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/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 339
Thread images: 54

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:^) Edition :^)

Previous thread: >>61154575 :^)

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members. :^)

>Have a question?
FAQ https://pastebin.com/SLdgTiuc :^)
WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers :^)

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread. :^)

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before. :^)
>This is a thread for educational purposes only :^). Don't offer or ask for invites. :^)
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers. :^)

The insane REDdit spammer needs to fuck off.
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>using a picture of the smiley with a carat nose
first for :^)
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>he doesn't watch anime
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Tell me what anime to watch
i'm going to make it my mission to get on AB and then log all the ips and send them to the japs to sue your faggot asses
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already seen it, only part 1 is worth it.

suing costs money you know.
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Poorly written wish fulfilment. No reason to watch it
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Demon King Daimao
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Whoever made this should feel bad. Darker than Black is on there twice.

>LN trash
Just look for recommendations from your MAL then faggot
This thread need more lewds!
I thought /ptg/ would have more elitist taste.
>Plebs crying over RED vs pooloop
>both trash
The autism here is unreal
Path to animebits?

Nigga u gay.
don't get meme'd
deluge can't even handle 50 torrents
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You call that a bulge...
We should just make this /ABG/ desu
Hey guys, could you please recommend me some nice trackers focused on south asian(hindi, punjabi, telugu and others) content?

Thanks ;)
that's a semi masculine penis bulge. The other one is a feminine penis type of bulge
anime is a sign of desolation
So is arthouse and private trackers you non comformist.

Silly samefag go back to pooloo
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>mods delete APL threads
t.insane REDdit spammer
So what do I do if this shitty site (seedboxes.cc) only allows one client active at a time?
Anybody knows a seedbox with comparable speed (20Gbps).
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you could say the same about anyone who spends time posting on 4chan desu
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utilízalo y da tu propio juicio
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I miss old /ptg/
I miss Drizzy and Mcadams
I miss ur moms pusy.
>comparable speed (20Gbps).
damn, wish my provider invented hardware with no I/O limits
Completely possible on SSD.
I F#$&*(ing hate "private" trackers with their f@#$%&*(ing interviews. Back in 2016 I interviewed for what.cd on IRC. I was denied I tried to pass there so called F@!#$%&*ING "test" again I failed. I proceeded then to inform the FBI and RIAA as to goings on their servers as well how to interview and get an account created. They then with a joint operation with the french police took down what.cd through an undercover operation. I still wanted music though. Comes along redacted.ch I tried to interview for them. Again a no go. I reported those F#$%&*()ks to the FBI and RIAA too. List up you F$%&*(ed up F#$%&*()king asshats let all other asshats join your F#$%&*()ing "private" f$%&*()king trackers or get turned into ther F#$%&*()ing FBI and F#$%&*(ing RIAA. Got It?
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This is a christian board
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Except he's on seedboxes.cc and they don't deal in SSDs.
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haha this is a blue board, dude! that means no cumming in azn milfs
who is moot? I thought hiro was the admin of 4chan?
Really? Tell me what to use then, don't want to waste time finding best seedbox.

Also, what autosnatcher for Deluge? ruTorrent already comes with autosnatcher preinstalled.
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I used Bytesized before I hosted my own, was very happy with them.
>what is cache
it was censored dude. What was your problem with it?
It had nipples bro
t. cache
what does AB stand for?
Awwwwww shit niBba
Oh then it wasn't a JAV. JAVs are censored and the trick is to find arousal in the mosaics or something. I forgot what weebs find attractive exactly.
Path to CB?
nipples in JAVs aren't censored
>Oh then it wasn't a JAV
There's an uncensored JAV industry. They're technically American companies but the actors are Japanese, it's filmed in Japan and it's made for Japanese customers.
Atlantiza/Bakutenshi staff shipping
Weebs are weird like that
then it's not a JAV. But an AAV or AJAV or whatever.

are you sure? they are in anime
How do I set up irssi for Deluge? RED doesn't have an RSS feed but irssi still works (according to forums).

> the trick is to find arousal in the mosaics or something

I developed a fetish for badly deinterlaced combing artefacts encoded in wmv from watching cosplay porn a few years back...
ask in red forums and use rutorrent script for autodl
I am trying atm and it doesn't work even in rutorrent.
rtorrent script + save to deluge watch folder
>he fell for the using the smiley with a carat nose meme
What does not work?
Your seedbox provider does not have automatic install?
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Anyone else only use one private tracker here?
I can't think of any others that aren't completely useless
Nice. Now I only need to get it to work in rutorrent.
It has irssi by default, I just can't get irssi to download anything.
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You forgot karagara. AB is pretty useless to me now that I've watched them all.
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>watched them all
I highly doubt that
I use most of mine desu senpai, I even let a few go inactive that I never really used. Like horrorchannel, CinemaZ and a few of the .click sites.
You did this?
Yeah I've even seen the persona 3 movies. Not that I remembered that's where she was from without the help of google.
I've set up authkey and torrentpass is 'trackers', I've added a test rule after limiting download (only input is: match site (redacted), music year (1900-2017) and action (rtorrent) )
Since then several new torrents added on RED, but they don't get autosnatched.
What am I missing?
>it's an anime spammers edition
This general is fucked.
No, my seedbox comes with irssi pre-installed.

>is 'trackers'
meant in 'trackers' tab
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Why aren't you making reaction images instead of complaining?
No, it's a :^) edition.
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would you prefer the Apollo/RED shitters instead?
or maybe the seedbox memers
I'm considering getting into anime-posting just because it's guaranteed to cause so much delicious butthurt
Did you set the IRC channel?
So that's what I was forgetting, thanks.
What are your thoughts on boku no pico?
path to animebits?
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Cabal fears the weeb.
doesn't got much competition to compare it to but it's pretty basic besides the initial shock value. I've read better doujins lets just put it at that.
>he watches fotm anime
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woah there, you need to calm down anon...
no harm in trying to get into the most of cabal of trackers
About 1% of my seeding torrents on RED (out of over 1k) have a ratio over 2.1

What's your figure?
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basically only use ptp and kg desu
I would watch fotm anime if they were good.
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so 10 have a ratio of 2.0, we got it. Red isn't for music, it's for climbing the pyarmid.

This is our end goal. And until then I'm stuck with shitty anime.
Never heard of karagarga, I'm on Avistaz though
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Sounds like you just have shit taste
>never heard of kg
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I've already seen K-On. If it's not better than something it tries to ape, has a unique premise, or has memorable scenes it's simply not worth watching. I don't really get what taste has to do with it.
He knows far too little

baby, I'm gonna fuck you up

t. serbian film guy
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I hope Apollo comes back soon.
What anime should I watch if most of it is to gooffy and imature for me? I really liked Death Note, Bleach, and Cowboy Bebop.
don't watch anything or you'll turn into >>61161319
Ass & Bitties
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Legend of the Galactic Heroes is the thinking man's anime
any English dub would do just fine. Pretending Bleach wasn't serious probably meant you're already a dub loving cocksucker.

.t rukia
Dragon Ball Z
Seen it. It was ok , borederline too childish.
>Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Never heard of this, actually looks like it might be good. Thanks anon.
You should definitely watch Enzai then.
It's perfect for your
fuck that has some cute guys. I'd watch it if it wasn't such a sausage fest.

>never heard of it
It's gay alright.
Kino no Tabi, Afro Samurai, Gundam 00, Planetes, Log Horizon, Arpeggio of Blue Steel, Psycho Pass
kino wasn't immature.
should I even bother seeding my apollo torrents
you aren't seeding, the tracker is down.
What does APL's invite forum look like?
anime ruins literally everything
Official JPS recruitment
better than RED's
how so?
Kodomo no Jikan is a really intelligent and mature series.

Mitsudomoe is more comical but also has some very tender moments. Definitely worth a watch as well.
Does the RED invite forum have anything AB doesn't?
How do I spend my 80 tokens efficiently? I need more buffer
What are ABs requirements to see the invite forum?
trade them with your friends. That's 160gb of buffer for the both of you
PU obviously.
fuck off
No buffer for me
that's lame, now I have to force myself to scour other places to upload shit
No, they don't even exist anymore.
PU on AB is easy.

Make some
10 things, but I don't know what to upload
Find FLAC singles and transcode them, fag.
As much as people whine about weed, the communities in non-weeb trackers are so much worse. Petty and arrogant to a level that, in normal society, would lead to an ass-beating
normal society is all about just following the few that do seem to know what they're doing

I love AB but their community is crazy SJW. They even have forum rules whining about "ironic racism".
Even the hard bod forum has rules lol
how do you transcode?
Like convert Flac to V0/320 with lame?
Fuck off pajeet.
>Even the hard bod forum has rules lol
This has only been a recent thing since over a decade of dedicated shitposting but I do agree it's sad to see AB this way
I'm white though
the proper way to transcode is taking 128kbps music files and transcoding them to flac
what If I fuck up, will they ban me?
*pooloo torrents
wtf rutracker doesn't have any seeds
fuck it takes so much hdd space to get any decent bonus point earning on AHD
Still more than RED
I got 323MB upload on RED and now I'm in the 28th percentile
This tracker is fucked
>having a hard time on BIB, ratio is kinda trash
>start uploading audiobooks
>a few get snatched
>pretty much /set4life/ because I only snatch epubs
Percentile rankings aren't real, they're skewed/finetuned actually.
I'm not a pajeet,
Someone tell me what tools I need to transcode
dbpoweramp. now scram and eat your curry, it's getting cold
read a book
>joins a private tracker
>refuses to read the wiki

shoo shoo poo
Wow, I love how you guys would rather spend hours shitposting, like literally HOURS and not take the time to help out a fellow anon.
On RED it's better to go for perfect FLACs from 2017 than for all FLACs from 2017, right?
Projecting again. I love how you're both ignorant and biting the hand of the ones providing your food.
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i actually hope you drown sometime this year
you too, elitist punk kid
Why don't people just steal jpopsuki uploads and put them on AB?
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i fucking gave you exactly what you asked for you fucking nigger cum sucking whore
They do.
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you literally just wished death on me...
you asked what tools you need to transcode. i told you dbpoweramp. you decided to ignore it and adopt the role of a faggot with a stick so far up his ass it's nudging your brain
Tell us your favorite anime
>have a bunch of AB invites
>no friends to invite

Do they only give me invites to remind me how lonely I am?
I thought that was some indian word to go with your curry insult

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i really do hope you drown. how can you be so fucking clueless/helpless
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Thanks for the (you)s losers
You didn't think I was serious did you? I was just bored
Will the delusional RED shills finally leave once Apollo comes back and reclaims the throne?
I don't really have any use for APL anymore now that my upload/buffer on RED is nearly the same as on APL, so I don't care if it stays down.
>it's an anime poster
i'll say it for the third time. drown
Daily reminder: deluge is SHIT!
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I will be your friend anon.
I already got an AB though.
Give me a public torrent that will drain any upload. I want to check if my seedbox isn't chinking me.
Post ID :^)
add me on steam
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got ya covered senpai
Reminder that all music trackers are shit. Trackers for every other type of media can implement bonus points with no problems, but music trackers always try to ratio cuck their users
71 being my ratio

rut is fine
Why is the RED icon so shit compared to the wcd icon?
>why is RED so shit compared to wcd?
Wtf I'm hard as diamonds

Am I gay now, is this what depraved animu can do to a man ?
Why haven't you downloaded Pass Thru by visionary director Neil Breen yet?
It's FL right now on P*P
mega it
can you rename files in a torrent once you've already created it and started seeding?
if you don't already know how to do it you better not even trying
you'll fuck it up
no dude
You mean on your disk? Yeah.
Most torrent clients support that.
Changing them for others, no.
just get it from PTP like the rest of us
You can in utorrent
>just get /marked/ like the rest of us
he means the torrent file you fucking memer
>marked by snatching a FL
you're not on PTP are you pal
im sure im on more and better trackers than you friendo
>7GB to AB
I'll just delete it and re-upload.
I just forgot to add numbers
I'm not on PTP because I only really care for KG and I'm not in there yet.
Can you recommend me seedbox that will hold its own in autosnatch rushing on RED?
This shitty one I have (seedboxes.cc) gives me only ~0.5 ratio (when there's 20-30 competing boxes).
Apollo is back!
good one!
I fail to see how that is possible since I'm on BiB, BTN, PTP and HDB.
But you just keep telling yourself that pajeet
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holy shit its true
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im on all those and more, thats how its possible. nice try though
When you message recruiters on invite threads, do you just leave your email and that's it?
Am I supposed to say something else?
if they dont have other requirements then i just put I would like an invite to <whatever> my email is <whatever> thank you
Jesus Christ
It has 'worse' specifications, but I guess it means mine just wasn't honest about them.

Is it just something you assume is good for rushing or did you actually use it for rushing other seedboxes and can vouch for it?
sure you are, pajeet
Cowboy Bebop
Dragon Ball
Serial Experiments Lain
>not a single good show
Well we can verify, why dont you go ahead and tell me the newest upload on HDB since you are obviously a member?
not gonna mark myself
right so you aren't a member, got it.
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>I can't download a FL because I'll be marked
>tell me something that will get you marked for sure
fuck off pajeet
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>pretentious snorefest
>toei cashgrab
>memorable pretentious snorefest
You first, tell me the latest upload to PTP
next level spergism to go around lying about the trackers you are on
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Tell me the latest upload on PTP since you're a member
They are going for the coup d'état
<fzerox> someone was talking about me and the phrasing just reminded me of you :P
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nice playing with you pajeet
When people pretend something with substance is surface level. Usually with pride.
sure thing sperg, how are those t2 trackers working for you?
*dabs on you*
I'll send 100,000 yen on AB to the first person who changes text on their profile to "/ m a r k e d /" and posts the link.
>when someone uses pretentious as a critique

Always make me chuckle.

>when people act like anime has any worth to critique

shits hilarious
Then why did you attempt to critique it?
i didnt
you kinda did
It's over.
RED is done.
You called it pretentious, lol.
thats wasnt me you dingus, my first interaction with you was >>61164213
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Then don't fucking reply to me retard? Reply to the idiot attempting to critique anime.
nah i replied to you cause you're the butthurt weeb
>RED logo
>is blue
nah you replied because you are butthurt, otherwise you would kept your fat mouth shut
>red logo is blue
is it red or blue wtf?
I didn't critique it. I just described it. I said worth watching didn't I?
>fat mouth
well we all know the fat mouth is you the weeb, not me
explain to me how I'm a weeb. That word does not mean what you think it means.
pajeets on curry watch
Calling it pretentious is a critique. A stupid one, but a critique nonetheless.
considering a critique is "a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory."

you're a retard for thinking "pretentious" is a critique.
AB -> CD -> EF -> G

pretty elementary imo
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>mfw just got into anti.fa
> forum thread to "discuss" donald trump on the private tracker forum

> all posts that aren't against him are being 'warned' by mods
shut the fuck up retard
>discussing politics on a private tracker forum
>getting this asshurt you cant understand an English dictionary

its ok pajeet
best advice in the wiki
This is an anime website. .
I hate it because everyone is saying stupid wrong shit but I can't reply or i'll get subjugated.

why the fuck do they have these politics threads on trackers
Transcodes should be banned from all private trackers
I feel you but participating in private tracker communities is retarded. The only forums you need to visit are invite forums.
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fuck off weeb.png
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Think again perma virgin
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>invite forums.
but I literally said worth watching.
>everyone is saying stupid wrong shit
Did you ever consider maybe you're the wrong one.
big if true
if anime triggers you so much, why are you here?
because, this ISN'T AN ANIME BOARD!
anime website
what am i wrong about
Every board is an anime board. Moot already cleared this up for us.
Apollo sysop can't even take a few days off, what a busy life!
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fuck off
red 100% curried the fuck out
AB is cabal
if people describing anime as pretentious triggers you so much why are you here?
Cabal bows to AB.
So tsundere!
baka desu
>better than ever before
whoah, this sounds good, guys!
what does this mean?
designated transcodes
Already seen it. Think the VN is better. Wish they'd stop milking it already.
We're going to rip some high quality flac from youtube
fuck off neon
finaly I can enjoy to music again. Youtube don't work on my country so I need apl people for downloading youtube great music. Very Excited!
Moot is a casual and a literal cuck. Why are we discussing this?
...except we know that this cannot possibly be true or expected without THE crucial ingredient - Pajeet.
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>YellowJelly getting assblated by redditors
>I determine who is right and wrong based on the amount of upvotes and downvotes someone gets
Imagine being THIS retarded.
You sound like the retard desu.
That's literally how the world, companies, politics, etc work in the real world. You r significant anonymous opinion means shit
>he actually thinks who is right or wrong can be decided by the amount of upvotes or downvotes they get
Just when /ptg/ couldn't get any worse
you have been le downvoted
Stop responding to the insane REDdit spammer.
It's true.
Trump made it in office didn't he? A majority of retards upvoted him
I don't see any warnings in that thread. If you aren't flaming people you should be fine. The mods are much more lenient than wcd.
>A majority
Take this discussion to /ptg/.
>Take this discussion to /ptg/.
but we ar- nvm
I'm one of those people who think Redacted has been superior to Apollo.

However, if Apollo does implement a bonus point system I will make sure to download EVERYTHING from there. A perfect flac is a perfect flac, and odds are a majority of the same torrents will end up on both sites.
Apollo has always been superior to R*D.
>odds are a majority of the same torrents will end up on both sites
Not true by the way. Redacted has almost twice as much content as Apollo. People won't bother uploading to Apollo. Apollo has been stuck at 600k torrents for a few months already. They already reached their peak. It's only downhill from there.
> A perfect flac is a perfect flac
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Who cares, no one cares about music trackers but autist.
I bet they don't even listen to what they download
What is this shit, 1 seed downloading at 1kbs? What a fucking joke, I thought rutracker was good
what are you dling mememan?
Boys, I gotta know: does BTN have Southern Fried Stings?

>100,000 yen only
I'd consider it if it was 1 mil
Thread posts: 339
Thread images: 54

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