200.

It's for the fact that

–It's not out
–It's super glued CPUs
–New product buggy BIOS

Intel is much better.

Now fuck off my thread. This is for intel users only.
>8 hours later
>OP is still butthurt
Fucking lmao

>OC is for poorfags
>Buys CPU that is built for OC
>Won't OC because reasons

Threadripper is still the better buy if you don't OC

7820x: 8 cores at 3.6 base 4.0 all core boost
1920x: 12 cores at 3.5 base 3.7 all core boost
1950x: 16 cores at 3.4 base 3.6 all core boost

7820x: $ 599/8 = $75 per core
1920x: $799/12 = $66 per core
1950x: $999/16 = $62 per core
Hmm lets see, 55 posters
1 OP.

OP still wins.

>Counting dollars to cores


NO one will pay $799+ for a CPU you fucking idiot.

$599 for a 7820x is a much fair price.
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You seem angry.
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>Nobody will pay $799+ for a CPU
>Calls others poorfags

u seem angry
Just buy your housefire and fuck off already.
>not out
Are you enjoying your 7820x? How was it to install? Can you show some test results of your work with it?
Fukkin kek.
>NO one will pay $799+ for a CPU you fucking idiot.
Someone who actually needs the performance will, and always did until ryzen forced until to cut their prices nearly in half.
>$599 for a 7820x is a much fair price.
>My arbitrary price level is the best, despite bad performance for that price
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Feels good starting a trend.
You haven't told us what you need TB3 for.

angry trend setter spotted
>none of my posts quoted
Did i choose the wrong side?
It's 9 hours now, holy shit.
>that anger
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This thread is an abomination!
Many people have it. Check YouTube.
That's what you get when you have 10? years of dominance of a company. and non competition.
It took AMD 10 years to release a super-glued-together™ CPU lmfao

That innovation™ tho xD
But how does that soothe OP's rage?
This will get very funny when AMD gets a 7nm zen up.
The 14nm threadripper is already being quite an terrifying CPU, and intel can't into 7nm.
It's already funny. Thanks to OP.
Yes indeed.
But imagine when AMD start to beat intel with shit like 50% margins.
>posts shilling instructions unironically
>AMD sucks because I like intel
>not fanboy
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What does it say when Intel is being buried alive by some "glued together cores".
get a 1700 you retard
The problem is that this is shit on single thread and l3 performance off die should be abysmal
Your intel precious baby needs a whole extra Ghz to keep up with the AMDs.
The guy is right that he needs a workstation cpu not a normal desktop one but he's a retard because he literally can't drop 200$ on it tho get a real one while calling people poor.
>shit on single thread
It will be within the same 18-20% difference with other Intel CPUs. That is not "shit". No-one buys into HEDT for extreme single threaded performance anyway.

>l3 performance off die should be abysmal
You have to intentionally set up worst case scenarios that don't reflect actual workloads for this to happen, like Anandtech did in their database test with Epyc where the tiny database they used fit in L3.

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>Intel has always had better performance for productivity applications.
Stop lying, shill.
Oops, you've given away that this is a bait thread and that you are a kike shill.
Apparently no one seems to realise that the two Threadripper models that got announced already are the two that are in the Dell prebuilt that comes out on the 27th (i.e. before Siggraph) so AMD had to announce them in advance.

Just because the 12-core and 16-core have been announced does not necessarily mean there won't be any more TR models announced at Siggraph. That isn't to say they WILL launch more models. but there certainly COULD BE.
>daughter of a bitch
You search the wrong motherboard m8
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>he's calling the AMD CPU super glued when thats what Intel jizzes all under the IHS instead of fluxless solder.
That 14/10 core shit was a hoax, CCX need to stay even, 16 and 12 is all there is. Maybe an 8 core entry with all the cache and PCIE.
It was pretty obvious he was a shill when he pulled out the Intel officially sanctioned shitposting material.
Even Piledriver was better than the 3770k for some productivity IIRC.
Anon, what do you think Pentium D and the Core 2 Quads were?

MCM has been round awhile.
Intel's attempts at MCM were crap. Zen+Infinity Fabric are lightyears ahead.
Very rarely, 3570K occasionally. Piledriver was only alright if you fed it highly threaded integer operations with little branching or cache access. So compiling, encode/decode, and compression.
That doesn't rule out an 8-core TR or lower end 12 and 16 core parts.
It was always autism
1800x doesn't have quad channel memory and AM4 doesn't have enough pci-e lanes. I don't understand why people here think AM4 can replace x99 or x299 or x399, completely different markets.
Why are you buying that garbage over AMD? It's like you like being fucked in the ass. Probably an iPhone user too.
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i hope the content OP works on is other peoples....
Can't make this shit up
Zen is weaker in single threaded benchmarks than fucking Excavator.
>b-b-but it's 3.6GHz vs 3.4GHz
Even if you adjusted the Ryzen's score to the same clock frequency, it still loses to the Excavator CPU by a hundred points.
What a fucking joke of an architecture. This is literally Bulldozer rehashed and marketed.
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Stop spamming this shit you useless faggot. Nobody takes pissmark seriously, nobody takes one "leaked" benchmark seriously. Kill yourself.

Most people don't use more than 16 PCI-E lanes so AM4 can easily replace X99 or X299. Or X399 for that matter.
X299 isn't viable in terms of PCI-E lanes anyway, it has extremely gimped PCI-E configuration on all CPUs except the top of the line i9. So if you need more than 16 PCI-E lanes, sadly your only choice is to wait for threadripper. Unless you're willing to buy used X99 Xeons. Those have 40 lanes.
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>This is literally Bulldozer rehashed and marketed.
You should be used to that, considering Intel hasn't innovated whatsoever since Sandy Bridge
Are you a retard? Its called satire
>I'm building an x299 'puter
yeah i think he got confused and mistook that for one of the genuine posts
Lets see.

AMD is the new kid on the block.

I don't care about being the new kid on the block or the fastest.

I care about stability.

I don't have time to Beta Test™ your shitty AMD CPUs.

With new Bios™ updates.

Now fuck off my thread bitch.
Good morning. Glad to see you're back.

AMD was founded May 1st 1969, BTW.
You realize X299 is new as fuck and has all sorts of teething issues too. You clearly did not do any research. Read Tomshardware review. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/intel-core-i9-7900x-skylake-x,5092-12.html
Is that why X299 boards have been getting BIOS update after BIOS update? Because they were already "stable?"
You know what I meant, idiot.

The last decent CPU they made was the Athlon and back then Pentium 4 was shit anyway.

AMD is only successful with their APUs in gaymen consoles.

Now fuck off poo in loo.
>I care about stability.
Then buy X99, it's actually been around for awhile. Dumbass.
I did too at first then lol'd hard once I realized
Mods should have deleted this clusterfuck trollbait thread yesterday.
You'll end up spending that $200 difference on your overpriced X299 motherboard
Bough a brand new 6950x for 800 autismbux. Thank you shills for shilling x299/threadkek
X299 may be new, but the CPUs are iterations of old tech, unlike AyyyymD

>Buying a 6 year old socket in 2017

lmao kys

I didn't start this bullshit, I merely asked a simple question and got raided by AMD poo shills.

Nope. $299 for a ASRock Taichi mobo with a ton of features.

I usually buy $300+ workstation mobos anyway.

Fuck off.

Nice oven.
I refuse to believe someone this consistently wrong about absoutely everything isn't just trolling. Fucking kill yourself already.
>Don't want new stuff
>Bough a brand new 6950x for 800 autismbux
>implying I'm running at stock

Pls contain the autism
>but the CPUs are iterations of old tech
Again showing you've done zero research.
If all you care about is stability buy x99 and Broadwell-E you retard. Skylake-X launch is a disaster, it goes against the whole "just werks" argument.
I refuse to believe that you're not a cuck.

Old workstation is 4770k.

The other workstation is 12core Haswell Xeons, too old for 8k.

Skylake = Skylake
Fucking kys ryzen boy.

Go rice your LGBT lights on your PeeSee.

x99 is too old nigger.
>too old
3 years old is too old? Also Skylake -X isn't Skylake, the cache is different which is what's causing performance issues.
>I care about stability.
x299 is NOT stable. Buy x99.
>x299 is NOT stable
It's stable, unlike X399. That's so unstable that they haven't released it yet. Checkmate, Christian horsefuckers.
x299 is stable enough. Go read individual newegg and amazon reviews or whatevers out there from ACTUAL USERS not YouTube shills.

x99 was unstable too when it came out. Kys.

Go fuck your sister.
>calls broadwell-e oven
>buys skylake-x
Skylake-X only has issues with VRM (which is taken care of with heatpipes on the mobo) and TIM. I think Intel delayed it to put better TIM on it. They said 2 weeks.

It's a much more efficient CPU/architecture.
>It's a much more efficient CPU/architecture.
Then why is it performing worse than Broadwell-E at higher clocks?
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Threadripper comes out in a couple of weeks. You could have purchased the massively faster 1920x for the $799 you threw away on the 6950X, which gets absolutely eaten alive by the 1920x.
Because TIM is worse on Skylake-X
Also VRM chips aren't getting proper cooling on mobos.

Some mobos have proper heatpipes.

I don't think Skylake-X will disappear because of Threadripper, but Intel will probably drop the price fairly quickly while they work on other stuff.
Maybe he has a x99 mobo?

Why are you such a fag?

Also he's from Aussie, 1920x will probably cost $1200 AUD there.
>I think Intel delayed it to put better TIM on it.
This is inelite all over again
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have nice comfy fire while in bed :^)
> Posts crappy "muh single core" benchmarks 15% above Ryzen


> Threadripper demolishes it a week later

You're literally throwing away your money. The gains of the i7 are barely noticeable in real world applications, and you're spending several hundred dollars more.
ITT: OP is an obvious shill, but everyone keeps giving him (you)s even though it's obvious he gets paid per reply.
Good, Intel can throw away thier money to the pajeet to get told thier offerings are garbage.
If you give a damn about an extra $150 on a vastly superior product, you're shopping in the wrong price range.

Threadripper will shit all over the 7820, that's just a given. If you actually want the best performance for your money, don't be a cheap ass as get the better Threadripper.

If you do care about money, go Ryzen 7, you'll get nearly the same performance for less than half the price. Hell you can get a 1700 for less than $300, a mobo for $70, and overclock it to close the gap from 15% to about 7%. All for less than the retarded CPU OP is shilling for.
I'm a reseller for amd and intel, I have some of these in stock let me know if you're interested.
But do you have a 7820X yet OP?
HAHAHAHAHAHA X99 is still a broken pile of shit 3 years later who are you kidding
>Also he's from Aussie, 1920x will probably cost $1200 AUD there.

Ryzen pricing in NZ/Aus was actually surprisingly good considering how stupidly overpriced the GPUs are.

I got the 1800X for $780NZD at launch which is about a 16% markup over the $499USD RRP, whereas the Fury X on launch went for $1200NZD which given the exchange rate at the time was about a 30-35% markup. or the RX 480 which came out at around $450NZD, a 50% markup over the average $220USD price around the time.
Don't buy Intel, this shit is really bad at pretty much everything.
Thread posts: 316
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